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*index.txt*     For Vim version 8.0.  Last change: 2017 Aug 02

		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar

This file contains a list of all commands for each mode, with a tag and a
short description.  The lists are sorted on ASCII value.

Tip: When looking for certain functionality, use a search command.  E.g.,
to look for deleting something, use: "/delete".

1. Insert mode				|insert-index|
2. Normal mode				|normal-index|
   2.1. Text objects			|objects|
   2.2. Window commands			|CTRL-W|
   2.3. Square bracket commands		|[|
   2.4. Commands starting with 'g'	|g|
   2.5. Commands starting with 'z'	|z|
3. Visual mode				|visual-index|
4. Command-line editing			|ex-edit-index|
5. EX commands				|ex-cmd-index|

For an overview of options see help.txt |option-list|.
For an overview of built-in functions see |functions|.
For a list of Vim variables see |vim-variable|.
For a complete listing of all help items see |help-tags|.

1. Insert mode						*insert-index*

tag		char		action in Insert mode	~
|i_CTRL-@|	CTRL-@		insert previously inserted text and stop
|i_CTRL-A|	CTRL-A		insert previously inserted text
		CTRL-B		not used |i_CTRL-B-gone|
|i_CTRL-C|	CTRL-C		quit insert mode, without checking for
				abbreviation, unless 'insertmode' set.
|i_CTRL-D|	CTRL-D		delete one shiftwidth of indent in the current
|i_CTRL-E|	CTRL-E		insert the character which is below the cursor
		CTRL-F		not used (but by default it's in 'cinkeys' to
				re-indent the current line)
|i_CTRL-G_j|	CTRL-G CTRL-J	line down, to column where inserting started
|i_CTRL-G_j|	CTRL-G j	line down, to column where inserting started
|i_CTRL-G_j|	CTRL-G <Down>	line down, to column where inserting started
|i_CTRL-G_k|	CTRL-G CTRL-K	line up, to column where inserting started
|i_CTRL-G_k|	CTRL-G k	line up, to column where inserting started
|i_CTRL-G_k|	CTRL-G <Up>	line up, to column where inserting started
|i_CTRL-G_u|	CTRL-G u	start new undoable edit
|i_CTRL-G_U|	CTRL-G U	don't break undo with next cursor movement
|i_<BS>|	<BS>		delete character before the cursor
|i_digraph|	{char1}<BS>{char2}
				enter digraph (only when 'digraph' option set)
|i_CTRL-H|	CTRL-H		same as <BS>
|i_<Tab>|	<Tab>		insert a <Tab> character
|i_CTRL-I|	CTRL-I		same as <Tab>
|i_<NL>|	<NL>		same as <CR>
|i_CTRL-J|	CTRL-J		same as <CR>
|i_CTRL-K|	CTRL-K {char1} {char2}
				enter digraph
|i_CTRL-L|	CTRL-L		when 'insertmode' set: Leave Insert mode
|i_<CR>|	<CR>		begin new line
|i_CTRL-M|	CTRL-M		same as <CR>
|i_CTRL-N|	CTRL-N		find next match for keyword in front of the
|i_CTRL-O|	CTRL-O		execute a single command and return to insert
|i_CTRL-P|	CTRL-P		find previous match for keyword in front of
				the cursor
|i_CTRL-Q|	CTRL-Q		same as CTRL-V, unless used for terminal
				control flow
|i_CTRL-R|	CTRL-R {0-9a-z"%#*:=}
				insert the contents of a register
|i_CTRL-R_CTRL-R| CTRL-R CTRL-R {0-9a-z"%#*:=}
				insert the contents of a register literally
|i_CTRL-R_CTRL-O| CTRL-R CTRL-O {0-9a-z"%#*:=}
				insert the contents of a register literally
				and don't auto-indent
|i_CTRL-R_CTRL-P| CTRL-R CTRL-P {0-9a-z"%#*:=}
				insert the contents of a register literally
				and fix indent.
		CTRL-S		(used for terminal control flow)
|i_CTRL-T|	CTRL-T		insert one shiftwidth of indent in current
|i_CTRL-U|	CTRL-U		delete all entered characters in the current
|i_CTRL-V|	CTRL-V {char}	insert next non-digit literally
|i_CTRL-V_digit| CTRL-V {number} insert three digit decimal number as a single
|i_CTRL-W|	CTRL-W		delete word before the cursor
|i_CTRL-X|	CTRL-X {mode}	enter CTRL-X sub mode, see |i_CTRL-X_index|
|i_CTRL-Y|	CTRL-Y		insert the character which is above the cursor
|i_CTRL-Z|	CTRL-Z		when 'insertmode' set: suspend Vim
|i_<Esc>|	<Esc>		end insert mode (unless 'insertmode' set)
|i_CTRL-[|	CTRL-[		same as <Esc>
|i_CTRL-\_CTRL-N| CTRL-\ CTRL-N	go to Normal mode
|i_CTRL-\_CTRL-G| CTRL-\ CTRL-G	go to mode specified with 'insertmode'
		CTRL-\ a - z	reserved for extensions
		CTRL-\ others	not used
|i_CTRL-]|	CTRL-]		trigger abbreviation
|i_CTRL-^|	CTRL-^		toggle use of |:lmap| mappings
|i_CTRL-_|	CTRL-_		When 'allowrevins' set: change language
				(Hebrew, Farsi) {only when compiled with
				the |+rightleft| feature}

		<Space> to '~'	not used, except '0' and '^' followed by

|i_0_CTRL-D|	0 CTRL-D	delete all indent in the current line
|i_^_CTRL-D|	^ CTRL-D	delete all indent in the current line, restore
				it in the next line

|i_<Del>|	<Del>		delete character under the cursor

		Meta characters (0x80 to 0xff, 128 to 255)
				not used

|i_<Left>|	<Left>		cursor one character left
|i_<S-Left>|	<S-Left>	cursor one word left
|i_<C-Left>|	<C-Left>	cursor one word left
|i_<Right>|	<Right>		cursor one character right
|i_<S-Right>|	<S-Right>	cursor one word right
|i_<C-Right>|	<C-Right>	cursor one word right
|i_<Up>|	<Up>		cursor one line up
|i_<S-Up>|	<S-Up>		same as <PageUp>
|i_<Down>|	<Down>		cursor one line down
|i_<S-Down>|	<S-Down>	same as <PageDown>
|i_<Home>|	<Home>		cursor to start of line
|i_<C-Home>|	<C-Home>	cursor to start of file
|i_<End>|	<End>		cursor past end of line
|i_<C-End>|	<C-End>		cursor past end of file
|i_<PageUp>|	<PageUp>	one screenful backward
|i_<PageDown>|	<PageDown>	one screenful forward
|i_<F1>|	<F1>		same as <Help>
|i_<Help>|	<Help>		stop insert mode and display help window
|i_<Insert>|	<Insert>	toggle Insert/Replace mode
|i_<LeftMouse>|	<LeftMouse>	cursor at mouse click
|i_<ScrollWheelDown>|	<ScrollWheelDown>	move window three lines down
|i_<S-ScrollWheelDown>|	<S-ScrollWheelDown>	move window one page down
|i_<ScrollWheelUp>|	<ScrollWheelUp>		move window three lines up
|i_<S-ScrollWheelUp>|	<S-ScrollWheelUp>	move window one page up
|i_<ScrollWheelLeft>|	<ScrollWheelLeft>	move window six columns left
|i_<S-ScrollWheelLeft>|	<S-ScrollWheelLeft>	move window one page left
|i_<ScrollWheelRight>|	<ScrollWheelRight>	move window six columns right
|i_<S-ScrollWheelRight>| <S-ScrollWheelRight>	move window one page right

commands in CTRL-X submode				*i_CTRL-X_index*

|i_CTRL-X_CTRL-D|	CTRL-X CTRL-D	complete defined identifiers
|i_CTRL-X_CTRL-E|	CTRL-X CTRL-E	scroll up
|i_CTRL-X_CTRL-F|	CTRL-X CTRL-F	complete file names
|i_CTRL-X_CTRL-I|	CTRL-X CTRL-I	complete identifiers
|i_CTRL-X_CTRL-K|	CTRL-X CTRL-K	complete identifiers from dictionary
|i_CTRL-X_CTRL-L|	CTRL-X CTRL-L	complete whole lines
|i_CTRL-X_CTRL-N|	CTRL-X CTRL-N	next completion
|i_CTRL-X_CTRL-O|	CTRL-X CTRL-O	omni completion
|i_CTRL-X_CTRL-P|	CTRL-X CTRL-P	previous completion
|i_CTRL-X_CTRL-S|	CTRL-X CTRL-S	spelling suggestions
|i_CTRL-X_CTRL-T|	CTRL-X CTRL-T	complete identifiers from thesaurus
|i_CTRL-X_CTRL-Y|	CTRL-X CTRL-Y	scroll down
|i_CTRL-X_CTRL-U|	CTRL-X CTRL-U	complete with 'completefunc'
|i_CTRL-X_CTRL-V|	CTRL-X CTRL-V	complete like in : command line
|i_CTRL-X_CTRL-]|	CTRL-X CTRL-]	complete tags
|i_CTRL-X_s|		CTRL-X s	spelling suggestions
{not available when compiled without the |+insert_expand| feature}

2. Normal mode						*normal-index*

CHAR	 any non-blank character
WORD	 a sequence of non-blank characters
N	 a number entered before the command
{motion} a cursor movement command
Nmove	 the text that is moved over with a {motion}
SECTION	 a section that possibly starts with '}' instead of '{'

note: 1 = cursor movement command; 2 = can be undone/redone

tag		char	      note action in Normal mode	~
		CTRL-@		   not used
|CTRL-A|	CTRL-A		2  add N to number at/after cursor
|CTRL-B|	CTRL-B		1  scroll N screens Backwards
|CTRL-C|	CTRL-C		   interrupt current (search) command
|CTRL-D|	CTRL-D		   scroll Down N lines (default: half a screen)
|CTRL-E|	CTRL-E		   scroll N lines upwards (N lines Extra)
|CTRL-F|	CTRL-F		1  scroll N screens Forward
|CTRL-G|	CTRL-G		   display current file name and position
|<BS>|		<BS>		1  same as "h"
|CTRL-H|	CTRL-H		1  same as "h"
|<Tab>|		<Tab>		1  go to N newer entry in jump list
|CTRL-I|	CTRL-I		1  same as <Tab>
|<NL>|		<NL>		1  same as "j"
|CTRL-J|	CTRL-J		1  same as "j"
		CTRL-K		   not used
|CTRL-L|	CTRL-L		   redraw screen
|<CR>|		<CR>		1  cursor to the first CHAR N lines lower
|CTRL-M|	CTRL-M		1  same as <CR>
|CTRL-N|	CTRL-N		1  same as "j"
|CTRL-O|	CTRL-O		1  go to N older entry in jump list
|CTRL-P|	CTRL-P		1  same as "k"
		CTRL-Q		   (used for terminal control flow)
|CTRL-R|	CTRL-R		2  redo changes which were undone with 'u'
		CTRL-S		   (used for terminal control flow)
|CTRL-T|	CTRL-T		   jump to N older Tag in tag list
|CTRL-U|	CTRL-U		   scroll N lines Upwards (default: half a
|CTRL-V|	CTRL-V		   start blockwise Visual mode
|CTRL-W|	CTRL-W {char}	   window commands, see |CTRL-W|
|CTRL-X|	CTRL-X		2  subtract N from number at/after cursor
|CTRL-Y|	CTRL-Y		   scroll N lines downwards
|CTRL-Z|	CTRL-Z		   suspend program (or start new shell)
		CTRL-[ <Esc>	   not used
|CTRL-\_CTRL-N|	CTRL-\ CTRL-N	   go to Normal mode (no-op)
|CTRL-\_CTRL-G|	CTRL-\ CTRL-G	   go to mode specified with 'insertmode'
		CTRL-\ a - z	   reserved for extensions
		CTRL-\ others      not used
|CTRL-]|	CTRL-]		   :ta to ident under cursor
|CTRL-^|	CTRL-^		   edit Nth alternate file (equivalent to
				   ":e #N")
		CTRL-_		   not used

|<Space>|	<Space>		1  same as "l"
|!|		!{motion}{filter}
				2  filter Nmove text through the {filter}
|!!|		!!{filter}	2  filter N lines through the {filter} command
|quote|		"{a-zA-Z0-9.%#:-"}  use register {a-zA-Z0-9.%#:-"} for next
				   delete, yank or put (uppercase to append)
				   ({.%#:} only work with put)
|#|		#		1  search backward for the Nth occurrence of
				   the ident under the cursor
|$|		$		1  cursor to the end of Nth next line
|%|		%		1  find the next (curly/square) bracket on
				   this line and go to its match, or go to
				   matching comment bracket, or go to matching
				   preprocessor directive.
|N%|		{count}%	1  go to N percentage in the file
|&|		&		2  repeat last :s
|'|		'{a-zA-Z0-9}	1  cursor to the first CHAR on the line with
				   mark {a-zA-Z0-9}
|''|		''		1  cursor to the first CHAR of the line where
				   the cursor was before the latest jump.
|'(|		'(		1  cursor to the first CHAR on the line of the
				   start of the current sentence
|')|		')		1  cursor to the first CHAR on the line of the
				   end of the current sentence
|'<|		'<		1  cursor to the first CHAR of the line where
				   highlighted area starts/started in the
				   current buffer.
|'>|		'>		1  cursor to the first CHAR of the line where
				   highlighted area ends/ended in the current
|'[|		'[		1  cursor to the first CHAR on the line of the
				   start of last operated text or start of put
|']|		']		1  cursor to the first CHAR on the line of the
				   end of last operated text or end of put
|'{|		'{		1  cursor to the first CHAR on the line of the
				   start of the current paragraph
|'}|		'}		1  cursor to the first CHAR on the line of the
				   end of the current paragraph
|(|		(		1  cursor N sentences backward
|)|		)		1  cursor N sentences forward
|star|		*		1  search forward for the Nth occurrence of
				   the ident under the cursor
|+|		+		1  same as <CR>
|,|		,		1  repeat latest f, t, F or T in opposite
				   direction N times
|-|		-		1  cursor to the first CHAR N lines higher
|.|		.		2  repeat last change with count replaced with
|/|		/{pattern}<CR>	1  search forward for the Nth occurrence of
|/<CR>|		/<CR>		1  search forward for {pattern} of last search
|count|		0		1  cursor to the first char of the line
|count|		1		   prepend to command to give a count
|count|		2			"
|count|		3			"
|count|		4			"
|count|		5			"
|count|		6			"
|count|		7			"
|count|		8			"
|count|		9			"
|:|		:		1  start entering an Ex command
|N:|		{count}:	   start entering an Ex command with range
				   from current line to N-1 lines down
|;|		;		1  repeat latest f, t, F or T N times
|<|		<{motion}	2  shift Nmove lines one 'shiftwidth'
|<<|		<<		2  shift N lines one 'shiftwidth' leftwards
|=|		={motion}	2  filter Nmove lines through "indent"
|==|		==		2  filter N lines through "indent"
|>|		>{motion}	2  shift Nmove lines one 'shiftwidth'
|>>|		>>		2  shift N lines one 'shiftwidth' rightwards
|?|		?{pattern}<CR>	1  search backward for the Nth previous
				   occurrence of {pattern}
|?<CR>|		?<CR>		1  search backward for {pattern} of last search
|@|		@{a-z}		2  execute the contents of register {a-z}
				   N times
|@:|		@:		   repeat the previous ":" command N times
|@@|		@@		2  repeat the previous @{a-z} N times
|A|		A		2  append text after the end of the line N times
|B|		B		1  cursor N WORDS backward
|C|		["x]C		2  change from the cursor position to the end
				   of the line, and N-1 more lines [into
				   register x]; synonym for "c$"
|D|		["x]D		2  delete the characters under the cursor
				   until the end of the line and N-1 more
				   lines [into register x]; synonym for "d$"
|E|		E		1  cursor forward to the end of WORD N
|F|		F{char}		1  cursor to the Nth occurrence of {char} to
				   the left
|G|		G		1  cursor to line N, default last line
|H|		H		1  cursor to line N from top of screen
|I|		I		2  insert text before the first CHAR on the
				   line N times
|J|		J		2  Join N lines; default is 2
|K|		K		   lookup Keyword under the cursor with
|L|		L		1  cursor to line N from bottom of screen
|M|		M		1  cursor to middle line of screen
|N|		N		1  repeat the latest '/' or '?' N times in
				   opposite direction
|O|		O		2  begin a new line above the cursor and
				   insert text, repeat N times
|P|		["x]P		2  put the text [from register x] before the
				   cursor N times
|Q|		Q		   switch to "Ex" mode
|R|		R		2  enter replace mode: overtype existing
				   characters, repeat the entered text N-1
|S|		["x]S		2  delete N lines [into register x] and start
				   insert; synonym for "cc".
|T|		T{char}		1  cursor till after Nth occurrence of {char}
				   to the left
|U|		U		2  undo all latest changes on one line
|V|		V		   start linewise Visual mode
|W|		W		1  cursor N WORDS forward
|X|		["x]X		2  delete N characters before the cursor [into
				   register x]
|Y|		["x]Y		   yank N lines [into register x]; synonym for
|ZZ|		ZZ		   store current file if modified, and exit
|ZQ|		ZQ		   exit current file always
|[|		[{char}		   square bracket command (see |[| below)
		\		   not used
|]|		]{char}		   square bracket command (see |]| below)
|^|		^		1  cursor to the first CHAR of the line
|_|		_		1  cursor to the first CHAR N - 1 lines lower
|`|		`{a-zA-Z0-9}	1  cursor to the mark {a-zA-Z0-9}
|`(|		`(		1  cursor to the start of the current sentence
|`)|		`)		1  cursor to the end of the current sentence
|`<|		`<		1  cursor to the start of the highlighted area
|`>|		`>		1  cursor to the end of the highlighted area
|`[|		`[		1  cursor to the start of last operated text
				   or start of putted text
|`]|		`]		1  cursor to the end of last operated text or
				   end of putted text
|``|		``		1  cursor to the position before latest jump
|`{|		`{		1  cursor to the start of the current paragraph
|`}|		`}		1  cursor to the end of the current paragraph
|a|		a		2  append text after the cursor N times
|b|		b		1  cursor N words backward
|c|		["x]c{motion}	2  delete Nmove text [into register x] and
				   start insert
|cc|		["x]cc		2  delete N lines [into register x] and start
|d|		["x]d{motion}	2  delete Nmove text [into register x]
|dd|		["x]dd		2  delete N lines [into register x]
|do|		do		2  same as ":diffget"
|dp|		dp		2  same as ":diffput"
|e|		e		1  cursor forward to the end of word N
|f|		f{char}		1  cursor to Nth occurrence of {char} to the
|g|		g{char}		   extended commands, see |g| below
|h|		h		1  cursor N chars to the left
|i|		i		2  insert text before the cursor N times
|j|		j		1  cursor N lines downward
|k|		k		1  cursor N lines upward
|l|		l		1  cursor N chars to the right
|m|		m{A-Za-z}	   set mark {A-Za-z} at cursor position
|n|		n		1  repeat the latest '/' or '?' N times
|o|		o		2  begin a new line below the cursor and
				   insert text, repeat N times
|p|		["x]p		2  put the text [from register x] after the
				   cursor N times
|q|		q{0-9a-zA-Z"}	   record typed characters into named register
				   {0-9a-zA-Z"} (uppercase to append)
|q|		q		   (while recording) stops recording
|q:|		q:		   edit : command-line in command-line window
|q/|		q/		   edit / command-line in command-line window
|q?|		q?		   edit ? command-line in command-line window
|r|		r{char}		2  replace N chars with {char}
|s|		["x]s		2  (substitute) delete N characters [into
				   register x] and start insert
|t|		t{char}		1  cursor till before Nth occurrence of {char}
				   to the right
|u|		u		2  undo changes
|v|		v		   start characterwise Visual mode
|w|		w		1  cursor N words forward
|x|		["x]x		2  delete N characters under and after the
				   cursor [into register x]
|y|		["x]y{motion}	   yank Nmove text [into register x]
|yy|		["x]yy		   yank N lines [into register x]
|z|		z{char}		   commands starting with 'z', see |z| below
|{|		{		1  cursor N paragraphs backward
|bar|		|		1  cursor to column N
|}|		}		1  cursor N paragraphs forward
|~|		~		2  'tildeop' off: switch case of N characters
				   under cursor and move the cursor N
				   characters to the right
|~|		~{motion}	   'tildeop' on: switch case of Nmove text
|<C-End>|	<C-End>		1  same as "G"
|<C-Home>|	<C-Home>	1  same as "gg"
|<C-Left>|	<C-Left>	1  same as "b"
|<C-LeftMouse>|	<C-LeftMouse>	   ":ta" to the keyword at the mouse click
|<C-Right>|	<C-Right>	1  same as "w"
|<C-RightMouse>| <C-RightMouse>	   same as "CTRL-T"
|<Del>|		["x]<Del>	2  same as "x"
|N<Del>|	{count}<Del>	   remove the last digit from {count}
|<Down>|	<Down>		1  same as "j"
|<End>|		<End>		1  same as "$"
|<F1>|		<F1>		   same as <Help>
|<Help>|	<Help>		   open a help window
|<Home>|	<Home>		1  same as "0"
|<Insert>|	<Insert>	2  same as "i"
|<Left>|	<Left>		1  same as "h"
|<LeftMouse>|	<LeftMouse>	1  move cursor to the mouse click position
|<MiddleMouse>|	<MiddleMouse>	2  same as "gP" at the mouse click position
|<PageDown>|	<PageDown>	   same as CTRL-F
|<PageUp>|	<PageUp>	   same as CTRL-B
|<Right>|	<Right>		1  same as "l"
|<RightMouse>|	<RightMouse>	   start Visual mode, move cursor to the mouse
				   click position
|<S-Down>|	<S-Down>	1  same as CTRL-F
|<S-Left>|	<S-Left>	1  same as "b"
|<S-LeftMouse>|	<S-LeftMouse>	   same as "*" at the mouse click position
|<S-Right>|	<S-Right>	1  same as "w"
|<S-RightMouse>| <S-RightMouse>	   same as "#" at the mouse click position
|<S-Up>|	<S-Up>		1  same as CTRL-B
|<Undo>|	<Undo>		2  same as "u"
|<Up>|		<Up>		1  same as "k"
|<ScrollWheelDown>|	<ScrollWheelDown>	move window three lines down
|<S-ScrollWheelDown>|	<S-ScrollWheelDown>	move window one page down
|<ScrollWheelUp>|	<ScrollWheelUp>		move window three lines up
|<S-ScrollWheelUp>|	<S-ScrollWheelUp>	move window one page up
|<ScrollWheelLeft>|	<ScrollWheelLeft>	move window six columns left
|<S-ScrollWheelLeft>|	<S-ScrollWheelLeft>	move window one page left
|<ScrollWheelRight>|	<ScrollWheelRight>	move window six columns right
|<S-ScrollWheelRight>|	<S-ScrollWheelRight>	move window one page right

2.1 Text objects						*objects*

These can be used after an operator or in Visual mode to select an object.

tag		command		   action in op-pending and Visual mode	~
|v_aquote|	a"		   double quoted string
|v_a'|		a'		   single quoted string
|v_a(|		a(		   same as ab
|v_a)|		a)		   same as ab
|v_a<|		a<		   "a <>" from '<' to the matching '>'
|v_a>|		a>		   same as a<
|v_aB|		aB		   "a Block" from "[{" to "]}" (with brackets)
|v_aW|		aW		   "a WORD" (with white space)
|v_a[|		a[		   "a []" from '[' to the matching ']'
|v_a]|		a]		   same as a[
|v_a`|		a`		   string in backticks
|v_ab|		ab		   "a block" from "[(" to "])" (with braces)
|v_ap|		ap		   "a paragraph" (with white space)
|v_as|		as		   "a sentence" (with white space)
|v_at|		at		   "a tag block" (with white space)
|v_aw|		aw		   "a word" (with white space)
|v_a{|		a{		   same as aB
|v_a}|		a}		   same as aB
|v_iquote|	i"		   double quoted string without the quotes
|v_i'|		i'		   single quoted string without the quotes
|v_i(|		i(		   same as ib
|v_i)|		i)		   same as ib
|v_i<|		i<		   "inner <>" from '<' to the matching '>'
|v_i>|		i>		   same as i<
|v_iB|		iB		   "inner Block" from "[{" and "]}"
|v_iW|		iW		   "inner WORD"
|v_i[|		i[		   "inner []" from '[' to the matching ']'
|v_i]|		i]		   same as i[
|v_i`|		i`		   string in backticks without the backticks
|v_ib|		ib		   "inner block" from "[(" to "])"
|v_ip|		ip		   "inner paragraph"
|v_is|		is		   "inner sentence"
|v_it|		it		   "inner tag block"
|v_iw|		iw		   "inner word"
|v_i{|		i{		   same as iB
|v_i}|		i}		   same as iB

2.2 Window commands						*CTRL-W*

tag		command		   action in Normal mode	~
|CTRL-W_CTRL-B|	CTRL-W CTRL-B	   same as "CTRL-W b"
|CTRL-W_CTRL-C|	CTRL-W CTRL-C	   same as "CTRL-W c"
|CTRL-W_CTRL-D|	CTRL-W CTRL-D	   same as "CTRL-W d"
|CTRL-W_CTRL-F|	CTRL-W CTRL-F	   same as "CTRL-W f"
		CTRL-W CTRL-G	   same as "CTRL-W g .."
|CTRL-W_CTRL-H|	CTRL-W CTRL-H	   same as "CTRL-W h"
|CTRL-W_CTRL-I|	CTRL-W CTRL-I	   same as "CTRL-W i"
|CTRL-W_CTRL-J|	CTRL-W CTRL-J	   same as "CTRL-W j"
|CTRL-W_CTRL-K|	CTRL-W CTRL-K	   same as "CTRL-W k"
|CTRL-W_CTRL-L|	CTRL-W CTRL-L	   same as "CTRL-W l"
|CTRL-W_CTRL-N|	CTRL-W CTRL-N	   same as "CTRL-W n"
|CTRL-W_CTRL-O|	CTRL-W CTRL-O	   same as "CTRL-W o"
|CTRL-W_CTRL-P|	CTRL-W CTRL-P	   same as "CTRL-W p"
|CTRL-W_CTRL-Q|	CTRL-W CTRL-Q	   same as "CTRL-W q"
|CTRL-W_CTRL-R|	CTRL-W CTRL-R	   same as "CTRL-W r"
|CTRL-W_CTRL-S|	CTRL-W CTRL-S	   same as "CTRL-W s"
|CTRL-W_CTRL-T|	CTRL-W CTRL-T	   same as "CTRL-W t"
|CTRL-W_CTRL-V|	CTRL-W CTRL-V	   same as "CTRL-W v"
|CTRL-W_CTRL-W|	CTRL-W CTRL-W	   same as "CTRL-W w"
|CTRL-W_CTRL-X|	CTRL-W CTRL-X	   same as "CTRL-W x"
|CTRL-W_CTRL-Z|	CTRL-W CTRL-Z	   same as "CTRL-W z"
|CTRL-W_CTRL-]|	CTRL-W CTRL-]	   same as "CTRL-W ]"
|CTRL-W_CTRL-^|	CTRL-W CTRL-^	   same as "CTRL-W ^"
|CTRL-W_CTRL-_|	CTRL-W CTRL-_	   same as "CTRL-W _"
|CTRL-W_quote|	CTRL-W "	   terminal window: paste register
|CTRL-W_+|	CTRL-W +	   increase current window height N lines
|CTRL-W_-|	CTRL-W -	   decrease current window height N lines
|CTRL-W_.|	CTRL-W .	   terminal window: type CTRL-W
|CTRL-W_:|	CTRL-W :	   same as |:|, edit a command line
|CTRL-W_<|	CTRL-W <	   decrease current window width N columns
|CTRL-W_=|	CTRL-W =	   make all windows the same height & width
|CTRL-W_>|	CTRL-W >	   increase current window width N columns
|CTRL-W_H|	CTRL-W H	   move current window to the far left
|CTRL-W_J|	CTRL-W J	   move current window to the very bottom
|CTRL-W_K|	CTRL-W K	   move current window to the very top
|CTRL-W_L|	CTRL-W L	   move current window to the far right
|CTRL-W_N|	CTRL-W N	   terminal window: go to Terminal Normal mode
|CTRL-W_P|	CTRL-W P	   go to preview window
|CTRL-W_R|	CTRL-W R	   rotate windows upwards N times
|CTRL-W_S|	CTRL-W S	   same as "CTRL-W s"
|CTRL-W_T|	CTRL-W T	   move current window to a new tab page
|CTRL-W_W|	CTRL-W W	   go to N previous window (wrap around)
|CTRL-W_]|	CTRL-W ]	   split window and jump to tag under cursor
|CTRL-W_^|	CTRL-W ^	   split current window and edit alternate
				   file N
|CTRL-W__|	CTRL-W _	   set current window height to N (default:
				   very high)
|CTRL-W_b|	CTRL-W b	   go to bottom window
|CTRL-W_c|	CTRL-W c	   close current window (like |:close|)
|CTRL-W_d|	CTRL-W d	   split window and jump to definition under
				   the cursor
|CTRL-W_f|	CTRL-W f	   split window and edit file name under the
|CTRL-W_F|	CTRL-W F	   split window and edit file name under the
				   cursor and jump to the line number
				   following the file name.
|CTRL-W_g_CTRL-]| CTRL-W g CTRL-]  split window and do |:tjump| to tag under
|CTRL-W_g]|	CTRL-W g ]	   split window and do |:tselect| for tag
				   under cursor
|CTRL-W_g}|	CTRL-W g }	   do a |:ptjump| to the tag under the cursor
|CTRL-W_gf|	CTRL-W g f	   edit file name under the cursor in a new
				   tab page
|CTRL-W_gF|	CTRL-W g F	   edit file name under the cursor in a new
				   tab page and jump to the line number
				   following the file name.
|CTRL-W_h|	CTRL-W h	   go to Nth left window (stop at first window)
|CTRL-W_i|	CTRL-W i	   split window and jump to declaration of
				   identifier under the cursor
|CTRL-W_j|	CTRL-W j	   go N windows down (stop at last window)
|CTRL-W_k|	CTRL-W k	   go N windows up (stop at first window)
|CTRL-W_l|	CTRL-W l	   go to Nth right window (stop at last window)
|CTRL-W_n|	CTRL-W n	   open new window, N lines high
|CTRL-W_o|	CTRL-W o	   close all but current window (like |:only|)
|CTRL-W_p|	CTRL-W p	   go to previous (last accessed) window
|CTRL-W_q|	CTRL-W q	   quit current window (like |:quit|)
|CTRL-W_r|	CTRL-W r	   rotate windows downwards N times
|CTRL-W_s|	CTRL-W s	   split current window in two parts, new
				   window N lines high
|CTRL-W_t|	CTRL-W t	   go to top window
|CTRL-W_v|	CTRL-W v	   split current window vertically, new window
				   N columns wide
|CTRL-W_w|	CTRL-W w	   go to N next window (wrap around)
|CTRL-W_x|	CTRL-W x	   exchange current window with window N
				   (default: next window)
|CTRL-W_z|	CTRL-W z	   close preview window
|CTRL-W_bar|	CTRL-W |	   set window width to N columns
|CTRL-W_}|	CTRL-W }	   show tag under cursor in preview window
|CTRL-W_<Down>|	CTRL-W <Down>	   same as "CTRL-W j"
|CTRL-W_<Up>|	CTRL-W <Up>	   same as "CTRL-W k"
|CTRL-W_<Left>|	CTRL-W <Left>	   same as "CTRL-W h"
|CTRL-W_<Right>| CTRL-W <Right>	   same as "CTRL-W l"

2.3 Square bracket commands					*[* *]*

tag		char	      note action in Normal mode	~
|[_CTRL-D|	[ CTRL-D	   jump to first #define found in current and
				   included files matching the word under the
				   cursor, start searching at beginning of
				   current file
|[_CTRL-I|	[ CTRL-I	   jump to first line in current and included
				   files that contains the word under the
				   cursor, start searching at beginning of
				   current file
|[#|		[#		1  cursor to N previous unmatched #if, #else
				   or #ifdef
|['|		['		1  cursor to previous lowercase mark, on first
|[(|		[(		1  cursor N times back to unmatched '('
|[star|		[*		1  same as "[/"
|[`|		[`		1  cursor to previous lowercase mark
|[/|		[/		1  cursor to N previous start of a C comment
|[D|		[D		   list all defines found in current and
				   included files matching the word under the
				   cursor, start searching at beginning of
				   current file
|[I|		[I		   list all lines found in current and
				   included files that contain the word under
				   the cursor, start searching at beginning of
				   current file
|[P|		[P		2  same as "[p"
|[[|		[[		1  cursor N sections backward
|[]|		[]		1  cursor N SECTIONS backward
|[c|		[c		1  cursor N times backwards to start of change
|[d|		[d		   show first #define found in current and
				   included files matching the word under the
				   cursor, start searching at beginning of
				   current file
|[f|		[f		   same as "gf"
|[i|		[i		   show first line found in current and
				   included files that contains the word under
				   the cursor, start searching at beginning of
				   current file
|[m|		[m		1  cursor N times back to start of member
|[p|		[p		2  like "P", but adjust indent to current line
|[s|		[s		1  move to the previous misspelled word
|[z|		[z		1  move to start of open fold
|[{|		[{		1  cursor N times back to unmatched '{'
|[<MiddleMouse>| [<MiddleMouse>	2  same as "[p"

|]_CTRL-D|	] CTRL-D	   jump to first #define found in current and
				   included files matching the word under the
				   cursor, start searching at cursor position
|]_CTRL-I|	] CTRL-I	   jump to first line in current and included
				   files that contains the word under the
				   cursor, start searching at cursor position
|]#|		]#		1  cursor to N next unmatched #endif or #else
|]'|		]'		1  cursor to next lowercase mark, on first
|])|		])		1  cursor N times forward to unmatched ')'
|]star|		]*		1  same as "]/"
|]`|		]`		1  cursor to next lowercase mark
|]/|		]/		1  cursor to N next end of a C comment
|]D|		]D		   list all #defines found in current and
				   included files matching the word under the
				   cursor, start searching at cursor position
|]I|		]I		   list all lines found in current and
				   included files that contain the word under
				   the cursor, start searching at cursor
|]P|		]P		2  same as "[p"
|][|		][		1  cursor N SECTIONS forward
|]]|		]]		1  cursor N sections forward
|]c|		]c		1  cursor N times forward to start of change
|]d|		]d		   show first #define found in current and
				   included files matching the word under the
				   cursor, start searching at cursor position
|]f|		]f		   same as "gf"
|]i|		]i		   show first line found in current and
				   included files that contains the word under
				   the cursor, start searching at cursor
|]m|		]m		1  cursor N times forward to end of member
|]p|		]p		2  like "p", but adjust indent to current line
|]s|		]s		1  move to next misspelled word
|]z|		]z		1  move to end of open fold
|]}|		]}		1  cursor N times forward to unmatched '}'
|]<MiddleMouse>| ]<MiddleMouse>	2  same as "]p"

2.4 Commands starting with 'g'						*g*

tag		char	      note action in Normal mode	~
|g_CTRL-A|	g CTRL-A	   only when compiled with MEM_PROFILE
				   defined: dump a memory profile
|g_CTRL-G|	g CTRL-G	   show information about current cursor
|g_CTRL-H|	g CTRL-H	   start Select block mode
|g_CTRL-]|	g CTRL-]	   |:tjump| to the tag under the cursor
|g#|		g#		1  like "#", but without using "\<" and "\>"
|g$|		g$		1  when 'wrap' off go to rightmost character of
				   the current line that is on the screen;
				   when 'wrap' on go to the rightmost character
				   of the current screen line
|g&|		g&		2  repeat last ":s" on all lines
|g'|		g'{mark}	1  like |'| but without changing the jumplist
|g`|		g`{mark}	1  like |`| but without changing the jumplist
|gstar|		g*		1  like "*", but without using "\<" and "\>"
|g+|		g+		   go to newer text state N times
|g,|		g,		1  go to N newer position in change list
|g-|		g-		   go to older text state N times
|g0|		g0		1  when 'wrap' off go to leftmost character of
				   the current line that is on the screen;
				   when 'wrap' on go to the leftmost character
				   of the current screen line
|g8|		g8		   print hex value of bytes used in UTF-8
				   character under the cursor
|g;|		g;		1  go to N older position in change list
|g<|		g<		   display previous command output
|g?|		g?		2  Rot13 encoding operator
|g?g?|		g??		2  Rot13 encode current line
|g?g?|		g?g?		2  Rot13 encode current line
|gD|		gD		1  go to definition of word under the cursor
				   in current file
|gE|		gE		1  go backwards to the end of the previous
|gH|		gH		   start Select line mode
|gI|		gI		2  like "I", but always start in column 1
|gJ|		gJ		2  join lines without inserting space
|gN|		gN	      1,2  find the previous match with the last used
				   search pattern and Visually select it
|gP|		["x]gP		2  put the text [from register x] before the
				   cursor N times, leave the cursor after it
|gQ|		gQ		    switch to "Ex" mode with Vim editing
|gR|		gR		2  enter Virtual Replace mode
|gT|		gT		   go to the previous tab page
|gU|		gU{motion}	2  make Nmove text uppercase
|gV|		gV		   don't reselect the previous Visual area
				   when executing a mapping or menu in Select
|g]|		g]		   :tselect on the tag under the cursor
|g^|		g^		1  when 'wrap' off go to leftmost non-white
				   character of the current line that is on
				   the screen; when 'wrap' on go to the
				   leftmost non-white character of the current
				   screen line
|g_|		g_		1  cursor to the last CHAR N - 1 lines lower
|ga|		ga		   print ascii value of character under the
|gd|		gd		1  go to definition of word under the cursor
				   in current function
|ge|		ge		1  go backwards to the end of the previous
|gf|		gf		   start editing the file whose name is under
				   the cursor
|gF|		gF		   start editing the file whose name is under
				   the cursor and jump to the line number
				   following the filename.
|gg|		gg		1  cursor to line N, default first line
|gh|		gh		   start Select mode
|gi|		gi		2  like "i", but first move to the |'^| mark
|gj|		gj		1  like "j", but when 'wrap' on go N screen
				   lines down
|gk|		gk		1  like "k", but when 'wrap' on go N screen
				   lines up
|gn|		gn	      1,2  find the next match with the last used
				   search pattern and Visually select it
|gm|		gm		1  go to character at middle of the screenline
|go|		go		1  cursor to byte N in the buffer
|gp|		["x]gp		2  put the text [from register x] after the
				   cursor N times, leave the cursor after it
|gq|		gq{motion}	2  format Nmove text
|gr|		gr{char}	2  virtual replace N chars with {char}
|gs|		gs		   go to sleep for N seconds (default 1)
|gt|		gt		   go to the next tab page
|gu|		gu{motion}	2  make Nmove text lowercase
|gv|		gv		   reselect the previous Visual area
|gw|		gw{motion}	2  format Nmove text and keep cursor
|netrw-gx|	gx		   execute application for file name under the
				   cursor (only with |netrw| plugin)
|g@|		g@{motion}	   call 'operatorfunc'
|g~|		g~{motion}	2  swap case for Nmove text
|g<Down>|	g<Down>		1  same as "gj"
|g<End>|	g<End>		1  same as "g$"
|g<Home>|	g<Home>		1  same as "g0"
|g<LeftMouse>|	g<LeftMouse>	   same as <C-LeftMouse>
		g<MiddleMouse>	   same as <C-MiddleMouse>
|g<RightMouse>|	g<RightMouse>	   same as <C-RightMouse>
|g<Up>|		g<Up>		1  same as "gk"

2.5 Commands starting with 'z'						*z*

tag		char	      note action in Normal mode	~
|z<CR>|		z<CR>		   redraw, cursor line to top of window,
				   cursor on first non-blank
|zN<CR>|	z{height}<CR>	   redraw, make window {height} lines high
|z+|		z+		   cursor on line N (default line below
				   window), otherwise like "z<CR>"
|z-|		z-		   redraw, cursor line at bottom of window,
				   cursor on first non-blank
|z.|		z.		   redraw, cursor line to center of window,
				   cursor on first non-blank
|z=|		z=		   give spelling suggestions
|zA|		zA		   open a closed fold or close an open fold
|zC|		zC		   close folds recursively
|zD|		zD		   delete folds recursively
|zE|		zE		   eliminate all folds
|zF|		zF		   create a fold for N lines
|zG|		zG		   mark word as good spelled word
|zH|		zH		   when 'wrap' off scroll half a screenwidth
				   to the right
|zL|		zL		   when 'wrap' off scroll half a screenwidth
				   to the left
|zM|		zM		   set 'foldlevel' to zero
|zN|		zN		   set 'foldenable'
|zO|		zO		   open folds recursively
|zR|		zR		   set 'foldlevel' to the deepest fold
|zW|		zW		   mark word as wrong (bad) spelled word
|zX|		zX		   re-apply 'foldlevel'
|z^|		z^		   cursor on line N (default line above
				   window), otherwise like "z-"
|za|		za		   open a closed fold, close an open fold
|zb|		zb		   redraw, cursor line at bottom of window
|zc|		zc		   close a fold
|zd|		zd		   delete a fold
|ze|		ze		   when 'wrap' off scroll horizontally to
				   position the cursor at the end (right side)
				   of the screen
|zf|		zf{motion}	   create a fold for Nmove text
|zg|		zg		   mark word as good spelled word
|zh|		zh		   when 'wrap' off scroll screen N characters
				   to the right
|zi|		zi		   toggle 'foldenable'
|zj|		zj		1  move to the start of the next fold
|zk|		zk		1  move to the end of the previous fold
|zl|		zl		   when 'wrap' off scroll screen N characters
				   to the left
|zm|		zm		   subtract one from 'foldlevel'
|zn|		zn		   reset 'foldenable'
|zo|		zo		   open fold
|zr|		zr		   add one to 'foldlevel'
|zs|		zs		   when 'wrap' off scroll horizontally to
				   position the cursor at the start (left
				   side) of the screen
|zt|		zt		   redraw, cursor line at top of window
|zv|		zv		   open enough folds to view the cursor line
|zw|		zw		   mark word as wrong (bad) spelled word
|zx|		zx		   re-apply 'foldlevel' and do "zv"
|zz|		zz		   redraw, cursor line at center of window
|z<Left>|	z<Left>		   same as "zh"
|z<Right>|	z<Right>	   same as "zl"

3. Visual mode						*visual-index*

Most commands in Visual mode are the same as in Normal mode.  The ones listed
here are those that are different.

tag		command	      note action in Visual mode	~
|v_CTRL-\_CTRL-N| CTRL-\ CTRL-N	   stop Visual mode
|v_CTRL-\_CTRL-G| CTRL-\ CTRL-G	   go to mode specified with 'insertmode'
|v_CTRL-A|	CTRL-A		2  add N to number in highlighted text
|v_CTRL-C|	CTRL-C		   stop Visual mode
|v_CTRL-G|	CTRL-G		   toggle between Visual mode and Select mode
|v_<BS>|	<BS>		2  Select mode: delete highlighted area
|v_CTRL-H|	CTRL-H		2  same as <BS>
|v_CTRL-O|	CTRL-O		   switch from Select to Visual mode for one
|v_CTRL-V|	CTRL-V		   make Visual mode blockwise or stop Visual
|v_CTRL-X|	CTRL-X		2  subtract N from number in highlighted text
|v_<Esc>|	<Esc>		   stop Visual mode
|v_CTRL-]|	CTRL-]		   jump to highlighted tag
|v_!|		!{filter}	2  filter the highlighted lines through the
				   external command {filter}
|v_:|		:		   start a command-line with the highlighted
				   lines as a range
|v_<|		<		2  shift the highlighted lines one
				   'shiftwidth' left
|v_=|		=		2  filter the highlighted lines through the
				   external program given with the 'equalprg'
|v_>|		>		2  shift the highlighted lines one
				   'shiftwidth' right
|v_b_A|		A		2  block mode: append same text in all lines,
				   after the highlighted area
|v_C|		C		2  delete the highlighted lines and start
|v_D|		D		2  delete the highlighted lines
|v_b_I|		I		2  block mode: insert same text in all lines,
				   before the highlighted area
|v_J|		J		2  join the highlighted lines
|v_K|		K		   run 'keywordprg' on the highlighted area
|v_O|		O		   Move horizontally to other corner of area.
		Q		   does not start Ex mode
|v_R|		R		2  delete the highlighted lines and start
|v_S|		S		2  delete the highlighted lines and start
|v_U|		U		2  make highlighted area uppercase
|v_V|		V		   make Visual mode linewise or stop Visual
|v_X|		X		2  delete the highlighted lines
|v_Y|		Y		   yank the highlighted lines
|v_aquote|	a"		   extend highlighted area with a double
				   quoted string
|v_a'|		a'		   extend highlighted area with a single
				   quoted string
|v_a(|		a(		   same as ab
|v_a)|		a)		   same as ab
|v_a<|		a<		   extend highlighted area with a <> block
|v_a>|		a>		   same as a<
|v_aB|		aB		   extend highlighted area with a {} block
|v_aW|		aW		   extend highlighted area with "a WORD"
|v_a[|		a[		   extend highlighted area with a [] block
|v_a]|		a]		   same as a[
|v_a`|		a`		   extend highlighted area with a backtick
				   quoted string
|v_ab|		ab		   extend highlighted area with a () block
|v_ap|		ap		   extend highlighted area with a paragraph
|v_as|		as		   extend highlighted area with a sentence
|v_at|		at		   extend highlighted area with a tag block
|v_aw|		aw		   extend highlighted area with "a word"
|v_a{|		a{		   same as aB
|v_a}|		a}		   same as aB
|v_c|		c		2  delete highlighted area and start insert
|v_d|		d		2  delete highlighted area
|v_g_CTRL-A|	g CTRL-A	2  add N to number in highlighted text
|v_g_CTRL-X|	g CTRL-X	2  subtract N from number in highlighted text
|v_gJ|		gJ		2  join the highlighted lines without
				   inserting spaces
|v_gq|		gq		2  format the highlighted lines
|v_gv|		gv		   exchange current and previous highlighted
|v_iquote|	i"		   extend highlighted area with a double
				   quoted string (without quotes)
|v_i'|		i'		   extend highlighted area with a single
				   quoted string (without quotes)
|v_i(|		i(		   same as ib
|v_i)|		i)		   same as ib
|v_i<|		i<		   extend highlighted area with inner <> block
|v_i>|		i>		   same as i<
|v_iB|		iB		   extend highlighted area with inner {} block
|v_iW|		iW		   extend highlighted area with "inner WORD"
|v_i[|		i[		   extend highlighted area with inner [] block
|v_i]|		i]		   same as i[
|v_i`|		i`		   extend highlighted area with a backtick
				   quoted string (without the backticks)
|v_ib|		ib		   extend highlighted area with inner () block
|v_ip|		ip		   extend highlighted area with inner paragraph
|v_is|		is		   extend highlighted area with inner sentence
|v_it|		it		   extend highlighted area with inner tag block
|v_iw|		iw		   extend highlighted area with "inner word"
|v_i{|		i{		   same as iB
|v_i}|		i}		   same as iB
|v_o|		o		   move cursor to other corner of area
|v_r|		r		2  delete highlighted area and start insert
|v_s|		s		2  delete highlighted area and start insert
|v_u|		u		2  make highlighted area lowercase
|v_v|		v		   make Visual mode characterwise or stop
				   Visual mode
|v_x|		x		2  delete the highlighted area
|v_y|		y		   yank the highlighted area
|v_~|		~		2  swap case for the highlighted area

4. Command-line editing					*ex-edit-index*

Get to the command-line with the ':', '!', '/' or '?' commands.
Normal characters are inserted at the current cursor position.
"Completion" below refers to context-sensitive completion.  It will complete
file names, tags, commands etc. as appropriate.

tag		command	      action in Command-line editing mode	~
		CTRL-@		not used
|c_CTRL-A|	CTRL-A		do completion on the pattern in front of the
				cursor and insert all matches
|c_CTRL-B|	CTRL-B		cursor to begin of command-line
|c_CTRL-C|	CTRL-C		same as <Esc>
|c_CTRL-D|	CTRL-D		list completions that match the pattern in
				front of the cursor
|c_CTRL-E|	CTRL-E		cursor to end of command-line
|'cedit'|	CTRL-F		default value for 'cedit': opens the
				command-line window; otherwise not used
|c_CTRL-G|	CTRL-G		next match when 'incsearch' is active
|c_<BS>|	<BS>		delete the character in front of the cursor
|c_digraph|	{char1} <BS> {char2}
				enter digraph when 'digraph' is on
|c_CTRL-H|	CTRL-H		same as <BS>
|c_<Tab>|	<Tab>		if 'wildchar' is <Tab>: Do completion on
				the pattern in front of the cursor
|c_<S-Tab>|	<S-Tab>		same as CTRL-P
|c_wildchar|	'wildchar'	Do completion on the pattern in front of the
				cursor (default: <Tab>)
|c_CTRL-I|	CTRL-I		same as <Tab>
|c_<NL>|	<NL>		same as <CR>
|c_CTRL-J|	CTRL-J		same as <CR>
|c_CTRL-K|	CTRL-K {char1} {char2}
				enter digraph
|c_CTRL-L|	CTRL-L		do completion on the pattern in front of the
				cursor and insert the longest common part
|c_<CR>|	<CR>		execute entered command
|c_CTRL-M|	CTRL-M		same as <CR>
|c_CTRL-N|	CTRL-N		after using 'wildchar' with multiple matches:
				go to next match, otherwise: recall older
				command-line from history.
		CTRL-O		not used
|c_CTRL-P|	CTRL-P		after using 'wildchar' with multiple matches:
				go to previous match, otherwise: recall older
				command-line from history.
|c_CTRL-Q|	CTRL-Q		same as CTRL-V, unless it's used for terminal
				control flow
|c_CTRL-R|	CTRL-R {0-9a-z"%#*:= CTRL-F CTRL-P CTRL-W CTRL-A}
				insert the contents of a register or object
				under the cursor as if typed
				insert the contents of a register or object
				under the cursor literally
		CTRL-S		(used for terminal control flow)
|c_CTRL-T|	CTRL-T		previous match when 'incsearch' is active
|c_CTRL-U|	CTRL-U		remove all characters
|c_CTRL-V|	CTRL-V		insert next non-digit literally, insert three
				digit decimal number as a single byte.
|c_CTRL-W|	CTRL-W		delete the word in front of the cursor
		CTRL-X		not used (reserved for completion)
		CTRL-Y		copy (yank) modeless selection
		CTRL-Z		not used (reserved for suspend)
|c_<Esc>|	<Esc>		abandon command-line without executing it
|c_CTRL-[|	CTRL-[		same as <Esc>
|c_CTRL-\_CTRL-N| CTRL-\ CTRL-N	go to Normal mode, abandon command-line
|c_CTRL-\_CTRL-G| CTRL-\ CTRL-G	go to mode specified with 'insertmode',
				abandon command-line
		CTRL-\ a - d	reserved for extensions
|c_CTRL-\_e|	CTRL-\ e {expr} replace the command line with the result of
		CTRL-\ f - z	reserved for extensions
		CTRL-\ others	not used
|c_CTRL-]|	CTRL-]		trigger abbreviation
|c_CTRL-^|	CTRL-^		toggle use of |:lmap| mappings
|c_CTRL-_|	CTRL-_		when 'allowrevins' set: change language
				(Hebrew, Farsi)
|c_<Del>|	<Del>		delete the character under the cursor

|c_<Left>|	<Left>		cursor left
|c_<S-Left>|	<S-Left>	cursor one word left
|c_<C-Left>|	<C-Left>	cursor one word left
|c_<Right>|	<Right>		cursor right
|c_<S-Right>|	<S-Right>	cursor one word right
|c_<C-Right>|	<C-Right>	cursor one word right
|c_<Up>|	<Up>		recall previous command-line from history that
				matches pattern in front of the cursor
|c_<S-Up>|	<S-Up>		recall previous command-line from history
|c_<Down>|	<Down>		recall next command-line from history that
				matches pattern in front of the cursor
|c_<S-Down>|	<S-Down>	recall next command-line from history
|c_<Home>|	<Home>		cursor to start of command-line
|c_<End>|	<End>		cursor to end of command-line
|c_<PageDown>|	<PageDown>	same as <S-Down>
|c_<PageUp>|	<PageUp>	same as <S-Up>
|c_<Insert>|	<Insert>	toggle insert/overstrike mode
|c_<LeftMouse>|	<LeftMouse>	cursor at mouse click

You found it, Arthur!				*holy-grail* *:smile*

5. EX commands					*ex-cmd-index* *:index*

This is a brief but complete listing of all the ":" commands, without
mentioning any arguments.  The optional part of the command name is inside [].
The commands are sorted on the non-optional part of their name.

tag	      command	      action ~
|:!|		:!		filter lines or execute an external command
|:!!|		:!!		repeat last ":!" command
|:#|		:#		same as ":number"
|:&|		:&		repeat last ":substitute"
|:star|		:*		execute contents of a register
|:<|		:<		shift lines one 'shiftwidth' left
|:=|		:=		print the cursor line number
|:>|		:>		shift lines one 'shiftwidth' right
|:@|		:@		execute contents of a register
|:@@|		:@@		repeat the previous ":@"
|:Next|		:N[ext]		go to previous file in the argument list
|:Print|	:P[rint]	print lines
|:X|		:X		ask for encryption key
|:append|	:a[ppend]	append text
|:abbreviate|	:ab[breviate]	enter abbreviation
|:abclear|	:abc[lear]	remove all abbreviations
|:aboveleft|	:abo[veleft]	make split window appear left or above
|:all|		:al[l]		open a window for each file in the argument
|:amenu|	:am[enu]	enter new menu item for all modes
|:anoremenu|	:an[oremenu]	enter a new menu for all modes that will not
				be remapped
|:args|		:ar[gs]		print the argument list
|:argadd|	:arga[dd]	add items to the argument list
|:argdelete|	:argd[elete]	delete items from the argument list
|:argedit|	:arge[dit]	add item to the argument list and edit it
|:argdo|	:argdo		do a command on all items in the argument list
|:argglobal|	:argg[lobal]	define the global argument list
|:arglocal|	:argl[ocal]	define a local argument list
|:argument|	:argu[ment]	go to specific file in the argument list
|:ascii|	:as[cii]	print ascii value of character under the cursor
|:autocmd|	:au[tocmd]	enter or show autocommands
|:augroup|	:aug[roup]	select the autocommand group to use
|:aunmenu|	:aun[menu]	remove menu for all modes
|:buffer|	:b[uffer]	go to specific buffer in the buffer list
|:bNext|	:bN[ext]	go to previous buffer in the buffer list
|:ball|		:ba[ll]		open a window for each buffer in the buffer list
|:badd|		:bad[d]		add buffer to the buffer list
|:bdelete|	:bd[elete]	remove a buffer from the buffer list
|:behave|	:be[have]	set mouse and selection behavior
|:belowright|	:bel[owright]	make split window appear right or below
|:bfirst|	:bf[irst]	go to first buffer in the buffer list
|:blast|	:bl[ast]	go to last buffer in the buffer list
|:bmodified|	:bm[odified]	go to next buffer in the buffer list that has
				been modified
|:bnext|	:bn[ext]	go to next buffer in the buffer list
|:botright|	:bo[tright]	make split window appear at bottom or far right
|:bprevious|	:bp[revious]	go to previous buffer in the buffer list
|:brewind|	:br[ewind]	go to first buffer in the buffer list
|:break|	:brea[k]	break out of while loop
|:breakadd|	:breaka[dd]	add a debugger breakpoint
|:breakdel|	:breakd[el]	delete a debugger breakpoint
|:breaklist|	:breakl[ist]	list debugger breakpoints
|:browse|	:bro[wse]	use file selection dialog
|:bufdo|	:bufdo		execute command in each listed buffer
|:buffers|	:buffers	list all files in the buffer list
|:bunload|	:bun[load]	unload a specific buffer
|:bwipeout|	:bw[ipeout]	really delete a buffer
|:change|	:c[hange]	replace a line or series of lines
|:cNext|	:cN[ext]	go to previous error
|:cNfile|	:cNf[ile]	go to last error in previous file
|:cabbrev|	:ca[bbrev]	like ":abbreviate" but for Command-line mode
|:cabclear|	:cabc[lear]	clear all abbreviations for Command-line mode
|:caddbuffer|	:cad[dbuffer]	add errors from buffer
|:caddexpr|	:cadde[xpr]	add errors from expr
|:caddfile|	:caddf[ile]	add error message to current quickfix list
|:call|		:cal[l]		call a function
|:catch|	:cat[ch]	part of a :try command
|:cbottom|	:cbo[ttom]	scroll to the bottom of the quickfix window
|:cbuffer|	:cb[uffer]	parse error messages and jump to first error
|:cc|		:cc		go to specific error
|:cclose|	:ccl[ose]	close quickfix window
|:cd|		:cd		change directory
|:cdo|		:cdo		execute command in each valid error list entry
|:cfdo|		:cfd[o]		execute command in each file in error list
|:center|	:ce[nter]	format lines at the center
|:cexpr|	:cex[pr]	read errors from expr and jump to first
|:cfile|	:cf[ile]	read file with error messages and jump to first
|:cfirst|	:cfir[st]	go to the specified error, default first one
|:cgetbuffer|	:cgetb[uffer]	get errors from buffer
|:cgetexpr|	:cgete[xpr]	get errors from expr
|:cgetfile|	:cg[etfile]	read file with error messages
|:changes|	:changes	print the change list
|:chdir|	:chd[ir]	change directory
|:checkpath|	:che[ckpath]	list included files
|:checktime|	:checkt[ime]	check timestamp of loaded buffers
|:chistory|	:chi[story]	list the error lists
|:clast|	:cla[st]	go to the specified error, default last one
|:clearjumps|	:cle[arjumps]	clear the jump list
|:clist|	:cl[ist]	list all errors
|:close|	:clo[se]	close current window
|:cmap|		:cm[ap]		like ":map" but for Command-line mode
|:cmapclear|	:cmapc[lear]	clear all mappings for Command-line mode
|:cmenu|	:cme[nu]	add menu for Command-line mode
|:cnext|	:cn[ext]	go to next error
|:cnewer|	:cnew[er]	go to newer error list
|:cnfile|	:cnf[ile]	go to first error in next file
|:cnoremap|	:cno[remap]	like ":noremap" but for Command-line mode
|:cnoreabbrev|	:cnorea[bbrev]	like ":noreabbrev" but for Command-line mode
|:cnoremenu|	:cnoreme[nu]	like ":noremenu" but for Command-line mode
|:copy|		:co[py]		copy lines
|:colder|	:col[der]	go to older error list
|:colorscheme|	:colo[rscheme]	load a specific color scheme
|:command|	:com[mand]	create user-defined command
|:comclear|	:comc[lear]	clear all user-defined commands
|:compiler|	:comp[iler]	do settings for a specific compiler
|:continue|	:con[tinue]	go back to :while
|:confirm|	:conf[irm]	prompt user when confirmation required
|:copen|	:cope[n]	open quickfix window
|:cprevious|	:cp[revious]	go to previous error
|:cpfile|	:cpf[ile]	go to last error in previous file
|:cquit|	:cq[uit]	quit Vim with an error code
|:crewind|	:cr[ewind]	go to the specified error, default first one
|:cscope|	:cs[cope]	execute cscope command
|:cstag|	:cst[ag]	use cscope to jump to a tag
|:cunmap|	:cu[nmap]	like ":unmap" but for Command-line mode
|:cunabbrev|	:cuna[bbrev]	like ":unabbrev" but for Command-line mode
|:cunmenu|	:cunme[nu]	remove menu for Command-line mode
|:cwindow|	:cw[indow]	open or close quickfix window
|:delete|	:d[elete]	delete lines
|:delmarks|	:delm[arks]	delete marks
|:debug|	:deb[ug]	run a command in debugging mode
|:debuggreedy|	:debugg[reedy]	read debug mode commands from normal input
|:delcommand|	:delc[ommand]	delete user-defined command
|:delfunction|	:delf[unction]	delete a user function
|:diffupdate|	:dif[fupdate]	update 'diff' buffers
|:diffget|	:diffg[et]	remove differences in current buffer
|:diffoff|	:diffo[ff]	switch off diff mode
|:diffpatch|	:diffp[atch]	apply a patch and show differences
|:diffput|	:diffpu[t]	remove differences in other buffer
|:diffsplit|	:diffs[plit]	show differences with another file
|:diffthis|	:diffthis	make current window a diff window
|:digraphs|	:dig[raphs]	show or enter digraphs
|:display|	:di[splay]	display registers
|:djump|	:dj[ump]	jump to #define
|:dl|		:dl		short for |:delete| with the 'l' flag
|:del|		:del[ete]l	short for |:delete| with the 'l' flag
|:dlist|	:dli[st]	list #defines
|:doautocmd|	:do[autocmd]	apply autocommands to current buffer
|:doautoall|	:doautoa[ll]	apply autocommands for all loaded buffers
|:dp|		:d[elete]p	short for |:delete| with the 'p' flag
|:drop|		:dr[op]		jump to window editing file or edit file in
				current window
|:dsearch|	:ds[earch]	list one #define
|:dsplit|	:dsp[lit]	split window and jump to #define
|:edit|		:e[dit]		edit a file
|:earlier|	:ea[rlier]	go to older change, undo
|:echo|		:ec[ho]		echoes the result of expressions
|:echoerr|	:echoe[rr]	like :echo, show like an error and use history
|:echohl|	:echoh[l]	set highlighting for echo commands
|:echomsg|	:echom[sg]	same as :echo, put message in history
|:echon|	:echon		same as :echo, but without <EOL>
|:else|		:el[se]		part of an :if command
|:elseif|	:elsei[f]	part of an :if command
|:emenu|	:em[enu]	execute a menu by name
|:endif|	:en[dif]	end previous :if
|:endfor|	:endfo[r]	end previous :for
|:endfunction|	:endf[unction]	end of a user function
|:endtry|	:endt[ry]	end previous :try
|:endwhile|	:endw[hile]	end previous :while
|:enew|		:ene[w]		edit a new, unnamed buffer
|:ex|		:ex		same as ":edit"
|:execute|	:exe[cute]	execute result of expressions
|:exit|		:exi[t]		same as ":xit"
|:exusage|	:exu[sage]	overview of Ex commands
|:file|		:f[ile]		show or set the current file name
|:files|	:files		list all files in the buffer list
|:filetype|	:filet[ype]	switch file type detection on/off
|:filter|	:filt[er]	filter output of following command
|:find|		:fin[d]		find file in 'path' and edit it
|:finally|	:fina[lly]	part of a :try command
|:finish|	:fini[sh]	quit sourcing a Vim script
|:first|	:fir[st]	go to the first file in the argument list
|:fixdel|	:fix[del]	set key code of <Del>
|:fold|		:fo[ld]		create a fold
|:foldclose|	:foldc[lose]	close folds
|:folddoopen|	:foldd[oopen]	execute command on lines not in a closed fold
|:folddoclosed|	:folddoc[losed]	execute command on lines in a closed fold
|:foldopen|	:foldo[pen]	open folds
|:for|		:for		for loop
|:function|	:fu[nction]	define a user function
|:global|	:g[lobal]	execute commands for matching lines
|:goto|		:go[to]		go to byte in the buffer
|:grep|		:gr[ep]		run 'grepprg' and jump to first match
|:grepadd|	:grepa[dd]	like :grep, but append to current list
|:gui|		:gu[i]		start the GUI
|:gvim|		:gv[im]		start the GUI
|:hardcopy|	:ha[rdcopy]	send text to the printer
|:help|		:h[elp]		open a help window
|:helpclose|	:helpc[lose]	close one help window
|:helpfind|	:helpf[ind]	dialog to open a help window
|:helpgrep|	:helpg[rep]	like ":grep" but searches help files
|:helptags|	:helpt[ags]	generate help tags for a directory
|:highlight|	:hi[ghlight]	specify highlighting methods
|:hide|		:hid[e]		hide current buffer for a command
|:history|	:his[tory]	print a history list
|:insert|	:i[nsert]	insert text
|:iabbrev|	:ia[bbrev]	like ":abbrev" but for Insert mode
|:iabclear|	:iabc[lear]	like ":abclear" but for Insert mode
|:if|		:if		execute commands when condition met
|:ijump|	:ij[ump]	jump to definition of identifier
|:ilist|	:il[ist]	list lines where identifier matches
|:imap|		:im[ap]		like ":map" but for Insert mode
|:imapclear|	:imapc[lear]	like ":mapclear" but for Insert mode
|:imenu|	:ime[nu]	add menu for Insert mode
|:inoremap|	:ino[remap]	like ":noremap" but for Insert mode
|:inoreabbrev|	:inorea[bbrev]	like ":noreabbrev" but for Insert mode
|:inoremenu|	:inoreme[nu]	like ":noremenu" but for Insert mode
|:intro|	:int[ro]	print the introductory message
|:isearch|	:is[earch]	list one line where identifier matches
|:isplit|	:isp[lit]	split window and jump to definition of
|:iunmap|	:iu[nmap]	like ":unmap" but for Insert mode
|:iunabbrev|	:iuna[bbrev]	like ":unabbrev" but for Insert mode
|:iunmenu|	:iunme[nu]	remove menu for Insert mode
|:join|		:j[oin]		join lines
|:jumps|	:ju[mps]	print the jump list
|:k|		:k		set a mark
|:keepalt|	:keepa[lt]	following command keeps the alternate file
|:keepmarks|	:kee[pmarks]	following command keeps marks where they are
|:keepjumps|	:keepj[umps]	following command keeps jumplist and marks
|:keeppatterns|	:keepp[atterns]	following command keeps search pattern history
|:lNext|	:lN[ext]	go to previous entry in location list
|:lNfile|	:lNf[ile]	go to last entry in previous file
|:list|		:l[ist]		print lines
|:laddexpr|	:lad[dexpr]	add locations from expr
|:laddbuffer|	:laddb[uffer]	add locations from buffer
|:laddfile|	:laddf[ile]	add locations to current location list
|:last|		:la[st]		go to the last file in the argument list
|:language|	:lan[guage]	set the language (locale)
|:later|	:lat[er]	go to newer change, redo
|:lbottom|	:lbo[ttom]	scroll to the bottom of the location window
|:lbuffer|	:lb[uffer]	parse locations and jump to first location
|:lcd|		:lc[d]		change directory locally
|:lchdir|	:lch[dir]	change directory locally
|:lclose|	:lcl[ose]	close location window
|:lcscope|	:lcs[cope]	like ":cscope" but uses location list
|:ldo|		:ld[o]		execute command in valid location list entries
|:lfdo|		:lfd[o]		execute command in each file in location list
|:left|		:le[ft]		left align lines
|:leftabove|	:lefta[bove]	make split window appear left or above
|:let|		:let		assign a value to a variable or option
|:lexpr|	:lex[pr]	read locations from expr and jump to first
|:lfile|	:lf[ile]	read file with locations and jump to first
|:lfirst|	:lfir[st]	go to the specified location, default first one
|:lgetbuffer|	:lgetb[uffer]	get locations from buffer
|:lgetexpr|	:lgete[xpr]	get locations from expr
|:lgetfile|	:lg[etfile]	read file with locations
|:lgrep|	:lgr[ep]	run 'grepprg' and jump to first match
|:lgrepadd|	:lgrepa[dd]	like :grep, but append to current list
|:lhelpgrep|	:lh[elpgrep]	like ":helpgrep" but uses location list
|:lhistory|	:lhi[story]	list the location lists
|:ll|		:ll		go to specific location
|:llast|	:lla[st]	go to the specified location, default last one
|:llist|	:lli[st]	list all locations
|:lmake|	:lmak[e]	execute external command 'makeprg' and parse
				error messages
|:lmap|		:lm[ap]		like ":map!" but includes Lang-Arg mode
|:lmapclear|	:lmapc[lear]	like ":mapclear!" but includes Lang-Arg mode
|:lnext|	:lne[xt]	go to next location
|:lnewer|	:lnew[er]	go to newer location list
|:lnfile|	:lnf[ile]	go to first location in next file
|:lnoremap|	:ln[oremap]	like ":noremap!" but includes Lang-Arg mode
|:loadkeymap|	:loadk[eymap]	load the following keymaps until EOF
|:loadview|	:lo[adview]	load view for current window from a file
|:lockmarks|	:loc[kmarks]	following command keeps marks where they are
|:lockvar|	:lockv[ar]	lock variables
|:lolder|	:lol[der]	go to older location list
|:lopen|	:lope[n]	open location window
|:lprevious|	:lp[revious]	go to previous location
|:lpfile|	:lpf[ile]	go to last location in previous file
|:lrewind|	:lr[ewind]	go to the specified location, default first one
|:ls|		:ls		list all buffers
|:ltag|		:lt[ag]		jump to tag and add matching tags to the
				location list
|:lunmap|	:lu[nmap]	like ":unmap!" but includes Lang-Arg mode
|:lua|		:lua		execute |Lua| command
|:luado|	:luad[o]	execute Lua command for each line
|:luafile|	:luaf[ile]	execute |Lua| script file
|:lvimgrep|	:lv[imgrep]	search for pattern in files
|:lvimgrepadd|	:lvimgrepa[dd]	like :vimgrep, but append to current list
|:lwindow|	:lw[indow]	open or close location window
|:move|		:m[ove]		move lines
|:mark|		:ma[rk]		set a mark
|:make|		:mak[e]		execute external command 'makeprg' and parse
				error messages
|:map|		:map		show or enter a mapping
|:mapclear|	:mapc[lear]	clear all mappings for Normal and Visual mode
|:marks|	:marks		list all marks
|:match|	:mat[ch]	define a match to highlight
|:menu|		:me[nu]		enter a new menu item
|:menutranslate|  :menut[ranslate] add a menu translation item
|:messages|	:mes[sages]	view previously displayed messages
|:mkexrc|	:mk[exrc]	write current mappings and settings to a file
|:mksession|	:mks[ession]	write session info to a file
|:mkspell|	:mksp[ell]	produce .spl spell file
|:mkvimrc|	:mkv[imrc]	write current mappings and settings to a file
|:mkview|	:mkvie[w]	write view of current window to a file
|:mode|		:mod[e]		show or change the screen mode
|:mzscheme|	:mz[scheme]	execute MzScheme command
|:mzfile|	:mzf[ile]	execute MzScheme script file
|:nbclose|	:nbc[lose]	close the current Netbeans session
|:nbkey|	:nb[key]	pass a key to Netbeans
|:nbstart|	:nbs[art]	start a new Netbeans session
|:next|		:n[ext]		go to next file in the argument list
|:new|		:new		create a new empty window
|:nmap|		:nm[ap]		like ":map" but for Normal mode
|:nmapclear|	:nmapc[lear]	clear all mappings for Normal mode
|:nmenu|	:nme[nu]	add menu for Normal mode
|:nnoremap|	:nn[oremap]	like ":noremap" but for Normal mode
|:nnoremenu|	:nnoreme[nu]	like ":noremenu" but for Normal mode
|:noautocmd|	:noa[utocmd]	following commands don't trigger autocommands
|:noremap|	:no[remap]	enter a mapping that will not be remapped
|:nohlsearch|	:noh[lsearch]	suspend 'hlsearch' highlighting
|:noreabbrev|	:norea[bbrev]	enter an abbreviation that will not be
|:noremenu|	:noreme[nu]	enter a menu that will not be remapped
|:normal|	:norm[al]	execute Normal mode commands
|:noswapfile|	:nos[wapfile]	following commands don't create a swap file
|:number|	:nu[mber]	print lines with line number
|:nunmap|	:nun[map]	like ":unmap" but for Normal mode
|:nunmenu|	:nunme[nu]	remove menu for Normal mode
|:oldfiles|	:ol[dfiles]	list files that have marks in the viminfo file
|:open|		:o[pen]		start open mode (not implemented)
|:omap|		:om[ap]		like ":map" but for Operator-pending mode
|:omapclear|	:omapc[lear]	remove all mappings for Operator-pending mode
|:omenu|	:ome[nu]	add menu for Operator-pending mode
|:only|		:on[ly]		close all windows except the current one
|:onoremap|	:ono[remap]	like ":noremap" but for Operator-pending mode
|:onoremenu|	:onoreme[nu]	like ":noremenu" but for Operator-pending mode
|:options|	:opt[ions]	open the options-window
|:ounmap|	:ou[nmap]	like ":unmap" but for Operator-pending mode
|:ounmenu|	:ounme[nu]	remove menu for Operator-pending mode
|:ownsyntax|	:ow[nsyntax]	set new local syntax highlight for this window
|:packadd|	:pa[ckadd]	add a plugin from 'packpath'
|:packloadall|	:packl[oadall]	load all packages under 'packpath'
|:pclose|	:pc[lose]	close preview window
|:pedit|	:ped[it]	edit file in the preview window
|:perl|		:pe[rl]		execute Perl command
|:print|	:p[rint]	print lines
|:profdel|	:profd[el]	stop profiling a function or script
|:profile|	:prof[ile]	profiling functions and scripts
|:promptfind|	:pro[mptfind]	open GUI dialog for searching
|:promptrepl|	:promptr[epl]	open GUI dialog for search/replace
|:perldo|	:perld[o]	execute Perl command for each line
|:pop|		:po[p]		jump to older entry in tag stack
|:popup|	:popu[p]	popup a menu by name
|:ppop|		:pp[op]		":pop" in preview window
|:preserve|	:pre[serve]	write all text to swap file
|:previous|	:prev[ious]	go to previous file in argument list
|:psearch|	:ps[earch]	like ":ijump" but shows match in preview window
|:ptag|		:pt[ag]		show tag in preview window
|:ptNext|	:ptN[ext]	|:tNext| in preview window
|:ptfirst|	:ptf[irst]	|:trewind| in preview window
|:ptjump|	:ptj[ump]	|:tjump| and show tag in preview window
|:ptlast|	:ptl[ast]	|:tlast| in preview window
|:ptnext|	:ptn[ext]	|:tnext| in preview window
|:ptprevious|	:ptp[revious]	|:tprevious| in preview window
|:ptrewind|	:ptr[ewind]	|:trewind| in preview window
|:ptselect|	:pts[elect]	|:tselect| and show tag in preview window
|:put|		:pu[t]		insert contents of register in the text
|:pwd|		:pw[d]		print current directory
|:py3|		:py3		execute Python 3 command
|:python3|	:python3	same as :py3
|:py3do|	:py3d[o]	execute Python 3 command for each line
|:py3file|	:py3f[ile]	execute Python 3 script file
|:python|	:py[thon]	execute Python command
|:pydo|		:pyd[o]		execute Python command for each line
|:pyfile|	:pyf[ile]	execute Python script file
|:pyx|		:pyx		execute |python_x| command
|:pythonx|	:pythonx	same as :pyx
|:pyxdo|	:pyxd[o]	execute |python_x| command for each line
|:pyxfile|	:pyxf[ile]	execute |python_x| script file
|:quit|		:q[uit]		quit current window (when one window quit Vim)
|:quitall|	:quita[ll]	quit Vim
|:qall|		:qa[ll]		quit Vim
|:read|		:r[ead]		read file into the text
|:recover|	:rec[over]	recover a file from a swap file
|:redo|		:red[o]		redo one undone change
|:redir|	:redi[r]	redirect messages to a file or register
|:redraw|	:redr[aw]	force a redraw of the display
|:redrawstatus|	:redraws[tatus]	force a redraw of the status line(s)
|:registers|	:reg[isters]	display the contents of registers
|:resize|	:res[ize]	change current window height
|:retab|	:ret[ab]	change tab size
|:return|	:retu[rn]	return from a user function
|:rewind|	:rew[ind]	go to the first file in the argument list
|:right|	:ri[ght]	right align text
|:rightbelow|	:rightb[elow]	make split window appear right or below
|:ruby|		:rub[y]		execute Ruby command
|:rubydo|	:rubyd[o]	execute Ruby command for each line
|:rubyfile|	:rubyf[ile]	execute Ruby script file
|:rundo|	:rund[o]	read undo information from a file
|:runtime|	:ru[ntime]	source vim scripts in 'runtimepath'
|:rviminfo|	:rv[iminfo]	read from viminfo file
|:substitute|	:s[ubstitute]	find and replace text
|:sNext|	:sN[ext]	split window and go to previous file in
				argument list
|:sandbox|	:san[dbox]	execute a command in the sandbox
|:sargument|	:sa[rgument]	split window and go to specific file in
				argument list
|:sall|		:sal[l]		open a window for each file in argument list
|:saveas|	:sav[eas]	save file under another name.
|:sbuffer|	:sb[uffer]	split window and go to specific file in the
				buffer list
|:sbNext|	:sbN[ext]	split window and go to previous file in the
				buffer list
|:sball|	:sba[ll]	open a window for each file in the buffer list
|:sbfirst|	:sbf[irst]	split window and go to first file in the
				buffer list
|:sblast|	:sbl[ast]	split window and go to last file in buffer
|:sbmodified|	:sbm[odified]	split window and go to modified file in the
				buffer list
|:sbnext|	:sbn[ext]	split window and go to next file in the buffer
|:sbprevious|	:sbp[revious]	split window and go to previous file in the
				buffer list
|:sbrewind|	:sbr[ewind]	split window and go to first file in the
				buffer list
|:scriptnames|	:scr[iptnames]	list names of all sourced Vim scripts
|:scriptencoding| :scripte[ncoding]	encoding used in sourced Vim script
|:scscope|	:scs[cope]	split window and execute cscope command
|:set|		:se[t]		show or set options
|:setfiletype|	:setf[iletype]	set 'filetype', unless it was set already
|:setglobal|	:setg[lobal]	show global values of options
|:setlocal|	:setl[ocal]	show or set options locally
|:sfind|	:sf[ind]	split current window and edit file in 'path'
|:sfirst|	:sfir[st]	split window and go to first file in the
				argument list
|:shell|	:sh[ell]	escape to a shell
|:simalt|	:sim[alt]	Win32 GUI: simulate Windows ALT key
|:sign|		:sig[n]		manipulate signs
|:silent|	:sil[ent]	run a command silently
|:sleep|	:sl[eep]	do nothing for a few seconds
|:slast|	:sla[st]	split window and go to last file in the
				argument list
|:smagic|	:sm[agic]	:substitute with 'magic'
|:smap|		:smap		like ":map" but for Select mode
|:smapclear|	:smapc[lear]	remove all mappings for Select mode
|:smenu|	:sme[nu]	add menu for Select mode
|:smile|	:smi[le]	make the user happy
|:snext|	:sn[ext]	split window and go to next file in the
				argument list
|:snomagic|	:sno[magic]	:substitute with 'nomagic'
|:snoremap|	:snor[emap]	like ":noremap" but for Select mode
|:snoremenu|	:snoreme[nu]	like ":noremenu" but for Select mode
|:sort|		:sor[t]		sort lines
|:source|	:so[urce]	read Vim or Ex commands from a file
|:spelldump|	:spelld[ump]	split window and fill with all correct words
|:spellgood|	:spe[llgood]	add good word for spelling
|:spellinfo|	:spelli[nfo]	show info about loaded spell files
|:spellrepall|	:spellr[epall]	replace all bad words like last |z=|
|:spellundo|	:spellu[ndo]	remove good or bad word
|:spellwrong|	:spellw[rong]	add spelling mistake
|:split|	:sp[lit]	split current window
|:sprevious|	:spr[evious]	split window and go to previous file in the
				argument list
|:srewind|	:sre[wind]	split window and go to first file in the
				argument list
|:stop|		:st[op]		suspend the editor or escape to a shell
|:stag|		:sta[g]		split window and jump to a tag
|:startinsert|	:star[tinsert]	start Insert mode
|:startgreplace|  :startg[replace] start Virtual Replace mode
|:startreplace|	:startr[eplace]	start Replace mode
|:stopinsert|	:stopi[nsert]	stop Insert mode
|:stjump|	:stj[ump]	do ":tjump" and split window
|:stselect|	:sts[elect]	do ":tselect" and split window
|:sunhide|	:sun[hide]	same as ":unhide"
|:sunmap|	:sunm[ap]	like ":unmap" but for Select mode
|:sunmenu|	:sunme[nu]	remove menu for Select mode
|:suspend|	:sus[pend]	same as ":stop"
|:sview|	:sv[iew]	split window and edit file read-only
|:swapname|	:sw[apname]	show the name of the current swap file
|:syntax|	:sy[ntax]	syntax highlighting
|:syntime|	:synti[me]	measure syntax highlighting speed
|:syncbind|	:sync[bind]	sync scroll binding
|:t|		:t		same as ":copy"
|:tNext|	:tN[ext]	jump to previous matching tag
|:tabNext|	:tabN[ext]	go to previous tab page
|:tabclose|	:tabc[lose]	close current tab page
|:tabdo|	:tabdo		execute command in each tab page
|:tabedit|	:tabe[dit]	edit a file in a new tab page
|:tabfind|	:tabf[ind]	find file in 'path', edit it in a new tab page
|:tabfirst|	:tabfir[st]	go to first tab page
|:tablast|	:tabl[ast]	go to last tab page
|:tabmove|	:tabm[ove]	move tab page to other position
|:tabnew|	:tabnew		edit a file in a new tab page
|:tabnext|	:tabn[ext]	go to next tab page
|:tabonly|	:tabo[nly]	close all tab pages except the current one
|:tabprevious|	:tabp[revious]	go to previous tab page
|:tabrewind|	:tabr[ewind]	go to first tab page
|:tabs|		:tabs		list the tab pages and what they contain
|:tab|		:tab		create new tab when opening new window
|:tag|		:ta[g]		jump to tag
|:tags|		:tags		show the contents of the tag stack
|:tcl|		:tc[l]		execute Tcl command
|:tcldo|	:tcld[o]	execute Tcl command for each line
|:tclfile|	:tclf[ile]	execute Tcl script file
|:tearoff|	:te[aroff]	tear-off a menu
|:terminal|	:ter[minal]	open a terminal window
|:tfirst|	:tf[irst]	jump to first matching tag
|:throw|	:th[row]	throw an exception
|:tjump|	:tj[ump]	like ":tselect", but jump directly when there
				is only one match
|:tlast|	:tl[ast]	jump to last matching tag
|:tmapclear|	:tmapc[lear]	remove all mappings for Terminal-Job mode
|:tmap|		:tma[p]		like ":map" but for Terminal-Job mode
|:tmenu|	:tm[enu]	define menu tooltip
|:tnext|	:tn[ext]	jump to next matching tag
|:tnoremap|	:tno[remap]	like ":noremap" but for Terminal-Job mode
|:topleft|	:to[pleft]	make split window appear at top or far left
|:tprevious|	:tp[revious]	jump to previous matching tag
|:trewind|	:tr[ewind]	jump to first matching tag
|:try|		:try		execute commands, abort on error or exception
|:tselect|	:ts[elect]	list matching tags and select one
|:tunmap|	:tunma[p]	like ":unmap" but for Terminal-Job mode
|:tunmenu|	:tu[nmenu]	remove menu tooltip
|:undo|		:u[ndo]		undo last change(s)
|:undojoin|	:undoj[oin]	join next change with previous undo block
|:undolist|	:undol[ist]	list leafs of the undo tree
|:unabbreviate|	:una[bbreviate]	remove abbreviation
|:unhide|	:unh[ide]	open a window for each loaded file in the
				buffer list
|:unlet|	:unl[et]	delete variable
|:unlockvar|	:unlo[ckvar]	unlock variables
|:unmap|	:unm[ap]	remove mapping
|:unmenu|	:unme[nu]	remove menu
|:unsilent|	:uns[ilent]	run a command not silently
|:update|	:up[date]	write buffer if modified
|:vglobal|	:v[global]	execute commands for not matching lines
|:version|	:ve[rsion]	print version number and other info
|:verbose|	:verb[ose]	execute command with 'verbose' set
|:vertical|	:vert[ical]	make following command split vertically
|:vimgrep|	:vim[grep]	search for pattern in files
|:vimgrepadd|	:vimgrepa[dd]	like :vimgrep, but append to current list
|:visual|	:vi[sual]	same as ":edit", but turns off "Ex" mode
|:viusage|	:viu[sage]	overview of Normal mode commands
|:view|		:vie[w]		edit a file read-only
|:vmap|		:vm[ap]		like ":map" but for Visual+Select mode
|:vmapclear|	:vmapc[lear]	remove all mappings for Visual+Select mode
|:vmenu|	:vme[nu]	add menu for Visual+Select mode
|:vnew|		:vne[w]		create a new empty window, vertically split
|:vnoremap|	:vn[oremap]	like ":noremap" but for Visual+Select mode
|:vnoremenu|	:vnoreme[nu]	like ":noremenu" but for Visual+Select mode
|:vsplit|	:vs[plit]	split current window vertically
|:vunmap|	:vu[nmap]	like ":unmap" but for Visual+Select mode
|:vunmenu|	:vunme[nu]	remove menu for Visual+Select mode
|:windo|	:windo		execute command in each window
|:write|	:w[rite]	write to a file
|:wNext|	:wN[ext]	write to a file and go to previous file in
				argument list
|:wall|		:wa[ll]		write all (changed) buffers
|:while|	:wh[ile]	execute loop for as long as condition met
|:winsize|	:wi[nsize]	get or set window size (obsolete)
|:wincmd|	:winc[md]	execute a Window (CTRL-W) command
|:winpos|	:winp[os]	get or set window position
|:wnext|	:wn[ext]	write to a file and go to next file in
				argument list
|:wprevious|	:wp[revious]	write to a file and go to previous file in
				argument list
|:wq|		:wq		write to a file and quit window or Vim
|:wqall|	:wqa[ll]	write all changed buffers and quit Vim
|:wsverb|	:ws[verb]	pass the verb to workshop over IPC
|:wundo|	:wu[ndo]	write undo information to a file
|:wviminfo|	:wv[iminfo]	write to viminfo file
|:xit|		:x[it]		write if buffer changed and quit window or Vim
|:xall|		:xa[ll]		same as ":wqall"
|:xmapclear|	:xmapc[lear]	remove all mappings for Visual mode
|:xmap|		:xm[ap]		like ":map" but for Visual mode
|:xmenu|	:xme[nu]	add menu for Visual mode
|:xnoremap|	:xn[oremap]	like ":noremap" but for Visual mode
|:xnoremenu|	:xnoreme[nu]	like ":noremenu" but for Visual mode
|:xunmap|	:xu[nmap]	like ":unmap" but for Visual mode
|:xunmenu|	:xunme[nu]	remove menu for Visual mode
|:yank|		:y[ank]		yank lines into a register
|:z|		:z		print some lines
|:~|		:~		repeat last ":substitute"



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