[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
 * Set of functions used with the relation and pdf feature
 * @package PhpMyAdmin
use PMA\libraries\Message;
use PMA\libraries\Table;
use PMA\libraries\RecentFavoriteTable;
use SqlParser\Statements\CreateStatement;

 * Executes a query as controluser if possible, otherwise as normal user
 * @param string  $sql        the query to execute
 * @param boolean $show_error whether to display SQL error messages or not
 * @param int     $options    query options
 * @return resource|boolean the result set, or false if no result set
 * @access  public
function PMA_queryAsControlUser($sql, $show_error = true, $options = 0)
    // Avoid caching of the number of rows affected; for example, this function
    // is called for tracking purposes but we want to display the correct number
    // of rows affected by the original query, not by the query generated for
    // tracking.
    $cache_affected_rows = false;

    if ($show_error) {
        $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query(
    } else {
        $result = @$GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery(
    } // end if... else...

    if ($result) {
        return $result;
    } else {
        return false;
} // end of the "PMA_queryAsControlUser()" function

 * Returns current relation parameters
 * @return array   $cfgRelation
function PMA_getRelationsParam()
    if (empty($_SESSION['relation'][$GLOBALS['server']])
        || (empty($_SESSION['relation'][$GLOBALS['server']]['PMA_VERSION']))
        || $_SESSION['relation'][$GLOBALS['server']]['PMA_VERSION'] != PMA_VERSION
    ) {
        $_SESSION['relation'][$GLOBALS['server']] = PMA_checkRelationsParam();

    // just for BC but needs to be before PMA_getRelationsParamDiagnostic()
    // which uses it
    $GLOBALS['cfgRelation'] = $_SESSION['relation'][$GLOBALS['server']];

    return $_SESSION['relation'][$GLOBALS['server']];

 * prints out diagnostic info for pma relation feature
 * @param array $cfgRelation Relation configuration
 * @return string
function PMA_getRelationsParamDiagnostic($cfgRelation)
    $retval = '<br>';

    $messages = array();
    $messages['error'] = '<span style="color:red"><strong>'
        . __('not OK')
        . '</strong></span>';

    $messages['ok'] = '<span style="color:green"><strong>'
        .  _pgettext('Correctly working', 'OK')
        . '</strong></span>';

    $messages['enabled']  = '<span style="color:green">' . __('Enabled') . '</span>';
    $messages['disabled'] = '<span style="color:red">'   . __('Disabled') . '</span>';

    if (empty($cfgRelation['db'])) {
        $retval .= __('Configuration of pmadb…') . ' '
             . $messages['error']
             . PMA\libraries\Util::showDocu('setup', 'linked-tables')
             . '<br />' . "\n"
             . __('General relation features')
             . ' <font color="green">' . __('Disabled')
             . '</font>' . "\n";
        if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ZeroConf']) {
            if (empty($GLOBALS['db'])) {
                $retval .= PMA_getHtmlFixPMATables(true, true);
            } else {
                $retval .= PMA_getHtmlFixPMATables(true);
    } else {
        $retval .= '<table>' . "\n";

        if (! $cfgRelation['allworks']
            && $GLOBALS['cfg']['ZeroConf']
            // Avoid showing a "Create missing tables" link if it's a
            // problem of missing definition
            && PMA_arePmadbTablesDefined()
        ) {
            $retval .= PMA_getHtmlFixPMATables(false);
            $retval .= '<br />';

        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForParameter(
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForParameter(
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForFeature(
            __('General relation features'),
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForParameter(
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForFeature(
            __('Display Features'),
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForParameter(
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForParameter(
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForFeature(
            __('Designer and creation of PDFs'),
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForParameter(
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForFeature(
            __('Displaying Column Comments'),
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForFeature(
            __('Browser transformation'),
        if ($cfgRelation['commwork'] && ! $cfgRelation['mimework']) {
            $retval .= '<tr><td colspan=2 class="left error">';
            $retval .=  __(
                'Please see the documentation on how to'
                . ' update your column_info table. '
            $retval .= PMA\libraries\Util::showDocu(
            $retval .= '</td></tr>';
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForParameter(
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForFeature(
            __('Bookmarked SQL query'),
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForParameter(
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForFeature(
            __('SQL history'),
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForParameter(
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForFeature(
            __('Persistent recently used tables'),
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForParameter(
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForFeature(
            __('Persistent favorite tables'),
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForParameter(
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForFeature(
            __('Persistent tables\' UI preferences'),
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForParameter(
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForFeature(
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForParameter(
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForFeature(
            __('User preferences'),
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForParameter(
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForParameter(
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForFeature(
            __('Configurable menus'),
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForParameter(
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForFeature(
            __('Hide/show navigation items'),
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForParameter(
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForFeature(
            __('Saving Query-By-Example searches'),
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForParameter(
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForFeature(
            __('Managing Central list of columns'),
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForParameter(
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForFeature(
            __('Remembering Designer Settings'),
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForParameter(
        $retval .= PMA_getDiagMessageForFeature(
            __('Saving export templates'),
        $retval .= '</table>' . "\n";

        if (! $cfgRelation['allworks']) {

            $retval .= '<p>' . __('Quick steps to set up advanced features:')
                . '</p>';

            $items = array();
            $items[] = sprintf(
                    'Create the needed tables with the '
                    . '<code>%screate_tables.sql</code>.'
            ) . ' ' . PMA\libraries\Util::showDocu('setup', 'linked-tables');
            $items[] = __('Create a pma user and give access to these tables.') . ' '
                . PMA\libraries\Util::showDocu('config', 'cfg_Servers_controluser');
            $items[] = __(
                'Enable advanced features in configuration file '
                . '(<code>config.inc.php</code>), for example by '
                . 'starting from <code>config.sample.inc.php</code>.'
            ) . ' ' . PMA\libraries\Util::showDocu('setup', 'quick-install');
            $items[] = __(
                'Re-login to phpMyAdmin to load the updated configuration file.'

            $retval .= PMA\libraries\Template::get('list/unordered')->render(
                array('items' => $items,)

    return $retval;

 * prints out one diagnostic message for a feature
 * @param string  $feature_name       feature name in a message string
 * @param string  $relation_parameter the $GLOBALS['cfgRelation'] parameter to check
 * @param array   $messages           utility messages
 * @param boolean $skip_line          whether to skip a line after the message
 * @return string
function PMA_getDiagMessageForFeature($feature_name,
    $relation_parameter, $messages, $skip_line = true
) {
    $retval = '    <tr><td colspan=2 class="right">' . $feature_name . ': ';
    if (isset($GLOBALS['cfgRelation'][$relation_parameter])
        && $GLOBALS['cfgRelation'][$relation_parameter]
    ) {
        $retval .= $messages['enabled'];
    } else {
        $retval .= $messages['disabled'];
    $retval .= '</td></tr>';
    if ($skip_line) {
        $retval .= '<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>';
    return $retval;

 * prints out one diagnostic message for a configuration parameter
 * @param string  $parameter            config parameter name to display
 * @param boolean $relationParameterSet whether this parameter is set
 * @param array   $messages             utility messages
 * @param string  $docAnchor            anchor in documentation
 * @return string
function PMA_getDiagMessageForParameter($parameter,
    $relationParameterSet, $messages, $docAnchor
) {
    $retval = '<tr><th class="left">';
    $retval .= '$cfg[\'Servers\'][$i][\'' . $parameter . '\']  ... ';
    $retval .= '</th><td class="right">';
    if ($relationParameterSet) {
        $retval .= $messages['ok'];
    } else {
        $retval .= sprintf(
            PMA\libraries\Util::getDocuLink('config', 'cfg_Servers_' . $docAnchor)
    $retval .= '</td></tr>' . "\n";
    return $retval;

 * Defines the relation parameters for the current user
 * just a copy of the functions used for relations ;-)
 * but added some stuff to check what will work
 * @access  protected
 * @return array    the relation parameters for the current user
function PMA_checkRelationsParam()
    $cfgRelation                   = array();
    $cfgRelation['PMA_VERSION']    = PMA_VERSION;

    $workToTable = array(
        'relwork' => 'relation',
        'displaywork' => array('relation', 'table_info'),
        'bookmarkwork' => 'bookmarktable',
        'pdfwork' => array('table_coords', 'pdf_pages'),
        'commwork' => 'column_info',
        'mimework' => 'column_info',
        'historywork' => 'history',
        'recentwork' => 'recent',
        'favoritework' => 'favorite',
        'uiprefswork' => 'table_uiprefs',
        'trackingwork' => 'tracking',
        'userconfigwork' => 'userconfig',
        'menuswork' => array('users', 'usergroups'),
        'navwork' => 'navigationhiding',
        'savedsearcheswork' => 'savedsearches',
        'centralcolumnswork' => 'central_columns',
        'designersettingswork' => 'designer_settings',
        'exporttemplateswork' => 'export_templates',

    foreach ($workToTable as $work => $table) {
        $cfgRelation[$work] = false;
    $cfgRelation['allworks']       = false;
    $cfgRelation['user']           = null;
    $cfgRelation['db']             = null;

    if ($GLOBALS['server'] == 0
        || empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['pmadb'])
        || empty($GLOBALS['controllink'])
        || ! $GLOBALS['dbi']->selectDb(
            $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['pmadb'], $GLOBALS['controllink']
    ) {
        // No server selected -> no bookmark table
        // we return the array with the falses in it,
        // to avoid some 'Uninitialized string offset' errors later
        $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['pmadb'] = false;
        return $cfgRelation;

    $cfgRelation['user']  = $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['user'];
    $cfgRelation['db']    = $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['pmadb'];

    //  Now I just check if all tables that i need are present so I can for
    //  example enable relations but not pdf...
    //  I was thinking of checking if they have all required columns but I
    //  fear it might be too slow

    $tab_query = 'SHOW TABLES FROM '
        . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote(
    $tab_rs    = PMA_queryAsControlUser(
        $tab_query, false, PMA\libraries\DatabaseInterface::QUERY_STORE

    if (! $tab_rs) {
        // query failed ... ?
        //$GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['pmadb'] = false;
        return $cfgRelation;

    while ($curr_table = @$GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchRow($tab_rs)) {
        if ($curr_table[0] == $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['bookmarktable']) {
            $cfgRelation['bookmark']        = $curr_table[0];
        } elseif ($curr_table[0] == $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['relation']) {
            $cfgRelation['relation']        = $curr_table[0];
        } elseif ($curr_table[0] == $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['table_info']) {
            $cfgRelation['table_info']      = $curr_table[0];
        } elseif ($curr_table[0] == $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['table_coords']) {
            $cfgRelation['table_coords']    = $curr_table[0];
        } elseif ($curr_table[0] == $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['column_info']) {
            $cfgRelation['column_info']     = $curr_table[0];
        } elseif ($curr_table[0] == $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['pdf_pages']) {
            $cfgRelation['pdf_pages']       = $curr_table[0];
        } elseif ($curr_table[0] == $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['history']) {
            $cfgRelation['history']         = $curr_table[0];
        } elseif ($curr_table[0] == $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['recent']) {
            $cfgRelation['recent']          = $curr_table[0];
        } elseif ($curr_table[0] == $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['favorite']) {
            $cfgRelation['favorite']        = $curr_table[0];
        } elseif ($curr_table[0] == $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['table_uiprefs']) {
            $cfgRelation['table_uiprefs']   = $curr_table[0];
        } elseif ($curr_table[0] == $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['tracking']) {
            $cfgRelation['tracking']        = $curr_table[0];
        } elseif ($curr_table[0] == $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['userconfig']) {
            $cfgRelation['userconfig']      = $curr_table[0];
        } elseif ($curr_table[0] == $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['users']) {
            $cfgRelation['users']           = $curr_table[0];
        } elseif ($curr_table[0] == $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['usergroups']) {
            $cfgRelation['usergroups']      = $curr_table[0];
        } elseif ($curr_table[0] == $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['navigationhiding']) {
            $cfgRelation['navigationhiding']      = $curr_table[0];
        } elseif ($curr_table[0] == $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['savedsearches']) {
            $cfgRelation['savedsearches']    = $curr_table[0];
        } elseif ($curr_table[0] == $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['central_columns']) {
            $cfgRelation['central_columns']    = $curr_table[0];
        } elseif ($curr_table[0] == $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['designer_settings']) {
            $cfgRelation['designer_settings'] = $curr_table[0];
        } elseif ($curr_table[0] == $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['export_templates']) {
            $cfgRelation['export_templates']    = $curr_table[0];
    } // end while

    if (isset($cfgRelation['relation'])) {
        $cfgRelation['relwork']     = true;

    if (isset($cfgRelation['relation']) && isset($cfgRelation['table_info'])) {
        $cfgRelation['displaywork'] = true;

    if (isset($cfgRelation['table_coords']) && isset($cfgRelation['pdf_pages'])) {
        $cfgRelation['pdfwork']     = true;

    if (isset($cfgRelation['column_info'])) {
        $cfgRelation['commwork']    = true;
        // phpMyAdmin 4.3+
        // Check for input transformations upgrade.
        $cfgRelation['mimework'] = PMA_tryUpgradeTransformations();

    if (isset($cfgRelation['history'])) {
        $cfgRelation['historywork']     = true;

    if (isset($cfgRelation['recent'])) {
        $cfgRelation['recentwork']      = true;

    if (isset($cfgRelation['favorite'])) {
        $cfgRelation['favoritework']    = true;

    if (isset($cfgRelation['table_uiprefs'])) {
        $cfgRelation['uiprefswork']     = true;

    if (isset($cfgRelation['tracking'])) {
        $cfgRelation['trackingwork']     = true;

    if (isset($cfgRelation['userconfig'])) {
        $cfgRelation['userconfigwork']   = true;

    if (isset($cfgRelation['bookmark'])) {
        $cfgRelation['bookmarkwork']     = true;

    if (isset($cfgRelation['users']) && isset($cfgRelation['usergroups'])) {
        $cfgRelation['menuswork']        = true;

    if (isset($cfgRelation['navigationhiding'])) {
        $cfgRelation['navwork']          = true;

    if (isset($cfgRelation['savedsearches'])) {
        $cfgRelation['savedsearcheswork']      = true;

    if (isset($cfgRelation['central_columns'])) {
        $cfgRelation['centralcolumnswork']      = true;

    if (isset($cfgRelation['designer_settings'])) {
        $cfgRelation['designersettingswork']    = true;

    if (isset($cfgRelation['export_templates'])) {
        $cfgRelation['exporttemplateswork']      = true;

    $allWorks = true;
    foreach ($workToTable as $work => $table) {
        if (! $cfgRelation[$work]) {
            if (is_string($table)) {
                if (isset($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server'][$table])
                    && $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server'][$table] !== false
                ) {
                    $allWorks = false;
            } else if (is_array($table)) {
                $oneNull = false;
                foreach ($table as $t) {
                    if (isset($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server'][$t])
                        && $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server'][$t] === false
                    ) {
                        $oneNull = true;
                if (! $oneNull) {
                    $allWorks = false;
    $cfgRelation['allworks'] = $allWorks;

    return $cfgRelation;
} // end of the 'PMA_checkRelationsParam()' function

 * Check whether column_info table input transformation
 * upgrade is required and try to upgrade silently
 * @return bool false if upgrade failed
 * @access  public
function PMA_tryUpgradeTransformations()
    // From 4.3, new input oriented transformation feature was introduced.
    // Check whether column_info table has input transformation columns
    $new_cols = array(
    $query = 'SHOW COLUMNS FROM '
        . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['pmadb'])
        . '.' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote(
        . ' WHERE Field IN (\'' . implode('\', \'', $new_cols) . '\')';
    $result = PMA_queryAsControlUser(
        $query, false, PMA\libraries\DatabaseInterface::QUERY_STORE
    if ($result) {
        $rows = $GLOBALS['dbi']->numRows($result);
        // input transformations are present
        // no need to upgrade
        if ($rows === 2) {
            return true;
            // try silent upgrade without disturbing the user
        } else {
            // read upgrade query file
            $query = @file_get_contents(SQL_DIR . 'upgrade_column_info_4_3_0+.sql');
            // replace database name from query to with set in config.inc.php
            $query = str_replace(
            // replace pma__column_info table name from query
            // to with set in config.inc.php
            $query = str_replace(
            $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryMultiQuery($query, $GLOBALS['controllink']);
            // skips result sets of query as we are not interested in it
            while ($GLOBALS['dbi']->moreResults($GLOBALS['controllink'])
                && $GLOBALS['dbi']->nextResult($GLOBALS['controllink'])
            ) {
            $error = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getError($GLOBALS['controllink']);
            // return true if no error exists otherwise false
            return empty($error);
    // some failure, either in upgrading or something else
    // make some noise, time to wake up user.
    return false;

 * Gets all Relations to foreign tables for a given table or
 * optionally a given column in a table
 * @param string $db     the name of the db to check for
 * @param string $table  the name of the table to check for
 * @param string $column the name of the column to check for
 * @param string $source the source for foreign key information
 * @return array    db,table,column
 * @access  public
function PMA_getForeigners($db, $table, $column = '', $source = 'both')
    $cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam();
    $foreign = array();

    if ($cfgRelation['relwork'] && ($source == 'both' || $source == 'internal')) {
        $rel_query = '
            SELECT `master_field`,
            FROM ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($cfgRelation['db'])
                . '.' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($cfgRelation['relation']) . '
            WHERE `master_db`    = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($db) . '\'
                AND `master_table` = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($table)
            . '\' ';
        if (mb_strlen($column)) {
            $rel_query .= ' AND `master_field` = '
                . '\'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($column) . '\'';
        $foreign = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult(
            $rel_query, 'master_field', null, $GLOBALS['controllink']

    if (($source == 'both' || $source == 'foreign') && mb_strlen($table)
    ) {
        $tableObj = new Table($table, $db);
        $show_create_table = $tableObj->showCreate();
        if ($show_create_table) {
            $parser = new SqlParser\Parser($show_create_table);
             * @var CreateStatement $stmt
            $stmt = $parser->statements[0];
            $foreign['foreign_keys_data'] = SqlParser\Utils\Table::getForeignKeys(

     * Emulating relations for some information_schema tables
    $isInformationSchema = mb_strtolower($db) == 'information_schema';
        $isMysql = mb_strtolower($db) == 'mysql';
    if (($isInformationSchema || $isMysql)
        && ($source == 'internal' || $source == 'both')
    ) {
        if ($isInformationSchema) {
            $relations_key = 'information_schema_relations';
            include_once './libraries/information_schema_relations.lib.php';
        } else {
            $relations_key = 'mysql_relations';
            include_once './libraries/mysql_relations.lib.php';
        if (isset($GLOBALS[$relations_key][$table])) {
            foreach ($GLOBALS[$relations_key][$table] as $field => $relations) {
                if ((! mb_strlen($column) || $column == $field)
                    && (! isset($foreign[$field])
                    || ! mb_strlen($foreign[$field]))
                ) {
                    $foreign[$field] = $relations;

    return $foreign;
} // end of the 'PMA_getForeigners()' function

 * Gets the display field of a table
 * @param string $db    the name of the db to check for
 * @param string $table the name of the table to check for
 * @return string   field name
 * @access  public
function PMA_getDisplayField($db, $table)
    $cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam();

     * Try to fetch the display field from DB.
    if ($cfgRelation['displaywork']) {
        $disp_query = '
            SELECT `display_field`
            FROM ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($cfgRelation['db'])
                . '.' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($cfgRelation['table_info']) . '
            WHERE `db_name`    = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($db) . '\'
                AND `table_name` = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($table)
            . '\'';

        $row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchSingleRow(
            $disp_query, 'ASSOC', $GLOBALS['controllink']
        if (isset($row['display_field'])) {
            return $row['display_field'];

     * Emulating the display field for some information_schema tables.
    if ($db == 'information_schema') {
        switch ($table) {
        case 'CHARACTER_SETS':
            return 'DESCRIPTION';
        case 'TABLES':
            return 'TABLE_COMMENT';

     * No Luck...
    return false;

} // end of the 'PMA_getDisplayField()' function

 * Gets the comments for all columns of a table or the db itself
 * @param string $db    the name of the db to check for
 * @param string $table the name of the table to check for
 * @return array    [column_name] = comment
 * @access  public
function PMA_getComments($db, $table = '')
    $comments = array();

    if ($table != '') {
        // MySQL native column comments
        $columns = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getColumns($db, $table, null, true);
        if ($columns) {
            foreach ($columns as $column) {
                if (! empty($column['Comment'])) {
                    $comments[$column['Field']] = $column['Comment'];
    } else {
        $comments[] = PMA_getDbComment($db);

    return $comments;
} // end of the 'PMA_getComments()' function

 * Gets the comment for a db
 * @param string $db the name of the db to check for
 * @return string   comment
 * @access  public
function PMA_getDbComment($db)
    $cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam();
    $comment = '';

    if ($cfgRelation['commwork']) {
        // pmadb internal db comment
        $com_qry = "
            SELECT `comment`
            FROM " . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($cfgRelation['db'])
                . "." . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($cfgRelation['column_info'])
                . "
            WHERE db_name     = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($db) . "'
                AND table_name  = ''
                AND column_name = '(db_comment)'";
        $com_rs = PMA_queryAsControlUser(
            $com_qry, true, PMA\libraries\DatabaseInterface::QUERY_STORE

        if ($com_rs && $GLOBALS['dbi']->numRows($com_rs) > 0) {
            $row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchAssoc($com_rs);
            $comment = $row['comment'];

    return $comment;
} // end of the 'PMA_getDbComment()' function

 * Gets the comment for a db
 * @access  public
 * @return string   comment
function PMA_getDbComments()
    $cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam();
    $comments = array();

    if ($cfgRelation['commwork']) {
        // pmadb internal db comment
        $com_qry = "
            SELECT `db_name`, `comment`
            FROM " . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($cfgRelation['db'])
                . "." . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($cfgRelation['column_info'])
                . "
            WHERE `column_name` = '(db_comment)'";
        $com_rs = PMA_queryAsControlUser(
            $com_qry, true, PMA\libraries\DatabaseInterface::QUERY_STORE

        if ($com_rs && $GLOBALS['dbi']->numRows($com_rs) > 0) {
            while ($row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchAssoc($com_rs)) {
                $comments[$row['db_name']] = $row['comment'];

    return $comments;
} // end of the 'PMA_getDbComments()' function

 * Set a database comment to a certain value.
 * @param string $db      the name of the db
 * @param string $comment the value of the column
 * @return boolean  true, if comment-query was made.
 * @access  public
function PMA_setDbComment($db, $comment = '')
    $cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam();

    if (! $cfgRelation['commwork']) {
        return false;

    if (mb_strlen($comment)) {
        $upd_query = 'INSERT INTO '
            . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($cfgRelation['db']) . '.'
            . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($cfgRelation['column_info'])
            . ' (`db_name`, `table_name`, `column_name`, `comment`)'
            . ' VALUES (\''
            . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($db)
            . "', '', '(db_comment)', '"
            . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($comment)
            . "') "
            . ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE '
            . "`comment` = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($comment) . "'";
    } else {
        $upd_query = 'DELETE FROM '
            . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($cfgRelation['db']) . '.'
            . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($cfgRelation['column_info'])
            . ' WHERE `db_name`     = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($db)
            . '\'
                AND `table_name`  = \'\'
                AND `column_name` = \'(db_comment)\'';

    if (isset($upd_query)) {
        return PMA_queryAsControlUser($upd_query);

    return false;
} // end of 'PMA_setDbComment()' function

 * Set a SQL history entry
 * @param string $db       the name of the db
 * @param string $table    the name of the table
 * @param string $username the username
 * @param string $sqlquery the sql query
 * @return void
 * @access  public
function PMA_setHistory($db, $table, $username, $sqlquery)
    $maxCharactersInDisplayedSQL = $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxCharactersInDisplayedSQL'];
    // Prevent to run this automatically on Footer class destroying in testsuite
    if (defined('TESTSUITE')
        || mb_strlen($sqlquery) > $maxCharactersInDisplayedSQL
    ) {

    $cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam();

    if (! isset($_SESSION['sql_history'])) {
        $_SESSION['sql_history'] = array();

    $_SESSION['sql_history'][] = array(
        'db' => $db,
        'table' => $table,
        'sqlquery' => $sqlquery,

    if (count($_SESSION['sql_history']) > $GLOBALS['cfg']['QueryHistoryMax']) {
        // history should not exceed a maximum count

    if (! $cfgRelation['historywork'] || ! $GLOBALS['cfg']['QueryHistoryDB']) {

        'INSERT INTO '
        . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($cfgRelation['db']) . '.'
        . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($cfgRelation['history']) . '
              (\'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username) . '\',
               \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($db) . '\',
               \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($table) . '\',
               \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($sqlquery) . '\')'


} // end of 'PMA_setHistory()' function

 * Gets a SQL history entry
 * @param string $username the username
 * @return array    list of history items
 * @access  public
function PMA_getHistory($username)
    $cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam();

    if (! $cfgRelation['historywork']) {
        return false;

     * if db-based history is disabled but there exists a session-based
     * history, use it
    if (! $GLOBALS['cfg']['QueryHistoryDB']) {
        if (isset($_SESSION['sql_history'])) {
            return array_reverse($_SESSION['sql_history']);
        return false;

    $hist_query = '
         SELECT `db`,
           FROM ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($cfgRelation['db'])
            . '.' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($cfgRelation['history']) . '
          WHERE `username` = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username) . '\'
       ORDER BY `id` DESC';

    return $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult(
        $hist_query, null, null, $GLOBALS['controllink']
} // end of 'PMA_getHistory()' function

 * purges SQL history
 * deletes entries that exceeds $cfg['QueryHistoryMax'], oldest first, for the
 * given user
 * @param string $username the username
 * @return void
 * @access  public
function PMA_purgeHistory($username)
    $cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam();
    if (! $GLOBALS['cfg']['QueryHistoryDB'] || ! $cfgRelation['historywork']) {

    if (! $cfgRelation['historywork']) {

    $search_query = '
        SELECT `timevalue`
        FROM ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($cfgRelation['db'])
            . '.' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($cfgRelation['history']) . '
        WHERE `username` = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username) . '\'
        ORDER BY `timevalue` DESC
        LIMIT ' . $GLOBALS['cfg']['QueryHistoryMax'] . ', 1';

    if ($max_time = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchValue(
        $search_query, 0, 0, $GLOBALS['controllink']
    )) {
            'DELETE FROM '
            . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($cfgRelation['db']) . '.'
            . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($cfgRelation['history']) . '
              WHERE `username` = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username)
            . '\'
                AND `timevalue` <= \'' . $max_time . '\''
} // end of 'PMA_purgeHistory()' function

 * Prepares the dropdown for one mode
 * @param array  $foreign the keys and values for foreigns
 * @param string $data    the current data of the dropdown
 * @param string $mode    the needed mode
 * @return array   the <option value=""><option>s
 * @access  protected
function PMA_buildForeignDropdown($foreign, $data, $mode)
    $reloptions = array();

    // id-only is a special mode used when no foreign display column
    // is available
    if ($mode == 'id-content' || $mode == 'id-only') {
        // sort for id-content
        if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['NaturalOrder']) {
            uksort($foreign, 'strnatcasecmp');
        } else {
    } elseif ($mode == 'content-id') {
        // sort for content-id
        if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['NaturalOrder']) {
        } else {

    foreach ($foreign as $key => $value) {
        if (mb_strlen($value) <= $GLOBALS['cfg']['LimitChars']
        ) {
            $vtitle = '';
            $value  = htmlspecialchars($value);
        } else {
            $vtitle  = htmlspecialchars($value);
            $value  = htmlspecialchars(
                    $value, 0, $GLOBALS['cfg']['LimitChars']
                ) . '...'

        $reloption = '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($key) . '"';
        if ($vtitle != '') {
            $reloption .= ' title="' . $vtitle . '"';

        if ((string) $key == (string) $data) {
            $reloption .= ' selected="selected"';

        if ($mode == 'content-id') {
            $reloptions[] = $reloption . '>'
                . $value . '&nbsp;-&nbsp;' . htmlspecialchars($key) .  '</option>';
        } elseif ($mode == 'id-content') {
            $reloptions[] = $reloption . '>'
                . htmlspecialchars($key) .  '&nbsp;-&nbsp;' . $value . '</option>';
        } elseif ($mode == 'id-only') {
            $reloptions[] = $reloption . '>'
                . htmlspecialchars($key) . '</option>';
    } // end foreach

    return $reloptions;
} // end of 'PMA_buildForeignDropdown' function

 * Outputs dropdown with values of foreign fields
 * @param array  $disp_row        array of the displayed row
 * @param string $foreign_field   the foreign field
 * @param string $foreign_display the foreign field to display
 * @param string $data            the current data of the dropdown (field in row)
 * @param int    $max             maximum number of items in the dropdown
 * @return string   the <option value=""><option>s
 * @access  public
function PMA_foreignDropdown($disp_row, $foreign_field, $foreign_display, $data,
    $max = null
) {
    if (null === $max) {
        $max = $GLOBALS['cfg']['ForeignKeyMaxLimit'];

    $foreign = array();

    // collect the data
    foreach ($disp_row as $relrow) {
        $key   = $relrow[$foreign_field];

        // if the display field has been defined for this foreign table
        if ($foreign_display) {
            $value  = $relrow[$foreign_display];
        } else {
            $value = '';
        } // end if ($foreign_display)

        $foreign[$key] = $value;
    } // end foreach

    // put the dropdown sections in correct order
    $top = array();
    $bottom = array();
    if ($foreign_display) {
        if (PMA_isValid($GLOBALS['cfg']['ForeignKeyDropdownOrder'], 'array')) {
            if (PMA_isValid($GLOBALS['cfg']['ForeignKeyDropdownOrder'][0])) {
                $top = PMA_buildForeignDropdown(
            if (PMA_isValid($GLOBALS['cfg']['ForeignKeyDropdownOrder'][1])) {
                $bottom = PMA_buildForeignDropdown(
        } else {
            $top = PMA_buildForeignDropdown($foreign, $data, 'id-content');
            $bottom = PMA_buildForeignDropdown($foreign, $data, 'content-id');
    } else {
        $top = PMA_buildForeignDropdown($foreign, $data, 'id-only');

    // beginning of dropdown
    $ret = '<option value="">&nbsp;</option>';
    $top_count = count($top);
    if ($max == -1 || $top_count < $max) {
        $ret .= implode('', $top);
        if ($foreign_display && $top_count > 0) {
            // this empty option is to visually mark the beginning of the
            // second series of values (bottom)
            $ret .= '<option value="">&nbsp;</option>';
    if ($foreign_display) {
        $ret .= implode('', $bottom);

    return $ret;
} // end of 'PMA_foreignDropdown()' function

 * Gets foreign keys in preparation for a drop-down selector
 * @param array|boolean $foreigners     array of the foreign keys
 * @param string        $field          the foreign field name
 * @param bool          $override_total whether to override the total
 * @param string        $foreign_filter a possible filter
 * @param string        $foreign_limit  a possible LIMIT clause
 * @param bool          $get_total      optional, whether to get total num of rows
 *                                      in $foreignData['the_total;]
 *                                      (has an effect of performance)
 * @return array    data about the foreign keys
 * @access  public
function PMA_getForeignData(
    $foreigners, $field, $override_total,
    $foreign_filter, $foreign_limit, $get_total=false
) {
    // we always show the foreign field in the drop-down; if a display
    // field is defined, we show it besides the foreign field
    $foreign_link = false;
    do {
        if (! $foreigners) {
        $foreigner = PMA_searchColumnInForeigners($foreigners, $field);
        if ($foreigner != false) {
            $foreign_db      = $foreigner['foreign_db'];
            $foreign_table   = $foreigner['foreign_table'];
            $foreign_field   = $foreigner['foreign_field'];
        } else {

        // Count number of rows in the foreign table. Currently we do
        // not use a drop-down if more than ForeignKeyMaxLimit rows in the
        // foreign table,
        // for speed reasons and because we need a better interface for this.
        // We could also do the SELECT anyway, with a LIMIT, and ensure that
        // the current value of the field is one of the choices.

        // Check if table has more rows than specified by
        // $GLOBALS['cfg']['ForeignKeyMaxLimit']
        $moreThanLimit = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getTable($foreign_db, $foreign_table)

        if ($override_total == true
            || !$moreThanLimit
        ) {
            // foreign_display can be false if no display field defined:
            $foreign_display = PMA_getDisplayField($foreign_db, $foreign_table);

            $f_query_main = 'SELECT ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($foreign_field)
                . (
                    ($foreign_display == false)
                        ? ''
                        : ', ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($foreign_display)
            $f_query_from = ' FROM ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($foreign_db)
                . '.' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($foreign_table);
            $f_query_filter = empty($foreign_filter) ? '' : ' WHERE '
                . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($foreign_field)
                . ' LIKE "%' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($foreign_filter) . '%"'
                . (
                ($foreign_display == false)
                    ? ''
                    : ' OR ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($foreign_display)
                    . ' LIKE "%' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($foreign_filter)
                    . '%"'
            $f_query_order = ($foreign_display == false) ? '' :' ORDER BY '
                . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($foreign_table) . '.'
                . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($foreign_display);

            $f_query_limit = ! empty($foreign_limit) ? ($foreign_limit) : '';

            if (!empty($foreign_filter)) {
                $the_total = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchValue(
                    'SELECT COUNT(*)' . $f_query_from . $f_query_filter
                if ($the_total === false) {
                    $the_total = 0;

            $disp  = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery(
                $f_query_main . $f_query_from . $f_query_filter
                . $f_query_order . $f_query_limit
            if ($disp && $GLOBALS['dbi']->numRows($disp) > 0) {
                // If a resultset has been created, pre-cache it in the $disp_row
                // array. This helps us from not needing to use mysql_data_seek by
                // accessing a pre-cached PHP array. Usually those resultsets are
                // not that big, so a performance hit should not be expected.
                $disp_row = array();
                while ($single_disp_row = @$GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchAssoc($disp)) {
                    $disp_row[] = $single_disp_row;
            } else {
                // Either no data in the foreign table or
                // user does not have select permission to foreign table/field
                // Show an input field with a 'Browse foreign values' link
                $disp_row = null;
                $foreign_link = true;
        } else {
            $disp_row = null;
            $foreign_link = true;
    } while (false);

    if ($get_total) {
        $the_total = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getTable($foreign_db, $foreign_table)

    $foreignData = array();
    $foreignData['foreign_link'] = $foreign_link;
    $foreignData['the_total'] = isset($the_total) ? $the_total : null;
    $foreignData['foreign_display'] = (
        isset($foreign_display) ? $foreign_display : null
    $foreignData['disp_row'] = isset($disp_row) ? $disp_row : null;
    $foreignData['foreign_field'] = isset($foreign_field) ? $foreign_field : null;

    return $foreignData;
} // end of 'PMA_getForeignData()' function

 * Rename a field in relation tables
 * usually called after a column in a table was renamed
 * @param string $db       database name
 * @param string $table    table name
 * @param string $field    old field name
 * @param string $new_name new field name
 * @return void
function PMA_REL_renameField($db, $table, $field, $new_name)
    $cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam();

    if ($cfgRelation['displaywork']) {
        $table_query = 'UPDATE '
            . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($cfgRelation['db']) . '.'
            . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($cfgRelation['table_info'])
            . '   SET display_field = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString(
            ) . '\''
            . ' WHERE db_name       = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($db)
            . '\''
            . '   AND table_name    = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($table)
            . '\''
            . '   AND display_field = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($field)
            . '\'';

    if ($cfgRelation['relwork']) {
        $table_query = 'UPDATE '
            . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($cfgRelation['db']) . '.'
            . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($cfgRelation['relation'])
            . '   SET master_field = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString(
            ) . '\''
            . ' WHERE master_db    = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($db)
            . '\''
            . '   AND master_table = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($table)
            . '\''
            . '   AND master_field = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($field)
            . '\'';

        $table_query = 'UPDATE '
            . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($cfgRelation['db']) . '.'
            . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($cfgRelation['relation'])
            . '   SET foreign_field = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString(
            ) . '\''
            . ' WHERE foreign_db    = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($db)
            . '\''
            . '   AND foreign_table = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($table)
            . '\''
            . '   AND foreign_field = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($field)
            . '\'';

    } // end if relwork

 * Performs SQL query used for renaming table.
 * @param string $table        Relation table to use
 * @param string $source_db    Source database name
 * @param string $target_db    Target database name
 * @param string $source_table Source table name
 * @param string $target_table Target table name
 * @param string $db_field     Name of database field
 * @param string $table_field  Name of table field
 * @return void
function PMA_REL_renameSingleTable($table,
    $source_db, $target_db,
    $source_table, $target_table,
    $db_field, $table_field
) {
    $query = 'UPDATE '
        . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['db']) . '.'
        . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($GLOBALS['cfgRelation'][$table])
        . ' SET '
        . $db_field . ' = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($target_db)
        . '\', '
        . $table_field . ' = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($target_table)
        . '\''
        . ' WHERE '
        . $db_field . '  = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($source_db) . '\''
        . ' AND '
        . $table_field . ' = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($source_table)
        . '\'';

 * Rename a table in relation tables
 * usually called after table has been moved
 * @param string $source_db    Source database name
 * @param string $target_db    Target database name
 * @param string $source_table Source table name
 * @param string $target_table Target table name
 * @return void
function PMA_REL_renameTable($source_db, $target_db, $source_table, $target_table)
    // Move old entries from PMA-DBs to new table
    if ($GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['commwork']) {
            $source_db, $target_db,
            $source_table, $target_table,
            'db_name', 'table_name'

    // updating bookmarks is not possible since only a single table is
    // moved, and not the whole DB.

    if ($GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['displaywork']) {
            $source_db, $target_db,
            $source_table, $target_table,
            'db_name', 'table_name'

    if ($GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['relwork']) {
            $source_db, $target_db,
            $source_table, $target_table,
            'foreign_db', 'foreign_table'

            $source_db, $target_db,
            $source_table, $target_table,
            'master_db', 'master_table'

    if ($GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['pdfwork']) {
        if ($source_db == $target_db) {
            // rename within the database can be handled
                $source_db, $target_db,
                $source_table, $target_table,
                'db_name', 'table_name'
        } else {
            // if the table is moved out of the database we can no loger keep the
            // record for table coordinate
            $remove_query = "DELETE FROM "
                . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['db']) . "."
                . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['table_coords'])
                . " WHERE db_name  = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($source_db) . "'"
                . " AND table_name = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($source_table)
                . "'";

    if ($GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['uiprefswork']) {
            $source_db, $target_db,
            $source_table, $target_table,
            'db_name', 'table_name'

    if ($GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['navwork']) {
        // update hidden items inside table
            $source_db, $target_db,
            $source_table, $target_table,
            'db_name', 'table_name'

        // update data for hidden table
        $query = "UPDATE "
            . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['db']) . "."
            . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote(
            . " SET db_name = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($target_db)
            . "',"
            . " item_name = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($target_table)
            . "'"
            . " WHERE db_name  = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($source_db)
            . "'"
            . " AND item_name = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($source_table)
            . "'"
            . " AND item_type = 'table'";

 * Create a PDF page
 * @param string $newpage     name of the new PDF page
 * @param array  $cfgRelation Relation configuration
 * @param string $db          database name
 * @return int $pdf_page_number
function PMA_REL_createPage($newpage, $cfgRelation, $db)
    if (! isset($newpage) || $newpage == '') {
        $newpage = __('no description');
    $ins_query   = 'INSERT INTO '
        . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['db']) . '.'
        . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($cfgRelation['pdf_pages'])
        . ' (db_name, page_descr)'
        . ' VALUES (\''
        . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($db) . '\', \''
        . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($newpage) . '\')';
    PMA_queryAsControlUser($ins_query, false);

    return $GLOBALS['dbi']->insertId(
        isset($GLOBALS['controllink']) ? $GLOBALS['controllink'] : ''

 * Get child table references for a table column.
 * This works only if 'DisableIS' is false. An empty array is returned otherwise.
 * @param string $db     name of master table db.
 * @param string $table  name of master table.
 * @param string $column name of master table column.
 * @return array $child_references
function PMA_getChildReferences($db, $table, $column = '')
    $child_references = array();
    if (! $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['DisableIS']) {
        $rel_query = "SELECT `column_name`, `table_name`,"
            . " `table_schema`, `referenced_column_name`"
            . " FROM `information_schema`.`key_column_usage`"
            . " WHERE `referenced_table_name` = '"
            . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($table) . "'"
            . " AND `referenced_table_schema` = '"
            . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($db) . "'";
        if ($column) {
            $rel_query .= " AND `referenced_column_name` = '"
                . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($column) . "'";

        $child_references = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult(
            $rel_query, array('referenced_column_name', null)
    return $child_references;

 * Check child table references and foreign key for a table column.
 * @param string $db                    name of master table db.
 * @param string $table                 name of master table.
 * @param string $column                name of master table column.
 * @param array  $foreigners_full       foreiners array for the whole table.
 * @param array  $child_references_full child references for the whole table.
 * @return array $column_status telling about references if foreign key.
function PMA_checkChildForeignReferences(
    $db, $table, $column, $foreigners_full = null, $child_references_full = null
) {
    $column_status = array();
    $column_status['isEditable'] = false;
    $column_status['isReferenced'] = false;
    $column_status['isForeignKey'] = false;
    $column_status['references'] = array();

    $foreigners = array();
    if ($foreigners_full !== null) {
        if (isset($foreigners_full[$column])) {
            $foreigners[$column] = $foreigners_full[$column];
        if (isset($foreigners_full['foreign_keys_data'])) {
            $foreigners['foreign_keys_data'] = $foreigners_full['foreign_keys_data'];
    } else {
        $foreigners = PMA_getForeigners($db, $table, $column, 'foreign');
    $foreigner = PMA_searchColumnInForeigners($foreigners, $column);

    $child_references = array();
    if ($child_references_full !== null) {
        if (isset($child_references_full[$column])) {
            $child_references = $child_references_full[$column];
    } else {
        $child_references = PMA_getChildReferences($db, $table, $column);

    if (sizeof($child_references, 0) > 0
        || $foreigner
    ) {
        if (sizeof($child_references, 0) > 0) {
            $column_status['isReferenced'] = true;
            foreach ($child_references as $columns) {
                    . '.' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($columns['table_name'])

        if ($foreigner) {
            $column_status['isForeignKey'] = true;
    } else {
        $column_status['isEditable'] = true;

    return $column_status;

 * Search a table column in foreign data.
 * @param array  $foreigners Table Foreign data
 * @param string $column     Column name
 * @return bool|array
function PMA_searchColumnInForeigners($foreigners, $column)
    if (isset($foreigners[$column])) {
        return $foreigners[$column];
    } else {
        $foreigner = array();
        foreach ($foreigners['foreign_keys_data'] as $one_key) {
            $column_index = array_search($column, $one_key['index_list']);
            if ($column_index !== false) {
                    = $one_key['ref_index_list'][$column_index];
                $foreigner['foreign_db'] = isset($one_key['ref_db_name'])
                    ? $one_key['ref_db_name']
                    : $GLOBALS['db'];
                $foreigner['foreign_table'] = $one_key['ref_table_name'];
                $foreigner['constraint'] = $one_key['constraint'];
                $foreigner['on_update'] = isset($one_key['on_update'])
                    ? $one_key['on_update']
                    : 'RESTRICT';
                $foreigner['on_delete'] = isset($one_key['on_delete'])
                    ? $one_key['on_delete']
                    : 'RESTRICT';

                return $foreigner;

    return false;

 * Returns default PMA table names and their create queries.
 * @return array table name, create query
function PMA_getDefaultPMATableNames()
    $pma_tables = array();
    $create_tables_file = file_get_contents(
        SQL_DIR . 'create_tables.sql'

    $queries = explode(';', $create_tables_file);

    foreach ($queries as $query) {
        if (preg_match(
            '/CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `(.*)` \(/',
        ) {
            $pma_tables[$table[1]] = $query . ';';

    return $pma_tables;

 * Create a table named phpmyadmin to be used as configuration storage
 * @return bool
function PMA_createPMADatabase()
    $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `phpmyadmin`");
    if ($error = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getError()) {
        if ($GLOBALS['errno'] == 1044) {
            $GLOBALS['message'] =    __(
                'You do not have necessary privileges to create a database named'
                . ' \'phpmyadmin\'. You may go to \'Operations\' tab of any'
                . ' database to set up the phpMyAdmin configuration storage there.'
        } else {
            $GLOBALS['message'] = $error;
        return false;
    return true;

 * Creates PMA tables in the given db, updates if already exists.
 * @param string  $db     database
 * @param boolean $create whether to create tables if they don't exist.
 * @return void
function PMA_fixPMATables($db, $create = true)
    $tablesToFeatures = array(
        'pma__bookmark' => 'bookmarktable',
        'pma__relation' => 'relation',
        'pma__table_info' => 'table_info',
        'pma__table_coords' => 'table_coords',
        'pma__pdf_pages' => 'pdf_pages',
        'pma__column_info' => 'column_info',
        'pma__history' => 'history',
        'pma__recent' => 'recent',
        'pma__favorite' => 'favorite',
        'pma__table_uiprefs' => 'table_uiprefs',
        'pma__tracking' => 'tracking',
        'pma__userconfig' => 'userconfig',
        'pma__users' => 'users',
        'pma__usergroups' => 'usergroups',
        'pma__navigationhiding' => 'navigationhiding',
        'pma__savedsearches' => 'savedsearches',
        'pma__central_columns' => 'central_columns',
        'pma__designer_settings' => 'designer_settings',
        'pma__export_templates' => 'export_templates',

    $existingTables = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getTables($db, $GLOBALS['controllink']);

    $createQueries = null;
    $foundOne = false;
    foreach ($tablesToFeatures as $table => $feature) {
        if (! in_array($table, $existingTables)) {
            if ($create) {
                if ($createQueries == null) { // first create
                    $createQueries = PMA_getDefaultPMATableNames();
                if ($error = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getError()) {
                    $GLOBALS['message'] = $error;
                $foundOne = true;
                $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server'][$feature] = $table;
        } else {
            $foundOne = true;
            $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server'][$feature] = $table;

    if (! $foundOne) {
    $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['pmadb'] = $db;
    $_SESSION['relation'][$GLOBALS['server']] = PMA_checkRelationsParam();

    $cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam();
    if ($cfgRelation['recentwork'] || $cfgRelation['favoritework']) {
        // Since configuration storage is updated, we need to
        // re-initialize the favorite and recent tables stored in the
        // session from the current configuration storage.
        if ($cfgRelation['favoritework']) {
            $fav_tables = RecentFavoriteTable::getInstance('favorite');
                = $fav_tables->getFromDb();

        if ($cfgRelation['recentwork']) {
            $recent_tables = RecentFavoriteTable::getInstance('recent');
                = $recent_tables->getFromDb();

        // Reload navi panel to update the recent/favorite lists.
        $GLOBALS['reload'] = true;

 * Get Html for PMA tables fixing anchor.
 * @param boolean $allTables whether to create all tables
 * @param boolean $createDb  whether to create the pmadb also
 * @return string Html
function PMA_getHtmlFixPMATables($allTables, $createDb = false)
    $retval = '';

    $url_query = PMA_URL_getCommon(array('db' => $GLOBALS['db']));
    if ($allTables) {
        if ($createDb) {
            $url_query .= '&amp;goto=db_operations.php&amp;create_pmadb=1';
            $message = Message::notice(
                    '%sCreate%s a database named \'phpmyadmin\' and setup '
                    . 'the phpMyAdmin configuration storage there.'
        } else {
            $url_query .= '&amp;goto=db_operations.php&amp;fixall_pmadb=1';
            $message = Message::notice(
                    '%sCreate%s the phpMyAdmin configuration storage in the '
                    . 'current database.'
    } else {
        $url_query .= '&amp;goto=db_operations.php&amp;fix_pmadb=1';
        $message = Message::notice(
            __('%sCreate%s missing phpMyAdmin configuration storage tables.')
        '<a href="./chk_rel.php' . $url_query . '">',
    $message->addParam('</a>', false);

    $retval .= $message->getDisplay();

    return $retval;

 * Gets the relations info and status, depending on the condition
 * @param boolean $condition whether to look for foreigners or not
 * @param string  $db        database name
 * @param string  $table     table name
 * @return array ($res_rel, $have_rel)
function PMA_getRelationsAndStatus($condition, $db, $table)
    if ($condition) {
        // Find which tables are related with the current one and write it in
        // an array
        $res_rel = PMA_getForeigners($db, $table);

        if (count($res_rel) > 0) {
            $have_rel = true;
        } else {
            $have_rel = false;
    } else {
        $have_rel = false;
        $res_rel = array();
    } // end if
    return(array($res_rel, $have_rel));

 * Verifies if all the pmadb tables are defined
 * @return boolean
function PMA_arePmadbTablesDefined()
    if (empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['bookmarktable'])
        || empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['relation'])
        || empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['table_info'])
        || empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['table_coords'])
        || empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['column_info'])
        || empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['pdf_pages'])
        || empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['history'])
        || empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['recent'])
        || empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['favorite'])
        || empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['table_uiprefs'])
        || empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['tracking'])
        || empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['userconfig'])
        || empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['users'])
        || empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['usergroups'])
        || empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['navigationhiding'])
        || empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['savedsearches'])
        || empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['central_columns'])
        || empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['designer_settings'])
        || empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['export_templates'])
    ) {
        return false;
    } else {
        return true;


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