[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
 * set of functions with the Privileges section in pma
 * @package PhpMyAdmin
use PMA\libraries\DatabaseInterface;
use PMA\libraries\Message;
use PMA\libraries\Template;
use PMA\libraries\Util;

 * Get Html for User Group Dialog
 * @param string $username     username
 * @param bool   $is_menuswork Is menuswork set in configuration
 * @return string html
function PMA_getHtmlForUserGroupDialog($username, $is_menuswork)
    $html = '';
    if (! empty($_REQUEST['edit_user_group_dialog']) && $is_menuswork) {
        $dialog = PMA_getHtmlToChooseUserGroup($username);
        $response = PMA\libraries\Response::getInstance();
        if ($GLOBALS['is_ajax_request']) {
            $response->addJSON('message', $dialog);
        } else {
            $html .= $dialog;

    return $html;

 * Escapes wildcard in a database+table specification
 * before using it in a GRANT statement.
 * Escaping a wildcard character in a GRANT is only accepted at the global
 * or database level, not at table level; this is why I remove
 * the escaping character. Internally, in mysql.tables_priv.Db there are
 * no escaping (for example test_db) but in mysql.db you'll see test\_db
 * for a db-specific privilege.
 * @param string $dbname    Database name
 * @param string $tablename Table name
 * @return string the escaped (if necessary) database.table
function PMA_wildcardEscapeForGrant($dbname, $tablename)
    if (!mb_strlen($dbname)) {
        $db_and_table = '*.*';
    } else {
        if (mb_strlen($tablename)) {
            $db_and_table = Util::backquote(
            . '.' . Util::backquote($tablename);
        } else {
            $db_and_table = Util::backquote($dbname) . '.*';
    return $db_and_table;

 * Generates a condition on the user name
 * @param string $initial the user's initial
 * @return string   the generated condition
function PMA_rangeOfUsers($initial = '')
    // strtolower() is used because the User field
    // might be BINARY, so LIKE would be case sensitive
    if ($initial === null || $initial === '') {
        return '';

    $ret = " WHERE `User` LIKE '"
        . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($initial) . "%'"
        . " OR `User` LIKE '"
        . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString(mb_strtolower($initial))
        . "%'";
    return $ret;
} // end function

 * Formats privilege name for a display
 * @param array   $privilege Privilege information
 * @param boolean $html      Whether to use HTML
 * @return string
function PMA_formatPrivilege($privilege, $html)
    if ($html) {
        return '<dfn title="' . $privilege[2] . '">'
            . $privilege[1] . '</dfn>';
    } else {
        return $privilege[1];

 * Parses privileges into an array, it modifies the array
 * @param array &$row Results row from
 * @return void
function PMA_fillInTablePrivileges(&$row)
    $row1 = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchSingleRow(
        'SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mysql`.`tables_priv` LIKE \'Table_priv\';',
        'ASSOC', $GLOBALS['userlink']
    // note: in MySQL 5.0.3 we get "Create View', 'Show view';
    // the View for Create is spelled with uppercase V
    // the view for Show is spelled with lowercase v
    // and there is a space between the words

    $av_grants = explode(
            mb_strpos($row1['Type'], '(') + 2,
            mb_strpos($row1['Type'], ')')
            - mb_strpos($row1['Type'], '(') - 3

    $users_grants = explode(',', $row['Table_priv']);

    foreach ($av_grants as $current_grant) {
        $row[$current_grant . '_priv']
            = in_array($current_grant, $users_grants) ? 'Y' : 'N';

 * Extracts the privilege information of a priv table row
 * @param array|null $row        the row
 * @param boolean    $enableHTML add <dfn> tag with tooltips
 * @param boolean    $tablePrivs whether row contains table privileges
 * @global  resource $user_link the database connection
 * @return array
function PMA_extractPrivInfo($row = null, $enableHTML = false, $tablePrivs = false)
    if ($tablePrivs) {
        $grants = PMA_getTableGrantsArray();
    } else {
        $grants = PMA_getGrantsArray();

    if (! is_null($row) && isset($row['Table_priv'])) {

    $privs = array();
    $allPrivileges = true;
    foreach ($grants as $current_grant) {
        if ((! is_null($row) && isset($row[$current_grant[0]]))
            || (is_null($row) && isset($GLOBALS[$current_grant[0]]))
        ) {
            if ((! is_null($row) && $row[$current_grant[0]] == 'Y')
                || (is_null($row)
                && ($GLOBALS[$current_grant[0]] == 'Y'
                || (is_array($GLOBALS[$current_grant[0]])
                && count($GLOBALS[$current_grant[0]]) == $_REQUEST['column_count']
                && empty($GLOBALS[$current_grant[0] . '_none']))))
            ) {
                $privs[] = PMA_formatPrivilege($current_grant, $enableHTML);
            } elseif (! empty($GLOBALS[$current_grant[0]])
                && is_array($GLOBALS[$current_grant[0]])
                && empty($GLOBALS[$current_grant[0] . '_none'])
            ) {
                // Required for proper escaping of ` (backtick) in a column name
                $grant_cols = array_map(
                    function($val) {
                        return Util::backquote($val);

                $privs[] = PMA_formatPrivilege($current_grant, $enableHTML)
                    . ' (' . join(', ', $grant_cols) . ')';
            } else {
                $allPrivileges = false;
    if (empty($privs)) {
        if ($enableHTML) {
            $privs[] = '<dfn title="' . __('No privileges.') . '">USAGE</dfn>';
        } else {
            $privs[] = 'USAGE';
    } elseif ($allPrivileges
        && (! isset($_POST['grant_count']) || count($privs) == $_POST['grant_count'])
    ) {
        if ($enableHTML) {
            $privs = array('<dfn title="'
                . __('Includes all privileges except GRANT.')
                . '">ALL PRIVILEGES</dfn>'
        } else {
            $privs = array('ALL PRIVILEGES');
    return $privs;
} // end of the 'PMA_extractPrivInfo()' function

 * Returns an array of table grants and their descriptions
 * @return array array of table grants
function PMA_getTableGrantsArray()
    return array(
            'Create View',
            'Show view',

 * Get the grants array which contains all the privilege types
 * and relevant grant messages
 * @return array
function PMA_getGrantsArray()
    return array(
            __('Allows reading data.')
            __('Allows inserting and replacing data.')
            __('Allows changing data.')
            __('Allows deleting data.')
            __('Allows creating new databases and tables.')
            __('Allows dropping databases and tables.')
            __('Allows reloading server settings and flushing the server\'s caches.')
            __('Allows shutting down the server.')
            __('Allows viewing processes of all users.')
            __('Allows importing data from and exporting data into files.')
            __('Has no effect in this MySQL version.')
            __('Allows creating and dropping indexes.')
            __('Allows altering the structure of existing tables.')
            'SHOW DATABASES',
            __('Gives access to the complete list of databases.')
                'Allows connecting, even if maximum number of connections '
                . 'is reached; required for most administrative operations '
                . 'like setting global variables or killing threads of other users.'
            __('Allows creating temporary tables.')
            'LOCK TABLES',
            __('Allows locking tables for the current thread.')
            'REPLICATION SLAVE',
            __('Needed for the replication slaves.')
            __('Allows the user to ask where the slaves / masters are.')
            'CREATE VIEW',
            __('Allows creating new views.')
            __('Allows to set up events for the event scheduler.')
            __('Allows creating and dropping triggers.')
        // for table privs:
            'Create View_priv',
            'CREATE VIEW',
            __('Allows creating new views.')
            'SHOW VIEW',
            __('Allows performing SHOW CREATE VIEW queries.')
        // for table privs:
            'Show view_priv',
            'SHOW VIEW',
            __('Allows performing SHOW CREATE VIEW queries.')
            'CREATE ROUTINE',
            __('Allows creating stored routines.')
            'ALTER ROUTINE',
            __('Allows altering and dropping stored routines.')
            'CREATE USER',
            __('Allows creating, dropping and renaming user accounts.')
            __('Allows executing stored routines.')

 * Displays on which column(s) a table-specific privilege is granted
 * @param array  $columns          columns array
 * @param array  $row              first row from result or boolean false
 * @param string $name_for_select  privilege types - Select_priv, Insert_priv
 *                                 Update_priv, References_priv
 * @param string $priv_for_header  privilege for header
 * @param string $name             privilege name: insert, select, update, references
 * @param string $name_for_dfn     name for dfn
 * @param string $name_for_current name for current
 * @return string $html_output html snippet
function PMA_getHtmlForColumnPrivileges($columns, $row, $name_for_select,
    $priv_for_header, $name, $name_for_dfn, $name_for_current
) {
    $html_output = '<div class="item" id="div_item_' . $name . '">' . "\n"
        . '<label for="select_' . $name . '_priv">' . "\n"
        . '<code><dfn title="' . $name_for_dfn . '">'
        . $priv_for_header . '</dfn></code>' . "\n"
        . '</label><br />' . "\n"
        . '<select id="select_' . $name . '_priv" name="'
        . $name_for_select . '[]" multiple="multiple" size="8">' . "\n";

    foreach ($columns as $currCol => $currColPrivs) {
        $html_output .= '<option '
            . 'value="' . htmlspecialchars($currCol) . '"';
        if ($row[$name_for_select] == 'Y'
            || $currColPrivs[$name_for_current]
        ) {
            $html_output .= ' selected="selected"';
        $html_output .= '>'
            . htmlspecialchars($currCol) . '</option>' . "\n";

    $html_output .= '</select>' . "\n"
        . '<i>' . __('Or') . '</i>' . "\n"
        . '<label for="checkbox_' . $name_for_select
        . '_none"><input type="checkbox"'
        . ' name="' . $name_for_select . '_none" id="checkbox_'
        . $name_for_select . '_none" title="'
        . _pgettext('None privileges', 'None') . '" />'
        . _pgettext('None privileges', 'None') . '</label>' . "\n"
        . '</div>' . "\n";
    return $html_output;
} // end function

 * Get sql query for display privileges table
 * @param string $db       the database
 * @param string $table    the table
 * @param string $username username for database connection
 * @param string $hostname hostname for database connection
 * @return string sql query
function PMA_getSqlQueryForDisplayPrivTable($db, $table, $username, $hostname)
    if ($db == '*') {
        return "SELECT * FROM `mysql`.`user`"
            . " WHERE `User` = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username) . "'"
            . " AND `Host` = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($hostname) . "';";
    } elseif ($table == '*') {
        return "SELECT * FROM `mysql`.`db`"
            . " WHERE `User` = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username) . "'"
            . " AND `Host` = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($hostname) . "'"
            . " AND '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString(Util::unescapeMysqlWildcards($db)) . "'"
            . " LIKE `Db`;";
    return "SELECT `Table_priv`"
        . " FROM `mysql`.`tables_priv`"
        . " WHERE `User` = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username) . "'"
        . " AND `Host` = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($hostname) . "'"
        . " AND `Db` = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString(Util::unescapeMysqlWildcards($db)) . "'"
        . " AND `Table_name` = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($table) . "';";

 * Displays a dropdown to select the user group
 * with menu items configured to each of them.
 * @param string $username username
 * @return string html to select the user group
function PMA_getHtmlToChooseUserGroup($username)
    $html_output = '<form class="ajax" id="changeUserGroupForm"'
            . ' action="server_privileges.php" method="post">';
    $params = array('username' => $username);
    $html_output .= PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs($params);
    $html_output .= '<fieldset id="fieldset_user_group_selection">';
    $html_output .= '<legend>' . __('User group') . '</legend>';

    $cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam();
    $groupTable = Util::backquote($cfgRelation['db'])
        . "." . Util::backquote($cfgRelation['usergroups']);
    $userTable = Util::backquote($cfgRelation['db'])
        . "." . Util::backquote($cfgRelation['users']);

    $userGroups = array();
    $sql_query = "SELECT DISTINCT `usergroup` FROM " . $groupTable;
    $result = PMA_queryAsControlUser($sql_query, false);
    if ($result) {
        while ($row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchRow($result)) {
            $userGroups[] = $row[0];

    $userGroup = '';
    if (isset($GLOBALS['username'])) {
        $sql_query = "SELECT `usergroup` FROM " . $userTable
            . " WHERE `username` = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username) . "'";
        $userGroup = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchValue(
            $sql_query, 0, 0, $GLOBALS['controllink']

    $html_output .= __('User group') . ': ';
    $html_output .= '<select name="userGroup">';
    $html_output .= '<option value=""></option>';
    foreach ($userGroups as $oneUserGroup) {
        $html_output .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($oneUserGroup) . '"'
            . ($oneUserGroup == $userGroup ? ' selected="selected"' : '')
            . '>'
            . htmlspecialchars($oneUserGroup)
            . '</option>';
    $html_output .= '</select>';
    $html_output .= '<input type="hidden" name="changeUserGroup" value="1">';
    $html_output .= '</fieldset>';
    $html_output .= '</form>';
    return $html_output;

 * Sets the user group from request values
 * @param string $username  username
 * @param string $userGroup user group to set
 * @return void
function PMA_setUserGroup($username, $userGroup)
    $cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam();
    if (empty($cfgRelation['db']) || empty($cfgRelation['users']) || empty($cfgRelation['usergroups'])) {

    $userTable = Util::backquote($cfgRelation['db'])
        . "." . Util::backquote($cfgRelation['users']);

    $sql_query = "SELECT `usergroup` FROM " . $userTable
        . " WHERE `username` = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username) . "'";
    $oldUserGroup = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchValue(
        $sql_query, 0, 0, $GLOBALS['controllink']

    if ($oldUserGroup === false) {
        $upd_query = "INSERT INTO " . $userTable . "(`username`, `usergroup`)"
            . " VALUES ('" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username) . "', "
            . "'" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($userGroup) . "')";
    } else {
        if (empty($userGroup)) {
            $upd_query = "DELETE FROM " . $userTable
                . " WHERE `username`='" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username) . "'";
        } elseif ($oldUserGroup != $userGroup) {
            $upd_query = "UPDATE " . $userTable
                . " SET `usergroup`='" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($userGroup) . "'"
                . " WHERE `username`='" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username) . "'";
    if (isset($upd_query)) {

 * Displays the privileges form table
 * @param string  $db     the database
 * @param string  $table  the table
 * @param boolean $submit whether to display the submit button or not
 * @global  array     $cfg         the phpMyAdmin configuration
 * @global  resource  $user_link   the database connection
 * @return string html snippet
function PMA_getHtmlToDisplayPrivilegesTable($db = '*',
    $table = '*', $submit = true
) {
    $html_output = '';
    $sql_query = '';

    if ($db == '*') {
        $table = '*';

    if (isset($GLOBALS['username'])) {
        $username = $GLOBALS['username'];
        $hostname = $GLOBALS['hostname'];
        $sql_query = PMA_getSqlQueryForDisplayPrivTable(
            $db, $table, $username, $hostname
        $row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchSingleRow($sql_query);
    if (empty($row)) {
        if ($table == '*' && $GLOBALS['is_superuser']) {
            if ($db == '*') {
                $sql_query = 'SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mysql`.`user`;';
            } elseif ($table == '*') {
                $sql_query = 'SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mysql`.`db`;';
            $res = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query($sql_query);
            while ($row1 = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchRow($res)) {
                if (mb_substr($row1[0], 0, 4) == 'max_') {
                    $row[$row1[0]] = 0;
                } elseif (mb_substr($row1[0], 0, 5) == 'x509_'
                    || mb_substr($row1[0], 0, 4) == 'ssl_'
                ) {
                    $row[$row1[0]] = '';
                } else {
                    $row[$row1[0]] = 'N';
        } elseif ($table == '*') {
            $row = array();
        } else {
            $row = array('Table_priv' => '');
    if (isset($row['Table_priv'])) {

        // get columns
        $res = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery(
            'SHOW COLUMNS FROM '
            . Util::backquote(
            . '.' . Util::backquote($table) . ';'
        $columns = array();
        if ($res) {
            while ($row1 = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchRow($res)) {
                $columns[$row1[0]] = array(
                    'Select' => false,
                    'Insert' => false,
                    'Update' => false,
                    'References' => false
        unset($res, $row1);
    // table-specific privileges
    if (! empty($columns)) {
        $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlForTableSpecificPrivileges(
            $username, $hostname, $db, $table, $columns, $row
    } else {
        // global or db-specific
        $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlForGlobalOrDbSpecificPrivs($db, $table, $row);
    $html_output .= '</fieldset>' . "\n";
    if ($submit) {
        $html_output .= '<fieldset id="fieldset_user_privtable_footer" '
            . 'class="tblFooters">' . "\n"
            . '<input type="hidden" name="update_privs" value="1" />' . "\n"
            . '<input type="submit" value="' . __('Go') . '" />' . "\n"
            . '</fieldset>' . "\n";
    return $html_output;
} // end of the 'PMA_displayPrivTable()' function

 * Get HTML for "Require"
 * @param array $row privilege array
 * @return string html snippet
function PMA_getHtmlForRequires($row)
    $html_output  = '<fieldset>';
    $html_output .= '<legend>SSL</legend>';

    $html_output .= '<div id="require_ssl_div">';

    $html_output .= '<div class="item">';
    $html_output .= '<input type="radio" name="ssl_type" id="ssl_type_NONE"'
        . ' value="NONE" title="'
        . __(
            'Does not require SSL-encrypted connections.'
        . '"'
        . ((isset($row['ssl_type'])
            && ($row['ssl_type'] == 'NONE'
                || $row['ssl_type'] == ''))
            ? ' checked="checked"'
            : ''
        . '/>';

    $html_output .= '<label for="ssl_type_NONE"><code>'
        . 'REQUIRE NONE'
        . '</code></label>';
    $html_output .= '</div>';

    $html_output .= '<div class="item">';
    $html_output .= '<input type="radio" name="ssl_type" id="ssl_type_ANY"'
        . ' value="ANY" title="'
        . __(
            'Requires SSL-encrypted connections.'
        . '"'
        . ((isset($row['ssl_type'])
            && $row['ssl_type'] == 'ANY')
            ? ' checked="checked"'
            : ''
        . '/>';

    $html_output .= '<label for="ssl_type_ANY"><code>'
        . 'REQUIRE SSL'
        . '</code></label>';
    $html_output .= '</div>';

    // REQUIRE X509
    $html_output .= '<div class="item">';
    $html_output .= '<input type="radio" name="ssl_type" id="ssl_type_X509"'
        . ' value="X509" title="'
        . __(
            'Requires a valid X509 certificate.'
        . '"'
        . ((isset($row['ssl_type']) && $row['ssl_type'] == 'X509')
            ? ' checked="checked"'
            : ''
        . '/>';

    $html_output .= '<label for="ssl_type_X509"><code>'
        . 'REQUIRE X509'
        . '</code></label>';
    $html_output .= '</div>';

    // Specified
    $specified = (isset($row['ssl_type']) && $row['ssl_type'] == 'SPECIFIED');
    $html_output .= '<div class="item">';
    $html_output .= '<input type="radio" name="ssl_type" id="ssl_type_specified"'
        . ' value="SPECIFIED"' . ($specified ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . '/>';

    $html_output .= '<label for="ssl_type_specified"><code>'
        . 'SPECIFIED'
        . '</code></label>';
    $html_output .= '</div>';

    $html_output .= '<div id="specified_div" style="padding-left:20px;">';

    $html_output .= '<div class="item">';
    $html_output .= '<label for="text_ssl_cipher">'
        . '<code><dfn title="'
        . __(
            'Requires that a specific cipher method be used for a connection.'
        . '">'
        . 'REQUIRE CIPHER'
        . '</dfn></code></label>';
    $html_output .= '<input type="text" name="ssl_cipher" id="text_ssl_cipher" '
        . 'value="' . (isset($row['ssl_cipher']) ? htmlspecialchars($row['ssl_cipher']) : '') . '" '
        . 'size=80" title="'
        . __(
            'Requires that a specific cipher method be used for a connection.'
        ) . '"'
        . (! $specified ? ' disabled' : '')
        . ' />';
    $html_output .= '</div>';

    $html_output .= '<div class="item">';
    $html_output .= '<label for="text_x509_issuer">'
        . '<code><dfn title="'
        . __(
            'Requires that a valid X509 certificate issued by this CA be presented.'
        . '">'
        . 'REQUIRE ISSUER'
        . '</dfn></code></label>';
    $html_output .= '<input type="text" name="x509_issuer" id="text_x509_issuer" '
        . 'value="' . (isset($row['x509_issuer']) ? htmlspecialchars($row['x509_issuer']) : '') . '" '
        . 'size=80" title="'
        . __(
            'Requires that a valid X509 certificate issued by this CA be presented.'
        ) . '"'
        . (! $specified ? ' disabled' : '')
        . ' />';
    $html_output .= '</div>';

    $html_output .= '<div class="item">';
    $html_output .= '<label for="text_x509_subject">'
        . '<code><dfn title="'
        . __(
            'Requires that a valid X509 certificate with this subject be presented.'
        . '">'
        . '</dfn></code></label>';
    $html_output .= '<input type="text" name="x509_subject" id="text_x509_subject" '
        . 'value="' . (isset($row['x509_subject']) ? htmlspecialchars($row['x509_subject']) : '')
        . '" size=80" title="'
        . __(
            'Requires that a valid X509 certificate with this subject be presented.'
        ) . '"'
        . (! $specified ? ' disabled' : '')
        . ' />';
    $html_output .= '</div>';

    $html_output .= '</div>';

    $html_output .= '</div>';
    $html_output .= '</fieldset>';

    return $html_output;

 * Get HTML for "Resource limits"
 * @param array $row first row from result or boolean false
 * @return string html snippet
function PMA_getHtmlForResourceLimits($row)
    $html_output = '<fieldset>' . "\n"
        . '<legend>' . __('Resource limits') . '</legend>' . "\n"
        . '<p><small>'
        . '<i>' . __('Note: Setting these options to 0 (zero) removes the limit.')
        . '</i></small></p>' . "\n";

    $html_output .= '<div class="item">' . "\n"
        . '<label for="text_max_questions">'
        . '<code><dfn title="'
        . __(
            'Limits the number of queries the user may send to the server per hour.'
        . '">'
        . '</dfn></code></label>' . "\n"
        . '<input type="number" name="max_questions" id="text_max_questions" '
        . 'value="'
        . (isset($row['max_questions']) ? $row['max_questions'] : '0')
        . '" min="0" '
        . 'title="'
        . __(
            'Limits the number of queries the user may send to the server per hour.'
        . '" />' . "\n"
        . '</div>' . "\n";

    $html_output .= '<div class="item">' . "\n"
        . '<label for="text_max_updates">'
        . '<code><dfn title="'
        . __(
            'Limits the number of commands that change any table '
            . 'or database the user may execute per hour.'
        ) . '">'
        . '</dfn></code></label>' . "\n"
        . '<input type="number" name="max_updates" id="text_max_updates" '
        . 'value="'
        . (isset($row['max_updates']) ? $row['max_updates'] : '0')
        . '" min="0" '
        . 'title="'
        . __(
            'Limits the number of commands that change any table '
            . 'or database the user may execute per hour.'
        . '" />' . "\n"
        . '</div>' . "\n";

    $html_output .= '<div class="item">' . "\n"
        . '<label for="text_max_connections">'
        . '<code><dfn title="'
        . __(
            'Limits the number of new connections the user may open per hour.'
        ) . '">'
        . '</dfn></code></label>' . "\n"
        . '<input type="number" name="max_connections" id="text_max_connections" '
        . 'value="'
        . (isset($row['max_connections']) ? $row['max_connections'] : '0')
        . '" min="0" '
        . 'title="' . __(
            'Limits the number of new connections the user may open per hour.'
        . '" />' . "\n"
        . '</div>' . "\n";

    $html_output .= '<div class="item">' . "\n"
        . '<label for="text_max_user_connections">'
        . '<code><dfn title="'
        . __('Limits the number of simultaneous connections the user may have.')
        . '">'
        . '</dfn></code></label>' . "\n"
        . '<input type="number" name="max_user_connections" '
        . 'id="text_max_user_connections" '
        . 'value="'
        . (isset($row['max_user_connections']) ? $row['max_user_connections'] : '0')
        . '" '
        . 'title="'
        . __('Limits the number of simultaneous connections the user may have.')
        . '" />' . "\n"
        . '</div>' . "\n";

    $html_output .= '</fieldset>' . "\n";

    return $html_output;

 * Get the HTML snippet for routine specific privileges
 * @param string $username   username for database connection
 * @param string $hostname   hostname for database connection
 * @param string $db         the database
 * @param string $routine    the routine
 * @param string $url_dbname url encoded db name
 * @return string $html_output
function PMA_getHtmlForRoutineSpecificPrivilges(
    $username, $hostname, $db, $routine, $url_dbname
) {
    $header = PMA_getHtmlHeaderForUserProperties(
        false, $url_dbname, $db, $username, $hostname,
        $routine, 'routine'

    $sql = "SELECT `Proc_priv`"
        . " FROM `mysql`.`procs_priv`"
        . " WHERE `User` = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username) . "'"
        . " AND `Host` = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($hostname) . "'"
        . " AND `Db` = '"
        . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString(Util::unescapeMysqlWildcards($db)) . "'"
        . " AND `Routine_name` LIKE '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($routine) . "';";
    $res = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchValue($sql);

    $privs = array(
        'Alter_routine_priv' => 'N',
        'Execute_priv'       => 'N',
        'Grant_priv'         => 'N',
    foreach (explode(',', $res) as $priv) {
        if ($priv == 'Alter Routine') {
            $privs['Alter_routine_priv'] = 'Y';
        } else {
            $privs[$priv . '_priv'] = 'Y';

    $routineArray   = array(PMA_getTriggerPrivilegeTable());
    $privTableNames = array(__('Routine'));
    $privCheckboxes = PMA_getHtmlForGlobalPrivTableWithCheckboxes(
        $routineArray, $privTableNames, $privs

    $data = array(
        'username'       => $username,
        'hostname'       => $hostname,
        'database'       => $db,
        'routine'        => $routine,
        'grantCount'     => count($privs),
        'privCheckboxes' => $privCheckboxes,
        'header'         => $header,
    $html_output = Template::get('privileges/edit_routine_privileges')

    return $html_output;

 * Get routine privilege table as an array
 * @return privilege type array
function PMA_getTriggerPrivilegeTable()
    $routinePrivTable = array(
                'Allows user to give to other users or remove from other users '
                . 'privileges that user possess on this routine.'
            'ALTER ROUTINE',
            __('Allows altering and dropping this routine.')
            __('Allows executing this routine.')
    return $routinePrivTable;

 * Get the HTML snippet for table specific privileges
 * @param string $username username for database connection
 * @param string $hostname hostname for database connection
 * @param string $db       the database
 * @param string $table    the table
 * @param array  $columns  columns array
 * @param array  $row      current privileges row
 * @return string $html_output
function PMA_getHtmlForTableSpecificPrivileges(
    $username, $hostname, $db, $table, $columns, $row
) {
    $res = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query(
        'SELECT `Column_name`, `Column_priv`'
        . ' FROM `mysql`.`columns_priv`'
        . ' WHERE `User`'
        . ' = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username) . "'"
        . ' AND `Host`'
        . ' = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($hostname) . "'"
        . ' AND `Db`'
        . ' = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString(
        ) . "'"
        . ' AND `Table_name`'
        . ' = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($table) . '\';'

    while ($row1 = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchRow($res)) {
        $row1[1] = explode(',', $row1[1]);
        foreach ($row1[1] as $current) {
            $columns[$row1[0]][$current] = true;
    unset($res, $row1, $current);

    $html_output = '<input type="hidden" name="grant_count" '
        . 'value="' . count($row) . '" />' . "\n"
        . '<input type="hidden" name="column_count" '
        . 'value="' . count($columns) . '" />' . "\n"
        . '<fieldset id="fieldset_user_priv">' . "\n"
        . '<legend data-submenu-label="' . __('Table') . '">' . __('Table-specific privileges')
        . '</legend>'
        . '<p><small><i>'
        . __('Note: MySQL privilege names are expressed in English.')
        . '</i></small></p>';

    // privs that are attached to a specific column
    $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlForAttachedPrivilegesToTableSpecificColumn(
        $columns, $row

    // privs that are not attached to a specific column
    $html_output .= '<div class="item">' . "\n"
        . PMA_getHtmlForNotAttachedPrivilegesToTableSpecificColumn($row)
        . '</div>' . "\n";

    // for Safari 2.0.2
    $html_output .= '<div class="clearfloat"></div>' . "\n";

    return $html_output;

 * Get HTML snippet for privileges that are attached to a specific column
 * @param array $columns columns array
 * @param array $row     first row from result or boolean false
 * @return string $html_output
function PMA_getHtmlForAttachedPrivilegesToTableSpecificColumn($columns, $row)
    $html_output = PMA_getHtmlForColumnPrivileges(
        $columns, $row, 'Select_priv', 'SELECT',
        'select', __('Allows reading data.'), 'Select'

    $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlForColumnPrivileges(
        $columns, $row, 'Insert_priv', 'INSERT',
        'insert', __('Allows inserting and replacing data.'), 'Insert'

    $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlForColumnPrivileges(
        $columns, $row, 'Update_priv', 'UPDATE',
        'update', __('Allows changing data.'), 'Update'

    $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlForColumnPrivileges(
        $columns, $row, 'References_priv', 'REFERENCES', 'references',
        __('Has no effect in this MySQL version.'), 'References'
    return $html_output;

 * Get HTML for privileges that are not attached to a specific column
 * @param array $row first row from result or boolean false
 * @return string $html_output
function PMA_getHtmlForNotAttachedPrivilegesToTableSpecificColumn($row)
    $html_output = '';

    foreach ($row as $current_grant => $current_grant_value) {
        $grant_type = substr($current_grant, 0, -5);
        if (in_array($grant_type, array('Select', 'Insert', 'Update', 'References'))
        ) {
        // make a substitution to match the messages variables;
        // also we must substitute the grant we get, because we can't generate
        // a form variable containing blanks (those would get changed to
        // an underscore when receiving the POST)
        if ($current_grant == 'Create View_priv') {
            $tmp_current_grant = 'CreateView_priv';
            $current_grant = 'Create_view_priv';
        } elseif ($current_grant == 'Show view_priv') {
            $tmp_current_grant = 'ShowView_priv';
            $current_grant = 'Show_view_priv';
        } else {
            $tmp_current_grant = $current_grant;

        $html_output .= '<div class="item">' . "\n"
           . '<input type="checkbox"'
           . ' name="' . $current_grant . '" id="checkbox_' . $current_grant
           . '" value="Y" '
           . ($current_grant_value == 'Y' ? 'checked="checked" ' : '')
           . 'title="';

        $privGlobalName = 'strPrivDesc'
            . mb_substr(
                (mb_strlen($tmp_current_grant) - 5)
        $html_output .= (isset($GLOBALS[$privGlobalName])
                ? $GLOBALS[$privGlobalName]
                : $GLOBALS[$privGlobalName . 'Tbl']
            . '"/>' . "\n";

        $privGlobalName1 = 'strPrivDesc'
            . mb_substr(
                - 5
        $html_output .= '<label for="checkbox_' . $current_grant
            . '"><code><dfn title="'
            . (isset($GLOBALS[$privGlobalName1])
                ? $GLOBALS[$privGlobalName1]
                : $GLOBALS[$privGlobalName1 . 'Tbl']
            . '">'
            . mb_strtoupper(
            . '</dfn></code></label>' . "\n"
            . '</div>' . "\n";
    } // end foreach ()
    return $html_output;

 * Get HTML for global or database specific privileges
 * @param string $db    the database
 * @param string $table the table
 * @param array  $row   first row from result or boolean false
 * @return string $html_output
function PMA_getHtmlForGlobalOrDbSpecificPrivs($db, $table, $row)
    $privTable_names = array(0 => __('Data'),
        1 => __('Structure'),
        2 => __('Administration')
    $privTable = array();
    // d a t a
    $privTable[0] = PMA_getDataPrivilegeTable($db);

    // s t r u c t u r e
    $privTable[1] = PMA_getStructurePrivilegeTable($table, $row);

    // a d m i n i s t r a t i o n
    $privTable[2] = PMA_getAdministrationPrivilegeTable($db);

    $html_output = '<input type="hidden" name="grant_count" value="'
        . (count($privTable[0])
            + count($privTable[1])
            + count($privTable[2])
            - (isset($row['Grant_priv']) ? 1 : 0)
        . '" />';
    if ($db == '*') {
        $legend     = __('Global privileges');
        $menu_label = __('Global');
    } else if ($table == '*') {
        $legend     = __('Database-specific privileges');
        $menu_label = __('Database');
    } else {
        $legend     = __('Table-specific privileges');
        $menu_label = __('Table');
    $html_output .= '<fieldset id="fieldset_user_global_rights">'
        . '<legend data-submenu-label="' . $menu_label . '">' . $legend
        . '<input type="checkbox" id="addUsersForm_checkall" '
        . 'class="checkall_box" title="' . __('Check all') . '" /> '
        . '<label for="addUsersForm_checkall">' . __('Check all') . '</label> '
        . '</legend>'
        . '<p><small><i>'
        . __('Note: MySQL privilege names are expressed in English.')
        . '</i></small></p>';

    // Output the Global privilege tables with checkboxes
    $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlForGlobalPrivTableWithCheckboxes(
        $privTable, $privTable_names, $row

    // The "Resource limits" box is not displayed for db-specific privs
    if ($db == '*') {
        $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlForResourceLimits($row);
        $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlForRequires($row);
    // for Safari 2.0.2
    $html_output .= '<div class="clearfloat"></div>';

    return $html_output;

 * Get data privilege table as an array
 * @param string $db the database
 * @return string data privilege table
function PMA_getDataPrivilegeTable($db)
    $data_privTable = array(
        array('Select', 'SELECT', __('Allows reading data.')),
        array('Insert', 'INSERT', __('Allows inserting and replacing data.')),
        array('Update', 'UPDATE', __('Allows changing data.')),
        array('Delete', 'DELETE', __('Allows deleting data.'))
    if ($db == '*') {
            = array('File',
                __('Allows importing data from and exporting data into files.')
    return $data_privTable;

 * Get structure privilege table as an array
 * @param string $table the table
 * @param array  $row   first row from result or boolean false
 * @return string structure privilege table
function PMA_getStructurePrivilegeTable($table, $row)
    $structure_privTable = array(
            ($table == '*'
                ? __('Allows creating new databases and tables.')
                : __('Allows creating new tables.')
            __('Allows altering the structure of existing tables.')
        array('Index', 'INDEX', __('Allows creating and dropping indexes.')),
            ($table == '*'
                ? __('Allows dropping databases and tables.')
                : __('Allows dropping tables.')
            __('Allows creating temporary tables.')
            'SHOW VIEW',
            __('Allows performing SHOW CREATE VIEW queries.')
            'CREATE ROUTINE',
            __('Allows creating stored routines.')
            'ALTER ROUTINE',
            __('Allows altering and dropping stored routines.')
        array('Execute', 'EXECUTE', __('Allows executing stored routines.')),
    // this one is for a db-specific priv: Create_view_priv
    if (isset($row['Create_view_priv'])) {
        $structure_privTable[] = array('Create_view',
            'CREATE VIEW',
            __('Allows creating new views.')
    // this one is for a table-specific priv: Create View_priv
    if (isset($row['Create View_priv'])) {
        $structure_privTable[] = array('Create View',
            'CREATE VIEW',
            __('Allows creating new views.')
    if (isset($row['Event_priv'])) {
        // MySQL 5.1.6
        $structure_privTable[] = array('Event',
            __('Allows to set up events for the event scheduler.')
        $structure_privTable[] = array('Trigger',
            __('Allows creating and dropping triggers.')
    return $structure_privTable;

 * Get administration privilege table as an array
 * @param string $db the table
 * @return string administration privilege table
function PMA_getAdministrationPrivilegeTable($db)
    if ($db == '*') {
        $adminPrivTable = array(
                    'Allows adding users and privileges '
                    . 'without reloading the privilege tables.'
        $adminPrivTable[] = array('Super',
                'Allows connecting, even if maximum number '
                . 'of connections is reached; required for '
                . 'most administrative operations like '
                . 'setting global variables or killing threads of other users.'
        $adminPrivTable[] = array('Process',
            __('Allows viewing processes of all users.')
        $adminPrivTable[] = array('Reload',
            __('Allows reloading server settings and flushing the server\'s caches.')
        $adminPrivTable[] = array('Shutdown',
            __('Allows shutting down the server.')
        $adminPrivTable[] = array('Show_db',
            'SHOW DATABASES',
            __('Gives access to the complete list of databases.')
    else {
        $adminPrivTable = array(
                    'Allows user to give to other users or remove from other'
                    . ' users the privileges that user possess yourself.'
    $adminPrivTable[] = array('Lock_tables',
        'LOCK TABLES',
        __('Allows locking tables for the current thread.')
    $adminPrivTable[] = array('References',
        __('Has no effect in this MySQL version.')
    if ($db == '*') {
        $adminPrivTable[] = array('Repl_client',
            __('Allows the user to ask where the slaves / masters are.')
        $adminPrivTable[] = array('Repl_slave',
            'REPLICATION SLAVE',
            __('Needed for the replication slaves.')
        $adminPrivTable[] = array('Create_user',
            'CREATE USER',
            __('Allows creating, dropping and renaming user accounts.')
    return $adminPrivTable;

 * Get HTML snippet for global privileges table with check boxes
 * @param array $privTable       privileges table array
 * @param array $privTable_names names of the privilege tables
 *                               (Data, Structure, Administration)
 * @param array $row             first row from result or boolean false
 * @return string $html_output
function PMA_getHtmlForGlobalPrivTableWithCheckboxes(
    $privTable, $privTable_names, $row
) {
    $html_output = '';
    foreach ($privTable as $i => $table) {
        $html_output .= '<fieldset>' . "\n"
            . '<legend>' . "\n"
            . '<input type="checkbox" class="sub_checkall_box"'
            . ' id="checkall_' . $privTable_names[$i] . '_priv"'
            . ' title="' . __('Check all') . '"/>'
            . '<label for="checkall_' . $privTable_names[$i] . '_priv">'
            . $privTable_names[$i] . '</label>' . "\n"
            . '</legend>' . "\n";
        foreach ($table as $priv) {
            $html_output .= '<div class="item">' . "\n"
                . '<input type="checkbox" class="checkall"'
                . ' name="' . $priv[0] . '_priv" '
                . 'id="checkbox_' . $priv[0] . '_priv"'
                . ' value="Y" title="' . $priv[2] . '"'
                . ((isset($row[$priv[0] . '_priv'])
                    && $row[$priv[0] . '_priv'] == 'Y')
                    ?  ' checked="checked"'
                    : ''
                . '/>' . "\n"
                . '<label for="checkbox_' . $priv[0] . '_priv">'
                . '<code>'
                . PMA_formatPrivilege($priv, true)
                . '</code></label>' . "\n"
                . '</div>' . "\n";
        $html_output .= '</fieldset>' . "\n";
    return $html_output;

 * Gets the currently active authentication plugins
 * @param string $orig_auth_plugin Default Authentication plugin
 * @param string $mode             are we creating a new user or are we just
 *                                 changing  one?
 *                                 (allowed values: 'new', 'edit', 'change_pw')
 * @param string $versions         Is MySQL version newer or older than 5.5.7
 * @return string $html_output
function PMA_getHtmlForAuthPluginsDropdown(
    $mode = 'new',
    $versions = 'new'
) {
    $html_output = '<select '
        . 'id="select_authentication_plugin'
        . ($mode =='change_pw' ? '_cp' : '') . '" '
        . 'name="authentication_plugin" >';
    if ($versions == 'new') {
        $active_auth_plugins = PMA_getActiveAuthPlugins();

        foreach ($active_auth_plugins as $plugin) {
            if ($plugin['PLUGIN_NAME'] == 'mysql_old_password') {
            // if description is known, enable its translation
            if ('Native MySQL authentication' == $plugin['PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION']) {
                $description = __('Native MySQL authentication');
            } elseif ('SHA256 password authentication' == $plugin['PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION']) {
                $description = __('SHA256 password authentication');
            } else {
                // but there can be other auth plugins, see
                // https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin/issues/11561
                $description = $plugin['PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION'];

            $html_output .= '<option value="' . $plugin['PLUGIN_NAME'] . '"'
                . ($orig_auth_plugin == $plugin['PLUGIN_NAME'] ? 'selected ' : '')
                . '>' . $description . '</option>';
        $html_output .= '</select>';
    } else {
        $html_output .= '<option value="mysql_native_password" >'
            . __('Native MySQL Authentication') . '</option>'
            . '</select>';

    return $html_output;
 * Gets the currently active authentication plugins
 * @return array $result  array of plugin names and descriptions
function PMA_getActiveAuthPlugins()
    $get_plugins_query = "SELECT `PLUGIN_NAME`, `PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION`"
        . " FROM `information_schema`.`PLUGINS` "
    $resultset = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query($get_plugins_query);

    $result = array();

    while ($row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchAssoc($resultset)) {
        $result[] = $row;

    return $result;

 * Displays the fields used by the "new user" form as well as the
 * "change login information / copy user" form.
 * @param string $mode     are we creating a new user or are we just
 *                         changing  one? (allowed values: 'new', 'change')
 * @param string $username User name
 * @param string $hostname Host name
 * @global  array      $cfg     the phpMyAdmin configuration
 * @global  resource   $user_link the database connection
 * @return string $html_output  a HTML snippet
function PMA_getHtmlForLoginInformationFields(
    $mode = 'new',
    $username = null,
    $hostname = null
) {
    list($username_length, $hostname_length) = PMA_getUsernameAndHostnameLength();

    if (isset($GLOBALS['username'])
        && mb_strlen($GLOBALS['username']) === 0
    ) {
        $GLOBALS['pred_username'] = 'any';
    $html_output = '<fieldset id="fieldset_add_user_login">' . "\n"
        . '<legend>' . __('Login Information') . '</legend>' . "\n"
        . '<div class="item">' . "\n"
        . '<label for="select_pred_username">' . "\n"
        . '    ' . __('User name:') . "\n"
        . '</label>' . "\n"
        . '<span class="options">' . "\n";

    $html_output .= '<select name="pred_username" id="select_pred_username" '
        . 'title="' . __('User name') . '">' . "\n";

    $html_output .= '<option value="any"'
        . ((isset($GLOBALS['pred_username']) && $GLOBALS['pred_username'] == 'any')
            ? ' selected="selected"'
            : '') . '>'
        . __('Any user')
        . '</option>' . "\n";

    $html_output .= '<option value="userdefined"'
        . ((! isset($GLOBALS['pred_username'])
                || $GLOBALS['pred_username'] == 'userdefined'
            ? ' selected="selected"'
            : '') . '>'
        . __('Use text field')
        . ':</option>' . "\n";

    $html_output .= '</select>' . "\n"
        . '</span>' . "\n";

    $html_output .= '<input type="text" name="username" id="pma_username" class="autofocus"'
        . ' maxlength="' . $username_length . '" title="' . __('User name') . '"'
        . (empty($GLOBALS['username'])
           ? ''
           : ' value="' . htmlspecialchars(
               ? $GLOBALS['new_username']
               : $GLOBALS['username']
           ) . '"'
        . ((! isset($GLOBALS['pred_username'])
                || $GLOBALS['pred_username'] == 'userdefined'
            ? 'required="required"'
            : '') . ' />' . "\n";

    $html_output .= '<div id="user_exists_warning"'
        . ' name="user_exists_warning" style="display:none;">'
        . Message::notice(
                'An account already exists with the same username '
                . 'but possibly a different hostname.'
        . '</div>';
    $html_output .= '</div>';

    $html_output .= '<div class="item">' . "\n"
        . '<label for="select_pred_hostname">' . "\n"
        . '    ' . __('Host name:') . "\n"
        . '</label>' . "\n";

    $html_output .= '<span class="options">' . "\n"
        . '    <select name="pred_hostname" id="select_pred_hostname" '
        . 'title="' . __('Host name') . '"' . "\n";
    $_current_user = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchValue('SELECT USER();');
    if (! empty($_current_user)) {
        $thishost = str_replace(
                (mb_strrpos($_current_user, '@') + 1)
        if ($thishost != 'localhost' && $thishost != '') {
            $html_output .= ' data-thishost="' . htmlspecialchars($thishost) . '" ';
        } else {
    $html_output .= '>' . "\n";

    // when we start editing a user, $GLOBALS['pred_hostname'] is not defined
    if (! isset($GLOBALS['pred_hostname']) && isset($GLOBALS['hostname'])) {
        switch (mb_strtolower($GLOBALS['hostname'])) {
        case 'localhost':
        case '':
            $GLOBALS['pred_hostname'] = 'localhost';
        case '%':
            $GLOBALS['pred_hostname'] = 'any';
            $GLOBALS['pred_hostname'] = 'userdefined';
    $html_output .=  '<option value="any"'
        . ((isset($GLOBALS['pred_hostname'])
                && $GLOBALS['pred_hostname'] == 'any'
            ? ' selected="selected"'
            : '') . '>'
        . __('Any host')
        . '</option>' . "\n"
        . '<option value="localhost"'
        . ((isset($GLOBALS['pred_hostname'])
                && $GLOBALS['pred_hostname'] == 'localhost'
            ? ' selected="selected"'
            : '') . '>'
        . __('Local')
        . '</option>' . "\n";
    if (! empty($thishost)) {
        $html_output .= '<option value="thishost"'
            . ((isset($GLOBALS['pred_hostname'])
                    && $GLOBALS['pred_hostname'] == 'thishost'
                ? ' selected="selected"'
                : '') . '>'
            . __('This Host')
            . '</option>' . "\n";
    $html_output .= '<option value="hosttable"'
        . ((isset($GLOBALS['pred_hostname'])
                && $GLOBALS['pred_hostname'] == 'hosttable'
            ? ' selected="selected"'
            : '') . '>'
        . __('Use Host Table')
        . '</option>' . "\n";

    $html_output .= '<option value="userdefined"'
        . ((isset($GLOBALS['pred_hostname'])
                && $GLOBALS['pred_hostname'] == 'userdefined'
            ? ' selected="selected"'
            : '') . '>'
        . __('Use text field:') . '</option>' . "\n"
        . '</select>' . "\n"
        . '</span>' . "\n";

    $html_output .= '<input type="text" name="hostname" id="pma_hostname" maxlength="'
        . $hostname_length . '" value="'
        // use default value of '%' to match with the default 'Any host'
        . htmlspecialchars(isset($GLOBALS['hostname']) ? $GLOBALS['hostname'] : '%')
        . '" title="' . __('Host name')
        . ((isset($GLOBALS['pred_hostname'])
                && $GLOBALS['pred_hostname'] == 'userdefined'
            ? 'required="required"'
            : '')
        . ' />' . "\n"
        . Util::showHint(
                'When Host table is used, this field is ignored '
                . 'and values stored in Host table are used instead.'
        . '</div>' . "\n";

    $html_output .= '<div class="item">' . "\n"
        . '<label for="select_pred_password">' . "\n"
        . '    ' . __('Password:') . "\n"
        . '</label>' . "\n"
        . '<span class="options">' . "\n"
        . '<select name="pred_password" id="select_pred_password" title="'
        . __('Password') . '">' . "\n"
        . ($mode == 'change' ? '<option value="keep" selected="selected">'
            . __('Do not change the password')
            . '</option>' . "\n" : '')
        . '<option value="none"';

    if (isset($GLOBALS['username']) && $mode != 'change') {
        $html_output .= '  selected="selected"';
    $html_output .= '>' . __('No Password') . '</option>' . "\n"
        . '<option value="userdefined"'
        . (isset($GLOBALS['username']) ? '' : ' selected="selected"') . '>'
        . __('Use text field')
        . ':</option>' . "\n"
        . '</select>' . "\n"
        . '</span>' . "\n"
        . '<input type="password" id="text_pma_pw" name="pma_pw" '
        . 'title="' . __('Password') . '" '
        . (isset($GLOBALS['username']) ? '' : 'required="required"')
        . '/>' . "\n"
        . '</div>' . "\n";

    $html_output .= '<div class="item" '
        . 'id="div_element_before_generate_password">' . "\n"
        . '<label for="text_pma_pw2">' . "\n"
        . '    ' . __('Re-type:') . "\n"
        . '</label>' . "\n"
        . '<span class="options">&nbsp;</span>' . "\n"
        . '<input type="password" name="pma_pw2" id="text_pma_pw2" '
        . 'title="' . __('Re-type') . '" '
        . (isset($GLOBALS['username']) ? '' : 'required="required"')
        . '/>' . "\n"
        . '</div>' . "\n"
        . '<div class="item" id="authentication_plugin_div">'
        . '<label for="select_authentication_plugin" >';

    $serverType = Util::getServerType();
    $orig_auth_plugin = PMA_getCurrentAuthenticationPlugin(

    if (($serverType == 'MySQL'
        && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50507)
        || ($serverType == 'MariaDB'
        && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50200)
    ) {
        $html_output .= __('Authentication Plugin')
        . '</label><span class="options">&nbsp;</span>' . "\n";

        $auth_plugin_dropdown = PMA_getHtmlForAuthPluginsDropdown(
            $orig_auth_plugin, $mode, 'new'
    } else {
        $html_output .= __('Password Hashing Method')
            . '</label><span class="options">&nbsp;</span>' . "\n";
        $auth_plugin_dropdown = PMA_getHtmlForAuthPluginsDropdown(
            $orig_auth_plugin, $mode, 'old'
    $html_output .= $auth_plugin_dropdown;

    $html_output .= '<div '
        . ($orig_auth_plugin != 'sha256_password' ? 'style="display:none"' : '')
        . ' id="ssl_reqd_warning">'
        . Message::notice(
                'This method requires using an \'<i>SSL connection</i>\' '
                . 'or an \'<i>unencrypted connection that encrypts the password '
                . 'using RSA</i>\'; while connecting to the server.'
            . Util::showMySQLDocu('sha256-authentication-plugin')
        . '</div>';

    $html_output .= '</div>' . "\n"
        // Generate password added here via jQuery
       . '</fieldset>' . "\n";

    return $html_output;
} // end of the 'PMA_getHtmlForLoginInformationFields()' function

 * Get username and hostname length
 * @return array username length and hostname length
function PMA_getUsernameAndHostnameLength()
    /* Fallback values */
    $username_length = 16;
    $hostname_length = 41;

    /* Try to get real lengths from the database */
    $fields_info = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult(
        . 'FROM information_schema.columns '
        . "WHERE table_schema = 'mysql' AND table_name = 'user' "
        . "AND COLUMN_NAME IN ('User', 'Host')"
    foreach ($fields_info as $val) {
        if ($val['COLUMN_NAME'] == 'User') {
            $username_length = $val['CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH'];
        } elseif ($val['COLUMN_NAME'] == 'Host') {
            $hostname_length = $val['CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH'];
    return array($username_length, $hostname_length);

 * Get current authentication plugin in use - for a user or globally
 * @param string $mode     are we creating a new user or are we just
 *                         changing  one? (allowed values: 'new', 'change')
 * @param string $username User name
 * @param string $hostname Host name
 * @return string authentication plugin in use
function PMA_getCurrentAuthenticationPlugin(
    $mode = 'new',
    $username = null,
    $hostname = null
) {
    /* Fallback (standard) value */
    $authentication_plugin = 'mysql_native_password';

    if (isset($username) && isset($hostname)
        && $mode == 'change'
    ) {
        $row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchSingleRow(
            'SELECT `plugin` FROM `mysql`.`user` WHERE `User` = "'
            . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username)
            . '" AND `Host` = "'
            . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($hostname)
            . '" LIMIT 1'
        // Table 'mysql'.'user' may not exist for some previous
        // versions of MySQL - in that case consider fallback value
        if (isset($row) && $row) {
            $authentication_plugin = $row['plugin'];
    } elseif ($mode == 'change') {
        $row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchSingleRow(
            'SELECT CURRENT_USER() as user;'
        if (isset($row) && $row) {
            list($username, $hostname) = explode('@', $row['user']);

        $row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchSingleRow(
            'SELECT `plugin` FROM `mysql`.`user` WHERE `User` = "'
            . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username)
            . '" AND `Host` = "'
            . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($hostname)
            . '"'
        if (isset($row) && $row && ! empty($row['plugin'])) {
            $authentication_plugin = $row['plugin'];
    } elseif (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50702) {
        $row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchSingleRow(
            'SELECT @@default_authentication_plugin'
        $authentication_plugin = $row['@@default_authentication_plugin'];

    return $authentication_plugin;

 * Returns all the grants for a certain user on a certain host
 * Used in the export privileges for all users section
 * @param string $user User name
 * @param string $host Host name
 * @return string containing all the grants text
function PMA_getGrants($user, $host)
    $grants = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult(
        "SHOW GRANTS FOR '"
        . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($user) . "'@'"
        . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($host) . "'"
    $response = '';
    foreach ($grants as $one_grant) {
        $response .= $one_grant . ";\n\n";
    return $response;
} // end of the 'PMA_getGrants()' function

 * Update password and get message for password updating
 * @param string $err_url  error url
 * @param string $username username
 * @param string $hostname hostname
 * @return string $message  success or error message after updating password
function PMA_updatePassword($err_url, $username, $hostname)
    // similar logic in user_password.php
    $message = '';
    $is_superuser = $GLOBALS['dbi']->isSuperuser();

    if (empty($_REQUEST['nopass'])
        && isset($_POST['pma_pw'])
        && isset($_POST['pma_pw2'])
    ) {
        if ($_POST['pma_pw'] != $_POST['pma_pw2']) {
            $message = Message::error(__('The passwords aren\'t the same!'));
        } elseif (empty($_POST['pma_pw']) || empty($_POST['pma_pw2'])) {
            $message = Message::error(__('The password is empty!'));

    // here $nopass could be == 1
    if (empty($message)) {
        $hashing_function = 'PASSWORD';
        $serverType = Util::getServerType();
            = (isset($_REQUEST['authentication_plugin'])
            ? $_REQUEST['authentication_plugin']
            : PMA_getCurrentAuthenticationPlugin(

        // Use 'ALTER USER ...' syntax for MySQL 5.7.6+
        if ($serverType == 'MySQL'
            && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50706
        ) {
            if ($authentication_plugin != 'mysql_old_password') {
                $query_prefix = "ALTER USER '"
                    . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username)
                    . "'@'" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($hostname) . "'"
                    . " IDENTIFIED WITH "
                    . $authentication_plugin
                    . " BY '";
            } else {
                $query_prefix = "ALTER USER '"
                    . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username)
                    . "'@'" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($hostname) . "'"
                    . " IDENTIFIED BY '";

            // in $sql_query which will be displayed, hide the password
            $sql_query = $query_prefix . "*'";

            $local_query = $query_prefix
                . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($_POST['pma_pw']) . "'";
        } else if ($serverType == 'MariaDB'
            && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50200
            && $is_superuser
        ) {
            // Use 'UPDATE `mysql`.`user` ...' Syntax for MariaDB 5.2+
            if ($authentication_plugin == 'mysql_native_password') {
                // Set the hashing method used by PASSWORD()
                // to be 'mysql_native_password' type
                $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery('SET old_passwords = 0;');

            } else if ($authentication_plugin == 'sha256_password') {
                // Set the hashing method used by PASSWORD()
                // to be 'sha256_password' type
                $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery('SET `old_passwords` = 2;');

            $hashedPassword = PMA_getHashedPassword($_POST['pma_pw']);

            $sql_query        = 'SET PASSWORD FOR \''
                . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username)
                . '\'@\'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($hostname) . '\' = '
                . (($_POST['pma_pw'] == '')
                    ? '\'\''
                    : $hashing_function . '(\''
                    . preg_replace('@.@s', '*', $_POST['pma_pw']) . '\')');

            $local_query = "UPDATE `mysql`.`user` SET "
                . " `authentication_string` = '" . $hashedPassword
                . "', `Password` = '', "
                . " `plugin` = '" . $authentication_plugin . "'"
                . " WHERE `User` = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username)
                . "' AND Host = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($hostname) . "';";
        } else {
            // USE 'SET PASSWORD ...' syntax for rest of the versions
            // Backup the old value, to be reset later
            $row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchSingleRow(
                'SELECT @@old_passwords;'
            $orig_value = $row['@@old_passwords'];
            $update_plugin_query = "UPDATE `mysql`.`user` SET"
                . " `plugin` = '" . $authentication_plugin . "'"
                . " WHERE `User` = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username)
                . "' AND Host = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($hostname) . "';";

            // Update the plugin for the user
            if (!($GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($update_plugin_query))) {
                    false, $err_url
            $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery("FLUSH PRIVILEGES;");

            if ($authentication_plugin == 'mysql_native_password') {
                // Set the hashing method used by PASSWORD()
                // to be 'mysql_native_password' type
                $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery('SET old_passwords = 0;');
            } else if ($authentication_plugin == 'sha256_password') {
                // Set the hashing method used by PASSWORD()
                // to be 'sha256_password' type
                $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery('SET `old_passwords` = 2;');
            $sql_query        = 'SET PASSWORD FOR \''
                . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username)
                . '\'@\'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($hostname) . '\' = '
                . (($_POST['pma_pw'] == '')
                    ? '\'\''
                    : $hashing_function . '(\''
                    . preg_replace('@.@s', '*', $_POST['pma_pw']) . '\')');

            $local_query      = 'SET PASSWORD FOR \''
                . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username)
                . '\'@\'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($hostname) . '\' = '
                . (($_POST['pma_pw'] == '') ? '\'\'' : $hashing_function
                . '(\'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($_POST['pma_pw']) . '\')');

        if (!($GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($local_query))) {
                $GLOBALS['dbi']->getError(), $sql_query, false, $err_url
        // Flush privileges after successful password change
        $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery("FLUSH PRIVILEGES;");

        $message = Message::success(
            __('The password for %s was changed successfully.')
            '\'' . htmlspecialchars($username)
            . '\'@\'' . htmlspecialchars($hostname) . '\''
        if (isset($orig_value)) {
                'SET `old_passwords` = ' . $orig_value . ';'
    return $message;

 * Revokes privileges and get message and SQL query for privileges revokes
 * @param string $dbname    database name
 * @param string $tablename table name
 * @param string $username  username
 * @param string $hostname  host name
 * @param string $itemType  item type
 * @return array ($message, $sql_query)
function PMA_getMessageAndSqlQueryForPrivilegesRevoke($dbname,
    $tablename, $username, $hostname, $itemType
) {
    $db_and_table = PMA_wildcardEscapeForGrant($dbname, $tablename);

    $sql_query0 = 'REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON ' . $itemType . ' ' . $db_and_table
        . ' FROM \''
        . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username) . '\'@\''
        . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($hostname) . '\';';

    $sql_query1 = 'REVOKE GRANT OPTION ON ' . $itemType . ' ' . $db_and_table
        . ' FROM \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username) . '\'@\''
        . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($hostname) . '\';';

    if (! $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($sql_query1)) {
        // this one may fail, too...
        $sql_query1 = '';
    $sql_query = $sql_query0 . ' ' . $sql_query1;
    $message = Message::success(
        __('You have revoked the privileges for %s.')
        '\'' . htmlspecialchars($username)
        . '\'@\'' . htmlspecialchars($hostname) . '\''

    return array($message, $sql_query);

 * Get REQUIRE cluase
 * @return string REQUIRE clause
function PMA_getRequireClause()
    $arr = isset($_POST['ssl_type']) ? $_POST : $GLOBALS;
    if (isset($arr['ssl_type']) && $arr['ssl_type'] == 'SPECIFIED') {
        $require = array();
        if (! empty($arr['ssl_cipher'])) {
            $require[] = "CIPHER '"
                    . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($arr['ssl_cipher']) . "'";
        if (! empty($arr['x509_issuer'])) {
            $require[] = "ISSUER '"
                    . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($arr['x509_issuer']) . "'";
        if (! empty($arr['x509_subject'])) {
            $require[] = "SUBJECT '"
                    . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($arr['x509_subject']) . "'";
        if (count($require)) {
            $require_clause = " REQUIRE " . implode(" AND ", $require);
        } else {
            $require_clause = " REQUIRE NONE";
    } elseif (isset($arr['ssl_type']) && $arr['ssl_type'] == 'X509') {
        $require_clause = " REQUIRE X509";
    } elseif (isset($arr['ssl_type']) && $arr['ssl_type'] == 'ANY') {
        $require_clause = " REQUIRE SSL";
    } else {
        $require_clause = " REQUIRE NONE";

    return $require_clause;

 * Get a WITH clause for 'update privileges' and 'add user'
 * @return string $sql_query
function PMA_getWithClauseForAddUserAndUpdatePrivs()
    $sql_query = '';
    if ((isset($_POST['Grant_priv']) && $_POST['Grant_priv'] == 'Y')
        || (isset($GLOBALS['Grant_priv']) && $GLOBALS['Grant_priv'] == 'Y')
    ) {
        $sql_query .= ' GRANT OPTION';
    if (isset($_POST['max_questions']) || isset($GLOBALS['max_questions'])) {
        $max_questions = isset($_POST['max_questions'])
            ? (int)$_POST['max_questions'] : (int)$GLOBALS['max_questions'];
        $max_questions = max(0, $max_questions);
        $sql_query .= ' MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR ' . $max_questions;
    if (isset($_POST['max_connections']) || isset($GLOBALS['max_connections'])) {
        $max_connections = isset($_POST['max_connections'])
            ? (int)$_POST['max_connections'] : (int)$GLOBALS['max_connections'];
        $max_connections = max(0, $max_connections);
        $sql_query .= ' MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR ' . $max_connections;
    if (isset($_POST['max_updates']) || isset($GLOBALS['max_updates'])) {
        $max_updates = isset($_POST['max_updates'])
            ? (int)$_POST['max_updates'] : (int)$GLOBALS['max_updates'];
        $max_updates = max(0, $max_updates);
        $sql_query .= ' MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR ' . $max_updates;
    if (isset($_POST['max_user_connections'])
        || isset($GLOBALS['max_user_connections'])
    ) {
        $max_user_connections = isset($_POST['max_user_connections'])
            ? (int)$_POST['max_user_connections']
            : (int)$GLOBALS['max_user_connections'];
        $max_user_connections = max(0, $max_user_connections);
        $sql_query .= ' MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS ' . $max_user_connections;
    return ((!empty($sql_query)) ? ' WITH' . $sql_query : '');

 * Get HTML for addUsersForm, This function call if isset($_REQUEST['adduser'])
 * @param string $dbname database name
 * @return string HTML for addUserForm
function PMA_getHtmlForAddUser($dbname)
    $html_output = '<h2>' . "\n"
       . Util::getIcon('b_usradd.png') . __('Add user account') . "\n"
       . '</h2>' . "\n"
       . '<form name="usersForm" id="addUsersForm"'
       . ' onsubmit="return checkAddUser(this);"'
       . ' action="server_privileges.php" method="post" autocomplete="off" >' . "\n"
       . PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs('', '')
       . PMA_getHtmlForLoginInformationFields('new');

    $html_output .= '<fieldset id="fieldset_add_user_database">' . "\n"
        . '<legend>' . __('Database for user account') . '</legend>' . "\n";

    $html_output .= Util::getCheckbox(
        __('Create database with same name and grant all privileges.'),
        false, false, 'createdb-1'
    $html_output .= '<br />' . "\n";
    $html_output .= Util::getCheckbox(
        __('Grant all privileges on wildcard name (username\\_%).'),
        false, false, 'createdb-2'
    $html_output .= '<br />' . "\n";

    if (! empty($dbname) ) {
        $html_output .= Util::getCheckbox(
                __('Grant all privileges on database "%s".'),
        $html_output .= '<input type="hidden" name="dbname" value="'
            . htmlspecialchars($dbname) . '" />' . "\n";
        $html_output .= '<br />' . "\n";

    $html_output .= '</fieldset>' . "\n";
    if ($GLOBALS['is_grantuser']) {
        $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlToDisplayPrivilegesTable('*', '*', false);
    $html_output .= '<fieldset id="fieldset_add_user_footer" class="tblFooters">'
        . "\n"
        . '<input type="hidden" name="adduser_submit" value="1" />' . "\n"
        . '<input type="submit" id="adduser_submit" value="' . __('Go') . '" />'
        . "\n"
        . '</fieldset>' . "\n"
        . '</form>' . "\n";

    return $html_output;

 * Get the list of privileges and list of compared privileges as strings
 * and return a array that contains both strings
 * @return array $list_of_privileges, $list_of_compared_privileges
function PMA_getListOfPrivilegesAndComparedPrivileges()
        = '`User`, '
        . '`Host`, '
        . '`Select_priv`, '
        . '`Insert_priv`, '
        . '`Update_priv`, '
        . '`Delete_priv`, '
        . '`Create_priv`, '
        . '`Drop_priv`, '
        . '`Grant_priv`, '
        . '`Index_priv`, '
        . '`Alter_priv`, '
        . '`References_priv`, '
        . '`Create_tmp_table_priv`, '
        . '`Lock_tables_priv`, '
        . '`Create_view_priv`, '
        . '`Show_view_priv`, '
        . '`Create_routine_priv`, '
        . '`Alter_routine_priv`, '
        . '`Execute_priv`';

        = '`Select_priv` = \'N\''
        . ' AND `Insert_priv` = \'N\''
        . ' AND `Update_priv` = \'N\''
        . ' AND `Delete_priv` = \'N\''
        . ' AND `Create_priv` = \'N\''
        . ' AND `Drop_priv` = \'N\''
        . ' AND `Grant_priv` = \'N\''
        . ' AND `References_priv` = \'N\''
        . ' AND `Create_tmp_table_priv` = \'N\''
        . ' AND `Lock_tables_priv` = \'N\''
        . ' AND `Create_view_priv` = \'N\''
        . ' AND `Show_view_priv` = \'N\''
        . ' AND `Create_routine_priv` = \'N\''
        . ' AND `Alter_routine_priv` = \'N\''
        . ' AND `Execute_priv` = \'N\'';

    $list_of_privileges .=
        ', `Event_priv`, '
        . '`Trigger_priv`';
    $listOfComparedPrivs .=
        ' AND `Event_priv` = \'N\''
        . ' AND `Trigger_priv` = \'N\'';
    return array($list_of_privileges, $listOfComparedPrivs);

 * Get the HTML for routine based privileges
 * @param string $db             database name
 * @param string $odd_row        row styling
 * @param string $index_checkbox starting index for rows to be added
 * @return string $html_output
function PMA_getHtmlTableBodyForSpecificDbRoutinePrivs($db, $odd_row, $index_checkbox)
    $sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM `mysql`.`procs_priv` WHERE Db = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($db) . '\';';
    $res = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query($sql_query);
    $html_output = '';
    while ($row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchAssoc($res)) {

        $html_output .= '<tr class="' . ($odd_row ? 'odd' : 'even') . '">';

        $html_output .= '<td';
        $value = htmlspecialchars($row['User'] . '&amp;#27;' . $row['Host']);
        $html_output .= '>';
        $html_output .= '<input type="checkbox" class="checkall" '
            . 'name="selected_usr[]" '
            . 'id="checkbox_sel_users_' . ($index_checkbox++) . '" '
            . 'value="' . $value . '" /></td>';

        $html_output .= '<td>' . htmlspecialchars($row['User'])
            . '</td>'
            . '<td>' . htmlspecialchars($row['Host'])
            . '</td>'
            . '<td>' . 'routine'
            . '</td>'
            . '<td>' . '<code>' . htmlspecialchars($row['Routine_name']) . '</code>'
            . '</td>'
            . '<td>' . 'Yes'
            . '</td>';
        $current_user = $row['User'];
        $current_host = $row['Host'];
        $routine = $row['Routine_name'];
        $html_output .= '<td>';
        if ($GLOBALS['is_grantuser']) {
            $specific_db = (isset($row['Db']) && $row['Db'] != '*')
                ? $row['Db'] : '';
            $specific_table = (isset($row['Table_name'])
                && $row['Table_name'] != '*')
                ? $row['Table_name'] : '';
            $html_output .= PMA_getUserLink(
        $html_output .= '</td>';

        $html_output .= '</tr>';
        $odd_row = !$odd_row;

    return $html_output;

 * Get the HTML for user form and check the privileges for a particular database.
 * @param string $db database name
 * @return string $html_output
function PMA_getHtmlForSpecificDbPrivileges($db)
    $html_output = '';
    if ($GLOBALS['is_superuser']) {
        // check the privileges for a particular database.
        $html_output  = '<form id="usersForm" action="server_privileges.php">';
        $html_output .= PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs($db);
        $html_output .= '<fieldset>';
        $html_output .= '<legend>' . "\n"
            . Util::getIcon('b_usrcheck.png')
            . '    '
            . sprintf(
                __('Users having access to "%s"'),
                '<a href="' . Util::getScriptNameForOption(
                    $GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultTabDatabase'], 'database'
                . PMA_URL_getCommon(array('db' => $db)) . '">'
                .  htmlspecialchars($db)
                . '</a>'
            . "\n"
            . '</legend>' . "\n";

        $html_output .= '<table id="dbspecificuserrights" class="data">';
        $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlForPrivsTableHead();
        $privMap = PMA_getPrivMap($db);
        $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlTableBodyForSpecificDbOrTablePrivs($privMap, $db);
        $html_output .= '</table>';

        $html_output .= '<div class="floatleft">';
        $html_output .= Util::getWithSelected(
            $GLOBALS['pmaThemeImage'], $GLOBALS['text_dir'], "usersForm"
        $html_output .= Util::getButtonOrImage(
            'submit_mult', 'mult_submit', 'submit_mult_export',
            __('Export'), 'b_tblexport.png', 'export'

        $html_output .= '</fieldset>';
        $html_output .= '</form>';
    } else {
        $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlForViewUsersError();

    if ($GLOBALS['is_ajax_request'] == true
        && empty($_REQUEST['ajax_page_request'])
    ) {
        $message = Message::success(__('User has been added.'));
        $response = PMA\libraries\Response::getInstance();
        $response->addJSON('message', $message);
        $response->addJSON('user_form', $html_output);
    } else {
        // Offer to create a new user for the current database
        $html_output .= PMA_getAddUserHtmlFieldset($db);
    return $html_output;

 * Get the HTML for user form and check the privileges for a particular table.
 * @param string $db    database name
 * @param string $table table name
 * @return string $html_output
function PMA_getHtmlForSpecificTablePrivileges($db, $table)
    $html_output = '';
    if ($GLOBALS['is_superuser']) {
        // check the privileges for a particular table.
        $html_output  = '<form id="usersForm" action="server_privileges.php">';
        $html_output .= PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs($db, $table);
        $html_output .= '<fieldset>';
        $html_output .= '<legend>'
            . Util::getIcon('b_usrcheck.png')
            . sprintf(
                __('Users having access to "%s"'),
                '<a href="' . Util::getScriptNameForOption(
                    $GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultTabTable'], 'table'
                . PMA_URL_getCommon(
                        'db' => $db,
                        'table' => $table,
                ) . '">'
                .  htmlspecialchars($db) . '.' . htmlspecialchars($table)
                . '</a>'
            . '</legend>';

        $html_output .= '<table id="tablespecificuserrights" class="data">';
        $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlForPrivsTableHead();
        $privMap = PMA_getPrivMap($db);
        $sql_query = "SELECT `User`, `Host`, `Db`,"
            . " 't' AS `Type`, `Table_name`, `Table_priv`"
            . " FROM `mysql`.`tables_priv`"
            . " WHERE '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($db) . "' LIKE `Db`"
            . "     AND '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($table) . "' LIKE `Table_name`"
            . "     AND NOT (`Table_priv` = '' AND Column_priv = '')"
            . " ORDER BY `User` ASC, `Host` ASC, `Db` ASC, `Table_priv` ASC;";
        $res = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query($sql_query);
        PMA_mergePrivMapFromResult($privMap, $res);
        $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlTableBodyForSpecificDbOrTablePrivs($privMap, $db);
        $html_output .= '</table>';

        $html_output .= '<div class="floatleft">';
        $html_output .= Util::getWithSelected(
            $GLOBALS['pmaThemeImage'], $GLOBALS['text_dir'], "usersForm"
        $html_output .= Util::getButtonOrImage(
            'submit_mult', 'mult_submit', 'submit_mult_export',
            __('Export'), 'b_tblexport.png', 'export'

        $html_output .= '</fieldset>';
        $html_output .= '</form>';
    } else {
        $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlForViewUsersError();
    // Offer to create a new user for the current database
    $html_output .= PMA_getAddUserHtmlFieldset($db, $table);
    return $html_output;

 * gets privilege map
 * @param string $db the database
 * @return array $privMap the privilege map
function PMA_getPrivMap($db)
    list($listOfPrivs, $listOfComparedPrivs)
        = PMA_getListOfPrivilegesAndComparedPrivileges();
        = "("
        . " SELECT " . $listOfPrivs . ", '*' AS `Db`, 'g' AS `Type`"
        . " FROM `mysql`.`user`"
        . " WHERE NOT (" . $listOfComparedPrivs . ")"
        . ")"
        . " UNION "
        . "("
        . " SELECT " . $listOfPrivs . ", `Db`, 'd' AS `Type`"
        . " FROM `mysql`.`db`"
        . " WHERE '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($db) . "' LIKE `Db`"
        . "     AND NOT (" . $listOfComparedPrivs . ")"
        . ")"
        . " ORDER BY `User` ASC, `Host` ASC, `Db` ASC;";
    $res = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query($sql_query);
    $privMap = array();
    PMA_mergePrivMapFromResult($privMap, $res);
    return $privMap;

 * merge privilege map and rows from resultset
 * @param array  &$privMap the privilege map reference
 * @param object $result   the resultset of query
 * @return void
function PMA_mergePrivMapFromResult(&$privMap, $result)
    while ($row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchAssoc($result)) {
        $user = $row['User'];
        $host = $row['Host'];
        if (! isset($privMap[$user])) {
            $privMap[$user] = array();
        if (! isset($privMap[$user][$host])) {
            $privMap[$user][$host] = array();
        $privMap[$user][$host][] = $row;

 * Get HTML snippet for privileges table head
 * @return string $html_output
function PMA_getHtmlForPrivsTableHead()
    return '<thead>'
        . '<tr>'
        . '<th></th>'
        . '<th>' . __('User name') . '</th>'
        . '<th>' . __('Host name') . '</th>'
        . '<th>' . __('Type') . '</th>'
        . '<th>' . __('Privileges') . '</th>'
        . '<th>' . __('Grant') . '</th>'
        . '<th>' . __('Action') . '</th>'
        . '</tr>'
        . '</thead>';

 * Get HTML error for View Users form
 * For non superusers such as grant/create users
 * @return string $html_output
function PMA_getHtmlForViewUsersError()
    return Message::error(
        __('Not enough privilege to view users.')

 * Get HTML snippet for table body of specific database or table privileges
 * @param array  $privMap privilege map
 * @param string $db      database
 * @return string $html_output
function PMA_getHtmlTableBodyForSpecificDbOrTablePrivs($privMap, $db)
    $html_output = '<tbody>';
    $index_checkbox = 0;
    $odd_row = true;
    if (empty($privMap)) {
        $html_output .= '<tr class="odd">'
            . '<td colspan="6">'
            . __('No user found.')
            . '</td>'
            . '</tr>'
            . '</tbody>';
        return $html_output;

    foreach ($privMap as $current_user => $val) {
        foreach ($val as $current_host => $current_privileges) {
            $nbPrivileges = count($current_privileges);
            $html_output .= '<tr class="' . ($odd_row ? 'odd' : 'even') . '">';

            $value = htmlspecialchars($current_user . '&amp;#27;' . $current_host);
            $html_output .= '<td';
            if ($nbPrivileges > 1) {
                $html_output .= ' rowspan="' . $nbPrivileges . '"';
            $html_output .= '>';
            $html_output .= '<input type="checkbox" class="checkall" '
                . 'name="selected_usr[]" '
                . 'id="checkbox_sel_users_' . ($index_checkbox++) . '" '
                . 'value="' . $value . '" /></td>' . "\n";

            // user
            $html_output .= '<td';
            if ($nbPrivileges > 1) {
                $html_output .= ' rowspan="' . $nbPrivileges . '"';
            $html_output .= '>';
            if (empty($current_user)) {
                $html_output .= '<span style="color: #FF0000">'
                    . __('Any') . '</span>';
            } else {
                $html_output .= htmlspecialchars($current_user);
            $html_output .= '</td>';

            // host
            $html_output .= '<td';
            if ($nbPrivileges > 1) {
                $html_output .= ' rowspan="' . $nbPrivileges . '"';
            $html_output .= '>';
            $html_output .= htmlspecialchars($current_host);
            $html_output .= '</td>';

            $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlListOfPrivs(
                $db, $current_privileges, $current_user,
                $current_host, $odd_row

            $odd_row = ! $odd_row;

    //For fetching routine based privileges
    $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlTableBodyForSpecificDbRoutinePrivs($db, $odd_row, $index_checkbox);
    $html_output .= '</tbody>';

    return $html_output;

 * Get HTML to display privileges
 * @param string  $db                 Database name
 * @param array   $current_privileges List of privileges
 * @param string  $current_user       Current user
 * @param string  $current_host       Current host
 * @param boolean $odd_row            Current row is odd
 * @return string HTML to display privileges
function PMA_getHtmlListOfPrivs(
    $db, $current_privileges, $current_user,
    $current_host, $odd_row
) {
    $nbPrivileges = count($current_privileges);
    $html_output = null;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nbPrivileges; $i++) {
        $current = $current_privileges[$i];

        // type
        $html_output .= '<td>';
        if ($current['Type'] == 'g') {
            $html_output .= __('global');
        } elseif ($current['Type'] == 'd') {
            if ($current['Db'] == Util::escapeMysqlWildcards($db)) {
                $html_output .= __('database-specific');
            } else {
                $html_output .= __('wildcard') . ': '
                    . '<code>'
                    . htmlspecialchars($current['Db'])
                    . '</code>';
        } elseif ($current['Type'] == 't') {
            $html_output .= __('table-specific');
        $html_output .= '</td>';

        // privileges
        $html_output .= '<td>';
        if (isset($current['Table_name'])) {
            $privList = explode(',', $current['Table_priv']);
            $privs = array();
            $grantsArr = PMA_getTableGrantsArray();
            foreach ($grantsArr as $grant) {
                $privs[$grant[0]] = 'N';
                foreach ($privList as $priv) {
                    if ($grant[0] == $priv) {
                        $privs[$grant[0]] = 'Y';
            $html_output .= '<code>'
                . join(
                    PMA_extractPrivInfo($privs, true, true)
                . '</code>';
        } else {
            $html_output .= '<code>'
                . join(
                    PMA_extractPrivInfo($current, true, false)
                . '</code>';
        $html_output .= '</td>';

        // grant
        $html_output .= '<td>';
        $containsGrant = false;
        if (isset($current['Table_name'])) {
            $privList = explode(',', $current['Table_priv']);
            foreach ($privList as $priv) {
                if ($priv == 'Grant') {
                    $containsGrant = true;
        } else {
            $containsGrant = $current['Grant_priv'] == 'Y';
        $html_output .= ($containsGrant ? __('Yes') : __('No'));
        $html_output .= '</td>';

        // action
        $html_output .= '<td>';
        if ($GLOBALS['is_grantuser']) {
            $specific_db = (isset($current['Db']) && $current['Db'] != '*')
                ? $current['Db'] : '';
            $specific_table = (isset($current['Table_name'])
                && $current['Table_name'] != '*')
                ? $current['Table_name'] : '';
            $html_output .= PMA_getUserLink(
        $html_output .= '</td>';

        $html_output .= '</tr>';
        if (($i + 1) < $nbPrivileges) {
            $html_output .= '<tr class="noclick '
                . ($odd_row ? 'odd' : 'even') . '">';
    return $html_output;

 * Returns edit, revoke or export link for a user.
 * @param string $linktype    The link type (edit | revoke | export)
 * @param string $username    User name
 * @param string $hostname    Host name
 * @param string $dbname      Database name
 * @param string $tablename   Table name
 * @param string $routinename Routine name
 * @param string $initial     Initial value
 * @return string HTML code with link
function PMA_getUserLink(
    $linktype, $username, $hostname, $dbname = '',
    $tablename = '', $routinename = '', $initial = ''
) {
    $html = '<a';
    switch($linktype) {
    case 'edit':
        $html .= ' class="edit_user_anchor"';
    case 'export':
        $html .= ' class="export_user_anchor ajax"';
    $params = array(
        'username' => $username,
        'hostname' => $hostname
    switch($linktype) {
    case 'edit':
        $params['dbname'] = $dbname;
        $params['tablename'] = $tablename;
        $params['routinename'] = $routinename;
    case 'revoke':
        $params['dbname'] = $dbname;
        $params['tablename'] = $tablename;
        $params['routinename'] = $routinename;
        $params['revokeall'] = 1;
    case 'export':
        $params['initial'] = $initial;
        $params['export'] = 1;

    $html .= ' href="server_privileges.php'
        . PMA_URL_getCommon($params)
        . '">';

    switch($linktype) {
    case 'edit':
        $html .= Util::getIcon('b_usredit.png', __('Edit privileges'));
    case 'revoke':
        $html .= Util::getIcon('b_usrdrop.png', __('Revoke'));
    case 'export':
        $html .= Util::getIcon('b_tblexport.png', __('Export'));
    $html .= '</a>';

    return $html;

 * Returns user group edit link
 * @param string $username User name
 * @return string HTML code with link
function PMA_getUserGroupEditLink($username)
     return '<a class="edit_user_group_anchor ajax"'
        . ' href="server_privileges.php'
        . PMA_URL_getCommon(array('username' => $username))
        . '">'
        . Util::getIcon('b_usrlist.png', __('Edit user group'))
        . '</a>';

 * Returns number of defined user groups
 * @return integer $user_group_count
function PMA_getUserGroupCount()
    $cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam();
    $user_group_table = Util::backquote($cfgRelation['db'])
        . '.' . Util::backquote($cfgRelation['usergroups']);
    $sql_query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $user_group_table;
    $user_group_count = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchValue(
        $sql_query, 0, 0, $GLOBALS['controllink']

    return $user_group_count;

 * Returns name of user group that user is part of
 * @param string $username User name
 * @return mixed usergroup if found or null if not found
function PMA_getUserGroupForUser($username)
    $cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam();

    if (empty($cfgRelation['db'])
        || empty($cfgRelation['users'])
    ) {
        return null;

    $user_table = Util::backquote($cfgRelation['db'])
        . '.' . Util::backquote($cfgRelation['users']);
    $sql_query = 'SELECT `usergroup` FROM ' . $user_table
        . ' WHERE `username` = \'' . $username . '\''
        . ' LIMIT 1';

    $usergroup = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchValue(
        $sql_query, 0, 0, $GLOBALS['controllink']

    if ($usergroup === false) {
        return null;

    return $usergroup;

 * This function return the extra data array for the ajax behavior
 * @param string $password  password
 * @param string $sql_query sql query
 * @param string $hostname  hostname
 * @param string $username  username
 * @return array $extra_data
function PMA_getExtraDataForAjaxBehavior(
    $password, $sql_query, $hostname, $username
) {
    if (isset($GLOBALS['dbname'])) {
        //if (preg_match('/\\\\(?:_|%)/i', $dbname)) {
        if (preg_match('/(?<!\\\\)(?:_|%)/i', $GLOBALS['dbname'])) {
            $dbname_is_wildcard = true;
        } else {
            $dbname_is_wildcard = false;

    $user_group_count = 0;
    if ($GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['menuswork']) {
        $user_group_count = PMA_getUserGroupCount();

    $extra_data = array();
    if (mb_strlen($sql_query)) {
        $extra_data['sql_query'] = Util::getMessage(null, $sql_query);

    if (isset($_REQUEST['change_copy'])) {
         * generate html on the fly for the new user that was just created.
        $new_user_string = '<tr>' . "\n"
            . '<td> <input type="checkbox" name="selected_usr[]" '
            . 'id="checkbox_sel_users_"'
            . 'value="'
            . htmlspecialchars($username)
            . '&amp;#27;' . htmlspecialchars($hostname) . '" />'
            . '</td>' . "\n"
            . '<td><label for="checkbox_sel_users_">'
            . (empty($_REQUEST['username'])
                    ? '<span style="color: #FF0000">' . __('Any') . '</span>'
                    : htmlspecialchars($username) ) . '</label></td>' . "\n"
            . '<td>' . htmlspecialchars($hostname) . '</td>' . "\n";

        $new_user_string .= '<td>';

        if (! empty($password) || isset($_POST['pma_pw'])) {
            $new_user_string .= __('Yes');
        } else {
            $new_user_string .= '<span style="color: #FF0000">'
                . __('No')
            . '</span>';

        $new_user_string .= '</td>' . "\n";
        $new_user_string .= '<td>'
            . '<code>' . join(', ', PMA_extractPrivInfo(null, true)) . '</code>'
            . '</td>'; //Fill in privileges here

        // if $cfg['Servers'][$i]['users'] and $cfg['Servers'][$i]['usergroups'] are
        // enabled
        $cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam();
        if (!empty($cfgRelation['users']) && !empty($cfgRelation['usergroups'])) {
            $new_user_string .= '<td class="usrGroup"></td>';

        $new_user_string .= '<td>';
        if ((isset($_POST['Grant_priv']) && $_POST['Grant_priv'] == 'Y')) {
            $new_user_string .= __('Yes');
        } else {
            $new_user_string .= __('No');
        $new_user_string .='</td>';

        if ($GLOBALS['is_grantuser']) {
            $new_user_string .= '<td>'
                . PMA_getUserLink('edit', $username, $hostname)
                . '</td>' . "\n";

        if ($cfgRelation['menuswork'] && $user_group_count > 0) {
            $new_user_string .= '<td>'
                . PMA_getUserGroupEditLink($username)
                . '</td>' . "\n";

        $new_user_string .= '<td>'
            . PMA_getUserLink(
                isset($_GET['initial']) ? $_GET['initial'] : ''
            . '</td>' . "\n";

        $new_user_string .= '</tr>';

        $extra_data['new_user_string'] = $new_user_string;

         * Generate the string for this alphabet's initial, to update the user
         * pagination
        $new_user_initial = mb_strtoupper(
            mb_substr($username, 0, 1)
        $newUserInitialString = '<a href="server_privileges.php'
            . PMA_URL_getCommon(array('initial' => $new_user_initial)) . '">'
            . $new_user_initial . '</a>';
        $extra_data['new_user_initial'] = $new_user_initial;
        $extra_data['new_user_initial_string'] = $newUserInitialString;

    if (isset($_POST['update_privs'])) {
        $extra_data['db_specific_privs'] = false;
        $extra_data['db_wildcard_privs'] = false;
        if (isset($dbname_is_wildcard)) {
            $extra_data['db_specific_privs'] = ! $dbname_is_wildcard;
            $extra_data['db_wildcard_privs'] = $dbname_is_wildcard;
        $new_privileges = join(', ', PMA_extractPrivInfo(null, true));

        $extra_data['new_privileges'] = $new_privileges;

    if (isset($_REQUEST['validate_username'])) {
        $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM `mysql`.`user` WHERE `User` = '"
            . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($_REQUEST['username']) . "';";
        $res = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query($sql_query);
        $row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchRow($res);
        if (empty($row)) {
            $extra_data['user_exists'] = false;
        } else {
            $extra_data['user_exists'] = true;

    return $extra_data;

 * Get the HTML snippet for change user login information
 * @param string $username username
 * @param string $hostname host name
 * @return string HTML snippet
function PMA_getChangeLoginInformationHtmlForm($username, $hostname)
    $choices = array(
        '4' => __('… keep the old one.'),
        '1' => __('… delete the old one from the user tables.'),
        '2' => __(
            '… revoke all active privileges from '
            . 'the old one and delete it afterwards.'
        '3' => __(
            '… delete the old one from the user tables '
            . 'and reload the privileges afterwards.'

    $html_output = '<form action="server_privileges.php" '
        . 'onsubmit="return checkAddUser(this);" '
        . 'method="post" class="copyUserForm submenu-item">' . "\n"
        . PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs('', '')
        . '<input type="hidden" name="old_username" '
        . 'value="' . htmlspecialchars($username) . '" />' . "\n"
        . '<input type="hidden" name="old_hostname" '
        . 'value="' . htmlspecialchars($hostname) . '" />' . "\n";

    $usergroup = PMA_getUserGroupForUser($username);
    if ($usergroup !== null) {
        $html_output .= '<input type="hidden" name="old_usergroup" '
        . 'value="' . htmlspecialchars($usergroup) . '" />' . "\n";

    $html_output .= '<fieldset id="fieldset_change_copy_user">' . "\n"
        . '<legend data-submenu-label="' . __('Login Information') . '">' . "\n"
        . __('Change login information / Copy user account')
        . '</legend>' . "\n"
        . PMA_getHtmlForLoginInformationFields('change', $username, $hostname);

    $html_output .= '<fieldset id="fieldset_mode">' . "\n"
        . ' <legend>'
        . __('Create a new user account with the same privileges and …')
        . '</legend>' . "\n";
    $html_output .= Util::getRadioFields(
        'mode', $choices, '4', true
    $html_output .= '</fieldset>' . "\n"
       . '</fieldset>' . "\n";

    $html_output .= '<fieldset id="fieldset_change_copy_user_footer" '
        . 'class="tblFooters">' . "\n"
        . '<input type="hidden" name="change_copy" value="1" />' . "\n"
        . '<input type="submit" value="' . __('Go') . '" />' . "\n"
        . '</fieldset>' . "\n"
        . '</form>' . "\n";

    return $html_output;

 * Provide a line with links to the relevant database and table
 * @param string $url_dbname url database name that urlencode() string
 * @param string $dbname     database name
 * @param string $tablename  table name
 * @return string HTML snippet
function PMA_getLinkToDbAndTable($url_dbname, $dbname, $tablename)
    $html_output = '[ ' . __('Database')
        . ' <a href="' . Util::getScriptNameForOption(
            $GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultTabDatabase'], 'database'
        . PMA_URL_getCommon(
                'db' => $url_dbname,
                'reload' => 1
        . '">'
        . htmlspecialchars($dbname) . ': '
        . Util::getTitleForTarget(
        . "</a> ]\n";

    if (mb_strlen($tablename)) {
        $html_output .= ' [ ' . __('Table') . ' <a href="'
            . Util::getScriptNameForOption(
                $GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultTabTable'], 'table'
            . PMA_URL_getCommon(
                    'db' => $url_dbname,
                    'table' => $tablename,
                    'reload' => 1,
            . '">' . htmlspecialchars($tablename) . ': '
            . Util::getTitleForTarget(
            . "</a> ]\n";
    return $html_output;

 * no db name given, so we want all privs for the given user
 * db name was given, so we want all user specific rights for this db
 * So this function returns user rights as an array
 * @param string $username username
 * @param string $hostname host name
 * @param string $type     database or table
 * @param string $dbname   database name
 * @return array $db_rights database rights
function PMA_getUserSpecificRights($username, $hostname, $type, $dbname = '')
    $user_host_condition = " WHERE `User`"
        . " = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username) . "'"
        . " AND `Host`"
        . " = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($hostname) . "'";

    if ($type == 'database') {
        $tables_to_search_for_users = array(
            'tables_priv', 'columns_priv', 'procs_priv'
        $dbOrTableName = 'Db';
    } elseif ($type == 'table') {
        $user_host_condition .= " AND `Db` LIKE '"
            . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($dbname) . "'";
        $tables_to_search_for_users = array('columns_priv',);
        $dbOrTableName = 'Table_name';
    } else { // routine
        $user_host_condition .= " AND `Db` LIKE '"
            . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($dbname) . "'";
        $tables_to_search_for_users = array('procs_priv',);
        $dbOrTableName = 'Routine_name';

    // we also want privileges for this user not in table `db` but in other table
    $tables = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult('SHOW TABLES FROM `mysql`;');

    $db_rights_sqls = array();
    foreach ($tables_to_search_for_users as $table_search_in) {
        if (in_array($table_search_in, $tables)) {
            $db_rights_sqls[] = '
                SELECT DISTINCT `' . $dbOrTableName . '`
                FROM `mysql`.' . Util::backquote($table_search_in)
               . $user_host_condition;

    $user_defaults = array(
        $dbOrTableName  => '',
        'Grant_priv'    => 'N',
        'privs'         => array('USAGE'),
        'Column_priv'   => true,

    // for the rights
    $db_rights = array();

    $db_rights_sql = '(' . implode(') UNION (', $db_rights_sqls) . ')'
        . ' ORDER BY `' . $dbOrTableName . '` ASC';

    $db_rights_result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query($db_rights_sql);

    while ($db_rights_row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchAssoc($db_rights_result)) {
        $db_rights_row = array_merge($user_defaults, $db_rights_row);
        if ($type == 'database') {
            // only Db names in the table `mysql`.`db` uses wildcards
            // as we are in the db specific rights display we want
            // all db names escaped, also from other sources
            $db_rights_row['Db'] = Util::escapeMysqlWildcards(
        $db_rights[$db_rights_row[$dbOrTableName]] = $db_rights_row;


    if ($type == 'database') {
        $sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM `mysql`.`db`'
            . $user_host_condition . ' ORDER BY `Db` ASC';
    } elseif ($type == 'table') {
        $sql_query = 'SELECT `Table_name`,'
            . ' `Table_priv`,'
            . ' IF(`Column_priv` = _latin1 \'\', 0, 1)'
            . ' AS \'Column_priv\''
            . ' FROM `mysql`.`tables_priv`'
            . $user_host_condition
            . ' ORDER BY `Table_name` ASC;';
    } else {
        $sql_query = "SELECT `Routine_name`, `Proc_priv`"
            . " FROM `mysql`.`procs_priv`"
            . $user_host_condition
            . " ORDER BY `Routine_name`";


    $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query($sql_query);

    while ($row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchAssoc($result)) {
        if (isset($db_rights[$row[$dbOrTableName]])) {
                = array_merge($db_rights[$row[$dbOrTableName]], $row);
        } else {
            $db_rights[$row[$dbOrTableName]] = $row;
        if ($type == 'database') {
            // there are db specific rights for this user
            // so we can drop this db rights
            $db_rights[$row['Db']]['can_delete'] = true;
    return $db_rights;

 * Get a HTML table for display user's tabel specific or database specific rights
 * @param string $username username
 * @param string $hostname host name
 * @param string $type     database, table or routine
 * @param string $dbname   database name
 * @return array $html_output
function PMA_getHtmlForAllTableSpecificRights(
    $username, $hostname, $type, $dbname = ''
) {
    $uiData = array(
        'database' => array(
            'formId'       => 'database_specific_priv',
            'subMenuLabel' => __('Database'),
            'legend'       => __('Database-specific privileges'),
            'typeLabel'    => __('Database'),
        'table' => array(
            'formId'       => 'table_specific_priv',
            'subMenuLabel' => __('Table'),
            'legend'       => __('Table-specific privileges'),
            'typeLabel'    => __('Table'),
        'routine' => array(
            'formId'       => 'routine_specific_priv',
            'subMenuLabel' => __('Routine'),
            'legend'       => __('Routine-specific privileges'),
            'typeLabel'    => __('Routine'),

     * no db name given, so we want all privs for the given user
     * db name was given, so we want all user specific rights for this db
    $db_rights = PMA_getUserSpecificRights($username, $hostname, $type, $dbname);

    $foundRows = array();
    $privileges = array();
    foreach ($db_rights as $row) {
        $onePrivilege = array();

        $paramTableName = '';
        $paramRoutineName = '';

        if ($type == 'database') {
            $name = $row['Db'];
            $onePrivilege['grant']        = $row['Grant_priv'] == 'Y';
            $onePrivilege['tablePrivs']   = ! empty($row['Table_priv'])
                || ! empty($row['Column_priv']);
            $onePrivilege['privileges'] = join(',', PMA_extractPrivInfo($row, true));

            $paramDbName = $row['Db'];

        } elseif ($type == 'table') {
            $name = $row['Table_name'];
            $onePrivilege['grant'] = in_array(
                explode(',', $row['Table_priv'])
            $onePrivilege['columnPrivs']  = ! empty($row['Column_priv']);
            $onePrivilege['privileges'] = join(',', PMA_extractPrivInfo($row, true));

            $paramDbName = $dbname;
            $paramTableName = $row['Table_name'];

        } else { // routine
            $name = $row['Routine_name'];
            $onePrivilege['grant'] = in_array(
                explode(',', $row['Proc_priv'])

            $privs = array(
                'Alter_routine_priv' => 'N',
                'Execute_priv'       => 'N',
                'Grant_priv'         => 'N',
            foreach (explode(',', $row['Proc_priv']) as $priv) {
                if ($priv == 'Alter Routine') {
                    $privs['Alter_routine_priv'] = 'Y';
                } else {
                    $privs[$priv . '_priv'] = 'Y';
            $onePrivilege['privileges'] = join(
                PMA_extractPrivInfo($privs, true)

            $paramDbName = $dbname;
            $paramRoutineName = $row['Routine_name'];

        $foundRows[] = $name;
        $onePrivilege['name'] = $name;

        $onePrivilege['editLink'] = '';
        if ($GLOBALS['is_grantuser']) {
            $onePrivilege['editLink'] = PMA_getUserLink(

        $onePrivilege['revokeLink'] = '';
        if ($type != 'database' || ! empty($row['can_delete'])) {
            $onePrivilege['revokeLink'] = PMA_getUserLink(

        $privileges[] = $onePrivilege;

    $data = $uiData[$type];
    $data['privileges'] = $privileges;
    $data['userName']   = $username;
    $data['hostName']   = $hostname;
    $data['database']   = $dbname;
    $data['type']       = $type;

    if ($type == 'database') {

        // we already have the list of databases from libraries/common.inc.php
        // via $pma = new PMA;
        $pred_db_array = $GLOBALS['dblist']->databases;
        $databases_to_skip = array('information_schema', 'performance_schema');

        $databases = array();
        if (! empty($pred_db_array)) {
            foreach ($pred_db_array as $current_db) {
                if (in_array($current_db, $databases_to_skip)) {
                $current_db_escaped = Util::escapeMysqlWildcards($current_db);
                // cannot use array_diff() once, outside of the loop,
                // because the list of databases has special characters
                // already escaped in $foundRows,
                // contrary to the output of SHOW DATABASES
                if (! in_array($current_db_escaped, $foundRows)) {
                    $databases[] = $current_db;
        $data['databases'] = $databases;

    } elseif ($type == 'table') {
        $result = @$GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery(
            "SHOW TABLES FROM " . Util::backquote($dbname),

        $tables = array();
        if ($result) {
            while ($row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchRow($result)) {
                if (! in_array($row[0], $foundRows)) {
                    $tables[] = $row[0];
        $data['tables'] = $tables;

    } else { // routine
        $routineData = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getRoutines($dbname);

        $routines = array();
        foreach ($routineData as $routine) {
            if (! in_array($routine['name'], $foundRows)) {
                $routines[] = $routine['name'];
        $data['routines'] = $routines;

    $html_output = Template::get('privileges/privileges_summary')

    return $html_output;

 * Get HTML for display the users overview
 * (if less than 50 users, display them immediately)
 * @param array  $result        ran sql query
 * @param array  $db_rights     user's database rights array
 * @param string $pmaThemeImage a image source link
 * @param string $text_dir      text directory
 * @return string HTML snippet
function PMA_getUsersOverview($result, $db_rights, $pmaThemeImage, $text_dir)
    while ($row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchAssoc($result)) {
        $row['privs'] = PMA_extractPrivInfo($row, true);
        $db_rights[$row['User']][$row['Host']] = $row;
    $user_group_count = 0;
    if ($GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['menuswork']) {
        $user_group_count = PMA_getUserGroupCount();

        = '<form name="usersForm" id="usersForm" action="server_privileges.php" '
        . 'method="post">' . "\n"
        . PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs('', '')
        . '<table id="tableuserrights" class="data">' . "\n"
        . '<thead>' . "\n"
        . '<tr><th></th>' . "\n"
        . '<th>' . __('User name') . '</th>' . "\n"
        . '<th>' . __('Host name') . '</th>' . "\n"
        . '<th>' . __('Password') . '</th>' . "\n"
        . '<th>' . __('Global privileges') . ' '
        . Util::showHint(
            __('Note: MySQL privilege names are expressed in English.')
        . '</th>' . "\n";
    if ($GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['menuswork']) {
        $html_output .= '<th>' . __('User group') . '</th>' . "\n";
    $html_output .= '<th>' . __('Grant') . '</th>' . "\n"
        . '<th colspan="' . ($user_group_count > 0 ? '3' : '2') . '">'
        . __('Action') . '</th>' . "\n"
        . '</tr>' . "\n"
        . '</thead>' . "\n";

    $html_output .= '<tbody>' . "\n";
    $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlTableBodyForUserRights($db_rights);
    $html_output .= '</tbody>'
        . '</table>' . "\n";

    $html_output .= '<div class="floatleft">'
        . Util::getWithSelected($pmaThemeImage, $text_dir, "usersForm") . "\n";

    $html_output .= Util::getButtonOrImage(
        'submit_mult', 'mult_submit', 'submit_mult_export',
        __('Export'), 'b_tblexport.png', 'export'
    $html_output .= '<input type="hidden" name="initial" '
        . 'value="' . (isset($_GET['initial']) ? htmlspecialchars($_GET['initial']) : '') . '" />';
    $html_output .= '</div>'
        . '<div class="clear_both" style="clear:both"></div>';

    // add/delete user fieldset
    $html_output .= PMA_getFieldsetForAddDeleteUser();
    $html_output .= '</form>' . "\n";

    return $html_output;

 * Get table body for 'tableuserrights' table in userform
 * @param array $db_rights user's database rights array
 * @return string HTML snippet
function PMA_getHtmlTableBodyForUserRights($db_rights)
    $cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam();
    if ($cfgRelation['menuswork']) {
        $users_table = Util::backquote($cfgRelation['db'])
            . "." . Util::backquote($cfgRelation['users']);
        $sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $users_table;
        $result = PMA_queryAsControlUser($sql_query, false);
        $group_assignment = array();
        if ($result) {
            while ($row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchAssoc($result)) {
                $group_assignment[$row['username']] = $row['usergroup'];

        $user_group_count = PMA_getUserGroupCount();

    $odd_row = true;
    $index_checkbox = 0;
    $html_output = '';
    foreach ($db_rights as $user) {
        foreach ($user as $host) {
            $html_output .= '<tr class="' . ($odd_row ? 'odd' : 'even') . '">'
                . "\n";
            $html_output .= '<td>'
                . '<input type="checkbox" class="checkall" name="selected_usr[]" '
                . 'id="checkbox_sel_users_'
                . $index_checkbox . '" value="'
                . htmlspecialchars($host['User'] . '&amp;#27;' . $host['Host'])
                . '"'
                . ' /></td>' . "\n";

            $html_output .= '<td><label '
                . 'for="checkbox_sel_users_' . $index_checkbox . '">'
                . (empty($host['User'])
                    ? '<span style="color: #FF0000">' . __('Any') . '</span>'
                    : htmlspecialchars($host['User'])) . '</label></td>' . "\n"
                . '<td>' . htmlspecialchars($host['Host']) . '</td>' . "\n";

            $html_output .= '<td>';

            $password_column = 'Password';

            $check_plugin_query = "SELECT * FROM `mysql`.`user` WHERE "
                . "`User` = '" . $host['User'] . "' AND `Host` = '"
                . $host['Host'] . "'";
            $res = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchSingleRow($check_plugin_query);

            if ((isset($res['authentication_string'])
                && ! empty($res['authentication_string']))
                || (isset($res['Password'])
                && ! empty($res['Password']))
            ) {
                $host[$password_column] = 'Y';
            } else {
                $host[$password_column] = 'N';

            switch ($host[$password_column]) {
            case 'Y':
                $html_output .= __('Yes');
            case 'N':
                $html_output .= '<span style="color: #FF0000">' . __('No')
                    . '</span>';
            // this happens if this is a definition not coming from mysql.user
                $html_output .= '--'; // in future version, replace by "not present"
            } // end switch

            $html_output .= '</td>' . "\n";

            $html_output .= '<td><code>' . "\n"
                . '' . implode(',' . "\n" . '            ', $host['privs']) . "\n"
                . '</code></td>' . "\n";
            if ($cfgRelation['menuswork']) {
                $html_output .= '<td class="usrGroup">' . "\n"
                    . (isset($group_assignment[$host['User']])
                        ? htmlspecialchars($group_assignment[$host['User']])
                        : ''
                    . '</td>' . "\n";
            $html_output .= '<td>'
                . ($host['Grant_priv'] == 'Y' ? __('Yes') : __('No'))
                . '</td>' . "\n";

            if ($GLOBALS['is_grantuser']) {
                $html_output .= '<td class="center">'
                    . PMA_getUserLink(
                    . '</td>';
            if ($cfgRelation['menuswork'] && $user_group_count > 0) {
                if (empty($host['User'])) {
                    $html_output .= '<td class="center"></td>';
                } else {
                    $html_output .= '<td class="center">'
                        . PMA_getUserGroupEditLink($host['User'])
                        . '</td>';
            $html_output .= '<td class="center">'
                . PMA_getUserLink(
                    isset($_GET['initial']) ? $_GET['initial'] : ''
                . '</td>';
            $html_output .= '</tr>';
            $odd_row = ! $odd_row;
    return $html_output;

 * Get HTML fieldset for Add/Delete user
 * @return string HTML snippet
function PMA_getFieldsetForAddDeleteUser()
    $html_output = PMA_getAddUserHtmlFieldset();
    $html_output .= '<fieldset id="fieldset_delete_user">'
        . '<legend>' . "\n"
        . Util::getIcon('b_usrdrop.png')
        . '            ' . __('Remove selected user accounts') . '' . "\n"
        . '</legend>' . "\n";

    $html_output .= '<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="2" />' . "\n"
        . '('
        . __(
            'Revoke all active privileges from the users '
            . 'and delete them afterwards.'
        . ')'
        . '<br />' . "\n";

    $html_output .= '<input type="checkbox" '
        . 'title="'
        . __('Drop the databases that have the same names as the users.')
        . '" '
        . 'name="drop_users_db" id="checkbox_drop_users_db" />' . "\n";

    $html_output .= '<label for="checkbox_drop_users_db" '
        . 'title="'
        . __('Drop the databases that have the same names as the users.')
        . '">' . "\n"
        . '            '
        . __('Drop the databases that have the same names as the users.')
        . "\n"
        . '</label>' . "\n"
        . '</fieldset>' . "\n";

    $html_output .= '<fieldset id="fieldset_delete_user_footer" class="tblFooters">'
        . "\n";
    $html_output .= '<input type="submit" name="delete" '
        . 'value="' . __('Go') . '" id="buttonGo" '
        . 'class="ajax"/>' . "\n";

    $html_output .= '</fieldset>' . "\n";

    return $html_output;

 * Get HTML for Displays the initials
 * @param array $array_initials array for all initials, even non A-Z
 * @return string HTML snippet
function PMA_getHtmlForInitials($array_initials)
    // initialize to false the letters A-Z
    for ($letter_counter = 1; $letter_counter < 27; $letter_counter++) {
        if (! isset($array_initials[mb_chr($letter_counter + 64)])) {
            $array_initials[mb_chr($letter_counter + 64)] = false;

    $initials = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery(
        'SELECT DISTINCT UPPER(LEFT(`User`,1)) FROM `user`'
        . ' ORDER BY UPPER(LEFT(`User`,1)) ASC',
    if ($initials) {
        while (list($tmp_initial) = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchRow($initials)) {
            $array_initials[$tmp_initial] = true;

    // Display the initials, which can be any characters, not
    // just letters. For letters A-Z, we add the non-used letters
    // as greyed out.

    uksort($array_initials, "strnatcasecmp");

    $html_output = '<table id="initials_table" cellspacing="5">'
        . '<tr>';
    foreach ($array_initials as $tmp_initial => $initial_was_found) {
        if ($tmp_initial === null) {

        if (!$initial_was_found) {
            $html_output .= '<td>' . $tmp_initial . '</td>';

        $html_output .= '<td>'
            . '<a class="ajax'
            . ((isset($_REQUEST['initial'])
                && $_REQUEST['initial'] === $tmp_initial
                ) ? ' active' : '')
            . '" href="server_privileges.php'
            . PMA_URL_getCommon(array('initial' => $tmp_initial))
            . '">' . $tmp_initial
            . '</a>'
            . '</td>' . "\n";
    $html_output .= '<td>'
        . '<a href="server_privileges.php'
        . PMA_URL_getCommon(array('showall' => 1))
        . '" class="nowrap">' . __('Show all') . '</a></td>' . "\n";
    $html_output .= '</tr></table>';

    return $html_output;

 * Get the database rights array for Display user overview
 * @return array  $db_rights    database rights array
function PMA_getDbRightsForUserOverview()
    // we also want users not in table `user` but in other table
    $tables = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult('SHOW TABLES FROM `mysql`;');

    $tablesSearchForUsers = array(
        'user', 'db', 'tables_priv', 'columns_priv', 'procs_priv',

    $db_rights_sqls = array();
    foreach ($tablesSearchForUsers as $table_search_in) {
        if (in_array($table_search_in, $tables)) {
            $db_rights_sqls[] = 'SELECT DISTINCT `User`, `Host` FROM `mysql`.`'
                . $table_search_in . '` '
                . (isset($_GET['initial'])
                ? PMA_rangeOfUsers($_GET['initial'])
                : '');
    $user_defaults = array(
        'User'       => '',
        'Host'       => '%',
        'Password'   => '?',
        'Grant_priv' => 'N',
        'privs'      => array('USAGE'),

    // for the rights
    $db_rights = array();

    $db_rights_sql = '(' . implode(') UNION (', $db_rights_sqls) . ')'
        . ' ORDER BY `User` ASC, `Host` ASC';

    $db_rights_result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query($db_rights_sql);

    while ($db_rights_row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchAssoc($db_rights_result)) {
        $db_rights_row = array_merge($user_defaults, $db_rights_row);
            = $db_rights_row;

    return $db_rights;

 * Delete user and get message and sql query for delete user in privileges
 * @param array $queries queries
 * @return array Message
function PMA_deleteUser($queries)
    $sql_query = '';
    if (empty($queries)) {
        $message = Message::error(__('No users selected for deleting!'));
    } else {
        if ($_REQUEST['mode'] == 3) {
            $queries[] = '# ' . __('Reloading the privileges') . ' …';
            $queries[] = 'FLUSH PRIVILEGES;';
        $drop_user_error = '';
        foreach ($queries as $sql_query) {
            if ($sql_query{0} != '#') {
                if (! $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($sql_query, $GLOBALS['userlink'])) {
                    $drop_user_error .= $GLOBALS['dbi']->getError() . "\n";
        // tracking sets this, causing the deleted db to be shown in navi

        $sql_query = join("\n", $queries);
        if (! empty($drop_user_error)) {
            $message = Message::rawError($drop_user_error);
        } else {
            $message = Message::success(
                __('The selected users have been deleted successfully.')
    return array($sql_query, $message);

 * Update the privileges and return the success or error message
 * @param string $username  username
 * @param string $hostname  host name
 * @param string $tablename table name
 * @param string $dbname    database name
 * @param string $itemType  item type
 * @return Message success message or error message for update
function PMA_updatePrivileges($username, $hostname, $tablename, $dbname, $itemType)
    $db_and_table = PMA_wildcardEscapeForGrant($dbname, $tablename);

    $sql_query0 = 'REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON ' . $itemType . ' ' . $db_and_table
        . ' FROM \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username)
        . '\'@\'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($hostname) . '\';';

    if (! isset($_POST['Grant_priv']) || $_POST['Grant_priv'] != 'Y') {
        $sql_query1 = 'REVOKE GRANT OPTION ON ' . $itemType . ' ' . $db_and_table
            . ' FROM \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username) . '\'@\''
            . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($hostname) . '\';';
    } else {
        $sql_query1 = '';

    // Should not do a GRANT USAGE for a table-specific privilege, it
    // causes problems later (cannot revoke it)
    if (! (mb_strlen($tablename)
        && 'USAGE' == implode('', PMA_extractPrivInfo()))
    ) {
        $sql_query2 = 'GRANT ' . join(', ', PMA_extractPrivInfo())
            . ' ON ' . $itemType . ' ' . $db_and_table
            . ' TO \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username) . '\'@\''
            . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($hostname) . '\'';

        if (! mb_strlen($dbname)) {
            // add REQUIRE clause
            $sql_query2 .= PMA_getRequireClause();

        if ((isset($_POST['Grant_priv']) && $_POST['Grant_priv'] == 'Y')
            || (! mb_strlen($dbname)
            && (isset($_POST['max_questions']) || isset($_POST['max_connections'])
            || isset($_POST['max_updates'])
            || isset($_POST['max_user_connections'])))
        ) {
            $sql_query2 .= PMA_getWithClauseForAddUserAndUpdatePrivs();
        $sql_query2 .= ';';
    if (! $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($sql_query0)) {
        // This might fail when the executing user does not have
        // ALL PRIVILEGES himself.
        // See https://sourceforge.net/p/phpmyadmin/bugs/3270/
        $sql_query0 = '';
    if (! empty($sql_query1) && ! $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($sql_query1)) {
        // this one may fail, too...
        $sql_query1 = '';
    if (! empty($sql_query2)) {
    } else {
        $sql_query2 = '';
    $sql_query = $sql_query0 . ' ' . $sql_query1 . ' ' . $sql_query2;
    $message = Message::success(__('You have updated the privileges for %s.'));
        '\'' . htmlspecialchars($username)
        . '\'@\'' . htmlspecialchars($hostname) . '\''

    return array($sql_query, $message);

 * Get List of information: Changes / copies a user
 * @return array
function PMA_getDataForChangeOrCopyUser()
    $queries = null;
    $password = null;

    if (isset($_REQUEST['change_copy'])) {
        $user_host_condition = ' WHERE `User` = '
            . "'" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($_REQUEST['old_username']) . "'"
            . ' AND `Host` = '
            . "'" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($_REQUEST['old_hostname']) . "';";
        $row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchSingleRow(
            'SELECT * FROM `mysql`.`user` ' . $user_host_condition
        if (! $row) {
            $response = PMA\libraries\Response::getInstance();
                Message::notice(__('No user found.'))->getDisplay()
        } else {
            extract($row, EXTR_OVERWRITE);
            foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
                $GLOBALS[$key] = $value;
            // Recent MySQL versions have the field "Password" in mysql.user,
            // so the previous extract creates $Password but this script
            // uses $password
            if (! isset($password) && isset($Password)) {
                $password = $Password;
            if (Util::getServerType() == 'MySQL'
                && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50606
                && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION < 50706
                && ((isset($authentication_string)
                && empty($password))
                || (isset($plugin)
                && $plugin == 'sha256_password'))
            ) {
                $password = $authentication_string;

            if (Util::getServerType() == 'MariaDB'
                && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50500
                && isset($authentication_string)
                && empty($password)
            ) {
                $password = $authentication_string;

            // Always use 'authentication_string' column
            // for MySQL 5.7.6+ since it does not have
            // the 'password' column at all
            if (Util::getServerType() == 'MySQL'
                && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50706
                && isset($authentication_string)
            ) {
                $password = $authentication_string;

            $queries = array();

    return array($queries, $password);

 * Update Data for information: Deletes users
 * @param array $queries queries array
 * @return array
function PMA_getDataForDeleteUsers($queries)
    if (isset($_REQUEST['change_copy'])) {
        $selected_usr = array(
            $_REQUEST['old_username'] . '&amp;#27;' . $_REQUEST['old_hostname']
    } else {
        $selected_usr = $_REQUEST['selected_usr'];
        $queries = array();

    // this happens, was seen in https://reports.phpmyadmin.net/reports/view/17146
    if (! is_array($selected_usr)) {
        return array();

    foreach ($selected_usr as $each_user) {
        list($this_user, $this_host) = explode('&amp;#27;', $each_user);
        $queries[] = '# '
            . sprintf(
                __('Deleting %s'),
                '\'' . $this_user . '\'@\'' . $this_host . '\''
            . ' ...';
        $queries[] = 'DROP USER \''
            . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($this_user)
            . '\'@\'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($this_host) . '\';';

        if (isset($_REQUEST['drop_users_db'])) {
            $queries[] = 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS '
                . Util::backquote($this_user) . ';';
            $GLOBALS['reload'] = true;
    return $queries;

 * update Message For Reload
 * @return array
function PMA_updateMessageForReload()
    $message = null;
    if (isset($_REQUEST['flush_privileges'])) {
        $sql_query = 'FLUSH PRIVILEGES;';
        $message = Message::success(
            __('The privileges were reloaded successfully.')

    if (isset($_REQUEST['validate_username'])) {
        $message = Message::success();

    return $message;

 * update Data For Queries from queries_for_display
 * @param array      $queries             queries array
 * @param array|null $queries_for_display queries array for display
 * @return null
function PMA_getDataForQueries($queries, $queries_for_display)
    $tmp_count = 0;
    foreach ($queries as $sql_query) {
        if ($sql_query{0} != '#') {
        // when there is a query containing a hidden password, take it
        // instead of the real query sent
        if (isset($queries_for_display[$tmp_count])) {
            $queries[$tmp_count] = $queries_for_display[$tmp_count];

    return $queries;

 * update Data for information: Adds a user
 * @param string $dbname      db name
 * @param string $username    user name
 * @param string $hostname    host name
 * @param string $password    password
 * @param bool   $is_menuwork is_menuwork set?
 * @return array
function PMA_addUser(
    $dbname, $username, $hostname,
    $password, $is_menuwork
) {
    $_add_user_error = false;
    $message = null;
    $queries = null;
    $queries_for_display = null;
    $sql_query = null;

    if (!isset($_REQUEST['adduser_submit']) && !isset($_REQUEST['change_copy'])) {
        return array(
            $message, $queries, $queries_for_display, $sql_query, $_add_user_error

    $sql_query = '';
    if ($_POST['pred_username'] == 'any') {
        $username = '';
    switch ($_POST['pred_hostname']) {
    case 'any':
        $hostname = '%';
    case 'localhost':
        $hostname = 'localhost';
    case 'hosttable':
        $hostname = '';
    case 'thishost':
        $_user_name = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchValue('SELECT USER()');
        $hostname = mb_substr(
            (mb_strrpos($_user_name, '@') + 1)
    $sql = "SELECT '1' FROM `mysql`.`user`"
        . " WHERE `User` = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username) . "'"
        . " AND `Host` = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($hostname) . "';";
    if ($GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchValue($sql) == 1) {
        $message = Message::error(__('The user %s already exists!'));
            '[em]\'' . $username . '\'@\'' . $hostname . '\'[/em]'
        $_REQUEST['adduser'] = true;
        $_add_user_error = true;

        return array(

        $create_user_real, $create_user_show, $real_sql_query, $sql_query,
        $password_set_real, $password_set_show
    ) = PMA_getSqlQueriesForDisplayAndAddUser(
        $username, $hostname, (isset($password) ? $password : '')

    if (empty($_REQUEST['change_copy'])) {
        $_error = false;

        if (isset($create_user_real)) {
            if (!$GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($create_user_real)) {
                $_error = true;
            if (isset($password_set_real) && !empty($password_set_real)
                && isset($_REQUEST['authentication_plugin'])
            ) {
                if ($GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($password_set_real)) {
                    $sql_query .= $password_set_show;
            $sql_query = $create_user_show . $sql_query;

        list($sql_query, $message) = PMA_addUserAndCreateDatabase(
            isset($dbname) ? $dbname : null
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['userGroup']) && $is_menuwork) {
            PMA_setUserGroup($GLOBALS['username'], $_REQUEST['userGroup']);

        return array(

    // Copy the user group while copying a user
    $old_usergroup =
        isset($_REQUEST['old_usergroup']) ? $_REQUEST['old_usergroup'] : null;
    PMA_setUserGroup($_REQUEST['username'], $old_usergroup);

    if (isset($create_user_real)) {
        $queries[] = $create_user_real;
    $queries[] = $real_sql_query;

    if (isset($password_set_real) && ! empty($password_set_real)
        && isset($_REQUEST['authentication_plugin'])
    ) {

        $queries[] = $password_set_real;
    // we put the query containing the hidden password in
    // $queries_for_display, at the same position occupied
    // by the real query in $queries
    $tmp_count = count($queries);
    if (isset($create_user_real)) {
        $queries_for_display[$tmp_count - 2] = $create_user_show;
    if (isset($password_set_real) && ! empty($password_set_real)) {
        $queries_for_display[$tmp_count - 3] = $create_user_show;
        $queries_for_display[$tmp_count - 2] = $sql_query;
        $queries_for_display[$tmp_count - 1] = $password_set_show;
    } else {
        $queries_for_display[$tmp_count - 1] = $sql_query;

    return array(
        $message, $queries, $queries_for_display, $sql_query, $_add_user_error

 * Sets proper value of `old_passwords` according to
 * the authentication plugin selected
 * @param string $auth_plugin authentication plugin selected
 * @return void
function PMA_setProperPasswordHashing($auth_plugin)
    // Set the hashing method used by PASSWORD()
    // to be of type depending upon $authentication_plugin
    if ($auth_plugin == 'sha256_password') {
        $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery('SET `old_passwords` = 2');
    } else if ($auth_plugin == 'mysql_old_password') {
        $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery('SET `old_passwords` = 1');
    } else {
        $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery('SET `old_passwords` = 0');

 * Update DB information: DB, Table, isWildcard
 * @return array
function PMA_getDataForDBInfo()
    $username = null;
    $hostname = null;
    $dbname = null;
    $tablename = null;
    $routinename = null;
    $dbname_is_wildcard = null;

    if (isset($_REQUEST['username'])) {
        $username = $_REQUEST['username'];
    if (isset($_REQUEST['hostname'])) {
        $hostname = $_REQUEST['hostname'];
     * Checks if a dropdown box has been used for selecting a database / table
    if (PMA_isValid($_REQUEST['pred_tablename'])) {
        $tablename = $_REQUEST['pred_tablename'];
    } elseif (PMA_isValid($_REQUEST['tablename'])) {
        $tablename = $_REQUEST['tablename'];
    } else {

    if (PMA_isValid($_REQUEST['pred_routinename'])) {
        $routinename = $_REQUEST['pred_routinename'];
    } elseif (PMA_isValid($_REQUEST['routinename'])) {
        $routinename = $_REQUEST['routinename'];
    } else {

    if (isset($_REQUEST['pred_dbname'])) {
        $is_valid_pred_dbname = true;
        foreach ($_REQUEST['pred_dbname'] as $key => $db_name) {
            if (! PMA_isValid($db_name)) {
                $is_valid_pred_dbname = false;

    if (isset($_REQUEST['dbname'])) {
        $is_valid_dbname = true;
        if (is_array($_REQUEST['dbname'])) {
            foreach ($_REQUEST['dbname'] as $key => $db_name) {
                if (! PMA_isValid($db_name)) {
                    $is_valid_dbname = false;
        } else {
            if (! PMA_isValid($_REQUEST['dbname'])) {
                $is_valid_dbname = false;

    if (isset($is_valid_pred_dbname) && $is_valid_pred_dbname) {
        $dbname = $_REQUEST['pred_dbname'];
        // If dbname contains only one database.
        if (count($dbname) == 1) {
            $dbname = $dbname[0];
    } elseif (isset($is_valid_dbname) && $is_valid_dbname) {
        $dbname = $_REQUEST['dbname'];
    } else {

    if (isset($dbname)) {
        if (is_array($dbname)) {
            $db_and_table = $dbname;
            foreach ($db_and_table as $key => $db_name) {
                $db_and_table[$key] .= '.';
        } else {
            $unescaped_db = Util::unescapeMysqlWildcards($dbname);
            $db_and_table = Util::backquote($unescaped_db) . '.';
        if (isset($tablename)) {
            $db_and_table .= Util::backquote($tablename);
        } else {
            if (is_array($db_and_table)) {
                foreach ($db_and_table as $key => $db_name) {
                    $db_and_table[$key] .= '*';
            } else {
                $db_and_table .= '*';
    } else {
        $db_and_table = '*.*';

    // check if given $dbname is a wildcard or not
    if (isset($dbname)) {
        //if (preg_match('/\\\\(?:_|%)/i', $dbname)) {
        if (! is_array($dbname) && preg_match('/(?<!\\\\)(?:_|%)/i', $dbname)) {
            $dbname_is_wildcard = true;
        } else {
            $dbname_is_wildcard = false;

    return array(
        $username, $hostname,
        isset($dbname)? $dbname : null,
        isset($tablename)? $tablename : null,
        isset($routinename) ? $routinename : null,

 * Get title and textarea for export user definition in Privileges
 * @param string $username username
 * @param string $hostname host name
 * @return array ($title, $export)
function PMA_getListForExportUserDefinition($username, $hostname)
    $export = '<textarea class="export" cols="60" rows="15">';

    if (isset($_REQUEST['selected_usr'])) {
        // export privileges for selected users
        $title = __('Privileges');

        //For removing duplicate entries of users
        $_REQUEST['selected_usr'] = array_unique($_REQUEST['selected_usr']);

        foreach ($_REQUEST['selected_usr'] as $export_user) {
            $export_username = mb_substr(
                $export_user, 0, mb_strpos($export_user, '&')
            $export_hostname = mb_substr(
                $export_user, mb_strrpos($export_user, ';') + 1
            $export .= '# '
                . sprintf(
                    __('Privileges for %s'),
                    '`' . htmlspecialchars($export_username)
                    . '`@`' . htmlspecialchars($export_hostname) . '`'
                . "\n\n";
            $export .= PMA_getGrants($export_username, $export_hostname) . "\n";
    } else {
        // export privileges for a single user
        $title = __('User') . ' `' . htmlspecialchars($username)
            . '`@`' . htmlspecialchars($hostname) . '`';
        $export .= PMA_getGrants($username, $hostname);
    // remove trailing whitespace
    $export = trim($export);

    $export .= '</textarea>';

    return array($title, $export);

 * Get HTML for display Add userfieldset
 * @param string $db    the database
 * @param string $table the table name
 * @return string html output
function PMA_getAddUserHtmlFieldset($db = '', $table = '')
    if (!$GLOBALS['is_createuser']) {
        return '';
    $rel_params = array();
    $url_params = array(
        'adduser' => 1
    if (!empty($db)) {
            = $rel_params['checkprivsdb']
                = $db;
    if (!empty($table)) {
            = $rel_params['checkprivstable']
                = $table;

    return '<fieldset id="fieldset_add_user">' . "\n"
        . '<legend>' . _pgettext('Create new user', 'New') . '</legend>'
        . '<a id="add_user_anchor" href="server_privileges.php'
        . PMA_URL_getCommon($url_params) . '" '
        . (!empty($rel_params)
            ? ('rel="' . PMA_URL_getCommon($rel_params) . '" ')
            : '')
        . '>' . "\n"
        . Util::getIcon('b_usradd.png')
        . '            ' . __('Add user account') . '</a>' . "\n"
        . '</fieldset>' . "\n";

 * Get HTML header for display User's properties
 * @param boolean $dbname_is_wildcard whether database name is wildcard or not
 * @param string  $url_dbname         url database name that urlencode() string
 * @param string  $dbname             database name
 * @param string  $username           username
 * @param string  $hostname           host name
 * @param string  $entity_name        entity (table or routine) name
 * @param string  $entity_type        optional, type of entity ('table' or 'routine')
 * @return string $html_output
function PMA_getHtmlHeaderForUserProperties(
    $dbname_is_wildcard, $url_dbname, $dbname,
    $username, $hostname, $entity_name, $entity_type='table'
) {
    $html_output = '<h2>' . "\n"
       . Util::getIcon('b_usredit.png')
       . __('Edit privileges:') . ' '
       . __('User account');

    if (! empty($dbname)) {
        $html_output .= ' <i><a class="edit_user_anchor"'
            . ' href="server_privileges.php'
            . PMA_URL_getCommon(
                    'username' => $username,
                    'hostname' => $hostname,
                    'dbname' => '',
                    'tablename' => '',
            . '">\'' . htmlspecialchars($username)
            . '\'@\'' . htmlspecialchars($hostname)
            . '\'</a></i>' . "\n";

        $html_output .= ' - ';
        $html_output .= ($dbname_is_wildcard
            || is_array($dbname) && count($dbname) > 1)
            ? __('Databases') : __('Database');
        if (! empty($entity_name) && $entity_type === 'table') {
            $html_output .= ' <i><a href="server_privileges.php'
                . PMA_URL_getCommon(
                        'username' => $username,
                        'hostname' => $hostname,
                        'dbname' => $url_dbname,
                        'tablename' => '',
                . '">' . htmlspecialchars($dbname)
                . '</a></i>';

            $html_output .= ' - ' . __('Table')
                . ' <i>' . htmlspecialchars($entity_name) . '</i>';
        } elseif (! empty($entity_name)) {
            $html_output .= ' <i><a href="server_privileges.php'
                . PMA_URL_getCommon(
                        'username' => $username,
                        'hostname' => $hostname,
                        'dbname' => $url_dbname,
                        'routinename' => '',
                . '">' . htmlspecialchars($dbname)
                . '</a></i>';

            $html_output .= ' - ' . __('Routine')
                . ' <i>' . htmlspecialchars($entity_name) . '</i>';
        } else {
            if (! is_array($dbname)) {
                $dbname = array($dbname);
            $html_output .= ' <i>'
                . htmlspecialchars(implode(', ', $dbname))
                . '</i>';

    } else {
        $html_output .= ' <i>\'' . htmlspecialchars($username)
            . '\'@\'' . htmlspecialchars($hostname)
            . '\'</i>' . "\n";

    $html_output .= '</h2>' . "\n";
    $cur_user = htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['dbi']->getCurrentUser());
    $user = htmlspecialchars($username . '@' . $hostname);
    // Add a short notice for the user
    // to remind him that he is editing his own privileges
    if ($user === $cur_user) {
        $html_output .= Message::notice(
                'Note: You are attempting to edit privileges of the '
                . 'user with which you are currently logged in.'
    return $html_output;

 * Get HTML snippet for display user overview page
 * @param string $pmaThemeImage a image source link
 * @param string $text_dir      text directory
 * @return string $html_output
function PMA_getHtmlForUserOverview($pmaThemeImage, $text_dir)
    $html_output = '<h2>' . "\n"
       . Util::getIcon('b_usrlist.png')
       . __('User accounts overview') . "\n"
       . '</h2>' . "\n";

    $password_column = 'Password';
    $server_type = Util::getServerType();
    if (($server_type == 'MySQL' || $server_type == 'Percona Server')
        && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50706
    ) {
        $password_column = 'authentication_string';
    // $sql_query is for the initial-filtered,
    // $sql_query_all is for counting the total no. of users

    $sql_query = $sql_query_all = 'SELECT *,' .
        " IF(`" . $password_column . "` = _latin1 '', 'N', 'Y') AS 'Password'" .
        ' FROM `mysql`.`user`';

    $sql_query .= (isset($_REQUEST['initial'])
        ? PMA_rangeOfUsers($_REQUEST['initial'])
        : '');

    $sql_query .= ' ORDER BY `User` ASC, `Host` ASC;';
    $sql_query_all .= ' ;';

    $res = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery(
        $sql_query, null, PMA\libraries\DatabaseInterface::QUERY_STORE
    $res_all = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery(
        $sql_query_all, null, PMA\libraries\DatabaseInterface::QUERY_STORE

    if (! $res) {
        // the query failed! This may have two reasons:
        // - the user does not have enough privileges
        // - the privilege tables use a structure of an earlier version.
        // so let's try a more simple query

        $sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM `mysql`.`user`';
        $res = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery(
            $sql_query, null, PMA\libraries\DatabaseInterface::QUERY_STORE

        if (! $res) {
            $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlForViewUsersError();
            $html_output .= PMA_getAddUserHtmlFieldset();
        } else {
            // This message is hardcoded because I will replace it by
            // a automatic repair feature soon.
            $raw = 'Your privilege table structure seems to be older than'
                . ' this MySQL version!<br />'
                . 'Please run the <code>mysql_upgrade</code> command'
                . '(<code>mysql_fix_privilege_tables</code> on older systems)'
                . ' that should be included in your MySQL server distribution'
                . ' to solve this problem!';
            $html_output .= Message::rawError($raw)->getDisplay();
    } else {
        $db_rights = PMA_getDbRightsForUserOverview();
        // for all initials, even non A-Z
        $array_initials = array();

        foreach ($db_rights as $right) {
            foreach ($right as $account) {
                if (empty($account['User']) && $account['Host'] == 'localhost') {
                    $html_output .= Message::notice(
                            'A user account allowing any user from localhost to '
                            . 'connect is present. This will prevent other users '
                            . 'from connecting if the host part of their account '
                            . 'allows a connection from any (%) host.'
                        . Util::showMySQLDocu('problems-connecting')
                    break 2;

         * Displays the initials
         * Also not necessary if there is less than 20 privileges
        if ($GLOBALS['dbi']->numRows($res_all) > 20) {
            $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlForInitials($array_initials);

        * Display the user overview
        * (if less than 50 users, display them immediately)
        if (isset($_REQUEST['initial'])
            || isset($_REQUEST['showall'])
            || $GLOBALS['dbi']->numRows($res) < 50
        ) {
            $html_output .= PMA_getUsersOverview(
                $res, $db_rights, $pmaThemeImage, $text_dir
        } else {
            $html_output .= PMA_getAddUserHtmlFieldset();
        } // end if (display overview)

        if (! $GLOBALS['is_ajax_request']
            || ! empty($_REQUEST['ajax_page_request'])
        ) {
            if ($GLOBALS['is_reload_priv']) {
                $flushnote = new Message(
                        'Note: phpMyAdmin gets the users\' privileges directly '
                        . 'from MySQL\'s privilege tables. The content of these '
                        . 'tables may differ from the privileges the server uses, '
                        . 'if they have been changed manually. In this case, '
                        . 'you should %sreload the privileges%s before you continue.'
                $flushLink = '<a href="server_privileges.php'
                    . PMA_URL_getCommon(array('flush_privileges' => 1))
                    . '" id="reload_privileges_anchor">';
                $flushnote->addParam('</a>', false);
            } else {
                $flushnote = new Message(
                        'Note: phpMyAdmin gets the users\' privileges directly '
                        . 'from MySQL\'s privilege tables. The content of these '
                        . 'tables may differ from the privileges the server uses, '
                        . 'if they have been changed manually. In this case, '
                        . 'the privileges have to be reloaded but currently, you '
                        . 'don\'t have the RELOAD privilege.'
                    . Util::showMySQLDocu(
            $html_output .= $flushnote->getDisplay();

    return $html_output;

 * Get HTML snippet for display user properties
 * @param boolean $dbname_is_wildcard whether database name is wildcard or not
 * @param string  $url_dbname         url database name that urlencode() string
 * @param string  $username           username
 * @param string  $hostname           host name
 * @param string  $dbname             database name
 * @param string  $tablename          table name
 * @return string $html_output
function PMA_getHtmlForUserProperties($dbname_is_wildcard,$url_dbname,
    $username, $hostname, $dbname, $tablename
) {
    $html_output  = '<div id="edit_user_dialog">';
    $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlHeaderForUserProperties(
        $dbname_is_wildcard, $url_dbname, $dbname, $username, $hostname,
        $tablename, 'table'

    $sql = "SELECT '1' FROM `mysql`.`user`"
        . " WHERE `User` = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username) . "'"
        . " AND `Host` = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($hostname) . "';";

    $user_does_not_exists = (bool) ! $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchValue($sql);

    if ($user_does_not_exists) {
        $html_output .= Message::error(
            __('The selected user was not found in the privilege table.')
        $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlForLoginInformationFields();

    $_params = array(
        'username' => $username,
        'hostname' => $hostname,
    if (! is_array($dbname) && mb_strlen($dbname)) {
        $_params['dbname'] = $dbname;
        if (mb_strlen($tablename)) {
            $_params['tablename'] = $tablename;
    } else {
        $_params['dbname'] = $dbname;

    $html_output .= '<form class="submenu-item" name="usersForm" '
        . 'id="addUsersForm" action="server_privileges.php" method="post">' . "\n";
    $html_output .= PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs($_params);
    $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlToDisplayPrivilegesTable(
        // If $dbname is an array, pass any one db as all have same privs.
        PMA_ifSetOr($dbname, (is_array($dbname)) ? $dbname[0] : '*', 'length'),
        PMA_ifSetOr($tablename, '*', 'length')

    $html_output .= '</form>' . "\n";

    if (! is_array($dbname) && ! mb_strlen($tablename)
        && empty($dbname_is_wildcard)
    ) {
        // no table name was given, display all table specific rights
        // but only if $dbname contains no wildcards
        if (! mb_strlen($dbname)) {
            $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlForAllTableSpecificRights(
                $username, $hostname, 'database'
        } else {
            // unescape wildcards in dbname at table level
            $unescaped_db = Util::unescapeMysqlWildcards($dbname);

            $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlForAllTableSpecificRights(
                $username, $hostname, 'table', $unescaped_db
            $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlForAllTableSpecificRights(
                $username, $hostname, 'routine', $unescaped_db

    // Provide a line with links to the relevant database and table
    if (! is_array($dbname) && mb_strlen($dbname)
        && empty($dbname_is_wildcard)
    ) {
        $html_output .= PMA_getLinkToDbAndTable($url_dbname, $dbname, $tablename);


    if (! is_array($dbname) && ! mb_strlen($dbname)
        && ! $user_does_not_exists
    ) {
        //change login information
        $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlForChangePassword(
        $html_output .= PMA_getChangeLoginInformationHtmlForm($username, $hostname);
    $html_output .= '</div>';

    return $html_output;

 * Get queries for Table privileges to change or copy user
 * @param string $user_host_condition user host condition to
 *                                    select relevant table privileges
 * @param array  $queries             queries array
 * @param string $username            username
 * @param string $hostname            host name
 * @return array  $queries
function PMA_getTablePrivsQueriesForChangeOrCopyUser($user_host_condition,
    $queries, $username, $hostname
) {
    $res = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query(
        'SELECT `Db`, `Table_name`, `Table_priv` FROM `mysql`.`tables_priv`'
        . $user_host_condition,
    while ($row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchAssoc($res)) {

        $res2 = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query(
            'SELECT `Column_name`, `Column_priv`'
            . ' FROM `mysql`.`columns_priv`'
            . ' WHERE `User`'
            . ' = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($_REQUEST['old_username']) . "'"
            . ' AND `Host`'
            . ' = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($_REQUEST['old_username']) . '\''
            . ' AND `Db`'
            . ' = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($row['Db']) . "'"
            . ' AND `Table_name`'
            . ' = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($row['Table_name']) . "'"
            . ';',

        $tmp_privs1 = PMA_extractPrivInfo($row);
        $tmp_privs2 = array(
            'Select' => array(),
            'Insert' => array(),
            'Update' => array(),
            'References' => array()

        while ($row2 = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchAssoc($res2)) {
            $tmp_array = explode(',', $row2['Column_priv']);
            if (in_array('Select', $tmp_array)) {
                $tmp_privs2['Select'][] = $row2['Column_name'];
            if (in_array('Insert', $tmp_array)) {
                $tmp_privs2['Insert'][] = $row2['Column_name'];
            if (in_array('Update', $tmp_array)) {
                $tmp_privs2['Update'][] = $row2['Column_name'];
            if (in_array('References', $tmp_array)) {
                $tmp_privs2['References'][] = $row2['Column_name'];
        if (count($tmp_privs2['Select']) > 0 && ! in_array('SELECT', $tmp_privs1)) {
            $tmp_privs1[] = 'SELECT (`' . join('`, `', $tmp_privs2['Select']) . '`)';
        if (count($tmp_privs2['Insert']) > 0 && ! in_array('INSERT', $tmp_privs1)) {
            $tmp_privs1[] = 'INSERT (`' . join('`, `', $tmp_privs2['Insert']) . '`)';
        if (count($tmp_privs2['Update']) > 0 && ! in_array('UPDATE', $tmp_privs1)) {
            $tmp_privs1[] = 'UPDATE (`' . join('`, `', $tmp_privs2['Update']) . '`)';
        if (count($tmp_privs2['References']) > 0
            && ! in_array('REFERENCES', $tmp_privs1)
        ) {
                = 'REFERENCES (`' . join('`, `', $tmp_privs2['References']) . '`)';

        $queries[] = 'GRANT ' . join(', ', $tmp_privs1)
            . ' ON ' . Util::backquote($row['Db']) . '.'
            . Util::backquote($row['Table_name'])
            . ' TO \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username)
            . '\'@\'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($hostname) . '\''
            . (in_array('Grant', explode(',', $row['Table_priv']))
            ? ' WITH GRANT OPTION;'
            : ';');
    return $queries;

 * Get queries for database specific privileges for change or copy user
 * @param array  $queries  queries array with string
 * @param string $username username
 * @param string $hostname host name
 * @return array $queries
function PMA_getDbSpecificPrivsQueriesForChangeOrCopyUser(
    $queries, $username, $hostname
) {
    $user_host_condition = ' WHERE `User`'
        . ' = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($_REQUEST['old_username']) . "'"
        . ' AND `Host`'
        . ' = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($_REQUEST['old_hostname']) . '\';';

    $res = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query(
        'SELECT * FROM `mysql`.`db`' . $user_host_condition

    while ($row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchAssoc($res)) {
        $queries[] = 'GRANT ' . join(', ', PMA_extractPrivInfo($row))
            . ' ON ' . Util::backquote($row['Db']) . '.*'
            . ' TO \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username)
            . '\'@\'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($hostname) . '\''
            . ($row['Grant_priv'] == 'Y' ? ' WITH GRANT OPTION;' : ';');

    $queries = PMA_getTablePrivsQueriesForChangeOrCopyUser(
        $user_host_condition, $queries, $username, $hostname

    return $queries;

 * Prepares queries for adding users and
 * also create database and return query and message
 * @param boolean $_error         whether user create or not
 * @param string  $real_sql_query SQL query for add a user
 * @param string  $sql_query      SQL query to be displayed
 * @param string  $username       username
 * @param string  $hostname       host name
 * @param string  $dbname         database name
 * @return array  $sql_query, $message
function PMA_addUserAndCreateDatabase($_error, $real_sql_query, $sql_query,
    $username, $hostname, $dbname
) {
    if ($_error || (!empty($real_sql_query)
        && !$GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($real_sql_query))
    ) {
        $_REQUEST['createdb-1'] = $_REQUEST['createdb-2']
            = $_REQUEST['createdb-3'] = null;
        $message = Message::rawError($GLOBALS['dbi']->getError());
    } else {
        $message = Message::success(__('You have added a new user.'));

    if (isset($_REQUEST['createdb-1'])) {
        // Create database with same name and grant all privileges
            . Util::backquote(
            ) . ';';
        $sql_query .= $q;
        if (! $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($q)) {
            $message = Message::rawError($GLOBALS['dbi']->getError());

         * Reload the navigation
        $GLOBALS['reload'] = true;
        $GLOBALS['db'] = $username;

            . Util::backquote(
            ) . '.* TO \''
            . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username)
            . '\'@\'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($hostname) . '\';';
        $sql_query .= $q;
        if (! $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($q)) {
            $message = Message::rawError($GLOBALS['dbi']->getError());

    if (isset($_REQUEST['createdb-2'])) {
        // Grant all privileges on wildcard name (username\_%)
            . Util::backquote(
                ) . '\_%'
            ) . '.* TO \''
            . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username)
            . '\'@\'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($hostname) . '\';';
        $sql_query .= $q;
        if (! $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($q)) {
            $message = Message::rawError($GLOBALS['dbi']->getError());

    if (isset($_REQUEST['createdb-3'])) {
        // Grant all privileges on the specified database to the new user
        . Util::backquote(
        ) . '.* TO \''
        . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username)
        . '\'@\'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($hostname) . '\';';
        $sql_query .= $q;
        if (! $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($q)) {
            $message = Message::rawError($GLOBALS['dbi']->getError());
    return array($sql_query, $message);

 * Get the hashed string for password
 * @param string $password password
 * @return string $hashedPassword
function PMA_getHashedPassword($password)
    $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchSingleRow(
        "SELECT PASSWORD('" . $password . "') AS `password`;"

    $hashedPassword = $result['password'];

    return $hashedPassword;

 * Check if MariaDB's 'simple_password_check'
 * OR 'cracklib_password_check' is ACTIVE
 * @return boolean if atleast one of the plugins is ACTIVE
function PMA_checkIfMariaDBPwdCheckPluginActive()
    if (!(Util::getServerType() == 'MariaDB' && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 100002)) {
        return false;

    $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query(
        'SHOW PLUGINS SONAME LIKE \'%_password_check%\''

    while ($row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchAssoc($result)) {
        if ($row['Status'] === 'ACTIVE') {
            return true;

    return false;

 * Get SQL queries for Display and Add user
 * @param string $username username
 * @param string $hostname host name
 * @param string $password password
 * @return array ($create_user_real, $create_user_show,$real_sql_query, $sql_query
 *                $password_set_real, $password_set_show)
function PMA_getSqlQueriesForDisplayAndAddUser($username, $hostname, $password)
    $slashedUsername = $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($username);
    $slashedHostname = $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($hostname);
    $slashedPassword = $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($password);
    $serverType = Util::getServerType();

    $create_user_stmt = sprintf(
        'CREATE USER \'%s\'@\'%s\'',
    $isMariaDBPwdPluginActive = PMA_checkIfMariaDBPwdCheckPluginActive();

    // See https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin/pull/11560#issuecomment-147158219
    // for details regarding details of syntax usage for various versions

    // 'IDENTIFIED WITH auth_plugin'
    // is supported by MySQL 5.5.7+
    if (($serverType == 'MySQL' || $serverType == 'Percona Server')
        && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50507
        && isset($_REQUEST['authentication_plugin'])
    ) {
        $create_user_stmt .= ' IDENTIFIED WITH '
            . $_REQUEST['authentication_plugin'];

    // 'IDENTIFIED VIA auth_plugin'
    // is supported by MariaDB 5.2+
    if ($serverType == 'MariaDB'
        && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50200
        && isset($_REQUEST['authentication_plugin'])
        && ! $isMariaDBPwdPluginActive
    ) {
        $create_user_stmt .= ' IDENTIFIED VIA '
            . $_REQUEST['authentication_plugin'];

    $create_user_real = $create_user_show = $create_user_stmt;

    $password_set_stmt = 'SET PASSWORD FOR \'%s\'@\'%s\' = \'%s\'';
    $password_set_show = sprintf(

    $sql_query_stmt = sprintf(
        'GRANT %s ON *.* TO \'%s\'@\'%s\'',
        join(', ', PMA_extractPrivInfo()),
    $real_sql_query = $sql_query = $sql_query_stmt;

    // Set the proper hashing method
    if (isset($_REQUEST['authentication_plugin'])) {

    // Use 'CREATE USER ... WITH ... AS ..' syntax for
    // newer MySQL versions
    // and 'CREATE USER ... VIA .. USING ..' syntax for
    // newer MariaDB versions
    if ((($serverType == 'MySQL' || $serverType == 'Percona Server')
        && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50706)
        || ($serverType == 'MariaDB'
        && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50200)
    ) {
        $password_set_real = null;

        // Required for binding '%' with '%s'
        $create_user_stmt = str_replace(
            '%', '%%', $create_user_stmt

        // MariaDB uses 'USING' whereas MySQL uses 'AS'
        // but MariaDB with validation plugin needs cleartext password
        if ($serverType == 'MariaDB'
            && ! $isMariaDBPwdPluginActive
        ) {
            $create_user_stmt .= ' USING \'%s\'';
        } elseif ($serverType == 'MariaDB') {
            $create_user_stmt .= ' IDENTIFIED BY \'%s\'';
        } else {
            $create_user_stmt .= ' AS \'%s\'';

        if ($_POST['pred_password'] == 'keep') {
            $create_user_real = sprintf(
            $create_user_show = sprintf(
        } else if ($_POST['pred_password'] == 'none') {
            $create_user_real = sprintf(
            $create_user_show = sprintf(
        } else {
            if (! ($serverType == 'MariaDB'
                && $isMariaDBPwdPluginActive)
            ) {
                $hashedPassword = PMA_getHashedPassword($_POST['pma_pw']);
            } else {
                // MariaDB with validation plugin needs cleartext password
                $hashedPassword = $_POST['pma_pw'];
            $create_user_real = sprintf(
            $create_user_show = sprintf(
    } else {
        // Use 'SET PASSWORD' syntax for pre-5.7.6 MySQL versions
        // and pre-5.2.0 MariaDB versions
        if ($_POST['pred_password'] == 'keep') {
            $password_set_real = sprintf(
        } else if ($_POST['pred_password'] == 'none') {
            $password_set_real = sprintf(
        } else {
            $hashedPassword = PMA_getHashedPassword($_POST['pma_pw']);
            $password_set_real = sprintf(

    // add REQUIRE clause
    $require_clause = PMA_getRequireClause();
    $real_sql_query .= $require_clause;
    $sql_query .= $require_clause;

    $with_clause = PMA_getWithClauseForAddUserAndUpdatePrivs();
    $real_sql_query .= $with_clause;
    $sql_query .= $with_clause;

    if (isset($create_user_real)) {
        $create_user_real .= ';';
        $create_user_show .= ';';
    $real_sql_query .= ';';
    $sql_query .= ';';
    // No Global GRANT_OPTION privilege
    if (!$GLOBALS['is_grantuser']) {
        $real_sql_query = '';
        $sql_query = '';

    // Use 'SET PASSWORD' for pre-5.7.6 MySQL versions
    // and pre-5.2.0 MariaDB
    if (($serverType == 'MySQL'
        && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50706)
        || ($serverType == 'MariaDB'
        && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50200)
    ) {
        $password_set_real = null;
        $password_set_show = null;
    } else {
        $password_set_real .= ";";
        $password_set_show .= ";";

    return array($create_user_real,

 * Returns the type ('PROCEDURE' or 'FUNCTION') of the routine
 * @param string $dbname      database
 * @param string $routineName routine
 * @return string type
function PMA_getRoutineType($dbname, $routineName)
    $routineData = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getRoutines($dbname);

    foreach ($routineData as $routine) {
        if ($routine['name'] === $routineName) {
            return $routine['type'];
    return '';


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