[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
//apps rely on some named colors to be exported
   use responsibly! */

// Sass thinks we're using the colors in the variables as strings and may shoot
// warning, it's innocuous and can be defeated by using "" + $var
widget text/foreground color */
@define-color theme_fg_color #{"" +$fg_color};

text color for entries, views and content in general */
@define-color theme_text_color #{"" +$text_color};

widget base background color */
@define-color theme_bg_color #{"" +$bg_color};

text widgets and the like base background color */
@define-color theme_base_color #{"" +$base_color};

base background color of selections */
@define-color theme_selected_bg_color #{"" +$selected_bg_color};

text/foreground color of selections */
@define-color theme_selected_fg_color #{"" +$selected_fg_color};

base background color of insensitive widgets */
@define-color insensitive_bg_color #{"" +$insensitive_bg_color};

text foreground color of insensitive widgets */
@define-color insensitive_fg_color #{"" +$insensitive_fg_color};

insensitive text widgets and the like base background color */
@define-color insensitive_base_color #{"" +$base_color};

widget text/foreground color on backdrop windows */
@define-color theme_unfocused_fg_color #{"" +$backdrop_fg_color};

text color for entries, views and content in general on backdrop windows */
@define-color theme_unfocused_text_color #{"" +$text_color};

widget base background color on backdrop windows */
@define-color theme_unfocused_bg_color #{"" +$backdrop_bg_color};

text widgets and the like base background color on backdrop windows */
@define-color theme_unfocused_base_color #{"" +$backdrop_base_color};

base background color of selections on backdrop windows */
@define-color theme_unfocused_selected_bg_color #{"" +$selected_bg_color};

text/foreground color of selections on backdrop windows */
@define-color theme_unfocused_selected_fg_color #{"" + $selected_fg_color};

widgets main borders color */
@define-color borders #{"" +$borders_color};

widgets main borders color on backdrop windows */
@define-color unfocused_borders #{"" +$backdrop_borders_color};

these are pretty self explicative */
@define-color warning_color #{"" +$warning_color};
@define-color error_color #{"" +$error_color};
@define-color success_color #{"" +$success_color};
//@define-color destructive_color #{$destructive_color}


$_wm_highlight: if($variant=='light', $top_hilight,  // Sass gets mad if this is
                  transparentize(black,1));          // done directly in the
                                                     // color definition

these colors are exported for the window manager and shouldn't be used in applications,
read if you used those and something break with a version upgrade you're on your own... */
@define-color wm_title shade(#{$fg_color}, 1.8);
@define-color wm_unfocused_title #{$backdrop_fg_color};
@define-color wm_highlight #{"" + $_wm_highlight};
@define-color wm_borders_edge #{"" + $borders_edge};

@define-color wm_bg_a shade(#{$bg_color}, 1.2);
@define-color wm_bg_b #{$bg_color};

@define-color wm_shadow alpha(black, 0.35);
@define-color wm_border alpha(black, 0.18);

@define-color wm_button_hover_color_a shade(#{$bg_color}, 1.3);
@define-color wm_button_hover_color_b #{$bg_color};
@define-color wm_button_active_color_a shade(#{$bg_color}, 0.85);
@define-color wm_button_active_color_b shade(#{$bg_color}, 0.89);
@define-color wm_button_active_color_c shade(#{$bg_color}, 0.9);

//FIXME this is really an API

@define-color content_view_bg #{"" + $base_color};


Name Type Size Permission Actions
apps Folder 0755
assets Folder 0755
Gemfile File 53 B 0644
README File 1.87 KB 0644
_colors-public.scss File 3.58 KB 0644
_colors.scss File 3.46 KB 0644
_common.scss File 102.82 KB 0644
_drawing.scss File 19.53 KB 0644
_gnome-apps.scss File 1.15 KB 0644
_lightdm-gtk-greeter.scss File 5.63 KB 0644
_others.scss File 146 B 0644
_unity.scss File 2.44 KB 0644
_xfce.scss File 6.09 KB 0644
gtk-contained-dark.css File 172.75 KB 0644
gtk-contained-dark.scss File 121 B 0644
gtk-contained.css File 188.45 KB 0644
gtk-contained.scss File 509 B 0644
gtk-dark.css File 39 B 0644
gtk.css File 34 B 0644
gtk.gresource File 403.77 KB 0644
gtk.gresource.xml File 2.54 KB 0644
parse-sass.sh File 56 B 0755
settings.ini File 64 B 0644