[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
" Vim support file to help with paste mappings and menus
" Maintainer:	Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org>
" Last Change:	2017 Aug 30

" Define the string to use for items that are present both in Edit, Popup and
" Toolbar menu.  Also used in mswin.vim and macmap.vim.

" Pasting blockwise and linewise selections is not possible in Insert and
" Visual mode without the +virtualedit feature.  They are pasted as if they
" were characterwise instead.  Add to that some tricks to leave the cursor in
" the right position, also for "gi".
if has("virtualedit")
  let paste#paste_cmd = {'n': ":call paste#Paste()<CR>"}
  let paste#paste_cmd['v'] = '"-c<Esc>' . paste#paste_cmd['n']
  let paste#paste_cmd['i'] = "\<c-\>\<c-o>\"+gP"

  func! paste#Paste()
    let ove = &ve
    set ve=all
    normal! `^
    if @+ != ''
      normal! "+gP
    let c = col(".")
    normal! i
    if col(".") < c	" compensate for i<ESC> moving the cursor left
      normal! l
    let &ve = ove
  let paste#paste_cmd = {'n': "\"=@+.'xy'<CR>gPFx\"_2x"}
  let paste#paste_cmd['v'] = '"-c<Esc>gix<Esc>' . paste#paste_cmd['n'] . '"_x'
  let paste#paste_cmd['i'] = 'x<Esc>' . paste#paste_cmd['n'] . '"_s'


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