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"\\%u0421\\%u0442\\%u0440\\%u0443\\%u043a\\%u0442\\%u0443\\%u0440\\%u0430 \\%u0441\\%u0446\\%u0435\\%u043d\\%u0430\\%u0440\\%u0438\\%u0458\\%u0430\\>\\|\\%u041a\\%u043e\\%u043d\\%u0446\\%u0435\\%u043f\\%u0442\\>\\|\\%u0421\\%u043a\\%u0438\\%u0446\\%u0430\\>", "then": "\\%u041e\\%u043d\\%u0434\\%u0430\\>", "when": "\\%u041a\\%u0430\\%u0434\\%u0430\\>\\|\\%u041a\\%u0430\\%u0434\\>"}, \"sr-Latn": {"and": "I\\>", "background": "Kontekst\\>\\|Pozadina\\>\\|Osnova\\>", "but": "Ali\\>", "examples": "Scenariji\\>\\|Primeri\\>", "feature": "Mogu\\%u0107nost\\>\\|Funkcionalnost\\>\\|Mogucnost\\>\\|Osobina\\>", "given": "Zadato\\>\\|Zadate\\>\\|Zatati\\>", "scenario": "Scenario\\>\\|Primer\\>", "scenario_outline": "Struktura scenarija\\>\\|Koncept\\>\\|Skica\\>", "then": "Onda\\>", "when": "Kada\\>\\|Kad\\>"}, \"sv": {"and": "Och\\>", "background": "Bakgrund\\>", "but": "Men\\>", "examples": "Exempel\\>", "feature": "Egenskap\\>", "given": "Givet\\>", "scenario": "Scenario\\>", 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"\\%u041f\\%u0435\\%u0440\\%u0435\\%u0434\\%u0443\\%u043c\\%u043e\\%u0432\\%u0430\\>", "but": "\\%u0410\\%u043b\\%u0435\\>", "examples": "\\%u041f\\%u0440\\%u0438\\%u043a\\%u043b\\%u0430\\%u0434\\%u0438\\>", "feature": "\\%u0424\\%u0443\\%u043d\\%u043a\\%u0446\\%u0456\\%u043e\\%u043d\\%u0430\\%u043b\\>", "given": "\\%u041f\\%u0440\\%u0438\\%u043f\\%u0443\\%u0441\\%u0442\\%u0438\\%u043c\\%u043e, \\%u0449\\%u043e\\>\\|\\%u041f\\%u0440\\%u0438\\%u043f\\%u0443\\%u0441\\%u0442\\%u0438\\%u043c\\%u043e\\>\\|\\%u041d\\%u0435\\%u0445\\%u0430\\%u0439\\>\\|\\%u0414\\%u0430\\%u043d\\%u043e\\>", "scenario": "\\%u0421\\%u0446\\%u0435\\%u043d\\%u0430\\%u0440\\%u0456\\%u0439\\>", "scenario_outline": "\\%u0421\\%u0442\\%u0440\\%u0443\\%u043a\\%u0442\\%u0443\\%u0440\\%u0430 \\%u0441\\%u0446\\%u0435\\%u043d\\%u0430\\%u0440\\%u0456\\%u044e\\>", "then": "\\%u0422\\%u043e\\%u0434\\%u0456\\>\\|\\%u0422\\%u043e\\>", "when": "\\%u042f\\%u043a\\%u0449\\%u043e\\>\\|\\%u041a\\%u043e\\%u043b\\%u0438\\>"}, \"uz": 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"given": "Bi\\%u1ebft\\>\\|Cho\\>", "scenario": "T\\%u00ecnh hu\\%u1ed1ng\\>\\|K\\%u1ecbch b\\%u1ea3n\\>", "scenario_outline": "Khung t\\%u00ecnh hu\\%u1ed1ng\\>\\|Khung k\\%u1ecbch b\\%u1ea3n\\>", "then": "Th\\%u00ec\\>", "when": "Khi\\>"}, \"zh-CN": {"and": "\\%u800c\\%u4e14\\|\\%u5e76\\%u4e14\\|\\%u540c\\%u65f6", "background": "\\%u80cc\\%u666f\\>", "but": "\\%u4f46\\%u662f", "examples": "\\%u4f8b\\%u5b50\\>", "feature": "\\%u529f\\%u80fd\\>", "given": "\\%u5047\\%u5982\\|\\%u5047\\%u8bbe\\|\\%u5047\\%u5b9a", "scenario": "\\%u573a\\%u666f\\>\\|\\%u5267\\%u672c\\>", "scenario_outline": "\\%u573a\\%u666f\\%u5927\\%u7eb2\\>\\|\\%u5267\\%u672c\\%u5927\\%u7eb2\\>", "then": "\\%u90a3\\%u4e48", "when": "\\%u5f53"}, \"zh-TW": {"and": "\\%u800c\\%u4e14\\|\\%u4e26\\%u4e14\\|\\%u540c\\%u6642", "background": "\\%u80cc\\%u666f\\>", "but": "\\%u4f46\\%u662f", "examples": "\\%u4f8b\\%u5b50\\>", "feature": "\\%u529f\\%u80fd\\>", "given": "\\%u5047\\%u5982\\|\\%u5047\\%u8a2d\\|\\%u5047\\%u5b9a", "scenario": "\\%u5834\\%u666f\\>\\|\\%u5287\\%u672c\\>", "scenario_outline": "\\%u5834\\%u666f\\%u5927\\%u7db1\\>\\|\\%u5287\\%u672c\\%u5927\\%u7db1\\>", "then": "\\%u90a3\\%u9ebc", "when": "\\%u7576"}} function! s:pattern(key) let language = matchstr(getline(1),'#\s*language:\s*\zs\S\+') if &fileencoding == 'latin1' && language == '' let language = 'en' endif if has_key(g:cucumber_languages, language) let languages = [g:cucumber_languages[language]] else let languages = values(g:cucumber_languages) end return '\<\%('.join(map(languages,'get(v:val,a:key,"\\%(a\\&b\\)")'),'\|').'\)' endfunction function! s:Add(name) let next = " skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=".join(map(["Region","AndRegion","ButRegion","Comment","String","Table"],'"cucumber".a:name.v:val'),",") exe "syn region cucumber".a:name.'Region matchgroup=cucumber'.a:name.' start="\%(^\s*\)\@<=\%('.s:pattern(tolower(a:name)).'\)" end="$"'.next exe 'syn region cucumber'.a:name.'AndRegion matchgroup=cucumber'.a:name.'And start="\%(^\s*\)\@<='.s:pattern('and').'" end="$" contained'.next exe 'syn region cucumber'.a:name.'ButRegion matchgroup=cucumber'.a:name.'But start="\%(^\s*\)\@<='.s:pattern('but').'" end="$" contained'.next exe 'syn match cucumber'.a:name.'Comment "\%(^\s*\)\@<=#.*" contained'.next exe 'syn region cucumber'.a:name.'String start=+\%(^\s*\)\@<="""+ end=+"""+ contained'.next exe 'syn match cucumber'.a:name.'Table "\%(^\s*\)\@<=|.*" contained contains=cucumberDelimiter'.next exe 'hi def link cucumber'.a:name.'Comment cucumberComment' exe 'hi def link cucumber'.a:name.'String cucumberString' exe 'hi def link cucumber'.a:name.'But cucumber'.a:name.'And' exe 'hi def link cucumber'.a:name.'And cucumber'.a:name exe 'syn cluster cucumberStepRegions add=cucumber'.a:name.'Region,cucumber'.a:name.'AndRegion,cucumber'.a:name.'ButRegion' endfunction syn match cucumberComment "\%(^\s*\)\@<=#.*" syn match cucumberComment "\%(\%^\s*\)\@<=#.*" contains=cucumberLanguage syn match cucumberLanguage "\%(#\s*\)\@<=language:" contained syn match cucumberUnparsed "\S.*" nextgroup=cucumberUnparsedComment,cucumberUnparsed,cucumberTags,cucumberBackground,cucumberScenario,cucumberScenarioOutline,cucumberExamples skipwhite skipempty contained syn match cucumberUnparsedComment "#.*" nextgroup=cucumberUnparsedComment,cucumberUnparsed,cucumberTags,cucumberBackground,cucumberScenario,cucumberScenarioOutline,cucumberExamples skipwhite skipempty contained exe 'syn match cucumberFeature "\%(^\s*\)\@<='.s:pattern('feature').':" nextgroup=cucumberUnparsedComment,cucumberUnparsed,cucumberBackground,cucumberScenario,cucumberScenarioOutline,cucumberExamples skipwhite skipempty' exe 'syn match cucumberBackground "\%(^\s*\)\@<='.s:pattern('background').':"' exe 'syn match cucumberScenario "\%(^\s*\)\@<='.s:pattern('scenario').':"' exe 'syn match cucumberScenarioOutline "\%(^\s*\)\@<='.s:pattern('scenario_outline').':"' exe 'syn match cucumberExamples "\%(^\s*\)\@<='.s:pattern('examples').':" nextgroup=cucumberExampleTable skipempty skipwhite' syn match cucumberPlaceholder "<[^<>]*>" contained containedin=@cucumberStepRegions syn match cucumberExampleTable "\%(^\s*\)\@<=|.*" contains=cucumberDelimiter syn match cucumberDelimiter "\\\@<!\%(\\\\\)*\zs|" contained syn match cucumberTags "\%(^\s*\)\@<=\%(@[^@[:space:]]\+\s\+\)*@[^@[:space:]]\+\s*$" contains=@NoSpell call s:Add('Then') call s:Add('When') call s:Add('Given') hi def link cucumberUnparsedComment cucumberComment hi def link cucumberComment Comment hi def link cucumberLanguage SpecialComment hi def link cucumberFeature Macro hi def link cucumberBackground Define hi def link cucumberScenario Define hi def link cucumberScenarioOutline Define hi def link cucumberExamples Define hi def link cucumberPlaceholder Constant hi def link cucumberDelimiter Delimiter hi def link cucumberTags Tag hi def link cucumberString String hi def link cucumberGiven Conditional hi def link cucumberWhen Function hi def link cucumberThen Type let b:current_syntax = "cucumber" let &cpo = s:keepcpo unlet s:keepcpo " vim:set sts=2 sw=2:
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