<?php /* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */ /** * Generic plugin interface. * * @package PhpMyAdmin */ use PMA\libraries\properties\options\groups\OptionsPropertySubgroup; use PMA\libraries\properties\options\OptionsPropertyItem; use PMA\libraries\properties\plugins\ExportPluginProperties; use PMA\libraries\properties\plugins\PluginPropertyItem; use PMA\libraries\properties\plugins\SchemaPluginProperties; /** * Includes and instantiates the specified plugin type for a certain format * * @param string $plugin_type the type of the plugin (import, export, etc) * @param string $plugin_format the format of the plugin (sql, xml, et ) * @param string $plugins_dir directory with plugins * @param mixed $plugin_param parameter to plugin by which they can * decide whether they can work * * @return object|null new plugin instance */ function PMA_getPlugin( $plugin_type, $plugin_format, $plugins_dir, $plugin_param = false ) { $GLOBALS['plugin_param'] = $plugin_param; $class_name = mb_strtoupper($plugin_type[0]) . mb_strtolower(mb_substr($plugin_type, 1)) . mb_strtoupper($plugin_format[0]) . mb_strtolower(mb_substr($plugin_format, 1)); $file = $class_name . ".php"; if (is_file($plugins_dir . $file)) { //include_once $plugins_dir . $file; $fqnClass = 'PMA\\' . str_replace('/', '\\', $plugins_dir) . $class_name; // check if class exists, could be caused by skip_import if (class_exists($fqnClass)) { return new $fqnClass; } } return null; } /** * Reads all plugin information from directory $plugins_dir * * @param string $plugin_type the type of the plugin (import, export, etc) * @param string $plugins_dir directory with plugins * @param mixed $plugin_param parameter to plugin by which they can * decide whether they can work * * @return array list of plugin instances */ function PMA_getPlugins($plugin_type, $plugins_dir, $plugin_param) { $GLOBALS['plugin_param'] = $plugin_param; /* Scan for plugins */ $plugin_list = array(); if (!($handle = @opendir($plugins_dir))) { return $plugin_list; } $namespace = 'PMA\\' . str_replace('/', '\\', $plugins_dir); $class_type = mb_strtoupper($plugin_type[0], 'UTF-8') . mb_strtolower(mb_substr($plugin_type, 1), 'UTF-8'); $prefix_class_name = $namespace . $class_type; while ($file = @readdir($handle)) { // In some situations, Mac OS creates a new file for each file // (for example ._csv.php) so the following regexp // matches a file which does not start with a dot but ends // with ".php" if (is_file($plugins_dir . $file) && preg_match( '@^' . $class_type . '([^\.]+)\.php$@i', $file, $matches ) ) { $GLOBALS['skip_import'] = false; include_once $plugins_dir . $file; if (! $GLOBALS['skip_import']) { $class_name = $prefix_class_name . $matches[1]; $plugin = new $class_name; if (null !== $plugin->getProperties()) { $plugin_list[] = $plugin; } } } } ksort($plugin_list); return $plugin_list; } /** * Returns locale string for $name or $name if no locale is found * * @param string $name for local string * * @return string locale string for $name */ function PMA_getString($name) { return isset($GLOBALS[$name]) ? $GLOBALS[$name] : $name; } /** * Returns html input tag option 'checked' if plugin $opt * should be set by config or request * * @param string $section name of config section in * $GLOBALS['cfg'][$section] for plugin * @param string $opt name of option * * @return string html input tag option 'checked' */ function PMA_pluginCheckboxCheck($section, $opt) { // If the form is being repopulated using $_GET data, that is priority if (isset($_GET[$opt]) || ! isset($_GET['repopulate']) && ((! empty($GLOBALS['timeout_passed']) && isset($_REQUEST[$opt])) || ! empty($GLOBALS['cfg'][$section][$opt])) ) { return ' checked="checked"'; } return ''; } /** * Returns default value for option $opt * * @param string $section name of config section in * $GLOBALS['cfg'][$section] for plugin * @param string $opt name of option * * @return string default value for option $opt */ function PMA_pluginGetDefault($section, $opt) { if (isset($_GET[$opt])) { // If the form is being repopulated using $_GET data, that is priority return htmlspecialchars($_GET[$opt]); } if (isset($GLOBALS['timeout_passed']) && $GLOBALS['timeout_passed'] && isset($_REQUEST[$opt]) ) { return htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST[$opt]); } if (!isset($GLOBALS['cfg'][$section][$opt])) { return ''; } $matches = array(); /* Possibly replace localised texts */ if (!preg_match_all( '/(str[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]*)/', $GLOBALS['cfg'][$section][$opt], $matches )) { return htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['cfg'][$section][$opt]); } $val = $GLOBALS['cfg'][$section][$opt]; foreach ($matches[0] as $match) { if (isset($GLOBALS[$match])) { $val = str_replace($match, $GLOBALS[$match], $val); } } return htmlspecialchars($val); } /** * Returns html select form element for plugin choice * and hidden fields denoting whether each plugin must be exported as a file * * @param string $section name of config section in * $GLOBALS['cfg'][$section] for plugin * @param string $name name of select element * @param array &$list array with plugin instances * @param string $cfgname name of config value, if none same as $name * * @return string html select tag */ function PMA_pluginGetChoice($section, $name, &$list, $cfgname = null) { if (! isset($cfgname)) { $cfgname = $name; } $ret = '<select id="plugins" name="' . $name . '">'; $default = PMA_pluginGetDefault($section, $cfgname); $hidden = null; foreach ($list as $plugin) { $elem = explode('\\', get_class($plugin)); $plugin_name = array_pop($elem); unset($elem); $plugin_name = mb_strtolower( mb_substr( $plugin_name, mb_strlen($section) ) ); $ret .= '<option'; // If the form is being repopulated using $_GET data, that is priority if (isset($_GET[$name]) && $plugin_name == $_GET[$name] || ! isset($_GET[$name]) && $plugin_name == $default ) { $ret .= ' selected="selected"'; } /** @var PluginPropertyItem $properties */ $properties = $plugin->getProperties(); $text = null; if ($properties != null) { $text = $properties->getText(); } $ret .= ' value="' . $plugin_name . '">' . PMA_getString($text) . '</option>' . "\n"; // Whether each plugin has to be saved as a file $hidden .= '<input type="hidden" id="force_file_' . $plugin_name . '" value="'; /** @var ExportPluginProperties|SchemaPluginProperties $properties */ $properties = $plugin->getProperties(); if (! strcmp($section, 'Import') || ($properties != null && $properties->getForceFile() != null) ) { $hidden .= 'true'; } else { $hidden .= 'false'; } $hidden .= '" />' . "\n"; } $ret .= '</select>' . "\n" . $hidden; return $ret; } /** * Returns single option in a list element * * @param string $section name of * config * section in * $GLOBALS['cfg'][$section] * for plugin * @param string $plugin_name unique plugin * name * @param array|\PMA\libraries\properties\PropertyItem &$propertyGroup options * property main * group * instance * @param boolean $is_subgroup if this group * is a subgroup * * @return string table row with option */ function PMA_pluginGetOneOption( $section, $plugin_name, &$propertyGroup, $is_subgroup = false ) { $ret = "\n"; if (! $is_subgroup) { // for subgroup headers if (mb_strpos(get_class($propertyGroup), "PropertyItem")) { $properties = array($propertyGroup); } else { // for main groups $ret .= '<div class="export_sub_options" id="' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyGroup->getName() . '">'; if (method_exists($propertyGroup, 'getText')) { $text = $propertyGroup->getText(); } if ($text != null) { $ret .= '<h4>' . PMA_getString($text) . '</h4>'; } $ret .= '<ul>'; } } if (! isset($properties)) { $not_subgroup_header = true; if (method_exists($propertyGroup, 'getProperties')) { $properties = $propertyGroup->getProperties(); } } if (isset($properties)) { /** @var OptionsPropertySubgroup $propertyItem */ foreach ($properties as $propertyItem) { $property_class = get_class($propertyItem); // if the property is a subgroup, we deal with it recursively if (mb_strpos($property_class, "Subgroup")) { // for subgroups // each subgroup can have a header, which may also be a form element /** @var OptionsPropertyItem $subgroup_header */ $subgroup_header = $propertyItem->getSubgroupHeader(); if (isset($subgroup_header)) { $ret .= PMA_pluginGetOneOption( $section, $plugin_name, $subgroup_header ); } $ret .= '<li class="subgroup"><ul'; if (isset($subgroup_header)) { $ret .= ' id="ul_' . $subgroup_header->getName() . '">'; } else { $ret .= '>'; } $ret .= PMA_pluginGetOneOption( $section, $plugin_name, $propertyItem, true ); continue; } // single property item $ret .= PMA_getHtmlForProperty( $section, $plugin_name, $propertyItem ); } } if ($is_subgroup) { // end subgroup $ret .= '</ul></li>'; } else { // end main group if (! empty($not_subgroup_header)) { $ret .= '</ul></div>'; } } if (method_exists($propertyGroup, "getDoc")) { $doc = $propertyGroup->getDoc(); if ($doc != null) { if (count($doc) == 3) { $ret .= PMA\libraries\Util::showMySQLDocu( $doc[1], false, $doc[2] ); } elseif (count($doc) == 1) { $ret .= PMA\libraries\Util::showDocu('faq', $doc[0]); } else { $ret .= PMA\libraries\Util::showMySQLDocu( $doc[1] ); } } } // Close the list element after $doc link is displayed if (isset($property_class)) { if ($property_class == 'PMA\libraries\properties\options\items\BoolPropertyItem' || $property_class == 'PMA\libraries\properties\options\items\MessageOnlyPropertyItem' || $property_class == 'PMA\libraries\properties\options\items\SelectPropertyItem' || $property_class == 'PMA\libraries\properties\options\items\TextPropertyItem' ) { $ret .= '</li>'; } } $ret .= "\n"; return $ret; } /** * Get HTML for properties items * * @param string $section name of config section in * $GLOBALS['cfg'][$section] for plugin * @param string $plugin_name unique plugin name * @param OptionsPropertyItem $propertyItem Property item * * @return string */ function PMA_getHtmlForProperty( $section, $plugin_name, $propertyItem ) { $ret = null; $property_class = get_class($propertyItem); switch ($property_class) { case 'PMA\libraries\properties\options\items\BoolPropertyItem': $ret .= '<li>' . "\n"; $ret .= '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName() . '"' . ' value="something" id="checkbox_' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName() . '"' . ' ' . PMA_pluginCheckboxCheck( $section, $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName() ); if ($propertyItem->getForce() != null) { // Same code is also few lines lower, update both if needed $ret .= ' onclick="if (!this.checked && ' . '(!document.getElementById(\'checkbox_' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getForce() . '\') ' . '|| !document.getElementById(\'checkbox_' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getForce() . '\').checked)) ' . 'return false; else return true;"'; } $ret .= ' />'; $ret .= '<label for="checkbox_' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName() . '">' . PMA_getString($propertyItem->getText()) . '</label>'; break; case 'PMA\libraries\properties\options\items\DocPropertyItem': echo 'PMA\libraries\properties\options\items\DocPropertyItem'; break; case 'PMA\libraries\properties\options\items\HiddenPropertyItem': $ret .= '<li><input type="hidden" name="' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName() . '"' . ' value="' . PMA_pluginGetDefault( $section, $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName() ) . '"' . ' /></li>'; break; case 'PMA\libraries\properties\options\items\MessageOnlyPropertyItem': $ret .= '<li>' . "\n"; $ret .= '<p>' . PMA_getString($propertyItem->getText()) . '</p>'; break; case 'PMA\libraries\properties\options\items\RadioPropertyItem': $default = PMA_pluginGetDefault( $section, $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName() ); foreach ($propertyItem->getValues() as $key => $val) { $ret .= '<li><input type="radio" name="' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName() . '" value="' . $key . '" id="radio_' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName() . '_' . $key . '"'; if ($key == $default) { $ret .= ' checked="checked"'; } $ret .= ' />' . '<label for="radio_' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName() . '_' . $key . '">' . PMA_getString($val) . '</label></li>'; } break; case 'PMA\libraries\properties\options\items\SelectPropertyItem': $ret .= '<li>' . "\n"; $ret .= '<label for="select_' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName() . '" class="desc">' . PMA_getString($propertyItem->getText()) . '</label>'; $ret .= '<select name="' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName() . '"' . ' id="select_' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName() . '">'; $default = PMA_pluginGetDefault( $section, $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName() ); foreach ($propertyItem->getValues() as $key => $val) { $ret .= '<option value="' . $key . '"'; if ($key == $default) { $ret .= ' selected="selected"'; } $ret .= '>' . PMA_getString($val) . '</option>'; } $ret .= '</select>'; break; case 'PMA\libraries\properties\options\items\TextPropertyItem': case 'PMA\libraries\properties\options\items\NumberPropertyItem': $ret .= '<li>' . "\n"; $ret .= '<label for="text_' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName() . '" class="desc">' . PMA_getString($propertyItem->getText()) . '</label>'; $ret .= '<input type="text" name="' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName() . '"' . ' value="' . PMA_pluginGetDefault( $section, $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName() ) . '"' . ' id="text_' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName() . '"' . ($propertyItem->getSize() != null ? ' size="' . $propertyItem->getSize() . '"' : '') . ($propertyItem->getLen() != null ? ' maxlength="' . $propertyItem->getLen() . '"' : '') . ' />'; break; default: break; } return $ret; } /** * Returns html div with editable options for plugin * * @param string $section name of config section in $GLOBALS['cfg'][$section] * @param array &$list array with plugin instances * * @return string html fieldset with plugin options */ function PMA_pluginGetOptions($section, &$list) { $ret = ''; // Options for plugins that support them foreach ($list as $plugin) { $properties = $plugin->getProperties(); if ($properties != null) { $text = $properties->getText(); $options = $properties->getOptions(); } $elem = explode('\\', get_class($plugin)); $plugin_name = array_pop($elem); unset($elem); $plugin_name = mb_strtolower( mb_substr( $plugin_name, mb_strlen($section) ) ); $ret .= '<div id="' . $plugin_name . '_options" class="format_specific_options">'; $ret .= '<h3>' . PMA_getString($text) . '</h3>'; $no_options = true; if ($options != null && count($options) > 0) { foreach ($options->getProperties() as $propertyMainGroup ) { // check for hidden properties $no_options = true; foreach ($propertyMainGroup->getProperties() as $propertyItem) { if (strcmp('PMA\libraries\properties\options\items\HiddenPropertyItem', get_class($propertyItem))) { $no_options = false; break; } } $ret .= PMA_pluginGetOneOption( $section, $plugin_name, $propertyMainGroup ); } } if ($no_options) { $ret .= '<p>' . __('This format has no options') . '</p>'; } $ret .= '</div>'; } return $ret; }
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