/* * MPC8xx Internal Memory Map * Copyright (c) 1997 Dan Malek (dmalek@jlc.net) * * The I/O on the MPC860 is comprised of blocks of special registers * and the dual port ram for the Communication Processor Module. * Within this space are functional units such as the SIU, memory * controller, system timers, and other control functions. It is * a combination that I found difficult to separate into logical * functional files.....but anyone else is welcome to try. -- Dan */ #ifdef __KERNEL__ #ifndef __IMMAP_8XX__ #define __IMMAP_8XX__ /* System configuration registers. */ typedef struct sys_conf { uint sc_siumcr; uint sc_sypcr; uint sc_swt; char res1[2]; ushort sc_swsr; uint sc_sipend; uint sc_simask; uint sc_siel; uint sc_sivec; uint sc_tesr; char res2[0xc]; uint sc_sdcr; char res3[0x4c]; } sysconf8xx_t; /* PCMCIA configuration registers. */ typedef struct pcmcia_conf { uint pcmc_pbr0; uint pcmc_por0; uint pcmc_pbr1; uint pcmc_por1; uint pcmc_pbr2; uint pcmc_por2; uint pcmc_pbr3; uint pcmc_por3; uint pcmc_pbr4; uint pcmc_por4; uint pcmc_pbr5; uint pcmc_por5; uint pcmc_pbr6; uint pcmc_por6; uint pcmc_pbr7; uint pcmc_por7; char res1[0x20]; uint pcmc_pgcra; uint pcmc_pgcrb; uint pcmc_pscr; char res2[4]; uint pcmc_pipr; char res3[4]; uint pcmc_per; char res4[4]; } pcmconf8xx_t; /* Memory controller registers. */ typedef struct mem_ctlr { uint memc_br0; uint memc_or0; uint memc_br1; uint memc_or1; uint memc_br2; uint memc_or2; uint memc_br3; uint memc_or3; uint memc_br4; uint memc_or4; uint memc_br5; uint memc_or5; uint memc_br6; uint memc_or6; uint memc_br7; uint memc_or7; char res1[0x24]; uint memc_mar; uint memc_mcr; char res2[4]; uint memc_mamr; uint memc_mbmr; ushort memc_mstat; ushort memc_mptpr; uint memc_mdr; char res3[0x80]; } memctl8xx_t; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * BR - Memory Controller: Base Register 16-9 */ #define BR_BA_MSK 0xffff8000 /* Base Address Mask */ #define BR_AT_MSK 0x00007000 /* Address Type Mask */ #define BR_PS_MSK 0x00000c00 /* Port Size Mask */ #define BR_PS_32 0x00000000 /* 32 bit port size */ #define BR_PS_16 0x00000800 /* 16 bit port size */ #define BR_PS_8 0x00000400 /* 8 bit port size */ #define BR_PARE 0x00000200 /* Parity Enable */ #define BR_WP 0x00000100 /* Write Protect */ #define BR_MS_MSK 0x000000c0 /* Machine Select Mask */ #define BR_MS_GPCM 0x00000000 /* G.P.C.M. Machine Select */ #define BR_MS_UPMA 0x00000080 /* U.P.M.A Machine Select */ #define BR_MS_UPMB 0x000000c0 /* U.P.M.B Machine Select */ #define BR_V 0x00000001 /* Bank Valid */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * OR - Memory Controller: Option Register 16-11 */ #define OR_AM_MSK 0xffff8000 /* Address Mask Mask */ #define OR_ATM_MSK 0x00007000 /* Address Type Mask Mask */ #define OR_CSNT_SAM 0x00000800 /* Chip Select Negation Time/ Start */ /* Address Multiplex */ #define OR_ACS_MSK 0x00000600 /* Address to Chip Select Setup mask */ #define OR_ACS_DIV1 0x00000000 /* CS is output at the same time */ #define OR_ACS_DIV4 0x00000400 /* CS is output 1/4 a clock later */ #define OR_ACS_DIV2 0x00000600 /* CS is output 1/2 a clock later */ #define OR_G5LA 0x00000400 /* Output #GPL5 on #GPL_A5 */ #define OR_G5LS 0x00000200 /* Drive #GPL high on falling edge of...*/ #define OR_BI 0x00000100 /* Burst inhibit */ #define OR_SCY_MSK 0x000000f0 /* Cycle Length in Clocks */ #define OR_SCY_0_CLK 0x00000000 /* 0 clock cycles wait states */ #define OR_SCY_1_CLK 0x00000010 /* 1 clock cycles wait states */ #define OR_SCY_2_CLK 0x00000020 /* 2 clock cycles wait states */ #define OR_SCY_3_CLK 0x00000030 /* 3 clock cycles wait states */ #define OR_SCY_4_CLK 0x00000040 /* 4 clock cycles wait states */ #define OR_SCY_5_CLK 0x00000050 /* 5 clock cycles wait states */ #define OR_SCY_6_CLK 0x00000060 /* 6 clock cycles wait states */ #define OR_SCY_7_CLK 0x00000070 /* 7 clock cycles wait states */ #define OR_SCY_8_CLK 0x00000080 /* 8 clock cycles wait states */ #define OR_SCY_9_CLK 0x00000090 /* 9 clock cycles wait states */ #define OR_SCY_10_CLK 0x000000a0 /* 10 clock cycles wait states */ #define OR_SCY_11_CLK 0x000000b0 /* 11 clock cycles wait states */ #define OR_SCY_12_CLK 0x000000c0 /* 12 clock cycles wait states */ #define OR_SCY_13_CLK 0x000000d0 /* 13 clock cycles wait states */ #define OR_SCY_14_CLK 0x000000e0 /* 14 clock cycles wait states */ #define OR_SCY_15_CLK 0x000000f0 /* 15 clock cycles wait states */ #define OR_SETA 0x00000008 /* External Transfer Acknowledge */ #define OR_TRLX 0x00000004 /* Timing Relaxed */ #define OR_EHTR 0x00000002 /* Extended Hold Time on Read */ /* System Integration Timers. */ typedef struct sys_int_timers { ushort sit_tbscr; char res0[0x02]; uint sit_tbreff0; uint sit_tbreff1; char res1[0x14]; ushort sit_rtcsc; char res2[0x02]; uint sit_rtc; uint sit_rtsec; uint sit_rtcal; char res3[0x10]; ushort sit_piscr; char res4[2]; uint sit_pitc; uint sit_pitr; char res5[0x34]; } sit8xx_t; #define TBSCR_TBIRQ_MASK ((ushort)0xff00) #define TBSCR_REFA ((ushort)0x0080) #define TBSCR_REFB ((ushort)0x0040) #define TBSCR_REFAE ((ushort)0x0008) #define TBSCR_REFBE ((ushort)0x0004) #define TBSCR_TBF ((ushort)0x0002) #define TBSCR_TBE ((ushort)0x0001) #define RTCSC_RTCIRQ_MASK ((ushort)0xff00) #define RTCSC_SEC ((ushort)0x0080) #define RTCSC_ALR ((ushort)0x0040) #define RTCSC_38K ((ushort)0x0010) #define RTCSC_SIE ((ushort)0x0008) #define RTCSC_ALE ((ushort)0x0004) #define RTCSC_RTF ((ushort)0x0002) #define RTCSC_RTE ((ushort)0x0001) #define PISCR_PIRQ_MASK ((ushort)0xff00) #define PISCR_PS ((ushort)0x0080) #define PISCR_PIE ((ushort)0x0004) #define PISCR_PTF ((ushort)0x0002) #define PISCR_PTE ((ushort)0x0001) /* Clocks and Reset. */ typedef struct clk_and_reset { uint car_sccr; uint car_plprcr; uint car_rsr; char res[0x74]; /* Reserved area */ } car8xx_t; /* System Integration Timers keys. */ typedef struct sitk { uint sitk_tbscrk; uint sitk_tbreff0k; uint sitk_tbreff1k; uint sitk_tbk; char res1[0x10]; uint sitk_rtcsck; uint sitk_rtck; uint sitk_rtseck; uint sitk_rtcalk; char res2[0x10]; uint sitk_piscrk; uint sitk_pitck; char res3[0x38]; } sitk8xx_t; /* Clocks and reset keys. */ typedef struct cark { uint cark_sccrk; uint cark_plprcrk; uint cark_rsrk; char res[0x474]; } cark8xx_t; /* The key to unlock registers maintained by keep-alive power. */ #define KAPWR_KEY ((unsigned int)0x55ccaa33) /* Video interface. MPC823 Only. */ typedef struct vid823 { ushort vid_vccr; ushort res1; u_char vid_vsr; u_char res2; u_char vid_vcmr; u_char res3; uint vid_vbcb; uint res4; uint vid_vfcr0; uint vid_vfaa0; uint vid_vfba0; uint vid_vfcr1; uint vid_vfaa1; uint vid_vfba1; u_char res5[0x18]; } vid823_t; /* LCD interface. 823 Only. */ typedef struct lcd { uint lcd_lccr; uint lcd_lchcr; uint lcd_lcvcr; char res1[4]; uint lcd_lcfaa; uint lcd_lcfba; char lcd_lcsr; char res2[0x7]; } lcd823_t; /* I2C */ typedef struct i2c { u_char i2c_i2mod; char res1[3]; u_char i2c_i2add; char res2[3]; u_char i2c_i2brg; char res3[3]; u_char i2c_i2com; char res4[3]; u_char i2c_i2cer; char res5[3]; u_char i2c_i2cmr; char res6[0x8b]; } i2c8xx_t; /* DMA control/status registers. */ typedef struct sdma_csr { char res1[4]; uint sdma_sdar; u_char sdma_sdsr; char res3[3]; u_char sdma_sdmr; char res4[3]; u_char sdma_idsr1; char res5[3]; u_char sdma_idmr1; char res6[3]; u_char sdma_idsr2; char res7[3]; u_char sdma_idmr2; char res8[0x13]; } sdma8xx_t; /* Communication Processor Module Interrupt Controller. */ typedef struct cpm_ic { ushort cpic_civr; char res[0xe]; uint cpic_cicr; uint cpic_cipr; uint cpic_cimr; uint cpic_cisr; } cpic8xx_t; /* Input/Output Port control/status registers. */ typedef struct io_port { ushort iop_padir; ushort iop_papar; ushort iop_paodr; ushort iop_padat; char res1[8]; ushort iop_pcdir; ushort iop_pcpar; ushort iop_pcso; ushort iop_pcdat; ushort iop_pcint; char res2[6]; ushort iop_pddir; ushort iop_pdpar; char res3[2]; ushort iop_pddat; uint utmode; char res4[4]; } iop8xx_t; /* Communication Processor Module Timers */ typedef struct cpm_timers { ushort cpmt_tgcr; char res1[0xe]; ushort cpmt_tmr1; ushort cpmt_tmr2; ushort cpmt_trr1; ushort cpmt_trr2; ushort cpmt_tcr1; ushort cpmt_tcr2; ushort cpmt_tcn1; ushort cpmt_tcn2; ushort cpmt_tmr3; ushort cpmt_tmr4; ushort cpmt_trr3; ushort cpmt_trr4; ushort cpmt_tcr3; ushort cpmt_tcr4; ushort cpmt_tcn3; ushort cpmt_tcn4; ushort cpmt_ter1; ushort cpmt_ter2; ushort cpmt_ter3; ushort cpmt_ter4; char res2[8]; } cpmtimer8xx_t; /* Finally, the Communication Processor stuff..... */ typedef struct scc { /* Serial communication channels */ uint scc_gsmrl; uint scc_gsmrh; ushort scc_psmr; char res1[2]; ushort scc_todr; ushort scc_dsr; ushort scc_scce; char res2[2]; ushort scc_sccm; char res3; u_char scc_sccs; char res4[8]; } scc_t; typedef struct smc { /* Serial management channels */ char res1[2]; ushort smc_smcmr; char res2[2]; u_char smc_smce; char res3[3]; u_char smc_smcm; char res4[5]; } smc_t; /* MPC860T Fast Ethernet Controller. It isn't part of the CPM, but * it fits within the address space. */ typedef struct fec { uint fec_addr_low; /* lower 32 bits of station address */ ushort fec_addr_high; /* upper 16 bits of station address */ ushort res1; /* reserved */ uint fec_grp_hash_table_high; /* upper 32-bits of hash table */ uint fec_grp_hash_table_low; /* lower 32-bits of hash table */ uint fec_r_des_start; /* beginning of Rx descriptor ring */ uint fec_x_des_start; /* beginning of Tx descriptor ring */ uint fec_r_buff_size; /* Rx buffer size */ uint res2[9]; /* reserved */ uint fec_ecntrl; /* ethernet control register */ uint fec_ievent; /* interrupt event register */ uint fec_imask; /* interrupt mask register */ uint fec_ivec; /* interrupt level and vector status */ uint fec_r_des_active; /* Rx ring updated flag */ uint fec_x_des_active; /* Tx ring updated flag */ uint res3[10]; /* reserved */ uint fec_mii_data; /* MII data register */ uint fec_mii_speed; /* MII speed control register */ uint res4[17]; /* reserved */ uint fec_r_bound; /* end of RAM (read-only) */ uint fec_r_fstart; /* Rx FIFO start address */ uint res5[6]; /* reserved */ uint fec_x_fstart; /* Tx FIFO start address */ uint res6[17]; /* reserved */ uint fec_fun_code; /* fec SDMA function code */ uint res7[3]; /* reserved */ uint fec_r_cntrl; /* Rx control register */ uint fec_r_hash; /* Rx hash register */ uint res8[14]; /* reserved */ uint fec_x_cntrl; /* Tx control register */ uint res9[0x1e]; /* reserved */ } fec_t; /* The FEC and LCD color map share the same address space.... * I guess we will never see an 823T :-). */ union fec_lcd { fec_t fl_un_fec; u_char fl_un_cmap[0x200]; }; typedef struct comm_proc { /* General control and status registers. */ ushort cp_cpcr; u_char res1[2]; ushort cp_rccr; u_char res2; u_char cp_rmds; u_char res3[4]; ushort cp_cpmcr1; ushort cp_cpmcr2; ushort cp_cpmcr3; ushort cp_cpmcr4; u_char res4[2]; ushort cp_rter; u_char res5[2]; ushort cp_rtmr; u_char res6[0x14]; /* Baud rate generators. */ uint cp_brgc1; uint cp_brgc2; uint cp_brgc3; uint cp_brgc4; /* Serial Communication Channels. */ scc_t cp_scc[4]; /* Serial Management Channels. */ smc_t cp_smc[2]; /* Serial Peripheral Interface. */ ushort cp_spmode; u_char res7[4]; u_char cp_spie; u_char res8[3]; u_char cp_spim; u_char res9[2]; u_char cp_spcom; u_char res10[2]; /* Parallel Interface Port. */ u_char res11[2]; ushort cp_pipc; u_char res12[2]; ushort cp_ptpr; uint cp_pbdir; uint cp_pbpar; u_char res13[2]; ushort cp_pbodr; uint cp_pbdat; /* Port E - MPC87x/88x only. */ uint cp_pedir; uint cp_pepar; uint cp_peso; uint cp_peodr; uint cp_pedat; /* Communications Processor Timing Register - Contains RMII Timing for the FECs on MPC87x/88x only. */ uint cp_cptr; /* Serial Interface and Time Slot Assignment. */ uint cp_simode; u_char cp_sigmr; u_char res15; u_char cp_sistr; u_char cp_sicmr; u_char res16[4]; uint cp_sicr; uint cp_sirp; u_char res17[0xc]; /* 256 bytes of MPC823 video controller RAM array. */ u_char cp_vcram[0x100]; u_char cp_siram[0x200]; /* The fast ethernet controller is not really part of the CPM, * but it resides in the address space. * The LCD color map is also here. */ union fec_lcd fl_un; #define cp_fec fl_un.fl_un_fec #define lcd_cmap fl_un.fl_un_cmap char res18[0xE00]; /* The DUET family has a second FEC here */ fec_t cp_fec2; #define cp_fec1 cp_fec /* consistency macro */ /* Dual Ported RAM follows. * There are many different formats for this memory area * depending upon the devices used and options chosen. * Some processors don't have all of it populated. */ u_char cp_dpmem[0x1C00]; /* BD / Data / ucode */ u_char cp_dparam[0x400]; /* Parameter RAM */ } cpm8xx_t; /* Internal memory map. */ typedef struct immap { sysconf8xx_t im_siu_conf; /* SIU Configuration */ pcmconf8xx_t im_pcmcia; /* PCMCIA Configuration */ memctl8xx_t im_memctl; /* Memory Controller */ sit8xx_t im_sit; /* System integration timers */ car8xx_t im_clkrst; /* Clocks and reset */ sitk8xx_t im_sitk; /* Sys int timer keys */ cark8xx_t im_clkrstk; /* Clocks and reset keys */ vid823_t im_vid; /* Video (823 only) */ lcd823_t im_lcd; /* LCD (823 only) */ i2c8xx_t im_i2c; /* I2C control/status */ sdma8xx_t im_sdma; /* SDMA control/status */ cpic8xx_t im_cpic; /* CPM Interrupt Controller */ iop8xx_t im_ioport; /* IO Port control/status */ cpmtimer8xx_t im_cpmtimer; /* CPM timers */ cpm8xx_t im_cpm; /* Communication processor */ } immap_t; #endif /* __IMMAP_8XX__ */ #endif /* __KERNEL__ */
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parport.h | File | 956 B | 0644 |
pasemi_dma.h | File | 23.32 KB | 0644 |
pci-bridge.h | File | 9.21 KB | 0644 |
pci.h | File | 4.58 KB | 0644 |
percpu.h | File | 468 B | 0644 |
perf_event.h | File | 1.23 KB | 0644 |
perf_event_fsl_emb.h | File | 1.42 KB | 0644 |
perf_event_server.h | File | 6.3 KB | 0644 |
pgalloc.h | File | 620 B | 0644 |
pgtable-be-types.h | File | 2.76 KB | 0644 |
pgtable-types.h | File | 1.94 KB | 0644 |
pgtable.h | File | 2.45 KB | 0644 |
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pmc.h | File | 1.35 KB | 0644 |
pmi.h | File | 1.77 KB | 0644 |
pnv-ocxl.h | File | 1.4 KB | 0644 |
pnv-pci.h | File | 3.22 KB | 0644 |
powernv.h | File | 1.57 KB | 0644 |
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ppc-pci.h | File | 2.69 KB | 0644 |
ppc4xx.h | File | 530 B | 0644 |
ppc4xx_ocm.h | File | 1.41 KB | 0644 |
ppc_asm.h | File | 21.63 KB | 0644 |
probes.h | File | 2.11 KB | 0644 |
processor.h | File | 15 KB | 0644 |
prom.h | File | 7.17 KB | 0644 |
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ps3av.h | File | 23.49 KB | 0644 |
ps3gpu.h | File | 2.44 KB | 0644 |
ps3stor.h | File | 1.99 KB | 0644 |
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pte-walk.h | File | 1.11 KB | 0644 |
ptrace.h | File | 7.14 KB | 0644 |
reg.h | File | 61.61 KB | 0644 |
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rheap.h | File | 2.43 KB | 0644 |
rio.h | File | 637 B | 0644 |
rtas.h | File | 14.67 KB | 0644 |
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scom.h | File | 4.92 KB | 0644 |
seccomp.h | File | 249 B | 0644 |
sections.h | File | 1.9 KB | 0644 |
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serial.h | File | 677 B | 0644 |
setjmp.h | File | 630 B | 0644 |
setup.h | File | 2.44 KB | 0644 |
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shmparam.h | File | 206 B | 0644 |
signal.h | File | 225 B | 0644 |
slice.h | File | 1.12 KB | 0644 |
smp.h | File | 6.13 KB | 0644 |
smu.h | File | 19.33 KB | 0644 |
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termios.h | File | 860 B | 0644 |
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timex.h | File | 967 B | 0644 |
tlb.h | File | 2.47 KB | 0644 |
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tm.h | File | 690 B | 0644 |
topology.h | File | 2.92 KB | 0644 |
trace.h | File | 4.17 KB | 0644 |
trace_clock.h | File | 517 B | 0644 |
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types.h | File | 1 KB | 0644 |
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udbg.h | File | 2.16 KB | 0644 |
uic.h | File | 616 B | 0644 |
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user.h | File | 2.14 KB | 0644 |
vas.h | File | 4.61 KB | 0644 |
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vdso_datapage.h | File | 4.4 KB | 0644 |
vga.h | File | 1.24 KB | 0644 |
vio.h | File | 4.79 KB | 0644 |
word-at-a-time.h | File | 4.75 KB | 0644 |
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xilinx_pci.h | File | 551 B | 0644 |
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xmon.h | File | 927 B | 0644 |
xor.h | File | 2.11 KB | 0644 |