<?php /* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */ /** * session handling * * @todo add an option to use mm-module for session handler * * @package PhpMyAdmin * @see https://www.php.net/session */ if (! defined('PHPMYADMIN')) { exit; } // verify if PHP supports session, die if it does not if (!@function_exists('session_name')) { PMA_warnMissingExtension('session', true); } elseif (ini_get('session.auto_start') !== '' && session_name() != 'phpMyAdmin') { // Do not delete the existing session, it might be used by other // applications; instead just close it. session_write_close(); } // disable starting of sessions before all settings are done // does not work, besides how it is written in php manual //ini_set('session.auto_start', '0'); // session cookie settings session_set_cookie_params( 0, $GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->getRootPath(), '', $GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->isHttps(), true ); // cookies are safer (use @ini_set() in case this function is disabled) @ini_set('session.use_cookies', 'true'); // optionally set session_save_path $path = $GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->get('SessionSavePath'); if (!empty($path)) { session_save_path($path); } // use cookies only @ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', '1'); // strict session mode (do not accept random string as session ID) @ini_set('session.use_strict_mode', '1'); // make the session cookie HttpOnly @ini_set('session.cookie_httponly', '1'); // do not force transparent session ids @ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', '0'); // delete session/cookies when browser is closed @ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', '0'); // warn but don't work with bug @ini_set('session.bug_compat_42', 'false'); @ini_set('session.bug_compat_warn', 'true'); // use more secure session ids @ini_set('session.hash_function', '1'); // some pages (e.g. stylesheet) may be cached on clients, but not in shared // proxy servers session_cache_limiter('private'); // start the session // on some servers (for example, sourceforge.net), we get a permission error // on the session data directory, so I add some "@" function PMA_sessionFailed($errors) { $messages = array(); foreach ($errors as $error) { /* * Remove path from open() in error message to avoid path disclossure * * This can happen with PHP 5 when nonexisting session ID is provided, * since PHP 7, session existence is checked first. * * This error can also happen in case of session backed error (eg. * read only filesystem) on any PHP version. * * The message string is currently hardcoded in PHP, so hopefully it * will not change in future. */ $messages[] = preg_replace( '/open\(.*, O_RDWR\)/', 'open(SESSION_FILE, O_RDWR)', htmlspecialchars($error->getMessage()) ); } /* * Session initialization is done before selecting language, so we * can not use translations here. */ PMA_fatalError( 'Error during session start; please check your PHP and/or ' . 'webserver log file and configure your PHP ' . 'installation properly. Also ensure that cookies are enabled ' . 'in your browser.' . '<br /><br />' . implode('<br /><br />', $messages) ); } // See bug #1538132. This would block normal behavior on a cluster //ini_set('session.save_handler', 'files'); $session_name = 'phpMyAdmin'; @session_name($session_name); // on first start of session we check for errors // f.e. session dir cannot be accessed - session file not created $orig_error_count = $GLOBALS['error_handler']->countErrors(false); $session_result = session_start(); if ($session_result !== true || $orig_error_count != $GLOBALS['error_handler']->countErrors(false) ) { setcookie($session_name, '', 1); $errors = $GLOBALS['error_handler']->sliceErrors($orig_error_count); PMA_sessionFailed($errors); } unset($orig_error_count, $session_result); /** * Disable setting of session cookies for further session_start() calls. */ @ini_set('session.use_cookies', 'true'); /** * Token which is used for authenticating access queries. * (we use "space PMA_token space" to prevent overwriting) */ if (! isset($_SESSION[' PMA_token '])) { if (! function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes')) { $_SESSION[' PMA_token '] = bin2hex(phpseclib\Crypt\Random::string(16)); } else { $_SESSION[' PMA_token '] = bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16)); } /** * Check for disk space on session storage by trying to write it. * * This seems to be most reliable approach to test if sessions are working, * otherwise the check would fail with custom session backends. */ $orig_error_count = $GLOBALS['error_handler']->countErrors(); session_write_close(); if ($GLOBALS['error_handler']->countErrors() > $orig_error_count) { $errors = $GLOBALS['error_handler']->sliceErrors($orig_error_count); PMA_sessionFailed($errors); } session_start(); } /** * Check if token is properly generated (both above functions can return false). */ if (empty($_SESSION[' PMA_token '])) { PMA_fatalError( 'Failed to generate random CSRF token!' ); } require_once 'libraries/session.lib.php';
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