[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
<!-- Top-level element -->
<!ELEMENT gconfschemafile (schemalist)>

<!-- A list of schemas -->
<!ELEMENT schemalist (schema)*>

<!-- A single schema. What I am trying to say is "this set of
elements, in any order". Duplicate elements (apart from <locale>) are
not allowed). -->
<!ELEMENT schema  (key|applyto*|owner?|type|(list_type|(car_type,cdr_type))?|default?|locale*|gettext_domain?)*>

<!-- The key for this schema (e.g. /schemas/apps/foo/bar) -->
<!ELEMENT key     (#PCDATA)>

<!-- The keys to apply this schema too (e.g. /apps/foo/bar) -->
<!ELEMENT applyto (#PCDATA)>

<!-- The name of the owner of these keys (e.g. foo) -->
<!ELEMENT owner   (#PCDATA)>

<!-- The type of this schema (string|int|float|bool|list|pair)-->
<!ELEMENT type    (#PCDATA)>

<!-- If <type> is a list, then this is the type of the members -->
<!ELEMENT list_type (#PCDATA)>

<!-- If <type> is a pair, then this is the type of the car (first element) -->
<!ELEMENT car_type (#PCDATA)>

<!-- If <type> is a pair, then this is the type of the cdr (second element) -->
<!ELEMENT cdr_type (#PCDATA)>

<!-- The default value for the key -->
<!ELEMENT default (#PCDATA)>

<!-- Localised default value, short description and long description -->

<!ELEMENT locale  (default?,short?,long?)>

<!-- Short summary of the key -->
<!ELEMENT short   (#PCDATA)>

<!-- Long description of the key -->
<!ELEMENT long   (#PCDATA)>


Name Type Size Permission Actions
gconf-1.0.dtd File 1.4 KB 0644