/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ /* * Copyright 2009 Daniel Ribeiro <drwyrm@gmail.com> * * For further information, please see http://wiki.openezx.org/PCAP2 */ #ifndef EZX_PCAP_H #define EZX_PCAP_H struct pcap_subdev { int id; const char *name; void *platform_data; }; struct pcap_platform_data { unsigned int irq_base; unsigned int config; int gpio; void (*init) (void *); /* board specific init */ int num_subdevs; struct pcap_subdev *subdevs; }; struct pcap_chip; int ezx_pcap_write(struct pcap_chip *, u8, u32); int ezx_pcap_read(struct pcap_chip *, u8, u32 *); int ezx_pcap_set_bits(struct pcap_chip *, u8, u32, u32); int pcap_to_irq(struct pcap_chip *, int); int irq_to_pcap(struct pcap_chip *, int); int pcap_adc_async(struct pcap_chip *, u8, u32, u8[], void *, void *); int pcap_adc_sync(struct pcap_chip *, u8, u32, u8[], u16[]); void pcap_set_ts_bits(struct pcap_chip *, u32); #define PCAP_SECOND_PORT 1 #define PCAP_CS_AH 2 #define PCAP_REGISTER_WRITE_OP_BIT 0x80000000 #define PCAP_REGISTER_READ_OP_BIT 0x00000000 #define PCAP_REGISTER_VALUE_MASK 0x01ffffff #define PCAP_REGISTER_ADDRESS_MASK 0x7c000000 #define PCAP_REGISTER_ADDRESS_SHIFT 26 #define PCAP_REGISTER_NUMBER 32 #define PCAP_CLEAR_INTERRUPT_REGISTER 0x01ffffff #define PCAP_MASK_ALL_INTERRUPT 0x01ffffff /* registers accessible by both pcap ports */ #define PCAP_REG_ISR 0x0 /* Interrupt Status */ #define PCAP_REG_MSR 0x1 /* Interrupt Mask */ #define PCAP_REG_PSTAT 0x2 /* Processor Status */ #define PCAP_REG_VREG2 0x6 /* Regulator Bank 2 Control */ #define PCAP_REG_AUXVREG 0x7 /* Auxiliary Regulator Control */ #define PCAP_REG_BATT 0x8 /* Battery Control */ #define PCAP_REG_ADC 0x9 /* AD Control */ #define PCAP_REG_ADR 0xa /* AD Result */ #define PCAP_REG_CODEC 0xb /* Audio Codec Control */ #define PCAP_REG_RX_AMPS 0xc /* RX Audio Amplifiers Control */ #define PCAP_REG_ST_DAC 0xd /* Stereo DAC Control */ #define PCAP_REG_BUSCTRL 0x14 /* Connectivity Control */ #define PCAP_REG_PERIPH 0x15 /* Peripheral Control */ #define PCAP_REG_LOWPWR 0x18 /* Regulator Low Power Control */ #define PCAP_REG_TX_AMPS 0x1a /* TX Audio Amplifiers Control */ #define PCAP_REG_GP 0x1b /* General Purpose */ #define PCAP_REG_TEST1 0x1c #define PCAP_REG_TEST2 0x1d #define PCAP_REG_VENDOR_TEST1 0x1e #define PCAP_REG_VENDOR_TEST2 0x1f /* registers accessible by pcap port 1 only (a1200, e2 & e6) */ #define PCAP_REG_INT_SEL 0x3 /* Interrupt Select */ #define PCAP_REG_SWCTRL 0x4 /* Switching Regulator Control */ #define PCAP_REG_VREG1 0x5 /* Regulator Bank 1 Control */ #define PCAP_REG_RTC_TOD 0xe /* RTC Time of Day */ #define PCAP_REG_RTC_TODA 0xf /* RTC Time of Day Alarm */ #define PCAP_REG_RTC_DAY 0x10 /* RTC Day */ #define PCAP_REG_RTC_DAYA 0x11 /* RTC Day Alarm */ #define PCAP_REG_MTRTMR 0x12 /* AD Monitor Timer */ #define PCAP_REG_PWR 0x13 /* Power Control */ #define PCAP_REG_AUXVREG_MASK 0x16 /* Auxiliary Regulator Mask */ #define PCAP_REG_VENDOR_REV 0x17 #define PCAP_REG_PERIPH_MASK 0x19 /* Peripheral Mask */ /* PCAP2 Interrupts */ #define PCAP_NIRQS 23 #define PCAP_IRQ_ADCDONE 0 /* ADC done port 1 */ #define PCAP_IRQ_TS 1 /* Touch Screen */ #define PCAP_IRQ_1HZ 2 /* 1HZ timer */ #define PCAP_IRQ_WH 3 /* ADC above high limit */ #define PCAP_IRQ_WL 4 /* ADC below low limit */ #define PCAP_IRQ_TODA 5 /* Time of day alarm */ #define PCAP_IRQ_USB4V 6 /* USB above 4V */ #define PCAP_IRQ_ONOFF 7 /* On/Off button */ #define PCAP_IRQ_ONOFF2 8 /* On/Off button 2 */ #define PCAP_IRQ_USB1V 9 /* USB above 1V */ #define PCAP_IRQ_MOBPORT 10 #define PCAP_IRQ_MIC 11 /* Mic attach/HS button */ #define PCAP_IRQ_HS 12 /* Headset attach */ #define PCAP_IRQ_ST 13 #define PCAP_IRQ_PC 14 /* Power Cut */ #define PCAP_IRQ_WARM 15 #define PCAP_IRQ_EOL 16 /* Battery End Of Life */ #define PCAP_IRQ_CLK 17 #define PCAP_IRQ_SYSRST 18 /* System Reset */ #define PCAP_IRQ_DUMMY 19 #define PCAP_IRQ_ADCDONE2 20 /* ADC done port 2 */ #define PCAP_IRQ_SOFTRESET 21 #define PCAP_IRQ_MNEXB 22 /* voltage regulators */ #define V1 0 #define V2 1 #define V3 2 #define V4 3 #define V5 4 #define V6 5 #define V7 6 #define V8 7 #define V9 8 #define V10 9 #define VAUX1 10 #define VAUX2 11 #define VAUX3 12 #define VAUX4 13 #define VSIM 14 #define VSIM2 15 #define VVIB 16 #define SW1 17 #define SW2 18 #define SW3 19 #define SW1S 20 #define SW2S 21 #define PCAP_BATT_DAC_MASK 0x000000ff #define PCAP_BATT_DAC_SHIFT 0 #define PCAP_BATT_B_FDBK (1 << 8) #define PCAP_BATT_EXT_ISENSE (1 << 9) #define PCAP_BATT_V_COIN_MASK 0x00003c00 #define PCAP_BATT_V_COIN_SHIFT 10 #define PCAP_BATT_I_COIN (1 << 14) #define PCAP_BATT_COIN_CH_EN (1 << 15) #define PCAP_BATT_EOL_SEL_MASK 0x000e0000 #define PCAP_BATT_EOL_SEL_SHIFT 17 #define PCAP_BATT_EOL_CMP_EN (1 << 20) #define PCAP_BATT_BATT_DET_EN (1 << 21) #define PCAP_BATT_THERMBIAS_CTRL (1 << 22) #define PCAP_ADC_ADEN (1 << 0) #define PCAP_ADC_RAND (1 << 1) #define PCAP_ADC_AD_SEL1 (1 << 2) #define PCAP_ADC_AD_SEL2 (1 << 3) #define PCAP_ADC_ADA1_MASK 0x00000070 #define PCAP_ADC_ADA1_SHIFT 4 #define PCAP_ADC_ADA2_MASK 0x00000380 #define PCAP_ADC_ADA2_SHIFT 7 #define PCAP_ADC_ATO_MASK 0x00003c00 #define PCAP_ADC_ATO_SHIFT 10 #define PCAP_ADC_ATOX (1 << 14) #define PCAP_ADC_MTR1 (1 << 15) #define PCAP_ADC_MTR2 (1 << 16) #define PCAP_ADC_TS_M_MASK 0x000e0000 #define PCAP_ADC_TS_M_SHIFT 17 #define PCAP_ADC_TS_REF_LOWPWR (1 << 20) #define PCAP_ADC_TS_REFENB (1 << 21) #define PCAP_ADC_BATT_I_POLARITY (1 << 22) #define PCAP_ADC_BATT_I_ADC (1 << 23) #define PCAP_ADC_BANK_0 0 #define PCAP_ADC_BANK_1 1 /* ADC bank 0 */ #define PCAP_ADC_CH_COIN 0 #define PCAP_ADC_CH_BATT 1 #define PCAP_ADC_CH_BPLUS 2 #define PCAP_ADC_CH_MOBPORTB 3 #define PCAP_ADC_CH_TEMPERATURE 4 #define PCAP_ADC_CH_CHARGER_ID 5 #define PCAP_ADC_CH_AD6 6 /* ADC bank 1 */ #define PCAP_ADC_CH_AD7 0 #define PCAP_ADC_CH_AD8 1 #define PCAP_ADC_CH_AD9 2 #define PCAP_ADC_CH_TS_X1 3 #define PCAP_ADC_CH_TS_X2 4 #define PCAP_ADC_CH_TS_Y1 5 #define PCAP_ADC_CH_TS_Y2 6 #define PCAP_ADC_T_NOW 0 #define PCAP_ADC_T_IN_BURST 1 #define PCAP_ADC_T_OUT_BURST 2 #define PCAP_ADC_ATO_IN_BURST 6 #define PCAP_ADC_ATO_OUT_BURST 0 #define PCAP_ADC_TS_M_XY 1 #define PCAP_ADC_TS_M_PRESSURE 2 #define PCAP_ADC_TS_M_PLATE_X 3 #define PCAP_ADC_TS_M_PLATE_Y 4 #define PCAP_ADC_TS_M_STANDBY 5 #define PCAP_ADC_TS_M_NONTS 6 #define PCAP_ADR_ADD1_MASK 0x000003ff #define PCAP_ADR_ADD1_SHIFT 0 #define PCAP_ADR_ADD2_MASK 0x000ffc00 #define PCAP_ADR_ADD2_SHIFT 10 #define PCAP_ADR_ADINC1 (1 << 20) #define PCAP_ADR_ADINC2 (1 << 21) #define PCAP_ADR_ASC (1 << 22) #define PCAP_ADR_ONESHOT (1 << 23) #define PCAP_BUSCTRL_FSENB (1 << 0) #define PCAP_BUSCTRL_USB_SUSPEND (1 << 1) #define PCAP_BUSCTRL_USB_PU (1 << 2) #define PCAP_BUSCTRL_USB_PD (1 << 3) #define PCAP_BUSCTRL_VUSB_EN (1 << 4) #define PCAP_BUSCTRL_USB_PS (1 << 5) #define PCAP_BUSCTRL_VUSB_MSTR_EN (1 << 6) #define PCAP_BUSCTRL_VBUS_PD_ENB (1 << 7) #define PCAP_BUSCTRL_CURRLIM (1 << 8) #define PCAP_BUSCTRL_RS232ENB (1 << 9) #define PCAP_BUSCTRL_RS232_DIR (1 << 10) #define PCAP_BUSCTRL_SE0_CONN (1 << 11) #define PCAP_BUSCTRL_USB_PDM (1 << 12) #define PCAP_BUSCTRL_BUS_PRI_ADJ (1 << 24) /* leds */ #define PCAP_LED0 0 #define PCAP_LED1 1 #define PCAP_BL0 2 #define PCAP_BL1 3 #define PCAP_LED_3MA 0 #define PCAP_LED_4MA 1 #define PCAP_LED_5MA 2 #define PCAP_LED_9MA 3 #define PCAP_LED_T_MASK 0xf #define PCAP_LED_C_MASK 0x3 #define PCAP_BL_MASK 0x1f #define PCAP_BL0_SHIFT 0 #define PCAP_LED0_EN (1 << 5) #define PCAP_LED1_EN (1 << 6) #define PCAP_LED0_T_SHIFT 7 #define PCAP_LED1_T_SHIFT 11 #define PCAP_LED0_C_SHIFT 15 #define PCAP_LED1_C_SHIFT 17 #define PCAP_BL1_SHIFT 20 /* RTC */ #define PCAP_RTC_DAY_MASK 0x3fff #define PCAP_RTC_TOD_MASK 0xffff #define PCAP_RTC_PC_MASK 0x7 #define SEC_PER_DAY 86400 #endif
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