[Xfce Panel] Type=X-XFCE-PanelPlugin Name=Places Name[ar]=أماكن Name[ast]=Llugares Name[be]=Месцы Name[bg]=Места Name[ca]=Llocs Name[cs]=Místa Name[da]=Steder Name[de]=Orte Name[el]=Τοποθεσίες Name[en_AU]=Places Name[en_GB]=Places Name[es]=Lugares Name[et]=Asukohad Name[eu]=Kokalekuak Name[fi]=Sijainnit Name[fr]=Emplacements Name[gl]=Lugares Name[he]=מקומות Name[hr]=Mjesta Name[hu]=Helyek Name[id]=Tempat Name[is]=Staðir Name[it]=Risorse Name[ja]=場所 Name[kk]=Орындар Name[ko]=위치 Name[lt]=Vietos Name[lv]=Vietas Name[ms]=Tempat Name[nb]=Steder Name[nl]=Locaties Name[oc]=Luòcs Name[pa]=ਥਾਵਾਂ Name[pl]=Miejsca Name[pt]=Locais Name[pt_BR]=Locais Name[ro]=Locuri Name[ru]=Переход Name[sk]=Miesta Name[sl]=Mesta Name[sq]=Vende Name[sr]=Места Name[sv]=Platser Name[th]=ที่หลักๆ Name[tr]=Yerler Name[ug]=ئورۇنلار Name[uk]=Місця Name[ur]=مقامات Name[ur_PK]=مقامات Name[zh_CN]=位置 Name[zh_TW]=位置 Comment=Access folders, documents, and removable media Comment[ar]=ولوج إلى المجلدات ، المُستندات ، والوسائط القابله للإزاله Comment[ast]=Acceder a carpetes, documentos y sofitos estrayibles Comment[bg]=Предоставя бърз достъп към папки, документи и преносими устройства Comment[ca]=Accediu a documents, carpetes i medis extraïbles Comment[cs]=Přístup ke složkám, dokumentům a vyměnitelným médiím Comment[da]=Tilgå mapper, dokumenter og fjernbare medier Comment[de]=Auf Ordner, Dokumente und entfernbare Medien zugreifen Comment[el]=Προσβάσιμοι φάκελοι, έγγραφα και αφαιρέσιμα μέσα Comment[en_AU]=Access folders, documents, and removable media Comment[en_GB]=Access folders, documents, and removable media Comment[es]=Acceder a carpetas, documentos y soportes extraíbles Comment[eu]=Eskuratu karpetan dokumentu eta euskarri aldagarriak Comment[fi]=Kansiot, dokumentit ja irrotettavat taltiot Comment[fr]=Accéder aux dossiers, aux documents et aux périphériques amovibles Comment[gl]=Acceder a cartafoles, documentos, e soportes extraíbles Comment[he]=גישה לתיקיות, מסמכים והתקני מדיה נשלפים. Comment[hr]=Pristup mapama, dokumentima i uklonjivim medijima Comment[hu]=Mappák, dokumentumok és cserélhető adathordozók elérése Comment[id]=Akses folder, dokumen, dan media dapat dilepas Comment[is]=Gefur aðgang að möppum, skjölum og útskiptanlegum miðlum Comment[it]=Accesso a cartelle, documenti e supporti rimovibili Comment[ja]=フォルダー、ドキュメント、およびリムーバブルメディアにアクセスします Comment[kk]=Бумалар, құжаттар мен ауыстырмалы тасымалдағыштарға қатынас құру Comment[ko]=폴더, 문서, 이동식 미디어에 접근합니다 Comment[lt]=Pasiekite aplankus, dokumentus ir keičiamąsias laikmenas Comment[lv]=Piekļūst mapēm, dokumentiem un noņemamiem datu nesējiem Comment[ms]=Capai folder, dokumen, dan media boleh tanggal Comment[nb]=Få tilgang til mapper, dokumenter og flyttbare media Comment[nl]=Toegang tot mappen, documenten en verwijderbare opslagmedia Comment[oc]=Accedir als repertòris, documents, e periferics amovibles Comment[pa]=ਫੋਲਡਰ, ਡੌਕੂਮੈਂਟ ਅਤੇ ਹਟਾਉਣਯੋਗ ਮੀਡਿਆ ਵਰਤੋਂ Comment[pl]=Umożliwia dostęp do katalogów, dokumentów i nośników wymiennych Comment[pt]=Aceda a pastas, documentos e dispositivos amovíveis Comment[pt_BR]=Acesse pastas, documentos e mídias removíveis Comment[ro]=Acces la directoare, documente și medii amovibile Comment[ru]=Предоставляет быстрый доступ к папкам, документам и съемным носителям Comment[sk]=Pristupovať k priečinkom, dokumentom a vymeniteľným médiám Comment[sl]=Dostopajte do map, dokumentov in odstranljivih nosilcev Comment[sq]=Hyni në dosje, dokumente, dhe media të lëvizshme Comment[sr]=Приступите фасциклама, документима, и уклоњивим уређајима Comment[sv]=Kom åt mappar, dokument och flyttbart media Comment[th]=เข้าถึงโฟลเดอร์, เอกสาร และสื่อถอดเสียบต่างๆ Comment[tr]=Dizinlere, belgelere ve ayrılabilir ortamlara erişin Comment[ug]=مۇندەرىجە، پۈتۈك ۋە يۆتكىلىشچان ۋاسىتىنى زىيارەت قىلىش Comment[uk]=Доступ до тек, документів, та з'ємних пристроїв Comment[ur]=فولڈر، دستاویزات، اور قابلِ فصل میڈیا تک رسائی حاصل کریں Comment[ur_PK]=فولڈر، دستاویزات، اور قابلِ فصل میڈیا تک رسائی حاصل کریں Comment[zh_CN]=访问文件夹、文档和可移动介质 Comment[zh_TW]=存取資料夾、文件、移除式媒體 Icon=system-file-manager X-XFCE-Module=places X-XFCE-Unique=FALSE
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
actions.desktop | File | 5.91 KB | 0644 |
applicationsmenu.desktop | File | 6.42 KB | 0644 |
battery.desktop | File | 4.87 KB | 0644 |
clock.desktop | File | 3.04 KB | 0644 |
cpufreq.desktop | File | 4.44 KB | 0644 |
cpugraph.desktop | File | 3.71 KB | 0644 |
datetime.desktop | File | 4.86 KB | 0644 |
directorymenu.desktop | File | 4.58 KB | 0644 |
diskperf.desktop | File | 4.15 KB | 0644 |
fsguard.desktop | File | 4.69 KB | 0644 |
genmon.desktop | File | 3.67 KB | 0644 |
launcher.desktop | File | 5.13 KB | 0644 |
mailwatch.desktop | File | 3.91 KB | 0644 |
netload.desktop | File | 3.8 KB | 0644 |
notification-plugin.desktop | File | 3.36 KB | 0644 |
pager.desktop | File | 5.68 KB | 0644 |
places.desktop | File | 5 KB | 0644 |
power-manager-plugin.desktop | File | 6.08 KB | 0644 |
pulseaudio.desktop | File | 4.01 KB | 0644 |
screenshooter.desktop | File | 6.64 KB | 0644 |
separator.desktop | File | 5.34 KB | 0644 |
showdesktop.desktop | File | 5.92 KB | 0644 |
smartbookmark.desktop | File | 4.05 KB | 0644 |
systemload.desktop | File | 6.15 KB | 0644 |
systray.desktop | File | 5.5 KB | 0644 |
tasklist.desktop | File | 5.93 KB | 0644 |
thunar-tpa.desktop | File | 4.07 KB | 0644 |
wavelan.desktop | File | 3.71 KB | 0644 |
weather.desktop | File | 4.33 KB | 0644 |
whiskermenu.desktop | File | 5.38 KB | 0644 |
windowmenu.desktop | File | 5.86 KB | 0644 |
xfce4-clipman-plugin.desktop | File | 3.04 KB | 0644 |
xfce4-dict-plugin.desktop | File | 4.26 KB | 0644 |
xfce4-mount-plugin.desktop | File | 4.51 KB | 0644 |
xfce4-orageclock-plugin.desktop | File | 3.17 KB | 0644 |
xfce4-verve-plugin.desktop | File | 6.35 KB | 0644 |
xkb.desktop | File | 5.86 KB | 0644 |