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 *  include/linux/mmc/sdio.h
 *  Copyright 2006-2007 Pierre Ossman
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
 * your option) any later version.


/* SDIO commands                         type  argument     response */
#define SD_IO_SEND_OP_COND          5 /* bcr  [23:0] OCR         R4  */
#define SD_IO_RW_DIRECT            52 /* ac   [31:0] See below   R5  */
#define SD_IO_RW_EXTENDED          53 /* adtc [31:0] See below   R5  */

 * SD_IO_RW_DIRECT argument format:
 *      [31] R/W flag
 *      [30:28] Function number
 *      [27] RAW flag
 *      [25:9] Register address
 *      [7:0] Data

 * SD_IO_RW_EXTENDED argument format:
 *      [31] R/W flag
 *      [30:28] Function number
 *      [27] Block mode
 *      [26] Increment address
 *      [25:9] Register address
 *      [8:0] Byte/block count

#define R4_18V_PRESENT (1<<24)
#define R4_MEMORY_PRESENT (1 << 27)

  SDIO status in R5
	e : error bit
	s : status bit
	r : detected and set for the actual command response
	x : detected and set during command execution. the host must poll
            the card by sending status command in order to read these bits.
  Clear condition
	a : according to the card state
	b : always related to the previous command. Reception of
            a valid command will clear it (with a delay of one command)
	c : clear by read

#define R5_COM_CRC_ERROR	(1 << 15)	/* er, b */
#define R5_ILLEGAL_COMMAND	(1 << 14)	/* er, b */
#define R5_ERROR		(1 << 11)	/* erx, c */
#define R5_FUNCTION_NUMBER	(1 << 9)	/* er, c */
#define R5_OUT_OF_RANGE		(1 << 8)	/* er, c */
#define R5_STATUS(x)		(x & 0xCB00)
#define R5_IO_CURRENT_STATE(x)	((x & 0x3000) >> 12) /* s, b */

 * Card Common Control Registers (CCCR)

#define SDIO_CCCR_CCCR		0x00

#define  SDIO_CCCR_REV_1_00	0	/* CCCR/FBR Version 1.00 */
#define  SDIO_CCCR_REV_1_10	1	/* CCCR/FBR Version 1.10 */
#define  SDIO_CCCR_REV_1_20	2	/* CCCR/FBR Version 1.20 */
#define  SDIO_CCCR_REV_3_00	3	/* CCCR/FBR Version 3.00 */

#define  SDIO_SDIO_REV_1_00	0	/* SDIO Spec Version 1.00 */
#define  SDIO_SDIO_REV_1_10	1	/* SDIO Spec Version 1.10 */
#define  SDIO_SDIO_REV_1_20	2	/* SDIO Spec Version 1.20 */
#define  SDIO_SDIO_REV_2_00	3	/* SDIO Spec Version 2.00 */
#define  SDIO_SDIO_REV_3_00	4	/* SDIO Spec Version 3.00 */

#define SDIO_CCCR_SD		0x01

#define  SDIO_SD_REV_1_01	0	/* SD Physical Spec Version 1.01 */
#define  SDIO_SD_REV_1_10	1	/* SD Physical Spec Version 1.10 */
#define  SDIO_SD_REV_2_00	2	/* SD Physical Spec Version 2.00 */
#define  SDIO_SD_REV_3_00	3	/* SD Physical Spev Version 3.00 */

#define SDIO_CCCR_IOEx		0x02
#define SDIO_CCCR_IORx		0x03

#define SDIO_CCCR_IENx		0x04	/* Function/Master Interrupt Enable */
#define SDIO_CCCR_INTx		0x05	/* Function Interrupt Pending */

#define SDIO_CCCR_ABORT		0x06	/* function abort/card reset */

#define SDIO_CCCR_IF		0x07	/* bus interface controls */

#define  SDIO_BUS_WIDTH_MASK	0x03	/* data bus width setting */
#define  SDIO_BUS_WIDTH_1BIT	0x00
#define  SDIO_BUS_WIDTH_4BIT	0x02
#define  SDIO_BUS_ECSI		0x20	/* Enable continuous SPI interrupt */
#define  SDIO_BUS_SCSI		0x40	/* Support continuous SPI interrupt */

#define  SDIO_BUS_ASYNC_INT	0x20

#define  SDIO_BUS_CD_DISABLE     0x80	/* disable pull-up on DAT3 (pin 1) */

#define SDIO_CCCR_CAPS		0x08

#define  SDIO_CCCR_CAP_SDC	0x01	/* can do CMD52 while data transfer */
#define  SDIO_CCCR_CAP_SMB	0x02	/* can do multi-block xfers (CMD53) */
#define  SDIO_CCCR_CAP_SRW	0x04	/* supports read-wait protocol */
#define  SDIO_CCCR_CAP_SBS	0x08	/* supports suspend/resume */
#define  SDIO_CCCR_CAP_S4MI	0x10	/* interrupt during 4-bit CMD53 */
#define  SDIO_CCCR_CAP_E4MI	0x20	/* enable ints during 4-bit CMD53 */
#define  SDIO_CCCR_CAP_LSC	0x40	/* low speed card */
#define  SDIO_CCCR_CAP_4BLS	0x80	/* 4 bit low speed card */

#define SDIO_CCCR_CIS		0x09	/* common CIS pointer (3 bytes) */

/* Following 4 regs are valid only if SBS is set */
#define SDIO_CCCR_SUSPEND	0x0c
#define SDIO_CCCR_SELx		0x0d
#define SDIO_CCCR_EXECx		0x0e
#define SDIO_CCCR_READYx	0x0f

#define SDIO_CCCR_BLKSIZE	0x10

#define SDIO_CCCR_POWER		0x12

#define  SDIO_POWER_SMPC	0x01	/* Supports Master Power Control */
#define  SDIO_POWER_EMPC	0x02	/* Enable Master Power Control */

#define SDIO_CCCR_SPEED		0x13

#define  SDIO_SPEED_SHS		0x01	/* Supports High-Speed mode */
#define  SDIO_SPEED_EHS		SDIO_SPEED_SDR25	/* Enable High-Speed */

#define SDIO_CCCR_UHS		0x14
#define  SDIO_UHS_SDR50		0x01
#define  SDIO_UHS_SDR104	0x02
#define  SDIO_UHS_DDR50		0x04

#define  SDIO_SDTx_MASK		0x07
#define  SDIO_DRIVE_SDTA	(1<<0)
#define  SDIO_DRIVE_SDTC	(1<<1)
#define  SDIO_DRIVE_SDTD	(1<<2)
#define  SDIO_DRIVE_DTSx_MASK	0x03
 * Function Basic Registers (FBR)

#define SDIO_FBR_BASE(f)	((f) * 0x100) /* base of function f's FBRs */

#define SDIO_FBR_STD_IF		0x00

#define  SDIO_FBR_SUPPORTS_CSA	0x40	/* supports Code Storage Area */
#define  SDIO_FBR_ENABLE_CSA	0x80	/* enable Code Storage Area */

#define SDIO_FBR_STD_IF_EXT	0x01

#define SDIO_FBR_POWER		0x02

#define  SDIO_FBR_POWER_SPS	0x01	/* Supports Power Selection */
#define  SDIO_FBR_POWER_EPS	0x02	/* Enable (low) Power Selection */

#define SDIO_FBR_CIS		0x09	/* CIS pointer (3 bytes) */

#define SDIO_FBR_CSA		0x0C	/* CSA pointer (3 bytes) */

#define SDIO_FBR_CSA_DATA	0x0F

#define SDIO_FBR_BLKSIZE	0x10	/* block size (2 bytes) */

#endif /* LINUX_MMC_SDIO_H */


Name Type Size Permission Actions
card.h File 10.72 KB 0644
core.h File 5.98 KB 0644
host.h File 19.77 KB 0644
mmc.h File 16.71 KB 0644
pm.h File 1.02 KB 0644
sd.h File 2.67 KB 0644
sdhci-pci-data.h File 481 B 0644
sdio.h File 6.19 KB 0644
sdio_func.h File 5.13 KB 0644
sdio_ids.h File 2.8 KB 0644
sh_mmcif.h File 5.62 KB 0644
slot-gpio.h File 1.19 KB 0644