// brush: "go" aliases: [] // This file is part of the "jQuery.Syntax" project, and is distributed under the MIT License. // Copyright (c) 2011 Samuel G. D. Williams. <http://www.oriontransfer.co.nz> // See <jquery.syntax.js> for licensing details. Syntax.register('go', function(brush) { var keywords = ["break", "default", "func", "interface", "select", "case", "defer", "go", "map", "struct", "chan", "else", "goto", "package", "switch", "const", "fallthrough", "if", "range", "type", "continue", "for", "import", "return", "var"]; var types = [ /u?int\d*/g, /float\d+/g, /complex\d+/g, "byte", "uintptr", "string", ]; var operators = ["+", "&", "+=", "&=", "&&", "==", "!=", "-", "|", "-=", "|=", "||", "<", "<=", "*", "^", "*=", "^=", "<-", ">", ">=", "/", "<<", "/=", "<<=", "++", "=", ":=", ",", ";", "%", ">>", "%=", ">>=", "--", "!", "...", ".", ":", "&^", "&^="]; var values = ["true", "false", "iota", "nil"]; var functions = ["append", "cap", "close", "complex", "copy", "imag", "len", "make", "new", "panic", "print", "println", "real", "recover"]; brush.push(values, {klass: 'constant'}); brush.push(types, {klass: 'type'}); brush.push(keywords, {klass: 'keyword'}); brush.push(operators, {klass: 'operator'}); brush.push(functions, {klass: 'function'}); brush.push(Syntax.lib.cStyleFunction); brush.push(Syntax.lib.camelCaseType); brush.push(Syntax.lib.cStyleComment); brush.push(Syntax.lib.cppStyleComment); brush.push(Syntax.lib.webLink); // Strings brush.push(Syntax.lib.singleQuotedString); brush.push(Syntax.lib.doubleQuotedString); brush.push(Syntax.lib.stringEscape); // Numbers brush.push(Syntax.lib.decimalNumber); brush.push(Syntax.lib.hexNumber); });