/* * bfin_serial.h - Blackfin UART/Serial definitions * * Copyright 2006-2010 Analog Devices Inc. * * Licensed under the GPL-2 or later. */ #ifndef __BFIN_ASM_SERIAL_H__ #define __BFIN_ASM_SERIAL_H__ #include <linux/circ_buf.h> #include <linux/serial_core.h> #include <linux/spinlock.h> #include <linux/timer.h> #include <linux/workqueue.h> #include <mach/anomaly.h> #include <mach/bfin_serial.h> #if defined(CONFIG_BFIN_UART0_CTSRTS) || \ defined(CONFIG_BFIN_UART1_CTSRTS) || \ defined(CONFIG_BFIN_UART2_CTSRTS) || \ defined(CONFIG_BFIN_UART3_CTSRTS) # if defined(BFIN_UART_BF54X_STYLE) || defined(BFIN_UART_BF60X_STYLE) # define SERIAL_BFIN_HARD_CTSRTS # else # define SERIAL_BFIN_CTSRTS # endif #endif struct bfin_serial_port { struct uart_port port; unsigned int old_status; int tx_irq; int rx_irq; int status_irq; #ifndef BFIN_UART_BF54X_STYLE unsigned int lsr; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_SERIAL_BFIN_DMA int tx_done; int tx_count; struct circ_buf rx_dma_buf; struct timer_list rx_dma_timer; int rx_dma_nrows; spinlock_t rx_lock; unsigned int tx_dma_channel; unsigned int rx_dma_channel; struct work_struct tx_dma_workqueue; #elif ANOMALY_05000363 unsigned int anomaly_threshold; #endif #if defined(SERIAL_BFIN_CTSRTS) || \ defined(SERIAL_BFIN_HARD_CTSRTS) int cts_pin; int rts_pin; #endif }; #ifdef BFIN_UART_BF60X_STYLE /* UART_CTL Masks */ #define UCEN 0x1 /* Enable UARTx Clocks */ #define LOOP_ENA 0x2 /* Loopback Mode Enable */ #define UMOD_MDB 0x10 /* Enable MDB Mode */ #define UMOD_IRDA 0x20 /* Enable IrDA Mode */ #define UMOD_MASK 0x30 /* Uart Mode Mask */ #define WLS(x) (((x-5) & 0x03) << 8) /* Word Length Select */ #define WLS_MASK 0x300 /* Word length Select Mask */ #define WLS_OFFSET 8 /* Word length Select Offset */ #define STB 0x1000 /* Stop Bits */ #define STBH 0x2000 /* Half Stop Bits */ #define PEN 0x4000 /* Parity Enable */ #define EPS 0x8000 /* Even Parity Select */ #define STP 0x10000 /* Stick Parity */ #define FPE 0x20000 /* Force Parity Error On Transmit */ #define FFE 0x40000 /* Force Framing Error On Transmit */ #define SB 0x80000 /* Set Break */ #define LCR_MASK (SB | STP | EPS | PEN | STB | WLS_MASK) #define FCPOL 0x400000 /* Flow Control Pin Polarity */ #define RPOLC 0x800000 /* IrDA RX Polarity Change */ #define TPOLC 0x1000000 /* IrDA TX Polarity Change */ #define MRTS 0x2000000 /* Manual Request To Send */ #define XOFF 0x4000000 /* Transmitter Off */ #define ARTS 0x8000000 /* Automatic Request To Send */ #define ACTS 0x10000000 /* Automatic Clear To Send */ #define RFIT 0x20000000 /* Receive FIFO IRQ Threshold */ #define RFRT 0x40000000 /* Receive FIFO RTS Threshold */ /* UART_STAT Masks */ #define DR 0x01 /* Data Ready */ #define OE 0x02 /* Overrun Error */ #define PE 0x04 /* Parity Error */ #define FE 0x08 /* Framing Error */ #define BI 0x10 /* Break Interrupt */ #define THRE 0x20 /* THR Empty */ #define TEMT 0x80 /* TSR and UART_THR Empty */ #define TFI 0x100 /* Transmission Finished Indicator */ #define ASTKY 0x200 /* Address Sticky */ #define ADDR 0x400 /* Address bit status */ #define RO 0x800 /* Reception Ongoing */ #define SCTS 0x1000 /* Sticky CTS */ #define CTS 0x10000 /* Clear To Send */ #define RFCS 0x20000 /* Receive FIFO Count Status */ /* UART_CLOCK Masks */ #define EDBO 0x80000000 /* Enable Devide by One */ #else /* BFIN_UART_BF60X_STYLE */ /* UART_LCR Masks */ #define WLS(x) (((x)-5) & 0x03) /* Word Length Select */ #define WLS_MASK 0x03 /* Word length Select Mask */ #define WLS_OFFSET 0 /* Word length Select Offset */ #define STB 0x04 /* Stop Bits */ #define PEN 0x08 /* Parity Enable */ #define EPS 0x10 /* Even Parity Select */ #define STP 0x20 /* Stick Parity */ #define SB 0x40 /* Set Break */ #define DLAB 0x80 /* Divisor Latch Access */ #define LCR_MASK (SB | STP | EPS | PEN | STB | WLS_MASK) /* UART_LSR Masks */ #define DR 0x01 /* Data Ready */ #define OE 0x02 /* Overrun Error */ #define PE 0x04 /* Parity Error */ #define FE 0x08 /* Framing Error */ #define BI 0x10 /* Break Interrupt */ #define THRE 0x20 /* THR Empty */ #define TEMT 0x40 /* TSR and UART_THR Empty */ #define TFI 0x80 /* Transmission Finished Indicator */ /* UART_MCR Masks */ #define XOFF 0x01 /* Transmitter Off */ #define MRTS 0x02 /* Manual Request To Send */ #define RFIT 0x04 /* Receive FIFO IRQ Threshold */ #define RFRT 0x08 /* Receive FIFO RTS Threshold */ #define LOOP_ENA 0x10 /* Loopback Mode Enable */ #define FCPOL 0x20 /* Flow Control Pin Polarity */ #define ARTS 0x40 /* Automatic Request To Send */ #define ACTS 0x80 /* Automatic Clear To Send */ /* UART_MSR Masks */ #define SCTS 0x01 /* Sticky CTS */ #define CTS 0x10 /* Clear To Send */ #define RFCS 0x20 /* Receive FIFO Count Status */ /* UART_GCTL Masks */ #define UCEN 0x01 /* Enable UARTx Clocks */ #define UMOD_IRDA 0x02 /* Enable IrDA Mode */ #define UMOD_MASK 0x02 /* Uart Mode Mask */ #define TPOLC 0x04 /* IrDA TX Polarity Change */ #define RPOLC 0x08 /* IrDA RX Polarity Change */ #define FPE 0x10 /* Force Parity Error On Transmit */ #define FFE 0x20 /* Force Framing Error On Transmit */ #endif /* BFIN_UART_BF60X_STYLE */ /* UART_IER Masks */ #define ERBFI 0x01 /* Enable Receive Buffer Full Interrupt */ #define ETBEI 0x02 /* Enable Transmit Buffer Empty Interrupt */ #define ELSI 0x04 /* Enable RX Status Interrupt */ #define EDSSI 0x08 /* Enable Modem Status Interrupt */ #define EDTPTI 0x10 /* Enable DMA Transmit PIRQ Interrupt */ #define ETFI 0x20 /* Enable Transmission Finished Interrupt */ #define ERFCI 0x40 /* Enable Receive FIFO Count Interrupt */ #if defined(BFIN_UART_BF60X_STYLE) # define OFFSET_REDIV 0x00 /* Version ID Register */ # define OFFSET_CTL 0x04 /* Control Register */ # define OFFSET_STAT 0x08 /* Status Register */ # define OFFSET_SCR 0x0C /* SCR Scratch Register */ # define OFFSET_CLK 0x10 /* Clock Rate Register */ # define OFFSET_IER 0x14 /* Interrupt Enable Register */ # define OFFSET_IER_SET 0x18 /* Set Interrupt Enable Register */ # define OFFSET_IER_CLEAR 0x1C /* Clear Interrupt Enable Register */ # define OFFSET_RBR 0x20 /* Receive Buffer register */ # define OFFSET_THR 0x24 /* Transmit Holding register */ #elif defined(BFIN_UART_BF54X_STYLE) # define OFFSET_DLL 0x00 /* Divisor Latch (Low-Byte) */ # define OFFSET_DLH 0x04 /* Divisor Latch (High-Byte) */ # define OFFSET_GCTL 0x08 /* Global Control Register */ # define OFFSET_LCR 0x0C /* Line Control Register */ # define OFFSET_MCR 0x10 /* Modem Control Register */ # define OFFSET_LSR 0x14 /* Line Status Register */ # define OFFSET_MSR 0x18 /* Modem Status Register */ # define OFFSET_SCR 0x1C /* SCR Scratch Register */ # define OFFSET_IER_SET 0x20 /* Set Interrupt Enable Register */ # define OFFSET_IER_CLEAR 0x24 /* Clear Interrupt Enable Register */ # define OFFSET_THR 0x28 /* Transmit Holding register */ # define OFFSET_RBR 0x2C /* Receive Buffer register */ #else /* BF533 style */ # define OFFSET_THR 0x00 /* Transmit Holding register */ # define OFFSET_RBR 0x00 /* Receive Buffer register */ # define OFFSET_DLL 0x00 /* Divisor Latch (Low-Byte) */ # define OFFSET_DLH 0x04 /* Divisor Latch (High-Byte) */ # define OFFSET_IER 0x04 /* Interrupt Enable Register */ # define OFFSET_IIR 0x08 /* Interrupt Identification Register */ # define OFFSET_LCR 0x0C /* Line Control Register */ # define OFFSET_MCR 0x10 /* Modem Control Register */ # define OFFSET_LSR 0x14 /* Line Status Register */ # define OFFSET_MSR 0x18 /* Modem Status Register */ # define OFFSET_SCR 0x1C /* SCR Scratch Register */ # define OFFSET_GCTL 0x24 /* Global Control Register */ /* code should not need IIR, so force build error if they use it */ # undef OFFSET_IIR #endif /* * All Blackfin system MMRs are padded to 32bits even if the register * itself is only 16bits. So use a helper macro to streamline this. */ #define __BFP(m) u16 m; u16 __pad_##m struct bfin_uart_regs { #if defined(BFIN_UART_BF60X_STYLE) u32 revid; u32 ctl; u32 stat; u32 scr; u32 clk; u32 ier; u32 ier_set; u32 ier_clear; u32 rbr; u32 thr; u32 taip; u32 tsr; u32 rsr; u32 txdiv; u32 rxdiv; #elif defined(BFIN_UART_BF54X_STYLE) __BFP(dll); __BFP(dlh); __BFP(gctl); __BFP(lcr); __BFP(mcr); __BFP(lsr); __BFP(msr); __BFP(scr); __BFP(ier_set); __BFP(ier_clear); __BFP(thr); __BFP(rbr); #else union { u16 dll; u16 thr; const u16 rbr; }; const u16 __pad0; union { u16 dlh; u16 ier; }; const u16 __pad1; const __BFP(iir); __BFP(lcr); __BFP(mcr); __BFP(lsr); __BFP(msr); __BFP(scr); const u32 __pad2; __BFP(gctl); #endif }; #undef __BFP #define port_membase(uart) (((struct bfin_serial_port *)(uart))->port.membase) /* #ifndef port_membase # define port_membase(p) 0 #endif */ #ifdef BFIN_UART_BF60X_STYLE #define UART_GET_CHAR(p) bfin_read32(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_RBR) #define UART_GET_CLK(p) bfin_read32(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_CLK) #define UART_GET_CTL(p) bfin_read32(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_CTL) #define UART_GET_GCTL(p) UART_GET_CTL(p) #define UART_GET_LCR(p) UART_GET_CTL(p) #define UART_GET_MCR(p) UART_GET_CTL(p) #if ANOMALY_16000030 #define UART_GET_STAT(p) \ ({ \ u32 __ret; \ unsigned long flags; \ flags = hard_local_irq_save(); \ __ret = bfin_read32(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_STAT); \ hard_local_irq_restore(flags); \ __ret; \ }) #else #define UART_GET_STAT(p) bfin_read32(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_STAT) #endif #define UART_GET_MSR(p) UART_GET_STAT(p) #define UART_PUT_CHAR(p, v) bfin_write32(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_THR, v) #define UART_PUT_CLK(p, v) bfin_write32(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_CLK, v) #define UART_PUT_CTL(p, v) bfin_write32(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_CTL, v) #define UART_PUT_GCTL(p, v) UART_PUT_CTL(p, v) #define UART_PUT_LCR(p, v) UART_PUT_CTL(p, v) #define UART_PUT_MCR(p, v) UART_PUT_CTL(p, v) #define UART_PUT_STAT(p, v) bfin_write32(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_STAT, v) #define UART_CLEAR_IER(p, v) bfin_write32(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_IER_CLEAR, v) #define UART_GET_IER(p) bfin_read32(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_IER) #define UART_SET_IER(p, v) bfin_write32(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_IER_SET, v) #define UART_CLEAR_DLAB(p) /* MMRs not muxed on BF60x */ #define UART_SET_DLAB(p) /* MMRs not muxed on BF60x */ #define UART_CLEAR_LSR(p) UART_PUT_STAT(p, -1) #define UART_GET_LSR(p) UART_GET_STAT(p) #define UART_PUT_LSR(p, v) UART_PUT_STAT(p, v) /* This handles hard CTS/RTS */ #define BFIN_UART_CTSRTS_HARD #define UART_CLEAR_SCTS(p) UART_PUT_STAT(p, SCTS) #define UART_GET_CTS(x) (UART_GET_MSR(x) & CTS) #define UART_DISABLE_RTS(x) UART_PUT_MCR(x, UART_GET_MCR(x) & ~(ARTS | MRTS)) #define UART_ENABLE_RTS(x) UART_PUT_MCR(x, UART_GET_MCR(x) | MRTS | ARTS) #define UART_ENABLE_INTS(x, v) UART_SET_IER(x, v) #define UART_DISABLE_INTS(x) UART_CLEAR_IER(x, 0xF) #else /* BFIN_UART_BF60X_STYLE */ #define UART_GET_CHAR(p) bfin_read16(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_RBR) #define UART_GET_DLL(p) bfin_read16(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_DLL) #define UART_GET_DLH(p) bfin_read16(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_DLH) #define UART_GET_CLK(p) ((UART_GET_DLH(p) << 8) | UART_GET_DLL(p)) #define UART_GET_GCTL(p) bfin_read16(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_GCTL) #define UART_GET_LCR(p) bfin_read16(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_LCR) #define UART_GET_MCR(p) bfin_read16(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_MCR) #define UART_GET_MSR(p) bfin_read16(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_MSR) #define UART_PUT_CHAR(p, v) bfin_write16(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_THR, v) #define UART_PUT_DLL(p, v) bfin_write16(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_DLL, v) #define UART_PUT_DLH(p, v) bfin_write16(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_DLH, v) #define UART_PUT_CLK(p, v) do \ {\ UART_PUT_DLL(p, v & 0xFF); \ UART_PUT_DLH(p, (v >> 8) & 0xFF); } while (0); #define UART_PUT_GCTL(p, v) bfin_write16(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_GCTL, v) #define UART_PUT_LCR(p, v) bfin_write16(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_LCR, v) #define UART_PUT_MCR(p, v) bfin_write16(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_MCR, v) #ifdef BFIN_UART_BF54X_STYLE #define UART_CLEAR_IER(p, v) bfin_write16(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_IER_CLEAR, v) #define UART_GET_IER(p) bfin_read16(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_IER_SET) #define UART_SET_IER(p, v) bfin_write16(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_IER_SET, v) #define UART_CLEAR_DLAB(p) /* MMRs not muxed on BF54x */ #define UART_SET_DLAB(p) /* MMRs not muxed on BF54x */ #define UART_CLEAR_LSR(p) bfin_write16(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_LSR, -1) #define UART_GET_LSR(p) bfin_read16(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_LSR) #define UART_PUT_LSR(p, v) bfin_write16(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_LSR, v) /* This handles hard CTS/RTS */ #define BFIN_UART_CTSRTS_HARD #define UART_CLEAR_SCTS(p) bfin_write16((port_membase(p) + OFFSET_MSR), SCTS) #define UART_GET_CTS(x) (UART_GET_MSR(x) & CTS) #define UART_DISABLE_RTS(x) UART_PUT_MCR(x, UART_GET_MCR(x) & ~(ARTS | MRTS)) #define UART_ENABLE_RTS(x) UART_PUT_MCR(x, UART_GET_MCR(x) | MRTS | ARTS) #define UART_ENABLE_INTS(x, v) UART_SET_IER(x, v) #define UART_DISABLE_INTS(x) UART_CLEAR_IER(x, 0xF) #else /* BF533 style */ #define UART_CLEAR_IER(p, v) UART_PUT_IER(p, UART_GET_IER(p) & ~(v)) #define UART_GET_IER(p) bfin_read16(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_IER) #define UART_PUT_IER(p, v) bfin_write16(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_IER, v) #define UART_SET_IER(p, v) UART_PUT_IER(p, UART_GET_IER(p) | (v)) #define UART_CLEAR_DLAB(p) do { UART_PUT_LCR(p, UART_GET_LCR(p) & ~DLAB); SSYNC(); } while (0) #define UART_SET_DLAB(p) do { UART_PUT_LCR(p, UART_GET_LCR(p) | DLAB); SSYNC(); } while (0) #define get_lsr_cache(uart) (((struct bfin_serial_port *)(uart))->lsr) #define put_lsr_cache(uart, v) (((struct bfin_serial_port *)(uart))->lsr = (v)) /* #ifndef put_lsr_cache # define put_lsr_cache(p, v) #endif #ifndef get_lsr_cache # define get_lsr_cache(p) 0 #endif */ /* The hardware clears the LSR bits upon read, so we need to cache * some of the more fun bits in software so they don't get lost * when checking the LSR in other code paths (TX). */ static inline void UART_CLEAR_LSR(void *p) { put_lsr_cache(p, 0); bfin_write16(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_LSR, -1); } static inline unsigned int UART_GET_LSR(void *p) { unsigned int lsr = bfin_read16(port_membase(p) + OFFSET_LSR); put_lsr_cache(p, get_lsr_cache(p) | (lsr & (BI|FE|PE|OE))); return lsr | get_lsr_cache(p); } static inline void UART_PUT_LSR(void *p, uint16_t val) { put_lsr_cache(p, get_lsr_cache(p) & ~val); } /* This handles soft CTS/RTS */ #define UART_GET_CTS(x) gpio_get_value((x)->cts_pin) #define UART_DISABLE_RTS(x) gpio_set_value((x)->rts_pin, 1) #define UART_ENABLE_RTS(x) gpio_set_value((x)->rts_pin, 0) #define UART_ENABLE_INTS(x, v) UART_PUT_IER(x, v) #define UART_DISABLE_INTS(x) UART_PUT_IER(x, 0) #endif /* BFIN_UART_BF54X_STYLE */ #endif /* BFIN_UART_BF60X_STYLE */ #ifndef BFIN_UART_TX_FIFO_SIZE # define BFIN_UART_TX_FIFO_SIZE 2 #endif #endif /* __BFIN_ASM_SERIAL_H__ */
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
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