[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
#!/usr/bin/env perl

use File::Basename;
use Math::BigInt;
use Getopt::Long;

# Copyright 2008, Intel Corporation
# This file is part of the Linux kernel
# This program file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
# Authors:
# 	Arjan van de Ven <arjan@linux.intel.com>

my $cross_compile = "";
my $vmlinux_name = "";
my $modulefile = "";

# Get options
	'cross-compile|c=s'	=> \$cross_compile,
	'module|m=s'		=> \$modulefile,
	'help|h'		=> \&usage,
) || usage ();
my $vmlinux_name = $ARGV[0];
if (!defined($vmlinux_name)) {
	my $kerver = `uname -r`;
	$vmlinux_name = "/lib/modules/$kerver/build/vmlinux";
	print "No vmlinux specified, assuming $vmlinux_name\n";
my $filename = $vmlinux_name;

# Parse the oops to find the EIP value

my $target = "0";
my $function;
my $module = "";
my $func_offset = 0;
my $vmaoffset = 0;

my %regs;

sub parse_x86_regs
	my ($line) = @_;
	if ($line =~ /EAX: ([0-9a-f]+) EBX: ([0-9a-f]+) ECX: ([0-9a-f]+) EDX: ([0-9a-f]+)/) {
		$regs{"%eax"} = $1;
		$regs{"%ebx"} = $2;
		$regs{"%ecx"} = $3;
		$regs{"%edx"} = $4;
	if ($line =~ /ESI: ([0-9a-f]+) EDI: ([0-9a-f]+) EBP: ([0-9a-f]+) ESP: ([0-9a-f]+)/) {
		$regs{"%esi"} = $1;
		$regs{"%edi"} = $2;
		$regs{"%esp"} = $4;
	if ($line =~ /RAX: ([0-9a-f]+) RBX: ([0-9a-f]+) RCX: ([0-9a-f]+)/) {
		$regs{"%eax"} = $1;
		$regs{"%ebx"} = $2;
		$regs{"%ecx"} = $3;
	if ($line =~ /RDX: ([0-9a-f]+) RSI: ([0-9a-f]+) RDI: ([0-9a-f]+)/) {
		$regs{"%edx"} = $1;
		$regs{"%esi"} = $2;
		$regs{"%edi"} = $3;
	if ($line =~ /RBP: ([0-9a-f]+) R08: ([0-9a-f]+) R09: ([0-9a-f]+)/) {
		$regs{"%r08"} = $2;
		$regs{"%r09"} = $3;
	if ($line =~ /R10: ([0-9a-f]+) R11: ([0-9a-f]+) R12: ([0-9a-f]+)/) {
		$regs{"%r10"} = $1;
		$regs{"%r11"} = $2;
		$regs{"%r12"} = $3;
	if ($line =~ /R13: ([0-9a-f]+) R14: ([0-9a-f]+) R15: ([0-9a-f]+)/) {
		$regs{"%r13"} = $1;
		$regs{"%r14"} = $2;
		$regs{"%r15"} = $3;

sub reg_name
	my ($reg) = @_;
	$reg =~ s/r(.)x/e\1x/;
	$reg =~ s/r(.)i/e\1i/;
	$reg =~ s/r(.)p/e\1p/;
	return $reg;

sub process_x86_regs
	my ($line, $cntr) = @_;
	my $str = "";
	if (length($line) < 40) {
		return ""; # not an asm istruction

	# find the arguments to the instruction
	if ($line =~ /([0-9a-zA-Z\,\%\(\)\-\+]+)$/) {
		$lastword = $1;
	} else {
		return "";

	# we need to find the registers that get clobbered,
	# since their value is no longer relevant for previous
	# instructions in the stream.

	$clobber = $lastword;
	# first, remove all memory operands, they're read only
	$clobber =~ s/\([a-z0-9\%\,]+\)//g;
	# then, remove everything before the comma, thats the read part
	$clobber =~ s/.*\,//g;

	# if this is the instruction that faulted, we haven't actually done
	# the write yet... nothing is clobbered.
	if ($cntr == 0) {
		$clobber = "";

	foreach $reg (keys(%regs)) {
		my $clobberprime = reg_name($clobber);
		my $lastwordprime = reg_name($lastword);
		my $val = $regs{$reg};
		if ($val =~ /^[0]+$/) {
			$val = "0";
		} else {
			$val =~ s/^0*//;

		# first check if we're clobbering this register; if we do
		# we print it with a =>, and then delete its value
		if ($clobber =~ /$reg/ || $clobberprime =~ /$reg/) {
			if (length($val) > 0) {
				$str = $str . " $reg => $val ";
			$regs{$reg} = "";
			$val = "";
		# now check if we're reading this register
		if ($lastword =~ /$reg/ || $lastwordprime =~ /$reg/) {
			if (length($val) > 0) {
				$str = $str . " $reg = $val ";
	return $str;

# parse the oops
while (<STDIN>) {
	my $line = $_;
	if ($line =~ /EIP: 0060:\[\<([a-z0-9]+)\>\]/) {
		$target = $1;
	if ($line =~ /RIP: 0010:\[\<([a-z0-9]+)\>\]/) {
		$target = $1;
	if ($line =~ /EIP is at ([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)\+0x([0-9a-f]+)\/0x[a-f0-9]/) {
		$function = $1;
		$func_offset = $2;
	if ($line =~ /RIP: 0010:\[\<[0-9a-f]+\>\]  \[\<[0-9a-f]+\>\] ([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)\+0x([0-9a-f]+)\/0x[a-f0-9]/) {
		$function = $1;
		$func_offset = $2;

	# check if it's a module
	if ($line =~ /EIP is at ([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)\+(0x[0-9a-f]+)\/0x[a-f0-9]+\W\[([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-]+)\]/) {
		$module = $3;
	if ($line =~ /RIP: 0010:\[\<[0-9a-f]+\>\]  \[\<[0-9a-f]+\>\] ([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)\+(0x[0-9a-f]+)\/0x[a-f0-9]+\W\[([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-]+)\]/) {
		$module = $3;

my $decodestart = Math::BigInt->from_hex("0x$target") - Math::BigInt->from_hex("0x$func_offset");
my $decodestop = Math::BigInt->from_hex("0x$target") + 8192;
if ($target eq "0") {
	print "No oops found!\n";

# if it's a module, we need to find the .ko file and calculate a load offset
if ($module ne "") {
	if ($modulefile eq "") {
		$modulefile = `modinfo -F filename $module`;
	$filename = $modulefile;
	if ($filename eq "") {
		print "Module .ko file for $module not found. Aborting\n";
	# ok so we found the module, now we need to calculate the vma offset
	open(FILE, $cross_compile."objdump -dS $filename |") || die "Cannot start objdump";
	while (<FILE>) {
		if ($_ =~ /^([0-9a-f]+) \<$function\>\:/) {
			my $fu = $1;
			$vmaoffset = Math::BigInt->from_hex("0x$target") - Math::BigInt->from_hex("0x$fu") - Math::BigInt->from_hex("0x$func_offset");

my $counter = 0;
my $state   = 0;
my $center  = -1;
my @lines;
my @reglines;

sub InRange {
	my ($address, $target) = @_;
	my $ad = "0x".$address;
	my $ta = "0x".$target;
	my $delta = Math::BigInt->from_hex($ad) - Math::BigInt->from_hex($ta);

	if (($delta > -4096) && ($delta < 4096)) {
		return 1;
	return 0;

# first, parse the input into the lines array, but to keep size down,
# we only do this for 4Kb around the sweet spot

open(FILE, $cross_compile."objdump -dS --adjust-vma=$vmaoffset --start-address=$decodestart --stop-address=$decodestop $filename |") || die "Cannot start objdump";

while (<FILE>) {
	my $line = $_;
	if ($state == 0) {
		if ($line =~ /^([a-f0-9]+)\:/) {
			if (InRange($1, $target)) {
				$state = 1;
	if ($state == 1) {
		if ($line =~ /^([a-f0-9][a-f0-9][a-f0-9][a-f0-9][a-f0-9][a-f0-9]+)\:/) {
			my $val = $1;
			if (!InRange($val, $target)) {
			if ($val eq $target) {
				$center = $counter;
		$lines[$counter] = $line;

		$counter = $counter + 1;


if ($counter == 0) {
	print "No matching code found \n";

if ($center == -1) {
	print "No matching code found \n";

my $start;
my $finish;
my $codelines = 0;
my $binarylines = 0;
# now we go up and down in the array to find how much we want to print

$start = $center;

while ($start > 1) {
	$start = $start - 1;
	my $line = $lines[$start];
	if ($line =~ /^([a-f0-9]+)\:/) {
		$binarylines = $binarylines + 1;
	} else {
		$codelines = $codelines + 1;
	if ($codelines > 10) {
	if ($binarylines > 20) {

$finish = $center;
$codelines = 0;
$binarylines = 0;
while ($finish < $counter) {
	$finish = $finish + 1;
	my $line = $lines[$finish];
	if ($line =~ /^([a-f0-9]+)\:/) {
		$binarylines = $binarylines + 1;
	} else {
		$codelines = $codelines + 1;
	if ($codelines > 10) {
	if ($binarylines > 20) {

my $i;

# start annotating the registers in the asm.
# this goes from the oopsing point back, so that the annotator
# can track (opportunistically) which registers got written and
# whos value no longer is relevant.

$i = $center;
while ($i >= $start) {
	$reglines[$i] = process_x86_regs($lines[$i], $center - $i);
	$i = $i - 1;

$i = $start;
while ($i < $finish) {
	my $line;
	if ($i == $center) {
		$line =  "*$lines[$i] ";
	} else {
		$line =  " $lines[$i] ";
	print $line;
	if (defined($reglines[$i]) && length($reglines[$i]) > 0) {
		my $c = 60 - length($line);
		while ($c > 0) { print " "; $c = $c - 1; };
		print "| $reglines[$i]";
	if ($i == $center) {
		print "<--- faulting instruction";
	print "\n";
	$i = $i +1;

sub usage {
	print <<EOT;
  dmesg | perl $0 [OPTION] [VMLINUX]

  -c, --cross-compile CROSS_COMPILE	Specify the prefix used for toolchain.
  -m, --module MODULE_DIRNAME		Specify the module filename.
  -h, --help				Help.


Name Type Size Permission Actions
basic Folder 0755
coccinelle Folder 0755
dtc Folder 0755
gcc-plugins Folder 0755
gdb Folder 0755
genksyms Folder 0755
kconfig Folder 0755
ksymoops Folder 0755
mod Folder 0755
package Folder 0755
selinux Folder 0755
tracing Folder 0755
.gitignore File 162 B 0644
Kbuild.include File 18.36 KB 0644
Lindent File 502 B 0755
Makefile File 1.9 KB 0644
Makefile.asm-generic File 1.17 KB 0644
Makefile.build File 20.68 KB 0644
Makefile.clean File 2.96 KB 0644
Makefile.dtbinst File 1.09 KB 0644
Makefile.extrawarn File 2.83 KB 0644
Makefile.gcc-plugins File 3.75 KB 0644
Makefile.headersinst File 3.98 KB 0644
Makefile.host File 6.23 KB 0644
Makefile.kasan File 1.09 KB 0644
Makefile.kcov File 201 B 0644
Makefile.lib File 15.25 KB 0644
Makefile.modbuiltin File 1.82 KB 0644
Makefile.modinst File 1.52 KB 0644
Makefile.modpost File 5.48 KB 0644
Makefile.modsign File 1.02 KB 0644
Makefile.ubsan File 1.07 KB 0644
adjust_autoksyms.sh File 3.09 KB 0755
asn1_compiler.c File 35.54 KB 0644
bloat-o-meter File 3.22 KB 0755
bootgraph.pl File 6.28 KB 0755
check_00index.sh File 1.3 KB 0755
check_extable.sh File 4.93 KB 0755
checkincludes.pl File 1.94 KB 0755
checkkconfigsymbols.py File 15.51 KB 0755
checkpatch.pl File 186.79 KB 0755
checkstack.pl File 5.49 KB 0755
checksyscalls.sh File 5.68 KB 0755
checkversion.pl File 1.9 KB 0755
cleanfile File 3.46 KB 0755
cleanpatch File 5.06 KB 0755
coccicheck File 7.24 KB 0755
config File 4.64 KB 0755
conmakehash.c File 5.98 KB 0644
const_structs.checkpatch File 964 B 0644
decode_stacktrace.sh File 3.82 KB 0755
decodecode File 2.3 KB 0755
depmod.sh File 1.94 KB 0755
diffconfig File 3.72 KB 0755
documentation-file-ref-check File 395 B 0755
export_report.pl File 4.55 KB 0755
extract-cert.c File 3.46 KB 0644
extract-ikconfig File 1.69 KB 0755
extract-module-sig.pl File 3.66 KB 0755
extract-sys-certs.pl File 3.75 KB 0755
extract-vmlinux File 1.6 KB 0755
extract_xc3028.pl File 44.6 KB 0755
faddr2line File 5.53 KB 0755
find-unused-docs.sh File 1.27 KB 0755
gcc-goto.sh File 530 B 0755
gcc-ld File 711 B 0755
gcc-plugin.sh File 1.06 KB 0755
gcc-version.sh File 857 B 0755
gcc-x86_32-has-stack-protector.sh File 219 B 0755
gcc-x86_64-has-stack-protector.sh File 244 B 0755
gen_initramfs_list.sh File 8.03 KB 0755
get_dvb_firmware File 25.22 KB 0755
get_maintainer.pl File 65.03 KB 0755
gfp-translate File 1.71 KB 0755
headerdep.pl File 3.5 KB 0755
headers.sh File 512 B 0755
headers_check.pl File 3.73 KB 0755
headers_install.sh File 1.32 KB 0755
insert-sys-cert.c File 13.08 KB 0644
kallsyms.c File 18.89 KB 0644
kernel-doc File 92.36 KB 0755
kmsg-doc File 12.13 KB 0755
ld-version.sh File 269 B 0755
leaking_addresses.pl File 9.65 KB 0755
link-vmlinux.sh File 7.65 KB 0755
makelst File 808 B 0755
markup_oops.pl File 8.08 KB 0755
mkcompile_h File 2.74 KB 0755
mkmakefile File 1.19 KB 0755
mksysmap File 1.33 KB 0755
mkuboot.sh File 414 B 0755
module-common.lds File 901 B 0644
namespace.pl File 13.18 KB 0755
objdiff File 2.85 KB 0755
parse-maintainers.pl File 3.72 KB 0755
patch-kernel File 9.95 KB 0755
pnmtologo.c File 11.91 KB 0644
profile2linkerlist.pl File 414 B 0755
prune-kernel File 708 B 0755
recordmcount.c File 17.49 KB 0644
recordmcount.h File 16.4 KB 0644
recordmcount.pl File 18.41 KB 0755
setlocalversion File 4.72 KB 0755
show_delta File 2.99 KB 0755
sign-file.c File 9.76 KB 0644
sortextable.c File 8.35 KB 0644
sortextable.h File 5.48 KB 0644
spelling.txt File 24.97 KB 0644
sphinx-pre-install File 14.04 KB 0755
stackdelta File 1.84 KB 0755
stackusage File 794 B 0755
subarch.include File 641 B 0644
tags.sh File 9.49 KB 0755
ubuntu-retpoline-extract-one File 7.26 KB 0644
unifdef.c File 34.8 KB 0644
ver_linux File 2.94 KB 0755
xen-hypercalls.sh File 386 B 0644
xz_wrap.sh File 562 B 0755