<!-- File isonum.ent produced by the XSL script entities.xsl from input data in unicode.xml. Please report any errors to David Carlisle via the public W3C list www-math@w3.org. The numeric character values assigned to each entity (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0. Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the following notice: (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986 Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies. --> <!-- Version: $Id: isonum.ent,v 1.2 2003/12/08 15:14:43 davidc Exp $ Public identifier: ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Numeric and Special Graphic//EN//XML System identifier: http://www.w3.org/2003/entities/iso8879/isonum.ent The public identifier should always be used verbatim. The system identifier may be changed to suit local requirements. Typical invocation: <!ENTITY % isonum PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Numeric and Special Graphic//EN//XML" "http://www.w3.org/2003/entities/iso8879/isonum.ent" > %isonum; --> <!ENTITY amp "&#38;" ><!--AMPERSAND --> <!ENTITY apos "'" ><!--APOSTROPHE --> <!ENTITY ast "*" ><!--ASTERISK --> <!ENTITY brvbar "¦" ><!--BROKEN BAR --> <!ENTITY bsol "\" ><!--REVERSE SOLIDUS --> <!ENTITY cent "¢" ><!--CENT SIGN --> <!ENTITY colon ":" ><!--COLON --> <!ENTITY comma "," ><!--COMMA --> <!ENTITY commat "@" ><!--COMMERCIAL AT --> <!ENTITY copy "©" ><!--COPYRIGHT SIGN --> <!ENTITY curren "¤" ><!--CURRENCY SIGN --> <!ENTITY darr "↓" ><!--DOWNWARDS ARROW --> <!ENTITY deg "°" ><!--DEGREE SIGN --> <!ENTITY divide "÷" ><!--DIVISION SIGN --> <!ENTITY dollar "$" ><!--DOLLAR SIGN --> <!ENTITY equals "=" ><!--EQUALS SIGN --> <!ENTITY excl "!" ><!--EXCLAMATION MARK --> <!ENTITY frac12 "½" ><!--VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF --> <!ENTITY frac14 "¼" ><!--VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER --> <!ENTITY frac18 "⅛" ><!--VULGAR FRACTION ONE EIGHTH --> <!ENTITY frac34 "¾" ><!--VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS --> <!ENTITY frac38 "⅜" ><!--VULGAR FRACTION THREE EIGHTHS --> <!ENTITY frac58 "⅝" ><!--VULGAR FRACTION FIVE EIGHTHS --> <!ENTITY frac78 "⅞" ><!--VULGAR FRACTION SEVEN EIGHTHS --> <!ENTITY gt ">" ><!--GREATER-THAN SIGN --> <!ENTITY half "½" ><!--VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF --> <!ENTITY horbar "―" ><!--HORIZONTAL BAR --> <!ENTITY hyphen "‐" ><!--HYPHEN --> <!ENTITY iexcl "¡" ><!--INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK --> <!ENTITY iquest "¿" ><!--INVERTED QUESTION MARK --> <!ENTITY laquo "«" ><!--LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK --> <!ENTITY larr "←" ><!--LEFTWARDS ARROW --> <!ENTITY lcub "{" ><!--LEFT CURLY BRACKET --> <!ENTITY ldquo "“" ><!--LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK --> <!ENTITY lowbar "_" ><!--LOW LINE --> <!ENTITY lpar "(" ><!--LEFT PARENTHESIS --> <!ENTITY lsqb "[" ><!--LEFT SQUARE BRACKET --> <!ENTITY lsquo "‘" ><!--LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK --> <!ENTITY lt "&#60;" ><!--LESS-THAN SIGN --> <!ENTITY micro "µ" ><!--MICRO SIGN --> <!ENTITY middot "·" ><!--MIDDLE DOT --> <!ENTITY nbsp " " ><!--NO-BREAK SPACE --> <!ENTITY not "¬" ><!--NOT SIGN --> <!ENTITY num "#" ><!--NUMBER SIGN --> <!ENTITY ohm "Ω" ><!--OHM SIGN --> <!ENTITY ordf "ª" ><!--FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR --> <!ENTITY ordm "º" ><!--MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR --> <!ENTITY para "¶" ><!--PILCROW SIGN --> <!ENTITY percnt "%" ><!--PERCENT SIGN --> <!ENTITY period "." ><!--FULL STOP --> <!ENTITY plus "+" ><!--PLUS SIGN --> <!ENTITY plusmn "±" ><!--PLUS-MINUS SIGN --> <!ENTITY pound "£" ><!--POUND SIGN --> <!ENTITY quest "?" ><!--QUESTION MARK --> <!ENTITY quot """ ><!--QUOTATION MARK --> <!ENTITY raquo "»" ><!--RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK --> <!ENTITY rarr "→" ><!--RIGHTWARDS ARROW --> <!ENTITY rcub "}" ><!--RIGHT CURLY BRACKET --> <!ENTITY rdquo "”" ><!--RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK --> <!ENTITY reg "®" ><!--REGISTERED SIGN --> <!ENTITY rpar ")" ><!--RIGHT PARENTHESIS --> <!ENTITY rsqb "]" ><!--RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET --> <!ENTITY rsquo "’" ><!--RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK --> <!ENTITY sect "§" ><!--SECTION SIGN --> <!ENTITY semi ";" ><!--SEMICOLON --> <!ENTITY shy "­" ><!--SOFT HYPHEN --> <!ENTITY sol "/" ><!--SOLIDUS --> <!ENTITY sung "♪" ><!--EIGHTH NOTE --> <!ENTITY sup1 "¹" ><!--SUPERSCRIPT ONE --> <!ENTITY sup2 "²" ><!--SUPERSCRIPT TWO --> <!ENTITY sup3 "³" ><!--SUPERSCRIPT THREE --> <!ENTITY times "×" ><!--MULTIPLICATION SIGN --> <!ENTITY trade "™" ><!--TRADE MARK SIGN --> <!ENTITY uarr "↑" ><!--UPWARDS ARROW --> <!ENTITY verbar "|" ><!--VERTICAL LINE --> <!ENTITY yen "¥" ><!--YEN SIGN -->
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