[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
#!/usr/bin/env python3

"""Find Kconfig symbols that are referenced but not defined."""

# (c) 2014-2017 Valentin Rothberg <valentinrothberg@gmail.com>
# (c) 2014 Stefan Hengelein <stefan.hengelein@fau.de>
# Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL License version 2

import argparse
import difflib
import os
import re
import signal
import subprocess
import sys
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count

# regex expressions
OPERATORS = r"&|\(|\)|\||\!"
SYMBOL = r"(?:\w*[A-Z0-9]\w*){2,}"
DEF = r"^\s*(?:menu){,1}config\s+(" + SYMBOL + r")\s*"
EXPR = r"(?:" + OPERATORS + r"|\s|" + SYMBOL + r")+"
DEFAULT = r"default\s+.*?(?:if\s.+){,1}"
STMT = r"^\s*(?:if|select|imply|depends\s+on|(?:" + DEFAULT + r"))\s+" + EXPR
SOURCE_SYMBOL = r"(?:\W|\b)+[D]{,1}CONFIG_(" + SYMBOL + r")"

# regex objects
REGEX_FILE_KCONFIG = re.compile(r".*Kconfig[\.\w+\-]*$")
REGEX_SYMBOL = re.compile(r'(?!\B)' + SYMBOL + r'(?!\B)')
REGEX_KCONFIG_HELP = re.compile(r"^\s+(help|---help---)\s*$")
REGEX_FILTER_SYMBOLS = re.compile(r"[A-Za-z0-9]$")
REGEX_NUMERIC = re.compile(r"0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+|[0-9]+")
REGEX_QUOTES = re.compile("(\"(.*?)\")")

def parse_options():
    """The user interface of this module."""
    usage = "Run this tool to detect Kconfig symbols that are referenced but " \
            "not defined in Kconfig.  If no option is specified, "             \
            "checkkconfigsymbols defaults to check your current tree.  "       \
            "Please note that specifying commits will 'git reset --hard\' "    \
            "your current tree!  You may save uncommitted changes to avoid "   \
            "losing data."

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=usage)

    parser.add_argument('-c', '--commit', dest='commit', action='store',
                        help="check if the specified commit (hash) introduces "
                             "undefined Kconfig symbols")

    parser.add_argument('-d', '--diff', dest='diff', action='store',
                        help="diff undefined symbols between two commits "
                             "(e.g., -d commmit1..commit2)")

    parser.add_argument('-f', '--find', dest='find', action='store_true',
                        help="find and show commits that may cause symbols to be "
                             "missing (required to run with --diff)")

    parser.add_argument('-i', '--ignore', dest='ignore', action='store',
                        help="ignore files matching this Python regex "
                             "(e.g., -i '.*defconfig')")

    parser.add_argument('-s', '--sim', dest='sim', action='store', default="",
                        help="print a list of max. 10 string-similar symbols")

    parser.add_argument('--force', dest='force', action='store_true',
                        help="reset current Git tree even when it's dirty")

    parser.add_argument('--no-color', dest='color', action='store_false',
                        help="don't print colored output (default when not "
                             "outputting to a terminal)")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.commit and args.diff:
        sys.exit("Please specify only one option at once.")

    if args.diff and not re.match(r"^[\w\-\.\^]+\.\.[\w\-\.\^]+$", args.diff):
        sys.exit("Please specify valid input in the following format: "

    if args.commit or args.diff:
        if not args.force and tree_is_dirty():
            sys.exit("The current Git tree is dirty (see 'git status').  "
                     "Running this script may\ndelete important data since it "
                     "calls 'git reset --hard' for some performance\nreasons. "
                     " Please run this script in a clean Git tree or pass "
                     "'--force' if you\nwant to ignore this warning and "

    if args.commit:
        args.find = False

    if args.ignore:
            re.match(args.ignore, "this/is/just/a/test.c")
            sys.exit("Please specify a valid Python regex.")

    return args

def main():
    """Main function of this module."""
    args = parse_options()

    global COLOR
    COLOR = args.color and sys.stdout.isatty()

    if args.sim and not args.commit and not args.diff:
        sims = find_sims(args.sim, args.ignore)
        if sims:
            print("%s: %s" % (yel("Similar symbols"), ', '.join(sims)))
            print("%s: no similar symbols found" % yel("Similar symbols"))

    # dictionary of (un)defined symbols
    defined = {}
    undefined = {}

    if args.commit or args.diff:
        head = get_head()

        # get commit range
        commit_a = None
        commit_b = None
        if args.commit:
            commit_a = args.commit + "~"
            commit_b = args.commit
        elif args.diff:
            split = args.diff.split("..")
            commit_a = split[0]
            commit_b = split[1]
            undefined_a = {}
            undefined_b = {}

        # get undefined items before the commit
        undefined_a, _ = check_symbols(args.ignore)

        # get undefined items for the commit
        undefined_b, defined = check_symbols(args.ignore)

        # report cases that are present for the commit but not before
        for symbol in sorted(undefined_b):
            # symbol has not been undefined before
            if symbol not in undefined_a:
                files = sorted(undefined_b.get(symbol))
                undefined[symbol] = files
            # check if there are new files that reference the undefined symbol
                files = sorted(undefined_b.get(symbol) -
                if files:
                    undefined[symbol] = files

        # reset to head

    # default to check the entire tree
        undefined, defined = check_symbols(args.ignore)

    # now print the output
    for symbol in sorted(undefined):

        files = sorted(undefined.get(symbol))
        print("%s: %s" % (yel("Referencing files"), ", ".join(files)))

        sims = find_sims(symbol, args.ignore, defined)
        sims_out = yel("Similar symbols")
        if sims:
            print("%s: %s" % (sims_out, ', '.join(sims)))
            print("%s: %s" % (sims_out, "no similar symbols found"))

        if args.find:
            print("%s:" % yel("Commits changing symbol"))
            commits = find_commits(symbol, args.diff)
            if commits:
                for commit in commits:
                    commit = commit.split(" ", 1)
                    print("\t- %s (\"%s\")" % (yel(commit[0]), commit[1]))
                print("\t- no commit found")
        print()  # new line

def reset(commit):
    """Reset current git tree to %commit."""
    execute(["git", "reset", "--hard", commit])

def yel(string):
    Color %string yellow.
    return "\033[33m%s\033[0m" % string if COLOR else string

def red(string):
    Color %string red.
    return "\033[31m%s\033[0m" % string if COLOR else string

def execute(cmd):
    """Execute %cmd and return stdout.  Exit in case of error."""
        stdout = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=False)
        stdout = stdout.decode(errors='replace')
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as fail:
    return stdout

def find_commits(symbol, diff):
    """Find commits changing %symbol in the given range of %diff."""
    commits = execute(["git", "log", "--pretty=oneline",
                       "--abbrev-commit", "-G",
                       symbol, diff])
    return [x for x in commits.split("\n") if x]

def tree_is_dirty():
    """Return true if the current working tree is dirty (i.e., if any file has
    been added, deleted, modified, renamed or copied but not committed)."""
    stdout = execute(["git", "status", "--porcelain"])
    for line in stdout:
        if re.findall(r"[URMADC]{1}", line[:2]):
            return True
    return False

def get_head():
    """Return commit hash of current HEAD."""
    stdout = execute(["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"])
    return stdout.strip('\n')

def partition(lst, size):
    """Partition list @lst into eveni-sized lists of size @size."""
    return [lst[i::size] for i in range(size)]

def init_worker():
    """Set signal handler to ignore SIGINT."""
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)

def find_sims(symbol, ignore, defined=[]):
    """Return a list of max. ten Kconfig symbols that are string-similar to
    if defined:
        return difflib.get_close_matches(symbol, set(defined), 10)

    pool = Pool(cpu_count(), init_worker)
    kfiles = []
    for gitfile in get_files():
        if REGEX_FILE_KCONFIG.match(gitfile):

    arglist = []
    for part in partition(kfiles, cpu_count()):
        arglist.append((part, ignore))

    for res in pool.map(parse_kconfig_files, arglist):

    return difflib.get_close_matches(symbol, set(defined), 10)

def get_files():
    """Return a list of all files in the current git directory."""
    # use 'git ls-files' to get the worklist
    stdout = execute(["git", "ls-files"])
    if len(stdout) > 0 and stdout[-1] == "\n":
        stdout = stdout[:-1]

    files = []
    for gitfile in stdout.rsplit("\n"):
        if ".git" in gitfile or "ChangeLog" in gitfile or      \
                ".log" in gitfile or os.path.isdir(gitfile) or \
    return files

def check_symbols(ignore):
    """Find undefined Kconfig symbols and return a dict with the symbol as key
    and a list of referencing files as value.  Files matching %ignore are not
    checked for undefined symbols."""
    pool = Pool(cpu_count(), init_worker)
        return check_symbols_helper(pool, ignore)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

def check_symbols_helper(pool, ignore):
    """Helper method for check_symbols().  Used to catch keyboard interrupts in
    check_symbols() in order to properly terminate running worker processes."""
    source_files = []
    kconfig_files = []
    defined_symbols = []
    referenced_symbols = dict()  # {file: [symbols]}

    for gitfile in get_files():
        if REGEX_FILE_KCONFIG.match(gitfile):
            if ignore and not re.match(ignore, gitfile):
            # add source files that do not match the ignore pattern

    # parse source files
    arglist = partition(source_files, cpu_count())
    for res in pool.map(parse_source_files, arglist):

    # parse kconfig files
    arglist = []
    for part in partition(kconfig_files, cpu_count()):
        arglist.append((part, ignore))
    for res in pool.map(parse_kconfig_files, arglist):
    defined_symbols = set(defined_symbols)

    # inverse mapping of referenced_symbols to dict(symbol: [files])
    inv_map = dict()
    for _file, symbols in referenced_symbols.items():
        for symbol in symbols:
            inv_map[symbol] = inv_map.get(symbol, set())
    referenced_symbols = inv_map

    undefined = {}  # {symbol: [files]}
    for symbol in sorted(referenced_symbols):
        # filter some false positives
        if symbol == "FOO" or symbol == "BAR" or \
                symbol == "FOO_BAR" or symbol == "XXX":
        if symbol not in defined_symbols:
            if symbol.endswith("_MODULE"):
                # avoid false positives for kernel modules
                if symbol[:-len("_MODULE")] in defined_symbols:
            undefined[symbol] = referenced_symbols.get(symbol)
    return undefined, defined_symbols

def parse_source_files(source_files):
    """Parse each source file in @source_files and return dictionary with source
    files as keys and lists of references Kconfig symbols as values."""
    referenced_symbols = dict()
    for sfile in source_files:
        referenced_symbols[sfile] = parse_source_file(sfile)
    return referenced_symbols

def parse_source_file(sfile):
    """Parse @sfile and return a list of referenced Kconfig symbols."""
    lines = []
    references = []

    if not os.path.exists(sfile):
        return references

    with open(sfile, "r", encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as stream:
        lines = stream.readlines()

    for line in lines:
        if "CONFIG_" not in line:
        symbols = REGEX_SOURCE_SYMBOL.findall(line)
        for symbol in symbols:
            if not REGEX_FILTER_SYMBOLS.search(symbol):

    return references

def get_symbols_in_line(line):
    """Return mentioned Kconfig symbols in @line."""
    return REGEX_SYMBOL.findall(line)

def parse_kconfig_files(args):
    """Parse kconfig files and return tuple of defined and references Kconfig
    symbols.  Note, @args is a tuple of a list of files and the @ignore
    kconfig_files = args[0]
    ignore = args[1]
    defined_symbols = []
    referenced_symbols = dict()

    for kfile in kconfig_files:
        defined, references = parse_kconfig_file(kfile)
        if ignore and re.match(ignore, kfile):
            # do not collect references for files that match the ignore pattern
        referenced_symbols[kfile] = references
    return (defined_symbols, referenced_symbols)

def parse_kconfig_file(kfile):
    """Parse @kfile and update symbol definitions and references."""
    lines = []
    defined = []
    references = []
    skip = False

    if not os.path.exists(kfile):
        return defined, references

    with open(kfile, "r", encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as stream:
        lines = stream.readlines()

    for i in range(len(lines)):
        line = lines[i]
        line = line.strip('\n')
        line = line.split("#")[0]  # ignore comments

        if REGEX_KCONFIG_DEF.match(line):
            symbol_def = REGEX_KCONFIG_DEF.findall(line)
            skip = False
        elif REGEX_KCONFIG_HELP.match(line):
            skip = True
        elif skip:
            # ignore content of help messages
        elif REGEX_KCONFIG_STMT.match(line):
            line = REGEX_QUOTES.sub("", line)
            symbols = get_symbols_in_line(line)
            # multi-line statements
            while line.endswith("\\"):
                i += 1
                line = lines[i]
                line = line.strip('\n')
            for symbol in set(symbols):
                if REGEX_NUMERIC.match(symbol):
                    # ignore numeric values

    return defined, references

if __name__ == "__main__":


Name Type Size Permission Actions
basic Folder 0755
coccinelle Folder 0755
dtc Folder 0755
gcc-plugins Folder 0755
gdb Folder 0755
genksyms Folder 0755
kconfig Folder 0755
ksymoops Folder 0755
mod Folder 0755
package Folder 0755
selinux Folder 0755
tracing Folder 0755
.gitignore File 162 B 0644
Kbuild.include File 18.36 KB 0644
Lindent File 502 B 0755
Makefile File 1.9 KB 0644
Makefile.asm-generic File 1.17 KB 0644
Makefile.build File 20.68 KB 0644
Makefile.clean File 2.96 KB 0644
Makefile.dtbinst File 1.09 KB 0644
Makefile.extrawarn File 2.83 KB 0644
Makefile.gcc-plugins File 3.75 KB 0644
Makefile.headersinst File 3.98 KB 0644
Makefile.host File 6.23 KB 0644
Makefile.kasan File 1.09 KB 0644
Makefile.kcov File 201 B 0644
Makefile.lib File 15.25 KB 0644
Makefile.modbuiltin File 1.82 KB 0644
Makefile.modinst File 1.52 KB 0644
Makefile.modpost File 5.48 KB 0644
Makefile.modsign File 1.02 KB 0644
Makefile.ubsan File 1.07 KB 0644
adjust_autoksyms.sh File 3.09 KB 0755
asn1_compiler.c File 35.54 KB 0644
bloat-o-meter File 3.22 KB 0755
bootgraph.pl File 6.28 KB 0755
check_00index.sh File 1.3 KB 0755
check_extable.sh File 4.93 KB 0755
checkincludes.pl File 1.94 KB 0755
checkkconfigsymbols.py File 15.51 KB 0755
checkpatch.pl File 186.79 KB 0755
checkstack.pl File 5.49 KB 0755
checksyscalls.sh File 5.68 KB 0755
checkversion.pl File 1.9 KB 0755
cleanfile File 3.46 KB 0755
cleanpatch File 5.06 KB 0755
coccicheck File 7.24 KB 0755
config File 4.64 KB 0755
conmakehash.c File 5.98 KB 0644
const_structs.checkpatch File 964 B 0644
decode_stacktrace.sh File 3.82 KB 0755
decodecode File 2.3 KB 0755
depmod.sh File 1.94 KB 0755
diffconfig File 3.72 KB 0755
documentation-file-ref-check File 395 B 0755
export_report.pl File 4.55 KB 0755
extract-cert.c File 3.46 KB 0644
extract-ikconfig File 1.69 KB 0755
extract-module-sig.pl File 3.66 KB 0755
extract-sys-certs.pl File 3.75 KB 0755
extract-vmlinux File 1.6 KB 0755
extract_xc3028.pl File 44.6 KB 0755
faddr2line File 5.53 KB 0755
find-unused-docs.sh File 1.27 KB 0755
gcc-goto.sh File 530 B 0755
gcc-ld File 711 B 0755
gcc-plugin.sh File 1.06 KB 0755
gcc-version.sh File 857 B 0755
gcc-x86_32-has-stack-protector.sh File 219 B 0755
gcc-x86_64-has-stack-protector.sh File 244 B 0755
gen_initramfs_list.sh File 8.03 KB 0755
get_dvb_firmware File 25.22 KB 0755
get_maintainer.pl File 65.03 KB 0755
gfp-translate File 1.71 KB 0755
headerdep.pl File 3.5 KB 0755
headers.sh File 512 B 0755
headers_check.pl File 3.73 KB 0755
headers_install.sh File 1.32 KB 0755
insert-sys-cert.c File 13.08 KB 0644
kallsyms.c File 18.89 KB 0644
kernel-doc File 92.36 KB 0755
kmsg-doc File 12.13 KB 0755
ld-version.sh File 269 B 0755
leaking_addresses.pl File 9.65 KB 0755
link-vmlinux.sh File 7.65 KB 0755
makelst File 808 B 0755
markup_oops.pl File 8.08 KB 0755
mkcompile_h File 2.74 KB 0755
mkmakefile File 1.19 KB 0755
mksysmap File 1.33 KB 0755
mkuboot.sh File 414 B 0755
module-common.lds File 901 B 0644
namespace.pl File 13.18 KB 0755
objdiff File 2.85 KB 0755
parse-maintainers.pl File 3.72 KB 0755
patch-kernel File 9.95 KB 0755
pnmtologo.c File 11.91 KB 0644
profile2linkerlist.pl File 414 B 0755
prune-kernel File 708 B 0755
recordmcount.c File 17.49 KB 0644
recordmcount.h File 16.4 KB 0644
recordmcount.pl File 18.41 KB 0755
setlocalversion File 4.72 KB 0755
show_delta File 2.99 KB 0755
sign-file.c File 9.76 KB 0644
sortextable.c File 8.35 KB 0644
sortextable.h File 5.48 KB 0644
spelling.txt File 24.97 KB 0644
sphinx-pre-install File 14.04 KB 0755
stackdelta File 1.84 KB 0755
stackusage File 794 B 0755
subarch.include File 641 B 0644
tags.sh File 9.49 KB 0755
ubuntu-retpoline-extract-one File 7.26 KB 0644
unifdef.c File 34.8 KB 0644
ver_linux File 2.94 KB 0755
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xz_wrap.sh File 562 B 0755