" Vim Keymap file for Vietnamese through Telex method " Maintainer: Raphael McSinyx <vn.mcsinyx@gmail.com> " Last Change: 2016-06-13 scriptencoding utf-8 let b:keymap_name = "vi" loadkeymap A\\ A AF À AS Á AR Ả AX Ã AJ Ạ AW Ă AW\\ Ă AWF Ằ AWS Ắ AWR Ẳ AWX Ẵ AWJ Ặ AA Â AA\\ Â AAF Ầ AAS Ấ AAR Ẩ AAX Ẫ AAJ Ậ D\\ D DD Đ E E E\\ E EF È ES É ER Ẻ EX Ẽ EJ Ẹ EE Ê EE\\ Ê EEF Ề EES Ế EER Ể EEX Ễ EEJ Ệ I\\ I IF Ì IS Í IR Ỉ IX Ĩ IJ Ị O\\ O OF Ò OS Ó OR Ỏ OX Õ OJ Ọ OO Ô OO\\ Ô OOF Ồ OOS Ố OOR Ổ OOX Ỗ OOJ Ộ OW Ơ OW\\ Ơ OWF Ờ OWS Ớ OWR Ở OWX Ỡ OWJ Ợ U\\ U UF Ù US Ú UR Ủ UX Ũ UJ Ụ UW Ư UW\\ Ư UWF Ừ UWS Ứ UWR Ử UWX Ữ UWJ Ự Y\\ Y YF Ỳ YS Ý YR Ỷ YX Ỹ YJ Ỵ a\\ a af à as á ar ả ax ã aj ạ aw ă aw\\ ă awf ằ aws ắ awr ẳ awx ẵ awj ặ aa â aa\\ â aaf ầ aas ấ aar ẩ aax ẫ aaj ậ d\\ d dd đ e\\ e ef è es é er ẻ ex ẽ ej ẹ ee ê ee\\ ê eef ề ees ế eer ể eex ễ eej ệ i\\ i if ì is í ir ỉ ix ĩ ij ị o\\ o of ò os ó or ỏ ox õ oj ọ oo ô oo\\ ô oof ồ oos ố oor ổ oox ỗ ooj ộ ow ơ ow\\ ơ owf ờ ows ớ owr ở owx ỡ owj ợ u\\ u uf ù us ú ur ủ ux ũ uj ụ uw ư uw\\ ư uwf ừ uws ứ uwr ử uwx ữ uwj ự y\\ y yf ỳ ys ý yr ỷ yx ỹ yj ỵ
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
README.txt | File | 955 B | 0644 |
accents.vim | File | 649 B | 0644 |
arabic.vim | File | 109 B | 0644 |
arabic_utf-8.vim | File | 3.31 KB | 0644 |
armenian-eastern_utf-8.vim | File | 893 B | 0644 |
armenian-western_utf-8.vim | File | 893 B | 0644 |
belarusian-jcuken.vim | File | 2.46 KB | 0644 |
bulgarian-bds.vim | File | 6.35 KB | 0644 |
bulgarian-phonetic.vim | File | 5.67 KB | 0644 |
canfr-win.vim | File | 1.14 KB | 0644 |
croatian.vim | File | 340 B | 0644 |
croatian_cp1250.vim | File | 552 B | 0644 |
croatian_iso-8859-2.vim | File | 705 B | 0644 |
croatian_utf-8.vim | File | 610 B | 0644 |
czech.vim | File | 35 B | 0644 |
czech_utf-8.vim | File | 564 B | 0644 |
dvorak.vim | File | 507 B | 0644 |
esperanto.vim | File | 39 B | 0644 |
esperanto_utf-8.vim | File | 2.34 KB | 0644 |
greek.vim | File | 234 B | 0644 |
greek_cp1253.vim | File | 2.15 KB | 0644 |
greek_cp737.vim | File | 1.91 KB | 0644 |
greek_iso-8859-7.vim | File | 2.08 KB | 0644 |
greek_utf-8.vim | File | 25.68 KB | 0644 |
hebrew.vim | File | 322 B | 0644 |
hebrew_cp1255.vim | File | 1.7 KB | 0644 |
hebrew_iso-8859-8.vim | File | 1006 B | 0644 |
hebrew_utf-8.vim | File | 3.73 KB | 0644 |
hebrewp.vim | File | 325 B | 0644 |
hebrewp_cp1255.vim | File | 1.53 KB | 0644 |
hebrewp_iso-8859-8.vim | File | 797 B | 0644 |
hebrewp_utf-8.vim | File | 3.55 KB | 0644 |
kana.vim | File | 8.8 KB | 0644 |
kazakh-jcuken.vim | File | 3.19 KB | 0644 |
lithuanian-baltic.vim | File | 963 B | 0644 |
magyar_utf-8.vim | File | 326 B | 0644 |
mongolian_utf-8.vim | File | 2.5 KB | 0644 |
persian-iranian_utf-8.vim | File | 752 B | 0644 |
persian.vim | File | 144 B | 0644 |
pinyin.vim | File | 539 B | 0644 |
polish-slash.vim | File | 709 B | 0644 |
polish-slash_cp1250.vim | File | 1.34 KB | 0644 |
polish-slash_cp852.vim | File | 1.34 KB | 0644 |
polish-slash_iso-8859-2.vim | File | 1.34 KB | 0644 |
polish-slash_utf-8.vim | File | 1.39 KB | 0644 |
russian-dvorak.vim | File | 2.53 KB | 0644 |
russian-jcuken.vim | File | 2.48 KB | 0644 |
russian-jcukenmac.vim | File | 2.75 KB | 0644 |
russian-jcukenwin.vim | File | 2.53 KB | 0644 |
russian-jcukenwintype.vim | File | 2.71 KB | 0644 |
russian-yawerty.vim | File | 2.41 KB | 0644 |
serbian-latin.vim | File | 43 B | 0644 |
serbian-latin_utf-8.vim | File | 556 B | 0644 |
serbian.vim | File | 467 B | 0644 |
serbian_cp1250.vim | File | 451 B | 0644 |
serbian_cp1251.vim | File | 654 B | 0644 |
serbian_iso-8859-2.vim | File | 473 B | 0644 |
serbian_iso-8859-5.vim | File | 660 B | 0644 |
serbian_utf-8.vim | File | 793 B | 0644 |
sinhala-phonetic_utf-8.vim | File | 4.56 KB | 0644 |
sinhala.vim | File | 90 B | 0644 |
slovak.vim | File | 322 B | 0644 |
slovak_cp1250.vim | File | 760 B | 0644 |
slovak_iso-8859-2.vim | File | 760 B | 0644 |
slovak_utf-8.vim | File | 812 B | 0644 |
tamil_tscii.vim | File | 14.46 KB | 0644 |
thaana-phonetic_utf-8.vim | File | 2.76 KB | 0644 |
thaana.vim | File | 71 B | 0644 |
ukrainian-dvorak.vim | File | 2.68 KB | 0644 |
ukrainian-jcuken.vim | File | 2.67 KB | 0644 |
vietnamese-telex_utf-8.vim | File | 1.33 KB | 0644 |
vietnamese-viqr_utf-8.vim | File | 1.22 KB | 0644 |
vietnamese-vni_utf-8.vim | File | 1.32 KB | 0644 |