/* * MFD core driver for Richtek RT5033 * * Copyright (C) 2014 Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. * Author: Beomho Seo <beomho.seo@samsung.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published bythe Free Software Foundation. */ #ifndef __RT5033_PRIVATE_H__ #define __RT5033_PRIVATE_H__ enum rt5033_reg { RT5033_REG_CHG_STAT = 0x00, RT5033_REG_CHG_CTRL1 = 0x01, RT5033_REG_CHG_CTRL2 = 0x02, RT5033_REG_DEVICE_ID = 0x03, RT5033_REG_CHG_CTRL3 = 0x04, RT5033_REG_CHG_CTRL4 = 0x05, RT5033_REG_CHG_CTRL5 = 0x06, RT5033_REG_RT_CTRL0 = 0x07, RT5033_REG_CHG_RESET = 0x08, /* Reserved 0x09~0x18 */ RT5033_REG_RT_CTRL1 = 0x19, /* Reserved 0x1A~0x20 */ RT5033_REG_FLED_FUNCTION1 = 0x21, RT5033_REG_FLED_FUNCTION2 = 0x22, RT5033_REG_FLED_STROBE_CTRL1 = 0x23, RT5033_REG_FLED_STROBE_CTRL2 = 0x24, RT5033_REG_FLED_CTRL1 = 0x25, RT5033_REG_FLED_CTRL2 = 0x26, RT5033_REG_FLED_CTRL3 = 0x27, RT5033_REG_FLED_CTRL4 = 0x28, RT5033_REG_FLED_CTRL5 = 0x29, /* Reserved 0x2A~0x40 */ RT5033_REG_CTRL = 0x41, RT5033_REG_BUCK_CTRL = 0x42, RT5033_REG_LDO_CTRL = 0x43, /* Reserved 0x44~0x46 */ RT5033_REG_MANUAL_RESET_CTRL = 0x47, /* Reserved 0x48~0x5F */ RT5033_REG_CHG_IRQ1 = 0x60, RT5033_REG_CHG_IRQ2 = 0x61, RT5033_REG_CHG_IRQ3 = 0x62, RT5033_REG_CHG_IRQ1_CTRL = 0x63, RT5033_REG_CHG_IRQ2_CTRL = 0x64, RT5033_REG_CHG_IRQ3_CTRL = 0x65, RT5033_REG_LED_IRQ_STAT = 0x66, RT5033_REG_LED_IRQ_CTRL = 0x67, RT5033_REG_PMIC_IRQ_STAT = 0x68, RT5033_REG_PMIC_IRQ_CTRL = 0x69, RT5033_REG_SHDN_CTRL = 0x6A, RT5033_REG_OFF_EVENT = 0x6B, RT5033_REG_END, }; /* RT5033 Charger state register */ #define RT5033_CHG_STAT_MASK 0x20 #define RT5033_CHG_STAT_DISCHARGING 0x00 #define RT5033_CHG_STAT_FULL 0x10 #define RT5033_CHG_STAT_CHARGING 0x20 #define RT5033_CHG_STAT_NOT_CHARGING 0x30 #define RT5033_CHG_STAT_TYPE_MASK 0x60 #define RT5033_CHG_STAT_TYPE_PRE 0x20 #define RT5033_CHG_STAT_TYPE_FAST 0x60 /* RT5033 CHGCTRL1 register */ #define RT5033_CHGCTRL1_IAICR_MASK 0xe0 #define RT5033_CHGCTRL1_MODE_MASK 0x01 /* RT5033 CHGCTRL2 register */ #define RT5033_CHGCTRL2_CV_MASK 0xfc /* RT5033 CHGCTRL3 register */ #define RT5033_CHGCTRL3_CFO_EN_MASK 0x40 #define RT5033_CHGCTRL3_TIMER_MASK 0x38 #define RT5033_CHGCTRL3_TIMER_EN_MASK 0x01 /* RT5033 CHGCTRL4 register */ #define RT5033_CHGCTRL4_EOC_MASK 0x07 #define RT5033_CHGCTRL4_IPREC_MASK 0x18 /* RT5033 CHGCTRL5 register */ #define RT5033_CHGCTRL5_VPREC_MASK 0x0f #define RT5033_CHGCTRL5_ICHG_MASK 0xf0 #define RT5033_CHGCTRL5_ICHG_SHIFT 0x04 #define RT5033_CHG_MAX_CURRENT 0x0d /* RT5033 RT CTRL1 register */ #define RT5033_RT_CTRL1_UUG_MASK 0x02 #define RT5033_RT_HZ_MASK 0x01 /* RT5033 control register */ #define RT5033_CTRL_FCCM_BUCK_MASK 0x00 #define RT5033_CTRL_BUCKOMS_MASK 0x01 #define RT5033_CTRL_LDOOMS_MASK 0x02 #define RT5033_CTRL_SLDOOMS_MASK 0x03 #define RT5033_CTRL_EN_BUCK_MASK 0x04 #define RT5033_CTRL_EN_LDO_MASK 0x05 #define RT5033_CTRL_EN_SAFE_LDO_MASK 0x06 #define RT5033_CTRL_LDO_SLEEP_MASK 0x07 /* RT5033 BUCK control register */ #define RT5033_BUCK_CTRL_MASK 0x1f /* RT5033 LDO control register */ #define RT5033_LDO_CTRL_MASK 0x1f /* RT5033 charger property - model, manufacturer */ #define RT5033_CHARGER_MODEL "RT5033WSC Charger" #define RT5033_MANUFACTURER "Richtek Technology Corporation" /* * RT5033 charger fast-charge current lmits (as in CHGCTRL1 register), * AICR mode limits the input current for example, * the AIRC 100 mode limits the input current to 100 mA. */ #define RT5033_AICR_100_MODE 0x20 #define RT5033_AICR_500_MODE 0x40 #define RT5033_AICR_700_MODE 0x60 #define RT5033_AICR_900_MODE 0x80 #define RT5033_AICR_1500_MODE 0xc0 #define RT5033_AICR_2000_MODE 0xe0 #define RT5033_AICR_MODE_MASK 0xe0 /* RT5033 use internal timer need to set time */ #define RT5033_FAST_CHARGE_TIMER4 0x00 #define RT5033_FAST_CHARGE_TIMER6 0x01 #define RT5033_FAST_CHARGE_TIMER8 0x02 #define RT5033_FAST_CHARGE_TIMER9 0x03 #define RT5033_FAST_CHARGE_TIMER12 0x04 #define RT5033_FAST_CHARGE_TIMER14 0x05 #define RT5033_FAST_CHARGE_TIMER16 0x06 #define RT5033_INT_TIMER_ENABLE 0x01 /* RT5033 charger termination enable mask */ #define RT5033_TE_ENABLE_MASK 0x08 /* * RT5033 charger opa mode. RT50300 have two opa mode charger mode * and boost mode for OTG */ #define RT5033_CHARGER_MODE 0x00 #define RT5033_BOOST_MODE 0x01 /* RT5033 charger termination enable */ #define RT5033_TE_ENABLE 0x08 /* RT5033 charger CFO enable */ #define RT5033_CFO_ENABLE 0x40 /* RT5033 charger constant charge voltage (as in CHGCTRL2 register), uV */ #define RT5033_CHARGER_CONST_VOLTAGE_LIMIT_MIN 3650000U #define RT5033_CHARGER_CONST_VOLTAGE_STEP_NUM 25000U #define RT5033_CHARGER_CONST_VOLTAGE_LIMIT_MAX 4400000U /* RT5033 charger pre-charge current limits (as in CHGCTRL4 register), uA */ #define RT5033_CHARGER_PRE_CURRENT_LIMIT_MIN 350000U #define RT5033_CHARGER_PRE_CURRENT_STEP_NUM 100000U #define RT5033_CHARGER_PRE_CURRENT_LIMIT_MAX 650000U /* RT5033 charger fast-charge current (as in CHGCTRL5 register), uA */ #define RT5033_CHARGER_FAST_CURRENT_MIN 700000U #define RT5033_CHARGER_FAST_CURRENT_STEP_NUM 100000U #define RT5033_CHARGER_FAST_CURRENT_MAX 2000000U /* * RT5033 charger const-charge end of charger current ( * as in CHGCTRL4 register), uA */ #define RT5033_CHARGER_EOC_MIN 150000U #define RT5033_CHARGER_EOC_REF 300000U #define RT5033_CHARGER_EOC_STEP_NUM1 50000U #define RT5033_CHARGER_EOC_STEP_NUM2 100000U #define RT5033_CHARGER_EOC_MAX 600000U /* * RT5033 charger pre-charge threshold volt limits * (as in CHGCTRL5 register), uV */ #define RT5033_CHARGER_PRE_THRESHOLD_LIMIT_MIN 2300000U #define RT5033_CHARGER_PRE_THRESHOLD_STEP_NUM 100000U #define RT5033_CHARGER_PRE_THRESHOLD_LIMIT_MAX 3800000U /* * RT5033 charger enable UUG, If UUG enable MOS auto control by H/W charger * circuit. */ #define RT5033_CHARGER_UUG_ENABLE 0x02 /* RT5033 charger High impedance mode */ #define RT5033_CHARGER_HZ_DISABLE 0x00 #define RT5033_CHARGER_HZ_ENABLE 0x01 /* RT5033 regulator BUCK output voltage uV */ #define RT5033_REGULATOR_BUCK_VOLTAGE_MIN 1000000U #define RT5033_REGULATOR_BUCK_VOLTAGE_MAX 3000000U #define RT5033_REGULATOR_BUCK_VOLTAGE_STEP 100000U #define RT5033_REGULATOR_BUCK_VOLTAGE_STEP_NUM 21 /* RT5033 regulator LDO output voltage uV */ #define RT5033_REGULATOR_LDO_VOLTAGE_MIN 1200000U #define RT5033_REGULATOR_LDO_VOLTAGE_MAX 3000000U #define RT5033_REGULATOR_LDO_VOLTAGE_STEP 100000U #define RT5033_REGULATOR_LDO_VOLTAGE_STEP_NUM 19 /* RT5033 regulator SAFE LDO output voltage uV */ #define RT5033_REGULATOR_SAFE_LDO_VOLTAGE 4900000U enum rt5033_fuel_reg { RT5033_FUEL_REG_OCV_H = 0x00, RT5033_FUEL_REG_OCV_L = 0x01, RT5033_FUEL_REG_VBAT_H = 0x02, RT5033_FUEL_REG_VBAT_L = 0x03, RT5033_FUEL_REG_SOC_H = 0x04, RT5033_FUEL_REG_SOC_L = 0x05, RT5033_FUEL_REG_CTRL_H = 0x06, RT5033_FUEL_REG_CTRL_L = 0x07, RT5033_FUEL_REG_CRATE = 0x08, RT5033_FUEL_REG_DEVICE_ID = 0x09, RT5033_FUEL_REG_AVG_VOLT_H = 0x0A, RT5033_FUEL_REG_AVG_VOLT_L = 0x0B, RT5033_FUEL_REG_CONFIG_H = 0x0C, RT5033_FUEL_REG_CONFIG_L = 0x0D, /* Reserved 0x0E~0x0F */ RT5033_FUEL_REG_IRQ_CTRL = 0x10, RT5033_FUEL_REG_IRQ_FLAG = 0x11, RT5033_FUEL_VMIN = 0x12, RT5033_FUEL_SMIN = 0x13, /* Reserved 0x14~0x1F */ RT5033_FUEL_VGCOMP1 = 0x20, RT5033_FUEL_VGCOMP2 = 0x21, RT5033_FUEL_VGCOMP3 = 0x22, RT5033_FUEL_VGCOMP4 = 0x23, /* Reserved 0x24~0xFD */ RT5033_FUEL_MFA_H = 0xFE, RT5033_FUEL_MFA_L = 0xFF, RT5033_FUEL_REG_END, }; /* RT5033 fuel gauge battery present property */ #define RT5033_FUEL_BAT_PRESENT 0x02 /* RT5033 PMIC interrupts */ #define RT5033_PMIC_IRQ_BUCKOCP 2 #define RT5033_PMIC_IRQ_BUCKLV 3 #define RT5033_PMIC_IRQ_SAFELDOLV 4 #define RT5033_PMIC_IRQ_LDOLV 5 #define RT5033_PMIC_IRQ_OT 6 #define RT5033_PMIC_IRQ_VDDA_UV 7 #endif /* __RT5033_PRIVATE_H__ */
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