"------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Description: Vim Ada/GNAT compiler file " Language: Ada (GNAT) " $Id: gnat.vim 887 2008-07-08 14:29:01Z krischik $ " Copyright: Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik " Maintainer: Martin Krischi <krischik@users.sourceforge.net>k " Ned Okie <nokie@radford.edu> " $Author: krischik $ " $Date: 2008-07-08 16:29:01 +0200 (Di, 08 Jul 2008) $ " Version: 4.6 " $Revision: 887 $ " $HeadURL: https://gnuada.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/gnuada/trunk/tools/vim/autoload/gnat.vim $ " History: 24.05.2006 MK Unified Headers " 16.07.2006 MK Ada-Mode as vim-ball " 05.08.2006 MK Add session support " 15.10.2006 MK Bram's suggestion for runtime integration " 05.11.2006 MK Bram suggested not to use include protection for " autoload " 05.11.2006 MK Bram suggested to save on spaces " 19.09.2007 NO use project file only when there is a project " Help Page: compiler-gnat "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if version < 700 finish endif function gnat#Make () dict " {{{1 let &l:makeprg = self.Get_Command('Make') let &l:errorformat = self.Error_Format wall make copen set wrap wincmd W endfunction gnat#Make " }}}1 function gnat#Pretty () dict " {{{1 execute "!" . self.Get_Command('Pretty') endfunction gnat#Make " }}}1 function gnat#Find () dict " {{{1 execute "!" . self.Get_Command('Find') endfunction gnat#Find " }}}1 function gnat#Tags () dict " {{{1 execute "!" . self.Get_Command('Tags') edit tags call gnat#Insert_Tags_Header () update quit endfunction gnat#Tags " }}}1 function gnat#Set_Project_File (...) dict " {{{1 if a:0 > 0 let self.Project_File = a:1 if ! filereadable (self.Project_File) let self.Project_File = findfile ( \ fnamemodify (self.Project_File, ':r'), \ $ADA_PROJECT_PATH, \ 1) endif elseif strlen (self.Project_File) > 0 let self.Project_File = browse (0, 'GNAT Project File?', '', self.Project_File) elseif expand ("%:e") == 'gpr' let self.Project_File = browse (0, 'GNAT Project File?', '', expand ("%:e")) else let self.Project_File = browse (0, 'GNAT Project File?', '', 'default.gpr') endif if strlen (v:this_session) > 0 execute 'mksession! ' . v:this_session endif "if strlen (self.Project_File) > 0 "if has("vms") "call ada#Switch_Session ( "\ expand('~')[0:-2] . ".vimfiles.session]gnat_" . "\ fnamemodify (self.Project_File, ":t:r") . ".vim") "else "call ada#Switch_Session ( "\ expand('~') . "/vimfiles/session/gnat_" . "\ fnamemodify (self.Project_File, ":t:r") . ".vim") "endif "else "call ada#Switch_Session ('') "endif return endfunction gnat#Set_Project_File " }}}1 function gnat#Get_Command (Command) dict " {{{1 let l:Command = eval ('self.' . a:Command . '_Command') return eval (l:Command) endfunction gnat#Get_Command " }}}1 function gnat#Set_Session (...) dict " {{{1 if argc() == 1 && fnamemodify (argv(0), ':e') == 'gpr' call self.Set_Project_File (argv(0)) elseif strlen (v:servername) > 0 call self.Set_Project_File (v:servername . '.gpr') endif endfunction gnat#Set_Session " }}}1 function gnat#New () " {{{1 let l:Retval = { \ 'Make' : function ('gnat#Make'), \ 'Pretty' : function ('gnat#Pretty'), \ 'Find' : function ('gnat#Find'), \ 'Tags' : function ('gnat#Tags'), \ 'Set_Project_File' : function ('gnat#Set_Project_File'), \ 'Set_Session' : function ('gnat#Set_Session'), \ 'Get_Command' : function ('gnat#Get_Command'), \ 'Project_File' : '', \ 'Make_Command' : '"gnat make -P " . self.Project_File . " -F -gnatef "', \ 'Pretty_Command' : '"gnat pretty -P " . self.Project_File . " "', \ 'Find_Program' : '"gnat find -P " . self.Project_File . " -F "', \ 'Tags_Command' : '"gnat xref -P " . self.Project_File . " -v *.AD*"', \ 'Error_Format' : '%f:%l:%c: %trror: %m,' . \ '%f:%l:%c: %tarning: %m,' . \ '%f:%l:%c: (%ttyle) %m'} return l:Retval endfunction gnat#New " }}}1 function gnat#Insert_Tags_Header () " {{{1 1insert !_TAG_FILE_FORMAT 1 /extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/ !_TAG_FILE_SORTED 1 /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/ !_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR AdaCore /info@adacore.com/ !_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME gnatxref // !_TAG_PROGRAM_URL http://www.adacore.com /official site/ !_TAG_PROGRAM_VERSION 5.05w // . return endfunction gnat#Insert_Tags_Header " }}}1 finish " 1}}} "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik " " Vim is Charityware - see ":help license" or uganda.txt for licence details. "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " vim: textwidth=0 wrap tabstop=8 shiftwidth=3 softtabstop=3 noexpandtab " vim: foldmethod=marker
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xmlcomplete.vim | File | 14.59 KB | 0644 |
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