set -e
# robustness: if the previous graphical session left some failed units,
# reset them so that they don't break this startup
for unit in $(systemctl --user --no-legend --state=failed list-units | cut -f1 -d' '); do
if [ "$(systemctl --user show -p PartOf --value)" = "graphical-session.target" ]; then
systemctl --user reset-failed $unit
systemctl --user restart graphical-session-pre.target
systemctl --user restart "$1"
# Wait until the session gets closed
# FIXME: replace with an event-based waiting instead of polling (needs new systemctl functionality)
while systemctl --user --quiet is-active "$1"; do sleep 1; done
# Delay killing the X server until all graphical units stopped
# FIXME: we currently cannot make targets wait on its dependencies going to
# "inactive", only to "deactivating"
while [ -n "$(systemctl --user --no-legend --state=deactivating list-units)" ]; do sleep 0.2; done