[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */

 * The fs value determines whether argument validity checking should be
 * performed or not.  If get_fs() == USER_DS, checking is performed, with
 * get_fs() == KERNEL_DS, checking is bypassed.
 * Or at least it did once upon a time.  Nowadays it is a mask that
 * defines which bits of the address space are off limits.  This is a
 * wee bit faster than the above.
 * For historical reasons, these macros are grossly misnamed.

#define KERNEL_DS	((mm_segment_t) { 0UL })
#define USER_DS		((mm_segment_t) { -0x40000000000UL })

#define get_fs()  (current_thread_info()->addr_limit)
#define get_ds()  (KERNEL_DS)
#define set_fs(x) (current_thread_info()->addr_limit = (x))

#define segment_eq(a, b)	((a).seg == (b).seg)

 * Is a address valid? This does a straightforward calculation rather
 * than tests.
 * Address valid if:
 *  - "addr" doesn't have any high-bits set
 *  - AND "size" doesn't have any high-bits set
 *  - AND "addr+size-(size != 0)" doesn't have any high-bits set
 *  - OR we are in kernel mode.
#define __access_ok(addr, size) ({				\
	unsigned long __ao_a = (addr), __ao_b = (size);		\
	unsigned long __ao_end = __ao_a + __ao_b - !!__ao_b;	\
	(get_fs().seg & (__ao_a | __ao_b | __ao_end)) == 0; })

#define access_ok(type, addr, size)			\
({							\
	__chk_user_ptr(addr);				\
	__access_ok(((unsigned long)(addr)), (size));	\

 * These are the main single-value transfer routines.  They automatically
 * use the right size if we just have the right pointer type.
 * As the alpha uses the same address space for kernel and user
 * data, we can just do these as direct assignments.  (Of course, the
 * exception handling means that it's no longer "just"...)
 * Careful to not
 * (a) re-use the arguments for side effects (sizeof/typeof is ok)
 * (b) require any knowledge of processes at this stage
#define put_user(x, ptr) \
  __put_user_check((__typeof__(*(ptr)))(x), (ptr), sizeof(*(ptr)))
#define get_user(x, ptr) \
  __get_user_check((x), (ptr), sizeof(*(ptr)))

 * The "__xxx" versions do not do address space checking, useful when
 * doing multiple accesses to the same area (the programmer has to do the
 * checks by hand with "access_ok()")
#define __put_user(x, ptr) \
  __put_user_nocheck((__typeof__(*(ptr)))(x), (ptr), sizeof(*(ptr)))
#define __get_user(x, ptr) \
  __get_user_nocheck((x), (ptr), sizeof(*(ptr)))
 * The "lda %1, 2b-1b(%0)" bits are magic to get the assembler to
 * encode the bits we need for resolving the exception.  See the
 * more extensive comments with fixup_inline_exception below for
 * more information.
#define EXC(label,cont,res,err)				\
	".section __ex_table,\"a\"\n"			\
	"	.long "#label"-.\n"			\
	"	lda "#res","#cont"-"#label"("#err")\n"	\

extern void __get_user_unknown(void);

#define __get_user_nocheck(x, ptr, size)			\
({								\
	long __gu_err = 0;					\
	unsigned long __gu_val;					\
	__chk_user_ptr(ptr);					\
	switch (size) {						\
	  case 1: __get_user_8(ptr); break;			\
	  case 2: __get_user_16(ptr); break;			\
	  case 4: __get_user_32(ptr); break;			\
	  case 8: __get_user_64(ptr); break;			\
	  default: __get_user_unknown(); break;			\
	}							\
	(x) = (__force __typeof__(*(ptr))) __gu_val;		\
	__gu_err;						\

#define __get_user_check(x, ptr, size)				\
({								\
	long __gu_err = -EFAULT;				\
	unsigned long __gu_val = 0;				\
	const __typeof__(*(ptr)) __user *__gu_addr = (ptr);	\
	if (__access_ok((unsigned long)__gu_addr, size)) {	\
		__gu_err = 0;					\
		switch (size) {					\
		  case 1: __get_user_8(__gu_addr); break;	\
		  case 2: __get_user_16(__gu_addr); break;	\
		  case 4: __get_user_32(__gu_addr); break;	\
		  case 8: __get_user_64(__gu_addr); break;	\
		  default: __get_user_unknown(); break;		\
		}						\
	}							\
	(x) = (__force __typeof__(*(ptr))) __gu_val;		\
	__gu_err;						\

struct __large_struct { unsigned long buf[100]; };
#define __m(x) (*(struct __large_struct __user *)(x))

#define __get_user_64(addr)				\
	__asm__("1: ldq %0,%2\n"			\
	"2:\n"						\
	EXC(1b,2b,%0,%1)				\
		: "=r"(__gu_val), "=r"(__gu_err)	\
		: "m"(__m(addr)), "1"(__gu_err))

#define __get_user_32(addr)				\
	__asm__("1: ldl %0,%2\n"			\
	"2:\n"						\
	EXC(1b,2b,%0,%1)				\
		: "=r"(__gu_val), "=r"(__gu_err)	\
		: "m"(__m(addr)), "1"(__gu_err))

#ifdef __alpha_bwx__
/* Those lucky bastards with ev56 and later CPUs can do byte/word moves.  */

#define __get_user_16(addr)				\
	__asm__("1: ldwu %0,%2\n"			\
	"2:\n"						\
	EXC(1b,2b,%0,%1)				\
		: "=r"(__gu_val), "=r"(__gu_err)	\
		: "m"(__m(addr)), "1"(__gu_err))

#define __get_user_8(addr)				\
	__asm__("1: ldbu %0,%2\n"			\
	"2:\n"						\
	EXC(1b,2b,%0,%1)				\
		: "=r"(__gu_val), "=r"(__gu_err)	\
		: "m"(__m(addr)), "1"(__gu_err))
/* Unfortunately, we can't get an unaligned access trap for the sub-word
   load, so we have to do a general unaligned operation.  */

#define __get_user_16(addr)						\
{									\
	long __gu_tmp;							\
	__asm__("1: ldq_u %0,0(%3)\n"					\
	"2:	ldq_u %1,1(%3)\n"					\
	"	extwl %0,%3,%0\n"					\
	"	extwh %1,%3,%1\n"					\
	"	or %0,%1,%0\n"						\
	"3:\n"								\
	EXC(1b,3b,%0,%2)						\
	EXC(2b,3b,%0,%2)						\
		: "=&r"(__gu_val), "=&r"(__gu_tmp), "=r"(__gu_err)	\
		: "r"(addr), "2"(__gu_err));				\

#define __get_user_8(addr)						\
	__asm__("1: ldq_u %0,0(%2)\n"					\
	"	extbl %0,%2,%0\n"					\
	"2:\n"								\
	EXC(1b,2b,%0,%1)						\
		: "=&r"(__gu_val), "=r"(__gu_err)			\
		: "r"(addr), "1"(__gu_err))

extern void __put_user_unknown(void);

#define __put_user_nocheck(x, ptr, size)			\
({								\
	long __pu_err = 0;					\
	__chk_user_ptr(ptr);					\
	switch (size) {						\
	  case 1: __put_user_8(x, ptr); break;			\
	  case 2: __put_user_16(x, ptr); break;			\
	  case 4: __put_user_32(x, ptr); break;			\
	  case 8: __put_user_64(x, ptr); break;			\
	  default: __put_user_unknown(); break;			\
	}							\
	__pu_err;						\

#define __put_user_check(x, ptr, size)				\
({								\
	long __pu_err = -EFAULT;				\
	__typeof__(*(ptr)) __user *__pu_addr = (ptr);		\
	if (__access_ok((unsigned long)__pu_addr, size)) {	\
		__pu_err = 0;					\
		switch (size) {					\
		  case 1: __put_user_8(x, __pu_addr); break;	\
		  case 2: __put_user_16(x, __pu_addr); break;	\
		  case 4: __put_user_32(x, __pu_addr); break;	\
		  case 8: __put_user_64(x, __pu_addr); break;	\
		  default: __put_user_unknown(); break;		\
		}						\
	}							\
	__pu_err;						\

 * The "__put_user_xx()" macros tell gcc they read from memory
 * instead of writing: this is because they do not write to
 * any memory gcc knows about, so there are no aliasing issues
#define __put_user_64(x, addr)					\
__asm__ __volatile__("1: stq %r2,%1\n"				\
	"2:\n"							\
	EXC(1b,2b,$31,%0)					\
		: "=r"(__pu_err)				\
		: "m" (__m(addr)), "rJ" (x), "0"(__pu_err))

#define __put_user_32(x, addr)					\
__asm__ __volatile__("1: stl %r2,%1\n"				\
	"2:\n"							\
	EXC(1b,2b,$31,%0)					\
		: "=r"(__pu_err)				\
		: "m"(__m(addr)), "rJ"(x), "0"(__pu_err))

#ifdef __alpha_bwx__
/* Those lucky bastards with ev56 and later CPUs can do byte/word moves.  */

#define __put_user_16(x, addr)					\
__asm__ __volatile__("1: stw %r2,%1\n"				\
	"2:\n"							\
	EXC(1b,2b,$31,%0)					\
		: "=r"(__pu_err)				\
		: "m"(__m(addr)), "rJ"(x), "0"(__pu_err))

#define __put_user_8(x, addr)					\
__asm__ __volatile__("1: stb %r2,%1\n"				\
	"2:\n"							\
	EXC(1b,2b,$31,%0)					\
		: "=r"(__pu_err)				\
		: "m"(__m(addr)), "rJ"(x), "0"(__pu_err))
/* Unfortunately, we can't get an unaligned access trap for the sub-word
   write, so we have to do a general unaligned operation.  */

#define __put_user_16(x, addr)					\
{								\
	long __pu_tmp1, __pu_tmp2, __pu_tmp3, __pu_tmp4;	\
	__asm__ __volatile__(					\
	"1:	ldq_u %2,1(%5)\n"				\
	"2:	ldq_u %1,0(%5)\n"				\
	"	inswh %6,%5,%4\n"				\
	"	inswl %6,%5,%3\n"				\
	"	mskwh %2,%5,%2\n"				\
	"	mskwl %1,%5,%1\n"				\
	"	or %2,%4,%2\n"					\
	"	or %1,%3,%1\n"					\
	"3:	stq_u %2,1(%5)\n"				\
	"4:	stq_u %1,0(%5)\n"				\
	"5:\n"							\
	EXC(1b,5b,$31,%0)					\
	EXC(2b,5b,$31,%0)					\
	EXC(3b,5b,$31,%0)					\
	EXC(4b,5b,$31,%0)					\
		: "=r"(__pu_err), "=&r"(__pu_tmp1), 		\
		  "=&r"(__pu_tmp2), "=&r"(__pu_tmp3), 		\
		  "=&r"(__pu_tmp4)				\
		: "r"(addr), "r"((unsigned long)(x)), "0"(__pu_err)); \

#define __put_user_8(x, addr)					\
{								\
	long __pu_tmp1, __pu_tmp2;				\
	__asm__ __volatile__(					\
	"1:	ldq_u %1,0(%4)\n"				\
	"	insbl %3,%4,%2\n"				\
	"	mskbl %1,%4,%1\n"				\
	"	or %1,%2,%1\n"					\
	"2:	stq_u %1,0(%4)\n"				\
	"3:\n"							\
	EXC(1b,3b,$31,%0)					\
	EXC(2b,3b,$31,%0)					\
		: "=r"(__pu_err), 				\
	  	  "=&r"(__pu_tmp1), "=&r"(__pu_tmp2)		\
		: "r"((unsigned long)(x)), "r"(addr), "0"(__pu_err)); \

 * Complex access routines

extern long __copy_user(void *to, const void *from, long len);

static inline unsigned long
raw_copy_from_user(void *to, const void __user *from, unsigned long len)
	return __copy_user(to, (__force const void *)from, len);

static inline unsigned long
raw_copy_to_user(void __user *to, const void *from, unsigned long len)
	return __copy_user((__force void *)to, from, len);

extern long __clear_user(void __user *to, long len);

extern inline long
clear_user(void __user *to, long len)
	if (__access_ok((unsigned long)to, len))
		len = __clear_user(to, len);
	return len;

#define user_addr_max() \
        (uaccess_kernel() ? ~0UL : TASK_SIZE)

extern long strncpy_from_user(char *dest, const char __user *src, long count);
extern __must_check long strnlen_user(const char __user *str, long n);

#include <asm/extable.h>

#endif /* __ALPHA_UACCESS_H */


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