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Language files for Vim

Translated menus

The contents of each menu file is a sequence of lines with "menutrans"
commands.  Read one of the existing files to get an idea of how this works.

More information in the on-line help:

	:help multilang-menus
	:help :menutrans
	:help 'langmenu'
	:help :language

The "$VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim" file will search for a menu translation file.  This
depends on the value of the "v:lang" variable.

	"menu_" . v:lang . ".vim"

When the 'menutrans' option is set, its value will be used instead of v:lang.

The file name is always lower case.  It is the full name as the ":language"
command shows (the LC_MESSAGES value).

For example, to use the Big5 (Taiwan) menus on MS-Windows the $LANG will be


and use the menu translation file:


On Unix you should set $LANG, depending on your shell:

	csh/tcsh:	setenv LANG "zh_TW.Big5"
	sh/bash/ksh:	export LANG="zh_TW.Big5"

and the menu translation file is:


The menu translation file should set the "did_menu_trans" variable so that Vim
will not load another file.


When Vim was compiled with multi-byte support, conversion between latin1 and
UTF-8 will always be possible.  Other conversions depend on the iconv
library, which is not always available.
For UTF-8 menu files which only use latin1 characters, you can rely on Vim
doing the conversion.  Let the UTF-8 menu file source the latin1 menu file,
and put "scriptencoding latin1" in that one.
Other conversions may not always be available (e.g., between iso-8859-# and
MS-Windows codepages), thus the converted menu file must be available.

Translated messages

This requires doing "make install" in the "src" directory.  It will compile
the portable files "src/po/*.po" into binary ".mo" files and place them in the
right directory.


Name Type Size Permission Actions
af Folder 0755
ca Folder 0755
cs Folder 0755
cs.cp1250 Folder 0755
de Folder 0755
en_GB Folder 0755
eo Folder 0755
es Folder 0755
fi Folder 0755
fr Folder 0755
ga Folder 0755
it Folder 0755
ja Folder 0755
ja.euc-jp Folder 0755
ja.sjis Folder 0755
ko Folder 0755
ko.UTF-8 Folder 0755
lv Folder 0755
nb Folder 0755
nl Folder 0755
no Folder 0755
pl Folder 0755
pl.UTF-8 Folder 0755
pl.cp1250 Folder 0755
pt_BR Folder 0755
ru Folder 0755
ru.cp1251 Folder 0755
sk Folder 0755
sk.cp1250 Folder 0755
sv Folder 0755
uk Folder 0755
uk.cp1251 Folder 0755
vi Folder 0755
zh_CN Folder 0755
zh_CN.UTF-8 Folder 0755
zh_CN.cp936 Folder 0755
zh_TW Folder 0755
zh_TW.UTF-8 Folder 0755
README.txt File 1.91 KB 0644
menu_af.latin1.vim File 73 B 0644
menu_af.utf-8.vim File 92 B 0644
menu_af_af.latin1.vim File 5.39 KB 0644
menu_af_af.utf-8.vim File 92 B 0644
menu_ca.latin1.vim File 75 B 0644
menu_ca.utf-8.vim File 153 B 0644
menu_ca_es.latin1.vim File 13.77 KB 0644
menu_ca_es.utf-8.vim File 153 B 0644
menu_chinese(gb)_gb.936.vim File 270 B 0644
menu_chinese(taiwan)_taiwan.950.vim File 284 B 0644
menu_chinese_gb.936.vim File 10.21 KB 0644
menu_chinese_taiwan.950.vim File 12.46 KB 0644
menu_cs.cp1250.vim File 82 B 0644
menu_cs.latin1.vim File 82 B 0644
menu_cs_cz.cp1250.vim File 82 B 0644
menu_cs_cz.iso_8859-2.vim File 12.6 KB 0644
menu_cs_cz.latin1.vim File 83 B 0644
menu_cs_cz.utf-8.vim File 12.95 KB 0644
menu_czech_czech_republic.1250.vim File 12.6 KB 0644
menu_czech_czech_republic.1252.vim File 113 B 0644
menu_czech_czech_republic.ascii.vim File 12.61 KB 0644
menu_de.latin1.vim File 94 B 0644
menu_de.utf-8.vim File 89 B 0644
menu_de_de.latin1.vim File 13.27 KB 0644
menu_de_de.utf-8.vim File 89 B 0644
menu_en_gb.latin1.vim File 484 B 0644
menu_en_gb.utf-8.vim File 74 B 0644
menu_english_united_kingdom.1252.vim File 84 B 0644
menu_english_united_kingdom.ascii.vim File 84 B 0644
menu_eo.utf-8.vim File 17.39 KB 0644
menu_eo_eo.utf-8.vim File 88 B 0644
menu_eo_xx.utf-8.vim File 88 B 0644
menu_es.latin1.vim File 71 B 0644
menu_es.utf-8.vim File 90 B 0644
menu_es_es.latin1.vim File 13.47 KB 0644
menu_es_es.utf-8.vim File 90 B 0644
menu_fi.latin1.vim File 92 B 0644
menu_fi.utf-8.vim File 90 B 0644
menu_fi_fi.latin1.vim File 17.39 KB 0644
menu_fi_fi.utf-8.vim File 90 B 0644
menu_finnish_finland.1252.vim File 106 B 0644
menu_fr.latin1.vim File 94 B 0644
menu_fr.utf-8.vim File 89 B 0644
menu_fr_fr.latin1.vim File 18.06 KB 0644
menu_fr_fr.utf-8.vim File 89 B 0644
menu_french_france.1252.vim File 105 B 0644
menu_german_germany.1252.vim File 105 B 0644
menu_hu.iso_8859-2.vim File 94 B 0644
menu_hu.utf-8.vim File 89 B 0644
menu_hu_hu.iso_8859-2.vim File 11.13 KB 0644
menu_hu_hu.utf-8.vim File 10.59 KB 0644
menu_it.latin1.vim File 71 B 0644
menu_it.utf-8.vim File 90 B 0644
menu_it_it.latin1.vim File 12.57 KB 0644
menu_it_it.utf-8.vim File 90 B 0644
menu_italian_italy.1252.vim File 82 B 0644
menu_ja.cp932.vim File 292 B 0644
menu_ja.euc-jp.vim File 347 B 0644
menu_ja.eucjp.vim File 347 B 0644
menu_ja.ujis.vim File 346 B 0644
menu_ja.utf-8.vim File 135 B 0644
menu_ja_jp.cp932.vim File 292 B 0644
menu_ja_jp.euc-jp.vim File 12.06 KB 0644
menu_ja_jp.eucjp.vim File 347 B 0644
menu_ja_jp.ujis.vim File 346 B 0644
menu_ja_jp.utf-8.vim File 13.38 KB 0644
menu_japanese_japan.932.vim File 12.06 KB 0644
menu_ko.utf-8.vim File 69 B 0644
menu_ko_kr.euckr.vim File 10.26 KB 0644
menu_ko_kr.utf-8.vim File 11.08 KB 0644
menu_ko_kr.vim File 146 B 0644
menu_nl.latin1.vim File 74 B 0644
menu_nl.utf-8.vim File 93 B 0644
menu_nl_nl.latin1.vim File 10.25 KB 0644
menu_nl_nl.utf-8.vim File 93 B 0644
menu_no.latin1.vim File 125 B 0644
menu_no.utf-8.vim File 143 B 0644
menu_no_no.latin1.vim File 10.5 KB 0644
menu_no_no.utf-8.vim File 146 B 0644
menu_pl.cp1250.vim File 76 B 0644
menu_pl_pl.cp1250.vim File 76 B 0644
menu_pl_pl.iso_8859-2.vim File 12 KB 0644
menu_pl_pl.utf-8.vim File 12.2 KB 0644
menu_polish_poland.1250.vim File 11.99 KB 0644
menu_pt_br.latin1.vim File 67 B 0644
menu_pt_br.utf-8.vim File 86 B 0644
menu_pt_br.vim File 11.8 KB 0644
menu_pt_pt.latin1.vim File 66 B 0644
menu_pt_pt.utf-8.vim File 66 B 0644
menu_pt_pt.vim File 10.89 KB 0644
menu_ru.utf-8.vim File 64 B 0644
menu_ru_ru.koi8-r.vim File 13.2 KB 0644
menu_ru_ru.utf-8.vim File 64 B 0644
menu_ru_ru.vim File 16.35 KB 0644
menu_sk.cp1250.vim File 88 B 0644
menu_sk_sk.1250.vim File 217 B 0644
menu_sk_sk.cp1250.vim File 88 B 0644
menu_sk_sk.iso_8859-2.vim File 9.86 KB 0644
menu_sk_sk.vim File 216 B 0644
menu_sl_si.cp1250.vim File 12.86 KB 0644
menu_sl_si.latin2.vim File 12.81 KB 0644
menu_sl_si.utf-8.vim File 12.99 KB 0644
menu_slovak_slovak_republic.1250.vim File 9.85 KB 0644
menu_spanish_spain.850.vim File 41 B 0644
menu_sr.utf-8.vim File 70 B 0644
menu_sr_rs.ascii.vim File 10.76 KB 0644
menu_sr_rs.iso_8859-2.vim File 10.71 KB 0644
menu_sr_rs.iso_8859-5.vim File 10.69 KB 0644
menu_sr_rs.utf-8.vim File 13.16 KB 0644
menu_sr_yu.ascii.vim File 70 B 0644
menu_sr_yu.iso_8859-2.vim File 75 B 0644
menu_sr_yu.iso_8859-5.vim File 75 B 0644
menu_sr_yu.utf-8.vim File 70 B 0644
menu_sv.latin1.vim File 71 B 0644
menu_sv.utf-8.vim File 90 B 0644
menu_sv_se.latin1.vim File 10.41 KB 0644
menu_sv_se.utf-8.vim File 90 B 0644
menu_uk_ua.cp1251.vim File 10.03 KB 0644
menu_uk_ua.koi8-u.vim File 10.03 KB 0644
menu_vi_vn.vim File 13.76 KB 0644
menu_zh.big5.vim File 89 B 0644
menu_zh.cp936.vim File 98 B 0644
menu_zh.cp950.vim File 89 B 0644
menu_zh.gb2312.vim File 96 B 0644
menu_zh_cn.18030.vim File 82 B 0644
menu_zh_cn.cp936.vim File 98 B 0644
menu_zh_cn.gb2312.vim File 10.4 KB 0644
menu_zh_cn.gbk.vim File 82 B 0644
menu_zh_cn.utf-8.vim File 10.96 KB 0644
menu_zh_tw.big5.vim File 89 B 0644
menu_zh_tw.cp950.vim File 89 B 0644
menu_zh_tw.utf-8.vim File 13.26 KB 0644