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 * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
 * License. See the file "COPYING" in the main directory of this archive
 * for more details.
 * mc.h: Definitions for SGI Memory Controller
 * Copyright (C) 1996 David S. Miller
 * Copyright (C) 1999 Ralf Baechle
 * Copyright (C) 1999 Silicon Graphics, Inc.

#ifndef _SGI_MC_H
#define _SGI_MC_H

struct sgimc_regs {
	u32 _unused0;
	volatile u32 cpuctrl0;	/* CPU control register 0, readwrite */
#define SGIMC_CCTRL0_REFS	0x0000000f /* REFS mask */
#define SGIMC_CCTRL0_EREFRESH	0x00000010 /* Memory refresh enable */
#define SGIMC_CCTRL0_EPERRGIO	0x00000020 /* GIO parity error enable */
#define SGIMC_CCTRL0_EPERRMEM	0x00000040 /* Main mem parity error enable */
#define SGIMC_CCTRL0_EPERRCPU	0x00000080 /* CPU bus parity error enable */
#define SGIMC_CCTRL0_WDOG	0x00000100 /* Watchdog timer enable */
#define SGIMC_CCTRL0_SYSINIT	0x00000200 /* System init bit */
#define SGIMC_CCTRL0_GFXRESET	0x00000400 /* Graphics interface reset */
#define SGIMC_CCTRL0_EISALOCK	0x00000800 /* Lock CPU from memory for EISA */
#define SGIMC_CCTRL0_EPERRSCMD	0x00001000 /* SysCMD bus parity error enable */
#define SGIMC_CCTRL0_IENAB	0x00002000 /* Allow interrupts from MC */
#define SGIMC_CCTRL0_ESNOOP	0x00004000 /* Snooping I/O enable */
#define SGIMC_CCTRL0_EPROMWR	0x00008000 /* Prom writes from cpu enable */
#define SGIMC_CCTRL0_WRESETPMEM 0x00010000 /* Perform warm reset, preserves mem */
#define SGIMC_CCTRL0_LENDIAN	0x00020000 /* Put MC in little-endian mode */
#define SGIMC_CCTRL0_WRESETDMEM 0x00040000 /* Warm reset, destroys mem contents */
#define SGIMC_CCTRL0_CMEMBADPAR 0x02000000 /* Generate bad perr from cpu to mem */
#define SGIMC_CCTRL0_R4KNOCHKPARR 0x04000000 /* Don't chk parity on mem data reads */
#define SGIMC_CCTRL0_GIOBTOB	0x08000000 /* Allow GIO back to back writes */
	u32 _unused1;
	volatile u32 cpuctrl1;	/* CPU control register 1, readwrite */
#define SGIMC_CCTRL1_EGIOTIMEO	0x00000010 /* GIO bus timeout enable */
#define SGIMC_CCTRL1_FIXEDEHPC	0x00001000 /* Fixed HPC endianness */
#define SGIMC_CCTRL1_LITTLEHPC	0x00002000 /* Little endian HPC */
#define SGIMC_CCTRL1_FIXEDEEXP0 0x00004000 /* Fixed EXP0 endianness */
#define SGIMC_CCTRL1_LITTLEEXP0 0x00008000 /* Little endian EXP0 */
#define SGIMC_CCTRL1_FIXEDEEXP1 0x00010000 /* Fixed EXP1 endianness */
#define SGIMC_CCTRL1_LITTLEEXP1 0x00020000 /* Little endian EXP1 */

	u32 _unused2;
	volatile u32 watchdogt; /* Watchdog reg rdonly, write clears */

	u32 _unused3;
	volatile u32 systemid;	/* MC system ID register, readonly */
#define SGIMC_SYSID_MASKREV	0x0000000f /* Revision of MC controller */
#define SGIMC_SYSID_EPRESENT	0x00000010 /* Indicates presence of EISA bus */

	u32 _unused4[3];
	volatile u32 divider;	/* Divider reg for RPSS */

	u32 _unused5;
	u32 eeprom;		/* EEPROM byte reg for r4k */
#define SGIMC_EEPROM_PRE	0x00000001 /* eeprom chip PRE pin assertion */
#define SGIMC_EEPROM_CSEL	0x00000002 /* Active high, eeprom chip select */
#define SGIMC_EEPROM_SECLOCK	0x00000004 /* EEPROM serial clock */
#define SGIMC_EEPROM_SDATAO	0x00000008 /* Serial EEPROM data-out */
#define SGIMC_EEPROM_SDATAI	0x00000010 /* Serial EEPROM data-in */

	u32 _unused6[3];
	volatile u32 rcntpre;	/* Preload refresh counter */

	u32 _unused7;
	volatile u32 rcounter;	/* Readonly refresh counter */

	u32 _unused8[13];
	volatile u32 giopar;	/* Parameter word for GIO64 */
#define SGIMC_GIOPAR_HPC64	0x00000001 /* HPC talks to GIO using 64-bits */
#define SGIMC_GIOPAR_GFX64	0x00000002 /* GFX talks to GIO using 64-bits */
#define SGIMC_GIOPAR_EXP064	0x00000004 /* EXP(slot0) talks using 64-bits */
#define SGIMC_GIOPAR_EXP164	0x00000008 /* EXP(slot1) talks using 64-bits */
#define SGIMC_GIOPAR_EISA64	0x00000010 /* EISA bus talks 64-bits to GIO */
#define SGIMC_GIOPAR_HPC264	0x00000020 /* 2nd HPX talks 64-bits to GIO */
#define SGIMC_GIOPAR_RTIMEGFX	0x00000040 /* GFX device has realtime attr */
#define SGIMC_GIOPAR_RTIMEEXP0	0x00000080 /* EXP(slot0) has realtime attr */
#define SGIMC_GIOPAR_RTIMEEXP1	0x00000100 /* EXP(slot1) has realtime attr */
#define SGIMC_GIOPAR_MASTEREISA 0x00000200 /* EISA bus can act as bus master */
#define SGIMC_GIOPAR_ONEBUS	0x00000400 /* Exists one GIO64 pipelined bus */
#define SGIMC_GIOPAR_MASTERGFX	0x00000800 /* GFX can act as a bus master */
#define SGIMC_GIOPAR_MASTEREXP0 0x00001000 /* EXP(slot0) can bus master */
#define SGIMC_GIOPAR_MASTEREXP1 0x00002000 /* EXP(slot1) can bus master */
#define SGIMC_GIOPAR_PLINEEXP0	0x00004000 /* EXP(slot0) has pipeline attr */
#define SGIMC_GIOPAR_PLINEEXP1	0x00008000 /* EXP(slot1) has pipeline attr */

	u32 _unused9;
	volatile u32 cputp;	/* CPU bus arb time period */

	u32 _unused10[3];
	volatile u32 lbursttp;	/* Time period for long bursts */

	/* MC chip can drive up to 4 bank 4 SIMMs each. All SIMMs in bank must
	 * be the same size. The size encoding for supported SIMMs is bellow */
	u32 _unused11[9];
	volatile u32 mconfig0;	/* Memory config register zero */
	u32 _unused12;
	volatile u32 mconfig1;	/* Memory config register one */
#define SGIMC_MCONFIG_BASEADDR	0x000000ff /* Base address of bank*/
#define SGIMC_MCONFIG_RMASK	0x00001f00 /* Ram config bitmask */
#define SGIMC_MCONFIG_BVALID	0x00002000 /* Bank is valid */
#define SGIMC_MCONFIG_SBANKS	0x00004000 /* Number of subbanks */

	u32 _unused13;
	volatile u32 cmacc;	   /* Mem access config for CPU */
	u32 _unused14;
	volatile u32 gmacc;	   /* Mem access config for GIO */

	/* This define applies to both cmacc and gmacc registers above. */
#define SGIMC_MACC_ALIASBIG	0x20000000 /* 512MB home for alias */

	/* Error address/status regs from GIO and CPU perspectives. */
	u32 _unused15;
	volatile u32 cerr;	/* Error address reg for CPU */
	u32 _unused16;
	volatile u32 cstat;	/* Status reg for CPU */
#define SGIMC_CSTAT_RD		0x00000100 /* read parity error */
#define SGIMC_CSTAT_PAR		0x00000200 /* CPU parity error */
#define SGIMC_CSTAT_ADDR	0x00000400 /* memory bus error bad addr */
#define SGIMC_CSTAT_SYSAD_PAR	0x00000800 /* sysad parity error */
#define SGIMC_CSTAT_SYSCMD_PAR	0x00001000 /* syscmd parity error */
#define SGIMC_CSTAT_BAD_DATA	0x00002000 /* bad data identifier */
#define SGIMC_CSTAT_PAR_MASK	0x00001f00 /* parity error mask */

	u32 _unused17;
	volatile u32 gerr;	/* Error address reg for GIO */
	u32 _unused18;
	volatile u32 gstat;	/* Status reg for GIO */
#define SGIMC_GSTAT_RD		0x00000100 /* read parity error */
#define SGIMC_GSTAT_WR		0x00000200 /* write parity error */
#define SGIMC_GSTAT_TIME	0x00000400 /* GIO bus timed out */
#define SGIMC_GSTAT_PROM	0x00000800 /* write to PROM when PROM_EN not set */
#define SGIMC_GSTAT_ADDR	0x00001000 /* parity error on addr cycle */
#define SGIMC_GSTAT_BC		0x00002000 /* parity error on byte count cycle */
#define SGIMC_GSTAT_PIO_RD	0x00004000 /* read data parity on pio */
#define SGIMC_GSTAT_PIO_WR	0x00008000 /* write data parity on pio */

	/* Special hard bus locking registers. */
	u32 _unused19;
	volatile u32 syssembit;		/* Uni-bit system semaphore */
	u32 _unused20;
	volatile u32 mlock;		/* Global GIO memory access lock */
	u32 _unused21;
	volatile u32 elock;		/* Locks EISA from GIO accesses */

	/* GIO dma control registers. */
	u32 _unused22[15];
	volatile u32 gio_dma_trans;	/* DMA mask to translation GIO addrs */
	u32 _unused23;
	volatile u32 gio_dma_sbits;	/* DMA GIO addr substitution bits */
	u32 _unused24;
	volatile u32 dma_intr_cause;	/* DMA IRQ cause indicator bits */
	u32 _unused25;
	volatile u32 dma_ctrl;		/* Main DMA control reg */

	/* DMA TLB entry 0 */
	u32 _unused26[5];
	volatile u32 dtlb_hi0;
	u32 _unused27;
	volatile u32 dtlb_lo0;

	/* DMA TLB entry 1 */
	u32 _unused28;
	volatile u32 dtlb_hi1;
	u32 _unused29;
	volatile u32 dtlb_lo1;

	/* DMA TLB entry 2 */
	u32 _unused30;
	volatile u32 dtlb_hi2;
	u32 _unused31;
	volatile u32 dtlb_lo2;

	/* DMA TLB entry 3 */
	u32 _unused32;
	volatile u32 dtlb_hi3;
	u32 _unused33;
	volatile u32 dtlb_lo3;

	u32 _unused34[0x0392];

	u32 _unused35;
	volatile u32 rpsscounter;	/* Chirps at 100ns */

	u32 _unused36[0x1000/4-2*4];

	u32 _unused37;
	volatile u32 maddronly;		/* Address DMA goes at */
	u32 _unused38;
	volatile u32 maddrpdeflts;	/* Same as above, plus set defaults */
	u32 _unused39;
	volatile u32 dmasz;		/* DMA count */
	u32 _unused40;
	volatile u32 ssize;		/* DMA stride size */
	u32 _unused41;
	volatile u32 gmaddronly;	/* Set GIO DMA but don't start trans */
	u32 _unused42;
	volatile u32 dmaddnpgo;		/* Set GIO DMA addr + start transfer */
	u32 _unused43;
	volatile u32 dmamode;		/* DMA mode config bit settings */
	u32 _unused44;
	volatile u32 dmaccount;		/* Zoom and byte count for DMA */
	u32 _unused45;
	volatile u32 dmastart;		/* Pedal to the metal. */
	u32 _unused46;
	volatile u32 dmarunning;	/* DMA op is in progress */
	u32 _unused47;
	volatile u32 maddrdefstart;	/* Set dma addr, defaults, and kick it */

extern struct sgimc_regs *sgimc;
#define SGIMC_BASE		0x1fa00000	/* physical */

/* Base location of the two ram banks found in IP2[0268] machines. */
#define SGIMC_SEG0_BADDR	0x08000000
#define SGIMC_SEG1_BADDR	0x20000000

/* Maximum size of the above banks are per machine. */
#define SGIMC_SEG0_SIZE_ALL		0x10000000 /* 256MB */
#define SGIMC_SEG1_SIZE_IP20_IP22	0x08000000 /* 128MB */
#define SGIMC_SEG1_SIZE_IP26_IP28	0x20000000 /* 512MB */

extern void sgimc_init(void);

#endif /* _SGI_MC_H */


Name Type Size Permission Actions
gio.h File 2.54 KB 0644
hpc3.h File 14.13 KB 0644
ioc.h File 6.34 KB 0644
ip22.h File 3.25 KB 0644
mc.h File 9.26 KB 0644
pi1.h File 1.94 KB 0644
seeq.h File 466 B 0644
sgi.h File 1.32 KB 0644
wd.h File 451 B 0644