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*pi_tar.txt*	For Vim version 8.0.  Last change: 2013 Apr 17

		       | Tar File Interface |

Author:  Charles E. Campbell  <NdrOchip@ScampbellPfamily.AbizM>
	  (remove NOSPAM from Campbell's email first)
Copyright 2005-2012:					*tar-copyright*
	The VIM LICENSE (see |copyright|) applies to the files in this
	package, including tarPlugin.vim, tar.vim, and pi_tar.txt.  Like
	anything else that's except use "tar.vim" instead of "VIM".  Like
	anything else that's free, tar.vim and its associated files are
	provided *as is* and comes with no warranty of any kind, either
	expressed or implied.  No guarantees of merchantability.  No
	guarantees of suitability for any purpose.  By using this plugin, you
	agree that in no event will the copyright holder be liable for any
	damages resulting from the use of this software. Use at your own risk!

1. Contents					*tar* *tar-contents*
   1. Contents..................................................|tar-contents|
   2. Usage.....................................................|tar-usage|
   3. Options...................................................|tar-options|
   4. History...................................................|tar-history|

2. Usage					*tar-usage* *tar-manual*

   When one edits a *.tar file, this plugin will handle displaying a
   contents page.  Select a file to edit by moving the cursor atop
   the desired file, then hit the <return> key.  After editing, one may
   also write to the file.  Currently, one may not make a new file in
   tar archives via the plugin.


   :Vimuntar [vimhome]

	This command copies, if necessary, the tarball to the .vim or vimfiles
	directory using the first writable directory in the |'runtimepath'|
	when no [vimhome] is specified.  Otherwise, the [vimhome] argument
	allows the user to specify that directory, instead.

	The copy is done using the command in *g:tar_copycmd* , which is >
		cp   for cygwin, unix, macunix
		copy for windows (32, 95, 64, 16)
<	The extraction is done with the command specified with
	*g:tar_extractcmd* , which by default is >
		"tar -xf"

   :TarDiff [filename]

	This command will attempt to show the differences between the tarball
	version of a file and the associated file on the system.  In order to
	find that file on the system, the script uses the path associated with
	the file mentioned in the tarball.  If the current directory is not
	correct for that path, :TarDiff will fail to find the associated file.

	If the [filename] is given, that that filename (and path) will be used
	to specify the associated file.


   If for some reason you do not wish to use vim to examine tar'd files,
   you may put the following two variables into your <.vimrc> to prevent
   the tar plugin from loading: >

	let g:loaded_tarPlugin= 1
	let g:loaded_tar      = 1

3. Options						*tar-options*

   These options are variables that one may change, typically in one's
   <.vimrc> file.
   Variable               Value   Explanation
   *g:tar_browseoptions*  "Ptf"   used to get a list of contents
   *g:tar_readoptions*    "OPxf"  used to extract a file from a tarball
   *g:tar_cmd*            "tar"   the name of the tar program
   *g:tar_nomax*            0     if true, file window will not be maximized
   *g:tar_secure*         undef   if exists:
					"--"s will be used to prevent unwanted
					option expansion in tar commands.
					Please be sure that your tar command
					accepts "--"; Posix compliant tar
					utilities do accept them.
				  if not exists:
				  	The tar plugin will reject any tar
					files or member files that begin with
				  Not all tar's support the "--" which is why
				  it isn't default.
   *g:tar_writeoptions*   "uf"    used to update/replace a file

4. History						*tar-history*

   v28 Jun 23, 2011 * a few more decompression options (tbz tb2 txz)
   v27 May 31, 2011 * moved cygwin detection before g:tar_copycmd handling
   		    * inserted additional |:keepj| modifiers
		    * changed silent  to  sil!  (|:silent|)
   v26 Aug 09, 2010 * uses buffer-local instead of window variables to hold
		      tarfile name
		    * inserted keepj before 0d to protect jump list
   v25 Jun 19, 2010 * (Jan Steffens) added support for xz compression
   v24 Apr 07, 2009 * :Untarvim command implemented
       Sep 28, 2009 * Added lzma support
   v22 Aug 08, 2008 * security fixes
   v16 Jun 06, 2008 * tarfile:: used instead of tarfile: when editing files
		      inside tarballs.  Fixes a problem with tarballs called
		      things like c:\abc.tar. (tnx to Bill McCarthy)
   v14 May 09, 2008 * arno caught a security bug
       May 28, 2008 * various security improvements.  Now requires patch 299
		      which provides the fnameescape() function
       May 30, 2008 * allows one to view *.gz and *.bz2 files that are in
		    *.tar files.
   v12 Sep 07, 2007 * &shq now used if not the empty string for g:tar_shq
   v10 May 02, 2006 * now using "redraw then echo" to show messages, instead
		      of "echo and prompt user"
   v9 May 02, 2006 * improved detection of masquerading as tar file
   v8 May 02, 2006 * allows editing of files that merely masquerade as tar
   v7 Mar 22, 2006 * work on making tar plugin work across network
      Mar 27, 2006 * g:tar_cmd now available for users to change the name
		     of the tar program to be used.  By default, of course,
		     it's "tar".
   v6 Dec 21, 2005 * writing to files not in directories caused problems -
		     fixed (pointed out by Christian Robinson)
   v5 Nov 22, 2005 * report option workaround installed
   v3 Sep 16, 2005 * handles writing files in an archive back to the
      Oct 18, 2005 * <amatch> used instead of <afile> in autocmds
      Oct 18, 2005 * handles writing to compressed archives
      Nov 03, 2005 * handles writing tarfiles across a network using
   v2              * converted to use Vim7's new autoload feature by
		     Bram Moolenaar
   v1 (original)   * Michael Toren (see http://michael.toren.net/code/)



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