[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
 * functions for displaying server status sub item: monitor
 * @usedby  server_status_monitor.php
 * @package PhpMyAdmin
use PMA\libraries\ServerStatusData;
use PMA\libraries\Util;

 * Prints html with monitor
 * @param ServerStatusData $ServerStatusData Server status data
 * @return string
function PMA_getHtmlForMonitor($ServerStatusData)
    $retval  = PMA_getHtmlForTabLinks();

    $retval .= PMA_getHtmlForSettingsDialog();

    $retval .= PMA_getHtmlForInstructionsDialog();

    $retval .= PMA_getHtmlForAddChartDialog();

    $retval .= PMA_getHtmlForAnalyseDialog();

    $retval .= '<table class="clearfloat" id="chartGrid"></table>';
    $retval .= '<div id="logTable">';
    $retval .= '<br/>';
    $retval .= '</div>';

    $retval .= '<script type="text/javascript">';
    $retval .= 'variableNames = [ ';
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($ServerStatusData->status as $name=>$value) {
        if (is_numeric($value)) {
            if ($i++ > 0) {
                $retval .= ", ";
            $retval .= "'" . $name . "'";
    $retval .= '];';
    $retval .= '</script>';

    return $retval;

 * Returns html for Analyse Dialog
 * @return string
function PMA_getHtmlForAnalyseDialog()
    $retval  = '<div id="logAnalyseDialog" title="';
    $retval .= __('Log statistics') . '" style="display:none;">';
    $retval .= '<p>' . __('Selected time range:');
    $retval .= '<input type="text" name="dateStart"'
        . ' class="datetimefield" value="" /> - ';
    $retval .= '<input type="text" name="dateEnd" class="datetimefield" value="" />';
    $retval .= '</p>';
    $retval .= '<input type="checkbox" id="limitTypes"'
        . ' value="1" checked="checked" />';
    $retval .= '<label for="limitTypes">';
    $retval .= __('Only retrieve SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE and DELETE Statements');
    $retval .= '</label>';
    $retval .= '<br/>';
    $retval .= '<input type="checkbox" id="removeVariables"'
        . ' value="1" checked="checked" />';
    $retval .= '<label for="removeVariables">';
    $retval .= __('Remove variable data in INSERT statements for better grouping');
    $retval .= '</label>';
    $retval .= '<p>';
    $retval .= __(
        'Choose from which log you want the statistics to be generated from.'
    $retval .= '</p>';
    $retval .= '<p>';
    $retval .= __('Results are grouped by query text.');
    $retval .= '</p>';
    $retval .= '</div>';
    $retval .= '<div id="queryAnalyzerDialog" title="';
    $retval .= __('Query analyzer') . '" style="display:none;">';
    $retval .= '<textarea id="sqlquery"> </textarea>';
    $retval .= '<p></p>';
    $retval .= '<div class="placeHolder"></div>';
    $retval .= '</div>';

    return $retval;

 * Returns html for Instructions Dialog
 * @return string
function PMA_getHtmlForInstructionsDialog()
    $retval  = '<div id="monitorInstructionsDialog" title="';
    $retval .= __('Monitor Instructions') . '" style="display:none;">';
    $retval .= __(
        'The phpMyAdmin Monitor can assist you in optimizing the server'
        . ' configuration and track down time intensive queries. For the latter you'
        . ' will need to set log_output to \'TABLE\' and have either the'
        . ' slow_query_log or general_log enabled. Note however, that the'
        . ' general_log produces a lot of data and increases server load'
        . ' by up to 15%.'

    $retval .= '<p></p>';
    $retval .= '<img class="ajaxIcon" src="';
    $retval .= $GLOBALS['pmaThemeImage'] . 'ajax_clock_small.gif"';
    $retval .= ' alt="' . __('Loading…') . '" />';
    $retval .= '<div class="ajaxContent"></div>';
    $retval .= '<div class="monitorUse" style="display:none;">';
    $retval .= '<p></p>';
    $retval .= '<strong>';
    $retval .= __('Using the monitor:');
    $retval .= '</strong><p>';
    $retval .= __(
        'Your browser will refresh all displayed charts in a regular interval.'
        . ' You may add charts and change the refresh rate under \'Settings\','
        . ' or remove any chart using the cog icon on each respective chart.'
    $retval .= '</p><p>';
    $retval .= __(
        'To display queries from the logs, select the relevant time span on any'
        . ' chart by holding down the left mouse button and panning over the'
        . ' chart. Once confirmed, this will load a table of grouped queries,'
        . ' there you may click on any occurring SELECT statements to further'
        . ' analyze them.'
    $retval .= '</p>';
    $retval .= '<p>';
    $retval .= PMA\libraries\Util::getImage('s_attention.png');
    $retval .= '<strong>';
    $retval .= __('Please note:');
    $retval .= '</strong><br />';
    $retval .= __(
        'Enabling the general_log may increase the server load by'
        . ' 5-15%. Also be aware that generating statistics from the logs is a'
        . ' load intensive task, so it is advisable to select only a small time'
        . ' span and to disable the general_log and empty its table once'
        . ' monitoring is not required any more.'
    $retval .= '</p>';
    $retval .= '</div>';
    $retval .= '</div>';

    return $retval;

 * Returns html for addChartDialog
 * @return string
function PMA_getHtmlForAddChartDialog()
    $retval  = '<div id="addChartDialog" title="'
        . __('Add chart') . '" style="display:none;">';
    $retval .= '<div id="tabGridVariables">';
    $retval .= '<p><input type="text" name="chartTitle" value="'
        . __('Chart Title') . '" /></p>';
    $retval .= '<input type="radio" name="chartType"'
        . ' value="preset" id="chartPreset" />';
    $retval .= '<label for="chartPreset">' . __('Preset chart') . '</label>';
    $retval .= '<select name="presetCharts"></select><br/>';
    $retval .= '<input type="radio" name="chartType" value="variable" '
        . 'id="chartStatusVar" checked="checked" />';
    $retval .= '<label for="chartStatusVar">';
    $retval .= __('Status variable(s)');
    $retval .= '</label><br/>';
    $retval .= '<div id="chartVariableSettings">';
    $retval .= '<label for="chartSeries">' . __('Select series:') . '</label><br />';
    $retval .= '<select id="chartSeries" name="varChartList" size="1">';
    $retval .= '<option>' . __('Commonly monitored') . '</option>';
    $retval .= '<option>Processes</option>';
    $retval .= '<option>Questions</option>';
    $retval .= '<option>Connections</option>';
    $retval .= '<option>Bytes_sent</option>';
    $retval .= '<option>Bytes_received</option>';
    $retval .= '<option>Threads_connected</option>';
    $retval .= '<option>Created_tmp_disk_tables</option>';
    $retval .= '<option>Handler_read_first</option>';
    $retval .= '<option>Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free</option>';
    $retval .= '<option>Key_reads</option>';
    $retval .= '<option>Open_tables</option>';
    $retval .= '<option>Select_full_join</option>';
    $retval .= '<option>Slow_queries</option>';
    $retval .= '</select><br />';
    $retval .= '<label for="variableInput">';
    $retval .= __('or type variable name:');
    $retval .= ' </label>';
    $retval .= '<input type="text" name="variableInput" id="variableInput" />';
    $retval .= '<p></p>';
    $retval .= '<input type="checkbox" name="differentialValue"'
        . ' id="differentialValue" value="differential" checked="checked" />';
    $retval .= '<label for="differentialValue">';
    $retval .= __('Display as differential value');
    $retval .= '</label><br />';
    $retval .= '<input type="checkbox" id="useDivisor"'
        . ' name="useDivisor" value="1" />';
    $retval .= '<label for="useDivisor">' . __('Apply a divisor') . '</label>';
    $retval .= '<span class="divisorInput" style="display:none;">';
    $retval .= '<input type="text" name="valueDivisor" size="4" value="1" />';
    $retval .= '(<a href="#kibDivisor">' . __('KiB') . '</a>, ';
    $retval .= '<a href="#mibDivisor">' . __('MiB') . '</a>)';
    $retval .= '</span><br />';
    $retval .= '<input type="checkbox" id="useUnit" name="useUnit" value="1" />';
    $retval .= '<label for="useUnit">';
    $retval .= __('Append unit to data values');
    $retval .= '</label>';
    $retval .= '<span class="unitInput" style="display:none;">';
    $retval .= '<input type="text" name="valueUnit" size="4" value="" />';
    $retval .= '</span>';
    $retval .= '<p>';
    $retval .= '<a href="#submitAddSeries"><b>' . __('Add this series') . '</b></a>';
    $retval .= '<span id="clearSeriesLink" style="display:none;">';
    $retval .= ' | <a href="#submitClearSeries">' . __('Clear series') . '</a>';
    $retval .= '</span>';
    $retval .= '</p>';
    $retval .= __('Series in chart:');
    $retval .= '<br/>';
    $retval .= '<span id="seriesPreview">';
    $retval .= '<i>' . __('None') . '</i>';
    $retval .= '</span>';
    $retval .= '</div>';
    $retval .= '</div>';
    $retval .= '</div>';

    return $retval;

 * Returns html with Tab Links
 * @return string
function PMA_getHtmlForTabLinks()
    $retval  = '<div class="tabLinks">';
    $retval .= '<a href="#pauseCharts">';
    $retval .= PMA\libraries\Util::getImage('play.png') . __('Start Monitor');
    $retval .= '</a>';
    $retval .= '<a href="#settingsPopup" class="popupLink">';
    $retval .= PMA\libraries\Util::getImage('s_cog.png') .  __('Settings');
    $retval .= '</a>';
    $retval .= '<a href="#monitorInstructionsDialog">';
    $retval .= Util::getImage('b_help.png') . __('Instructions/Setup');
    $retval .= '<a href="#endChartEditMode" style="display:none;">';
    $retval .= Util::getImage('s_okay.png');
    $retval .= __('Done dragging (rearranging) charts');
    $retval .= '</a>';
    $retval .= '</div>';

    return $retval;

 * Returns html with Settings dialog
 * @return string
function PMA_getHtmlForSettingsDialog()
    $retval  = '<div class="popupContent settingsPopup">';
    $retval .= '<a href="#addNewChart">';
    $retval .= PMA\libraries\Util::getImage('b_chart.png') . __('Add chart');
    $retval .= '</a>';
    $retval .= '<a href="#rearrangeCharts">';
    $retval .= PMA\libraries\Util::getImage('b_tblops.png')
        . __('Enable charts dragging');
    $retval .= '</a>';
    $retval .= '<div class="clearfloat paddingtop"></div>';
    $retval .= '<div class="floatleft">';
    $retval .= __('Refresh rate') . '<br />';
    $retval .= ServerStatusData::getHtmlForRefreshList(
        Array(2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 120, 300, 600, 1200)
    $retval .= '<br />';
    $retval .= '</div>';
    $retval .= '<div class="floatleft">';
    $retval .= __('Chart columns');
    $retval .= '<br />';
    $retval .= '<select name="chartColumns">';
    $retval .= '<option>1</option>';
    $retval .= '<option>2</option>';
    $retval .= '<option>3</option>';
    $retval .= '<option>4</option>';
    $retval .= '<option>5</option>';
    $retval .= '<option>6</option>';
    $retval .= '</select>';
    $retval .= '</div>';
    $retval .= '<div class="clearfloat paddingtop">';
    $retval .= '<b>' . __('Chart arrangement') . '</b> ';
    $retval .= PMA\libraries\Util::showHint(
            'The arrangement of the charts is stored to the browsers local storage. '
            . 'You may want to export it if you have a complicated set up.'
    $retval .= '<br/>';
    $retval .= '<a class="ajax" href="#importMonitorConfig">';
    $retval .= __('Import');
    $retval .= '</a>';
    $retval .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
    $retval .= '<a class="disableAjax" href="#exportMonitorConfig">';
    $retval .= __('Export');
    $retval .= '</a>';
    $retval .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
    $retval .= '<a href="#clearMonitorConfig">';
    $retval .= __('Reset to default');
    $retval .= '</a>';
    $retval .= '</div>';
    $retval .= '</div>';

    return $retval;

 * Define some data and links needed on the client side
 * @param ServerStatusData $ServerStatusData Server status data
 * @return string
function PMA_getHtmlForClientSideDataAndLinks($ServerStatusData)
     * Define some data needed on the client side
    $input = '<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s" />';
    $form  = '<form id="js_data" class="hide">';
    $form .= sprintf($input, 'server_time', microtime(true) * 1000);
    $form .= sprintf($input, 'server_os', PHP_OS);
    $form .= sprintf($input, 'is_superuser', $GLOBALS['dbi']->isSuperuser());
    $form .= sprintf($input, 'server_db_isLocal', $ServerStatusData->db_isLocal);
    $form .= '</form>';
     * Define some links used on client side
    $links  = '<div id="profiling_docu" class="hide">';
    $links .= PMA\libraries\Util::showMySQLDocu('general-thread-states');
    $links .= '</div>';
    $links .= '<div id="explain_docu" class="hide">';
    $links .= PMA\libraries\Util::showMySQLDocu('explain-output');
    $links .= '</div>';

    return $form . $links;

/***************************Ajax request function***********************************/

 * Returns JSon for real-time charting data
 * @return array
function PMA_getJsonForChartingData()
    $ret = json_decode($_REQUEST['requiredData'], true);
    $statusVars = array();
    $serverVars = array();
    $sysinfo = $cpuload = $memory = 0;

    /* Accumulate all required variables and data */
    list($serverVars, $statusVars, $ret) = PMA_getJsonForChartingDataGet(
        $ret, $serverVars, $statusVars, $sysinfo, $cpuload, $memory

    // Retrieve all required status variables
    if (count($statusVars)) {
        $statusVarValues = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult(
            "SHOW GLOBAL STATUS WHERE Variable_name='"
            . implode("' OR Variable_name='", $statusVars) . "'",
    } else {
        $statusVarValues = array();

    // Retrieve all required server variables
    if (count($serverVars)) {
        $serverVarValues = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult(
            "SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name='"
            . implode("' OR Variable_name='", $serverVars) . "'",
    } else {
        $serverVarValues = array();

    // ...and now assign them
    $ret = PMA_getJsonForChartingDataSet($ret, $statusVarValues, $serverVarValues);

    $ret['x'] = microtime(true) * 1000;
    return $ret;

 * Assign the variables for real-time charting data
 * @param array $ret             Real-time charting data
 * @param array $statusVarValues Status variable values
 * @param array $serverVarValues Server variable values
 * @return array
function PMA_getJsonForChartingDataSet($ret, $statusVarValues, $serverVarValues)
    foreach ($ret as $chart_id => $chartNodes) {
        foreach ($chartNodes as $node_id => $nodeDataPoints) {
            foreach ($nodeDataPoints as $point_id => $dataPoint) {
                switch ($dataPoint['type']) {
                case 'statusvar':
                        = $statusVarValues[$dataPoint['name']];
                case 'servervar':
                        = $serverVarValues[$dataPoint['name']];
    return $ret;

 * Get called to get JSON for charting data
 * @param array $ret        Real-time charting data
 * @param array $serverVars Server variable values
 * @param array $statusVars Status variable values
 * @param mixed $sysinfo    System info
 * @param mixed $cpuload    CPU load
 * @param mixed $memory     Memory
 * @return array
function PMA_getJsonForChartingDataGet(
    $ret, $serverVars, $statusVars, $sysinfo, $cpuload, $memory
) {
    // For each chart
    foreach ($ret as $chart_id => $chartNodes) {
        // For each data series
        foreach ($chartNodes as $node_id => $nodeDataPoints) {
            // For each data point in the series (usually just 1)
            foreach ($nodeDataPoints as $point_id => $dataPoint) {
                list($serverVars, $statusVars, $ret[$chart_id][$node_id][$point_id])
                    = PMA_getJsonForChartingDataSwitch(
                        $dataPoint['type'], $dataPoint['name'], $serverVars,
                        $statusVars, $ret[$chart_id][$node_id][$point_id],
                        $sysinfo, $cpuload, $memory
            } /* foreach */
        } /* foreach */
    return array($serverVars, $statusVars, $ret);

 * Switch called to get JSON for charting data
 * @param string $type       Type
 * @param string $pName      Name
 * @param array  $serverVars Server variable values
 * @param array  $statusVars Status variable values
 * @param array  $ret        Real-time charting data
 * @param mixed  $sysinfo    System info
 * @param mixed  $cpuload    CPU load
 * @param mixed  $memory     Memory
 * @return array
function PMA_getJsonForChartingDataSwitch(
    $type, $pName, $serverVars, $statusVars, $ret,
    $sysinfo, $cpuload, $memory
) {
    switch ($type) {
    /* We only collect the status and server variables here to
     * read them all in one query,
     * and only afterwards assign them.
     * Also do some white list filtering on the names
    case 'servervar':
        if (!preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z_]+/', $pName)) {
            $serverVars[] = $pName;

    case 'statusvar':
        if (!preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z_]+/', $pName)) {
            $statusVars[] = $pName;

    case 'proc':
        $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query('SHOW PROCESSLIST');
        $ret['value'] = $GLOBALS['dbi']->numRows($result);

    case 'cpu':
        if (!$sysinfo) {
            include_once 'libraries/sysinfo.lib.php';
            $sysinfo = PMA_getSysInfo();
        if (!$cpuload) {
            $cpuload = $sysinfo->loadavg();

        if (PMA_getSysInfoOs() == 'Linux') {
            $ret['idle'] = $cpuload['idle'];
            $ret['busy'] = $cpuload['busy'];
        } else {
            $ret['value'] = $cpuload['loadavg'];


    case 'memory':
        if (!$sysinfo) {
            include_once 'libraries/sysinfo.lib.php';
            $sysinfo = PMA_getSysInfo();
        if (!$memory) {
            $memory = $sysinfo->memory();

        $ret['value'] = isset($memory[$pName]) ? $memory[$pName] : 0;

    return array($serverVars, $statusVars, $ret);

 * Returns JSon for log data with type: slow
 * @param int $start Unix Time: Start time for query
 * @param int $end   Unix Time: End time for query
 * @return array
function PMA_getJsonForLogDataTypeSlow($start, $end)
    $query  = 'SELECT start_time, user_host, ';
    $query .= 'Sec_to_Time(Sum(Time_to_Sec(query_time))) as query_time, ';
    $query .= 'Sec_to_Time(Sum(Time_to_Sec(lock_time))) as lock_time, ';
    $query .= 'SUM(rows_sent) AS rows_sent, ';
    $query .= 'SUM(rows_examined) AS rows_examined, db, sql_text, ';
    $query .= 'COUNT(sql_text) AS \'#\' ';
    $query .= 'FROM `mysql`.`slow_log` ';
    $query .= 'WHERE start_time > FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $start . ') ';
    $query .= 'AND start_time < FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $end . ') GROUP BY sql_text';

    $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($query);

    $return = array('rows' => array(), 'sum' => array());

    while ($row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchAssoc($result)) {
        $type = mb_strtolower(
                mb_strpos($row['sql_text'], ' ')

        switch($type) {
        case 'insert':
        case 'update':
            //Cut off big inserts and updates, but append byte count instead
            if (mb_strlen($row['sql_text']) > 220) {
                $implode_sql_text = implode(
                    ' ',
                        mb_strlen($row['sql_text']), 2, 2
                $row['sql_text'] = mb_substr($row['sql_text'], 0, 200)
                    . '... [' . $implode_sql_text . ']';

        if (! isset($return['sum'][$type])) {
            $return['sum'][$type] = 0;
        $return['sum'][$type] += $row['#'];
        $return['rows'][] = $row;

    $return['sum']['TOTAL'] = array_sum($return['sum']);
    $return['numRows'] = count($return['rows']);

    return $return;

 * Returns JSon for log data with type: general
 * @param int $start Unix Time: Start time for query
 * @param int $end   Unix Time: End time for query
 * @return array
function PMA_getJsonForLogDataTypeGeneral($start, $end)
    $limitTypes = '';
    if (isset($_REQUEST['limitTypes']) && $_REQUEST['limitTypes']) {
            = 'AND argument REGEXP \'^(INSERT|SELECT|UPDATE|DELETE)\' ';

    $query = 'SELECT TIME(event_time) as event_time, user_host, thread_id, ';
    $query .= 'server_id, argument, count(argument) as \'#\' ';
    $query .= 'FROM `mysql`.`general_log` ';
    $query .= 'WHERE command_type=\'Query\' ';
    $query .= 'AND event_time > FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $start . ') ';
    $query .= 'AND event_time < FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $end . ') ';
    $query .= $limitTypes . 'GROUP by argument'; // HAVING count > 1';

    $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($query);

    $return = array('rows' => array(), 'sum' => array());
    $insertTables = array();
    $insertTablesFirst = -1;
    $i = 0;
    $removeVars = isset($_REQUEST['removeVariables'])
        && $_REQUEST['removeVariables'];

    while ($row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchAssoc($result)) {
        preg_match('/^(\w+)\s/', $row['argument'], $match);
        $type = mb_strtolower($match[1]);

        if (! isset($return['sum'][$type])) {
            $return['sum'][$type] = 0;
        $return['sum'][$type] += $row['#'];

        switch($type) {
        /** @noinspection PhpMissingBreakStatementInspection */
        case 'insert':
            // Group inserts if selected
            if ($removeVars
                && preg_match(
                    '/^INSERT INTO (`|\'|"|)([^\s\\1]+)\\1/i',
                    $row['argument'], $matches
            ) {
                if ($insertTables[$matches[2]] > 1) {
                        = $insertTables[$matches[2]];

                    // Add a ... to the end of this query to indicate that
                    // there's been other queries
                    $temp = $return['rows'][$insertTablesFirst]['argument'];
                        .= PMA_getSuspensionPoints(
                            $temp[mb_strlen($temp) - 1]

                    // Group this value, thus do not add to the result list
                    continue 2;
                } else {
                    $insertTablesFirst = $i;
                    $insertTables[$matches[2]] += $row['#'] - 1;
            // No break here

        case 'update':
            // Cut off big inserts and updates,
            // but append byte count therefor
            if (mb_strlen($row['argument']) > 220) {
                $row['argument'] = mb_substr($row['argument'], 0, 200)
                    . '... ['
                    .  implode(
                        ' ',
                    . ']';


        $return['rows'][] = $row;

    $return['sum']['TOTAL'] = array_sum($return['sum']);
    $return['numRows'] = count($return['rows']);


    return $return;

 * Return suspension points if needed
 * @param string $lastChar Last char
 * @return null|string Return suspension points if needed
function PMA_getSuspensionPoints($lastChar)
    if ($lastChar != '.') {
        return '<br/>...';

    return null;
 * Returns JSon for logging vars
 * @return array
function PMA_getJsonForLoggingVars()
    if (isset($_REQUEST['varName']) && isset($_REQUEST['varValue'])) {
        $value = $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($_REQUEST['varValue']);
        if (! is_numeric($value)) {
            $value="'" . $value . "'";

        if (! preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+/", $_REQUEST['varName'])) {
                'SET GLOBAL ' . $_REQUEST['varName'] . ' = ' . $value


    $loggingVars = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult(
        'SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name IN'
        . ' ("general_log","slow_query_log","long_query_time","log_output")',
    return $loggingVars;

 * Returns JSon for query_analyzer
 * @return array
function PMA_getJsonForQueryAnalyzer()
    $return = array();

    if (mb_strlen($_REQUEST['database'])) {

    if ($profiling = PMA\libraries\Util::profilingSupported()) {
        $GLOBALS['dbi']->query('SET PROFILING=1;');

    // Do not cache query
    $query = preg_replace(
        '\\1 SQL_NO_CACHE',

    $return['affectedRows'] = $GLOBALS['cached_affected_rows'];

    $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery('EXPLAIN ' . $query);
    while ($row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchAssoc($result)) {
        $return['explain'][] = $row;

    // In case an error happened
    $return['error'] = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getError();


    if ($profiling) {
        $return['profiling'] = array();
        $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery(
            'SELECT seq,state,duration FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROFILING'
            . ' WHERE QUERY_ID=1 ORDER BY seq'
        while ($row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchAssoc($result)) {
            $return['profiling'][]= $row;
    return $return;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
bfShapeFiles Folder 0755
config Folder 0755
controllers Folder 0755
dbi Folder 0755
di Folder 0755
engines Folder 0755
gis Folder 0755
navigation Folder 0755
plugins Folder 0755
properties Folder 0755
rte Folder 0755
sql-parser Folder 0755
Advisor.php File 15.13 KB 0644
Config.php File 54.7 KB 0644
Console.php File 14.82 KB 0644
DatabaseInterface.php File 95.6 KB 0644
DbList.php File 1.9 KB 0644
DbQbe.php File 68.87 KB 0644
DbSearch.php File 17.21 KB 0644
DisplayResults.php File 206 KB 0644
Error.php File 12.7 KB 0644
ErrorHandler.php File 16.48 KB 0644
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