// brush: "csharp" aliases: ["c-sharp", "c#"] // This file is part of the "jQuery.Syntax" project, and is distributed under the MIT License. // Copyright (c) 2011 Samuel G. D. Williams. <http://www.oriontransfer.co.nz> // See <jquery.syntax.js> for licensing details. Syntax.register('csharp', function(brush) { var keywords = ["abstract", "add", "alias", "ascending", "base", "break", "case", "catch", "class", "const", "continue", "default", "delegate", "descending", "do", "dynamic", "else", "enum", "event", "explicit", "extern", "finally", "for", "foreach", "from", "get", "global", "goto", "group", "if", "implicit", "in", "interface", "into", "join", "let", "lock", "namespace", "new", "operator", "orderby", "out", "override", "params", "partial", "readonly", "ref", "remove", "return", "sealed", "select", "set", "stackalloc", "static", "struct", "switch", "throw", "try", "unsafe", "using", "value", "var", "virtual", "volatile", "where", "while", "yield"]; var access = ["public", "private", "internal", "protected"]; var types = ["object", "bool", "byte", "fixed", "float", "uint", "char", "ulong", "ushort", "decimal", "int", "sbyte", "short", "void", "long", "string", "double"]; var operators = ["+", "-", "*", "/", "%", "&", "|", "^", "!", "~", "&&", "||", "++", "--", "<<", ">>", "==", "!=", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "=", "?", "new", "as", "is", "sizeof", "typeof", "checked", "unchecked"]; var values = ["this", "true", "false", "null"]; brush.push(values, {klass: 'constant'}); brush.push(types, {klass: 'type'}); brush.push(keywords, {klass: 'keyword'}); brush.push(operators, {klass: 'operator'}); brush.push(access, {klass: 'access'}); // Functions brush.push(Syntax.lib.cStyleFunction); brush.push({ pattern: /(?:\.)([a-z_][a-z0-9_]+)/gi, matches: Syntax.extractMatches({klass: 'function'}) }); // Camel Case Types brush.push(Syntax.lib.camelCaseType); // Comments brush.push(Syntax.lib.cStyleComment); brush.push(Syntax.lib.cppStyleComment); brush.push(Syntax.lib.webLink); // Strings brush.push(Syntax.lib.singleQuotedString); brush.push(Syntax.lib.doubleQuotedString); brush.push(Syntax.lib.stringEscape); brush.push(Syntax.lib.decimalNumber); brush.push(Syntax.lib.hexNumber); });