[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
 * set of functions with the insert/edit features in pma
 * @package PhpMyAdmin
use PMA\libraries\Message;
use PMA\libraries\plugins\TransformationsPlugin;

 * Retrieve form parameters for insert/edit form
 * @param string     $db                 name of the database
 * @param string     $table              name of the table
 * @param array|null $where_clauses      where clauses
 * @param array      $where_clause_array array of where clauses
 * @param string     $err_url            error url
 * @return array $form_params array of insert/edit form parameters
function PMA_getFormParametersForInsertForm($db, $table, $where_clauses,
    $where_clause_array, $err_url
) {
    $_form_params = array(
        'db'        => $db,
        'table'     => $table,
        'goto'      => $GLOBALS['goto'],
        'err_url'   => $err_url,
        'sql_query' => $_REQUEST['sql_query'],
    if (isset($where_clauses)) {
        foreach ($where_clause_array as $key_id => $where_clause) {
            $_form_params['where_clause[' . $key_id . ']'] = trim($where_clause);
    if (isset($_REQUEST['clause_is_unique'])) {
        $_form_params['clause_is_unique'] = $_REQUEST['clause_is_unique'];
    return $_form_params;

 * Creates array of where clauses
 * @param array|string|null $where_clause where clause
 * @return array whereClauseArray array of where clauses
function PMA_getWhereClauseArray($where_clause)
    if (!isset($where_clause)) {
        return array();

    if (is_array($where_clause)) {
        return $where_clause;

    return array(0 => $where_clause);

 * Analysing where clauses array
 * @param array  $where_clause_array array of where clauses
 * @param string $table              name of the table
 * @param string $db                 name of the database
 * @return array $where_clauses, $result, $rows
function PMA_analyzeWhereClauses(
    $where_clause_array, $table, $db
) {
    $rows               = array();
    $result             = array();
    $where_clauses      = array();
    $found_unique_key   = false;
    foreach ($where_clause_array as $key_id => $where_clause) {

        $local_query     = 'SELECT * FROM '
            . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($db) . '.'
            . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($table)
            . ' WHERE ' . $where_clause . ';';
        $result[$key_id] = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query(
            $local_query, null, PMA\libraries\DatabaseInterface::QUERY_STORE
        $rows[$key_id]   = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchAssoc($result[$key_id]);

        $where_clauses[$key_id] = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $where_clause);
        $has_unique_condition   = PMA_showEmptyResultMessageOrSetUniqueCondition(
            $rows, $key_id, $where_clause_array, $local_query, $result
        if ($has_unique_condition) {
            $found_unique_key = true;
    return array($where_clauses, $result, $rows, $found_unique_key);

 * Show message for empty result or set the unique_condition
 * @param array  $rows               MySQL returned rows
 * @param string $key_id             ID in current key
 * @param array  $where_clause_array array of where clauses
 * @param string $local_query        query performed
 * @param array  $result             MySQL result handle
 * @return boolean $has_unique_condition
function PMA_showEmptyResultMessageOrSetUniqueCondition($rows, $key_id,
    $where_clause_array, $local_query, $result
) {
    $has_unique_condition = false;

    // No row returned
    if (! $rows[$key_id]) {
        unset($rows[$key_id], $where_clause_array[$key_id]);
                __('MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows).'),
         * @todo not sure what should be done at this point, but we must not
         * exit if we want the message to be displayed
    } else {// end if (no row returned)
        $meta = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getFieldsMeta($result[$key_id]);

        list($unique_condition, $tmp_clause_is_unique)
            = PMA\libraries\Util::getUniqueCondition(
                $result[$key_id], // handle
                count($meta), // fields_cnt
                $meta, // fields_meta
                $rows[$key_id], // row
                true, // force_unique
                false, // restrict_to_table
                null // analyzed_sql_results

        if (! empty($unique_condition)) {
            $has_unique_condition = true;
        unset($unique_condition, $tmp_clause_is_unique);
    return $has_unique_condition;

 * No primary key given, just load first row
 * @param string $table name of the table
 * @param string $db    name of the database
 * @return array                containing $result and $rows arrays
function PMA_loadFirstRow($table, $db)
    $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query(
        'SELECT * FROM ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($db)
        . '.' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($table) . ' LIMIT 1;',
    $rows = array_fill(0, $GLOBALS['cfg']['InsertRows'], false);
    return array($result, $rows);

 * Add some url parameters
 * @param array  $url_params         containing $db and $table as url parameters
 * @param array  $where_clause_array where clauses array
 * @param string $where_clause       where clause
 * @return array Add some url parameters to $url_params array and return it
function PMA_urlParamsInEditMode($url_params, $where_clause_array, $where_clause)
    if (isset($where_clause)) {
        foreach ($where_clause_array as $where_clause) {
            $url_params['where_clause'] = trim($where_clause);
    if (! empty($_REQUEST['sql_query'])) {
        $url_params['sql_query'] = $_REQUEST['sql_query'];
    return $url_params;

 * Show type information or function selectors in Insert/Edit
 * @param string  $which      function|type
 * @param array   $url_params containing url parameters
 * @param boolean $is_show    whether to show the element in $which
 * @return string an HTML snippet
function PMA_showTypeOrFunction($which, $url_params, $is_show)
    $params = array();

    switch($which) {
    case 'function':
        $params['ShowFunctionFields'] = ($is_show ? 0 : 1);
            = $GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowFieldTypesInDataEditView'];
    case 'type':
        $params['ShowFieldTypesInDataEditView'] = ($is_show ? 0 : 1);
            = $GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowFunctionFields'];

    $params['goto'] = 'sql.php';
    $this_url_params = array_merge($url_params, $params);

    if (! $is_show) {
        return ' : <a href="tbl_change.php'
            . PMA_URL_getCommon($this_url_params) . '">'
            . PMA_showTypeOrFunctionLabel($which)
            . '</a>';
    return '<th><a href="tbl_change.php'
        . PMA_URL_getCommon($this_url_params)
        . '" title="' . __('Hide') . '">'
        . PMA_showTypeOrFunctionLabel($which)
        . '</a></th>';

 * Show type information or function selectors labels in Insert/Edit
 * @param string $which function|type
 * @return string an HTML snippet
function PMA_showTypeOrFunctionLabel($which)
    switch($which) {
    case 'function':
        return __('Function');
    case 'type':
        return __('Type');

    return null;

  * Analyze the table column array
  * @param array   $column         description of column in given table
  * @param array   $comments_map   comments for every column that has a comment
  * @param boolean $timestamp_seen whether a timestamp has been seen
  * @return array                   description of column in given table
function PMA_analyzeTableColumnsArray($column, $comments_map, $timestamp_seen)
    $column['Field_html']    = htmlspecialchars($column['Field']);
    $column['Field_md5']     = md5($column['Field']);
    // True_Type contains only the type (stops at first bracket)
    $column['True_Type']     = preg_replace('@\(.*@s', '', $column['Type']);
    $column['len'] = preg_match('@float|double@', $column['Type']) ? 100 : -1;
    $column['Field_title']   = PMA_getColumnTitle($column, $comments_map);
    $column['is_binary']     = PMA_isColumn(
        array('binary', 'varbinary')
    $column['is_blob']       = PMA_isColumn(
        array('blob', 'tinyblob', 'mediumblob', 'longblob')
    $column['is_char']       = PMA_isColumn(
        array('char', 'varchar')

    list($column['pma_type'], $column['wrap'], $column['first_timestamp'])
        = PMA_getEnumSetAndTimestampColumns($column, $timestamp_seen);

    return $column;

  * Retrieve the column title
  * @param array $column       description of column in given table
  * @param array $comments_map comments for every column that has a comment
  * @return string              column title
function PMA_getColumnTitle($column, $comments_map)
    if (isset($comments_map[$column['Field']])) {
        return '<span style="border-bottom: 1px dashed black;" title="'
            . htmlspecialchars($comments_map[$column['Field']]) . '">'
            . $column['Field_html'] . '</span>';
    } else {
            return $column['Field_html'];

  * check whether the column is of a certain type
  * the goal is to ensure that types such as "enum('one','two','binary',..)"
  * or "enum('one','two','varbinary',..)" are not categorized as binary
  * @param array $column description of column in given table
  * @param array $types  the types to verify
  * @return boolean whether the column's type if one of the $types
function PMA_isColumn($column, $types)
    foreach ($types as $one_type) {
        if (mb_stripos($column['Type'], $one_type) === 0) {
            return true;
    return false;

 * Retrieve set, enum, timestamp table columns
 * @param array   $column         description of column in given table
 * @param boolean $timestamp_seen whether a timestamp has been seen
 * @return array $column['pma_type'], $column['wrap'], $column['first_timestamp']
function PMA_getEnumSetAndTimestampColumns($column, $timestamp_seen)
    $column['first_timestamp'] = false;
    switch ($column['True_Type']) {
    case 'set':
        $column['pma_type'] = 'set';
        $column['wrap']  = '';
    case 'enum':
        $column['pma_type'] = 'enum';
        $column['wrap']  = '';
    case 'timestamp':
        if (! $timestamp_seen) {   // can only occur once per table
            $column['first_timestamp'] = true;
        $column['pma_type'] = $column['Type'];
        $column['wrap']  = ' nowrap';

        $column['pma_type'] = $column['Type'];
        $column['wrap']  = ' nowrap';
    return array($column['pma_type'], $column['wrap'], $column['first_timestamp']);

 * The function column
 * We don't want binary data to be destroyed
 * Note: from the MySQL manual: "BINARY doesn't affect how the column is
 *       stored or retrieved" so it does not mean that the contents is binary
 * @param array   $column                description of column in given table
 * @param boolean $is_upload             upload or no
 * @param string  $column_name_appendix  the name attribute
 * @param string  $onChangeClause        onchange clause for fields
 * @param array   $no_support_types      list of datatypes that are not (yet)
 *                                       handled by PMA
 * @param integer $tabindex_for_function +3000
 * @param integer $tabindex              tab index
 * @param integer $idindex               id index
 * @param boolean $insert_mode           insert mode or edit mode
 * @param boolean $readOnly              is column read only or not
 * @param array   $foreignData           foreign key data
 * @return string                           an html snippet
function PMA_getFunctionColumn($column, $is_upload, $column_name_appendix,
    $onChangeClause, $no_support_types, $tabindex_for_function,
    $tabindex, $idindex, $insert_mode, $readOnly, $foreignData
) {
    $html_output = '';
    if (($GLOBALS['cfg']['ProtectBinary'] === 'blob'
        && $column['is_blob'] && !$is_upload)
        || ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ProtectBinary'] === 'all'
        && $column['is_binary'])
        || ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ProtectBinary'] === 'noblob'
        && $column['is_binary'])
    ) {
        $html_output .= '<td class="center">' . __('Binary') . '</td>' . "\n";
    } elseif ($readOnly
        || mb_strstr($column['True_Type'], 'enum')
        || mb_strstr($column['True_Type'], 'set')
        || in_array($column['pma_type'], $no_support_types)
    ) {
        $html_output .= '<td class="center">--</td>' . "\n";
    } else {
        $html_output .= '<td>' . "\n";

        $html_output .= '<select name="funcs' . $column_name_appendix . '"'
            . ' ' . $onChangeClause
            . ' tabindex="' . ($tabindex + $tabindex_for_function) . '"'
            . ' id="field_' . $idindex . '_1">';
        $html_output .= PMA\libraries\Util::getFunctionsForField(
        ) . "\n";

        $html_output .= '</select>' .  "\n";
        $html_output .= '</td>' .  "\n";
    return $html_output;

 * The null column
 * @param array   $column               description of column in given table
 * @param string  $column_name_appendix the name attribute
 * @param boolean $real_null_value      is column value null or not null
 * @param integer $tabindex             tab index
 * @param integer $tabindex_for_null    +6000
 * @param integer $idindex              id index
 * @param string  $vkey                 [multi_edit]['row_id']
 * @param array   $foreigners           keys into foreign fields
 * @param array   $foreignData          data about the foreign keys
 * @param boolean $readOnly             is column read only or not
 * @return string                       an html snippet
function PMA_getNullColumn($column, $column_name_appendix, $real_null_value,
    $tabindex, $tabindex_for_null, $idindex, $vkey, $foreigners, $foreignData,
) {
    if ($column['Null'] != 'YES' || $readOnly) {
        return "<td></td>\n";
    $html_output = '';
    $html_output .= '<td>' . "\n";
    $html_output .= '<input type="hidden" name="fields_null_prev'
        . $column_name_appendix . '"';
    if ($real_null_value && !$column['first_timestamp']) {
        $html_output .= ' value="on"';
    $html_output .= ' />' . "\n";

    $html_output .= '<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox_null" tabindex="'
        . ($tabindex + $tabindex_for_null) . '"'
        . ' name="fields_null' . $column_name_appendix . '"';
    if ($real_null_value) {
        $html_output .= ' checked="checked"';
    $html_output .= ' id="field_' . ($idindex) . '_2" />';

    // nullify_code is needed by the js nullify() function
    $nullify_code = PMA_getNullifyCodeForNullColumn(
        $column, $foreigners, $foreignData
    // to be able to generate calls to nullify() in jQuery
    $html_output .= '<input type="hidden" class="nullify_code" name="nullify_code'
        . $column_name_appendix . '" value="' . $nullify_code . '" />';
    $html_output .= '<input type="hidden" class="hashed_field" name="hashed_field'
        . $column_name_appendix . '" value="' .  $column['Field_md5'] . '" />';
    $html_output .= '<input type="hidden" class="multi_edit" name="multi_edit'
        . $column_name_appendix . '" value="' . PMA_escapeJsString($vkey) . '" />';
    $html_output .= '</td>' . "\n";

    return $html_output;

 * Retrieve the nullify code for the null column
 * @param array $column      description of column in given table
 * @param array $foreigners  keys into foreign fields
 * @param array $foreignData data about the foreign keys
 * @return integer              $nullify_code
function PMA_getNullifyCodeForNullColumn($column, $foreigners, $foreignData)
    $foreigner = PMA_searchColumnInForeigners($foreigners, $column['Field']);
    if (mb_strstr($column['True_Type'], 'enum')) {
        if (mb_strlen($column['Type']) > 20) {
            $nullify_code = '1';
        } else {
            $nullify_code = '2';
    } elseif (mb_strstr($column['True_Type'], 'set')) {
        $nullify_code = '3';
    } elseif (!empty($foreigners)
        && !empty($foreigner)
        && $foreignData['foreign_link'] == false
    ) {
        // foreign key in a drop-down
        $nullify_code = '4';
    } elseif (!empty($foreigners)
        && !empty($foreigner)
        && $foreignData['foreign_link'] == true
    ) {
        // foreign key with a browsing icon
        $nullify_code = '6';
    } else {
        $nullify_code = '5';
    return $nullify_code;

 * Get the HTML elements for value column in insert form
 * (here, "column" is used in the sense of HTML column in HTML table)
 * @param array   $column                description of column in given table
 * @param string  $backup_field          hidden input field
 * @param string  $column_name_appendix  the name attribute
 * @param string  $onChangeClause        onchange clause for fields
 * @param integer $tabindex              tab index
 * @param integer $tabindex_for_value    offset for the values tabindex
 * @param integer $idindex               id index
 * @param string  $data                  description of the column field
 * @param string  $special_chars         special characters
 * @param array   $foreignData           data about the foreign keys
 * @param boolean $odd_row               whether row is odd
 * @param array   $paramTableDbArray     array containing $table and $db
 * @param integer $rownumber             the row number
 * @param array   $titles                An HTML IMG tag for a particular icon from
 *                                       a theme, which may be an actual file or
 *                                       an icon from a sprite
 * @param string  $text_dir              text direction
 * @param string  $special_chars_encoded replaced char if the string starts
 *                                       with a \r\n pair (0x0d0a) add an extra \n
 * @param string  $vkey                  [multi_edit]['row_id']
 * @param boolean $is_upload             is upload or not
 * @param integer $biggest_max_file_size 0 integer
 * @param string  $default_char_editing  default char editing mode which is stored
 *                                       in the config.inc.php script
 * @param array   $no_support_types      list of datatypes that are not (yet)
 *                                       handled by PMA
 * @param array   $gis_data_types        list of GIS data types
 * @param array   $extracted_columnspec  associative array containing type,
 *                                       spec_in_brackets and possibly
 *                                       enum_set_values (another array)
 * @param boolean $readOnly              is column read only or not
 * @return string an html snippet
function PMA_getValueColumn($column, $backup_field, $column_name_appendix,
    $onChangeClause, $tabindex, $tabindex_for_value, $idindex, $data,
    $special_chars, $foreignData, $odd_row, $paramTableDbArray, $rownumber,
    $titles, $text_dir, $special_chars_encoded, $vkey,
    $is_upload, $biggest_max_file_size,
    $default_char_editing, $no_support_types, $gis_data_types, $extracted_columnspec,
) {
    // HTML5 data-* attribute data-type
    $data_type = $GLOBALS['PMA_Types']->getTypeClass($column['True_Type']);
    $html_output = '';

    if ($foreignData['foreign_link'] == true) {
        $html_output .= PMA_getForeignLink(
            $column, $backup_field, $column_name_appendix,
            $onChangeClause, $tabindex, $tabindex_for_value, $idindex, $data,
            $paramTableDbArray, $rownumber, $titles, $readOnly

    } elseif (is_array($foreignData['disp_row'])) {
        $html_output .= PMA_dispRowForeignData(
            $backup_field, $column_name_appendix,
            $onChangeClause, $tabindex, $tabindex_for_value,
            $idindex, $data, $foreignData, $readOnly

    } elseif ($GLOBALS['cfg']['LongtextDoubleTextarea']
        && mb_strstr($column['pma_type'], 'longtext')
    ) {
        $html_output .= PMA_getTextarea(
            $column, $backup_field, $column_name_appendix, $onChangeClause,
            $tabindex, $tabindex_for_value, $idindex, $text_dir,
            $special_chars_encoded, $data_type, $readOnly

    } elseif (mb_strstr($column['pma_type'], 'text')) {

        $html_output .= PMA_getTextarea(
            $column, $backup_field, $column_name_appendix, $onChangeClause,
            $tabindex, $tabindex_for_value, $idindex, $text_dir,
            $special_chars_encoded, $data_type, $readOnly
        $html_output .= "\n";
        if (mb_strlen($special_chars) > 32000) {
            $html_output .= "</td>\n";
            $html_output .= '<td>' . __(
                'Because of its length,<br /> this column might not be editable.'

    } elseif ($column['pma_type'] == 'enum') {
        $html_output .= PMA_getPmaTypeEnum(
            $column, $backup_field, $column_name_appendix, $extracted_columnspec,
            $onChangeClause, $tabindex, $tabindex_for_value, $idindex, $data,

    } elseif ($column['pma_type'] == 'set') {
        $html_output .= PMA_getPmaTypeSet(
            $column, $extracted_columnspec, $backup_field,
            $column_name_appendix, $onChangeClause, $tabindex,
            $tabindex_for_value, $idindex, $data, $readOnly

    } elseif ($column['is_binary'] || $column['is_blob']) {
        $html_output .= PMA_getBinaryAndBlobColumn(
            $column, $data, $special_chars, $biggest_max_file_size,
            $backup_field, $column_name_appendix, $onChangeClause, $tabindex,
            $tabindex_for_value, $idindex, $text_dir, $special_chars_encoded,
            $vkey, $is_upload, $readOnly

    } elseif (! in_array($column['pma_type'], $no_support_types)) {
        $html_output .= PMA_getValueColumnForOtherDatatypes(
            $column, $default_char_editing, $backup_field,
            $column_name_appendix, $onChangeClause, $tabindex, $special_chars,
            $tabindex_for_value, $idindex, $text_dir, $special_chars_encoded,
            $data, $extracted_columnspec, $readOnly

    if (in_array($column['pma_type'], $gis_data_types)) {
        $html_output .= PMA_getHTMLforGisDataTypes();

    return $html_output;

 * Get HTML for foreign link in insert form
 * @param array   $column               description of column in given table
 * @param string  $backup_field         hidden input field
 * @param string  $column_name_appendix the name attribute
 * @param string  $onChangeClause       onchange clause for fields
 * @param integer $tabindex             tab index
 * @param integer $tabindex_for_value   offset for the values tabindex
 * @param integer $idindex              id index
 * @param string  $data                 data to edit
 * @param array   $paramTableDbArray    array containing $table and $db
 * @param integer $rownumber            the row number
 * @param array   $titles               An HTML IMG tag for a particular icon from
 *                                      a theme, which may be an actual file or
 *                                      an icon from a sprite
 * @param boolean $readOnly             is column read only or not
 * @return string                       an html snippet
function PMA_getForeignLink($column, $backup_field, $column_name_appendix,
    $onChangeClause, $tabindex, $tabindex_for_value, $idindex, $data,
    $paramTableDbArray, $rownumber, $titles, $readOnly
) {
    list($table, $db) = $paramTableDbArray;
    $html_output = '';
    $html_output .= $backup_field . "\n";

    $html_output .= '<input type="hidden" name="fields_type'
        . $column_name_appendix . '" value="foreign" />';

    $html_output .= '<input type="text" name="fields' . $column_name_appendix . '" '
        . 'class="textfield" '
        . $onChangeClause . ' '
        . ($readOnly ? 'readonly="readonly" ' : '')
        . 'tabindex="' . ($tabindex + $tabindex_for_value) . '" '
        . 'id="field_' . ($idindex) . '_3" '
        . 'value="' . htmlspecialchars($data) . '" />';

    $html_output .= '<a class="ajax browse_foreign" href="browse_foreigners.php'
        . PMA_URL_getCommon(
                'db' => $db,
                'table' => $table,
                'field' => $column['Field'],
                'rownumber' => $rownumber,
                'data'      => $data
        ) . '">'
        . str_replace("'", "\'", $titles['Browse']) . '</a>';
    return $html_output;

 * Get HTML to display foreign data
 * @param string  $backup_field         hidden input field
 * @param string  $column_name_appendix the name attribute
 * @param string  $onChangeClause       onchange clause for fields
 * @param integer $tabindex             tab index
 * @param integer $tabindex_for_value   offset for the values tabindex
 * @param integer $idindex              id index
 * @param string  $data                 data to edit
 * @param array   $foreignData          data about the foreign keys
 * @param boolean $readOnly             is display read only or not
 * @return string                       an html snippet
function PMA_dispRowForeignData($backup_field, $column_name_appendix,
    $onChangeClause, $tabindex, $tabindex_for_value, $idindex, $data,
    $foreignData, $readOnly
) {
    $html_output = '';
    $html_output .= $backup_field . "\n";
    $html_output .= '<input type="hidden"'
        . ' name="fields_type' . $column_name_appendix . '"'
        . ' value="foreign" />';

    $html_output .= '<select name="fields' . $column_name_appendix . '"'
        . ' ' . $onChangeClause
        . ' class="textfield"'
        . ($readOnly ? ' disabled' : '')
        . ' tabindex="' . ($tabindex + $tabindex_for_value) . '"'
        . ' id="field_' . $idindex . '_3">';
    $html_output .= PMA_foreignDropdown(
        $foreignData['disp_row'], $foreignData['foreign_field'],
        $foreignData['foreign_display'], $data,
    $html_output .= '</select>';

    //Add hidden input, as disabled <select> input does not included in POST.
    if ($readOnly) {
        $html_output .= '<input name="fields' . $column_name_appendix . '"'
            . ' type="hidden" value="' . htmlspecialchars($data) . '">';

    return $html_output;

 * Get HTML textarea for insert form
 * @param array   $column                column information
 * @param string  $backup_field          hidden input field
 * @param string  $column_name_appendix  the name attribute
 * @param string  $onChangeClause        onchange clause for fields
 * @param integer $tabindex              tab index
 * @param integer $tabindex_for_value    offset for the values tabindex
 * @param integer $idindex               id index
 * @param string  $text_dir              text direction
 * @param string  $special_chars_encoded replaced char if the string starts
 *                                       with a \r\n pair (0x0d0a) add an extra \n
 * @param string  $data_type             the html5 data-* attribute type
 * @param boolean $readOnly              is column read only or not
 * @return string                       an html snippet
function PMA_getTextarea($column, $backup_field, $column_name_appendix,
    $onChangeClause, $tabindex, $tabindex_for_value, $idindex,
    $text_dir, $special_chars_encoded, $data_type, $readOnly
) {
    $the_class = '';
    $textAreaRows = $GLOBALS['cfg']['TextareaRows'];
    $textareaCols = $GLOBALS['cfg']['TextareaCols'];

    if ($column['is_char']) {
         * @todo clarify the meaning of the "textfield" class and explain
         *       why character columns have the "char" class instead
        $the_class = 'char';
        $textAreaRows = $GLOBALS['cfg']['CharTextareaRows'];
        $textareaCols = $GLOBALS['cfg']['CharTextareaCols'];
        $extracted_columnspec = PMA\libraries\Util::extractColumnSpec(
        $maxlength = $extracted_columnspec['spec_in_brackets'];
    } elseif ($GLOBALS['cfg']['LongtextDoubleTextarea']
        && mb_strstr($column['pma_type'], 'longtext')
    ) {
        $textAreaRows = $GLOBALS['cfg']['TextareaRows'] * 2;
        $textareaCols = $GLOBALS['cfg']['TextareaCols'] * 2;
    $html_output = $backup_field . "\n"
        . '<textarea name="fields' . $column_name_appendix . '"'
        . ' class="' . $the_class . '"'
        . ($readOnly ? ' readonly="readonly"' : '')
        . (isset($maxlength) ? ' data-maxlength="' . $maxlength . '"' : '')
        . ' rows="' . $textAreaRows . '"'
        . ' cols="' . $textareaCols . '"'
        . ' dir="' . $text_dir . '"'
        . ' id="field_' . ($idindex) . '_3"'
        . (! empty($onChangeClause) ? ' ' . $onChangeClause : '')
        . ' tabindex="' . ($tabindex + $tabindex_for_value) . '"'
        . ' data-type="' . $data_type . '">'
        . $special_chars_encoded
        . '</textarea>';

    return $html_output;

 * Get HTML for enum type
 * @param array   $column               description of column in given table
 * @param string  $backup_field         hidden input field
 * @param string  $column_name_appendix the name attribute
 * @param array   $extracted_columnspec associative array containing type,
 *                                      spec_in_brackets and possibly
 *                                      enum_set_values (another array)
 * @param string  $onChangeClause       onchange clause for fields
 * @param integer $tabindex             tab index
 * @param integer $tabindex_for_value   offset for the values tabindex
 * @param integer $idindex              id index
 * @param mixed   $data                 data to edit
 * @param boolean $readOnly             is column read only or not
 * @return string an html snippet
function PMA_getPmaTypeEnum($column, $backup_field, $column_name_appendix,
    $extracted_columnspec, $onChangeClause, $tabindex, $tabindex_for_value,
    $idindex, $data, $readOnly
) {
    $html_output = '';
    if (! isset($column['values'])) {
        $column['values'] = PMA_getColumnEnumValues(
            $column, $extracted_columnspec
    $column_enum_values = $column['values'];
    $html_output .= '<input type="hidden" name="fields_type'
        . $column_name_appendix . '" value="enum" />';
    $html_output .= "\n" . '            ' . $backup_field . "\n";
    if (mb_strlen($column['Type']) > 20) {
        $html_output .= PMA_getDropDownDependingOnLength(
            $column, $column_name_appendix, $onChangeClause,
            $tabindex, $tabindex_for_value,
            $idindex, $data, $column_enum_values, $readOnly
    } else {
        $html_output .= PMA_getRadioButtonDependingOnLength(
            $column_name_appendix, $onChangeClause,
            $tabindex, $column, $tabindex_for_value,
            $idindex, $data, $column_enum_values, $readOnly
    return $html_output;

 * Get column values
 * @param array $column               description of column in given table
 * @param array $extracted_columnspec associative array containing type,
 *                                    spec_in_brackets and possibly enum_set_values
 *                                    (another array)
 * @return array column values as an associative array
function PMA_getColumnEnumValues($column, $extracted_columnspec)
    $column['values'] = array();
    foreach ($extracted_columnspec['enum_set_values'] as $val) {
        $column['values'][] = array(
            'plain' => $val,
            'html'  => htmlspecialchars($val),
    return $column['values'];

 * Get HTML drop down for more than 20 string length
 * @param array   $column               description of column in given table
 * @param string  $column_name_appendix the name attribute
 * @param string  $onChangeClause       onchange clause for fields
 * @param integer $tabindex             tab index
 * @param integer $tabindex_for_value   offset for the values tabindex
 * @param integer $idindex              id index
 * @param string  $data                 data to edit
 * @param array   $column_enum_values   $column['values']
 * @return string                       an html snippet
function PMA_getDropDownDependingOnLength(
    $column, $column_name_appendix, $onChangeClause,
    $tabindex, $tabindex_for_value, $idindex, $data, $column_enum_values,
) {
    $html_output = '<select name="fields' . $column_name_appendix . '"'
        . ' ' . $onChangeClause
        . ' class="textfield"'
        . ' tabindex="' . ($tabindex + $tabindex_for_value) . '"'
        . ($readOnly ? ' disabled' : '')
        . ' id="field_' . ($idindex) . '_3">';
    $html_output .= '<option value="">&nbsp;</option>' . "\n";

    $selected_html = '';
    foreach ($column_enum_values as $enum_value) {
        $html_output .= '<option value="' . $enum_value['html'] . '"';
        if ($data == $enum_value['plain']
            || ($data == ''
            && (! isset($_REQUEST['where_clause']) || $column['Null'] != 'YES')
            && isset($column['Default'])
            && $enum_value['plain'] == $column['Default'])
        ) {
            $html_output .= ' selected="selected"';
            $selected_html = $enum_value['html'];
        $html_output .= '>' . $enum_value['html'] . '</option>' . "\n";
    $html_output .= '</select>';

    //Add hidden input, as disabled <select> input does not included in POST.
    if ($readOnly) {
        $html_output .= '<input name="fields' . $column_name_appendix . '"'
            . ' type="hidden" value="' . $selected_html . '">';
    return $html_output;

 * Get HTML radio button for less than 20 string length
 * @param string  $column_name_appendix the name attribute
 * @param string  $onChangeClause       onchange clause for fields
 * @param integer $tabindex             tab index
 * @param array   $column               description of column in given table
 * @param integer $tabindex_for_value   offset for the values tabindex
 * @param integer $idindex              id index
 * @param string  $data                 data to edit
 * @param array   $column_enum_values   $column['values']
 * @return string                       an html snippet
function PMA_getRadioButtonDependingOnLength(
    $column_name_appendix, $onChangeClause,
    $tabindex, $column, $tabindex_for_value, $idindex, $data,
    $column_enum_values, $readOnly
) {
    $j = 0;
    $html_output = '';
    foreach ($column_enum_values as $enum_value) {
        $html_output .= '            '
            . '<input type="radio" name="fields' . $column_name_appendix . '"'
            . ' class="textfield"'
            . ' value="' . $enum_value['html'] . '"'
            . ' id="field_' . ($idindex) . '_3_'  . $j . '"'
            . ' ' . $onChangeClause;
        if ($data == $enum_value['plain']
            || ($data == ''
            && (! isset($_REQUEST['where_clause']) || $column['Null'] != 'YES')
            && isset($column['Default'])
            && $enum_value['plain'] == $column['Default'])
        ) {
            $html_output .= ' checked="checked"';
        elseif ($readOnly) {
            $html_output .= ' disabled';
        $html_output .= ' tabindex="' . ($tabindex + $tabindex_for_value) . '" />';
        $html_output .= '<label for="field_' . $idindex . '_3_' . $j . '">'
            . $enum_value['html'] . '</label>' . "\n";
    return $html_output;

 * Get the HTML for 'set' pma type
 * @param array   $column               description of column in given table
 * @param array   $extracted_columnspec associative array containing type,
 *                                      spec_in_brackets and possibly
 *                                      enum_set_values (another array)
 * @param string  $backup_field         hidden input field
 * @param string  $column_name_appendix the name attribute
 * @param string  $onChangeClause       onchange clause for fields
 * @param integer $tabindex             tab index
 * @param integer $tabindex_for_value   offset for the values tabindex
 * @param integer $idindex              id index
 * @param string  $data                 description of the column field
 * @param boolean $readOnly             is column read only or not
 * @return string                       an html snippet
function PMA_getPmaTypeSet(
    $column, $extracted_columnspec, $backup_field,
    $column_name_appendix, $onChangeClause, $tabindex,
    $tabindex_for_value, $idindex, $data, $readOnly
) {
    list($column_set_values, $select_size) = PMA_getColumnSetValueAndSelectSize(
        $column, $extracted_columnspec
    $vset = array_flip(explode(',', $data));
    $html_output = $backup_field . "\n";
    $html_output .= '<input type="hidden" name="fields_type'
        . $column_name_appendix . '" value="set" />';
    $html_output .= '<select name="fields' . $column_name_appendix . '[]' . '"'
        . ' class="textfield"'
        . ($readOnly ? ' disabled' : '')
        . ' size="' . $select_size . '"'
        . ' multiple="multiple"'
        . ' ' . $onChangeClause
        . ' tabindex="' . ($tabindex + $tabindex_for_value) . '"'
        . ' id="field_' . ($idindex) . '_3">';

    $selected_html = '';
    foreach ($column_set_values as $column_set_value) {
        $html_output .= '<option value="' . $column_set_value['html'] . '"';
        if (isset($vset[$column_set_value['plain']])) {
            $html_output .= ' selected="selected"';
            $selected_html = $column_set_value['html'];
        $html_output .= '>' . $column_set_value['html'] . '</option>' . "\n";
    $html_output .= '</select>';

    //Add hidden input, as disabled <select> input does not included in POST.
    if ($readOnly) {
        $html_output .= '<input name="fields' . $column_name_appendix . '[]' . '"'
            . ' type="hidden" value="' . $selected_html . '">';
    return $html_output;

 * Retrieve column 'set' value and select size
 * @param array $column               description of column in given table
 * @param array $extracted_columnspec associative array containing type,
 *                                    spec_in_brackets and possibly enum_set_values
 *                                    (another array)
 * @return array $column['values'], $column['select_size']
function PMA_getColumnSetValueAndSelectSize($column, $extracted_columnspec)
    if (! isset($column['values'])) {
        $column['values'] = array();
        foreach ($extracted_columnspec['enum_set_values'] as $val) {
            $column['values'][] = array(
                'plain' => $val,
                'html'  => htmlspecialchars($val),
        $column['select_size'] = min(4, count($column['values']));
    return array($column['values'], $column['select_size']);

 * Get HTML for binary and blob column
 * @param array   $column                description of column in given table
 * @param string  $data                  data to edit
 * @param string  $special_chars         special characters
 * @param integer $biggest_max_file_size biggest max file size for uploading
 * @param string  $backup_field          hidden input field
 * @param string  $column_name_appendix  the name attribute
 * @param string  $onChangeClause        onchange clause for fields
 * @param integer $tabindex              tab index
 * @param integer $tabindex_for_value    offset for the values tabindex
 * @param integer $idindex               id index
 * @param string  $text_dir              text direction
 * @param string  $special_chars_encoded replaced char if the string starts
 *                                       with a \r\n pair (0x0d0a) add an extra \n
 * @param string  $vkey                  [multi_edit]['row_id']
 * @param boolean $is_upload             is upload or not
 * @param boolean $readOnly              is column read only or not
 * @return string                           an html snippet
function PMA_getBinaryAndBlobColumn(
    $column, $data, $special_chars, $biggest_max_file_size,
    $backup_field, $column_name_appendix, $onChangeClause, $tabindex,
    $tabindex_for_value, $idindex, $text_dir, $special_chars_encoded,
    $vkey, $is_upload, $readOnly
) {
    $html_output = '';
    // Add field type : Protected or Hexadecimal
    $fields_type_html = '<input type="hidden" name="fields_type'
        . $column_name_appendix . '" value="%s" />';
    // Default value : hex
    $fields_type_val = 'hex';
    if (($GLOBALS['cfg']['ProtectBinary'] === 'blob' && $column['is_blob'])
        || ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ProtectBinary'] === 'all')
        || ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ProtectBinary'] === 'noblob' && !$column['is_blob'])
    ) {
        $html_output .= __('Binary - do not edit');
        if (isset($data)) {
            $data_size = PMA\libraries\Util::formatByteDown(
                mb_strlen(stripslashes($data)), 3, 1
            $html_output .= ' (' . $data_size[0] . ' ' . $data_size[1] . ')';
        $fields_type_val = 'protected';
        $html_output .= '<input type="hidden" name="fields'
            . $column_name_appendix . '" value="" />';
    } elseif ($column['is_blob']
        || ($column['len'] > $GLOBALS['cfg']['LimitChars'])
    ) {
        $html_output .= "\n" . PMA_getTextarea(
            $column, $backup_field, $column_name_appendix, $onChangeClause,
            $tabindex, $tabindex_for_value, $idindex, $text_dir,
            $special_chars_encoded, 'HEX', $readOnly
    } else {
        // field size should be at least 4 and max $GLOBALS['cfg']['LimitChars']
        $fieldsize = min(max($column['len'], 4), $GLOBALS['cfg']['LimitChars']);
        $html_output .= "\n" . $backup_field . "\n" . PMA_getHTMLinput(
            $column, $column_name_appendix, $special_chars, $fieldsize,
            $onChangeClause, $tabindex, $tabindex_for_value, $idindex, 'HEX',
    $html_output .= sprintf($fields_type_html, $fields_type_val);

    if ($is_upload && $column['is_blob'] && !$readOnly) {
        // We don't want to prevent users from using
        // browser's default drag-drop feature on some page(s),
        // so we add noDragDrop class to the input
        $html_output .= '<br />'
            . '<input type="file"'
            . ' name="fields_upload' . $vkey . '[' . $column['Field_md5'] . ']"'
            . ' class="textfield noDragDrop" id="field_' . $idindex . '_3" size="10"'
            . ' ' . $onChangeClause . '/>&nbsp;';
        list($html_out,) = PMA_getMaxUploadSize(
            $column, $biggest_max_file_size
        $html_output .= $html_out;

    if (!empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['UploadDir']) && !$readOnly) {
        $html_output .= PMA_getSelectOptionForUpload($vkey, $column);

    return $html_output;

 * Get HTML input type
 * @param array   $column               description of column in given table
 * @param string  $column_name_appendix the name attribute
 * @param string  $special_chars        special characters
 * @param integer $fieldsize            html field size
 * @param string  $onChangeClause       onchange clause for fields
 * @param integer $tabindex             tab index
 * @param integer $tabindex_for_value   offset for the values tabindex
 * @param integer $idindex              id index
 * @param string  $data_type            the html5 data-* attribute type
 * @param boolean $readOnly             is column read only or not
 * @return string                       an html snippet
function PMA_getHTMLinput(
    $column, $column_name_appendix, $special_chars, $fieldsize, $onChangeClause,
    $tabindex, $tabindex_for_value, $idindex, $data_type, $readOnly
) {
    $input_type = 'text';
    // do not use the 'date' or 'time' types here; they have no effect on some
    // browsers and create side effects (see bug #4218)

    $the_class = 'textfield';
    // verify True_Type which does not contain the parentheses and length
    if ($readOnly) {
        //NOOP. Disable date/timepicker
    } else if ($column['True_Type'] === 'date') {
        $the_class .= ' datefield';
    } else if ($column['True_Type'] === 'time') {
        $the_class .= ' timefield';
    } else if ($column['True_Type'] === 'datetime'
        || $column['True_Type'] === 'timestamp'
    ) {
        $the_class .= ' datetimefield';
    $input_min_max = false;
    if (in_array($column['True_Type'], $GLOBALS['PMA_Types']->getIntegerTypes())) {
        $extracted_columnspec = PMA\libraries\Util::extractColumnSpec(
        $is_unsigned = $extracted_columnspec['unsigned'];
        $min_max_values = $GLOBALS['PMA_Types']->getIntegerRange(
            $column['True_Type'], ! $is_unsigned
        $input_min_max = 'min="' . $min_max_values[0] . '" '
            . 'max="' . $min_max_values[1] . '"';
        $data_type = 'INT';
    return '<input type="' . $input_type . '"'
        . ' name="fields' . $column_name_appendix . '"'
        . ' value="' . $special_chars . '" size="' . $fieldsize . '"'
        . ((isset($column['is_char']) && $column['is_char'])
        ? ' data-maxlength="' . $fieldsize . '"'
        : '')
        . ($readOnly ? ' readonly="readonly"' : '')
        . ($input_min_max !== false ? ' ' . $input_min_max : '')
        . ' data-type="' . $data_type . '"'
        . ($input_type === 'time' ? ' step="1"' : '')
        . ' class="' . $the_class . '" ' . $onChangeClause
        . ' tabindex="' . ($tabindex + $tabindex_for_value) . '"'
        . ' id="field_' . ($idindex) . '_3" />';

 * Get HTML select option for upload
 * @param string $vkey   [multi_edit]['row_id']
 * @param array  $column description of column in given table
 * @return string|void an html snippet
function PMA_getSelectOptionForUpload($vkey, $column)
    $files = PMA_getFileSelectOptions(

    if ($files === false) {
        return '<span style="color:red">' . __('Error') . '</span><br />' . "\n"
            .  __('The directory you set for upload work cannot be reached.') . "\n";
    } elseif (!empty($files)) {
        return "<br />\n"
            . '<i>' . __('Or') . '</i>' . ' '
            . __('web server upload directory:') . '<br />' . "\n"
            . '<select size="1" name="fields_uploadlocal'
            . $vkey . '[' . $column['Field_md5'] . ']">' . "\n"
            . '<option value="" selected="selected"></option>' . "\n"
            . $files
            . '</select>' . "\n";

    return null;

 * Retrieve the maximum upload file size
 * @param array   $column                description of column in given table
 * @param integer $biggest_max_file_size biggest max file size for uploading
 * @return array an html snippet and $biggest_max_file_size
function PMA_getMaxUploadSize($column, $biggest_max_file_size)
    // find maximum upload size, based on field type
     * @todo with functions this is not so easy, as you can basically
     * process any data with function like MD5
    global $max_upload_size;
    $max_field_sizes = array(
        'tinyblob'   =>        '256',
        'blob'       =>      '65536',
        'mediumblob' =>   '16777216',
        'longblob'   => '4294967296' // yeah, really

    $this_field_max_size = $max_upload_size; // from PHP max
    if ($this_field_max_size > $max_field_sizes[$column['pma_type']]) {
        $this_field_max_size = $max_field_sizes[$column['pma_type']];
        = PMA\libraries\Util::getFormattedMaximumUploadSize(
        ) . "\n";
    // do not generate here the MAX_FILE_SIZE, because we should
    // put only one in the form to accommodate the biggest field
    if ($this_field_max_size > $biggest_max_file_size) {
        $biggest_max_file_size = $this_field_max_size;
    return array($html_output, $biggest_max_file_size);

 * Get HTML for the Value column of other datatypes
 * (here, "column" is used in the sense of HTML column in HTML table)
 * @param array   $column                description of column in given table
 * @param string  $default_char_editing  default char editing mode which is stored
 *                                       in the config.inc.php script
 * @param string  $backup_field          hidden input field
 * @param string  $column_name_appendix  the name attribute
 * @param string  $onChangeClause        onchange clause for fields
 * @param integer $tabindex              tab index
 * @param string  $special_chars         special characters
 * @param integer $tabindex_for_value    offset for the values tabindex
 * @param integer $idindex               id index
 * @param string  $text_dir              text direction
 * @param string  $special_chars_encoded replaced char if the string starts
 *                                       with a \r\n pair (0x0d0a) add an extra \n
 * @param string  $data                  data to edit
 * @param array   $extracted_columnspec  associative array containing type,
 *                                       spec_in_brackets and possibly
 *                                       enum_set_values (another array)
 * @param boolean $readOnly              is column read only or not
 * @return string an html snippet
function PMA_getValueColumnForOtherDatatypes($column, $default_char_editing,
    $column_name_appendix, $onChangeClause, $tabindex, $special_chars,
    $tabindex_for_value, $idindex, $text_dir, $special_chars_encoded, $data,
    $extracted_columnspec, $readOnly
) {
    // HTML5 data-* attribute data-type
    $data_type = $GLOBALS['PMA_Types']->getTypeClass($column['True_Type']);
    $fieldsize = PMA_getColumnSize($column, $extracted_columnspec);
    $html_output = $backup_field . "\n";
    if ($column['is_char']
        && ($GLOBALS['cfg']['CharEditing'] == 'textarea'
        || mb_strpos($data, "\n") !== false)
    ) {
        $html_output .= "\n";
        $GLOBALS['cfg']['CharEditing'] = $default_char_editing;
        $html_output .= PMA_getTextarea(
            $column, $backup_field, $column_name_appendix, $onChangeClause,
            $tabindex, $tabindex_for_value, $idindex, $text_dir,
            $special_chars_encoded, $data_type, $readOnly
    } else {
        $html_output .= PMA_getHTMLinput(
            $column, $column_name_appendix, $special_chars, $fieldsize,
            $onChangeClause, $tabindex, $tabindex_for_value, $idindex,
            $data_type, $readOnly

        $virtual = array(
        if (in_array($column['Extra'], $virtual)) {
            $html_output .= '<input type="hidden" name="virtual'
                . $column_name_appendix . '" value="1" />';
        if ($column['Extra'] == 'auto_increment') {
            $html_output .= '<input type="hidden" name="auto_increment'
                . $column_name_appendix . '" value="1" />';
        if (substr($column['pma_type'], 0, 9) == 'timestamp') {
            $html_output .= '<input type="hidden" name="fields_type'
                . $column_name_appendix . '" value="timestamp" />';
        if (substr($column['pma_type'], 0, 8) == 'datetime') {
            $html_output .= '<input type="hidden" name="fields_type'
                . $column_name_appendix . '" value="datetime" />';
        if ($column['True_Type'] == 'bit') {
            $html_output .= '<input type="hidden" name="fields_type'
                . $column_name_appendix . '" value="bit" />';
        if ($column['pma_type'] == 'date'
            || $column['pma_type'] == 'datetime'
            || substr($column['pma_type'], 0, 9) == 'timestamp'
        ) {
            // the _3 suffix points to the date field
            // the _2 suffix points to the corresponding NULL checkbox
            // in dateFormat, 'yy' means the year with 4 digits
    return $html_output;

 * Get the field size
 * @param array $column               description of column in given table
 * @param array $extracted_columnspec associative array containing type,
 *                                    spec_in_brackets and possibly enum_set_values
 *                                    (another array)
 * @return integer      field size
function PMA_getColumnSize($column, $extracted_columnspec)
    if ($column['is_char']) {
        $fieldsize = $extracted_columnspec['spec_in_brackets'];
        if ($fieldsize > $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxSizeForInputField']) {
             * This case happens for CHAR or VARCHAR columns which have
             * a size larger than the maximum size for input field.
            $GLOBALS['cfg']['CharEditing'] = 'textarea';
    } else {
         * This case happens for example for INT or DATE columns;
         * in these situations, the value returned in $column['len']
         * seems appropriate.
        $fieldsize = $column['len'];
    return min(
        max($fieldsize, $GLOBALS['cfg']['MinSizeForInputField']),

 * Get HTML for gis data types
 * @return string an html snippet
function PMA_getHTMLforGisDataTypes()
    $edit_str = PMA\libraries\Util::getIcon('b_edit.png', __('Edit/Insert'));
    return '<span class="open_gis_editor">'
        . PMA\libraries\Util::linkOrButton(
            '#', $edit_str, array(), false, false, '_blank'
        . '</span>';

 * get html for continue insertion form
 * @param string $table              name of the table
 * @param string $db                 name of the database
 * @param array  $where_clause_array array of where clauses
 * @param string $err_url            error url
 * @return string                   an html snippet
function PMA_getContinueInsertionForm($table, $db, $where_clause_array, $err_url)
    $html_output = '<form id="continueForm" method="post"'
        . ' action="tbl_replace.php" name="continueForm">'
        . PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs($db, $table)
        . '<input type="hidden" name="goto"'
        . ' value="' . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['goto']) . '" />'
        . '<input type="hidden" name="err_url"'
        . ' value="' . htmlspecialchars($err_url) . '" />'
        . '<input type="hidden" name="sql_query"'
        . ' value="' . htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['sql_query']) . '" />';

    if (isset($_REQUEST['where_clause'])) {
        foreach ($where_clause_array as $key_id => $where_clause) {

            $html_output .= '<input type="hidden"'
                . ' name="where_clause[' . $key_id . ']"'
                . ' value="' . htmlspecialchars(trim($where_clause)) . '" />' . "\n";
    $tmp = '<select name="insert_rows" id="insert_rows">' . "\n";
    $option_values = array(1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40);

    foreach ($option_values as $value) {
        $tmp .= '<option value="' . $value . '"';
        if ($value == $GLOBALS['cfg']['InsertRows']) {
            $tmp .= ' selected="selected"';
        $tmp .= '>' . $value . '</option>' . "\n";

    $tmp .= '</select>' . "\n";
    $html_output .= "\n" . sprintf(__('Continue insertion with %s rows'), $tmp);
    $html_output .= '</form>' . "\n";
    return $html_output;

 * Get action panel
 * @param array   $where_clause       where clause
 * @param string  $after_insert       insert mode, e.g. new_insert, same_insert
 * @param integer $tabindex           tab index
 * @param integer $tabindex_for_value offset for the values tabindex
 * @param boolean $found_unique_key   boolean variable for unique key
 * @return string an html snippet
function PMA_getActionsPanel($where_clause, $after_insert, $tabindex,
    $tabindex_for_value, $found_unique_key
) {
    $html_output = '<fieldset id="actions_panel">'
        . '<table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">'
        . '<tr>'
        . '<td class="nowrap vmiddle">'
        . PMA_getSubmitTypeDropDown($where_clause, $tabindex, $tabindex_for_value)
        . "\n";

    $html_output .= '</td>'
        . '<td class="vmiddle">'
        . '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>'
        . __('and then') . '</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'
        . '</td>'
        . '<td class="nowrap vmiddle">'
        . PMA_getAfterInsertDropDown(
            $where_clause, $after_insert, $found_unique_key
        . '</td>'
        . '</tr>';
    $html_output .='<tr>'
        . PMA_getSubmitAndResetButtonForActionsPanel($tabindex, $tabindex_for_value)
        . '</tr>'
        . '</table>'
        . '</fieldset>';
    return $html_output;

 * Get a HTML drop down for submit types
 * @param array   $where_clause       where clause
 * @param integer $tabindex           tab index
 * @param integer $tabindex_for_value offset for the values tabindex
 * @return string                       an html snippet
function PMA_getSubmitTypeDropDown($where_clause, $tabindex, $tabindex_for_value)
    $html_output = '<select name="submit_type" class="control_at_footer" tabindex="'
        . ($tabindex + $tabindex_for_value + 1) . '">';
    if (isset($where_clause)) {
        $html_output .= '<option value="save">' . __('Save') . '</option>';
    $html_output .= '<option value="insert">'
        . __('Insert as new row')
        . '</option>'
        . '<option value="insertignore">'
        . __('Insert as new row and ignore errors')
        . '</option>'
        . '<option value="showinsert">'
        . __('Show insert query')
        . '</option>'
        . '</select>';
    return $html_output;

 * Get HTML drop down for after insert
 * @param array   $where_clause     where clause
 * @param string  $after_insert     insert mode, e.g. new_insert, same_insert
 * @param boolean $found_unique_key boolean variable for unique key
 * @return string                   an html snippet
function PMA_getAfterInsertDropDown($where_clause, $after_insert, $found_unique_key)
    $html_output = '<select name="after_insert" class="control_at_footer">'
        . '<option value="back" '
        . ($after_insert == 'back' ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . '>'
        . __('Go back to previous page') . '</option>'
        . '<option value="new_insert" '
        . ($after_insert == 'new_insert' ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . '>'
        . __('Insert another new row') . '</option>';

    if (isset($where_clause)) {
        $html_output .= '<option value="same_insert" '
            . ($after_insert == 'same_insert' ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . '>'
            . __('Go back to this page') . '</option>';

        // If we have just numeric primary key, we can also edit next
        // in 2.8.2, we were looking for `field_name` = numeric_value
        //if (preg_match('@^[\s]*`[^`]*` = [0-9]+@', $where_clause)) {
        // in 2.9.0, we are looking for `table_name`.`field_name` = numeric_value
        $is_numeric = false;
        if (! is_array($where_clause)) {
            $where_clause = array($where_clause);
        for ($i = 0, $nb = count($where_clause); $i < $nb; $i++) {
            // preg_match() returns 1 if there is a match
            $is_numeric = (preg_match(
                '@^[\s]*`[^`]*`[\.]`[^`]*` = [0-9]+@',
            ) == 1);
            if ($is_numeric === true) {
        if ($found_unique_key && $is_numeric) {
            $html_output .= '<option value="edit_next" '
                . ($after_insert == 'edit_next' ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . '>'
                . __('Edit next row') . '</option>';

    $html_output .= '</select>';
    return $html_output;


 * get Submit button and Reset button for action panel
 * @param integer $tabindex           tab index
 * @param integer $tabindex_for_value offset for the values tabindex
 * @return string an html snippet
function PMA_getSubmitAndResetButtonForActionsPanel($tabindex, $tabindex_for_value)
    return '<td>'
    . PMA\libraries\Util::showHint(
            'Use TAB key to move from value to value,'
            . ' or CTRL+arrows to move anywhere.'
    . '</td>'
    . '<td colspan="3" class="right vmiddle">'
    . '<input type="submit" class="control_at_footer" value="' . __('Go') . '"'
    . ' tabindex="' . ($tabindex + $tabindex_for_value + 6) . '" id="buttonYes" />'
    . '<input type="button" class="preview_sql" value="' . __('Preview SQL') . '"'
    . ' tabindex="' . ($tabindex + $tabindex_for_value + 7) . '" />'
    . '<input type="reset" class="control_at_footer" value="' . __('Reset') . '"'
    . ' tabindex="' . ($tabindex + $tabindex_for_value + 8) . '" />'
    . '</td>';

 * Get table head and table foot for insert row table
 * @param array $url_params url parameters
 * @return string           an html snippet
function PMA_getHeadAndFootOfInsertRowTable($url_params)
    $html_output = '<table class="insertRowTable topmargin">'
        . '<thead>'
        . '<tr>'
        . '<th>' . __('Column') . '</th>';

    if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowFieldTypesInDataEditView']) {
        $html_output .= PMA_showTypeOrFunction('type', $url_params, true);
    if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowFunctionFields']) {
        $html_output .= PMA_showTypeOrFunction('function', $url_params, true);

    $html_output .= '<th>' . __('Null') . '</th>'
        . '<th>' . __('Value') . '</th>'
        . '</tr>'
        . '</thead>'
        . ' <tfoot>'
        . '<tr>'
        . '<th colspan="5" class="tblFooters right">'
        . '<input type="submit" value="' . __('Go') . '" />'
        . '</th>'
        . '</tr>'
        . '</tfoot>';
    return $html_output;

 * Prepares the field value and retrieve special chars, backup field and data array
 * @param array   $current_row          a row of the table
 * @param array   $column               description of column in given table
 * @param array   $extracted_columnspec associative array containing type,
 *                                      spec_in_brackets and possibly
 *                                      enum_set_values (another array)
 * @param boolean $real_null_value      whether column value null or not null
 * @param array   $gis_data_types       list of GIS data types
 * @param string  $column_name_appendix string to append to column name in input
 * @param bool    $as_is                use the data as is, used in repopulating
 * @return array $real_null_value, $data, $special_chars, $backup_field,
 *               $special_chars_encoded
function PMA_getSpecialCharsAndBackupFieldForExistingRow(
    $current_row, $column, $extracted_columnspec,
    $real_null_value, $gis_data_types, $column_name_appendix, $as_is
) {
    $special_chars_encoded = '';
    $data = null;
    // (we are editing)
    if (!isset($current_row[$column['Field']])) {
        $real_null_value = true;
        $current_row[$column['Field']] = '';
        $special_chars = '';
        $data = $current_row[$column['Field']];
    } elseif ($column['True_Type'] == 'bit') {
        $special_chars = $as_is
            ? $current_row[$column['Field']]
            : PMA\libraries\Util::printableBitValue(
    } elseif ((substr($column['True_Type'], 0, 9) == 'timestamp'
        || $column['True_Type'] == 'datetime'
        || $column['True_Type'] == 'time')
        && (mb_strpos($current_row[$column['Field']], ".") !== false)
    ) {
        $current_row[$column['Field']] = $as_is
            ? $current_row[$column['Field']]
            : PMA\libraries\Util::addMicroseconds(
        $special_chars = htmlspecialchars($current_row[$column['Field']]);
    } elseif (in_array($column['True_Type'], $gis_data_types)) {
        // Convert gis data to Well Know Text format
        $current_row[$column['Field']] = $as_is
            ? $current_row[$column['Field']]
            : PMA\libraries\Util::asWKT(
                $current_row[$column['Field']], true
        $special_chars = htmlspecialchars($current_row[$column['Field']]);
    } else {
        // special binary "characters"
        if ($column['is_binary']
            || ($column['is_blob'] && $GLOBALS['cfg']['ProtectBinary'] !== 'all')
        ) {
            $current_row[$column['Field']] = $as_is
                ? $current_row[$column['Field']]
                : bin2hex(
        } // end if
        $special_chars = htmlspecialchars($current_row[$column['Field']]);

        //We need to duplicate the first \n or otherwise we will lose
        //the first newline entered in a VARCHAR or TEXT column
            = PMA\libraries\Util::duplicateFirstNewline($special_chars);

        $data = $current_row[$column['Field']];
    } // end if... else...

    //when copying row, it is useful to empty auto-increment column
    // to prevent duplicate key error
    if (isset($_REQUEST['default_action'])
        && $_REQUEST['default_action'] === 'insert'
    ) {
        if ($column['Key'] === 'PRI'
            && mb_strpos($column['Extra'], 'auto_increment') !== false
        ) {
            $data = $special_chars_encoded = $special_chars = null;
    // If a timestamp field value is not included in an update
    // statement MySQL auto-update it to the current timestamp;
    // however, things have changed since MySQL 4.1, so
    // it's better to set a fields_prev in this situation
    $backup_field = '<input type="hidden" name="fields_prev'
        . $column_name_appendix . '" value="'
        . htmlspecialchars($current_row[$column['Field']]) . '" />';

    return array(

 * display default values
 * @param array   $column          description of column in given table
 * @param boolean $real_null_value whether column value null or not null
 * @return array $real_null_value, $data, $special_chars,
 *               $backup_field, $special_chars_encoded
function PMA_getSpecialCharsAndBackupFieldForInsertingMode(
    $column, $real_null_value
) {
    if (! isset($column['Default'])) {
        $column['Default']    = '';
        $real_null_value          = true;
        $data                     = '';
    } else {
        $data                     = $column['Default'];

    $trueType = $column['True_Type'];

    if ($trueType == 'bit') {
        $special_chars = PMA\libraries\Util::convertBitDefaultValue(
    } elseif (substr($trueType, 0, 9) == 'timestamp'
        || $trueType == 'datetime'
        || $trueType == 'time'
    ) {
        $special_chars = PMA\libraries\Util::addMicroseconds($column['Default']);
    } elseif ($trueType == 'binary' || $trueType == 'varbinary') {
        $special_chars = bin2hex($column['Default']);
    } else {
        $special_chars = htmlspecialchars($column['Default']);
    $backup_field = '';
    $special_chars_encoded = PMA\libraries\Util::duplicateFirstNewline(
    return array(
        $real_null_value, $data, $special_chars,
        $backup_field, $special_chars_encoded

 * Prepares the update/insert of a row
 * @return array     $loop_array, $using_key, $is_insert, $is_insertignore
function PMA_getParamsForUpdateOrInsert()
    if (isset($_REQUEST['where_clause'])) {
        // we were editing something => use the WHERE clause
        $loop_array = is_array($_REQUEST['where_clause'])
            ? $_REQUEST['where_clause']
            : array($_REQUEST['where_clause']);
        $using_key  = true;
        $is_insert  = isset($_REQUEST['submit_type'])
                      && ($_REQUEST['submit_type'] == 'insert'
                      || $_REQUEST['submit_type'] == 'showinsert'
                      || $_REQUEST['submit_type'] == 'insertignore');
    } else {
        // new row => use indexes
        $loop_array = array();
        if (! empty($_REQUEST['fields'])) {
            foreach ($_REQUEST['fields']['multi_edit'] as $key => $dummy) {
                $loop_array[] = $key;
        $using_key  = false;
        $is_insert  = true;
    $is_insertignore  = isset($_REQUEST['submit_type'])
        && $_REQUEST['submit_type'] == 'insertignore';
    return array($loop_array, $using_key, $is_insert, $is_insertignore);

 * Check wether insert row mode and if so include tbl_changen script and set
 * global variables.
 * @return void
function PMA_isInsertRow()
    if (isset($_REQUEST['insert_rows'])
        && is_numeric($_REQUEST['insert_rows'])
        && $_REQUEST['insert_rows'] != $GLOBALS['cfg']['InsertRows']
    ) {
        $GLOBALS['cfg']['InsertRows'] = $_REQUEST['insert_rows'];
        $response = PMA\libraries\Response::getInstance();
        $header = $response->getHeader();
        $scripts = $header->getScripts();
        if (!defined('TESTSUITE')) {
            include 'tbl_change.php';

 * set $_SESSION for edit_next
 * @param string $one_where_clause one where clause from where clauses array
 * @return void
function PMA_setSessionForEditNext($one_where_clause)
    $local_query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($GLOBALS['db'])
        . '.' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($GLOBALS['table']) . ' WHERE '
        . str_replace('` =', '` >', $one_where_clause) . ' LIMIT 1;';

    $res            = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query($local_query);
    $row            = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchRow($res);
    $meta           = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getFieldsMeta($res);
    // must find a unique condition based on unique key,
    // not a combination of all fields
    list($unique_condition, $clause_is_unique)
        = PMA\libraries\Util::getUniqueCondition(
            $res, // handle
            count($meta), // fields_cnt
            $meta, // fields_meta
            $row, // row
            true, // force_unique
            false, // restrict_to_table
            null // analyzed_sql_results
    if (! empty($unique_condition)) {
        $_SESSION['edit_next'] = $unique_condition;
    unset($unique_condition, $clause_is_unique);

 * set $goto_include variable for different cases and retrieve like,
 * if $GLOBALS['goto'] empty, if $goto_include previously not defined
 * and new_insert, same_insert, edit_next
 * @param string $goto_include store some script for include, otherwise it is
 *                             boolean false
 * @return string               $goto_include
function PMA_getGotoInclude($goto_include)
    $valid_options = array('new_insert', 'same_insert', 'edit_next');
    if (isset($_REQUEST['after_insert'])
        && in_array($_REQUEST['after_insert'], $valid_options)
    ) {
        $goto_include = 'tbl_change.php';
    } elseif (! empty($GLOBALS['goto'])) {
        if (! preg_match('@^[a-z_]+\.php$@', $GLOBALS['goto'])) {
            // this should NOT happen
            //$GLOBALS['goto'] = false;
            $goto_include = false;
        } else {
            $goto_include = $GLOBALS['goto'];
        if ($GLOBALS['goto'] == 'db_sql.php'
            && mb_strlen($GLOBALS['table'])
        ) {
            $GLOBALS['table'] = '';
    if (! $goto_include) {
        if (! mb_strlen($GLOBALS['table'])) {
            $goto_include = 'db_sql.php';
        } else {
            $goto_include = 'tbl_sql.php';
    return $goto_include;

 * Defines the url to return in case of failure of the query
 * @param array $url_params url parameters
 * @return string           error url for query failure
function PMA_getErrorUrl($url_params)
    if (isset($_REQUEST['err_url'])) {
        return $_REQUEST['err_url'];
    } else {
        return 'tbl_change.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($url_params);

 * Builds the sql query
 * @param boolean $is_insertignore $_REQUEST['submit_type'] == 'insertignore'
 * @param array   $query_fields    column names array
 * @param array   $value_sets      array of query values
 * @return array of query
function PMA_buildSqlQuery($is_insertignore, $query_fields, $value_sets)
    if ($is_insertignore) {
        $insert_command = 'INSERT IGNORE ';
    } else {
        $insert_command = 'INSERT ';
    $query = array(
        $insert_command . 'INTO '
        . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($GLOBALS['table'])
        . ' (' . implode(', ', $query_fields) . ') VALUES ('
        . implode('), (', $value_sets) . ')'
    unset($insert_command, $query_fields);
    return $query;

 * Executes the sql query and get the result, then move back to the calling page
 * @param array $url_params url parameters array
 * @param array $query      built query from PMA_buildSqlQuery()
 * @return array            $url_params, $total_affected_rows, $last_messages
 *                          $warning_messages, $error_messages, $return_to_sql_query
function PMA_executeSqlQuery($url_params, $query)
    $return_to_sql_query = '';
    if (! empty($GLOBALS['sql_query'])) {
        $url_params['sql_query'] = $GLOBALS['sql_query'];
        $return_to_sql_query = $GLOBALS['sql_query'];
    $GLOBALS['sql_query'] = implode('; ', $query) . ';';
    // to ensure that the query is displayed in case of
    // "insert as new row" and then "insert another new row"
    $GLOBALS['display_query'] = $GLOBALS['sql_query'];

    $total_affected_rows = 0;
    $last_messages = array();
    $warning_messages = array();
    $error_messages = array();

    foreach ($query as $single_query) {
        if ($_REQUEST['submit_type'] == 'showinsert') {
            $last_messages[] = Message::notice(__('Showing SQL query'));
        if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['IgnoreMultiSubmitErrors']) {
            $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($single_query);
        } else {
            $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query($single_query);
        if (! $result) {
            $error_messages[] = Message::sanitize($GLOBALS['dbi']->getError());
        } else {
            // The next line contains a real assignment, it's not a typo
            if ($tmp = @$GLOBALS['dbi']->affectedRows()) {
                $total_affected_rows += $tmp;

            $insert_id = $GLOBALS['dbi']->insertId();
            if ($insert_id != 0) {
                // insert_id is id of FIRST record inserted in one insert, so if we
                // inserted multiple rows, we had to increment this

                if ($total_affected_rows > 0) {
                    $insert_id = $insert_id + $total_affected_rows - 1;
                $last_message = Message::notice(__('Inserted row id: %1$d'));
                $last_messages[] = $last_message;
        $warning_messages = PMA_getWarningMessages();
    return array(

 * get the warning messages array
 * @return array  $warning_essages
function PMA_getWarningMessages()
    $warning_essages = array();
    foreach ($GLOBALS['dbi']->getWarnings() as $warning) {
        $warning_essages[] = Message::sanitize(
            $warning['Level'] . ': #' . $warning['Code'] . ' ' . $warning['Message']
    return $warning_essages;

 * Column to display from the foreign table?
 * @param string $where_comparison string that contain relation field value
 * @param array  $map              all Relations to foreign tables for a given
 *                                 table or optionally a given column in a table
 * @param string $relation_field   relation field
 * @return string $dispval display value from the foreign table
function PMA_getDisplayValueForForeignTableColumn($where_comparison,
    $map, $relation_field
) {
    $foreigner = PMA_searchColumnInForeigners($map, $relation_field);
    $display_field = PMA_getDisplayField(
    // Field to display from the foreign table?
    if (isset($display_field) && mb_strlen($display_field)) {
        $dispsql = 'SELECT ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($display_field)
            . ' FROM ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($foreigner['foreign_db'])
            . '.' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($foreigner['foreign_table'])
            . ' WHERE ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($foreigner['foreign_field'])
            . $where_comparison;
        $dispresult  = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery(
            $dispsql, null, PMA\libraries\DatabaseInterface::QUERY_STORE
        if ($dispresult && $GLOBALS['dbi']->numRows($dispresult) > 0) {
            list($dispval) = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchRow($dispresult, 0);
        } else {
            $dispval = '';
        if ($dispresult) {
        return $dispval;
    return '';

 * Display option in the cell according to user choices
 * @param array  $map                  all Relations to foreign tables for a given
 *                                     table or optionally a given column in a table
 * @param string $relation_field       relation field
 * @param string $where_comparison     string that contain relation field value
 * @param string $dispval              display value from the foreign table
 * @param string $relation_field_value relation field value
 * @return string $output HTML <a> tag
function PMA_getLinkForRelationalDisplayField($map, $relation_field,
    $where_comparison, $dispval, $relation_field_value
) {
    $foreigner = PMA_searchColumnInForeigners($map, $relation_field);
    if ('K' == $_SESSION['tmpval']['relational_display']) {
        // user chose "relational key" in the display options, so
        // the title contains the display field
        $title = (! empty($dispval))
            ? ' title="' . htmlspecialchars($dispval) . '"'
            : '';
    } else {
        $title = ' title="' . htmlspecialchars($relation_field_value) . '"';
    $_url_params = array(
        'db'    => $foreigner['foreign_db'],
        'table' => $foreigner['foreign_table'],
        'pos'   => '0',
        'sql_query' => 'SELECT * FROM '
            . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($foreigner['foreign_db'])
            . '.' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($foreigner['foreign_table'])
            . ' WHERE ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($foreigner['foreign_field'])
            . $where_comparison
    $output = '<a href="sql.php'
        . PMA_URL_getCommon($_url_params) . '"' . $title . '>';

    if ('D' == $_SESSION['tmpval']['relational_display']) {
        // user chose "relational display field" in the
        // display options, so show display field in the cell
        $output .= (!empty($dispval)) ? htmlspecialchars($dispval) : '';
    } else {
        // otherwise display data in the cell
        $output .= htmlspecialchars($relation_field_value);
    $output .= '</a>';
    return $output;

 * Transform edited values
 * @param string $db             db name
 * @param string $table          table name
 * @param array  $transformation mimetypes for all columns of a table
 *                               [field_name][field_key]
 * @param array  &$edited_values transform columns list and new values
 * @param string $file           file containing the transformation plugin
 * @param string $column_name    column name
 * @param array  $extra_data     extra data array
 * @param string $type           the type of transformation
 * @return array $extra_data
function PMA_transformEditedValues($db, $table,
    $transformation, &$edited_values, $file, $column_name, $extra_data, $type
) {
    $include_file = 'libraries/plugins/transformations/' . $file;
    if (is_file($include_file)) {
        include_once $include_file;
        $_url_params = array(
            'db'            => $db,
            'table'         => $table,
            'where_clause'  => $_REQUEST['where_clause'],
            'where_clause_sign' => PMA\libraries\Util::signSqlQuery($_REQUEST['where_clause']),
            'transform_key' => $column_name
        $transform_options  = PMA_Transformation_getOptions(
            isset($transformation[$type . '_options'])
            ? $transformation[$type . '_options']
            : ''
            = PMA_URL_getCommon($_url_params);
        $class_name = PMA_getTransformationClassName($include_file);
        if (class_exists($class_name)) {
            /** @var TransformationsPlugin $transformation_plugin */
            $transformation_plugin = new $class_name();

            foreach ($edited_values as $cell_index => $curr_cell_edited_values) {
                if (isset($curr_cell_edited_values[$column_name])) {
                        = $extra_data['transformations'][$cell_index]
                        = $transformation_plugin->applyTransformation(
            }   // end of loop for each transformation cell
    return $extra_data;

 * Get current value in multi edit mode
 * @param array  $multi_edit_funcs        multiple edit functions array
 * @param array  $multi_edit_salt         multiple edit array with encryption salt
 * @param array  $gis_from_text_functions array that contains gis from text functions
 * @param string $current_value           current value in the column
 * @param array  $gis_from_wkb_functions  initially $val is $multi_edit_columns[$key]
 * @param array  $func_optional_param     array('RAND','UNIX_TIMESTAMP')
 * @param array  $func_no_param           array of set of string
 * @param string $key                     an md5 of the column name
 * @return array $cur_value
function PMA_getCurrentValueAsAnArrayForMultipleEdit( $multi_edit_funcs,
    $gis_from_text_functions, $current_value, $gis_from_wkb_functions,
    $func_optional_param, $func_no_param, $key
) {
    if (empty($multi_edit_funcs[$key])) {
        return $current_value;
    } elseif ('UUID' === $multi_edit_funcs[$key]) {
        /* This way user will know what UUID new row has */
        $uuid = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchValue('SELECT UUID()');
        return "'" . $uuid . "'";
    } elseif ((in_array($multi_edit_funcs[$key], $gis_from_text_functions)
        && substr($current_value, 0, 3) == "'''")
        || in_array($multi_edit_funcs[$key], $gis_from_wkb_functions)
    ) {
        // Remove enclosing apostrophes
        $current_value = mb_substr($current_value, 1, -1);
        // Remove escaping apostrophes
        $current_value = str_replace("''", "'", $current_value);
        return $multi_edit_funcs[$key] . '(' . $current_value . ')';
    } elseif (! in_array($multi_edit_funcs[$key], $func_no_param)
        || ($current_value != "''"
        && in_array($multi_edit_funcs[$key], $func_optional_param))
    ) {
        if ((isset($multi_edit_salt[$key])
            && ($multi_edit_funcs[$key] == "AES_ENCRYPT"
            || $multi_edit_funcs[$key] == "AES_DECRYPT"))
            || (! empty($multi_edit_salt[$key])
            && ($multi_edit_funcs[$key] == "DES_ENCRYPT"
            || $multi_edit_funcs[$key] == "DES_DECRYPT"
            || $multi_edit_funcs[$key] == "ENCRYPT"))
        ) {
            return $multi_edit_funcs[$key] . '(' . $current_value . ",'"
                . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($multi_edit_salt[$key]) . "')";
        } else {
            return $multi_edit_funcs[$key] . '(' . $current_value . ')';
    } else {
        return $multi_edit_funcs[$key] . '()';

 * Get query values array and query fields array for insert and update in multi edit
 * @param array   $multi_edit_columns_name      multiple edit columns name array
 * @param array   $multi_edit_columns_null      multiple edit columns null array
 * @param string  $current_value                current value in the column in loop
 * @param array   $multi_edit_columns_prev      multiple edit previous columns array
 * @param array   $multi_edit_funcs             multiple edit functions array
 * @param boolean $is_insert                    boolean value whether insert or not
 * @param array   $query_values                 SET part of the sql query
 * @param array   $query_fields                 array of query fields
 * @param string  $current_value_as_an_array    current value in the column
 *                                              as an array
 * @param array   $value_sets                   array of valu sets
 * @param string  $key                          an md5 of the column name
 * @param array   $multi_edit_columns_null_prev array of multiple edit columns
 *                                              null previous
 * @return array ($query_values, $query_fields)
function PMA_getQueryValuesForInsertAndUpdateInMultipleEdit($multi_edit_columns_name,
    $multi_edit_columns_null, $current_value, $multi_edit_columns_prev,
    $multi_edit_funcs,$is_insert, $query_values, $query_fields,
    $current_value_as_an_array, $value_sets, $key, $multi_edit_columns_null_prev
) {
    //  i n s e r t
    if ($is_insert) {
        // no need to add column into the valuelist
        if (mb_strlen($current_value_as_an_array)) {
            $query_values[] = $current_value_as_an_array;
            // first inserted row so prepare the list of fields
            if (empty($value_sets)) {
                $query_fields[] = PMA\libraries\Util::backquote(

    } elseif (! empty($multi_edit_columns_null_prev[$key])
        && ! isset($multi_edit_columns_null[$key])
    ) {
        //  u p d a t e

        // field had the null checkbox before the update
        // field no longer has the null checkbox
            = PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($multi_edit_columns_name[$key])
            . ' = ' . $current_value_as_an_array;
    } elseif (empty($multi_edit_funcs[$key])
        && isset($multi_edit_columns_prev[$key])
        && (("'" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($multi_edit_columns_prev[$key]) . "'" === $current_value)
        || ('0x' . $multi_edit_columns_prev[$key] === $current_value))
    ) {
        // No change for this column and no MySQL function is used -> next column
    } elseif (! empty($current_value)) {
        // avoid setting a field to NULL when it's already NULL
        // (field had the null checkbox before the update
        //  field still has the null checkbox)
        if (empty($multi_edit_columns_null_prev[$key])
            || empty($multi_edit_columns_null[$key])
        ) {
                 = PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($multi_edit_columns_name[$key])
                . ' = ' . $current_value_as_an_array;
    return array($query_values, $query_fields);

 * Get the current column value in the form for different data types
 * @param string|false $possibly_uploaded_val        uploaded file content
 * @param string       $key                          an md5 of the column name
 * @param array        $multi_edit_columns_type      array of multi edit column types
 * @param string       $current_value                current column value in the form
 * @param array        $multi_edit_auto_increment    multi edit auto increment
 * @param integer      $rownumber                    index of where clause array
 * @param array        $multi_edit_columns_name      multi edit column names array
 * @param array        $multi_edit_columns_null      multi edit columns null array
 * @param array        $multi_edit_columns_null_prev multi edit columns previous null
 * @param boolean      $is_insert                    whether insert or not
 * @param boolean      $using_key                    whether editing or new row
 * @param string       $where_clause                 where clause
 * @param string       $table                        table name
 * @param array        $multi_edit_funcs             multiple edit functions array
 * @return string $current_value  current column value in the form
function PMA_getCurrentValueForDifferentTypes($possibly_uploaded_val, $key,
    $multi_edit_columns_type, $current_value, $multi_edit_auto_increment,
    $rownumber, $multi_edit_columns_name, $multi_edit_columns_null,
    $multi_edit_columns_null_prev, $is_insert, $using_key, $where_clause, $table,
) {
    // Fetch the current values of a row to use in case we have a protected field
    if ($is_insert
        && $using_key && isset($multi_edit_columns_type)
        && is_array($multi_edit_columns_type) && !empty($where_clause)
    ) {
        $protected_row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchSingleRow(
            'SELECT * FROM ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($table)
            . ' WHERE ' . $where_clause . ';'

    if (false !== $possibly_uploaded_val) {
        $current_value = $possibly_uploaded_val;
    } else if (! empty($multi_edit_funcs[$key])) {
        $current_value = "'" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($current_value)
            . "'";
    } else {
        // c o l u m n    v a l u e    i n    t h e    f o r m
        if (isset($multi_edit_columns_type[$key])) {
            $type = $multi_edit_columns_type[$key];
        } else {
            $type = '';

        if ($type != 'protected' && $type != 'set'
            && 0 === mb_strlen($current_value)
        ) {
            // best way to avoid problems in strict mode
            // (works also in non-strict mode)
            if (isset($multi_edit_auto_increment)
                && isset($multi_edit_auto_increment[$key])
            ) {
                $current_value = 'NULL';
            } else {
                $current_value = "''";
        } elseif ($type == 'set') {
            if (! empty($_REQUEST['fields']['multi_edit'][$rownumber][$key])) {
                $current_value = implode(
                    ',', $_REQUEST['fields']['multi_edit'][$rownumber][$key]
                $current_value = "'"
                    . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($current_value) . "'";
            } else {
                 $current_value = "''";
        } elseif ($type == 'protected') {
            // here we are in protected mode (asked in the config)
            // so tbl_change has put this special value in the
            // columns array, so we do not change the column value
            // but we can still handle column upload

            // when in UPDATE mode, do not alter field's contents. When in INSERT
            // mode, insert empty field because no values were submitted.
            // If protected blobs where set, insert original fields content.
            if (! empty($protected_row[$multi_edit_columns_name[$key]])) {
                $current_value = '0x'
                    . bin2hex($protected_row[$multi_edit_columns_name[$key]]);
            } else {
                $current_value = '';
        } elseif ($type === 'hex') {
            $current_value = '0x' . $current_value;
        } elseif ($type == 'bit') {
            $current_value = preg_replace('/[^01]/', '0', $current_value);
            $current_value = "b'" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($current_value)
                . "'";
        } elseif (! ($type == 'datetime' || $type == 'timestamp')
            || $current_value != 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'
        ) {
            $current_value = "'" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($current_value)
                . "'";

        // Was the Null checkbox checked for this field?
        // (if there is a value, we ignore the Null checkbox: this could
        // be possible if Javascript is disabled in the browser)
        if (! empty($multi_edit_columns_null[$key])
            && ($current_value == "''" || $current_value == '')
        ) {
            $current_value = 'NULL';

        // The Null checkbox was unchecked for this field
        if (empty($current_value)
            && ! empty($multi_edit_columns_null_prev[$key])
            && ! isset($multi_edit_columns_null[$key])
        ) {
            $current_value = "''";
    }  // end else (column value in the form)
    return $current_value;

 * Check whether inline edited value can be truncated or not,
 * and add additional parameters for extra_data array  if needed
 * @param string $db          Database name
 * @param string $table       Table name
 * @param string $column_name Column name
 * @param array  &$extra_data Extra data for ajax response
 * @return void
function PMA_verifyWhetherValueCanBeTruncatedAndAppendExtraData(
    $db, $table, $column_name, &$extra_data
) {

    $extra_data['isNeedToRecheck'] = false;

    $sql_for_real_value = 'SELECT ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($table) . '.'
        . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($column_name)
        . ' FROM ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($db) . '.'
        . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($table)
        . ' WHERE ' . $_REQUEST['where_clause'][0];

    $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($sql_for_real_value);
    $fields_meta = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getFieldsMeta($result);
    $meta = $fields_meta[0];
    if ($row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchRow($result)) {
        $new_value = $row[0];
        if ((substr($meta->type, 0, 9) == 'timestamp')
            || ($meta->type == 'datetime')
            || ($meta->type == 'time')
        ) {
            $new_value = PMA\libraries\Util::addMicroseconds($new_value);
        $extra_data['isNeedToRecheck'] = true;
        $extra_data['truncatableFieldValue'] = $new_value;

 * Function to get the columns of a table
 * @param string $db    current db
 * @param string $table current table
 * @return array
function PMA_getTableColumns($db, $table)
    return array_values($GLOBALS['dbi']->getColumns($db, $table, null, true));


 * Function to determine Insert/Edit rows
 * @param string $where_clause where clause
 * @param string $db           current database
 * @param string $table        current table
 * @return mixed
function PMA_determineInsertOrEdit($where_clause, $db, $table)
    if (isset($_REQUEST['where_clause'])) {
        $where_clause = $_REQUEST['where_clause'];
    if (isset($_SESSION['edit_next'])) {
        $where_clause = $_SESSION['edit_next'];
        $after_insert = 'edit_next';
    if (isset($_REQUEST['ShowFunctionFields'])) {
        $GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowFunctionFields'] = $_REQUEST['ShowFunctionFields'];
    if (isset($_REQUEST['ShowFieldTypesInDataEditView'])) {
            = $_REQUEST['ShowFieldTypesInDataEditView'];
    if (isset($_REQUEST['after_insert'])) {
        $after_insert = $_REQUEST['after_insert'];

    if (isset($where_clause)) {
        // we are editing
        $insert_mode = false;
        $where_clause_array = PMA_getWhereClauseArray($where_clause);
        list($where_clauses, $result, $rows, $found_unique_key)
            = PMA_analyzeWhereClauses(
                $where_clause_array, $table, $db
    } else {
        // we are inserting
        $insert_mode = true;
        $where_clause = null;
        list($result, $rows) = PMA_loadFirstRow($table, $db);
        $where_clauses = null;
        $where_clause_array = array();
        $found_unique_key = false;

    // Copying a row - fetched data will be inserted as a new row,
    // therefore the where clause is needless.
    if (isset($_REQUEST['default_action'])
        && $_REQUEST['default_action'] === 'insert'
    ) {
        $where_clause = $where_clauses = null;

    return array(
        $insert_mode, $where_clause, $where_clause_array, $where_clauses,
        $result, $rows, $found_unique_key,
        isset($after_insert) ? $after_insert : null

 * Function to get comments for the table columns
 * @param string $db    current database
 * @param string $table current table
 * @return array $comments_map comments for columns
function PMA_getCommentsMap($db, $table)
    $comments_map = array();

    if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowPropertyComments']) {
        $comments_map = PMA_getComments($db, $table);

    return $comments_map;

 * Function to get URL parameters
 * @param string $db    current database
 * @param string $table current table
 * @return array $url_params url parameters
function PMA_getUrlParameters($db, $table)
     * @todo check if we could replace by "db_|tbl_" - please clarify!?
    $url_params = array(
        'db' => $db,
        'sql_query' => $_REQUEST['sql_query']

    if (preg_match('@^tbl_@', $GLOBALS['goto'])) {
        $url_params['table'] = $table;

    return $url_params;

 * Function to get html for the gis editor div
 * @return string
function PMA_getHtmlForGisEditor()
    return '<div id="gis_editor"></div>'
        . '<div id="popup_background"></div>'
        . '<br />';

 * Function to get html for the ignore option in insert mode
 * @param int  $row_id  row id
 * @param bool $checked ignore option is checked or not
 * @return string
function PMA_getHtmlForIgnoreOption($row_id, $checked = true)
    return '<input type="checkbox"'
            . ($checked ? ' checked="checked"' : '')
            . ' name="insert_ignore_' . $row_id . '"'
            . ' id="insert_ignore_' . $row_id . '" />'
            . '<label for="insert_ignore_' . $row_id . '">'
            . __('Ignore')
            . '</label><br />' . "\n";

 * Function to get html for the function option
 * @param bool   $odd_row              whether odd row or not
 * @param array  $column               column
 * @param string $column_name_appendix column name appendix
 * @return String
function PMA_getHtmlForFunctionOption($odd_row, $column, $column_name_appendix)
    return '<tr class="noclick ' . ($odd_row ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '">'
        . '<td '
        . 'class="center">'
        . $column['Field_title']
        . '<input type="hidden" name="fields_name' . $column_name_appendix
        . '" value="' . $column['Field_html'] . '"/>'
        . '</td>';


 * Function to get html for the column type
 * @param array $column column
 * @return string
function PMA_getHtmlForInsertEditColumnType($column)
    return '<td class="center' . $column['wrap'] . '">'
        . '<span class="column_type" dir="ltr">' . $column['pma_type'] . '</span>'
        . '</td>';


 * Function to get html for the insert edit form header
 * @param bool $has_blob_field whether has blob field
 * @param bool $is_upload      whether is upload
 * @return string
function PMA_getHtmlForInsertEditFormHeader($has_blob_field, $is_upload)
    $html_output ='<form id="insertForm" class="lock-page ';
    if ($has_blob_field && $is_upload) {
        $html_output .='disableAjax';
    $html_output .='" method="post" action="tbl_replace.php" name="insertForm" ';
    if ($is_upload) {
        $html_output .= ' enctype="multipart/form-data"';
    $html_output .= '>';

    return $html_output;

 * Function to get html for each insert/edit column
 * @param array  $table_columns         table columns
 * @param int    $column_number         column index in table_columns
 * @param array  $comments_map          comments map
 * @param bool   $timestamp_seen        whether timestamp seen
 * @param array  $current_result        current result
 * @param string $chg_evt_handler       javascript change event handler
 * @param string $jsvkey                javascript validation key
 * @param string $vkey                  validation key
 * @param bool   $insert_mode           whether insert mode
 * @param array  $current_row           current row
 * @param bool   $odd_row               whether odd row
 * @param int    &$o_rows               row offset
 * @param int    &$tabindex             tab index
 * @param int    $columns_cnt           columns count
 * @param bool   $is_upload             whether upload
 * @param int    $tabindex_for_function tab index offset for function
 * @param array  $foreigners            foreigners
 * @param int    $tabindex_for_null     tab index offset for null
 * @param int    $tabindex_for_value    tab index offset for value
 * @param string $table                 table
 * @param string $db                    database
 * @param int    $row_id                row id
 * @param array  $titles                titles
 * @param int    $biggest_max_file_size biggest max file size
 * @param string $default_char_editing  default char editing mode which is stored
 *                                      in the config.inc.php script
 * @param string $text_dir              text direction
 * @param array  $repopulate            the data to be repopulated
 * @param array  $column_mime           the mime information of column
 * @param string $where_clause          the where clause
 * @return string
function PMA_getHtmlForInsertEditFormColumn($table_columns, $column_number,
    $comments_map, $timestamp_seen, $current_result, $chg_evt_handler,
    $jsvkey, $vkey, $insert_mode, $current_row, $odd_row, &$o_rows,
    &$tabindex, $columns_cnt, $is_upload, $tabindex_for_function,
    $foreigners, $tabindex_for_null, $tabindex_for_value, $table, $db,
    $row_id, $titles, $biggest_max_file_size, $default_char_editing,
    $text_dir, $repopulate, $column_mime, $where_clause
) {
    $column = $table_columns[$column_number];
    $readOnly = false;
    if (! PMA_userHasColumnPrivileges($column, $insert_mode)) {
        $readOnly = true;

    if (! isset($column['processed'])) {
        $column = PMA_analyzeTableColumnsArray(
            $column, $comments_map, $timestamp_seen
    $as_is = false;
    if (!empty($repopulate) && !empty($current_row)) {
        $current_row[$column['Field']] = $repopulate[$column['Field_md5']];
        $as_is = true;

        = PMA\libraries\Util::extractColumnSpec($column['Type']);

    if (-1 === $column['len']) {
        $column['len'] = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fieldLen(
            $current_result, $column_number
        // length is unknown for geometry fields,
        // make enough space to edit very simple WKTs
        if (-1 === $column['len']) {
            $column['len'] = 30;
    //Call validation when the form submitted...
    $onChangeClause = $chg_evt_handler
        . "=\"return verificationsAfterFieldChange('"
        . PMA_escapeJsString($column['Field_md5']) . "', '"
        . PMA_escapeJsString($jsvkey) . "','" . $column['pma_type'] . "')\"";

    // Use an MD5 as an array index to avoid having special characters
    // in the name attribute (see bug #1746964 )
    $column_name_appendix = $vkey . '[' . $column['Field_md5'] . ']';

    if ($column['Type'] === 'datetime'
        && ! isset($column['Default'])
        && ! is_null($column['Default'])
        && $insert_mode
    ) {
        $column['Default'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());

    $html_output = PMA_getHtmlForFunctionOption(
        $odd_row, $column, $column_name_appendix

    if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowFieldTypesInDataEditView']) {
        $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlForInsertEditColumnType($column);
    } //End if

    // Get a list of GIS data types.
    $gis_data_types = PMA\libraries\Util::getGISDatatypes();

    // Prepares the field value
    $real_null_value = false;
    $special_chars_encoded = '';
    if (!empty($current_row)) {
        // (we are editing)
            $real_null_value, $special_chars_encoded, $special_chars,
            $data, $backup_field
            = PMA_getSpecialCharsAndBackupFieldForExistingRow(
                $current_row, $column, $extracted_columnspec,
                $real_null_value, $gis_data_types, $column_name_appendix, $as_is
    } else {
        // (we are inserting)
        // display default values
        $tmp = $column;
        if (isset($repopulate[$column['Field_md5']])) {
            $tmp['Default'] = $repopulate[$column['Field_md5']];
        list($real_null_value, $data, $special_chars, $backup_field,
            = PMA_getSpecialCharsAndBackupFieldForInsertingMode(
                $tmp, $real_null_value

    $idindex = ($o_rows * $columns_cnt) + $column_number + 1;
    $tabindex = $idindex;

    // Get a list of data types that are not yet supported.
    $no_support_types = PMA\libraries\Util::unsupportedDatatypes();

    // The function column
    // -------------------
    $foreignData = PMA_getForeignData(
        $foreigners, $column['Field'], false, '', ''
    if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowFunctionFields']) {
        $html_output .= PMA_getFunctionColumn(
            $column, $is_upload, $column_name_appendix,
            $onChangeClause, $no_support_types, $tabindex_for_function,
            $tabindex, $idindex, $insert_mode, $readOnly, $foreignData

    // The null column
    // ---------------
    $html_output .= PMA_getNullColumn(
        $column, $column_name_appendix, $real_null_value,
        $tabindex, $tabindex_for_null, $idindex, $vkey, $foreigners,
        $foreignData, $readOnly

    // The value column (depends on type)
    // ----------------
    // See bug #1667887 for the reason why we don't use the maxlength
    // HTML attribute

    //add data attributes "no of decimals" and "data type"
    $no_decimals = 0;
    $type = current(explode("(", $column['pma_type']));
    if (preg_match('/\(([^()]+)\)/', $column['pma_type'], $match)) {
        $match[0] = trim($match[0], '()');
        $no_decimals = $match[0];
    $html_output .= '<td' . ' data-type="' . $type . '"' . ' data-decimals="'
        . $no_decimals . '">' . "\n";
    // Will be used by js/tbl_change.js to set the default value
    // for the "Continue insertion" feature
    $html_output .= '<span class="default_value hide">'
        . $special_chars . '</span>';

    // Check input transformation of column
    $transformed_html = '';
    if (!empty($column_mime['input_transformation'])) {
        $file = $column_mime['input_transformation'];
        $include_file = 'libraries/plugins/transformations/' . $file;
        if (is_file($include_file)) {
            $class_name = PMA_getTransformationClassName($include_file);
            if (class_exists($class_name)) {
                $transformation_plugin = new $class_name();
                $transformation_options = PMA_Transformation_getOptions(
                $_url_params = array(
                    'db' => $db,
                    'table' => $table,
                    'transform_key' => $column['Field'],
                    'where_clause_sign' => PMA\libraries\Util::signSqlQuery($where_clause),
                    'where_clause' => $where_clause
                    = PMA_URL_getCommon($_url_params);
                $current_value = '';
                if (isset($current_row[$column['Field']])) {
                    $current_value = $current_row[$column['Field']];
                if (method_exists($transformation_plugin, 'getInputHtml')) {
                    $transformed_html = $transformation_plugin->getInputHtml(
                        $column, $row_id, $column_name_appendix,
                        $transformation_options, $current_value, $text_dir,
                        $tabindex, $tabindex_for_value, $idindex
                if (method_exists($transformation_plugin, 'getScripts')) {
                    $GLOBALS['plugin_scripts'] = array_merge(
                        $GLOBALS['plugin_scripts'], $transformation_plugin->getScripts()
    if (!empty($transformed_html)) {
        $html_output .= $transformed_html;
    } else {
        $html_output .= PMA_getValueColumn(
            $column, $backup_field, $column_name_appendix, $onChangeClause,
            $tabindex, $tabindex_for_value, $idindex, $data, $special_chars,
            $foreignData, $odd_row, array($table, $db), $row_id, $titles,
            $text_dir, $special_chars_encoded, $vkey, $is_upload,
            $biggest_max_file_size, $default_char_editing,
            $no_support_types, $gis_data_types, $extracted_columnspec, $readOnly
    return $html_output;

 * Function to get html for each insert/edit row
 * @param array  $url_params            url parameters
 * @param array  $table_columns         table columns
 * @param array  $comments_map          comments map
 * @param bool   $timestamp_seen        whether timestamp seen
 * @param array  $current_result        current result
 * @param string $chg_evt_handler       javascript change event handler
 * @param string $jsvkey                javascript validation key
 * @param string $vkey                  validation key
 * @param bool   $insert_mode           whether insert mode
 * @param array  $current_row           current row
 * @param int    &$o_rows               row offset
 * @param int    &$tabindex             tab index
 * @param int    $columns_cnt           columns count
 * @param bool   $is_upload             whether upload
 * @param int    $tabindex_for_function tab index offset for function
 * @param array  $foreigners            foreigners
 * @param int    $tabindex_for_null     tab index offset for null
 * @param int    $tabindex_for_value    tab index offset for value
 * @param string $table                 table
 * @param string $db                    database
 * @param int    $row_id                row id
 * @param array  $titles                titles
 * @param int    $biggest_max_file_size biggest max file size
 * @param string $text_dir              text direction
 * @param array  $repopulate            the data to be repopulated
 * @param array  $where_clause_array    the array of where clauses
 * @return string
function PMA_getHtmlForInsertEditRow($url_params, $table_columns,
    $comments_map, $timestamp_seen, $current_result, $chg_evt_handler,
    $jsvkey, $vkey, $insert_mode, $current_row, &$o_rows, &$tabindex, $columns_cnt,
    $is_upload, $tabindex_for_function, $foreigners, $tabindex_for_null,
    $tabindex_for_value, $table, $db, $row_id, $titles,
    $biggest_max_file_size, $text_dir, $repopulate, $where_clause_array
) {
    $html_output = PMA_getHeadAndFootOfInsertRowTable($url_params)
        . '<tbody>';

    //store the default value for CharEditing
    $default_char_editing  = $GLOBALS['cfg']['CharEditing'];
    $mime_map = PMA_getMIME($db, $table);
    $odd_row = true;
    $where_clause = '';
    if (isset($where_clause_array[$row_id])) {
        $where_clause = $where_clause_array[$row_id];
    for ($column_number = 0; $column_number < $columns_cnt; $column_number++) {
        $table_column = $table_columns[$column_number];
        $column_mime = array();
        if (isset($mime_map[$table_column['Field']])) {
            $column_mime = $mime_map[$table_column['Field']];
        $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlForInsertEditFormColumn(
            $table_columns, $column_number, $comments_map, $timestamp_seen,
            $current_result, $chg_evt_handler, $jsvkey, $vkey, $insert_mode,
            $current_row, $odd_row, $o_rows, $tabindex, $columns_cnt, $is_upload,
            $tabindex_for_function, $foreigners, $tabindex_for_null,
            $tabindex_for_value, $table, $db, $row_id, $titles,
            $biggest_max_file_size, $default_char_editing, $text_dir, $repopulate,
            $column_mime, $where_clause
        $odd_row = !$odd_row;
    } // end for
    $html_output .= '  </tbody>'
        . '</table><br />'
        . '<div class="clearfloat"></div>';

    return $html_output;

 * Returns whether the user has necessary insert/update privileges for the column
 * @param array $table_column array of column details
 * @param bool  $insert_mode  whether on insert mode
 * @return boolean whether user has necessary privileges
function PMA_userHasColumnPrivileges($table_column, $insert_mode)
    $privileges = $table_column['Privileges'];
    return ($insert_mode && strstr($privileges, 'insert') !== false)
        || (! $insert_mode && strstr($privileges, 'update') !== false);


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