[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
#!/usr/bin/env perl
#	namespace.pl.  Mon Aug 30 2004
#	Perform a name space analysis on the linux kernel.
#	Copyright Keith Owens <kaos@ocs.com.au>.  GPL.
#	Invoke by changing directory to the top of the kernel object
#	tree then namespace.pl, no parameters.
#	Tuned for 2.1.x kernels with the new module handling, it will
#	work with 2.0 kernels as well.
#	Last change 2.6.9-rc1, adding support for separate source and object
#	trees.
#	The source must be compiled/assembled first, the object files
#	are the primary input to this script.  Incomplete or missing
#	objects will result in a flawed analysis.  Compile both vmlinux
#	and modules.
#	Even with complete objects, treat the result of the analysis
#	with caution.  Some external references are only used by
#	certain architectures, others with certain combinations of
#	configuration parameters.  Ideally the source should include
#	something like
#	#ifndef CONFIG_...
#	static
#	#endif
#	symbol_definition;
#	so the symbols are defined as static unless a particular
#	CONFIG_... requires it to be external.
#	A symbol that is suffixed with '(export only)' has these properties
#	* It is global.
#	* It is marked EXPORT_SYMBOL or EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL, either in the same
#	  source file or a different source file.
#	* Given the current .config, nothing uses the symbol.
#	The symbol is a candidate for conversion to static, plus removal of the
#	export.  But be careful that a different .config might use the symbol.
#	Name space analysis and cleanup is an iterative process.  You cannot
#	expect to find all the problems in a single pass.
#	* Identify possibly unnecessary global declarations, verify that they
#	  really are unnecessary and change them to static.
#	* Compile and fix up gcc warnings about static, removing dead symbols
#	  as necessary.
#	* make clean and rebuild with different configs (especially
#	  CONFIG_MODULES=n) to see which symbols are being defined when the
#	  config does not require them.  These symbols bloat the kernel object
#	  for no good reason, which is frustrating for embedded systems.
#	* Wrap config sensitive symbols in #ifdef CONFIG_foo, as long as the
#	  code does not get too ugly.
#	* Repeat the name space analysis until you can live with with the
#	  result.

use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Find;
use File::Spec;

my $nm = ($ENV{'NM'} || "nm") . " -p";
my $objdump = ($ENV{'OBJDUMP'} || "objdump") . " -s -j .comment";
my $srctree = File::Spec->curdir();
my $objtree = File::Spec->curdir();
$srctree = File::Spec->rel2abs($ENV{'srctree'}) if (exists($ENV{'srctree'}));
$objtree = File::Spec->rel2abs($ENV{'objtree'}) if (exists($ENV{'objtree'}));

if ($#ARGV != -1) {
	print STDERR "usage: $0 takes no parameters\n";
	die("giving up\n");

my %nmdata = ();	# nm data for each object
my %def = ();		# all definitions for each name
my %ksymtab = ();	# names that appear in __ksymtab_
my %ref = ();		# $ref{$name} exists if there is a true external reference to $name
my %export = ();	# $export{$name} exists if there is an EXPORT_... of $name

my %nmexception = (
    'fs/ext3/bitmap'			=> 1,
    'fs/ext4/bitmap'			=> 1,
    'arch/x86/lib/thunk_32'		=> 1,
    'arch/x86/lib/cmpxchg'		=> 1,
    'arch/x86/vdso/vdso32/note'		=> 1,
    'lib/irq_regs'			=> 1,
    'usr/initramfs_data'		=> 1,
    'drivers/scsi/aic94xx/aic94xx_dump'	=> 1,
    'drivers/scsi/libsas/sas_dump'	=> 1,
    'lib/dec_and_lock'			=> 1,
    'drivers/ide/ide-probe-mini'	=> 1,
    'usr/initramfs_data'		=> 1,
    'drivers/acpi/acpia/exdump'		=> 1,
    'drivers/acpi/acpia/rsdump'		=> 1,
    'drivers/acpi/acpia/nsdumpdv'	=> 1,
    'drivers/acpi/acpia/nsdump'		=> 1,
    'arch/ia64/sn/kernel/sn2/io'	=> 1,
    'arch/ia64/kernel/gate-data'	=> 1,
    'security/capability'		=> 1,
    'fs/ntfs/sysctl'			=> 1,
    'fs/jfs/jfs_debug'			=> 1,

my %nameexception = (
    'mod_use_count_'	 => 1,
    '__initramfs_end'	=> 1,
    '__initramfs_start'	=> 1,
    '_einittext'	=> 1,
    '_sinittext'	=> 1,
    'kallsyms_names'	=> 1,
    'kallsyms_num_syms'	=> 1,
    'kallsyms_addresses'=> 1,
    'kallsyms_offsets'	=> 1,
    'kallsyms_relative_base'=> 1,
    '__this_module'	=> 1,
    '_etext'		=> 1,
    '_edata'		=> 1,
    '_end'		=> 1,
    '__bss_start'	=> 1,
    '_text'		=> 1,
    '_stext'		=> 1,
    '__gp'		=> 1,
    'ia64_unw_start'	=> 1,
    'ia64_unw_end'	=> 1,
    '__init_begin'	=> 1,
    '__init_end'	=> 1,
    '__bss_stop'	=> 1,
    '__nosave_begin'	=> 1,
    '__nosave_end'	=> 1,
    'pg0'		=> 1,
    'vdso_enabled'	=> 1,
    '__stack_chk_fail'  => 1,
    'VDSO32_PRELINK'	=> 1,
    'VDSO32_vsyscall'	=> 1,
    'VDSO32_sigreturn'	=> 1,

&find(\&linux_objects, '.');	# find the objects and do_nm on them


sub linux_objects
	# Select objects, ignoring objects which are only created by
	# merging other objects.  Also ignore all of modules, scripts
	# and compressed.  Most conglomerate objects are handled by do_nm,
	# this list only contains the special cases.  These include objects
	# that are linked from just one other object and objects for which
	# there is really no permanent source file.
	my $basename = $_;
	$_ = $File::Find::name;
	if (/.*\.o$/ &&
		! (
		|| m:arch/x86/vdso/:
		|| m:arch/x86/boot/:
		|| m:arch/ia64/ia32/ia32.o$:
		|| m:arch/ia64/kernel/gate-syms.o$:
		|| m:arch/ia64/lib/__divdi3.o$:
		|| m:arch/ia64/lib/__divsi3.o$:
		|| m:arch/ia64/lib/__moddi3.o$:
		|| m:arch/ia64/lib/__modsi3.o$:
		|| m:arch/ia64/lib/__udivdi3.o$:
		|| m:arch/ia64/lib/__udivsi3.o$:
		|| m:arch/ia64/lib/__umoddi3.o$:
		|| m:arch/ia64/lib/__umodsi3.o$:
		|| m:arch/ia64/scripts/check_gas_for_hint.o$:
		|| m:arch/ia64/sn/kernel/xp.o$:
		|| m:boot/bbootsect.o$:
		|| m:boot/bsetup.o$:
		|| m:/bootsect.o$:
		|| m:/boot/setup.o$:
		|| m:/compressed/:
		|| m:drivers/cdrom/driver.o$:
		|| m:drivers/char/drm/tdfx_drv.o$:
		|| m:drivers/ide/ide-detect.o$:
		|| m:drivers/ide/pci/idedriver-pci.o$:
		|| m:drivers/media/media.o$:
		|| m:drivers/scsi/sd_mod.o$:
		|| m:drivers/video/video.o$:
		|| m:fs/devpts/devpts.o$:
		|| m:fs/exportfs/exportfs.o$:
		|| m:fs/hugetlbfs/hugetlbfs.o$:
		|| m:fs/msdos/msdos.o$:
		|| m:fs/nls/nls.o$:
		|| m:fs/ramfs/ramfs.o$:
		|| m:fs/romfs/romfs.o$:
		|| m:fs/vfat/vfat.o$:
		|| m:init/mounts.o$:
		|| m:^modules/:
		|| m:net/netlink/netlink.o$:
		|| m:net/sched/sched.o$:
		|| m:/piggy.o$:
		|| m:^scripts/:
		|| m:sound/.*/snd-:
		|| m:^.*/\.tmp_:
		|| m:^\.tmp_:
		|| m:/vmlinux-obj.o$:
		|| m:^tools/:
	) {
		do_nm($basename, $_);
	$_ = $basename;		# File::Find expects $_ untouched (undocumented)

sub do_nm
	my ($basename, $fullname) = @_;
	my ($source, $type, $name);
	if (! -e $basename) {
		printf STDERR "$basename does not exist\n";
	if ($fullname !~ /\.o$/) {
		printf STDERR "$fullname is not an object file\n";
	($source = $basename) =~ s/\.o$//;
	if (-e "$source.c" || -e "$source.S") {
		$source = File::Spec->catfile($objtree, $File::Find::dir, $source)
	} else {
		$source = File::Spec->catfile($srctree, $File::Find::dir, $source)
	if (! -e "$source.c" && ! -e "$source.S") {
		# No obvious source, exclude the object if it is conglomerate
	        open(my $objdumpdata, "$objdump $basename|")
		    or die "$objdump $fullname failed $!\n";

		my $comment;
		while (<$objdumpdata>) {
			if (/^In archive/) {
				# Archives are always conglomerate
				$comment = "GCC:GCC:";
			next if (! /^[ 0-9a-f]{5,} /);
			$comment .= substr($_, 43);

		if (!defined($comment) || $comment !~ /GCC\:.*GCC\:/m) {
			printf STDERR "No source file found for $fullname\n";
	open (my $nmdata, "$nm $basename|")
	    or die "$nm $fullname failed $!\n";

	my @nmdata;
	while (<$nmdata>) {
		($type, $name) = (split(/ +/, $_, 3))[1..2];
		# Expected types
		# A absolute symbol
		# B weak external reference to data that has been resolved
		# C global variable, uninitialised
		# D global variable, initialised
		# G global variable, initialised, small data section
		# R global array, initialised
		# S global variable, uninitialised, small bss
		# T global label/procedure
		# U external reference
		# W weak external reference to text that has been resolved
		# V similar to W, but the value of the weak symbol becomes zero with no error.
		# a assembler equate
		# b static variable, uninitialised
		# d static variable, initialised
		# g static variable, initialised, small data section
		# r static array, initialised
		# s static variable, uninitialised, small bss
		# t static label/procedures
		# w weak external reference to text that has not been resolved
		# v similar to w
		# ? undefined type, used a lot by modules
		if ($type !~ /^[ABCDGRSTUWVabdgrstwv?]$/) {
			printf STDERR "nm output for $fullname contains unknown type '$_'\n";
		elsif ($name =~ /\./) {
			# name with '.' is local static
		else {
			$type = 'R' if ($type eq '?');	# binutils replaced ? with R at one point
			# binutils keeps changing the type for exported symbols, force it to R
			$type = 'R' if ($name =~ /^__ksymtab/ || $name =~ /^__kstrtab/);
			$name =~ s/_R[a-f0-9]{8}$//;	# module versions adds this
			if ($type =~ /[ABCDGRSTWV]/ &&
				$name ne 'init_module' &&
				$name ne 'cleanup_module' &&
				$name ne 'Using_Versions' &&
				$name !~ /^Version_[0-9]+$/ &&
				$name !~ /^__parm_/ &&
				$name !~ /^__kstrtab/ &&
				$name !~ /^__ksymtab/ &&
				$name !~ /^__kcrctab_/ &&
				$name !~ /^__exitcall_/ &&
				$name !~ /^__initcall_/ &&
				$name !~ /^__kdb_initcall_/ &&
				$name !~ /^__kdb_exitcall_/ &&
				$name !~ /^__module_/ &&
				$name !~ /^__mod_/ &&
				$name !~ /^__crc_/ &&
				$name ne '__this_module' &&
				$name ne 'kernel_version') {
				if (!exists($def{$name})) {
					$def{$name} = [];
				push(@{$def{$name}}, $fullname);
			push(@nmdata, "$type $name");
			if ($name =~ /^__ksymtab_/) {
				$name = substr($name, 10);
				if (!exists($ksymtab{$name})) {
					$ksymtab{$name} = [];
				push(@{$ksymtab{$name}}, $fullname);

	if ($#nmdata < 0) {
	    printf "No nm data for $fullname\n"
		unless $nmexception{$fullname};
	$nmdata{$fullname} = \@nmdata;

sub drop_def
	my ($object, $name) = @_;
	my $nmdata = $nmdata{$object};
	my ($i, $j);
	for ($i = 0; $i <= $#{$nmdata}; ++$i) {
		if ($name eq (split(' ', $nmdata->[$i], 2))[1]) {
			splice(@{$nmdata{$object}}, $i, 1);
			my $def = $def{$name};
			for ($j = 0; $j < $#{$def{$name}}; ++$j) {
				if ($def{$name}[$j] eq $object) {
					splice(@{$def{$name}}, $j, 1);

sub list_multiply_defined
	foreach my $name (keys(%def)) {
		if ($#{$def{$name}} > 0) {
			# Special case for cond_syscall
			if ($#{$def{$name}} == 1 &&
			   ($name =~ /^sys_/ || $name =~ /^compat_sys_/ ||
			    $name =~ /^sys32_/)) {
				if($def{$name}[0] eq "kernel/sys_ni.o" ||
				   $def{$name}[1] eq "kernel/sys_ni.o") {
					&drop_def("kernel/sys_ni.o", $name);

			printf "$name is multiply defined in :-\n";
			foreach my $module (@{$def{$name}}) {
				printf "\t$module\n";

sub resolve_external_references
	my ($kstrtab, $ksymtab, $export);

	printf "\n";
	foreach my $object (keys(%nmdata)) {
		my $nmdata = $nmdata{$object};
		for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$nmdata}; ++$i) {
			my ($type, $name) = split(' ', $nmdata->[$i], 2);
			if ($type eq "U" || $type eq "w") {
				if (exists($def{$name}) || exists($ksymtab{$name})) {
					# add the owning object to the nmdata
					$nmdata->[$i] = "$type $name $object";
					# only count as a reference if it is not EXPORT_...
					$kstrtab = "R __kstrtab_$name";
					$ksymtab = "R __ksymtab_$name";
					$export = 0;
					for (my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$nmdata}; ++$j) {
						if ($nmdata->[$j] eq $kstrtab ||
						    $nmdata->[$j] eq $ksymtab) {
							$export = 1;
					if ($export) {
						$export{$name} = "";
					else {
						$ref{$name} = ""
				elsif ( ! $nameexception{$name}
					&& $name !~ /^__sched_text_/
					&& $name !~ /^__start_/
					&& $name !~ /^__end_/
					&& $name !~ /^__stop_/
					&& $name !~ /^__scheduling_functions_.*_here/
					&& $name !~ /^__.*initcall_/
					&& $name !~ /^__.*per_cpu_start/
					&& $name !~ /^__.*per_cpu_end/
					&& $name !~ /^__alt_instructions/
					&& $name !~ /^__setup_/
					&& $name !~ /^__mod_timer/
					&& $name !~ /^__mod_page_state/
					&& $name !~ /^init_module/
					&& $name !~ /^cleanup_module/
				) {
					printf "Cannot resolve ";
					printf "weak " if ($type eq "w");
					printf "reference to $name from $object\n";

sub list_extra_externals
	my %noref = ();

	foreach my $name (keys(%def)) {
		if (! exists($ref{$name})) {
			my @module = @{$def{$name}};
			foreach my $module (@module) {
				if (! exists($noref{$module})) {
					$noref{$module} = [];
				push(@{$noref{$module}}, $name);
	if (%noref) {
		printf "\nExternally defined symbols with no external references\n";
		foreach my $module (sort(keys(%noref))) {
			printf "  $module\n";
			foreach (sort(@{$noref{$module}})) {
			    my $export;
			    if (exists($export{$_})) {
				$export = " (export only)";
			    } else {
				$export = "";
			    printf "    $_$export\n";


Name Type Size Permission Actions
basic Folder 0755
coccinelle Folder 0755
dtc Folder 0755
gcc-plugins Folder 0755
gdb Folder 0755
genksyms Folder 0755
kconfig Folder 0755
ksymoops Folder 0755
mod Folder 0755
package Folder 0755
selinux Folder 0755
tracing Folder 0755
.gitignore File 162 B 0644
Kbuild.include File 18.36 KB 0644
Lindent File 502 B 0755
Makefile File 1.9 KB 0644
Makefile.asm-generic File 1.17 KB 0644
Makefile.build File 20.68 KB 0644
Makefile.clean File 2.96 KB 0644
Makefile.dtbinst File 1.09 KB 0644
Makefile.extrawarn File 2.83 KB 0644
Makefile.gcc-plugins File 3.75 KB 0644
Makefile.headersinst File 3.98 KB 0644
Makefile.host File 6.23 KB 0644
Makefile.kasan File 1.09 KB 0644
Makefile.kcov File 201 B 0644
Makefile.lib File 15.25 KB 0644
Makefile.modbuiltin File 1.82 KB 0644
Makefile.modinst File 1.52 KB 0644
Makefile.modpost File 5.48 KB 0644
Makefile.modsign File 1.02 KB 0644
Makefile.ubsan File 1.07 KB 0644
adjust_autoksyms.sh File 3.09 KB 0755
asn1_compiler.c File 35.54 KB 0644
bloat-o-meter File 3.22 KB 0755
bootgraph.pl File 6.28 KB 0755
check_00index.sh File 1.3 KB 0755
check_extable.sh File 4.93 KB 0755
checkincludes.pl File 1.94 KB 0755
checkkconfigsymbols.py File 15.51 KB 0755
checkpatch.pl File 186.79 KB 0755
checkstack.pl File 5.49 KB 0755
checksyscalls.sh File 5.68 KB 0755
checkversion.pl File 1.9 KB 0755
cleanfile File 3.46 KB 0755
cleanpatch File 5.06 KB 0755
coccicheck File 7.24 KB 0755
config File 4.64 KB 0755
conmakehash.c File 5.98 KB 0644
const_structs.checkpatch File 964 B 0644
decode_stacktrace.sh File 3.82 KB 0755
decodecode File 2.3 KB 0755
depmod.sh File 1.94 KB 0755
diffconfig File 3.72 KB 0755
documentation-file-ref-check File 395 B 0755
export_report.pl File 4.55 KB 0755
extract-cert.c File 3.46 KB 0644
extract-ikconfig File 1.69 KB 0755
extract-module-sig.pl File 3.66 KB 0755
extract-sys-certs.pl File 3.75 KB 0755
extract-vmlinux File 1.6 KB 0755
extract_xc3028.pl File 44.6 KB 0755
faddr2line File 5.53 KB 0755
find-unused-docs.sh File 1.27 KB 0755
gcc-goto.sh File 530 B 0755
gcc-ld File 711 B 0755
gcc-plugin.sh File 1.06 KB 0755
gcc-version.sh File 857 B 0755
gcc-x86_32-has-stack-protector.sh File 219 B 0755
gcc-x86_64-has-stack-protector.sh File 244 B 0755
gen_initramfs_list.sh File 8.03 KB 0755
get_dvb_firmware File 25.22 KB 0755
get_maintainer.pl File 65.03 KB 0755
gfp-translate File 1.71 KB 0755
headerdep.pl File 3.5 KB 0755
headers.sh File 512 B 0755
headers_check.pl File 3.73 KB 0755
headers_install.sh File 1.32 KB 0755
insert-sys-cert.c File 13.08 KB 0644
kallsyms.c File 18.89 KB 0644
kernel-doc File 92.36 KB 0755
kmsg-doc File 12.13 KB 0755
ld-version.sh File 269 B 0755
leaking_addresses.pl File 9.65 KB 0755
link-vmlinux.sh File 7.65 KB 0755
makelst File 808 B 0755
markup_oops.pl File 8.08 KB 0755
mkcompile_h File 2.74 KB 0755
mkmakefile File 1.19 KB 0755
mksysmap File 1.33 KB 0755
mkuboot.sh File 414 B 0755
module-common.lds File 901 B 0644
namespace.pl File 13.18 KB 0755
objdiff File 2.85 KB 0755
parse-maintainers.pl File 3.72 KB 0755
patch-kernel File 9.95 KB 0755
pnmtologo.c File 11.91 KB 0644
profile2linkerlist.pl File 414 B 0755
prune-kernel File 708 B 0755
recordmcount.c File 17.49 KB 0644
recordmcount.h File 16.4 KB 0644
recordmcount.pl File 18.41 KB 0755
setlocalversion File 4.72 KB 0755
show_delta File 2.99 KB 0755
sign-file.c File 9.76 KB 0644
sortextable.c File 8.35 KB 0644
sortextable.h File 5.48 KB 0644
spelling.txt File 24.97 KB 0644
sphinx-pre-install File 14.04 KB 0755
stackdelta File 1.84 KB 0755
stackusage File 794 B 0755
subarch.include File 641 B 0644
tags.sh File 9.49 KB 0755
ubuntu-retpoline-extract-one File 7.26 KB 0644
unifdef.c File 34.8 KB 0644
ver_linux File 2.94 KB 0755
xen-hypercalls.sh File 386 B 0644
xz_wrap.sh File 562 B 0755