[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
:" Use this script to create the file "bugreport.txt", which contains
:" information about the environment of a possible bug in Vim.
:" Maintainer:	Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org>
:" Last change:	2005 Jun 12
:" To use inside Vim:
:"	:so $VIMRUNTIME/bugreport.vim
:" Or, from the command line:
:"	vim -s $VIMRUNTIME/bugreport.vim
:" The "if 1" lines are to avoid error messages when expression evaluation is
:" not compiled in.
:if 1
:  let more_save = &more
:set nomore
:if has("unix")
:  !echo "uname -a" >bugreport.txt
:  !uname -a >>bugreport.txt
:redir >>bugreport.txt
:if 1
:  func <SID>CheckDir(n)
:    if isdirectory(a:n)
:      echo 'directory "' . a:n . '" exists'
:    else
:      echo 'directory "' . a:n . '" does NOT exist'
:    endif
:  endfun
:  func <SID>CheckFile(n)
:    if filereadable(a:n)
:      echo '"' . a:n . '" is readable'
:    else
:      echo '"' . a:n . '" is NOT readable'
:    endif
:  endfun
:  echo "--- Directories and Files ---"
:  echo '$VIM = "' . $VIM . '"'
:  call <SID>CheckDir($VIM)
:  echo '$VIMRUNTIME = "' . $VIMRUNTIME . '"'
:  call <SID>CheckDir($VIMRUNTIME)
:  call <SID>CheckFile(&helpfile)
:  call <SID>CheckFile(fnamemodify(&helpfile, ":h") . "/tags")
:  call <SID>CheckFile($VIMRUNTIME . "/menu.vim")
:  call <SID>CheckFile($VIMRUNTIME . "/filetype.vim")
:  call <SID>CheckFile($VIMRUNTIME . "/syntax/synload.vim")
:  delfun <SID>CheckDir
:  delfun <SID>CheckFile
:  echo "--- Scripts sourced ---"
:  scriptnames
:set all
:set termcap
:if has("autocmd")
:  au
:if 1
:  echo "--- Normal/Visual mode mappings ---"
:if 1
:  echo "--- Insert/Command-line mode mappings ---"
:if 1
:  echo "--- Abbreviations ---"
:if 1
:  echo "--- Highlighting ---"
:if 1
:  echo "--- Variables ---"
:if 1
:  let
:redir END
:set more&
:if 1
:  let &more = more_save
:  unlet more_save
:e bugreport.txt


Name Type Size Permission Actions
autoload Folder 0755
colors Folder 0755
compiler Folder 0755
doc Folder 0755
ftplugin Folder 0755
indent Folder 0755
keymap Folder 0755
lang Folder 0755
macros Folder 0755
pack Folder 0755
plugin Folder 0755
print Folder 0755
spell Folder 0755
syntax Folder 0755
tutor Folder 0755
bugreport.vim File 1.91 KB 0644
debian.vim File 2.02 KB 0644
defaults.vim File 4.02 KB 0644
delmenu.vim File 645 B 0644
evim.vim File 2.2 KB 0644
filetype.vim File 54.74 KB 0644
ftoff.vim File 280 B 0644
ftplugin.vim File 971 B 0644
ftplugof.vim File 337 B 0644
gvimrc_example.vim File 1.56 KB 0644
indent.vim File 767 B 0644
indoff.vim File 282 B 0644
menu.vim File 38.54 KB 0644
mswin.vim File 3.32 KB 0644
optwin.vim File 57.93 KB 0644
rgb.txt File 17.36 KB 0644
scripts.vim File 11.1 KB 0644
synmenu.vim File 36.11 KB 0644
vimrc_example.vim File 1.46 KB 0644