// brush: "protobuf" aliases: [] // This file is part of the "jQuery.Syntax" project, and is distributed under the MIT License. // Copyright (c) 2011 Samuel G. D. Williams. <http://www.oriontransfer.co.nz> // See <jquery.syntax.js> for licensing details. Syntax.register('protobuf', function(brush) { var keywords = ["enum", "extend", "extensions", "group", "import", "max", "message", "option", "package", "returns", "rpc", "service", "syntax", "to", "default"]; brush.push(keywords, {klass: 'keyword'}) var values = ["true", "false"]; brush.push(values, {klass: 'constant'}); var types = ["bool", "bytes", "double", "fixed32", "fixed64", "float", "int32", "int64", "sfixed32", "sfixed64", "sint32", "sint64", "string", "uint32", "uint64"]; brush.push(types, {klass: 'type'}); var access = ["optional", "required", "repeated"] brush.push(access, {klass: 'access'}); brush.push(Syntax.lib.camelCaseType); // Highlight names of fields brush.push({ pattern: /\s+(\w+)\s*=\s*\d+/g, matches: Syntax.extractMatches({ klass: 'variable' }) }); // Comments brush.push(Syntax.lib.cStyleComment); brush.push(Syntax.lib.webLink); // Strings brush.push(Syntax.lib.singleQuotedString); brush.push(Syntax.lib.doubleQuotedString); brush.push(Syntax.lib.stringEscape); // Numbers brush.push(Syntax.lib.decimalNumber); brush.push(Syntax.lib.hexNumber); });