[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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 * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
 * License.  See the file "COPYING" in the main directory of this archive
 * for more details.
 * ARC firmware interface defines.
 * Copyright (C) 1996 David S. Miller (davem@davemloft.net)
 * Copyright (C) 1999, 2001 Ralf Baechle (ralf@gnu.org)
 * Copyright (C) 1999 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
#ifndef _ASM_SGIARCS_H
#define _ASM_SGIARCS_H

#include <asm/types.h>
#include <asm/fw/arc/types.h>

/* Various ARCS error codes. */
#define PROM_ESUCCESS			0x00
#define PROM_E2BIG			0x01
#define PROM_EACCESS			0x02
#define PROM_EAGAIN			0x03
#define PROM_EBADF			0x04
#define PROM_EBUSY			0x05
#define PROM_EFAULT			0x06
#define PROM_EINVAL			0x07
#define PROM_EIO			0x08
#define PROM_EISDIR			0x09
#define PROM_EMFILE			0x0a
#define PROM_EMLINK			0x0b
#define PROM_ENODEV			0x0d
#define PROM_ENOENT			0x0e
#define PROM_ENOEXEC			0x0f
#define PROM_ENOMEM			0x10
#define PROM_ENOSPC			0x11
#define PROM_ENOTDIR			0x12
#define PROM_ENOTTY			0x13
#define PROM_ENXIO			0x14
#define PROM_EROFS			0x15
/* SGI ARCS specific errno's. */
#define PROM_ETIMEDOUT			0x20
#define PROM_ENOCONNECT			0x22

/* Device classes, types, and identifiers for prom
 * device inventory queries.
enum linux_devclass {
	system, processor, cache, adapter, controller, peripheral, memory

enum linux_devtypes {
	/* Generic stuff. */
	Arc, Cpu, Fpu,

	/* Primary insn and data caches. */
	picache, pdcache,

	/* Secondary insn, data, and combined caches. */
	sicache, sdcache, sccache,

	memdev, eisa_adapter, tc_adapter, scsi_adapter, dti_adapter,
	multifunc_adapter, dsk_controller, tp_controller, cdrom_controller,
	worm_controller, serial_controller, net_controller, disp_controller,
	parallel_controller, ptr_controller, kbd_controller, audio_controller,
	misc_controller, disk_peripheral, flpy_peripheral, tp_peripheral,
	modem_peripheral, monitor_peripheral, printer_peripheral,
	ptr_peripheral, kbd_peripheral, term_peripheral, line_peripheral,
	net_peripheral, misc_peripheral, anon

enum linux_identifier {
	bogus, ronly, removable, consin, consout, input, output

/* A prom device tree component. */
struct linux_component {
	enum linux_devclass	class;	/* node class */
	enum linux_devtypes	type;	/* node type */
	enum linux_identifier	iflags; /* node flags */
	USHORT			vers;	/* node version */
	USHORT			rev;	/* node revision */
	ULONG			key;	/* completely magic */
	ULONG			amask;	/* XXX affinity mask??? */
	ULONG			cdsize; /* size of configuration data */
	ULONG			ilen;	/* length of string identifier */
	_PULONG			iname;	/* string identifier */
typedef struct linux_component pcomponent;

struct linux_sysid {
	char vend[8], prod[8];

/* ARCS prom memory descriptors. */
enum arcs_memtypes {
	arcs_eblock,  /* exception block */
	arcs_rvpage,  /* ARCS romvec page */
	arcs_fcontig, /* Contiguous and free */
	arcs_free,    /* Generic free memory */
	arcs_bmem,    /* Borken memory, don't use */
	arcs_prog,    /* A loaded program resides here */
	arcs_atmp,    /* ARCS temporary storage area, wish Sparc OpenBoot told this */
	arcs_aperm,   /* ARCS permanent storage... */

/* ARC has slightly different types than ARCS */
enum arc_memtypes {
	arc_eblock,  /* exception block */
	arc_rvpage,  /* romvec page */
	arc_free,    /* Generic free memory */
	arc_bmem,    /* Borken memory, don't use */
	arc_prog,    /* A loaded program resides here */
	arc_atmp,    /* temporary storage area */
	arc_aperm,   /* permanent storage */
	arc_fcontig, /* Contiguous and free */

union linux_memtypes {
    enum arcs_memtypes arcs;
    enum arc_memtypes arc;

struct linux_mdesc {
	union linux_memtypes type;
	ULONG base;
	ULONG pages;

/* Time of day descriptor. */
struct linux_tinfo {
	unsigned short yr;
	unsigned short mnth;
	unsigned short day;
	unsigned short hr;
	unsigned short min;
	unsigned short sec;
	unsigned short msec;

/* ARCS virtual dirents. */
struct linux_vdirent {
	ULONG namelen;
	unsigned char attr;
	char fname[32]; /* XXX empirical, should be a define */

/* Other stuff for files. */
enum linux_omode {
	rdonly, wronly, rdwr, wronly_creat, rdwr_creat,
	wronly_ssede, rdwr_ssede, dirent, dirent_creat

enum linux_seekmode {
	absolute, relative

enum linux_mountops {
	media_load, media_unload

/* This prom has a bolixed design. */
struct linux_bigint {
#ifdef __MIPSEL__
	u32 lo;
	s32 hi;
#else /* !(__MIPSEL__) */
	s32 hi;
	u32 lo;

struct linux_finfo {
	struct linux_bigint   begin;
	struct linux_bigint   end;
	struct linux_bigint   cur;
	enum linux_devtypes   dtype;
	unsigned long	      namelen;
	unsigned char	      attr;
	char		      name[32]; /* XXX empirical, should be define */

/* This describes the vector containing function pointers to the ARC
   firmware functions.	*/
struct linux_romvec {
	LONG	load;			/* Load an executable image. */
	LONG	invoke;			/* Invoke a standalong image. */
	LONG	exec;			/* Load and begin execution of a
					   standalone image. */
	LONG	halt;			/* Halt the machine. */
	LONG	pdown;			/* Power down the machine. */
	LONG	restart;		/* XXX soft reset??? */
	LONG	reboot;			/* Reboot the machine. */
	LONG	imode;			/* Enter PROM interactive mode. */
	LONG	_unused1;		/* Was ReturnFromMain(). */

	/* PROM device tree interface. */
	LONG	next_component;
	LONG	child_component;
	LONG	parent_component;
	LONG	component_data;
	LONG	child_add;
	LONG	comp_del;
	LONG	component_by_path;

	/* Misc. stuff. */
	LONG	cfg_save;
	LONG	get_sysid;

	/* Probing for memory. */
	LONG	get_mdesc;
	LONG	_unused2;		/* was Signal() */

	LONG	get_tinfo;
	LONG	get_rtime;

	/* File type operations. */
	LONG	get_vdirent;
	LONG	open;
	LONG	close;
	LONG	read;
	LONG	get_rstatus;
	LONG	write;
	LONG	seek;
	LONG	mount;

	/* Dealing with firmware environment variables. */
	LONG	get_evar;
	LONG	set_evar;

	LONG	get_finfo;
	LONG	set_finfo;

	/* Miscellaneous. */
	LONG	cache_flush;
	LONG	TestUnicodeCharacter;		/* ARC; not sure if ARCS too */
	LONG	GetDisplayStatus;

/* The SGI ARCS parameter block is in a fixed location for standalone
 * programs to access PROM facilities easily.
typedef struct _SYSTEM_PARAMETER_BLOCK {
	ULONG			magic;		/* magic cookie */
#define PROMBLOCK_MAGIC	     0x53435241

	ULONG			len;		/* length of parm block */
	USHORT			ver;		/* ARCS firmware version */
	USHORT			rev;		/* ARCS firmware revision */
	_PLONG			rs_block;	/* Restart block. */
	_PLONG			dbg_block;	/* Debug block. */
	_PLONG			gevect;		/* XXX General vector??? */
	_PLONG			utlbvect;	/* XXX UTLB vector??? */
	ULONG			rveclen;	/* Size of romvec struct. */
	_PVOID			romvec;		/* Function interface. */
	ULONG			pveclen;	/* Length of private vector. */
	_PVOID			pvector;	/* Private vector. */
	ULONG			adap_cnt;	/* Adapter count. */
	ULONG			adap_typ0;	/* First adapter type. */
	ULONG			adap_vcnt0;	/* Adapter 0 vector count. */
	_PVOID			adap_vector;	/* Adapter 0 vector ptr. */
	ULONG			adap_typ1;	/* Second adapter type. */
	ULONG			adap_vcnt1;	/* Adapter 1 vector count. */
	_PVOID			adap_vector1;	/* Adapter 1 vector ptr. */
	/* More adapter vectors go here... */

#define ROMVECTOR ((struct linux_romvec *) (long)(PROMBLOCK)->romvec)

/* Cache layout parameter block. */
union linux_cache_key {
	struct param {
#ifdef __MIPSEL__
		unsigned short size;
		unsigned char lsize;
		unsigned char bsize;
#else /* !(__MIPSEL__) */
		unsigned char bsize;
		unsigned char lsize;
		unsigned short size;
	} info;
	unsigned long allinfo;

/* Configuration data. */
struct linux_cdata {
	char *name;
	int mlen;
	enum linux_devtypes type;

/* Common SGI ARCS firmware file descriptors. */
#define SGIPROM_STDIN	  0
#define SGIPROM_STDOUT	  1

/* Common SGI ARCS firmware file types. */
#define SGIPROM_ROFILE	  0x01	/* read-only file */
#define SGIPROM_HFILE	  0x02	/* hidden file */
#define SGIPROM_SFILE	  0x04	/* System file */
#define SGIPROM_AFILE	  0x08	/* Archive file */
#define SGIPROM_DFILE	  0x10	/* Directory file */
#define SGIPROM_DELFILE	  0x20	/* Deleted file */

/* SGI ARCS boot record information. */
struct sgi_partition {
	unsigned char flag;
#define SGIPART_UNUSED 0x00
#define SGIPART_ACTIVE 0x80

	unsigned char shead, ssect, scyl; /* unused */
	unsigned char systype; /* OS type, Irix or NT */
	unsigned char ehead, esect, ecyl; /* unused */
	unsigned char rsect0, rsect1, rsect2, rsect3;
	unsigned char tsect0, tsect1, tsect2, tsect3;

#define SGIBBLOCK_MAGIC	  0xaa55
#define SGIBBLOCK_MAXPART 0x0004

struct sgi_bootblock {
	unsigned char _unused[446];
	struct sgi_partition partitions[SGIBBLOCK_MAXPART];
	unsigned short magic;

/* BIOS parameter block. */
struct sgi_bparm_block {
	unsigned short bytes_sect;    /* bytes per sector */
	unsigned char  sect_clust;    /* sectors per cluster */
	unsigned short sect_resv;     /* reserved sectors */
	unsigned char  nfats;	      /* # of allocation tables */
	unsigned short nroot_dirents; /* # of root directory entries */
	unsigned short sect_volume;   /* sectors in volume */
	unsigned char  media_type;    /* media descriptor */
	unsigned short sect_fat;      /* sectors per allocation table */
	unsigned short sect_track;    /* sectors per track */
	unsigned short nheads;	      /* # of heads */
	unsigned short nhsects;	      /* # of hidden sectors */

struct sgi_bsector {
	unsigned char	jmpinfo[3];
	unsigned char	manuf_name[8];
	struct sgi_bparm_block info;

/* Debugging block used with SGI symmon symbolic debugger. */
#define SMB_DEBUG_MAGIC	  0xfeeddead
struct linux_smonblock {
	unsigned long	magic;
	void		(*handler)(void);  /* Breakpoint routine. */
	unsigned long	dtable_base;	   /* Base addr of dbg table. */
	int		(*printf)(const char *fmt, ...);
	unsigned long	btable_base;	   /* Breakpoint table. */
	unsigned long	mpflushreqs;	   /* SMP cache flush request list. */
	unsigned long	ntab;		   /* Name table. */
	unsigned long	stab;		   /* Symbol table. */
	int		smax;		   /* Max # of symbols. */

 * Macros for calling a 32-bit ARC implementation from 64-bit code

#if defined(CONFIG_64BIT) && defined(CONFIG_FW_ARC32)

#define __arc_clobbers							\
	"$2", "$3" /* ... */, "$8", "$9", "$10", "$11",				\
	"$12", "$13", "$14", "$15", "$16", "$24", "$25", "$31"

#define ARC_CALL0(dest)							\
({	long __res;							\
	long __vec = (long) romvec->dest;				\
	__asm__ __volatile__(						\
	"dsubu\t$29, 32\n\t"						\
	"jalr\t%1\n\t"							\
	"daddu\t$29, 32\n\t"						\
	"move\t%0, $2"							\
	: "=r" (__res), "=r" (__vec)					\
	: "1" (__vec)							\
	: __arc_clobbers, "$4", "$5", "$6", "$7");			\
	(unsigned long) __res;						\

#define ARC_CALL1(dest, a1)						\
({	long __res;							\
	register signed int __a1 __asm__("$4") = (int) (long) (a1);	\
	long __vec = (long) romvec->dest;				\
	__asm__ __volatile__(						\
	"dsubu\t$29, 32\n\t"						\
	"jalr\t%1\n\t"							\
	"daddu\t$29, 32\n\t"						\
	"move\t%0, $2"							\
	: "=r" (__res), "=r" (__vec)					\
	: "1" (__vec), "r" (__a1)					\
	: __arc_clobbers, "$5", "$6", "$7");				\
	(unsigned long) __res;						\

#define ARC_CALL2(dest, a1, a2)						\
({	long __res;							\
	register signed int __a1 __asm__("$4") = (int) (long) (a1);	\
	register signed int __a2 __asm__("$5") = (int) (long) (a2);	\
	long __vec = (long) romvec->dest;				\
	__asm__ __volatile__(						\
	"dsubu\t$29, 32\n\t"						\
	"jalr\t%1\n\t"							\
	"daddu\t$29, 32\n\t"						\
	"move\t%0, $2"							\
	: "=r" (__res), "=r" (__vec)					\
	: "1" (__vec), "r" (__a1), "r" (__a2)				\
	: __arc_clobbers, "$6", "$7");					\
	__res;								\

#define ARC_CALL3(dest, a1, a2, a3)					\
({	long __res;							\
	register signed int __a1 __asm__("$4") = (int) (long) (a1);	\
	register signed int __a2 __asm__("$5") = (int) (long) (a2);	\
	register signed int __a3 __asm__("$6") = (int) (long) (a3);	\
	long __vec = (long) romvec->dest;				\
	__asm__ __volatile__(						\
	"dsubu\t$29, 32\n\t"						\
	"jalr\t%1\n\t"							\
	"daddu\t$29, 32\n\t"						\
	"move\t%0, $2"							\
	: "=r" (__res), "=r" (__vec)					\
	: "1" (__vec), "r" (__a1), "r" (__a2), "r" (__a3)		\
	: __arc_clobbers, "$7");					\
	__res;								\

#define ARC_CALL4(dest, a1, a2, a3, a4)					\
({	long __res;							\
	register signed int __a1 __asm__("$4") = (int) (long) (a1);	\
	register signed int __a2 __asm__("$5") = (int) (long) (a2);	\
	register signed int __a3 __asm__("$6") = (int) (long) (a3);	\
	register signed int __a4 __asm__("$7") = (int) (long) (a4);	\
	long __vec = (long) romvec->dest;				\
	__asm__ __volatile__(						\
	"dsubu\t$29, 32\n\t"						\
	"jalr\t%1\n\t"							\
	"daddu\t$29, 32\n\t"						\
	"move\t%0, $2"							\
	: "=r" (__res), "=r" (__vec)					\
	: "1" (__vec), "r" (__a1), "r" (__a2), "r" (__a3),		\
	  "r" (__a4)							\
	: __arc_clobbers);						\
	__res;								\

#define ARC_CALL5(dest, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5)					\
({	long __res;							\
	register signed int __a1 __asm__("$4") = (int) (long) (a1);	\
	register signed int __a2 __asm__("$5") = (int) (long) (a2);	\
	register signed int __a3 __asm__("$6") = (int) (long) (a3);	\
	register signed int __a4 __asm__("$7") = (int) (long) (a4);	\
	register signed int __a5 = (int) (long) (a5);			\
	long __vec = (long) romvec->dest;				\
	__asm__ __volatile__(						\
	"dsubu\t$29, 32\n\t"						\
	"sw\t%7, 16($29)\n\t"						\
	"jalr\t%1\n\t"							\
	"daddu\t$29, 32\n\t"						\
	"move\t%0, $2"							\
	: "=r" (__res), "=r" (__vec)					\
	: "1" (__vec),							\
	  "r" (__a1), "r" (__a2), "r" (__a3), "r" (__a4),		\
	  "r" (__a5)							\
	: __arc_clobbers);						\
	__res;								\

#endif /* defined(CONFIG_64BIT) && defined(CONFIG_FW_ARC32) */

#if (defined(CONFIG_32BIT) && defined(CONFIG_FW_ARC32)) ||		\
    (defined(CONFIG_64BIT) && defined(CONFIG_FW_ARC64))

#define ARC_CALL0(dest)							\
({	long __res;							\
	long (*__vec)(void) = (void *) romvec->dest;			\
	__res = __vec();						\
	__res;								\

#define ARC_CALL1(dest, a1)						\
({	long __res;							\
	long __a1 = (long) (a1);					\
	long (*__vec)(long) = (void *) romvec->dest;			\
	__res = __vec(__a1);						\
	__res;								\

#define ARC_CALL2(dest, a1, a2)						\
({	long __res;							\
	long __a1 = (long) (a1);					\
	long __a2 = (long) (a2);					\
	long (*__vec)(long, long) = (void *) romvec->dest;		\
	__res = __vec(__a1, __a2);					\
	__res;								\

#define ARC_CALL3(dest, a1, a2, a3)					\
({	long __res;							\
	long __a1 = (long) (a1);					\
	long __a2 = (long) (a2);					\
	long __a3 = (long) (a3);					\
	long (*__vec)(long, long, long) = (void *) romvec->dest;	\
	__res = __vec(__a1, __a2, __a3);				\
	__res;								\

#define ARC_CALL4(dest, a1, a2, a3, a4)					\
({	long __res;							\
	long __a1 = (long) (a1);					\
	long __a2 = (long) (a2);					\
	long __a3 = (long) (a3);					\
	long __a4 = (long) (a4);					\
	long (*__vec)(long, long, long, long) = (void *) romvec->dest;	\
	__res = __vec(__a1, __a2, __a3, __a4);				\
	__res;								\

#define ARC_CALL5(dest, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5)				\
({	long __res;							\
	long __a1 = (long) (a1);					\
	long __a2 = (long) (a2);					\
	long __a3 = (long) (a3);					\
	long __a4 = (long) (a4);					\
	long __a5 = (long) (a5);					\
	long (*__vec)(long, long, long, long, long);			\
	__vec = (void *) romvec->dest;					\
	__res = __vec(__a1, __a2, __a3, __a4, __a5);			\
	__res;								\
#endif /* both kernel and ARC either 32-bit or 64-bit */

#endif /* _ASM_SGIARCS_H */


Name Type Size Permission Actions
dec Folder 0755
emma Folder 0755
fw Folder 0755
ip32 Folder 0755
lasat Folder 0755
mach-ar7 Folder 0755
mach-ath25 Folder 0755
mach-ath79 Folder 0755
mach-au1x00 Folder 0755
mach-bcm47xx Folder 0755
mach-bcm63xx Folder 0755
mach-bmips Folder 0755
mach-cavium-octeon Folder 0755
mach-cobalt Folder 0755
mach-db1x00 Folder 0755
mach-dec Folder 0755
mach-emma2rh Folder 0755
mach-generic Folder 0755
mach-ip22 Folder 0755
mach-ip27 Folder 0755
mach-ip28 Folder 0755
mach-ip32 Folder 0755
mach-jazz Folder 0755
mach-jz4740 Folder 0755
mach-lantiq Folder 0755
mach-lasat Folder 0755
mach-loongson32 Folder 0755
mach-loongson64 Folder 0755
mach-malta Folder 0755
mach-netlogic Folder 0755
mach-paravirt Folder 0755
mach-pic32 Folder 0755
mach-pistachio Folder 0755
mach-pmcs-msp71xx Folder 0755
mach-pnx833x Folder 0755
mach-ralink Folder 0755
mach-rc32434 Folder 0755
mach-rm Folder 0755
mach-sibyte Folder 0755
mach-tx39xx Folder 0755
mach-tx49xx Folder 0755
mach-vr41xx Folder 0755
mach-xilfpga Folder 0755
mips-boards Folder 0755
netlogic Folder 0755
octeon Folder 0755
pci Folder 0755
sgi Folder 0755
sibyte Folder 0755
sn Folder 0755
txx9 Folder 0755
vr41xx Folder 0755
xtalk Folder 0755
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