[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
" Vim Compiler File
" Compiler:	ocaml
" Maintainer:	See ftplugin/ocaml.vim (?)
" Last Change:	June 2013 by Marc Weber
" Marc Weber's comments:
" Setting makeprg doesn't make sense, because there is ocamlc, ocamlopt,
" ocamake and whatnot. So which one to use?
" This error format was moved from ftplugin/ocaml.vim to this file,
" because ftplugin is the wrong file to set an error format
" and the error format itself is annoying because it joins many lines in this
" error case:
"    Error: The implementation foo.ml does not match the interface foo.cmi:
"    Modules do not match case.
" So having it here makes people opt-in

if exists("current_compiler")
let current_compiler = "ocaml"

let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim

CompilerSet errorformat =
      \%EFile\ \"%f\"\\,\ line\ %l\\,\ characters\ %c-%*\\d:,
      \%EFile\ \"%f\"\\,\ line\ %l\\,\ character\ %c:%m,
      \%+EReference\ to\ unbound\ regexp\ name\ %m,
      \%Eocamlyacc:\ e\ -\ line\ %l\ of\ \"%f\"\\,\ %m,
      \%Wocamlyacc:\ w\ -\ %m,
      \%D%*\\a[%*\\d]:\ Entering\ directory\ `%f',
      \%X%*\\a[%*\\d]:\ Leaving\ directory\ `%f',
      \%D%*\\a:\ Entering\ directory\ `%f',
      \%X%*\\a:\ Leaving\ directory\ `%f',
      \%DMaking\ %*\\a\ in\ %f

let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save


Name Type Size Permission Actions
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cs.vim File 626 B 0644
csslint.vim File 542 B 0644
cucumber.vim File 561 B 0644
decada.vim File 1.9 KB 0644
dot.vim File 372 B 0644
erlang.vim File 273 B 0644
eruby.vim File 859 B 0644
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fortran_cv.vim File 747 B 0644
fortran_elf90.vim File 802 B 0644
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fpc.vim File 453 B 0644
g95.vim File 677 B 0644
gcc.vim File 1.2 KB 0644
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gnat.vim File 2.36 KB 0644
go.vim File 526 B 0644
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hp_acc.vim File 1.03 KB 0644
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ifort.vim File 690 B 0644
intel.vim File 595 B 0644
irix5_c.vim File 662 B 0644
irix5_cpp.vim File 671 B 0644
javac.vim File 399 B 0644
jikes.vim File 520 B 0644
mcs.vim File 864 B 0644
mips_c.vim File 691 B 0644
mipspro_c89.vim File 721 B 0644
mipspro_cpp.vim File 701 B 0644
modelsim_vcom.vim File 799 B 0644
msbuild.vim File 529 B 0644
msvc.vim File 293 B 0644
neato.vim File 378 B 0644
ocaml.vim File 1.3 KB 0644
onsgmls.vim File 503 B 0644
pbx.vim File 469 B 0644
perl.vim File 1.18 KB 0644
php.vim File 707 B 0644
pylint.vim File 546 B 0644
pyunit.vim File 407 B 0644
rake.vim File 912 B 0644
rspec.vim File 753 B 0644
rst.vim File 846 B 0644
ruby.vim File 1.03 KB 0644
rubyunit.vim File 798 B 0644
rustc.vim File 1.04 KB 0644
sass.vim File 590 B 0644
se.vim File 742 B 0644
splint.vim File 2.22 KB 0644
tcl.vim File 414 B 0644
tex.vim File 1.71 KB 0644
tidy.vim File 568 B 0644
xbuild.vim File 509 B 0644
xmllint.vim File 561 B 0644
xmlwf.vim File 454 B 0644