<?php /* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */ /** * functions for multi submit forms * * @usedby mult_submits.inc.php * * @package PhpMyAdmin */ use PMA\libraries\Table; /** * Gets url params * * @param string $what mult submit type * @param bool $reload is reload * @param string $action action type * @param string $db database name * @param string $table table name * @param array $selected selected rows(table,db) * @param array $views table views * @param string $original_sql_query original sql query * @param string $original_url_query original url query * * @return array */ function PMA_getUrlParams( $what, $reload, $action, $db, $table, $selected, $views, $original_sql_query, $original_url_query ) { $_url_params = array( 'query_type' => $what, 'reload' => (! empty($reload) ? 1 : 0), ); if (mb_strpos(' ' . $action, 'db_') == 1) { $_url_params['db']= $db; } elseif (mb_strpos(' ' . $action, 'tbl_') == 1 || $what == 'row_delete' ) { $_url_params['db']= $db; $_url_params['table']= $table; } foreach ($selected as $sval) { if ($what == 'row_delete') { $_url_params['selected'][] = 'DELETE FROM ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($table) . ' WHERE ' . $sval . ' LIMIT 1;'; } else { $_url_params['selected'][] = $sval; } } if ($what == 'drop_tbl' && !empty($views)) { foreach ($views as $current) { $_url_params['views'][] = $current; } } if ($what == 'row_delete') { $_url_params['original_sql_query'] = $original_sql_query; if (! empty($original_url_query)) { $_url_params['original_url_query'] = $original_url_query; } } return $_url_params; } /** * Builds or execute queries for multiple elements, depending on $query_type * * @param string $query_type query type * @param array $selected selected tables * @param string $db db name * @param string $table table name * @param array $views table views * @param string $primary table primary * @param string $from_prefix from prefix original * @param string $to_prefix to prefix original * * @return array */ function PMA_buildOrExecuteQueryForMulti( $query_type, $selected, $db, $table, $views, $primary, $from_prefix, $to_prefix ) { $rebuild_database_list = false; $reload = null; $a_query = null; $sql_query = ''; $sql_query_views = null; // whether to run query after each pass $run_parts = false; // whether to execute the query at the end (to display results) $execute_query_later = false; $result = null; if ($query_type == 'drop_tbl') { $sql_query_views = ''; } $selected_cnt = count($selected); $deletes = false; $copy_tbl =false; for ($i = 0; $i < $selected_cnt; $i++) { switch ($query_type) { case 'row_delete': $deletes = true; $a_query = $selected[$i]; $run_parts = true; break; case 'drop_db': PMA_relationsCleanupDatabase($selected[$i]); $a_query = 'DROP DATABASE ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($selected[$i]); $reload = 1; $run_parts = true; $rebuild_database_list = true; break; case 'drop_tbl': PMA_relationsCleanupTable($db, $selected[$i]); $current = $selected[$i]; if (!empty($views) && in_array($current, $views)) { $sql_query_views .= (empty($sql_query_views) ? 'DROP VIEW ' : ', ') . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($current); } else { $sql_query .= (empty($sql_query) ? 'DROP TABLE ' : ', ') . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($current); } $reload = 1; break; case 'check_tbl': $sql_query .= (empty($sql_query) ? 'CHECK TABLE ' : ', ') . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($selected[$i]); $execute_query_later = true; break; case 'optimize_tbl': $sql_query .= (empty($sql_query) ? 'OPTIMIZE TABLE ' : ', ') . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($selected[$i]); $execute_query_later = true; break; case 'analyze_tbl': $sql_query .= (empty($sql_query) ? 'ANALYZE TABLE ' : ', ') . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($selected[$i]); $execute_query_later = true; break; case 'checksum_tbl': $sql_query .= (empty($sql_query) ? 'CHECKSUM TABLE ' : ', ') . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($selected[$i]); $execute_query_later = true; break; case 'repair_tbl': $sql_query .= (empty($sql_query) ? 'REPAIR TABLE ' : ', ') . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($selected[$i]); $execute_query_later = true; break; case 'empty_tbl': $deletes = true; $a_query = 'TRUNCATE '; $a_query .= PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($selected[$i]); $run_parts = true; break; case 'drop_fld': PMA_relationsCleanupColumn($db, $table, $selected[$i]); $sql_query .= (empty($sql_query) ? 'ALTER TABLE ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($table) : ',') . ' DROP ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($selected[$i]) . (($i == $selected_cnt-1) ? ';' : ''); break; case 'primary_fld': $sql_query .= (empty($sql_query) ? 'ALTER TABLE ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($table) . (empty($primary) ? '' : ' DROP PRIMARY KEY,') . ' ADD PRIMARY KEY( ' : ', ') . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($selected[$i]) . (($i == $selected_cnt-1) ? ');' : ''); break; case 'index_fld': $sql_query .= (empty($sql_query) ? 'ALTER TABLE ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($table) . ' ADD INDEX( ' : ', ') . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($selected[$i]) . (($i == $selected_cnt-1) ? ');' : ''); break; case 'unique_fld': $sql_query .= (empty($sql_query) ? 'ALTER TABLE ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($table) . ' ADD UNIQUE( ' : ', ') . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($selected[$i]) . (($i == $selected_cnt-1) ? ');' : ''); break; case 'spatial_fld': $sql_query .= (empty($sql_query) ? 'ALTER TABLE ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($table) . ' ADD SPATIAL( ' : ', ') . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($selected[$i]) . (($i == $selected_cnt-1) ? ');' : ''); break; case 'fulltext_fld': $sql_query .= (empty($sql_query) ? 'ALTER TABLE ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($table) . ' ADD FULLTEXT( ' : ', ') . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($selected[$i]) . (($i == $selected_cnt-1) ? ');' : ''); break; case 'add_prefix_tbl': $newtablename = $_POST['add_prefix'] . $selected[$i]; // ADD PREFIX TO TABLE NAME $a_query = 'ALTER TABLE ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($selected[$i]) . ' RENAME ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($newtablename); $run_parts = true; break; case 'replace_prefix_tbl': $current = $selected[$i]; $subFromPrefix = mb_substr( $current, 0, mb_strlen($from_prefix) ); if ($subFromPrefix == $from_prefix) { $newtablename = $to_prefix . mb_substr( $current, mb_strlen($from_prefix) ); } else { $newtablename = $current; } // CHANGE PREFIX PATTERN $a_query = 'ALTER TABLE ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($selected[$i]) . ' RENAME ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($newtablename); $run_parts = true; break; case 'copy_tbl_change_prefix': $run_parts = true; $copy_tbl = true; $current = $selected[$i]; $newtablename = $to_prefix . mb_substr($current, mb_strlen($from_prefix)); // COPY TABLE AND CHANGE PREFIX PATTERN Table::moveCopy( $db, $current, $db, $newtablename, 'data', false, 'one_table' ); break; case 'copy_tbl': $run_parts = true; $copy_tbl = true; Table::moveCopy($db, $selected[$i], $_POST['target_db'], $selected[$i], $_POST['what'], false, 'one_table'); if (isset($_POST['adjust_privileges']) && !empty($_POST['adjust_privileges'])) { include_once 'operations.lib.php'; PMA_AdjustPrivileges_copyTable($db, $selected[$i], $_POST['target_db'], $selected[$i]); } break; } // end switch // All "DROP TABLE", "DROP FIELD", "OPTIMIZE TABLE" and "REPAIR TABLE" // statements will be run at once below if ($run_parts && !$copy_tbl) { $sql_query .= $a_query . ';' . "\n"; if ($query_type != 'drop_db') { $GLOBALS['dbi']->selectDb($db); } $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query($a_query); if ($query_type == 'drop_db') { PMA_clearTransformations($selected[$i]); } elseif ($query_type == 'drop_tbl') { PMA_clearTransformations($db, $selected[$i]); } else if ($query_type == 'drop_fld') { PMA_clearTransformations($db, $table, $selected[$i]); } } // end if } // end for if ($deletes && ! empty($_REQUEST['pos'])) { $_REQUEST['pos'] = PMA_calculatePosForLastPage( $db, $table, isset($_REQUEST['pos']) ? $_REQUEST['pos'] : null ); } return array( $result, $rebuild_database_list, $reload, $run_parts, $execute_query_later, $sql_query, $sql_query_views ); } /** * Gets HTML for copy tables form * * @param string $action action type * @param array $_url_params URL params * * @return string */ function PMA_getHtmlForCopyMultipleTables($action, $_url_params) { $html = '<form id="ajax_form" action="' . $action . '" method="post">'; $html .= PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs($_url_params); $html .= '<fieldset class = "input">'; $databases_list = $GLOBALS['dblist']->databases; foreach ($databases_list as $key => $db_name) if ($db_name == $GLOBALS['db']){ $databases_list->offsetUnset($key); break; } $html .= '<strong><label for="db_name_dropdown">' . __('Database') . ':</label></strong>'; $html .= '<select id="db_name_dropdown" class="halfWidth" name="target_db" >' . $databases_list->getHtmlOptions(true, false) . '</select>'; $html .= '<br><br>'; $html .= '<strong><label>' . __('Options') . ':</label></strong><br>'; $html .= '<input type="radio" id ="what_structure" value="structure" name="what"></input>'; $html .= '<label for="what_structure">' . __('Structure only') . '</label><br>'; $html .= '<input type="radio" id ="what_data" value="data" name="what" checked="checked"></input>'; $html .= '<label for="what_data">' . __('Structure and data') . '</label><br>'; $html .= '<input type="radio" id ="what_dataonly" value="dataonly" name="what"></input>'; $html .= '<label for="what_dataonly">' . __('Data only') . '</label><br><br>'; $html .= '<input type="checkbox" id="checkbox_drop" value="1" name="drop_if_exists"></input>'; $html .= '<label for="checkbox_drop">' . __('Add DROP TABLE') . '</label><br>'; $html .= '<input type="checkbox" id="checkbox_auto_increment_cp" value="1" name="sql_auto_increment"></input>'; $html .= '<label for="checkbox_auto_increment_cp">' . __('Add AUTO INCREMENT value') . '</label><br>'; $html .= '<input type="checkbox" id="checkbox_constraints" value="1" name="sql_auto_increment" checked="checked"></input>'; $html .= '<label for="checkbox_constraints">' . __('Add constraints') . '</label><br><br>'; $html .= '<input name="adjust_privileges" value="1" id="checkbox_adjust_privileges" checked="checked" type="checkbox"></input>'; $html .= '<label for="checkbox_adjust_privileges">' . __('Adjust privileges') . '<a href="./doc/html/faq.html#faq6-39" target="documentation"><img src="themes/dot.gif" title="Documentation" alt="Documentation" class="icon ic_b_help"></a></label>'; $html .= '</fieldset>'; $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="mult_btn" value="' . __('Yes') . '" />'; $html .= '</form>'; return $html; } /** * Gets HTML for replace_prefix_tbl or copy_tbl_change_prefix * * @param string $action action type * @param array $_url_params URL params * * @return string */ function PMA_getHtmlForReplacePrefixTable($action, $_url_params) { $html = '<form id="ajax_form" action="' . $action . '" method="post">'; $html .= PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs($_url_params); $html .= '<fieldset class = "input">'; $html .= '<table>'; $html .= '<tr>'; $html .= '<td>' . __('From') . '</td>'; $html .= '<td>'; $html .= '<input type="text" name="from_prefix" id="initialPrefix" />'; $html .= '</td>'; $html .= '</tr>'; $html .= '<tr>'; $html .= '<td>' . __('To') . '</td>'; $html .= '<td>'; $html .= '<input type="text" name="to_prefix" id="newPrefix" />'; $html .= '</td>'; $html .= '</tr>'; $html .= '</table>'; $html .= '</fieldset>'; $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="mult_btn" value="' . __('Yes') . '" />'; $html .= '</form>'; return $html; } /** * Gets HTML for add_prefix_tbl * * @param string $action action type * @param array $_url_params URL params * * @return string */ function PMA_getHtmlForAddPrefixTable($action, $_url_params) { $html = '<form id="ajax_form" action="' . $action . '" method="post">'; $html .= PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs($_url_params); $html .= '<fieldset class = "input">'; $html .= '<table>'; $html .= '<tr>'; $html .= '<td>' . __('Add prefix') . '</td>'; $html .= '<td>'; $html .= '<input type="text" name="add_prefix" id="txtPrefix" />'; $html .= '</td>'; $html .= '</tr>'; $html .= '<tr>'; $html .= '</table>'; $html .= '</fieldset>'; $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="mult_btn" value="' . __('Yes') . '" />'; $html .= '</form>'; return $html; } /** * Gets HTML for other mult_submits actions * * @param string $what mult_submit type * @param string $action action type * @param array $_url_params URL params * @param string $full_query full sql query string * * @return string */ function PMA_getHtmlForOtherActions($what, $action, $_url_params, $full_query) { $html = '<form action="' . $action . '" method="post">'; $html .= PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs($_url_params); $html .= '<fieldset class="confirmation">'; $html .= '<legend>'; if ($what == 'drop_db') { $html .= __('You are about to DESTROY a complete database!') . ' '; } $html .= __('Do you really want to execute the following query?'); $html .= '<input type="submit" name="mult_btn" value="' . __('Yes') . '" />'; $html .= '<input type="submit" name="mult_btn" value="' . __('No') . '" />'; $html .= '</legend>'; $html .= '<code>' . $full_query . '</code>'; $html .= '</fieldset>'; $html .= '<fieldset class="tblFooters">'; // Display option to disable foreign key checks while dropping tables if ($what === 'drop_tbl' || $what === 'empty_tbl' || $what === 'row_delete') { $html .= '<div id="foreignkeychk">'; $html .= PMA\libraries\Util::getFKCheckbox(); $html .= '</div>'; } $html .= '<input id="buttonYes" type="submit" name="mult_btn" value="' . __('Yes') . '" />'; $html .= '<input id="buttonNo" type="submit" name="mult_btn" value="' . __('No') . '" />'; $html .= '</fieldset>'; $html .= '</form>'; return $html; } /** * Get query string from Selected * * @param string $what mult_submit type * @param string $table table name * @param array $selected the selected columns * @param array $views table views * * @return array */ function PMA_getQueryFromSelected($what, $table, $selected, $views) { $reload = false; $full_query_views = null; $full_query = ''; if ($what == 'drop_tbl') { $full_query_views = ''; } $selected_cnt = count($selected); $i = 0; foreach ($selected as $sval) { switch ($what) { case 'row_delete': $full_query .= 'DELETE FROM ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote(htmlspecialchars($table)) // Do not append a "LIMIT 1" clause here // (it's not binlog friendly). // We don't need the clause because the calling panel permits // this feature only when there is a unique index. . ' WHERE ' . htmlspecialchars($sval) . ';<br />'; break; case 'drop_db': $full_query .= 'DROP DATABASE ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote(htmlspecialchars($sval)) . ';<br />'; $reload = true; break; case 'drop_tbl': $current = $sval; if (!empty($views) && in_array($current, $views)) { $full_query_views .= (empty($full_query_views) ? 'DROP VIEW ' : ', ') . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote(htmlspecialchars($current)); } else { $full_query .= (empty($full_query) ? 'DROP TABLE ' : ', ') . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote(htmlspecialchars($current)); } break; case 'empty_tbl': $full_query .= 'TRUNCATE '; $full_query .= PMA\libraries\Util::backquote(htmlspecialchars($sval)) . ';<br />'; break; case 'primary_fld': if ($full_query == '') { $full_query .= 'ALTER TABLE ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote(htmlspecialchars($table)) . '<br /> DROP PRIMARY KEY,' . '<br /> ADD PRIMARY KEY(' . '<br /> ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote(htmlspecialchars($sval)) . ','; } else { $full_query .= '<br /> ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote(htmlspecialchars($sval)) . ','; } if ($i == $selected_cnt-1) { $full_query = preg_replace('@,$@', ');<br />', $full_query); } break; case 'drop_fld': if ($full_query == '') { $full_query .= 'ALTER TABLE ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote(htmlspecialchars($table)); } $full_query .= '<br /> DROP ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote(htmlspecialchars($sval)) . ','; if ($i == $selected_cnt - 1) { $full_query = preg_replace('@,$@', ';<br />', $full_query); } break; } // end switch $i++; } if ($what == 'drop_tbl') { if (!empty($full_query)) { $full_query .= ';<br />' . "\n"; } if (!empty($full_query_views)) { $full_query .= $full_query_views . ';<br />' . "\n"; } unset($full_query_views); } $full_query_views = isset($full_query_views)? $full_query_views : null; return array($full_query, $reload, $full_query_views); }
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
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plugins | Folder | 0755 |
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sql-parser | Folder | 0755 |
Advisor.php | File | 15.13 KB | 0644 |
Config.php | File | 54.7 KB | 0644 |
Console.php | File | 14.82 KB | 0644 |
DatabaseInterface.php | File | 95.6 KB | 0644 |
DbList.php | File | 1.9 KB | 0644 |
DbQbe.php | File | 68.87 KB | 0644 |
DbSearch.php | File | 17.21 KB | 0644 |
DisplayResults.php | File | 206 KB | 0644 |
Error.php | File | 12.7 KB | 0644 |
ErrorHandler.php | File | 16.48 KB | 0644 |
File.php | File | 18.82 KB | 0644 |
Font.php | File | 4.24 KB | 0644 |
Footer.php | File | 10.52 KB | 0644 |
Header.php | File | 25.34 KB | 0644 |
Index.php | File | 23.79 KB | 0644 |
IndexColumn.php | File | 4.46 KB | 0644 |
Language.php | File | 4.27 KB | 0644 |
LanguageManager.php | File | 20.75 KB | 0644 |
Linter.php | File | 5.02 KB | 0644 |
ListAbstract.php | File | 3.15 KB | 0644 |
ListDatabase.php | File | 4.62 KB | 0644 |
Menu.php | File | 21.14 KB | 0644 |
Message.php | File | 18.67 KB | 0644 |
OutputBuffering.php | File | 3.59 KB | 0644 |
PDF.php | File | 3.94 KB | 0644 |
Partition.php | File | 7.26 KB | 0644 |
Psr4Autoloader.php | File | 4.85 KB | 0644 |
RecentFavoriteTable.php | File | 11.78 KB | 0644 |
Response.php | File | 12.61 KB | 0644 |
SavedSearches.php | File | 11.67 KB | 0644 |
Scripts.php | File | 7.38 KB | 0644 |
ServerStatusData.php | File | 15.72 KB | 0644 |
StorageEngine.php | File | 13.61 KB | 0644 |
SubPartition.php | File | 3.52 KB | 0644 |
SysInfo.php | File | 799 B | 0644 |
SysInfoLinux.php | File | 1.92 KB | 0644 |
SysInfoSunOS.php | File | 1.86 KB | 0644 |
SysInfoWINNT.php | File | 3.08 KB | 0644 |
SystemDatabase.php | File | 3.66 KB | 0644 |
Table.php | File | 88.12 KB | 0644 |
Template.php | File | 4.45 KB | 0644 |
Theme.php | File | 11.34 KB | 0644 |
ThemeManager.php | File | 12.91 KB | 0644 |
Tracker.php | File | 30.35 KB | 0644 |
Types.php | File | 6.08 KB | 0644 |
TypesMySQL.php | File | 17.26 KB | 0644 |
Util.php | File | 172.46 KB | 0644 |
VersionInformation.php | File | 7.87 KB | 0644 |
ZipFile.php | File | 6.63 KB | 0644 |
advisor.lib.php | File | 1.6 KB | 0644 |
advisory_rules.txt | File | 25.94 KB | 0644 |
autoloader.php | File | 450 B | 0644 |
bookmark.lib.php | File | 8.5 KB | 0644 |
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central_columns.lib.php | File | 49.38 KB | 0644 |
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check_user_privileges.lib.php | File | 10.65 KB | 0644 |
cleanup.lib.php | File | 1.29 KB | 0644 |
common.inc.php | File | 34.38 KB | 0644 |
config.default.php | File | 66.5 KB | 0644 |
config.values.php | File | 10.17 KB | 0644 |
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import.lib.php | File | 50.64 KB | 0644 |
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ip_allow_deny.lib.php | File | 9.35 KB | 0644 |
js_escape.lib.php | File | 4.43 KB | 0644 |
kanji-encoding.lib.php | File | 4.46 KB | 0644 |
language_stats.inc.php | File | 1.45 KB | 0644 |
logging.lib.php | File | 521 B | 0644 |
mime.lib.php | File | 704 B | 0644 |
mult_submits.inc.php | File | 10.64 KB | 0644 |
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mysql_relations.lib.php | File | 5.12 KB | 0644 |
normalization.lib.php | File | 33.98 KB | 0644 |
opendocument.lib.php | File | 7.94 KB | 0644 |
operations.lib.php | File | 73.64 KB | 0644 |
parse_analyze.lib.php | File | 2.12 KB | 0644 |
plugin_interface.lib.php | File | 19.69 KB | 0644 |
plugin_interface.lib.php.bak | File | 19.69 KB | 0644 |
pmd_common.php | File | 24.2 KB | 0644 |
relation.lib.php | File | 68.41 KB | 0644 |
relation_cleanup.lib.php | File | 13.84 KB | 0644 |
replication.inc.php | File | 8.82 KB | 0644 |
replication_gui.lib.php | File | 37.45 KB | 0644 |
sanitizing.lib.php | File | 6.3 KB | 0644 |
select_server.lib.php | File | 3.4 KB | 0644 |
server_common.inc.php | File | 1.22 KB | 0644 |
server_common.lib.php | File | 1.92 KB | 0644 |
server_privileges.lib.php | File | 179.22 KB | 0644 |
server_status.lib.php | File | 9.92 KB | 0644 |
server_status_advisor.lib.php | File | 1.89 KB | 0644 |
server_status_monitor.lib.php | File | 26.22 KB | 0644 |
server_status_processes.lib.php | File | 9.57 KB | 0644 |
server_status_queries.lib.php | File | 4.86 KB | 0644 |
server_status_variables.lib.php | File | 28.95 KB | 0644 |
server_user_groups.lib.php | File | 12.8 KB | 0644 |
server_users.lib.php | File | 1.35 KB | 0644 |
session.inc.php | File | 5.22 KB | 0644 |
session.lib.php | File | 735 B | 0644 |
special_schema_links.lib.php | File | 17.51 KB | 0644 |
sql.lib.php | File | 77.51 KB | 0644 |
sql.lib.php.bak | File | 77.51 KB | 0644 |
sql_query_form.lib.php | File | 15.71 KB | 0644 |
string.lib.php | File | 800 B | 0644 |
stringMb.lib.php | File | 1.86 KB | 0644 |
stringNative.lib.php | File | 6.82 KB | 0644 |
sysinfo.lib.php | File | 1.34 KB | 0644 |
tbl_columns_definition_form.inc.php | File | 13.55 KB | 0644 |
tbl_common.inc.php | File | 1.3 KB | 0644 |
tbl_info.inc.php | File | 3.54 KB | 0644 |
tbl_partition_definition.inc.php | File | 5.55 KB | 0644 |
tracking.lib.php | File | 54.93 KB | 0644 |
transformations.lib.php | File | 14.63 KB | 0644 |
url_generating.lib.php | File | 6.77 KB | 0644 |
user_preferences.inc.php | File | 2.38 KB | 0644 |
user_preferences.lib.php | File | 8.17 KB | 0644 |
util.lib.php | File | 749 B | 0644 |
vendor_config.php | File | 2.49 KB | 0644 |
zip_extension.lib.php | File | 5.38 KB | 0644 |