[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
//	This file is part of the "jQuery.Syntax" project, and is distributed under the MIT License.
//	Copyright (c) 2011 Samuel G. D. Williams. <http://www.oriontransfer.co.nz>
//	See <jquery.syntax.js> for licensing details.

if (!RegExp.prototype.indexOf) {
	RegExp.indexOf = function (match, index) {
		return match[0].indexOf(match[index]) + match.index;

if (!RegExp.prototype.escape) {
	RegExp.escape = function (pattern) {
		return pattern.replace(/[\-\[\]{}()*+?.\\\^$|,#\s]/g, "\\$&");

if (!String.prototype.repeat) {
	String.prototype.repeat = function(l) {
		return new Array(l+1).join(this);

// Return the inner text of an element - must preserve whitespace.
// Avoid returning \r characters.
Syntax.innerText = function(element) {
	var text;
	if (!element) {
		return "";
	if (element.nodeName == 'BR') {
		return '\n';
	} else if (element.textContent) {
		// W3C: FF, Safari, Chrome, etc.
		text = element.textContent;
	} else if (document.body.innerText) {
		// IE, other older browsers.
		text = element.innerText;
	return text.replace(/\r\n?/g, '\n');

// Convert to stack based implementation
Syntax.extractElementMatches = function (elems, offset, tabWidth) {
	var matches = [], current = [elems];
	offset = offset || 0;
	tabWidth = tabWidth || 4;
	(function (elems) {
		for (var i = 0; elems[i]; i++) {
			var text = null, elem = elems[i];
			if (elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 4) {
				offset += elem.nodeValue.length;
			} else if (elem.nodeType === 1) {
				var text = Syntax.innerText(elem);
				matches.push(new Syntax.Match(offset, text.length, {
					klass: elem.className,
					force: true,
					element: elem,
					allow: '*'
				}, text));
			// Traverse everything, except comment nodes
			if (elem.nodeType !== 8 && elem.children) {
				arguments.callee(elem.childNodes, offset);
	// Remove the top level element, since this will be recreated based on the supplied configuration.
	// Maybe there is a better way to achieve this?
	return matches;

// Basic layout doesn't do anything e.g. identity layout.
Syntax.layouts.preformatted = function (options, html, container) {
	return html;

Syntax.modeLineOptions = {
	'tab-width': function(name, value, options) { options.tabWidth = parseInt(value, 10); }

// Should be obvious right?
Syntax.convertTabsToSpaces = function (text, tabSize) {
	var space = [], pattern = /\r|\n|\t/g, tabOffset = 0, offsets = [], totalOffset = 0;
	tabSize = tabSize || 4
	for (var i = ""; i.length <= tabSize; i = i + " ") {

	text = text.replace(pattern, function(match) {
		var offset = arguments[arguments.length - 2];
		if (match === "\r" || match === "\n") {
			tabOffset = -(offset + 1);
			return match;
		} else {
			var width = tabSize - ((tabOffset + offset) % tabSize);
			tabOffset += width - 1;
			// Any match after this offset has been shifted right by totalOffset
			totalOffset += width - 1
			offsets.push([offset, width, totalOffset]);
			return space[width];
	return {text: text, offsets: offsets};

// This function converts from a compressed set of offsets of the form:
//	[
//		[offset, width, totalOffset],
//		...
//	]
// This means that at a $offset, a tab (single character) was expanded to $width
// single space characters.
// This function produces a lookup table of offsets, where a given character offset
// is mapped to how far the character has been offset.
Syntax.convertToLinearOffsets = function (offsets, length) {
	var current = 0, changes = [];
	// Anything with offset after offset[current][0] but smaller than offset[current+1][0]
	// has been shifted right by offset[current][2]
	for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
		if (offsets[current] && i > offsets[current][0]) {
			// Is there a next offset?
			if (offsets[current+1]) {
				// Is the index less than the start of the next offset?
				if (i <= offsets[current+1][0]) {
				} else {
					// If so, move to the next offset.
					current += 1;
					i -= 1;
			} else {
				// If there is no next offset we assume this one to the end.
		} else {
			changes.push(changes[changes.length-1] || 0);
	return changes;

// Used for tab expansion process, by shifting matches when tab charaters were converted to
// spaces.
Syntax.updateMatchesWithOffsets = function (matches, linearOffsets, text) {
	(function (matches) {
		for (var i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) {
			var match = matches[i];
			// Calculate the new start and end points
			var offset = match.offset + linearOffsets[match.offset];
			var end = match.offset + match.length;
			end += linearOffsets[end];
			// Start, Length, Text
			match.adjust(linearOffsets[match.offset], end - offset, text);
			if (match.children.length > 0)
	return matches;

// A helper function which automatically matches expressions with capture groups from the regular expression match.
// Each argument position corresponds to the same index regular expression group.
// Or, override by providing rule.index
Syntax.extractMatches = function() {
	var rules = arguments;
	return function(match, expr) {
		var matches = [];
		for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i += 1) {
			var rule = rules[i], index = i+1;
			if (rule == null) {
			if (typeof(rule.index) != 'undefined') {
				index = rule.index;
			if (rule.debug) {
				Syntax.log("extractMatches", rule, index, match[index], match);
			if (match[index].length > 0) {
				if (rule.brush) {
					matches.push(Syntax.Brush.buildTree(rule, match[index], RegExp.indexOf(match, index)));
				} else {
					var expression = jQuery.extend({owner: expr.owner}, rule);
					matches.push(new Syntax.Match(RegExp.indexOf(match, index), match[index].length, expression, match[index]));
		return matches;

// Used to create processing functions that automatically link to remote documentation.
Syntax.lib.webLinkProcess = function (queryURI, lucky) {
	if (lucky) {
		queryURI = "http://www.google.com/search?btnI=I&q=" + encodeURIComponent(queryURI + " ");
	return function (element, match, options) {
		// Per-code block linkification control.
		if (options.linkify === false)
			return element;
		var a = document.createElement('a');
		a.href = queryURI + encodeURIComponent(Syntax.innerText(element));
		a.className = element.className;
		// Move children from <element> to <a>
		while (element.childNodes.length > 0)
		return a;

// Global brush registration function.
Syntax.register = function (name, callback) {
	var brush = Syntax.brushes[name] = new Syntax.Brush();
	brush.klass = name;

// Library of helper patterns
Syntax.lib.cStyleComment = {pattern: /\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//gm, klass: 'comment', allow: ['href']};
Syntax.lib.cppStyleComment = {pattern: /\/\/.*$/gm, klass: 'comment', allow: ['href']};
Syntax.lib.perlStyleComment = {pattern: /#.*$/gm, klass: 'comment', allow: ['href']};

Syntax.lib.perlStyleRegularExpression = {pattern: /\B\/([^\/]|\\\/)*?\/[a-z]*(?=\s*($|[^\w\s'"\(]))/gm, klass: 'constant', incremental: true};

Syntax.lib.cStyleFunction = {pattern: /([a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)\s*\(/gi, matches: Syntax.extractMatches({klass: 'function'})};
Syntax.lib.camelCaseType = {pattern: /\b_*[A-Z][\w]*\b/g, klass: 'type'};
Syntax.lib.cStyleType = {pattern: /\b[_a-z][_\w]*_t\b/gi, klass: 'type'};

Syntax.lib.xmlComment = {pattern: /(&lt;|<)!--[\s\S]*?--(&gt;|>)/gm, klass: 'comment'};
Syntax.lib.webLink = {pattern: /\w+:\/\/[\w\-.\/?%&=@:;#]*/g, klass: 'href'};

Syntax.lib.hexNumber = {pattern: /\b0x[0-9a-fA-F]+/g, klass: 'constant'};
Syntax.lib.decimalNumber = {pattern: /\b[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?/g, klass: 'constant'};

Syntax.lib.doubleQuotedString = {pattern: /"([^\\"\n]|\\.)*"/g, klass: 'string'};
Syntax.lib.singleQuotedString = {pattern: /'([^\\'\n]|\\.)*'/g, klass: 'string'};
Syntax.lib.multiLineDoubleQuotedString = {pattern: /"([^\\"]|\\.)*"/g, klass: 'string'};
Syntax.lib.multiLineSingleQuotedString = {pattern: /'([^\\']|\\.)*'/g, klass: 'string'};
Syntax.lib.stringEscape = {pattern: /\\./g, klass: 'escape', only: ['string']};

// Main match constructor. Make sure value is the correct size.
Syntax.Match = function (offset, length, expression, value) {
	this.offset = offset;
	this.endOffset = offset + length;
	this.length = length;
	this.expression = expression;
	this.value = value;
	this.children = [];
	this.parent = null;
	// When a node is bisected, this points to the next part.
	this.next = null;

// Shifts an entire tree forward or backwards.
Syntax.Match.prototype.shift = function (offset, text) {
	this.adjust(offset, null, text);
	for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
		this.children[i].shift(offset, text)

// C the current match to have different offset and length.
Syntax.Match.prototype.adjust = function (offset, length, text) {
	this.offset += offset;
	this.endOffset += offset;
	if (length) {
		this.length = length;
		this.endOffset = this.offset + length;
	if (text) {
		this.value = text.substr(this.offset, this.length);

// Sort helper for sorting matches in forward order (e.g. same as the text that they were extracted from)
Syntax.Match.sort = function (a,b) {
	return (a.offset - b.offset) || (b.length - a.length);

// Is the given match contained in the range of the parent match?
Syntax.Match.prototype.contains = function (match) {
	return (match.offset >= this.offset) && (match.endOffset <= this.endOffset);

// Reduce a givent tree node into an html node.
Syntax.Match.defaultReduceCallback = function (node, container) {
	// We avoid using jQuery in this function since it is incredibly performance sensitive.
	// Using jQuery jQuery.fn.append() can reduce performance by as much as 1/3rd.
	if (typeof(node) === 'string') {
		node = document.createTextNode(node);

// Convert a tree of matches into some flat form (typically HTML nodes).
Syntax.Match.prototype.reduce = function (append, process) {
	var start = this.offset;
	var container = document.createElement('span');
	append = append || Syntax.Match.defaultReduceCallback;
	if (this.expression && this.expression.klass) {
		if (container.className.length > 0)
			container.className += ' ';
		container.className += this.expression.klass;
	for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i += 1) {
		var child = this.children[i], end = child.offset;
		if (child.offset < this.offset) {
			Syntax.log("Syntax Warning: Offset of child", child, "is before offset of parent", this);
		var text = this.value.substr(start - this.offset, end - start);
		append(text, container);
		append(child.reduce(append, process), container);
		start = child.endOffset;
	if (start === this.offset) {
		append(this.value, container);
	} else if (start < this.endOffset) {
		append(this.value.substr(start - this.offset, this.endOffset - start), container);
	} else if (start > this.endOffset) {
		Syntax.log("Syntax Warning: Start position " + start + " exceeds end of value " + this.endOffset);
	if (process) {
		container = process(container, this);
	return container;

// Main nesting check - can a match contain the given match?
Syntax.Match.prototype.canContain = function (match) {
	// This is a special conditional for explicitly added ranges by the user.
	// Since user added it, we honour it no matter what.
	if (match.expression.force) {
		return true;
	// Can't add anything into complete trees.
	if (this.complete) {
		return false;
	// match.expression.only will be checked on insertion using this.canHaveChild(match)
	if (match.expression.only) {
		return true;
	// If allow is undefined, default behaviour is no children.
	if (typeof(this.expression.allow) === 'undefined') {
		return false;
	// false if {disallow: [..., klass, ...]}
	if (jQuery.isArray(this.expression.disallow) && jQuery.inArray(match.expression.klass, this.expression.disallow) !== -1) {
		return false;
	// true if {allow: '*'}
	if (this.expression.allow === '*') {
		return true;
	// true if {allow: [..., klass, ...]}
	if (jQuery.isArray(this.expression.allow) && jQuery.inArray(match.expression.klass, this.expression.allow) !== -1) {
		return true;
	return false;

// Return true if the given match can be spliced in as a child.
// Checked automatically when calling _splice.
Syntax.Match.prototype.canHaveChild = function(match) {
	var only = match.expression.only;
	// This condition is fairly slow
	if (only) {
		var cur = this;
		while (cur !== null) {
			if (jQuery.inArray(cur.expression.klass, only) !== -1) {
				return true;
			cur = cur.parent;
			// We don't traverse into other trees.
			if (cur && cur.complete) {
		return false;
	return true;

// Add a child into the list of children for a given match, if it is acceptable to do so.
// Updates the owner of the match.
// Returns null if splice failed.
Syntax.Match.prototype._splice = function(i, match) {
	if (this.canHaveChild(match)) {
		this.children.splice(i, 0, match);
		match.parent = this;
		// For matches added using tags.
		if (!match.expression.owner) {
			match.expression.owner = this.expression.owner;
		return this;
	} else {
		return null;

// This function implements a full insertion procedure, and will break up the match to fit.
// This operation is potentially very expensive, but is used to insert custom ranges into
// the tree, if they are specified by the user. A custom <span> may cover multiple leafs in
// the tree, thus some parts of the tree may need to be split. This behavior is controlled
// by whole - if true, the tree is split, if false, the match is split.
// You should avoid using this function except in very specific cases.
Syntax.Match.prototype.insert = function(match, whole) {
	if (!this.contains(match))
		return null;
	if (whole) {
		var top = this, i = 0;
		while (i < top.children.length) {
			if (top.children[i].contains(match)) {
				top = top.children[i];
				i = 0;
			} else {
				i += 1;
		return top._insertWhole(match);
	} else {
		return this._insert(match);

Syntax.Match.prototype._insertWhole = function(match) {
	var parts = this.bisectAtOffsets([match.offset, match.endOffset])
	this.children = [];
	if (parts[0]) {
		this.children = this.children.concat(parts[0].children);
	if (parts[1]) {
		match.children = [];
		// Update the match's expression based on the current position in the tree:
		if (this.expression && this.expression.owner) {
			match.expression = this.expression.owner.getRuleForKlass(match.expression.klass) || match.expression;
		// This probably isn't ideal, it would be better to convert all children and children-of-children
		// into a linear array and reinsert - it would be slightly more accurate in many cases.
		for (var i = 0; i < parts[1].children.length; i += 1) {
			var child = parts[1].children[i];
			if (match.canContain(child)) {
	if (parts[2]) {
		this.children = this.children.concat(parts[2].children);
	return this;

// This is not a general tree insertion function. It is optimised to run in almost constant
// time, but data must be inserted in sorted order, otherwise you will have problems.
// This function also ensures that matches won't be broken up unless absolutely necessary.
Syntax.Match.prototype.insertAtEnd = function(match) {
	if (!this.contains(match)) {
		Syntax.log("Syntax Error: Child is not contained in parent node!");
		return null;
	if (!this.canContain(match)) {
		return null;
	if (this.children.length > 0) {
		var i = this.children.length-1;
		var child = this.children[i];
		if (match.offset < child.offset) {
			// Displacement: Before or LHS Overlap
			// This means that the match has actually occurred before the last child.
			// This is a bit of an unusual situation because the matches SHOULD be in
			// sorted order.
			// However, we are sure that the match is contained in this node. This situation
			// sometimes occurs when sorting existing branches with matches that are supposed
			// to be within that branch. When we insert the match into the branch, there are
			// matches that technically should have been inserted afterwards.
			// Normal usage should avoid this case, and this is best for performance.
			if (match.force) {
				return this._insert(match);
			} else {
				return null;
		} else if (match.offset < child.endOffset) {
			if (match.endOffset <= child.endOffset) { 
				// Displacement: Contains
				//console.log("displacement => contains");
				var result = child.insertAtEnd(match);
				return result;
			} else {
				// Displacement: RHS Overlap
				if (match.force) {
					return this._insert(match);
				} else {
					return null;
		} else {
			// Displacement: After
			return this._splice(i+1, match);
		// Could not find a suitable placement: this is probably an error.
		return null;
	} else {
		// Displacement: Contains [but currently no children]
		return this._splice(0, match);

// This insertion function is relatively complex because it is required to split the match over
// several children. This function is used infrequently and is mostly for completeness. However,
// it might be possible to remove it to reduce code.
Syntax.Match.prototype._insert = function(match) {
	if (this.children.length == 0)
		return this._splice(0, match);
	for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i += 1) {
		var child = this.children[i];
		// If the match ends before this child, it must be before it.
		if (match.endOffset <= child.offset)
			return this._splice(i, match);
		// If the match starts after this child, we continue.
		if (match.offset >= child.endOffset)
		// There are four possibilities... 
		// ... with the possibility of overlapping children on the RHS.
		//           {------child------}   {---possibly some other child---}
		//   |----------complete overlap---------|
		//   |--lhs overlap--|
		//             |--contains--|
		//                       |--rhs overlap--|
		// First, the easiest case:
		if (child.contains(match)) {
			return child._insert(match);
		// console.log("Bisect at offsets", match, child.offset, child.endOffset);
		var parts = match.bisectAtOffsets([child.offset, child.endOffset]);
		// console.log("parts =", parts);
		// We now have at most three parts
		//           {------child------}   {---possibly some other child---}
		//   |--[0]--|-------[1]-------|--[2]--|
		// console.log("parts", parts);
		if (parts[0]) {
			this._splice(i, parts[0])
		if (parts[1]) {
		// Continue insertion at this level with remainder.
		if (parts[2]) {
			match = parts[2]
		} else {
			return this;
	// If we got this far, the match wasn't [completely] inserted into the list of existing children, so it must be on the end.
	this._splice(this.children.length, match);

// This algorithm recursively bisects the tree at a given offset, but it does this efficiently by folding multiple bisections
// at a time.
// Splits:            /                /                   /
// Tree:       |-------------------------Top-------------------------|
//             |------------A--------------------|  |------C-------|
//                         |-------B----------|
// Step (1):
// Split Top into 4 parts:
//             |------/----------------/-------------------/---------|
// For each part, check if there are any children that cover this part.
// If there is a child, recursively call bisect with all splits.
// Step (1-1):
// Split A into parts:
//             |------/-----A----------/---------|
// For each part, check if there are any children that cover this part.
// If there is a child, recursively call bisect with all splits.
// Step (1-1-1):
// Split B into parts:
//                         |-------B---/------|
// No children covered by split. Return array of two parts, B1, B2.
// Step (1-2):
// Enumerate the results of splitting the child and merge piece-wise into own parts
//             |------/-----A----------/---------|
//                         |------B1---|--B2--|
// Finished merging children, return array of three parts, A1, A2, A3
// Step (2):
// Enumerate the results of splitting the child and merge piece-wise into own parts.
//             |------/----------------/-------------------/---------|
//             |--A1--|-------A2-------|----A3---|
//                         |------B1---|--B2--|
// Continue by splitting next child, C.
// Once all children have been split and merged, return all parts, T1, T2, T3, T4.
// The new tree:
//             |--T1--|-------T2-------|--------T3---------|---T4---|
//             |--A1--|-------A2-------|----A3---|  |--C1--|---C2--|
//                         |------B1---|--B2--|
// The new structure is as follows:
//		T1 <-	A1
//		T2 <-	A2	<- B1
//		T3 <-	A3	<-	B2
//		   \-	C1
//		T4 <- C2
Syntax.Match.prototype.bisectAtOffsets = function(splits) {
	var parts = [], start = this.offset, prev = null, children = jQuery.merge([], this.children);
	// Copy the array so we can modify it.
	splits = splits.slice(0);
	// We need to split including the last part.
	splits.sort(function (a,b) {
		return a-b;
	// We build a set of top level matches by looking at each split point and
	// creating a new match from the end of the previous match to the split point.
	for (var i = 0; i < splits.length; i += 1) {
		var offset = splits[i];
		// The split offset is past the end of the match, so there are no more possible
		// splits.
		if (offset > this.endOffset) {
		// We keep track of null parts if the offset is less than the start
		// so that things align up as expected with the requested splits.
		if (
			offset < this.offset // If the split point is less than the start of the match.
			|| (offset - start) == 0 // If the match would have effectively zero length.
		) {
			parts.push(null); // Preserve alignment with splits.
			start = offset;
		// Even if the previous split was out to the left, we align up the start
		// to be at the start of the match we are bisecting.
		if (start < this.offset)
			start = this.offset;
		var match = new Syntax.Match(start, offset - start, this.expression);
		match.value = this.value.substr(start - this.offset, match.length);
		if (prev) {
			prev.next = match;
		prev = match;
		start = match.endOffset;
	// We only need to split to produce the number of parts we have.
	splits.length = parts.length;
	for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i += 1) {
		if (parts[i] == null)
		var offset = splits[0];
		while (children.length > 0) {
			if (children[0].endOffset <= parts[i].endOffset) {
			} else {
		if (children.length) {
			// We may have an intersection
			if (children[0].offset < parts[i].endOffset) {
				var children_parts = children.shift().bisectAtOffsets(splits), j = 0;
				// children_parts are the bisected children which need to be merged with parts
				// in a linear fashion
				for (; j < children_parts.length; j += 1) {
					if (children_parts[j] == null) continue; // Preserve alignment with splits.
				// Skip any parts which have been populated already
				// (i is incremented at the start of the loop, splits shifted at the end)
				i += (children_parts.length-2);
				splits.splice(0, children_parts.length-2);
	if (children.length) {
		Syntax.log("Syntax Error: Children nodes not consumed", children.length, " remaining!");
	return parts;

// Split a match at points in the tree that match a specific regular expression pattern.
// Uses the fast tree bisection algorithm, performance should be bounded O(S log N) where N is
// the total number of matches and S is the number of splits (?).
Syntax.Match.prototype.split = function(pattern) {
	var splits = [], match;
	while ((match = pattern.exec(this.value)) !== null) {
	var matches = this.bisectAtOffsets(splits);
	// Remove any null placeholders.
	return jQuery.grep(matches, function(n,i){
		return n;

Syntax.Brush = function () {
	// The primary class of this brush. Must be unique.
	this.klass = null;
	// A sequential list of rules for extracting matches.
	this.rules = [];
	// A list of all parents that this brush derives from.
	this.parents = [];
	// A list of processes that may be run after extracting matches.
	this.processes = {};

// Add a parent to the brush. This brush should be loaded as a dependency.
Syntax.Brush.prototype.derives = function (name) {
		apply: function(text, expr) {
			return Syntax.brushes[name].getMatches(text);

// Return an array of all classes that the brush consists of.
// A derivied brush is its own klass + the klass of any and all parents.
Syntax.Brush.prototype.allKlasses = function () {
	var klasses = [this.klass];
	for (var i = 0; i < this.parents.length; i += 1) {
		klasses = klasses.concat(Syntax.brushes[this.parents[i]].allKlasses());
	return klasses;

Syntax.Brush.convertStringToTokenPattern = function (pattern, escape) {
	var prefix = "\\b", postfix = "\\b";
	if (!pattern.match(/^\w/)) {
		if (!pattern.match(/\w$/)) {
			prefix = postfix = "";
		} else {
			prefix = "\\B";
	} else {
		if (!pattern.match(/\w$/)) {
			postfix = "\\B";
	if (escape)
		pattern = RegExp.escape(pattern)
	return prefix + pattern + postfix;

Syntax.Brush.MatchPattern = function (text, rule) {
	if (!rule.pattern)
		return [];
	// Duplicate the pattern so that the function is reentrant.
	var matches = [], pattern = new RegExp;
	while((match = pattern.exec(text)) !== null) {
		if (rule.matches) {
			matches = matches.concat(rule.matches(match, rule));
		} else if (rule.brush) {
			matches.push(Syntax.Brush.buildTree(rule, match[0], match.index));
		} else {
			matches.push(new Syntax.Match(match.index, match[0].length, rule, match[0]));
		if (rule.incremental) {
			// Don't start scanning from the end of the match..
			pattern.lastIndex = match.index + 1;
	return matches;

Syntax.Brush.prototype.push = function () {
	if (jQuery.isArray(arguments[0])) {
		var patterns = arguments[0], rule = arguments[1];
		var all = "(";
		for (var i = 0; i < patterns.length; i += 1) {
			if (i > 0) all += "|";
			var p = patterns[i];
			if (p instanceof RegExp) {
				all += p.source;
			} else {
				all += Syntax.Brush.convertStringToTokenPattern(p, true);
		all += ")";
			pattern: new RegExp(all, rule.options || 'g')
		}, rule));
	} else {
		var rule = arguments[0];
		if (typeof(rule.pattern) === 'string') {
			rule.string = rule.pattern;
			rule.pattern = new RegExp(Syntax.Brush.convertStringToTokenPattern(rule.string, true), rule.options || 'g')

		if (typeof(XRegExp) !== 'undefined') {
			rule.pattern = new XRegExp(rule.pattern);
		// Default pattern extraction algorithm
		rule.apply = rule.apply || Syntax.Brush.MatchPattern;

		if (rule.pattern && rule.pattern.global || typeof(rule.pattern) == 'undefined') {
			this.rules.push(jQuery.extend({owner: this}, rule));
		} else {
			Syntax.log("Syntax Error: Malformed rule: ", rule);

Syntax.Brush.prototype.getMatchesForRule = function (text, rule) {
	var matches = [], match = null;
	// Short circuit (user defined) function:
	if (typeof(rule.apply) != 'undefined') {
		matches = rule.apply(text, rule);
	if (rule.debug) {
		Syntax.log("Syntax matches:", rule, text, matches);
	return matches;

Syntax.Brush.prototype.getRuleForKlass = function (klass) {
	for (var i = 0; i < this.rules.length; i += 1) {
		if (this.rules[i].klass == klass) {
			return this.rules[i];
	return null;

// Get all matches from a given block of text.
Syntax.Brush.prototype.getMatches = function(text) {
	var matches = [];
	for (var i = 0; i < this.rules.length; i += 1) {
		matches = matches.concat(this.getMatchesForRule(text, this.rules[i]));
	return matches;

// A helper function for building a tree from a specific rule.
// Typically used where sub-trees are required, e.g. CSS brush in HTML brush.
Syntax.Brush.buildTree = function(rule, text, offset, additionalMatches) {
	var match = Syntax.brushes[rule.brush].buildTree(text, offset, additionalMatches);
	jQuery.extend(match.expression, rule);
	return match;

// This function builds a tree from a given block of text.
// This is done by applying all rules to the text to get a complete list of matches,
// sorting them in order, and inserting them into a syntax tree data structure.
// Additional matches are forcefully inserted into the tree.
// Provide an offset if the text is offset in a larger block of text. Matches
// will be shifted along appropriately.
Syntax.Brush.prototype.buildTree = function(text, offset, additionalMatches) {
	offset = offset || 0;
	// Fixes code that uses \r\n for line endings. /$/ matches both \r\n, which is a problem..
	text = text.replace(/\r/g, '');
	var matches = this.getMatches(text);
	// Shift matches if offset is provided.
	if (offset && offset > 0) {
		for (var i = 0; i < matches.length; i += 1) {
	var top = new Syntax.Match(offset, text.length, {klass: this.allKlasses().join(" "), allow: '*', owner: this}, text);

	// This sort is absolutely key to the functioning of the tree insertion algorithm.

	for (var i = 0; i < matches.length; i += 1) {
	if (additionalMatches) {
		for (var i = 0; i < additionalMatches.length; i += 1) {
			top.insert(additionalMatches[i], true);
	top.complete = true;
	return top;

// This function builds a syntax tree from the given text and matches (optional).
// The syntax tree is then flattened into html using a variety of functions.
// By default, you can't control reduction process through this function, but
// it is possible to control the element conversion process by replace
// .reduce(null, ...) with  .reduce(reduceCallback, ...)
// See Syntax.Match.defaultReduceCallback for more details about interface.
// Matches is optional, and provides a set of pre-existing matches to add
// to the tree.
// Options are passed to element level processing functions.
Syntax.Brush.prototype.process = function(text, matches, options) {
	var top = this.buildTree(text, 0, matches);
	var lines = top.split(/\n/g);
	var html = document.createElement('pre');
	html.className = 'syntax';
	for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i += 1) {
		var line = lines[i].reduce(null, function (container, match) {
			if (match.expression) {
				if (match.expression.process) {
					container = match.expression.process(container, match, options);
				if (match.expression.owner) {
					var process = match.expression.owner.processes[match.expression.klass];
					if (process) {
						container = process(container, match, options);
			return container;
	return html;

// Highlights a given block of text with a given set of options.
// options.brush should specify the brush to use, either by direct reference
// or name.
// Callback will be called with (highlighted_html, brush_used, original_text, options)
Syntax.highlightText = function(text, options, callback) {
	var brushName = (options.brush || 'plain').toLowerCase();
	brushName = Syntax.aliases[brushName] || brushName;
	Syntax.brushes.get(brushName, function(brush) {
		if (options.tabWidth) {
			// Calculate the tab expansion and offsets
			replacement = Syntax.convertTabsToSpaces(text, options.tabWidth);
			// Update any existing matches
			if (options.matches && options.matches.length) {
				var linearOffsets = Syntax.convertToLinearOffsets(replacement.offsets, text.length);
				options.matches = Syntax.updateMatchesWithOffsets(options.matches, linearOffsets, replacement.text);
			text = replacement.text;
		var html = brush.process(text, options.matches, options);
		if (options.linkify !== false) {
			jQuery('span.href', html).each(function(){
				jQuery(this).replaceWith(jQuery('<a>').attr('href', this.innerHTML).text(this.innerHTML));
		callback(html, brush, text, options);

// Highlight a given set of elements with a set of options.
// Callback will be called once per element with (options, highlighted_html, original_container)
Syntax.highlight = function (elements, options, callback) {
	if (typeof(options) === 'function') {
		callback = options;
		options = {};
	options.layout = options.layout || 'preformatted';
	options.matches = [];
	if (typeof(options.tabWidth) === 'undefined') {
		options.tabWidth = 4;
	elements.each(function () {
		var container = jQuery(this);
		// We can augment the plain text to extract existing annotations (e.g. <span class="foo">...</span>).
		options.matches = options.matches.concat(Syntax.extractElementMatches(container));
		var text = Syntax.innerText(this);
		var match = text.match(/-\*- mode: (.+?);(.*?)-\*-/i);
		var endOfSecondLine = text.indexOf("\n", text.indexOf("\n") + 1);

		if (match && match.index < endOfSecondLine) {
			options.brush = options.brush || match[1];
			var modeline = match[2];

			var mode = /([a-z\-]+)\:(.*?)\;/gi;

			while((match = mode.exec(modeline)) !== null) {
				var setter = Syntax.modeLineOptions[match[1]];

				if (setter) {
					setter(match[1], match[2], options);
		Syntax.highlightText(text, options, function(html, brush/*, text, options*/) {
			Syntax.layouts.get(options.layout, function(layout) {
				html = layout(options, $(html), $(container));

				// If there is a theme specified, ensure it is added to the top level class.
				if (options.theme) {
					// Load dependencies
					var themes = Syntax.themes[options.theme];
					for (var i = 0; i < themes.length; i += 1) {
						html.addClass("syntax-theme-" + themes[i]);

					// Add the base theme
					html.addClass("syntax-theme-" + options.theme);

				if (brush.postprocess) {
					html = brush.postprocess(options, html, container);

				if (callback) {
					html = callback(options, html, container);

				if (html && options.replace === true) {

// Register the file as being loaded
Syntax.loader.core = true;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
jquery.js File 178.89 KB 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.apache.js File 1.11 KB 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.applescript.js File 7.58 KB 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.assembly.js File 1.16 KB 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.bash-script.js File 2.15 KB 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.bash.js File 854 B 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.basic.js File 3 KB 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.clang.js File 3.14 KB 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.csharp.js File 2.21 KB 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.css.js File 3.89 KB 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.diff.js File 873 B 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.go.js File 1.69 KB 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.haskell.js File 1.44 KB 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.html.js File 1.77 KB 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.io.js File 1.3 KB 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.java.js File 1.88 KB 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.javascript.js File 1.36 KB 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.kai.js File 757 B 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.lisp.js File 1.07 KB 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.lua.js File 1.28 KB 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.ocaml.js File 3.07 KB 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.ooc.js File 2.07 KB 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.pascal.js File 2.22 KB 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.perl5.js File 3.54 KB 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.php-script.js File 1.81 KB 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.php.js File 516 B 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.plain.js File 341 B 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.protobuf.js File 1.36 KB 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.python.js File 2.69 KB 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.ruby.js File 2.48 KB 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.scala.js File 1.39 KB 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.smalltalk.js File 877 B 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.sql.js File 10.36 KB 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.super-collider.js File 1.51 KB 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.xml.js File 1.48 KB 0644
jquery.syntax.brush.yaml.js File 677 B 0644
jquery.syntax.core.js File 34.38 KB 0644
jquery.syntax.js File 8.05 KB 0644
jquery.syntax.layout.yelp.js File 106 B 0644