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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
#ifndef _SPARC_ASI_H
#define _SPARC_ASI_H

/* asi.h:  Address Space Identifier values for the sparc.
 * Copyright (C) 1995,1996 David S. Miller (davem@caip.rutgers.edu)
 * Pioneer work for sun4m: Paul Hatchman (paul@sfe.com.au)
 * Joint edition for sun4c+sun4m: Pete A. Zaitcev <zaitcev@ipmce.su>

/* The first batch are for the sun4c. */

#define ASI_NULL1           0x00
#define ASI_NULL2           0x01

/* sun4c and sun4 control registers and mmu/vac ops */
#define ASI_CONTROL         0x02
#define ASI_SEGMAP          0x03
#define ASI_PTE             0x04
#define ASI_HWFLUSHSEG      0x05
#define ASI_HWFLUSHPAGE     0x06
#define ASI_REGMAP          0x06

#define ASI_USERTXT         0x08
#define ASI_KERNELTXT       0x09
#define ASI_USERDATA        0x0a
#define ASI_KERNELDATA      0x0b

/* VAC Cache flushing on sun4c and sun4 */
#define ASI_FLUSHSEG        0x0c
#define ASI_FLUSHPG         0x0d
#define ASI_FLUSHCTX        0x0e

/* SPARCstation-5: only 6 bits are decoded. */
/* wo = Write Only, rw = Read Write;        */
/* ss = Single Size, as = All Sizes;        */
#define ASI_M_RES00         0x00   /* Don't touch... */
#define ASI_M_UNA01         0x01   /* Same here... */
#define ASI_M_MXCC          0x02   /* Access to TI VIKING MXCC registers */
#define ASI_M_FLUSH_PROBE   0x03   /* Reference MMU Flush/Probe; rw, ss */
#define ASI_M_MMUREGS       0x04   /* MMU Registers; rw, ss */
#define ASI_M_TLBDIAG       0x05   /* MMU TLB only Diagnostics */
#define ASI_M_DIAGS         0x06   /* Reference MMU Diagnostics */
#define ASI_M_IODIAG        0x07   /* MMU I/O TLB only Diagnostics */
#define ASI_M_USERTXT       0x08   /* Same as ASI_USERTXT; rw, as */
#define ASI_M_KERNELTXT     0x09   /* Same as ASI_KERNELTXT; rw, as */
#define ASI_M_USERDATA      0x0A   /* Same as ASI_USERDATA; rw, as */
#define ASI_M_KERNELDATA    0x0B   /* Same as ASI_KERNELDATA; rw, as */
#define ASI_M_TXTC_TAG      0x0C   /* Instruction Cache Tag; rw, ss */
#define ASI_M_TXTC_DATA     0x0D   /* Instruction Cache Data; rw, ss */
#define ASI_M_DATAC_TAG     0x0E   /* Data Cache Tag; rw, ss */
#define ASI_M_DATAC_DATA    0x0F   /* Data Cache Data; rw, ss */

/* The following cache flushing ASIs work only with the 'sta'
 * instruction. Results are unpredictable for 'swap' and 'ldstuba',
 * so don't do it.

/* These ASI flushes affect external caches too. */
#define ASI_M_FLUSH_PAGE    0x10   /* Flush I&D Cache Line (page); wo, ss */
#define ASI_M_FLUSH_SEG     0x11   /* Flush I&D Cache Line (seg); wo, ss */
#define ASI_M_FLUSH_REGION  0x12   /* Flush I&D Cache Line (region); wo, ss */
#define ASI_M_FLUSH_CTX     0x13   /* Flush I&D Cache Line (context); wo, ss */
#define ASI_M_FLUSH_USER    0x14   /* Flush I&D Cache Line (user); wo, ss */

/* Block-copy operations are available only on certain V8 cpus. */
#define ASI_M_BCOPY         0x17   /* Block copy */

/* These affect only the ICACHE and are Ross HyperSparc and TurboSparc specific. */
#define ASI_M_IFLUSH_PAGE   0x18   /* Flush I Cache Line (page); wo, ss */
#define ASI_M_IFLUSH_SEG    0x19   /* Flush I Cache Line (seg); wo, ss */
#define ASI_M_IFLUSH_REGION 0x1A   /* Flush I Cache Line (region); wo, ss */
#define ASI_M_IFLUSH_CTX    0x1B   /* Flush I Cache Line (context); wo, ss */
#define ASI_M_IFLUSH_USER   0x1C   /* Flush I Cache Line (user); wo, ss */

/* Block-fill operations are available on certain V8 cpus */
#define ASI_M_BFILL         0x1F

/* This allows direct access to main memory, actually 0x20 to 0x2f are
 * the available ASI's for physical ram pass-through, but I don't have
 * any idea what the other ones do....

#define ASI_M_BYPASS       0x20   /* Reference MMU bypass; rw, as */
#define ASI_M_FBMEM        0x29   /* Graphics card frame buffer access */
#define ASI_M_VMEUS        0x2A   /* VME user 16-bit access */
#define ASI_M_VMEPS        0x2B   /* VME priv 16-bit access */
#define ASI_M_VMEUT        0x2C   /* VME user 32-bit access */
#define ASI_M_VMEPT        0x2D   /* VME priv 32-bit access */
#define ASI_M_SBUS         0x2E   /* Direct SBus access */
#define ASI_M_CTL          0x2F   /* Control Space (ECC and MXCC are here) */

/* This is ROSS HyperSparc only. */
#define ASI_M_FLUSH_IWHOLE 0x31   /* Flush entire ICACHE; wo, ss */

/* Tsunami/Viking/TurboSparc i/d cache flash clear. */
#define ASI_M_IC_FLCLEAR   0x36
#define ASI_M_DC_FLCLEAR   0x37

#define ASI_M_DCDR         0x39   /* Data Cache Diagnostics Register rw, ss */

#define ASI_M_VIKING_TMP1  0x40	  /* Emulation temporary 1 on Viking */
/* only available on SuperSparc I */
/* #define ASI_M_VIKING_TMP2  0x41 */  /* Emulation temporary 2 on Viking */

#define ASI_M_ACTION       0x4c   /* Breakpoint Action Register (GNU/Viking) */

/* LEON ASI */
#define ASI_LEON_NOCACHE        0x01

#define ASI_LEON_DCACHE_MISS    0x01

#define ASI_LEON_CACHEREGS      0x02
#define ASI_LEON_IFLUSH         0x10
#define ASI_LEON_DFLUSH         0x11

#define ASI_LEON_MMUFLUSH       0x18
#define ASI_LEON_MMUREGS        0x19
#define ASI_LEON_BYPASS         0x1c
#define ASI_LEON_FLUSH_PAGE     0x10

/* V9 Architecture mandary ASIs. */
#define ASI_N			0x04 /* Nucleus				*/
#define ASI_NL			0x0c /* Nucleus, little endian		*/
#define ASI_AIUP		0x10 /* Primary, user			*/
#define ASI_AIUS		0x11 /* Secondary, user			*/
#define ASI_AIUPL		0x18 /* Primary, user, little endian	*/
#define ASI_AIUSL		0x19 /* Secondary, user, little endian	*/
#define ASI_P			0x80 /* Primary, implicit		*/
#define ASI_S			0x81 /* Secondary, implicit		*/
#define ASI_PNF			0x82 /* Primary, no fault		*/
#define ASI_SNF			0x83 /* Secondary, no fault		*/
#define ASI_PL			0x88 /* Primary, implicit, l-endian	*/
#define ASI_SL			0x89 /* Secondary, implicit, l-endian	*/
#define ASI_PNFL		0x8a /* Primary, no fault, l-endian	*/
#define ASI_SNFL		0x8b /* Secondary, no fault, l-endian	*/

/* SpitFire and later extended ASIs.  The "(III)" marker designates
 * UltraSparc-III and later specific ASIs.  The "(CMT)" marker designates
 * Chip Multi Threading specific ASIs.  "(NG)" designates Niagara specific
 * ASIs, "(4V)" designates SUN4V specific ASIs.  "(NG4)" designates SPARC-T4
 * and later ASIs.
#define ASI_PHYS_USE_EC		0x14 /* PADDR, E-cachable		*/
#define ASI_PHYS_BYPASS_EC_E	0x15 /* PADDR, E-bit			*/
#define ASI_BLK_AIUP_4V		0x16 /* (4V) Prim, user, block ld/st	*/
#define ASI_BLK_AIUS_4V		0x17 /* (4V) Sec, user, block ld/st	*/
#define ASI_PHYS_USE_EC_L	0x1c /* PADDR, E-cachable, little endian*/
#define ASI_PHYS_BYPASS_EC_E_L	0x1d /* PADDR, E-bit, little endian	*/
#define ASI_BLK_AIUP_L_4V	0x1e /* (4V) Prim, user, block, l-endian*/
#define ASI_BLK_AIUS_L_4V	0x1f /* (4V) Sec, user, block, l-endian	*/
#define ASI_SCRATCHPAD		0x20 /* (4V) Scratch Pad Registers	*/
#define ASI_MMU			0x21 /* (4V) MMU Context Registers	*/
#define ASI_BLK_INIT_QUAD_LDD_AIUS 0x23 /* (NG) init-store, twin load,
					 * secondary, user
#define ASI_NUCLEUS_QUAD_LDD	0x24 /* Cachable, qword load		*/
#define ASI_QUEUE		0x25 /* (4V) Interrupt Queue Registers	*/
#define ASI_QUAD_LDD_PHYS_4V	0x26 /* (4V) Physical, qword load	*/
#define ASI_NUCLEUS_QUAD_LDD_L	0x2c /* Cachable, qword load, l-endian 	*/
#define ASI_QUAD_LDD_PHYS_L_4V	0x2e /* (4V) Phys, qword load, l-endian	*/
#define ASI_PCACHE_DATA_STATUS	0x30 /* (III) PCache data stat RAM diag	*/
#define ASI_PCACHE_DATA		0x31 /* (III) PCache data RAM diag	*/
#define ASI_PCACHE_TAG		0x32 /* (III) PCache tag RAM diag	*/
#define ASI_PCACHE_SNOOP_TAG	0x33 /* (III) PCache snoop tag RAM diag	*/
#define ASI_QUAD_LDD_PHYS	0x34 /* (III+) PADDR, qword load	*/
#define ASI_WCACHE_VALID_BITS	0x38 /* (III) WCache Valid Bits diag	*/
#define ASI_WCACHE_DATA		0x39 /* (III) WCache data RAM diag	*/
#define ASI_WCACHE_TAG		0x3a /* (III) WCache tag RAM diag	*/
#define ASI_WCACHE_SNOOP_TAG	0x3b /* (III) WCache snoop tag RAM diag	*/
#define ASI_QUAD_LDD_PHYS_L	0x3c /* (III+) PADDR, qw-load, l-endian	*/
#define ASI_SRAM_FAST_INIT	0x40 /* (III+) Fast SRAM init		*/
#define ASI_CORE_AVAILABLE	0x41 /* (CMT) LP Available		*/
#define ASI_CORE_ENABLE_STAT	0x41 /* (CMT) LP Enable Status		*/
#define ASI_CORE_ENABLE		0x41 /* (CMT) LP Enable RW		*/
#define ASI_XIR_STEERING	0x41 /* (CMT) XIR Steering RW		*/
#define ASI_CORE_RUNNING_RW	0x41 /* (CMT) LP Running RW		*/
#define ASI_CORE_RUNNING_W1S	0x41 /* (CMT) LP Running Write-One Set	*/
#define ASI_CORE_RUNNING_W1C	0x41 /* (CMT) LP Running Write-One Clr	*/
#define ASI_CORE_RUNNING_STAT	0x41 /* (CMT) LP Running Status		*/
#define ASI_CMT_ERROR_STEERING	0x41 /* (CMT) Error Steering RW		*/
#define ASI_DCACHE_INVALIDATE	0x42 /* (III) DCache Invalidate diag	*/
#define ASI_DCACHE_UTAG		0x43 /* (III) DCache uTag diag		*/
#define ASI_DCACHE_SNOOP_TAG	0x44 /* (III) DCache snoop tag RAM diag	*/
#define ASI_LSU_CONTROL		0x45 /* Load-store control unit		*/
#define ASI_DCU_CONTROL_REG	0x45 /* (III) DCache Unit Control reg	*/
#define ASI_DCACHE_DATA		0x46 /* DCache data-ram diag access	*/
#define ASI_DCACHE_TAG		0x47 /* Dcache tag/valid ram diag access*/
#define ASI_INTR_DISPATCH_STAT	0x48 /* IRQ vector dispatch status	*/
#define ASI_INTR_RECEIVE	0x49 /* IRQ vector receive status	*/
#define ASI_UPA_CONFIG		0x4a /* UPA config space		*/
#define ASI_JBUS_CONFIG		0x4a /* (IIIi) JBUS Config Register	*/
#define ASI_SAFARI_CONFIG	0x4a /* (III) Safari Config Register	*/
#define ASI_SAFARI_ADDRESS	0x4a /* (III) Safari Address Register	*/
#define ASI_ESTATE_ERROR_EN	0x4b /* E-cache error enable space	*/
#define ASI_AFSR		0x4c /* Async fault status register	*/
#define ASI_AFAR		0x4d /* Async fault address register	*/
#define ASI_EC_TAG_DATA		0x4e /* E-cache tag/valid ram diag acc	*/
#define ASI_IMMU		0x50 /* Insn-MMU main register space	*/
#define ASI_IMMU_TSB_8KB_PTR	0x51 /* Insn-MMU 8KB TSB pointer reg	*/
#define ASI_IMMU_TSB_64KB_PTR	0x52 /* Insn-MMU 64KB TSB pointer reg	*/
#define ASI_ITLB_DATA_IN	0x54 /* Insn-MMU TLB data in reg	*/
#define ASI_ITLB_DATA_ACCESS	0x55 /* Insn-MMU TLB data access reg	*/
#define ASI_ITLB_TAG_READ	0x56 /* Insn-MMU TLB tag read reg	*/
#define ASI_IMMU_DEMAP		0x57 /* Insn-MMU TLB demap		*/
#define ASI_DMMU		0x58 /* Data-MMU main register space	*/
#define ASI_DMMU_TSB_8KB_PTR	0x59 /* Data-MMU 8KB TSB pointer reg	*/
#define ASI_DMMU_TSB_64KB_PTR	0x5a /* Data-MMU 16KB TSB pointer reg	*/
#define ASI_DMMU_TSB_DIRECT_PTR	0x5b /* Data-MMU TSB direct pointer reg	*/
#define ASI_DTLB_DATA_IN	0x5c /* Data-MMU TLB data in reg	*/
#define ASI_DTLB_DATA_ACCESS	0x5d /* Data-MMU TLB data access reg	*/
#define ASI_DTLB_TAG_READ	0x5e /* Data-MMU TLB tag read reg	*/
#define ASI_DMMU_DEMAP		0x5f /* Data-MMU TLB demap		*/
#define ASI_IIU_INST_TRAP	0x60 /* (III) Instruction Breakpoint	*/
#define ASI_INTR_ID		0x63 /* (CMT) Interrupt ID register	*/
#define ASI_CORE_ID		0x63 /* (CMT) LP ID register		*/
#define ASI_CESR_ID		0x63 /* (CMT) CESR ID register		*/
#define ASI_IC_INSTR		0x66 /* Insn cache instrucion ram diag	*/
#define ASI_IC_TAG		0x67 /* Insn cache tag/valid ram diag 	*/
#define ASI_IC_STAG		0x68 /* (III) Insn cache snoop tag ram	*/
#define ASI_IC_PRE_DECODE	0x6e /* Insn cache pre-decode ram diag	*/
#define ASI_IC_NEXT_FIELD	0x6f /* Insn cache next-field ram diag	*/
#define ASI_BRPRED_ARRAY	0x6f /* (III) Branch Prediction RAM diag*/
#define ASI_BLK_AIUP		0x70 /* Primary, user, block load/store	*/
#define ASI_BLK_AIUS		0x71 /* Secondary, user, block ld/st	*/
#define ASI_MCU_CTRL_REG	0x72 /* (III) Memory controller regs	*/
#define ASI_EC_DATA		0x74 /* (III) E-cache data staging reg	*/
#define ASI_EC_CTRL		0x75 /* (III) E-cache control reg	*/
#define ASI_EC_W		0x76 /* E-cache diag write access	*/
#define ASI_UDB_ERROR_W		0x77 /* External UDB error regs W	*/
#define ASI_UDB_CONTROL_W	0x77 /* External UDB control regs W	*/
#define ASI_INTR_W		0x77 /* IRQ vector dispatch write	*/
#define ASI_INTR_DATAN_W	0x77 /* (III) Out irq vector data reg N	*/
#define ASI_INTR_DISPATCH_W	0x77 /* (III) Interrupt vector dispatch	*/
#define ASI_BLK_AIUPL		0x78 /* Primary, user, little, blk ld/st*/
#define ASI_BLK_AIUSL		0x79 /* Secondary, user, little, blk ld/st*/
#define ASI_EC_R		0x7e /* E-cache diag read access	*/
#define ASI_UDBH_ERROR_R	0x7f /* External UDB error regs rd hi	*/
#define ASI_UDBL_ERROR_R	0x7f /* External UDB error regs rd low	*/
#define ASI_UDBH_CONTROL_R	0x7f /* External UDB control regs rd hi	*/
#define ASI_UDBL_CONTROL_R	0x7f /* External UDB control regs rd low*/
#define ASI_INTR_R		0x7f /* IRQ vector dispatch read	*/
#define ASI_INTR_DATAN_R	0x7f /* (III) In irq vector data reg N	*/
#define ASI_PIC			0xb0 /* (NG4) PIC registers		*/
#define ASI_PST8_P		0xc0 /* Primary, 8 8-bit, partial	*/
#define ASI_PST8_S		0xc1 /* Secondary, 8 8-bit, partial	*/
#define ASI_PST16_P		0xc2 /* Primary, 4 16-bit, partial	*/
#define ASI_PST16_S		0xc3 /* Secondary, 4 16-bit, partial	*/
#define ASI_PST32_P		0xc4 /* Primary, 2 32-bit, partial	*/
#define ASI_PST32_S		0xc5 /* Secondary, 2 32-bit, partial	*/
#define ASI_PST8_PL		0xc8 /* Primary, 8 8-bit, partial, L	*/
#define ASI_PST8_SL		0xc9 /* Secondary, 8 8-bit, partial, L	*/
#define ASI_PST16_PL		0xca /* Primary, 4 16-bit, partial, L	*/
#define ASI_PST16_SL		0xcb /* Secondary, 4 16-bit, partial, L	*/
#define ASI_PST32_PL		0xcc /* Primary, 2 32-bit, partial, L	*/
#define ASI_PST32_SL		0xcd /* Secondary, 2 32-bit, partial, L	*/
#define ASI_FL8_P		0xd0 /* Primary, 1 8-bit, fpu ld/st	*/
#define ASI_FL8_S		0xd1 /* Secondary, 1 8-bit, fpu ld/st	*/
#define ASI_FL16_P		0xd2 /* Primary, 1 16-bit, fpu ld/st	*/
#define ASI_FL16_S		0xd3 /* Secondary, 1 16-bit, fpu ld/st	*/
#define ASI_FL8_PL		0xd8 /* Primary, 1 8-bit, fpu ld/st, L	*/
#define ASI_FL8_SL		0xd9 /* Secondary, 1 8-bit, fpu ld/st, L*/
#define ASI_FL16_PL		0xda /* Primary, 1 16-bit, fpu ld/st, L	*/
#define ASI_FL16_SL		0xdb /* Secondary, 1 16-bit, fpu ld/st,L*/
#define ASI_BLK_COMMIT_P	0xe0 /* Primary, blk store commit	*/
#define ASI_BLK_COMMIT_S	0xe1 /* Secondary, blk store commit	*/
#define ASI_BLK_INIT_QUAD_LDD_P	0xe2 /* (NG) init-store, twin load,
				      * primary, implicit
#define ASI_BLK_INIT_QUAD_LDD_S	0xe3 /* (NG) init-store, twin load,
				      * secondary, implicit
#define ASI_BLK_P		0xf0 /* Primary, blk ld/st		*/
#define ASI_BLK_S		0xf1 /* Secondary, blk ld/st		*/
#define ASI_ST_BLKINIT_MRU_P	0xf2 /* (NG4) init-store, twin load,
				      * Most-Recently-Used, primary,
				      * implicit
#define ASI_ST_BLKINIT_MRU_S	0xf3 /* (NG4) init-store, twin load,
				      * Most-Recently-Used, secondary,
				      * implicit
#define ASI_BLK_PL		0xf8 /* Primary, blk ld/st, little	*/
#define ASI_BLK_SL		0xf9 /* Secondary, blk ld/st, little	*/
#define ASI_ST_BLKINIT_MRU_PL	0xfa /* (NG4) init-store, twin load,
				      * Most-Recently-Used, primary,
				      * implicit, little-endian
#define ASI_ST_BLKINIT_MRU_SL	0xfb /* (NG4) init-store, twin load,
				      * Most-Recently-Used, secondary,
				      * implicit, little-endian

#endif /* _SPARC_ASI_H */


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Kbuild File 122 B 0644
apc.h File 1.7 KB 0644
asi.h File 14.73 KB 0644
auxvec.h File 153 B 0644
bitsperlong.h File 324 B 0644
byteorder.h File 191 B 0644
display7seg.h File 1.9 KB 0644
envctrl.h File 3.41 KB 0644
errno.h File 5.41 KB 0644
fbio.h File 7.72 KB 0644
fcntl.h File 1.75 KB 0644
ioctl.h File 2.58 KB 0644
ioctls.h File 5.87 KB 0644
ipcbuf.h File 776 B 0644
jsflash.h File 928 B 0644
kvm_para.h File 97 B 0644
mman.h File 1.22 KB 0644
msgbuf.h File 1.12 KB 0644
openpromio.h File 2.13 KB 0644
param.h File 253 B 0644
perfctr.h File 5.56 KB 0644
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posix_types.h File 1.48 KB 0644
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psrcompat.h File 2.02 KB 0644
pstate.h File 5.81 KB 0644
ptrace.h File 8.03 KB 0644
resource.h File 770 B 0644
sembuf.h File 877 B 0644
setup.h File 310 B 0644
shmbuf.h File 1.3 KB 0644
sigcontext.h File 167 B 0644
siginfo.h File 670 B 0644
signal.h File 4.62 KB 0644
socket.h File 2.44 KB 0644
sockios.h File 435 B 0644
stat.h File 1.97 KB 0644
statfs.h File 164 B 0644
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termbits.h File 6.92 KB 0644
termios.h File 742 B 0644
traps.h File 5.15 KB 0644
uctx.h File 1.39 KB 0644
unistd.h File 25.3 KB 0644
utrap.h File 1.5 KB 0644
watchdog.h File 1 KB 0644