<?php /* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */ /** * Main export handling code * * @package PhpMyAdmin */ use PMA\libraries\plugins\ExportPlugin; /** * Get the variables sent or posted to this script and a core script */ if (!defined('TESTSUITE')) { /** * If we are sending the export file (as opposed to just displaying it * as text), we have to bypass the usual PMA\libraries\Response mechanism */ if (isset($_POST['output_format']) && $_POST['output_format'] == 'sendit') { define('PMA_BYPASS_GET_INSTANCE', 1); } include_once 'libraries/common.inc.php'; include_once 'libraries/plugin_interface.lib.php'; include_once 'libraries/export.lib.php'; //check if it's the GET request to check export time out if (isset($_GET['check_time_out'])) { if (isset($_SESSION['pma_export_error'])) { $err = $_SESSION['pma_export_error']; unset($_SESSION['pma_export_error']); echo "timeout"; } else { echo "success"; } exit; } /** * Sets globals from $_POST * * - Please keep the parameters in order of their appearance in the form * - Some of these parameters are not used, as the code below directly * verifies from the superglobal $_POST or $_REQUEST */ $post_params = array( 'db', 'table', 'what', 'single_table', 'export_type', 'export_method', 'quick_or_custom', 'db_select', 'table_select', 'table_structure', 'table_data', 'limit_to', 'limit_from', 'allrows', 'lock_tables', 'output_format', 'filename_template', 'maxsize', 'remember_template', 'charset', 'compression', 'as_separate_files', 'knjenc', 'xkana', 'htmlword_structure_or_data', 'htmlword_null', 'htmlword_columns', 'mediawiki_headers', 'mediawiki_structure_or_data', 'mediawiki_caption', 'pdf_structure_or_data', 'odt_structure_or_data', 'odt_relation', 'odt_comments', 'odt_mime', 'odt_columns', 'odt_null', 'codegen_structure_or_data', 'codegen_format', 'excel_null', 'excel_removeCRLF', 'excel_columns', 'excel_edition', 'excel_structure_or_data', 'yaml_structure_or_data', 'ods_null', 'ods_structure_or_data', 'ods_columns', 'json_structure_or_data', 'json_pretty_print', 'xml_structure_or_data', 'xml_export_events', 'xml_export_functions', 'xml_export_procedures', 'xml_export_tables', 'xml_export_triggers', 'xml_export_views', 'xml_export_contents', 'texytext_structure_or_data', 'texytext_columns', 'texytext_null', 'phparray_structure_or_data', 'sql_include_comments', 'sql_header_comment', 'sql_dates', 'sql_relation', 'sql_mime', 'sql_use_transaction', 'sql_disable_fk', 'sql_compatibility', 'sql_structure_or_data', 'sql_create_database', 'sql_drop_table', 'sql_procedure_function', 'sql_create_table', 'sql_create_view', 'sql_create_trigger', 'sql_if_not_exists', 'sql_auto_increment', 'sql_backquotes', 'sql_truncate', 'sql_delayed', 'sql_ignore', 'sql_type', 'sql_insert_syntax', 'sql_max_query_size', 'sql_hex_for_binary', 'sql_utc_time', 'sql_drop_database', 'sql_views_as_tables', 'sql_metadata', 'csv_separator', 'csv_enclosed', 'csv_escaped', 'csv_terminated', 'csv_null', 'csv_removeCRLF', 'csv_columns', 'csv_structure_or_data', // csv_replace should have been here but we use it directly from $_POST 'latex_caption', 'latex_structure_or_data', 'latex_structure_caption', 'latex_structure_continued_caption', 'latex_structure_label', 'latex_relation', 'latex_comments', 'latex_mime', 'latex_columns', 'latex_data_caption', 'latex_data_continued_caption', 'latex_data_label', 'latex_null', 'aliases' ); foreach ($post_params as $one_post_param) { if (isset($_POST[$one_post_param])) { $GLOBALS[$one_post_param] = $_POST[$one_post_param]; } } $table = $GLOBALS['table']; PMA\libraries\Util::checkParameters(array('what', 'export_type')); // sanitize this parameter which will be used below in a file inclusion $what = PMA_securePath($_POST['what']); // export class instance, not array of properties, as before /* @var $export_plugin ExportPlugin */ $export_plugin = PMA_getPlugin( "export", $what, 'libraries/plugins/export/', array( 'export_type' => $export_type, 'single_table' => isset($single_table) ) ); // Backward compatibility $type = $what; // Check export type if (empty($export_plugin)) { PMA_fatalError(__('Bad type!')); } /** * valid compression methods */ $compression_methods = array( 'zip', 'gzip' ); /** * init and variable checking */ $compression = false; $onserver = false; $save_on_server = false; $buffer_needed = false; $back_button = ''; $save_filename = ''; $file_handle = ''; $err_url = ''; $filename = ''; $separate_files = ''; // Is it a quick or custom export? if (isset($_REQUEST['quick_or_custom']) && $_REQUEST['quick_or_custom'] == 'quick' ) { $quick_export = true; } else { $quick_export = false; } if ($_REQUEST['output_format'] == 'astext') { $asfile = false; } else { $asfile = true; if (isset($_REQUEST['as_separate_files']) && ! empty($_REQUEST['as_separate_files']) ) { if (isset($_REQUEST['compression']) && ! empty($_REQUEST['compression']) && $_REQUEST['compression'] == 'zip' ) { $separate_files = $_REQUEST['as_separate_files']; } } if (in_array($_REQUEST['compression'], $compression_methods)) { $compression = $_REQUEST['compression']; $buffer_needed = true; } if (($quick_export && ! empty($_REQUEST['quick_export_onserver'])) || (! $quick_export && ! empty($_REQUEST['onserver'])) ) { if ($quick_export) { $onserver = $_REQUEST['quick_export_onserver']; } else { $onserver = $_REQUEST['onserver']; } // Will we save dump on server? $save_on_server = ! empty($cfg['SaveDir']) && $onserver; } } // Generate error url and check for needed variables if ($export_type == 'server') { $err_url = 'server_export.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon(); } elseif ($export_type == 'database' && mb_strlen($db) ) { $err_url = 'db_export.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon(array('db' => $db)); // Check if we have something to export if (isset($table_select)) { $tables = $table_select; } else { $tables = array(); } } elseif ($export_type == 'table' && mb_strlen($db) && mb_strlen($table) ) { $err_url = 'tbl_export.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon( array( 'db' => $db, 'table' => $table ) ); } else { PMA_fatalError(__('Bad parameters!')); } // Merge SQL Query aliases with Export aliases from // export page, Export page aliases are given more // preference over SQL Query aliases. $parser = new SqlParser\Parser($sql_query); $aliases = array(); if ((!empty($parser->statements[0])) && ($parser->statements[0] instanceof SqlParser\Statements\SelectStatement) ) { $aliases = SqlParser\Utils\Misc::getAliases($parser->statements[0], $db); } if (!empty($_REQUEST['aliases'])) { $aliases = PMA_mergeAliases($aliases, $_REQUEST['aliases']); $_SESSION['tmpval']['aliases'] = $_REQUEST['aliases']; } /** * Increase time limit for script execution and initializes some variables */ @set_time_limit($cfg['ExecTimeLimit']); if (! empty($cfg['MemoryLimit'])) { @ini_set('memory_limit', $cfg['MemoryLimit']); } register_shutdown_function('PMA_shutdownDuringExport'); // Start with empty buffer $dump_buffer = ''; $dump_buffer_len = 0; // Array of dump_buffers - used in separate file exports $dump_buffer_objects = array(); // We send fake headers to avoid browser timeout when buffering $time_start = time(); // Defines the default <CR><LF> format. // For SQL always use \n as MySQL wants this on all platforms. if ($what == 'sql') { $crlf = "\n"; } else { $crlf = PMA\libraries\Util::whichCrlf(); } $output_kanji_conversion = function_exists('PMA_Kanji_strConv') && $type != 'xls'; // Do we need to convert charset? $output_charset_conversion = $asfile && $GLOBALS['PMA_recoding_engine'] != PMA_CHARSET_NONE && isset($charset) && $charset != 'utf-8' && $type != 'xls'; // Use on the fly compression? $GLOBALS['onfly_compression'] = $GLOBALS['cfg']['CompressOnFly'] && $compression == 'gzip'; if ($GLOBALS['onfly_compression']) { $GLOBALS['memory_limit'] = PMA_getMemoryLimitForExport(); } // Generate filename and mime type if needed if ($asfile) { if (empty($remember_template)) { $remember_template = ''; } list($filename, $mime_type) = PMA_getExportFilenameAndMimetype( $export_type, $remember_template, $export_plugin, $compression, $filename_template ); } else { $mime_type = ''; } // Open file on server if needed if ($save_on_server) { list($save_filename, $message, $file_handle) = PMA_openExportFile( $filename, $quick_export ); // problem opening export file on server? if (! empty($message)) { PMA_showExportPage($db, $table, $export_type); } } else { /** * Send headers depending on whether the user chose to download a dump file * or not */ if ($asfile) { // Download // (avoid rewriting data containing HTML with anchors and forms; // this was reported to happen under Plesk) @ini_set('url_rewriter.tags', ''); $filename = PMA_sanitizeFilename($filename); PMA_downloadHeader($filename, $mime_type); } else { // HTML if ($export_type == 'database') { $num_tables = count($tables); if ($num_tables == 0) { $message = PMA\libraries\Message::error( __('No tables found in database.') ); $active_page = 'db_export.php'; include 'db_export.php'; exit(); } } list($html, $back_button) = PMA_getHtmlForDisplayedExportHeader( $export_type, $db, $table ); echo $html; unset($html); } // end download } // Fake loop just to allow skip of remain of this code by break, I'd really // need exceptions here :-) do { // Re - initialize $dump_buffer = ''; $dump_buffer_len = 0; // Add possibly some comments to export if (! $export_plugin->exportHeader()) { break; } // Will we need relation & co. setup? $do_relation = isset($GLOBALS[$what . '_relation']); $do_comments = isset($GLOBALS[$what . '_include_comments']) || isset($GLOBALS[$what . '_comments']); $do_mime = isset($GLOBALS[$what . '_mime']); if ($do_relation || $do_comments || $do_mime) { $cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam(); } if ($do_mime) { include_once 'libraries/transformations.lib.php'; } // Include dates in export? $do_dates = isset($GLOBALS[$what . '_dates']); $whatStrucOrData = $GLOBALS[$what . '_structure_or_data']; /** * Builds the dump */ if ($export_type == 'server') { if (! isset($db_select)) { $db_select = ''; } PMA_exportServer( $db_select, $whatStrucOrData, $export_plugin, $crlf, $err_url, $export_type, $do_relation, $do_comments, $do_mime, $do_dates, $aliases, $separate_files ); } elseif ($export_type == 'database') { if (!isset($table_structure) || !is_array($table_structure)) { $table_structure = array(); } if (!isset($table_data) || !is_array($table_data)) { $table_data = array(); } if (!empty($_REQUEST['structure_or_data_forced'])) { $table_structure = $tables; $table_data = $tables; } if (isset($lock_tables)) { PMA_lockTables($db, $tables, "READ"); try { PMA_exportDatabase( $db, $tables, $whatStrucOrData, $table_structure, $table_data, $export_plugin, $crlf, $err_url, $export_type, $do_relation, $do_comments, $do_mime, $do_dates, $aliases, $separate_files ); } finally { PMA_unlockTables(); } } else { PMA_exportDatabase( $db, $tables, $whatStrucOrData, $table_structure, $table_data, $export_plugin, $crlf, $err_url, $export_type, $do_relation, $do_comments, $do_mime, $do_dates, $aliases, $separate_files ); } } else { // We export just one table // $allrows comes from the form when "Dump all rows" has been selected if (! isset($allrows)) { $allrows = ''; } if (! isset($limit_to)) { $limit_to = 0; } if (! isset($limit_from)) { $limit_from = 0; } if (isset($lock_tables)) { try { PMA_lockTables($db, array($table), "READ"); PMA_exportTable( $db, $table, $whatStrucOrData, $export_plugin, $crlf, $err_url, $export_type, $do_relation, $do_comments, $do_mime, $do_dates, $allrows, $limit_to, $limit_from, $sql_query, $aliases ); } finally { PMA_unlockTables(); } } else { PMA_exportTable( $db, $table, $whatStrucOrData, $export_plugin, $crlf, $err_url, $export_type, $do_relation, $do_comments, $do_mime, $do_dates, $allrows, $limit_to, $limit_from, $sql_query, $aliases ); } } if (! $export_plugin->exportFooter()) { break; } } while (false); // End of fake loop if ($save_on_server && ! empty($message)) { PMA_showExportPage($db, $table, $export_type); } /** * Send the dump as a file... */ if (empty($asfile)) { echo PMA_getHtmlForDisplayedExportFooter($back_button); return; } // end if // Convert the charset if required. if ($output_charset_conversion) { $dump_buffer = PMA_convertString( 'utf-8', $GLOBALS['charset'], $dump_buffer ); } // Compression needed? if ($compression) { if (! empty($separate_files)) { $dump_buffer = PMA_compressExport( $dump_buffer_objects, $compression, $filename ); } else { $dump_buffer = PMA_compressExport($dump_buffer, $compression, $filename); } } /* If we saved on server, we have to close file now */ if ($save_on_server) { $message = PMA_closeExportFile( $file_handle, $dump_buffer, $save_filename ); PMA_showExportPage($db, $table, $export_type); } else { echo $dump_buffer; } }
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