<?php /* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */ /** * Functions for the replication GUI * * @package PhpMyAdmin */ use PMA\libraries\Message; /** * returns HTML for error message * * @return String HTML code */ function PMA_getHtmlForErrorMessage() { $html = ''; if (isset($_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_status']) && isset($_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_info']) ) { if ($_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_status'] == 'error') { $error_message = $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_info']; $html .= Message::error($error_message)->getDisplay(); $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_status'] = 'unknown'; } elseif ($_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_status'] == 'success') { $success_message = $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_info']; $html .= Message::success($success_message)->getDisplay(); $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_status'] = 'unknown'; } } return $html; } /** * returns HTML for master replication * * @return String HTML code */ function PMA_getHtmlForMasterReplication() { $html = ''; if (! isset($_REQUEST['repl_clear_scr'])) { $html .= '<fieldset>'; $html .= '<legend>' . __('Master replication') . '</legend>'; $html .= __('This server is configured as master in a replication process.'); $html .= '<ul>'; $html .= ' <li><a href="#master_status_href" id="master_status_href">'; $html .= __('Show master status') . '</a>'; $html .= PMA_getHtmlForReplicationStatusTable('master', true, false); $html .= ' </li>'; $html .= ' <li><a href="#master_slaves_href" id="master_slaves_href">'; $html .= __('Show connected slaves') . '</a>'; $html .= PMA_getHtmlForReplicationSlavesTable(true); $html .= ' </li>'; $_url_params = $GLOBALS['url_params']; $_url_params['mr_adduser'] = true; $_url_params['repl_clear_scr'] = true; $html .= ' <li><a href="server_replication.php'; $html .= PMA_URL_getCommon($_url_params) . '" id="master_addslaveuser_href">'; $html .= __('Add slave replication user') . '</a></li>'; } // Display 'Add replication slave user' form if (isset($_REQUEST['mr_adduser'])) { $html .= PMA_getHtmlForReplicationMasterAddSlaveuser(); } elseif (! isset($_REQUEST['repl_clear_scr'])) { $html .= "</ul>"; $html .= "</fieldset>"; } return $html; } /** * returns HTML for master replication configuration * * @return String HTML code */ function PMA_getHtmlForMasterConfiguration() { $html = '<fieldset>'; $html .= '<legend>' . __('Master configuration') . '</legend>'; $html .= __( 'This server is not configured as a master server in a ' . 'replication process. You can choose from either replicating ' . 'all databases and ignoring some of them (useful if you want to ' . 'replicate a majority of the databases) or you can choose to ignore ' . 'all databases by default and allow only certain databases to be ' . 'replicated. Please select the mode:' ) . '<br /><br />'; $html .= '<select name="db_type" id="db_type">'; $html .= '<option value="all">' . __('Replicate all databases; Ignore:'); $html .= '</option>'; $html .= '<option value="ign">' . __('Ignore all databases; Replicate:'); $html .= '</option>'; $html .= '</select>'; $html .= '<br /><br />'; $html .= __('Please select databases:') . '<br />'; $html .= PMA_getHtmlForReplicationDbMultibox(); $html .= '<br /><br />'; $html .= __( 'Now, add the following lines at the end of [mysqld] section' . ' in your my.cnf and please restart the MySQL server afterwards.' ) . '<br />'; $html .= '<pre id="rep"></pre>'; $html .= __( 'Once you restarted MySQL server, please click on Go button. ' . 'Afterwards, you should see a message informing you, that this server' . ' <b>is</b> configured as master.' ); $html .= '</fieldset>'; $html .= '<fieldset class="tblFooters">'; $html .= ' <form method="post" action="server_replication.php" >'; $html .= PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs('', ''); $html .= ' <input type="submit" value="' . __('Go') . '" id="goButton" />'; $html .= ' </form>'; $html .= '</fieldset>'; return $html; } /** * returns HTML for slave replication configuration * * @param bool $server_slave_status Whether it is Master or Slave * @param array $server_slave_replication Slave replication * * @return String HTML code */ function PMA_getHtmlForSlaveConfiguration( $server_slave_status, $server_slave_replication ) { $html = '<fieldset>'; $html .= '<legend>' . __('Slave replication') . '</legend>'; /** * check for multi-master replication functionality */ $server_slave_multi_replication = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult( 'SHOW ALL SLAVES STATUS' ); if ($server_slave_multi_replication) { $html .= __('Master connection:'); $html .= '<form method="get" action="server_replication.php">'; $html .= PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs($GLOBALS['url_params']); $html .= ' <select name="master_connection">'; $html .= '<option value="">' . __('Default') . '</option>'; foreach ($server_slave_multi_replication as $server) { $html .= '<option' . (isset($_REQUEST['master_connection']) && $_REQUEST['master_connection'] == $server['Connection_name'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $server['Connection_name'] . '</option>'; } $html .= '</select>'; $html .= ' <input type="submit" value="' . __('Go') . '" id="goButton" />'; $html .= '</form>'; $html .= '<br /><br />'; } if ($server_slave_status) { $html .= '<div id="slave_configuration_gui">'; $_url_params = $GLOBALS['url_params']; $_url_params['sr_take_action'] = true; $_url_params['sr_slave_server_control'] = true; if ($server_slave_replication[0]['Slave_IO_Running'] == 'No') { $_url_params['sr_slave_action'] = 'start'; } else { $_url_params['sr_slave_action'] = 'stop'; } $_url_params['sr_slave_control_parm'] = 'IO_THREAD'; $slave_control_io_link = 'server_replication.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($_url_params); if ($server_slave_replication[0]['Slave_SQL_Running'] == 'No') { $_url_params['sr_slave_action'] = 'start'; } else { $_url_params['sr_slave_action'] = 'stop'; } $_url_params['sr_slave_control_parm'] = 'SQL_THREAD'; $slave_control_sql_link = 'server_replication.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($_url_params); if ($server_slave_replication[0]['Slave_IO_Running'] == 'No' || $server_slave_replication[0]['Slave_SQL_Running'] == 'No' ) { $_url_params['sr_slave_action'] = 'start'; } else { $_url_params['sr_slave_action'] = 'stop'; } $_url_params['sr_slave_control_parm'] = null; $slave_control_full_link = 'server_replication.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($_url_params); $_url_params['sr_slave_action'] = 'reset'; $slave_control_reset_link = 'server_replication.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($_url_params); $_url_params = $GLOBALS['url_params']; $_url_params['sr_take_action'] = true; $_url_params['sr_slave_skip_error'] = true; $slave_skip_error_link = 'server_replication.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($_url_params); if ($server_slave_replication[0]['Slave_SQL_Running'] == 'No') { $html .= Message::error( __('Slave SQL Thread not running!') )->getDisplay(); } if ($server_slave_replication[0]['Slave_IO_Running'] == 'No') { $html .= Message::error( __('Slave IO Thread not running!') )->getDisplay(); } $_url_params = $GLOBALS['url_params']; $_url_params['sl_configure'] = true; $_url_params['repl_clear_scr'] = true; $reconfiguremaster_link = 'server_replication.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($_url_params); $html .= __( 'Server is configured as slave in a replication process. Would you ' . 'like to:' ); $html .= '<br />'; $html .= '<ul>'; $html .= ' <li><a href="#slave_status_href" id="slave_status_href">'; $html .= __('See slave status table') . '</a>'; $html .= PMA_getHtmlForReplicationStatusTable('slave', true, false); $html .= ' </li>'; $html .= ' <li><a href="#slave_control_href" id="slave_control_href">'; $html .= __('Control slave:') . '</a>'; $html .= ' <div id="slave_control_gui" style="display: none">'; $html .= ' <ul>'; $html .= ' <li><a href="' . $slave_control_full_link . '">'; $html .= (($server_slave_replication[0]['Slave_IO_Running'] == 'No' || $server_slave_replication[0]['Slave_SQL_Running'] == 'No') ? __('Full start') : __('Full stop')) . ' </a></li>'; $html .= ' <li><a class="ajax" id="reset_slave"' . ' href="' . $slave_control_reset_link . '">'; $html .= __('Reset slave') . '</a></li>'; if ($server_slave_replication[0]['Slave_SQL_Running'] == 'No') { $html .= ' <li><a href="' . $slave_control_sql_link . '">'; $html .= __('Start SQL Thread only') . '</a></li>'; } else { $html .= ' <li><a href="' . $slave_control_sql_link . '">'; $html .= __('Stop SQL Thread only') . '</a></li>'; } if ($server_slave_replication[0]['Slave_IO_Running'] == 'No') { $html .= ' <li><a href="' . $slave_control_io_link . '">'; $html .= __('Start IO Thread only') . '</a></li>'; } else { $html .= ' <li><a href="' . $slave_control_io_link . '">'; $html .= __('Stop IO Thread only') . '</a></li>'; } $html .= ' </ul>'; $html .= ' </div>'; $html .= ' </li>'; $html .= ' <li>'; $html .= PMA_getHtmlForSlaveErrorManagement($slave_skip_error_link); $html .= ' </li>'; $html .= ' <li><a href="' . $reconfiguremaster_link . '">'; $html .= __('Change or reconfigure master server') . '</a></li>'; $html .= '</ul>'; $html .= '</div>'; } elseif (! isset($_REQUEST['sl_configure'])) { $_url_params = $GLOBALS['url_params']; $_url_params['sl_configure'] = true; $_url_params['repl_clear_scr'] = true; $html .= sprintf( __( 'This server is not configured as slave in a replication process. ' . 'Would you like to <a href="%s">configure</a> it?' ), 'server_replication.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($_url_params) ); } $html .= '</fieldset>'; return $html; } /** * returns HTML for Slave Error Management * * @param String $slave_skip_error_link error link * * @return String HTML code */ function PMA_getHtmlForSlaveErrorManagement($slave_skip_error_link) { $html = '<a href="#slave_errormanagement_href" ' . 'id="slave_errormanagement_href">'; $html .= __('Error management:') . '</a>'; $html .= ' <div id="slave_errormanagement_gui" style="display: none">'; $html .= Message::error( __('Skipping errors might lead into unsynchronized master and slave!') )->getDisplay(); $html .= ' <ul>'; $html .= ' <li><a href="' . $slave_skip_error_link . '">'; $html .= __('Skip current error') . '</a></li>'; $html .= ' <li>'; $html .= ' <form method="post" action="server_replication.php">'; $html .= PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs('', ''); $html .= sprintf( __('Skip next %s errors.'), '<input type="text" name="sr_skip_errors_count" value="1" ' . 'style="width: 30px" />' ); $html .= ' <input type="submit" name="sr_slave_skip_error" '; $html .= 'value="' . __('Go') . '" />'; $html .= ' <input type="hidden" name="sr_take_action" value="1" />'; $html .= ' </form></li>'; $html .= ' </ul>'; $html .= ' </div>'; return $html; } /** * returns HTML for not configure for a server replication * * @return String HTML code */ function PMA_getHtmlForNotServerReplication() { $_url_params = $GLOBALS['url_params']; $_url_params['mr_configure'] = true; $html = '<fieldset>'; $html .= '<legend>' . __('Master replication') . '</legend>'; $html .= sprintf( __( 'This server is not configured as master in a replication process. ' . 'Would you like to <a href="%s">configure</a> it?' ), 'server_replication.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($_url_params) ); $html .= '</fieldset>'; return $html; } /** * returns HTML code for selecting databases * * @return String HTML code */ function PMA_getHtmlForReplicationDbMultibox() { $multi_values = ''; $multi_values .= '<select name="db_select[]" ' . 'size="6" multiple="multiple" id="db_select">'; foreach ($GLOBALS['dblist']->databases as $current_db) { if ($GLOBALS['dbi']->isSystemSchema($current_db)) { continue; } $current_db = htmlspecialchars($current_db); $multi_values .= ' <option value="' . $current_db . '" '; $multi_values .= '>'; $multi_values .= $current_db . '</option>'; } // end while $multi_values .= '</select><br />'; $multi_values .= '<a href="#" id="db_select_href">' . __('Select all') . '</a>'; $multi_values .= ' / '; $multi_values .= '<a href="#" id="db_reset_href">' . __('Unselect all') . '</a>'; return $multi_values; } /** * returns HTML for changing master * * @param String $submitname - submit button name * * @return String HTML code */ function PMA_getHtmlForReplicationChangeMaster($submitname) { $html = ''; list($username_length, $hostname_length) = PMA_replicationGetUsernameHostnameLength(); $html .= '<form method="post" action="server_replication.php">'; $html .= PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs('', ''); $html .= ' <fieldset id="fieldset_add_user_login">'; $html .= ' <legend>' . __('Slave configuration'); $html .= ' - ' . __('Change or reconfigure master server') . '</legend>'; $html .= __( 'Make sure you have a unique server-id in your configuration file (my.cnf). ' . 'If not, please add the following line into [mysqld] section:' ); $html .= '<br />'; $html .= '<pre>server-id=' . time() . '</pre>'; $html .= PMA_getHtmlForAddUserInputDiv( array('text'=>__('User name:'), 'for'=>"text_username"), array( 'type'=>'text', 'name'=>'username', 'id'=>'text_username', 'maxlength'=>$username_length, 'title'=>__('User name'), 'required'=>'required' ) ); $html .= PMA_getHtmlForAddUserInputDiv( array('text'=>__('Password:'), 'for'=>"text_pma_pw"), array( 'type'=>'password', 'name'=>'pma_pw', 'id'=>'text_pma_pw', 'title'=>__('Password'), 'required'=>'required' ) ); $html .= PMA_getHtmlForAddUserInputDiv( array('text'=>__('Host:'), 'for'=>"text_hostname"), array( 'type'=>'text', 'name'=>'hostname', 'id'=>'text_hostname', 'maxlength'=>$hostname_length, 'value'=>'', 'required'=>'required' ) ); $html .= PMA_getHtmlForAddUserInputDiv( array('text'=>__('Port:'), 'for'=>"text_port"), array( 'type'=>'number', 'name'=>'text_port', 'id'=>'text_port', 'maxlength'=>6, 'value'=>'3306', 'required'=>'required' ) ); $html .= ' </fieldset>'; $html .= ' <fieldset id="fieldset_user_privtable_footer" class="tblFooters">'; $html .= ' <input type="hidden" name="sr_take_action" value="true" />'; $html .= ' <input type="hidden" name="' . $submitname . '" value="1" />'; $html .= ' <input type="submit" id="confslave_submit" value="'; $html .= __('Go') . '" />'; $html .= ' </fieldset>'; $html .= '</form>'; return $html; } /** * returns HTML code for Add user input div * * @param array $label_array label tag elements * @param array $input_array input tag elements * * @return String HTML code */ function PMA_getHtmlForAddUserInputDiv($label_array, $input_array) { $html = ' <div class="item">'; $html .= ' <label for="' . $label_array['for'] . '">'; $html .= $label_array['text'] . '</label>'; $html .= ' <input '; foreach ($input_array as $key=>$value) { $html .= ' ' . $key . '="' . $value . '" '; } $html .= ' />'; $html .= ' </div>'; return $html; } /** * This function returns html code for table with replication status. * * @param string $type either master or slave * @param boolean $hidden if true, then default style is set to hidden, * default value false * @param boolean $title if true, then title is displayed, default true * * @return String HTML code */ function PMA_getHtmlForReplicationStatusTable($type, $hidden = false, $title = true) { global ${"{$type}_variables"}; global ${"{$type}_variables_alerts"}; global ${"{$type}_variables_oks"}; global ${"server_{$type}_replication"}; global ${"strReplicationStatus_{$type}"}; $html = ''; // TODO check the Masters server id? // seems to default to '1' when queried via SHOW VARIABLES , // but resulted in error on the master when slave connects // [ERROR] Error reading packet from server: Misconfigured master // - server id was not set ( server_errno=1236) // [ERROR] Got fatal error 1236: 'Misconfigured master // - server id was not set' from master when reading data from binary log // //$server_id = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchValue( // "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'server_id'", 0, 1 //); $html .= '<div id="replication_' . $type . '_section" style="'; $html .= ($hidden ? 'display: none;' : '') . '"> '; if ($title) { if ($type == 'master') { $html .= '<h4><a name="replication_' . $type . '"></a>'; $html .= __('Master status') . '</h4>'; } else { $html .= '<h4><a name="replication_' . $type . '"></a>'; $html .= __('Slave status') . '</h4>'; } } else { $html .= '<br />'; } $html .= ' <table id="server' . $type . 'replicationsummary" class="data"> '; $html .= ' <thead>'; $html .= ' <tr>'; $html .= ' <th>' . __('Variable') . '</th>'; $html .= ' <th>' . __('Value') . '</th>'; $html .= ' </tr>'; $html .= ' </thead>'; $html .= ' <tbody>'; $odd_row = true; foreach (${"{$type}_variables"} as $variable) { $html .= ' <tr class="' . ($odd_row ? 'odd' : 'even') . '">'; $html .= ' <td class="name">'; $html .= htmlspecialchars($variable); $html .= ' </td>'; $html .= ' <td class="value">'; // TODO change to regexp or something, to allow for negative match if (isset(${"{$type}_variables_alerts"}[$variable]) && ${"{$type}_variables_alerts"}[$variable] == ${"server_{$type}_replication"}[0][$variable] ) { $html .= '<span class="attention">'; } elseif (isset(${"{$type}_variables_oks"}[$variable]) && ${"{$type}_variables_oks"}[$variable] == ${"server_{$type}_replication"}[0][$variable] ) { $html .= '<span class="allfine">'; } else { $html .= '<span>'; } // allow wrapping long table lists into multiple lines static $variables_wrap = array( 'Replicate_Do_DB', 'Replicate_Ignore_DB', 'Replicate_Do_Table', 'Replicate_Ignore_Table', 'Replicate_Wild_Do_Table', 'Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table'); if (in_array($variable, $variables_wrap)) { $html .= htmlspecialchars(str_replace( ',', ', ', ${"server_{$type}_replication"}[0][$variable] )); } else { $html .= htmlspecialchars(${"server_{$type}_replication"}[0][$variable]); } $html .= '</span>'; $html .= ' </td>'; $html .= ' </tr>'; $odd_row = ! $odd_row; } $html .= ' </tbody>'; $html .= ' </table>'; $html .= ' <br />'; $html .= '</div>'; return $html; } /** * returns html code for table with slave users connected to this master * * @param boolean $hidden - if true, then default style is set to hidden, * - default value false * * @return string */ function PMA_getHtmlForReplicationSlavesTable($hidden = false) { $html = ''; // Fetch data $data = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult('SHOW SLAVE HOSTS', null, null); $html .= ' <br />'; $html .= ' <div id="replication_slaves_section" style="'; $html .= ($hidden ? 'display: none;' : '') . '"> '; $html .= ' <table class="data">'; $html .= ' <thead>'; $html .= ' <tr>'; $html .= ' <th>' . __('Server ID') . '</th>'; $html .= ' <th>' . __('Host') . '</th>'; $html .= ' </tr>'; $html .= ' </thead>'; $html .= ' <tbody>'; $odd_row = true; foreach ($data as $slave) { $html .= ' <tr class="' . ($odd_row ? 'odd' : 'even') . '">'; $html .= ' <td class="value">' . $slave['Server_id'] . '</td>'; $html .= ' <td class="value">' . $slave['Host'] . '</td>'; $html .= ' </tr>'; $odd_row = ! $odd_row; } $html .= ' </tbody>'; $html .= ' </table>'; $html .= ' <br />'; $html .= Message::notice( __( 'Only slaves started with the ' . '--report-host=host_name option are visible in this list.' ) )->getDisplay(); $html .= ' <br />'; $html .= ' </div>'; return $html; } /** * get the correct username and hostname lengths for this MySQL server * * @return array username length, hostname length */ function PMA_replicationGetUsernameHostnameLength() { $fields_info = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getColumns('mysql', 'user'); $username_length = 16; $hostname_length = 41; foreach ($fields_info as $val) { if ($val['Field'] == 'User') { strtok($val['Type'], '()'); $v = strtok('()'); if (is_int($v)) { $username_length = $v; } } elseif ($val['Field'] == 'Host') { strtok($val['Type'], '()'); $v = strtok('()'); if (is_int($v)) { $hostname_length = $v; } } } return array($username_length, $hostname_length); } /** * returns html code to add a replication slave user to the master * * @return String HTML code */ function PMA_getHtmlForReplicationMasterAddSlaveuser() { $html = ''; list($username_length, $hostname_length) = PMA_replicationGetUsernameHostnameLength(); if (isset($_REQUEST['username']) && mb_strlen($_REQUEST['username']) === 0 ) { $GLOBALS['pred_username'] = 'any'; } $html .= '<div id="master_addslaveuser_gui">'; $html .= '<form autocomplete="off" method="post" '; $html .= 'action="server_privileges.php"'; $html .= ' onsubmit="return checkAddUser(this);">'; $html .= PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs('', ''); $html .= '<fieldset id="fieldset_add_user_login">' . '<legend>' . __('Add slave replication user') . '</legend>' . PMA_getHtmlForAddUserLoginForm($username_length) . '<div class="item">' . '<label for="select_pred_hostname">' . ' ' . __('Host:') . '</label>' . '<span class="options">' . ' <select name="pred_hostname" id="select_pred_hostname" title="' . __('Host') . '"'; $_current_user = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchValue('SELECT USER();'); if (! empty($_current_user)) { $thishost = str_replace( "'", '', mb_substr( $_current_user, (mb_strrpos($_current_user, '@') + 1) ) ); if ($thishost != 'localhost' && $thishost != '') { $html .= ' data-thishost="' . htmlspecialchars($thishost) . '" '; } else { unset($thishost); } } $html .= '>' . "\n"; unset($_current_user); // when we start editing a user, $GLOBALS['pred_hostname'] is not defined if (! isset($GLOBALS['pred_hostname']) && isset($_REQUEST['hostname'])) { switch (mb_strtolower($_REQUEST['hostname'])) { case 'localhost': case '': $GLOBALS['pred_hostname'] = 'localhost'; break; case '%': $GLOBALS['pred_hostname'] = 'any'; break; default: $GLOBALS['pred_hostname'] = 'userdefined'; break; } } $html .= ' <option value="any"' . ((isset($GLOBALS['pred_hostname']) && $GLOBALS['pred_hostname'] == 'any') ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . __('Any host') . '</option>' . ' <option value="localhost"' . ((isset($GLOBALS['pred_hostname']) && $GLOBALS['pred_hostname'] == 'localhost') ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . __('Local') . '</option>'; if (!empty($thishost)) { $html .= ' <option value="thishost"' . ((isset($GLOBALS['pred_hostname']) && $GLOBALS['pred_hostname'] == 'thishost') ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . __('This Host') . '</option>'; } unset($thishost); $html .= PMA_getHtmlForTableInfoForm($hostname_length); $html .= '</form>'; $html .= '</div>'; return $html; } /** * returns html code to add a replication slave user to the master * * @param int $username_length Username length * * @return String HTML code */ function PMA_getHtmlForAddUserLoginForm($username_length) { $html = '<input type="hidden" name="grant_count" value="25" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="createdb" id="createdb_0" value="0" />' . '<input id="checkbox_Repl_slave_priv" type="hidden"' . ' title="Needed for the replication slaves." ' . 'value="Y" name="Repl_slave_priv"/>' . '<input id="checkbox_Repl_client_priv" type="hidden" ' . 'title="Needed for the replication slaves."' . ' value="Y" name="Repl_client_priv"/> ' . '<input type="hidden" name="sr_take_action" value="true" />' . '<div class="item">' . '<label for="select_pred_username">' . ' ' . __('User name:') . '</label>' . '<span class="options">' . ' <select name="pred_username" id="select_pred_username" ' . 'title="' . __('User name') . '">' . ' <option value="any"' . ((isset($GLOBALS['pred_username']) && $GLOBALS['pred_username'] == 'any') ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . __('Any user') . '</option>' . ' <option value="userdefined"' . ((! isset($GLOBALS['pred_username']) || $GLOBALS['pred_username'] == 'userdefined') ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . __('Use text field:') . '</option>' . ' </select>' . '</span>' . '<input type="text" name="username" id="pma_username" maxlength="' . $username_length . '" title="' . __('User name') . '"' . (empty($_REQUEST['username']) ? '' : ' value="' . (isset($GLOBALS['new_username']) ? $GLOBALS['new_username'] : htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['username'])) . '"') . ' />' . '</div>'; return $html; } /** * returns HTML for TableInfoForm * * @param int $hostname_length Selected hostname length * * @return String HTML code */ function PMA_getHtmlForTableInfoForm($hostname_length) { $html = ' <option value="hosttable"' . ((isset($GLOBALS['pred_hostname']) && $GLOBALS['pred_hostname'] == 'hosttable') ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . __('Use Host Table') . '</option>' . ' <option value="userdefined"' . ((isset($GLOBALS['pred_hostname']) && $GLOBALS['pred_hostname'] == 'userdefined') ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . __('Use text field:') . '</option>' . ' </select>' . '</span>' . '<input type="text" name="hostname" id="pma_hostname" maxlength="' . $hostname_length . '" value="' . (isset($_REQUEST['hostname']) ? htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['hostname']) : '') . '" title="' . __('Host') . '" />' . PMA\libraries\Util::showHint( __( 'When Host table is used, this field is ignored ' . 'and values stored in Host table are used instead.' ) ) . '</div>' . '<div class="item">' . '<label for="select_pred_password">' . ' ' . __('Password:') . '</label>' . '<span class="options">' . ' <select name="pred_password" id="select_pred_password" title="' . __('Password') . '">' . ' <option value="none"'; if (isset($_REQUEST['username'])) { $html .= ' selected="selected"'; } $html .= '>' . __('No Password') . '</option>' . ' <option value="userdefined"' . (isset($_REQUEST['username']) ? '' : ' selected="selected"') . '>' . __('Use text field:') . '</option>' . ' </select>' . '</span>' . '<input type="password" id="text_pma_pw" name="pma_pw" title="' . __('Password') . '" />' . '</div>' . '<div class="item">' . '<label for="text_pma_pw2">' . ' ' . __('Re-type:') . '</label>' . '<span class="options"> </span>' . '<input type="password" name="pma_pw2" id="text_pma_pw2" title="' . __('Re-type') . '" />' . '</div>' . '<div class="item">' . '<label for="button_generate_password">' . ' ' . __('Generate password:') . '</label>' . '<span class="options">' . ' <input type="button" class="button" ' . 'id="button_generate_password" value="' . __('Generate') . '" onclick="suggestPassword(this.form)" />' . '</span>' . '<input type="text" name="generated_pw" id="generated_pw" />' . '</div>' . '</fieldset>'; $html .= '<fieldset id="fieldset_user_privtable_footer" class="tblFooters">' . ' <input type="hidden" name="adduser_submit" value="1" />' . ' <input type="submit" id="adduser_submit" value="' . __('Go') . '" />' . '</fieldset>'; return $html; } /** * handle control requests * * @return NULL */ function PMA_handleControlRequest() { if (isset($_REQUEST['sr_take_action'])) { $refresh = false; $result = false; $messageSuccess = null; $messageError = null; if (isset($_REQUEST['slave_changemaster']) && ! $GLOBALS['cfg']['AllowArbitraryServer']) { $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_status'] = 'error'; $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_info'] = __('Connection to server is disabled, please enable $cfg[\'AllowArbitraryServer\'] in phpMyAdmin configuration.'); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['slave_changemaster'])) { $result = PMA_handleRequestForSlaveChangeMaster(); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['sr_slave_server_control'])) { $result = PMA_handleRequestForSlaveServerControl(); $refresh = true; switch ($_REQUEST['sr_slave_action']) { case 'start': $messageSuccess = __('Replication started successfully.'); $messageError = __('Error starting replication.'); break; case 'stop': $messageSuccess = __('Replication stopped successfully.'); $messageError = __('Error stopping replication.'); break; case 'reset': $messageSuccess = __('Replication resetting successfully.'); $messageError = __('Error resetting replication.'); break; default: $messageSuccess = __('Success.'); $messageError = __('Error.'); break; } } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['sr_slave_skip_error'])) { $result = PMA_handleRequestForSlaveSkipError(); } if ($refresh) { $response = PMA\libraries\Response::getInstance(); if ($response->isAjax()) { $response->setRequestStatus($result); $response->addJSON( 'message', $result ? Message::success($messageSuccess) : Message::error($messageError) ); } else { PMA_sendHeaderLocation( './server_replication.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($GLOBALS['url_params'], 'text') ); } } unset($refresh); } } /** * handle control requests for Slave Change Master * * @return boolean */ function PMA_handleRequestForSlaveChangeMaster() { $sr = array(); $_SESSION['replication']['m_username'] = $sr['username'] = $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($_REQUEST['username']); $_SESSION['replication']['m_password'] = $sr['pma_pw'] = $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($_REQUEST['pma_pw']); $_SESSION['replication']['m_hostname'] = $sr['hostname'] = $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($_REQUEST['hostname']); $_SESSION['replication']['m_port'] = $sr['port'] = $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($_REQUEST['text_port']); $_SESSION['replication']['m_correct'] = ''; $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_status'] = 'error'; $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_info'] = __('Unknown error'); // Attempt to connect to the new master server $link_to_master = PMA_Replication_connectToMaster( $sr['username'], $sr['pma_pw'], $sr['hostname'], $sr['port'] ); if (! $link_to_master) { $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_status'] = 'error'; $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_info'] = sprintf( __('Unable to connect to master %s.'), htmlspecialchars($sr['hostname']) ); } else { // Read the current master position $position = PMA_Replication_Slave_binLogMaster($link_to_master); if (empty($position)) { $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_status'] = 'error'; $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_info'] = __( 'Unable to read master log position. ' . 'Possible privilege problem on master.' ); } else { $_SESSION['replication']['m_correct'] = true; if (! PMA_Replication_Slave_changeMaster( $sr['username'], $sr['pma_pw'], $sr['hostname'], $sr['port'], $position, true, false ) ) { $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_status'] = 'error'; $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_info'] = __('Unable to change master!'); } else { $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_status'] = 'success'; $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_info'] = sprintf( __('Master server changed successfully to %s.'), htmlspecialchars($sr['hostname']) ); } } } return $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_status'] === 'success'; } /** * handle control requests for Slave Server Control * * @return boolean */ function PMA_handleRequestForSlaveServerControl() { if (empty($_REQUEST['sr_slave_control_parm'])) { $_REQUEST['sr_slave_control_parm'] = null; } if ($_REQUEST['sr_slave_action'] == 'reset') { $qStop = PMA_Replication_Slave_control("STOP"); $qReset = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery("RESET SLAVE;"); $qStart = PMA_Replication_Slave_control("START"); $result = ($qStop !== false && $qStop !== -1 && $qReset !== false && $qReset !== -1 && $qStart !== false && $qStart !== -1); } else { $qControl = PMA_Replication_Slave_control( $_REQUEST['sr_slave_action'], $_REQUEST['sr_slave_control_parm'] ); $result = ($qControl !== false && $qControl !== -1); } return $result; } /** * handle control requests for Slave Skip Error * * @return boolean */ function PMA_handleRequestForSlaveSkipError() { $count = 1; if (isset($_REQUEST['sr_skip_errors_count'])) { $count = $_REQUEST['sr_skip_errors_count'] * 1; } $qStop = PMA_Replication_Slave_control("STOP"); $qSkip = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery( "SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER = " . $count . ";" ); $qStart = PMA_Replication_Slave_control("START"); $result = ($qStop !== false && $qStop !== -1 && $qSkip !== false && $qSkip !== -1 && $qStart !== false && $qStart !== -1); return $result; }
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
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Console.php | File | 14.82 KB | 0644 |
DatabaseInterface.php | File | 95.6 KB | 0644 |
DbList.php | File | 1.9 KB | 0644 |
DbQbe.php | File | 68.87 KB | 0644 |
DbSearch.php | File | 17.21 KB | 0644 |
DisplayResults.php | File | 206 KB | 0644 |
Error.php | File | 12.7 KB | 0644 |
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IndexColumn.php | File | 4.46 KB | 0644 |
Language.php | File | 4.27 KB | 0644 |
LanguageManager.php | File | 20.75 KB | 0644 |
Linter.php | File | 5.02 KB | 0644 |
ListAbstract.php | File | 3.15 KB | 0644 |
ListDatabase.php | File | 4.62 KB | 0644 |
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PDF.php | File | 3.94 KB | 0644 |
Partition.php | File | 7.26 KB | 0644 |
Psr4Autoloader.php | File | 4.85 KB | 0644 |
RecentFavoriteTable.php | File | 11.78 KB | 0644 |
Response.php | File | 12.61 KB | 0644 |
SavedSearches.php | File | 11.67 KB | 0644 |
Scripts.php | File | 7.38 KB | 0644 |
ServerStatusData.php | File | 15.72 KB | 0644 |
StorageEngine.php | File | 13.61 KB | 0644 |
SubPartition.php | File | 3.52 KB | 0644 |
SysInfo.php | File | 799 B | 0644 |
SysInfoLinux.php | File | 1.92 KB | 0644 |
SysInfoSunOS.php | File | 1.86 KB | 0644 |
SysInfoWINNT.php | File | 3.08 KB | 0644 |
SystemDatabase.php | File | 3.66 KB | 0644 |
Table.php | File | 88.12 KB | 0644 |
Template.php | File | 4.45 KB | 0644 |
Theme.php | File | 11.34 KB | 0644 |
ThemeManager.php | File | 12.91 KB | 0644 |
Tracker.php | File | 30.35 KB | 0644 |
Types.php | File | 6.08 KB | 0644 |
TypesMySQL.php | File | 17.26 KB | 0644 |
Util.php | File | 172.46 KB | 0644 |
VersionInformation.php | File | 7.87 KB | 0644 |
ZipFile.php | File | 6.63 KB | 0644 |
advisor.lib.php | File | 1.6 KB | 0644 |
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relation_cleanup.lib.php | File | 13.84 KB | 0644 |
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tbl_common.inc.php | File | 1.3 KB | 0644 |
tbl_info.inc.php | File | 3.54 KB | 0644 |
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tracking.lib.php | File | 54.93 KB | 0644 |
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url_generating.lib.php | File | 6.77 KB | 0644 |
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user_preferences.lib.php | File | 8.17 KB | 0644 |
util.lib.php | File | 749 B | 0644 |
vendor_config.php | File | 2.49 KB | 0644 |
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