# Spacefun Plymouth theme script
# Copyright 2010 Aurélien COUDERC
# Inspired by the great blog series on Plymouth by Charlie Brej.
# The script uses the material made by Valessio Brito for his SpaceFun
# theme for Debian 6.0 Squeeze.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#------------------------------- Constants -----------------------------------------
MAX_STAR_SIZE = Math.Min(Window.GetWidth(), Window.GetHeight()) * 0.045;
#------------------------------- Background ----------------------------------------
bg_image = Image("background.png");
# Compute screen/image ratio and scale the background accordingly
window_max_width = Window.GetX() * 2 + Window.GetWidth();
window_max_height = Window.GetY() * 2 + Window.GetHeight();
screen_ratio = window_max_width / window_max_height;
bg_image_ratio = bg_image.GetWidth() / bg_image.GetHeight();
if (screen_ratio > bg_image_ratio)
bg_scale_factor = window_max_width / bg_image.GetWidth();
bg_scale_factor = window_max_height / bg_image.GetHeight();
scaled_bg_image = bg_image.Scale(bg_image.GetWidth() * bg_scale_factor,
bg_image.GetHeight() * bg_scale_factor);
# Display background
bg_sprite = Sprite(scaled_bg_image);
bg_sprite.SetPosition(Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth() / 2 - scaled_bg_image.GetWidth() / 2,
Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() / 2 - scaled_bg_image.GetHeight() / 2,
#------------------------------- Earth ---------------------------------------------
earth_height = Math.Min(Window.GetWidth(), Window.GetHeight()) * 0.12;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
earth_image = Image("earth" + i + ".png");
earth_scale_factor = earth_height / earth_image.GetHeight();
earth_images[i] = earth_image.Scale(earth_image.GetWidth() * earth_scale_factor,
earth_image.GetHeight() * earth_scale_factor);
earth_glow_index = 0;
earth_sprite = Sprite(earth_images[earth_glow_index]);
earth_to_edge = Math.Min(Window.GetWidth(), Window.GetHeight()) * 0.07;
earth_x = Window.GetX() + earth_to_edge;
earth_y = Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() - earth_to_edge - earth_images[0].GetHeight();
earth_sprite.SetPosition(earth_x, earth_y, -10);
#------------------------------- Planet --------------------------------------------
planet_image = Image("planet.png");
planet_height = Math.Min(Window.GetWidth(), Window.GetHeight()) * 0.07;
planet_scale_factor = planet_height / planet_image.GetHeight();
planet_image = planet_image.Scale(planet_image.GetWidth() * planet_scale_factor,
planet_image.GetHeight() * planet_scale_factor);
planet_sprite = Sprite(planet_image);
planet_to_edge_y = Window.GetHeight() * 0.14;
planet_to_edge_x = Window.GetWidth() * 0.08;
planet_x = Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth() - planet_to_edge_x - planet_image.GetWidth();
planet_y = Window.GetY() + planet_to_edge_y;
planet_sprite.SetPosition(planet_x, planet_y, -10);
#------------------------------- Logo ----------------------------------------------
logo_image = Image("logo.png");
logo_height = Math.Min(Window.GetWidth(), Window.GetHeight()) * 0.1;
logo_scale_factor = logo_height / logo_image.GetHeight();
logo_image = logo_image.Scale(logo_image.GetWidth() * logo_scale_factor,
logo_image.GetHeight() * logo_scale_factor);
logo_sprite = Sprite(logo_image);
logo_to_edge = Window.GetHeight() * 0.1;
logo_sprite.SetPosition(Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth() - logo_to_edge - logo_image.GetWidth(),
Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() - logo_to_edge - logo_image.GetHeight(),
#------------------------------- Swirl galaxies ------------------------------------
swirlaxy_image = Image("swirlaxy.png");
if (!(Plymouth.GetMode() == "boot" || Plymouth.GetMode == "resume"))
swirls[0].x = 0.1; # Percentage of screen from left when positive, or right otherwise
swirls[0].y = 0.1; # Percentage of screen from top when positive, or bottom otherwise
swirls[0].height_p = 0.21; # Percent of screen height
swirls[0].angle = Math.Pi;
swirls[1].x = 0.54;
swirls[1].y = 0.14;
swirls[1].height_p = 0.11;
swirls[1].angle = Math.Pi;
swirls[2].x = -0.16;
swirls[2].y = -0.16;
swirls[2].height_p = 0.31;
swirls[2].angle = 0;
swirls[0].x = 0.1;
swirls[0].y = 0.12;
swirls[0].height_p = 0.38;
swirls[0].angle = 0;
swirls[1].x = 0.3;
swirls[1].y = -0.24;
swirls[1].height_p = 0.065;
swirls[1].angle = Math.Pi;
swirls[2].x = -0.05;
swirls[2].y = -0.3;
swirls[2].height_p = 0.21;
swirls[2].angle = Math.Pi;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
swirl_height = Math.Min(Window.GetWidth(), Window.GetHeight()) * swirls[i].height_p;
swirl_width = swirl_height * swirlaxy_image.GetWidth() / swirlaxy_image.GetHeight();
swirl_image = swirlaxy_image.Scale(swirl_width, swirl_height);
swirl_image = swirl_image.Rotate(swirls[i].angle);
swirl_sprites[i] = Sprite();
if (swirls[i].x >= 0)
swirl_sprites[i].SetX(Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth() * swirls[i].x);
swirl_sprites[i].SetX(Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth() * (1 + swirls[i].x) - swirl_image.GetWidth());
if (swirls[i].y >= 0)
swirl_sprites[i].SetY(Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() * swirls[i].y);
swirl_sprites[i].SetY(Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() * (1 + swirls[i].y) - swirl_image.GetHeight());
#------------------------------- Stars ---------------------------------------------
# Load 3 star images
star_white_image = Image("star-white.png");
star_fuzzy_image = Image("star-fuzzy.png");
star_red_image = Image("star-red.png");
star_white_small_image = Image("star-white-small.png");
star_fuzzy_small_image = Image("star-fuzzy-small.png");
star_red_small_image = Image("star-red-small.png");
# Initialize the random seed depending on the resolution
pixels = Window.GetWidth() * Window.GetHeight();
while (pixels % 10 == 0)
pixels = pixels / 10;
for (i = 0; i < pixels % 10; i++)
# Create all star sprites
for (i = 0; i < NUM_STARS; i++)
# Randomly choose star image; white/fuzzy/red have 2/1/1 weights
star_type = Math.Random() * 4;
if (star_type < 2)
selected_image.big = star_white_image;
selected_image.small = star_white_small_image;
else if (star_type < 3)
selected_image.big = star_fuzzy_image;
selected_image.small = star_fuzzy_small_image;
selected_image.big = star_red_image;
selected_image.small = star_red_small_image;
# Choose random size
star_scaled_size = MAX_STAR_SIZE * Math.Random();
# Adapt the source image depending on the scale, smaller scales on big images
# don't render so nicely.
if (star_scaled_size > selected_image.small.GetHeight()
|| star_scaled_size > selected_image.small.GetWidth())
star_image = selected_image.big;
star_image = selected_image.small;
transformed_image = star_image.Scale(star_scaled_size, star_scaled_size);
# Random rotation of a 5 branch stars, we only need to rotate 2 * Pi / 5 at maximum.
transformed_image = transformed_image.Rotate(2 * Math.Pi / 5 * Math.Random());
stars[i] = Sprite(transformed_image);
# Randomize position, we accept that stars may be half out of the viewport
# in each direction
star_x = Window.GetX() + Math.Random() * (Window.GetWidth() + transformed_image.GetWidth())
- transformed_image.GetWidth() / 2;
star_y = Window.GetY() + Math.Random() * (Window.GetHeight() + transformed_image.GetHeight())
- transformed_image.GetHeight() / 2;
stars[i].SetPosition(star_x, star_y, -20); # Stars go behind other elements.
#------------------------------- Rocket --------------------------------------------
# Load all rocket images for animation
rocket_height = Math.Min(Window.GetWidth(), Window.GetHeight()) * 0.145;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
rocket_image = Image("rocket" + i + ".png");
rocket_scale_factor = rocket_height / rocket_image.GetHeight();
rocket_images[i] = rocket_image.Scale(rocket_image.GetWidth() * rocket_scale_factor,
rocket_image.GetHeight() * rocket_scale_factor);
rocket_flame_index = 0;
rocket_sprite = Sprite();
# Rocket trajectory
# Take a point somwhere in the middle to compute the parabola
middle_x = Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth() * 0.42;
middle_y = Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() * 0.42;
# Parabole coeffs so that y = a.x^2 + b.x + c for the earth, planet and middle points
# Use the earth and planet centers instead of top left corner
earth_cx = earth_x + earth_images[0].GetWidth()/2;
earth_cy = earth_y + earth_images[0].GetHeight()/2;
planet_cx = planet_x + planet_image.GetWidth()/2;
planet_cy = planet_y + planet_image.GetHeight()/2;
a = ((earth_cy-middle_y)/(earth_cx-middle_x)-(earth_cy-planet_cy)/(earth_cx-planet_cx))/(middle_x-planet_cx);
b = (middle_y-planet_cy)/(middle_x-planet_cx)-a*(middle_x+planet_cx);
c = earth_cy-a*earth_cx*earth_cx-b*earth_cx;
rocket_x_start = earth_cx + Window.GetWidth() * 0.1; # Don't start right on the earth
rocket_x_end = planet_cx - Window.GetWidth() * 0.1; # Don't reach the planet
# Set initial position
rocket_x = rocket_x_start;
rocket_y = a*rocket_x*rocket_x+b*rocket_x+c;
alpha = 2*a*rocket_x + b;
# Set flame status and rocket direction.
has_rocket = 0;
rocket_comes_back = 0;
if (Plymouth.GetMode() == "boot")
has_rocket = 1;
rocket_comes_back = 0;
if (Plymouth.GetMode() == "shutdown" || Plymouth.GetMode() == "suspend")
has_rocket = 1;
rocket_comes_back = 1;
if (Plymouth.GetMode() == "resume")
has_rocket = 1;
rocket_comes_back = 0;
#------------------------------- Animation -----------------------------------------
progress = 0;
fun refresh_callback ()
# Rocket, update 50/3 times per second
if (progress % 3 == 0)
# 6 states for the rocket flame: 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2
rocket_flame_index = (rocket_flame_index + 1) % 6;
rocket_image = rocket_images[3 - Math.Abs(rocket_flame_index - 3)];
rotated_rocket = rocket_image.Rotate(alpha);
rocket_sprite.SetPosition(rocket_x - rotated_rocket.GetWidth()/2,
rocket_y - rotated_rocket.GetHeight()/2,
# Earth glow, update 10 times per second
if (earth_glow_index != 0 && progress % 5 == 0)
earth_glow_anim = Math.Int(3 * Math.Random()) - 1;
earth_glow_index = Math.Clamp(earth_glow_index + earth_glow_anim, 1, 4);
# Stars dim, update 5 times per second
if (progress % 10 == 0)
for (i = 0; i < NUM_STARS; i++)
# Reset star to visible by 0.05 steps
star_opacity = stars[i].GetOpacity();
if (star_opacity < 1)
stars[i].SetOpacity(star_opacity + 0.05);
# 10% chance to dim the star
if (Math.Random() < 0.1)
Plymouth.SetRefreshFunction (refresh_callback);
#------------------------------- Dialogue ------------------------------------------
status = "normal";
fun dialog_setup()
box.image = Image("box.png");
lock.image = Image("lock.png");
entry.image = Image("entry.png");
box.sprite = Sprite(box.image);
box.x = Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth() / 2 - box.image.GetWidth ()/2;
box.y = Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() / 2 - box.image.GetHeight()/2;
box.z = 10000;
box.sprite.SetPosition(box.x, box.y, box.z);
lock.sprite = Sprite(lock.image);
lock.x = box.x + box.image.GetWidth()/2 - (lock.image.GetWidth() + entry.image.GetWidth()) / 2;
lock.y = box.y + box.image.GetHeight()/2 - lock.image.GetHeight()/2;
lock.z = box.z + 1;
lock.sprite.SetPosition(lock.x, lock.y, lock.z);
entry.sprite = Sprite(entry.image);
entry.x = lock.x + lock.image.GetWidth();
entry.y = box.y + box.image.GetHeight()/2 - entry.image.GetHeight()/2;
entry.z = box.z + 1;
entry.sprite.SetPosition(entry.x, entry.y, entry.z);
global.dialog.box = box;
global.dialog.lock = lock;
global.dialog.entry = entry;
global.dialog.bullet_image = Image("bullet.png");
dialog_opacity (1);
fun dialog_opacity(opacity)
dialog.box.sprite.SetOpacity (opacity);
dialog.lock.sprite.SetOpacity (opacity);
dialog.entry.sprite.SetOpacity (opacity);
for (index = 0; dialog.bullet[index]; index++)
fun display_normal_callback ()
global.status = "normal";
if (global.dialog)
dialog_opacity (0);
fun display_password_callback (prompt, bullets)
global.status = "password";
if (!global.dialog)
for (index = 0; dialog.bullet[index] || index < bullets; index++)
if (!dialog.bullet[index])
dialog.bullet[index].sprite = Sprite(dialog.bullet_image);
dialog.bullet[index].x = dialog.entry.x + index * dialog.bullet_image.GetWidth();
dialog.bullet[index].y = dialog.entry.y + dialog.entry.image.GetHeight() / 2 - dialog.bullet_image.GetHeight() / 2;
dialog.bullet[index].z = dialog.entry.z + 1;
dialog.bullet[index].sprite.SetPosition(dialog.bullet[index].x, dialog.bullet[index].y, dialog.bullet[index].z);
if (index < bullets)
#------------------------------- Progress Bar ------------------------------------------
# No "progress bar" per se, we use the rocket position
fun progress_callback (duration, progress)
if (rocket_comes_back)
# Rocket position
rocket_x = rocket_x_end - progress * (rocket_x_end - rocket_x_start);
rocket_y = a*rocket_x*rocket_x + b*rocket_x + c;
# Rocket orientation
alpha = Math.ATan2(2*a*rocket_x + b, 1) + Math.Pi;
# Rocket position
rocket_x = rocket_x_start + progress * (rocket_x_end - rocket_x_start);
rocket_y = a*rocket_x*rocket_x + b*rocket_x + c;
# Rocket orientation
alpha = Math.ATan2(2*a*rocket_x + b, 1);
#------------------------------- Root filesystem mount ---------------------------------
fun root_mounted_callback ()
# On boot show earth glow starting when root filesystem is mounted
earth_glow_index = 1;
#------------------------------- Quit --------------------------------------------------
fun quit_callback ()
#------------------------------- Message -----------------------------------------------
msg_sprites; # Declare global variable
num_displayed_msg = 0; # Current number of message being displayed
next_msg_idx = 0; # Index of the message to be displayed next in the msg_sprites table
next_msg_y; # Y of next message to display
fun message_callback (text)
if (num_displayed_msg < MAX_MSG_DISPLAYED)
# We've not reached max number of messages
# Compute next y
next_msg_y = 10;
for (i = 0; i < num_displayed_msg; i++)
next_msg_y += msg_sprites[i].GetImage().GetHeight() + 1; # 1px between lines
# We've reached max number of messages
# Move all existing messages one line up
move_y_by = -1 - msg_sprites[(next_msg_idx + 1) % MAX_MSG_DISPLAYED].GetImage().GetHeight();
for (i = 0; i < MAX_MSG_DISPLAYED; i++)
msg = msg_sprites[(next_msg_idx + 1 + i) % MAX_MSG_DISPLAYED];
msg.SetY(msg.GetY() + move_y_by);
next_msg_image = Image.Text(text, 1, 1, 1, 1);
msg_sprites[next_msg_idx] = Sprite();
msg_sprites[next_msg_idx].SetPosition(Window.GetX() + 10, Window.GetY() + next_msg_y, 10000);
next_msg_idx = (next_msg_idx + 1) % MAX_MSG_DISPLAYED;