[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
# Spacefun Plymouth theme script
# Copyright 2010 Aurélien COUDERC
# Inspired by the great blog series on Plymouth by Charlie Brej.
# The script uses the material made by Valessio Brito for his SpaceFun
# theme for Debian 6.0 Squeeze.

#   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#------------------------------- Constants -----------------------------------------
MAX_STAR_SIZE = Math.Min(Window.GetWidth(), Window.GetHeight()) * 0.045;

#------------------------------- Background ----------------------------------------
bg_image = Image("background.png");

# Compute screen/image ratio and scale the background accordingly
window_max_width = Window.GetX() * 2 + Window.GetWidth();
window_max_height = Window.GetY() * 2 + Window.GetHeight();
screen_ratio = window_max_width / window_max_height;
bg_image_ratio = bg_image.GetWidth() / bg_image.GetHeight();
if (screen_ratio > bg_image_ratio)
    bg_scale_factor = window_max_width / bg_image.GetWidth();
    bg_scale_factor = window_max_height / bg_image.GetHeight();
scaled_bg_image = bg_image.Scale(bg_image.GetWidth() * bg_scale_factor,
                                 bg_image.GetHeight() * bg_scale_factor);

# Display background
bg_sprite = Sprite(scaled_bg_image);
bg_sprite.SetPosition(Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth() / 2 - scaled_bg_image.GetWidth() / 2,
                      Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() / 2 - scaled_bg_image.GetHeight() / 2,

#------------------------------- Earth ---------------------------------------------
earth_height = Math.Min(Window.GetWidth(), Window.GetHeight()) * 0.12;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    earth_image = Image("earth" + i + ".png");
    earth_scale_factor = earth_height / earth_image.GetHeight();
    earth_images[i] = earth_image.Scale(earth_image.GetWidth() * earth_scale_factor,
                                        earth_image.GetHeight() * earth_scale_factor);

earth_glow_index = 0;
earth_sprite = Sprite(earth_images[earth_glow_index]);
earth_to_edge = Math.Min(Window.GetWidth(), Window.GetHeight()) * 0.07;
earth_x = Window.GetX() + earth_to_edge;
earth_y = Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() - earth_to_edge - earth_images[0].GetHeight();
earth_sprite.SetPosition(earth_x, earth_y, -10);

#------------------------------- Planet --------------------------------------------
planet_image = Image("planet.png");
planet_height = Math.Min(Window.GetWidth(), Window.GetHeight()) * 0.07;
planet_scale_factor = planet_height / planet_image.GetHeight();
planet_image = planet_image.Scale(planet_image.GetWidth() * planet_scale_factor,
                                  planet_image.GetHeight() * planet_scale_factor);
planet_sprite = Sprite(planet_image);
planet_to_edge_y = Window.GetHeight() * 0.14;
planet_to_edge_x = Window.GetWidth() * 0.08;
planet_x = Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth() - planet_to_edge_x - planet_image.GetWidth();
planet_y = Window.GetY() + planet_to_edge_y;
planet_sprite.SetPosition(planet_x, planet_y, -10);

#------------------------------- Logo ----------------------------------------------
logo_image = Image("logo.png");
logo_height = Math.Min(Window.GetWidth(), Window.GetHeight()) * 0.1;
logo_scale_factor = logo_height / logo_image.GetHeight();
logo_image = logo_image.Scale(logo_image.GetWidth() * logo_scale_factor,
                              logo_image.GetHeight() * logo_scale_factor);
logo_sprite = Sprite(logo_image);
logo_to_edge = Window.GetHeight() * 0.1;
logo_sprite.SetPosition(Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth() - logo_to_edge - logo_image.GetWidth(),
                        Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() - logo_to_edge - logo_image.GetHeight(),

#------------------------------- Swirl galaxies ------------------------------------
swirlaxy_image = Image("swirlaxy.png");
if (!(Plymouth.GetMode() == "boot" || Plymouth.GetMode == "resume"))
    swirls[0].x = 0.1; # Percentage of screen from left when positive, or right otherwise
    swirls[0].y = 0.1; # Percentage of screen from top when positive, or bottom otherwise
    swirls[0].height_p = 0.21; # Percent of screen height  
    swirls[0].angle = Math.Pi;
    swirls[1].x = 0.54;
    swirls[1].y = 0.14;
    swirls[1].height_p = 0.11;
    swirls[1].angle = Math.Pi;
    swirls[2].x = -0.16;
    swirls[2].y = -0.16;
    swirls[2].height_p = 0.31;
    swirls[2].angle = 0;
    swirls[0].x = 0.1;
    swirls[0].y = 0.12;
    swirls[0].height_p = 0.38;
    swirls[0].angle = 0;
    swirls[1].x = 0.3;
    swirls[1].y = -0.24;
    swirls[1].height_p = 0.065;
    swirls[1].angle = Math.Pi;
    swirls[2].x = -0.05;
    swirls[2].y = -0.3;
    swirls[2].height_p = 0.21;
    swirls[2].angle = Math.Pi;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    swirl_height = Math.Min(Window.GetWidth(), Window.GetHeight()) * swirls[i].height_p;
    swirl_width = swirl_height * swirlaxy_image.GetWidth() / swirlaxy_image.GetHeight();
    swirl_image = swirlaxy_image.Scale(swirl_width, swirl_height);
    swirl_image = swirl_image.Rotate(swirls[i].angle);
    swirl_sprites[i] = Sprite();
    if (swirls[i].x >= 0)
      swirl_sprites[i].SetX(Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth() * swirls[i].x);
      swirl_sprites[i].SetX(Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth() * (1 + swirls[i].x) - swirl_image.GetWidth());
    if (swirls[i].y >= 0)
      swirl_sprites[i].SetY(Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() * swirls[i].y);
      swirl_sprites[i].SetY(Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() * (1 + swirls[i].y) - swirl_image.GetHeight());

#------------------------------- Stars ---------------------------------------------
# Load 3 star images
star_white_image = Image("star-white.png");
star_fuzzy_image = Image("star-fuzzy.png");
star_red_image = Image("star-red.png");
star_white_small_image = Image("star-white-small.png");
star_fuzzy_small_image = Image("star-fuzzy-small.png");
star_red_small_image = Image("star-red-small.png");

# Initialize the random seed depending on the resolution
pixels = Window.GetWidth() * Window.GetHeight();
while (pixels % 10 == 0)
    pixels = pixels / 10;
for (i = 0; i < pixels % 10; i++)

# Create all star sprites
for (i = 0; i < NUM_STARS; i++)
    # Randomly choose star image; white/fuzzy/red have 2/1/1 weights
    star_type = Math.Random() * 4;
    if (star_type < 2)
        selected_image.big = star_white_image;
        selected_image.small = star_white_small_image;
    else if (star_type < 3)
        selected_image.big = star_fuzzy_image;
        selected_image.small = star_fuzzy_small_image;
        selected_image.big = star_red_image;
        selected_image.small = star_red_small_image;

    # Choose random size
    star_scaled_size = MAX_STAR_SIZE * Math.Random();
    # Adapt the source image depending on the scale, smaller scales on big images
    # don't render so nicely.
    if (star_scaled_size > selected_image.small.GetHeight()
        || star_scaled_size > selected_image.small.GetWidth())
        star_image = selected_image.big;
        star_image = selected_image.small;
    transformed_image = star_image.Scale(star_scaled_size, star_scaled_size);

    # Random rotation of a 5 branch stars, we only need to rotate 2 * Pi / 5 at maximum.
    transformed_image = transformed_image.Rotate(2 * Math.Pi / 5 * Math.Random());
    stars[i] = Sprite(transformed_image);

    # Randomize position, we accept that stars may be half out of the viewport
    # in each direction
    star_x = Window.GetX() + Math.Random() * (Window.GetWidth() + transformed_image.GetWidth()) 
             - transformed_image.GetWidth() / 2;
    star_y = Window.GetY() + Math.Random() * (Window.GetHeight() + transformed_image.GetHeight()) 
             - transformed_image.GetHeight() / 2;
    stars[i].SetPosition(star_x, star_y, -20); # Stars go behind other elements.

#------------------------------- Rocket --------------------------------------------
# Load all rocket images for animation
rocket_height = Math.Min(Window.GetWidth(), Window.GetHeight()) * 0.145;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    rocket_image = Image("rocket" + i + ".png");
    rocket_scale_factor = rocket_height / rocket_image.GetHeight();
    rocket_images[i] = rocket_image.Scale(rocket_image.GetWidth() * rocket_scale_factor,
                                          rocket_image.GetHeight() * rocket_scale_factor);
rocket_flame_index = 0;
rocket_sprite = Sprite();

# Rocket trajectory
# Take a point somwhere in the middle to compute the parabola
middle_x = Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth() * 0.42;
middle_y = Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() * 0.42;
# Parabole coeffs so that y = a.x^2 + b.x + c for the earth, planet and middle points
# Use the earth and planet centers instead of top left corner
earth_cx = earth_x + earth_images[0].GetWidth()/2;
earth_cy = earth_y + earth_images[0].GetHeight()/2;
planet_cx = planet_x + planet_image.GetWidth()/2;
planet_cy = planet_y + planet_image.GetHeight()/2;
a = ((earth_cy-middle_y)/(earth_cx-middle_x)-(earth_cy-planet_cy)/(earth_cx-planet_cx))/(middle_x-planet_cx);
b = (middle_y-planet_cy)/(middle_x-planet_cx)-a*(middle_x+planet_cx);
c = earth_cy-a*earth_cx*earth_cx-b*earth_cx;
rocket_x_start = earth_cx + Window.GetWidth() * 0.1; # Don't start right on the earth
rocket_x_end = planet_cx - Window.GetWidth() * 0.1;  # Don't reach the planet

# Set initial position
rocket_x = rocket_x_start;
rocket_y = a*rocket_x*rocket_x+b*rocket_x+c;
alpha = 2*a*rocket_x + b;

# Set flame status and rocket direction.
has_rocket = 0;
rocket_comes_back = 0;
if (Plymouth.GetMode() == "boot")
    has_rocket = 1;
    rocket_comes_back = 0;
if (Plymouth.GetMode() == "shutdown" || Plymouth.GetMode() == "suspend")
    has_rocket = 1;
    rocket_comes_back = 1;
if (Plymouth.GetMode() == "resume")
    has_rocket = 1;
    rocket_comes_back = 0;

#------------------------------- Animation -----------------------------------------
progress = 0;
fun refresh_callback ()

    # Rocket, update 50/3 times per second
    if (progress % 3 == 0)
        # 6 states for the rocket flame: 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2
        rocket_flame_index = (rocket_flame_index + 1) % 6; 
        rocket_image = rocket_images[3 - Math.Abs(rocket_flame_index - 3)];
        rotated_rocket = rocket_image.Rotate(alpha);
        rocket_sprite.SetPosition(rocket_x - rotated_rocket.GetWidth()/2,
                                  rocket_y - rotated_rocket.GetHeight()/2,

    # Earth glow, update 10 times per second
    if (earth_glow_index != 0 && progress % 5 == 0)
        earth_glow_anim = Math.Int(3 * Math.Random()) - 1;
        earth_glow_index = Math.Clamp(earth_glow_index + earth_glow_anim, 1, 4);

    # Stars dim, update 5 times per second
    if (progress % 10 == 0)
        for (i = 0; i < NUM_STARS; i++)
            # Reset star to visible by 0.05 steps
            star_opacity = stars[i].GetOpacity();
            if (star_opacity < 1)
                stars[i].SetOpacity(star_opacity + 0.05);

            # 10% chance to dim the star
            if (Math.Random() < 0.1)
Plymouth.SetRefreshFunction (refresh_callback);

#------------------------------- Dialogue ------------------------------------------

status = "normal";

fun dialog_setup()
    box.image = Image("box.png");
    lock.image = Image("lock.png");
    entry.image = Image("entry.png");
    box.sprite = Sprite(box.image);
    box.x = Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth()  / 2 - box.image.GetWidth ()/2;
    box.y = Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() / 2 - box.image.GetHeight()/2;
    box.z = 10000;
    box.sprite.SetPosition(box.x, box.y, box.z);
    lock.sprite = Sprite(lock.image);
    lock.x = box.x + box.image.GetWidth()/2 - (lock.image.GetWidth() + entry.image.GetWidth()) / 2;
    lock.y = box.y + box.image.GetHeight()/2 - lock.image.GetHeight()/2;
    lock.z = box.z + 1;
    lock.sprite.SetPosition(lock.x, lock.y, lock.z);
    entry.sprite = Sprite(entry.image);
    entry.x = lock.x + lock.image.GetWidth();
    entry.y = box.y + box.image.GetHeight()/2 - entry.image.GetHeight()/2;
    entry.z = box.z + 1;
    entry.sprite.SetPosition(entry.x, entry.y, entry.z);
    global.dialog.box = box;
    global.dialog.lock = lock;
    global.dialog.entry = entry;
    global.dialog.bullet_image = Image("bullet.png");
    dialog_opacity (1);
fun dialog_opacity(opacity)
    dialog.box.sprite.SetOpacity (opacity);
    dialog.lock.sprite.SetOpacity (opacity);
    dialog.entry.sprite.SetOpacity (opacity);
    for (index = 0; dialog.bullet[index]; index++)

fun display_normal_callback ()
    global.status = "normal";
    if (global.dialog)
      dialog_opacity (0);

fun display_password_callback (prompt, bullets)
    global.status = "password";
    if (!global.dialog)
    for (index = 0; dialog.bullet[index] || index < bullets; index++)
        if (!dialog.bullet[index])
            dialog.bullet[index].sprite = Sprite(dialog.bullet_image);
            dialog.bullet[index].x = dialog.entry.x + index * dialog.bullet_image.GetWidth();
            dialog.bullet[index].y = dialog.entry.y + dialog.entry.image.GetHeight() / 2 - dialog.bullet_image.GetHeight() / 2;
            dialog.bullet[index].z = dialog.entry.z + 1;
            dialog.bullet[index].sprite.SetPosition(dialog.bullet[index].x, dialog.bullet[index].y, dialog.bullet[index].z);
        if (index < bullets)


#------------------------------- Progress Bar ------------------------------------------
# No "progress bar" per se, we use the rocket position

fun progress_callback (duration, progress)
    if (rocket_comes_back)
        # Rocket position
        rocket_x = rocket_x_end - progress * (rocket_x_end - rocket_x_start);
        rocket_y = a*rocket_x*rocket_x + b*rocket_x + c;
        # Rocket orientation
        alpha = Math.ATan2(2*a*rocket_x + b, 1) + Math.Pi;
        # Rocket position
        rocket_x = rocket_x_start + progress * (rocket_x_end - rocket_x_start);
        rocket_y = a*rocket_x*rocket_x + b*rocket_x + c;
        # Rocket orientation
        alpha = Math.ATan2(2*a*rocket_x + b, 1);


#------------------------------- Root filesystem mount ---------------------------------

fun root_mounted_callback ()
    # On boot show earth glow starting when root filesystem is mounted
    earth_glow_index = 1;


#------------------------------- Quit --------------------------------------------------

fun quit_callback ()


#------------------------------- Message -----------------------------------------------

msg_sprites; # Declare global variable
num_displayed_msg = 0; # Current number of message being displayed
next_msg_idx = 0; # Index of the message to be displayed next in the msg_sprites table
next_msg_y; # Y of next message to display
fun message_callback (text)
    if (num_displayed_msg < MAX_MSG_DISPLAYED)
        # We've not reached max number of messages
        # Compute next y
        next_msg_y = 10;
        for (i = 0; i < num_displayed_msg; i++)
          next_msg_y += msg_sprites[i].GetImage().GetHeight() + 1; # 1px between lines
        # We've reached max number of messages
        # Move all existing messages one line up
        move_y_by = -1 - msg_sprites[(next_msg_idx + 1) % MAX_MSG_DISPLAYED].GetImage().GetHeight();
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_MSG_DISPLAYED; i++)
            msg = msg_sprites[(next_msg_idx + 1 + i) % MAX_MSG_DISPLAYED];
            msg.SetY(msg.GetY() + move_y_by);
    next_msg_image = Image.Text(text, 1, 1, 1, 1);
    msg_sprites[next_msg_idx] = Sprite();
    msg_sprites[next_msg_idx].SetPosition(Window.GetX() + 10, Window.GetY() + next_msg_y, 10000);

    next_msg_idx = (next_msg_idx + 1) % MAX_MSG_DISPLAYED;



Name Type Size Permission Actions
background.png File 91.87 KB 0644
box.png File 636 B 0644
bullet.png File 167 B 0644
earth0.png File 19.93 KB 0644
earth1.png File 36.49 KB 0644
earth2.png File 37.26 KB 0644
earth3.png File 38.96 KB 0644
earth4.png File 40.64 KB 0644
entry.png File 331 B 0644
lock.png File 1.65 KB 0644
logo.png File 29.55 KB 0644
planet.png File 14.97 KB 0644
rocket0.png File 15.73 KB 0644
rocket1.png File 15.83 KB 0644
rocket2.png File 15.85 KB 0644
rocket3.png File 15.81 KB 0644
spacefun.plymouth File 252 B 0644
spacefun.script File 17.25 KB 0644
star-fuzzy-small.png File 732 B 0644
star-fuzzy.png File 1.78 KB 0644
star-red-small.png File 461 B 0644
star-red.png File 1.24 KB 0644
star-white-small.png File 456 B 0644
star-white.png File 898 B 0644
swirlaxy.png File 127.16 KB 0644