[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
#  ubuntu-logo.script - boot splash plugin
#  Copyright (C) 2009 Canonical Ltd.
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
#  any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
#  02111-1307, USA.
#  Written by: Alberto Milone <alberto.milone@canonical.com>
#  Based on the example provided with the "script plugin" written by:
#              Charlie Brej   <cbrej@cs.man.ac.uk>
# Lines theme scripting by Juliette Taka BELIN and Aurélien COUDERC

#------------------------------- Constants -----------------------------------------

#------------------------------- Globals -------------------------------------------
anim_iter = 0;
anim_status = "stopped";

bg_image = Image("background.png");

#------------------------------- Background ----------------------------------------
# Compute screen/image ratio and scale the background accordingly
window_max_width = Window.GetX() * 2 + Window.GetWidth();
window_max_height = Window.GetY() * 2 + Window.GetHeight();
screen_ratio = window_max_width / window_max_height;
bg_image_ratio = bg_image.GetWidth() / bg_image.GetHeight();
if (screen_ratio > bg_image_ratio)
    bg_scale_factor = window_max_width / bg_image.GetWidth();
    bg_scale_factor = window_max_height / bg_image.GetHeight();
scaled_bg_image = bg_image.Scale(bg_image.GetWidth() * bg_scale_factor,
                                 bg_image.GetHeight() * bg_scale_factor);

# Display background
bg_sprite = Sprite(scaled_bg_image);
bg_sprite.SetPosition(Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth() / 2 - scaled_bg_image.GetWidth() / 2,
                      Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() / 2 - scaled_bg_image.GetHeight() / 2,

#------------------------------- Logo ----------------------------------------------
logo_image = Image("logo.png");
logo_height = Math.Min(Window.GetWidth(), Window.GetHeight()) * 0.7;
logo_scale_factor = logo_height / logo_image.GetHeight();
logo_image = logo_image.Scale(logo_image.GetWidth() * logo_scale_factor,
                              logo_image.GetHeight() * logo_scale_factor);
logo_sprite = Sprite(logo_image);
logo_to_top_edge = Window.GetHeight() * 0;
logo_right_shift = logo_image.GetWidth() * 0.092;
logo_sprite.SetPosition(Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth() / 2 - logo_image.GetWidth() / 2 + logo_right_shift,
                        Window.GetY() + logo_to_top_edge,

#------------------------------- Debian8 ----------------------------------------------
debian8_image = Image("debian8.png");
debian8_width = logo_image.GetWidth();
debian8_scale_factor = debian8_width / debian8_image.GetWidth() * 0.24;
if (debian8_scale_factor < 1) {
	debian8_image = debian8_image.Scale(debian8_image.GetWidth() * debian8_scale_factor,
                              debian8_image.GetHeight() * debian8_scale_factor);
debian8_sprite = Sprite(debian8_image);
debian8_to_bottom_edge = Window.GetHeight() * 0.10;
debian8_sprite.SetPosition(Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth() / 2 - debian8_image.GetWidth() / 2,
                           Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() - debian8_to_bottom_edge - debian8_image.GetHeight(),
#------------------------------- Electrons --------------------------------------------

electron_image = Image("electron.png");
electron_image = electron_image.Scale(
	electron_image.GetWidth() * 0.06 * logo_scale_factor,
	electron_image.GetHeight() * 0.06 * logo_scale_factor);

#main center coords
ellipses[0].x = logo_sprite.GetX() + logo_image.GetWidth() * 0.4245;
ellipses[0].y = logo_sprite.GetY() + logo_image.GetHeight() * 0.611;
#main small / large axis 
ellipses[0].height = logo_image.GetHeight() * 0.3303;
ellipses[0].width = logo_image.GetWidth() * 0.295;
#main animation parameters
ellipses[0].anim.start_iter = 0;
ellipses[0].anim.stop_iter = 150;
ellipses[0].anim.start_angle = Math.Pi;
ellipses[0].anim.arc = 2*Math.Pi;
ellipses[0].anim.rotat_dir = -1;

#left center coords
ellipses[1].x = logo_sprite.GetX() + logo_image.GetWidth() * 0.3825;
ellipses[1].y = logo_sprite.GetY() + logo_image.GetHeight() * 0.411;
#left small / large axis 
ellipses[1].height = logo_image.GetHeight() * 0.1645;
ellipses[1].width = logo_image.GetWidth() * 0.2248;
#left animation parameters
ellipses[1].anim.start_iter = 50;
ellipses[1].anim.stop_iter = 130;
ellipses[1].anim.start_angle = 0;
ellipses[1].anim.arc = 2*Math.Pi;
ellipses[1].anim.rotat_dir = 1;

#right center coords
ellipses[2].x = logo_sprite.GetX() + logo_image.GetWidth() * 0.7065;
ellipses[2].y = logo_sprite.GetY() + logo_image.GetHeight() * 0.460;
#right small / large axis 
ellipses[2].height = logo_image.GetHeight() * 0.2343;
ellipses[2].width = logo_image.GetWidth() * 0.2945;
#right animation parameters
ellipses[2].anim.start_iter = 20;
ellipses[2].anim.stop_iter = 100;
ellipses[2].anim.start_angle = 0;
ellipses[2].anim.arc = 2*Math.Pi;
ellipses[2].anim.rotat_dir = 1;

# Define 5 sprites for each electron to create gradient along the ellipses
for (i = 0; i < ELECTRONS_DISPLAYED; i++) {
	anim = ellipses[i].anim;
	anim.angle_incr = anim.arc / (anim.stop_iter - anim.start_iter) * anim.rotat_dir;
	for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
		electron_sprite[i][j] = Sprite(electron_image);
		electron_sprite[i][j].base_opacity = 1-(0.2*j);
		electron_sprite[i][j].angle_diff = -(anim.rotat_dir*j*0.01);

# Set the text colour in (rgb / 256)
text_colour.red = 1.0;
text_colour.green =  1.0;
text_colour.blue = 1.0;

# Tinted text #988592
tinted_text_colour.red = 1.0;
tinted_text_colour.green = 1.0;
tinted_text_colour.blue = 1.0;

# Action Text - #ffffff - RGB 255 255 255
action_text_colour.red = 1.0;
action_text_colour.green = 1.0;
action_text_colour.blue = 1.0;

# Orange - #ff4012 - RGB 255 64 18
debugsprite = Sprite();
debugsprite_bottom = Sprite();
debugsprite_medium = Sprite();

# are we currently prompting for a password?
prompt_active = 0;

# General purpose function to create text
fun WriteText (text, colour) {
    image = Image.Text (text, colour.red, colour.green, colour.blue);
    return image;

fun ImageToText (text) {
    image = WriteText (text, text_colour);
    return image;

fun ImageToTintedText (text) {
    image = WriteText (text, tinted_text_colour);
    return image;

fun ImageToActionText (text) {
    image = WriteText (text, action_text_colour);
    return image;

fun Debug(text) {
    debugsprite.SetImage(ImageToText (text));

fun DebugBottom(text) {
    debugsprite_bottom.SetImage(ImageToText (text));
    debugsprite_bottom.SetPosition(0, (Window.GetHeight (0) - 20), 1);

fun DebugMedium(text) {
    debugsprite_medium.SetImage(ImageToText (text));
    debugsprite_medium.SetPosition(0, (Window.GetHeight (0) - 100), 1);

fun TextYOffset() {

    # Put the 1st line below the logo + some spacing 
    y = logo_sprite.GetY() + logo_image.GetHeight();
	#Debug("y = " + y);

    text_height = first_line_height * 7.5;

    min_height = Window.GetHeight();
    if (y + text_height > min_height)
        y = min_height - text_height;

    return y;

#------------------------------String functions-------------------------------

# This is the equivalent for strstr()
fun StringString(string, substring) {
    start = 0;
    while (String(string).CharAt (start)) {
        walk = 0;
        while (String(substring).CharAt (walk) == String(string).CharAt (start + walk) ) {
            if (!String(substring).CharAt (walk)) return start;
    return NULL;

fun StringLength (string) {
    index = 0;
    while (String(string).CharAt(index)) index++;
    return index;

fun StringCopy (source, beginning, end) {
    local.destination = "";
    for (index = beginning; ( ( (end == NULL) || (index <= end) ) && (String(source).CharAt(index)) ); index++) {
        local.destination += String(source).CharAt(index);
    return local.destination;

fun StringReplace (source, pattern, replacement) {
    local.found = StringString(source, pattern);
    if (local.found == NULL)
        return source;

    local.new_string = StringCopy (source, 0, local.found - 1) +
                       replacement +
                       StringCopy (source, local.found + StringLength(pattern), NULL);

    return local.new_string;

# it makes sense to use it only for
# numbers up to 100
fun StringToInteger (str) {
    int = -1;
    for (i=0; i<=100; i++) {
        if (i+"" == str) {
            int = i;
    return int;

# Top background colour
# #489291 --> 0.282, 0.572, 0.569
# New background colour
# #0a3649 --> 0.039, 0.212, 0.286
Window.SetBackgroundTopColor (0.282, 0.572, 0.569);     # Nice colour on top of the screen fading to
Window.SetBackgroundBottomColor (0.039, 0.212, 0.286);  # an equally nice colour on the bottom

bits_per_pixel = Window.GetBitsPerPixel ();
# TODO need to handle 16 colors ?
#if (bits_per_pixel == 4) {
#    logo_filename = "debian_logo16.png";
#    progress_dot_off_filename = "progress_dot_off16.png";
#    progress_dot_on_filename = "progress_dot_on16.png";
#    password_dot_filename = "password_dot.png";
#    password_field_filename = "password_field16.png";
#} else {
#    logo_filename = "debian_logo.png";
#    progress_dot_off_filename = "progress_dot_off.png";
#    progress_dot_on_filename = "progress_dot_on.png";
    password_dot_filename = "password_dot.png";
    password_field_filename = "password_field.png";

message_notification[0].image = ImageToTintedText ("");
message_notification[1].image = ImageToTintedText ("");
fsck_notification.image = ImageToActionText ("");

status = "normal";

# use a fixed string with ascending and descending stems to calibrate the
# bounding box for the first message, so the messages below don't move up
# and down according to *their* height.
first_line_height = ImageToTintedText ("AfpqtM").GetHeight();

# if the user has a 640x480 or 800x600 display, we can't quite fit everything
# (including passphrase prompts) with the target spacing, so scoot the text up
# a bit if needed.
top_of_the_text = TextYOffset();

#-----------------------------------------Logo functions------------------------------

# Call this when updating the screen
fun draw_logo () {
#    logo.sprite.SetX (logo.x);
#    logo.sprite.SetY (logo.y);
#    logo.sprite.SetZ (logo.z);
#    logo.sprite.SetOpacity (1);
#    logo_sprite.SetOpacity (1);

#-----------------------------------------Progress Indicator--------------------------
# Implement in boot progress callback
fun animate_progress_indicator (time, progress) {
	# Start electrons animation at launch and every 3 seconds
    if (global.progress_time == NULL || (time - global.progress_time) >= SECS_BETWEEN_ANIMS) {
        global.progress_time = time;
		global.anim_status = "start";

    # Debug ("global progress time =" + global.progress_time + " global anim status = " + global.anim_status + " progress = " + progress + ", time = " + time);


#-----------------------------------------Label utility functions---------------------

# label should be either a string or NULL
# Images for n lines will be created and returned as items of the
# message_label array
fun get_message_label (label, is_fake, is_action_line) {
    # Debug("Get Label position");
    if (is_fake)
        # Create a fake label so as to get the y coordinate of
        # a standard-length label.
        local.message_image = ImageToTintedText ("This is a fake message");
        local.message_image = (is_action_line) && ImageToActionText (label) || ImageToTintedText (label);
    message_label.width = message_image.GetWidth ();
    message_label.height = message_image.GetHeight ();

    # Center the line horizontally
    message_label.x = Window.GetX () + Window.GetWidth () / 2 - message_label.width / 2;

    message_label.y = top_of_the_text;

    # Put the 2nd line below the fsck line
    if (is_action_line) {
        local.fsck_label.y = message_label.y + (first_line_height + first_line_height / 2);
        message_label.y = local.fsck_label.y + (first_line_height * 2);

    # Debug("action label x = " + message_label.x + " y = " + message_label.y );

#    message_debug = "msg_x = " + message_label.x + " msg_y = " + message_label.y +
#                    "msg_width = " + message_label.width + " msg_height = " +
#                    message_label.height + " message = " + label;
#    Debug(message_debug);
    return message_label;


# Create an fsck label and/or get its position
fun get_fsck_label (label, is_fake) {
    # Debug("Get Label position");
    local.fsck_label = global.progress_label;
    if (is_fake)
        fsck_label.image = ImageToTintedText ("This is a fake message");
        fsck_label.image = ImageToTintedText (label);
    fsck_label.width = fsck_label.image.GetWidth ();
    fsck_label.height = fsck_label.image.GetHeight ();
    # Centre the label horizontally
    fsck_label.x = Window.GetX () + Window.GetWidth () / 2 - fsck_label.width / 2;
    local.first_label = get_message_label (label, 1, 0);
    # Place the label below the 1st message line
    fsck_label.y = local.first_label.y + local.first_label.height + (local.first_label.height / 2);
#    message_debug = "msg_x = " + fsck_label.x + " msg_y = " + fsck_label.y +
#                    "msg_width = " + fsck_label.width + " msg_height = " +
#                    fsck_label.height + " message = " + label;
#    Debug(message_debug);
    return fsck_label;

#-----------------------------------------Message stuff --------------------------------

# Set up a message label
# NOTE: this is called when doing something like 'plymouth message "hello world"'
fun setup_message (message_text, x, y, z, index) {
    # Debug("Message setup");
    global.message_notification[index].image = (index) && ImageToActionText (message_text) || ImageToTintedText (message_text);

    # Set up the text message, if any
    message_notification[index].x = x;
    message_notification[index].y = y;
    message_notification[index].z = z;
    message_notification[index].sprite = Sprite ();
    message_notification[index].sprite.SetImage (message_notification[index].image);
    message_notification[index].sprite.SetX (message_notification[index].x);
    message_notification[index].sprite.SetY (message_notification[index].y);
    message_notification[index].sprite.SetZ (message_notification[index].z);


fun show_message (index) {
    if (global.message_notification[index].sprite) global.message_notification[index].sprite.SetOpacity(1);

fun hide_message (index) {
    if (global.message_notification[index].sprite) global.message_notification[index].sprite.SetOpacity(0);

# the callback function is called when new message should be displayed.
# First arg is message to display.
fun message_callback (message)
    # Debug("Message callback");
    is_fake = 0;
    if (!message || (message == "")) is_fake = 1;
    local.substring = "keys:";
    # Look for the "keys:" prefix
    local.keys = StringString(message, local.substring);
    local.is_action_line = (keys != NULL);
    #Debug("keys " + local.keys + " substring length = " + StringLength(local.substring));

    # Get the message without the "keys:" prefix
    if (keys != NULL)
        message = StringCopy (message, keys + StringLength(local.substring), NULL);

    local.label.is_fake = is_fake;
    label = get_message_label(message, is_fake, is_action_line);
    label.z = 10000;
    setup_message (message, label.x, label.y, label.z, is_action_line);
    if (prompt_active && local.is_action_line)
        hide_message (is_action_line);
        show_message (is_action_line);


#-----------------------------------------Display Password stuff -----------------------

fun password_dialogue_setup (message_label) {
    # Debug("Password dialog setup");
    bullet_image = Image (password_dot_filename);
    entry.image = Image (password_field_filename);
    # Hide the normal labels
    prompt_active = 1;
    if (message_notification[1].sprite) hide_message (1);
    # Set the prompt label
    label = get_message_label(message_label, 0, 1);
    label.z = 10000;
    setup_message (message_label, label.x, label.y, label.z, 2);
    show_message (2);

    # Set up the text entry which contains the bullets
    entry.sprite = Sprite ();
    entry.sprite.SetImage (entry.image);
    # Centre the box horizontally
    entry.x = Window.GetX () + Window.GetWidth () / 2 - entry.image.GetWidth () / 2;

    # Put the entry below the second label.
    entry.y = message_notification[2].y + label.height;

    # Debug ("entry x = " + entry.x + ", y = " + entry.y);
    entry.z = 10000;
    entry.sprite.SetX (entry.x);
    entry.sprite.SetY (entry.y);
    entry.sprite.SetZ (entry.z);

    global.password_dialogue = local;

fun password_dialogue_opacity (opacity) {
    # Debug("Password dialog opacity");
    global.password_dialogue.opacity = opacity;
    local = global.password_dialogue;

    # You can make the box translucent with a float
    # entry.sprite.SetOpacity (0.3);
    entry.sprite.SetOpacity (opacity);
    label.sprite.SetOpacity (opacity);
    if (bullets) {
        for (index = 0; bullets[index]; index++) {
            bullets[index].sprite.SetOpacity (opacity);

# The callback function is called when the display should display a password dialogue.
# First arg is prompt string, the second is the number of bullets.
fun display_password_callback (prompt, bullets) {
    # Debug("Password dialog setup");
    global.status = "password";
    if (!global.password_dialogue) password_dialogue_setup(prompt);
    password_dialogue_opacity (1);
    bullet_width = password_dialogue.bullet_image.GetWidth();
    bullet_y = password_dialogue.entry.y +
               password_dialogue.entry.image.GetHeight () / 2 -
               password_dialogue.bullet_image.GetHeight () / 2;
    margin = bullet_width;
    spaces = Math.Int( (password_dialogue.entry.image.GetWidth () - (margin * 2)) / (bullet_width / 2 ) );
    # Debug ("spaces = " + spaces + ", bullets = " + bullets);
    bullets_area.width = margin + spaces * (bullet_width / 2);
    bullets_area.x = Window.GetX () + Window.GetWidth () / 2 - bullets_area.width / 2;
    # DebugBottom ("pwd_entry x = " + password_dialogue.entry.x + ", bullets_area.x = " + bullets_area.x + ", bullets_area.width = " + bullets_area.width);
    if (bullets > spaces)
        bullets = spaces;
    for (index = 0; password_dialogue.bullets[index] || index < bullets; index++){
        if (!password_dialogue.bullets[index]) {
            password_dialogue.bullets[index].sprite = Sprite ();
            password_dialogue.bullets[index].sprite.SetImage (password_dialogue.bullet_image);
            password_dialogue.bullets[index].x = bullets_area.x + # password_dialogue.entry.x + margin +
                                                 index * bullet_width / 2;
            password_dialogue.bullets[index].sprite.SetX (password_dialogue.bullets[index].x);
            password_dialogue.bullets[index].y = bullet_y;
            password_dialogue.bullets[index].sprite.SetY (password_dialogue.bullets[index].y);
            password_dialogue.bullets[index].z = password_dialogue.entry.z + 1;
            password_dialogue.bullets[index].sprite.SetZ (password_dialogue.bullets[index].z);

        password_dialogue.bullets[index].sprite.SetOpacity (0);

        if (index < bullets) {
            password_dialogue.bullets[index].sprite.SetOpacity (1);

Plymouth.SetDisplayPasswordFunction (display_password_callback); 

Plymouth.SetMessageFunction (message_callback);

Plymouth.SetBootProgressFunction (animate_progress_indicator);

# Plymouth.SetBootProgressFunction: the callback function is called with two numbers, the progress (between 0 and 1) and the time spent booting so far
# Plymouth.SetRootMountedFunction: the callback function is called when a new root is mounted
# Plymouth.SetKeyboardInputFunction: the callback function is called with a string containing a new character entered on the keyboard

#----------------------------------------- FSCK Counter --------------------------------

# Initialise the counter
fun init_fsck_count () {
    # The number of fsck checks in this cycle
    global.counter.total = 0;
    # The number of fsck checks already performed + the current one
    global.counter.current = 1;
    # The previous fsck
    global.counter.last = 0;

# Increase the total counter
fun increase_fsck_count () {

fun increase_current_fsck_count () {
    global.counter.last = global.counter.current++;

# Clear the counter
fun clear_fsck_count () {
    global.counter = NULL;
    init_fsck_count ();

#----------------------------------------- Progress Label ------------------------------

# Change the opacity level of a progress label
# opacity = 1 -> show
# opacity = 0 -> hide
# opacity = 0.3 (or any other float) -> translucent
fun set_progress_label_opacity (opacity) {
    # the label
    progress_label.sprite.SetOpacity (opacity);
    # Make the slot available again when hiding the bar
    # So that another bar can take its place
    if (opacity == 0) {
        progress_label.is_available = 1;
        progress_label.device = "";

# Set up a new Progress Bar
# TODO: Make it possible to reuse (rather than recreate) a bar
#       if .is_available = 1. Ideally this would just reset the
#       label, the associated
#       device and the image size of the sprite.

fun init_progress_label (device, status_string) {
    # Make the slot unavailable
    global.progress_label.is_available = 0;
    progress_label.progress = 0;
    progress_label.device = device;
    progress_label.status_string = status_string;

# See if the progress label is keeping track of the fsck
# of "device"
fun device_has_progress_label (device) {
    #DebugBottom ("label device = " + progress_label.device + " checking device " + device);
    return (progress_label.device == device);

# Update the Progress bar which corresponds to index
fun update_progress_label (progress) {
    # If progress is NULL then we just refresh the label.
    # This happens when only counter.total has changed.
    if (progress != NULL) {
        progress_label.progress = progress;
        #Debug("device " + progress_label.device + " progress " + progress);
        # If progress >= 100% hide the label and make it available again
        if (progress >= 100) {
            set_progress_label_opacity (0);
            # See if we any other fsck check is complete
            # and, if so, hide the progress bars and the labels
            on_fsck_completed ();
            return 0;
    # Update progress label here
    # FIXME: the queue logic from this theme should really be moved into mountall
    # instead of using string replacement to deal with localised strings.
    label = StringReplace (progress_label.status_string[0], "%1$d", global.counter.current);
    label = StringReplace (label, "%2$d",  global.counter.total);
    label = StringReplace (label, "%3$d",  progress_label.progress);
    label = StringReplace (label, "%%",  "%");

    progress_label = get_fsck_label (label, 0);
    #progress_label.progress = progress;

    progress_label.sprite = Sprite (progress_label.image);
    # Set up the bar
    progress_label.sprite.SetPosition(progress_label.x, progress_label.y, 1);

    set_progress_label_opacity (1);


# Refresh the label so as to update counters
fun refresh_progress_label () {
    update_progress_label (NULL);

#----------------------------------------- FSCK Queue ----------------------------------

# Initialise the fsck queue
fun init_queue () {
    global.fsck_queue.counter = 0;
    global.fsck_queue.biggest_item = 0;    

fun clear_queue () {
    global.fsck_queue = NULL;
    init_queue ();

# Return either the device index in the queue or -1
fun queue_look_up_by_device (device) {
    for (i=0; i <= fsck_queue.biggest_item; i++) {
        if ((fsck_queue[i]) && (fsck_queue[i].device == device))
            return i;
    return -1;

# Keep track of an fsck process in the queue
fun add_fsck_to_queue (device, progress) {
    # Look for an empty slot in the queue
    for (i=0; global.fsck_queue[i].device; i++) {
    local.index = i;
    # Set device and progress
    global.fsck_queue[local.index].device = device;
    global.fsck_queue[local.index].progress = progress;
    # Increase the queue counter
    # Update the max index of the array for iterations
    if (local.index > global.fsck_queue.biggest_item)
        global.fsck_queue.biggest_item = local.index;
    #DebugMedium ("Adding " + device + " at " + local.index);

fun is_queue_empty () {
    return (fsck_queue.counter == 0);

fun is_progress_label_available () {
    return (progress_label.is_available == 1);

# This should cover the case in which the fsck checks in
# the queue are completed before the ones showed in the
# progress label
fun on_queued_fsck_completed () {
    if (!is_queue_empty ())
    # Hide the extra label, if any
    #if (progress_bar.extra_label.sprite)
    #    progress_bar.extra_label.sprite.SetOpacity(0);

fun remove_fsck_from_queue (index) {
    # Free memory which was previously allocated for
    # device and progress
    global.fsck_queue[index].device = NULL;
    global.fsck_queue[index].progress = NULL;

    # Decrease the queue counter
    # See if there are other processes in the queue
    # if not, clear the extra_label
    on_queued_fsck_completed ();

fun on_fsck_completed () {
    # We have moved on to tracking the next fsck
    increase_current_fsck_count ();

    if (!is_progress_label_available ())
    if (!is_queue_empty ())
    # Hide the progress label
    if (progress_label.sprite)
        progress_label.sprite.SetOpacity (0);
    # Clear the queue
    clear_queue ();

    # Clear the fsck counter
    clear_fsck_count ();

# Update an fsck process that we keep track of in the queue
fun update_progress_in_queue (index, device, progress) {
    # If the fsck is complete, remove it from the queue
    if (progress >= 100) {
        remove_fsck_from_queue (index);
        on_queued_fsck_completed ();
    global.fsck_queue[index].device = device;
    global.fsck_queue[index].progress = progress;

# TODO: Move it to some function
# Create an empty queue
#init_queue ();

#----------------------------------------- FSCK Functions ------------------------------

# Either add a new bar for fsck checks or update an existing bar
# NOTE: no more than "progress_bar.max_number" bars are allowed
fun fsck_check (device, progress, status_string) {

    # The 1st time this will take place
    if (!global.progress_label) {
        # Increase the fsck counter
        increase_fsck_count ();

        # Set up a new label for the check
        init_progress_label (device, status_string);
        update_progress_label (progress);


    if (device_has_progress_label (device)) {
        # Update the progress of the existing label
        update_progress_label (progress);
    else {
        # See if there's already a slot in the queue for the device
        local.queue_device_index = queue_look_up_by_device(device);

        # See if the progress_label is available
        if (progress_label.is_available) {
#            local.my_string = "available index " + local.available_index + " progress_bar counter is " + progress_bar.counter;
#            Debug(local.my_string);
            # If the fsck check for the device was in the queue, then
            # remove it from the queue
            if (local.queue_device_index >= 0) {
                remove_fsck_from_queue (index);
            else {
                # Increase the fsck counter
                increase_fsck_count ();
#            local.my_string += local.message;
            #Debug("setting new label for device " + device + " progress " + progress);

            # Set up a new label for the check
            init_progress_label (device, status_string);
            update_progress_label (progress);
        # If the progress_label is not available
        else {
            # If the fsck check for the device is already in the queue
            # just update its progress in the queue
            if (local.queue_device_index >= 0) {
                #DebugMedium("Updating queue at " + local.queue_device_index + " for device " + device);
                update_progress_in_queue (local.queue_device_index, device, progress);
            # Otherwise add the check to the queue
            else {
                #DebugMedium("Adding device " + device + " to queue at " + local.queue_device_index);
                add_fsck_to_queue (device, progress);

                # Increase the fsck counter
                increase_fsck_count ();

                refresh_progress_label ();
#    if (!is_queue_empty ()) {
#        DebugBottom("Extra label for "+ device);
#    else {
#        DebugBottom("No extra label for " + device + ". 1st Device in the queue "+ fsck_queue[0].device + " counter = " + global.fsck_queue.counter);
#    }

#-----------------------------------------Update Status stuff --------------------------
# The update_status_callback is what we can use to pass plymouth whatever we want so
# as to make use of features which are available only in this program (as opposed to
# being available for any theme for the script plugin).
# Example:
#   Thanks to the current implementation, some scripts can call "plymouth --update=fsck:sda1:40"
#   and this program will know that 1) we're performing and fsck check, 2) we're checking sda1,
#   3) the program should set the label progress to 40%
# Other features can be easily added by parsing the string that we pass plymouth with "--update"
fun update_status_callback (status) {
#    Debug(status);
    if (!status) return;
    string_it = 0;
    update_strings[string_it] = "";
    for (i=0; (String(status).CharAt(i) != ""); i++) {
        local.temp_char = String(status).CharAt(i);
        if (temp_char != ":")
            update_strings[string_it] += temp_char;
            update_strings[++string_it] = "";
#    my_string = update_strings[0] + " " + update_strings[1] + " " + update_strings[2];
#    Debug(my_string);
    # Let's assume that we're dealing with these strings fsck:sda1:40
    if ((string_it >= 2) && (update_strings[0] == "fsck")) {
        device = update_strings[1];
        progress = update_strings[2];
        status_string[0] = update_strings[3]; # "Checking disk %1$d of %2$d (%3$d %% complete)"
        if (!status_string[0])
            status_string[0] = "Checking disk %1$d of %2$d (%3$d %% complete)";
        if ((device != "") && (progress != "")) {
            progress = StringToInteger (progress);
            # Make sure that the fsck_queue is initialised
            if (!global.fsck_queue)
                init_queue ();

            # Make sure that the fsck counter is initialised
            if (!global.counter)
                init_fsck_count ();

#            if (!global.progress_bar.extra_label.sprite)
#                create_extra_fsck_label ();
            # Keep track of the fsck check
            fsck_check (device, progress, status_string);

Plymouth.SetUpdateStatusFunction (update_status_callback); 

#-----------------------------------------Display Question stuff -----------------------
# TODO: Implement this if needed
# The callback function is called when the display should display a question dialogue.
# First arg is prompt string, the second is the entry contents.
#fun display_question_callback (prompt_string, entry_contents)
# time++;
#Plymouth.SetDisplayQuestionFunction (display_question_callback); 

#-----------------------------------------Refresh stuff --------------------------------
# Calling Plymouth.SetRefreshFunction with a function will set that function to be
# called up to 50 times every second, e.g.
# NOTE: if a refresh function is not set, Plymouth doesn't seem to be able to update
#       the screen correctly
fun refresh_callback ()
	if (global.anim_status == "start") {
		anim_iter = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < ELECTRONS_DISPLAYED; i++) {
			ellipses[i].anim.angle = ellipses[i].anim.start_angle;
		global.anim_status = "running";

	if (global.anim_status == "running") {
		anim_done = 1;
		for (i = 0; i < ELECTRONS_DISPLAYED; i++) {	
			if (anim_iter >= ellipses[i].anim.start_iter && anim_iter < ellipses[i].anim.stop_iter) { 

				ellipses[i].anim.angle += ellipses[i].anim.angle_incr;
				# check if at least one of the animations needs more loops
				if (ellipses[i].anim.stop_iter > anim_iter) {
					anim_done = 0;
		if (anim_done) {
			global.anim_status = "stopped";
   		# DebugBottom ("anim iter = " + anim_iter);
Plymouth.SetRefreshFunction (refresh_callback);

# Acceleration function to have the electrons move faster in there most visible section, in
# the middle of the ellipses.
# The function computes the result based on the .anim.angle member value in the given ellipse
# The angle is adapted so that accel([start_angle,start_angle+arc])->[start_angle,start_angle+arc]
# is traveled in a sin([0,Pi/2])->[0,1] manner instead of linear increments
fun compute_angle_with_accel(ellipse) {
	# first map the [start_angle,start_angle+arc] to [0,Pi/2]
	angle_in_0_pi_2 = Math.Pi / 2 / ellipse.anim.arc * (ellipse.anim.angle - ellipse.anim.start_angle);
	# then compute sin and scale output to [start_angle,start_angle+arc]
	accel_angle = ellipse.anim.arc * Math.Sin(angle_in_0_pi_2) + ellipse.anim.start_angle;
	return accel_angle;

# Computes the opacity factor so that the electrons visibility somehow matches that of the ellipses:
# Most visible in a middle part, and invisible at the oposite.
fun compute_opacity(ellipse) {
	# map the [start_angle,start_angle+arc] to [0,Pi]
	transformed_angle = Math.Pi / ellipse.anim.arc * (ellipse.anim.angle - ellipse.anim.start_angle);
	# and compute Math.Sin^2
	opacity_factor = Math.Sin(Math.Max(transformed_angle,-transformed_angle));
	opacity_factor *= opacity_factor;
	return opacity_factor;

# Draw the 5 electron sprites to create a gradient effect
# The position is computed based on the .angle field, adapted with the acceleration function above.
fun draw_electron(index) {
	base_electron_x = ellipses[index].x - electron_image.GetWidth() / 2;
	base_electron_y = ellipses[index].y - electron_image.GetHeight() / 2;
	accel_angle = compute_angle_with_accel(ellipses[index]);
	opacity_factor = compute_opacity(ellipses[index]);
	for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
		electron_x = base_electron_x + ellipses[index].width * Math.Cos(accel_angle + electron_sprite[index][j].angle_diff);
		electron_y = base_electron_y + ellipses[index].height * Math.Sin(accel_angle + electron_sprite[index][j].angle_diff);
		electron_sprite[index][j].SetOpacity(opacity_factor * electron_sprite[index][j].base_opacity);
		electron_sprite[index][j].SetPosition(electron_x , electron_y, -10);

#-----------------------------------------Display Normal stuff -----------------------
# The callback function is called when the display should return to normal
fun display_normal_callback ()
    global.status = "normal";
    if (global.password_dialogue) {
        password_dialogue_opacity (0);
        global.password_dialogue = NULL;
        if (message_notification[2].sprite) hide_message(2);
        prompt_active = 0;
    if (message_notification[1].sprite) show_message (1);

Plymouth.SetDisplayNormalFunction (display_normal_callback);

#----------------------------------------- Quit --------------------------------

# TODO: Maybe we should also hide any other dialog
# Show the logo and make the progress indicator look full when on exit
fun quit_callback ()
    logo.sprite.SetOpacity (1);
    switch_on_bullets (); 



Name Type Size Permission Actions
background.png File 56.86 KB 0644
debian8.png File 4.53 KB 0644
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lines.plymouth File 292 B 0644
lines.script File 36.85 KB 0644
logo.png File 40.17 KB 0644
password_dot.png File 215 B 0644
password_dot16.png File 215 B 0644
password_field.png File 1.08 KB 0644
password_field16.png File 188 B 0644