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 * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
 * License. See the file "COPYING" in the main directory of this archive
 * for more details.
 * hpc3.h: Definitions for SGI HPC3 controller
 * Copyright (C) 1996 David S. Miller
 * Copyright (C) 1998 Ralf Baechle

#ifndef _SGI_HPC3_H
#define _SGI_HPC3_H

#include <linux/types.h>
#include <asm/page.h>

/* An HPC DMA descriptor. */
struct hpc_dma_desc {
	u32 pbuf;	/* physical address of data buffer */
	u32 cntinfo;	/* counter and info bits */
#define HPCDMA_EOX	0x80000000 /* last desc in chain for tx */
#define HPCDMA_EOR	0x80000000 /* last desc in chain for rx */
#define HPCDMA_EOXP	0x40000000 /* end of packet for tx */
#define HPCDMA_EORP	0x40000000 /* end of packet for rx */
#define HPCDMA_XIE	0x20000000 /* irq generated when at end of this desc */
#define HPCDMA_XIU	0x01000000 /* Tx buffer in use by CPU. */
#define HPCDMA_EIPC	0x00ff0000 /* SEEQ ethernet special xternal bytecount */
#define HPCDMA_ETXD	0x00008000 /* set to one by HPC when packet tx'd */
#define HPCDMA_OWN	0x00004000 /* Denotes ring buffer ownership on rx */
#define HPCDMA_BCNT	0x00003fff /* size in bytes of this dma buffer */

	u32 pnext;	/* paddr of next hpc_dma_desc if any */

/* The set of regs for each HPC3 PBUS DMA channel. */
struct hpc3_pbus_dmacregs {
	volatile u32 pbdma_bptr;	/* pbus dma channel buffer ptr */
	volatile u32 pbdma_dptr;	/* pbus dma channel desc ptr */
	u32 _unused0[0x1000/4 - 2];	/* padding */
	volatile u32 pbdma_ctrl;	/* pbus dma channel control register has
					 * completely different meaning for read
					 * compared with write */
	/* read */
#define HPC3_PDMACTRL_INT	0x00000001 /* interrupt (cleared after read) */
#define HPC3_PDMACTRL_ISACT	0x00000002 /* channel active */
	/* write */
#define HPC3_PDMACTRL_SEL	0x00000002 /* little endian transfer */
#define HPC3_PDMACTRL_RCV	0x00000004 /* direction is receive */
#define HPC3_PDMACTRL_FLSH	0x00000008 /* enable flush for receive DMA */
#define HPC3_PDMACTRL_ACT	0x00000010 /* start dma transfer */
#define HPC3_PDMACTRL_LD	0x00000020 /* load enable for ACT */
#define HPC3_PDMACTRL_RT	0x00000040 /* Use realtime GIO bus servicing */
#define HPC3_PDMACTRL_HW	0x0000ff00 /* DMA High-water mark */
#define HPC3_PDMACTRL_FB	0x003f0000 /* Ptr to beginning of fifo */
#define HPC3_PDMACTRL_FE	0x3f000000 /* Ptr to end of fifo */

	u32 _unused1[0x1000/4 - 1];	/* padding */

/* The HPC3 SCSI registers, this does not include external ones. */
struct hpc3_scsiregs {
	volatile u32 cbptr;	/* current dma buffer ptr, diagnostic use only */
	volatile u32 ndptr;	/* next dma descriptor ptr */
	u32 _unused0[0x1000/4 - 2];	/* padding */
	volatile u32 bcd;	/* byte count info */
#define HPC3_SBCD_BCNTMSK 0x00003fff /* bytes to transfer from/to memory */
#define HPC3_SBCD_XIE	  0x00004000 /* Send IRQ when done with cur buf */
#define HPC3_SBCD_EOX	  0x00008000 /* Indicates this is last buf in chain */

	volatile u32 ctrl;    /* control register */
#define HPC3_SCTRL_IRQ	  0x01 /* IRQ asserted, either dma done or parity */
#define HPC3_SCTRL_ENDIAN 0x02 /* DMA endian mode, 0=big 1=little */
#define HPC3_SCTRL_DIR	  0x04 /* DMA direction, 1=dev2mem 0=mem2dev */
#define HPC3_SCTRL_FLUSH  0x08 /* Tells HPC3 to flush scsi fifos */
#define HPC3_SCTRL_ACTIVE 0x10 /* SCSI DMA channel is active */
#define HPC3_SCTRL_AMASK  0x20 /* DMA active inhibits PIO */
#define HPC3_SCTRL_CRESET 0x40 /* Resets dma channel and external controller */
#define HPC3_SCTRL_PERR	  0x80 /* Bad parity on HPC3 iface to scsi controller */

	volatile u32 gfptr;	/* current GIO fifo ptr */
	volatile u32 dfptr;	/* current device fifo ptr */
	volatile u32 dconfig;	/* DMA configuration register */
#define HPC3_SDCFG_HCLK 0x00001 /* Enable DMA half clock mode */
#define HPC3_SDCFG_D1	0x00006 /* Cycles to spend in D1 state */
#define HPC3_SDCFG_D2	0x00038 /* Cycles to spend in D2 state */
#define HPC3_SDCFG_D3	0x001c0 /* Cycles to spend in D3 state */
#define HPC3_SDCFG_HWAT 0x00e00 /* DMA high water mark */
#define HPC3_SDCFG_HW	0x01000 /* Enable 16-bit halfword DMA accesses to scsi */
#define HPC3_SDCFG_SWAP 0x02000 /* Byte swap all DMA accesses */
#define HPC3_SDCFG_EPAR 0x04000 /* Enable parity checking for DMA */
#define HPC3_SDCFG_POLL 0x08000 /* hd_dreq polarity control */
#define HPC3_SDCFG_ERLY 0x30000 /* hd_dreq behavior control bits */

	volatile u32 pconfig;	/* PIO configuration register */
#define HPC3_SPCFG_P3	0x0003 /* Cycles to spend in P3 state */
#define HPC3_SPCFG_P2W	0x001c /* Cycles to spend in P2 state for writes */
#define HPC3_SPCFG_P2R	0x01e0 /* Cycles to spend in P2 state for reads */
#define HPC3_SPCFG_P1	0x0e00 /* Cycles to spend in P1 state */
#define HPC3_SPCFG_HW	0x1000 /* Enable 16-bit halfword PIO accesses to scsi */
#define HPC3_SPCFG_SWAP 0x2000 /* Byte swap all PIO accesses */
#define HPC3_SPCFG_EPAR 0x4000 /* Enable parity checking for PIO */
#define HPC3_SPCFG_FUJI 0x8000 /* Fujitsu scsi controller mode for faster dma/pio */

	u32 _unused1[0x1000/4 - 6];	/* padding */

/* SEEQ ethernet HPC3 registers, only one seeq per HPC3. */
struct hpc3_ethregs {
	/* Receiver registers. */
	volatile u32 rx_cbptr;	 /* current dma buffer ptr, diagnostic use only */
	volatile u32 rx_ndptr;	 /* next dma descriptor ptr */
	u32 _unused0[0x1000/4 - 2];	/* padding */
	volatile u32 rx_bcd;	/* byte count info */
#define HPC3_ERXBCD_BCNTMSK 0x00003fff /* bytes to be sent to memory */
#define HPC3_ERXBCD_XIE	    0x20000000 /* HPC3 interrupts cpu at end of this buf */
#define HPC3_ERXBCD_EOX	    0x80000000 /* flags this as end of descriptor chain */

	volatile u32 rx_ctrl;	/* control register */
#define HPC3_ERXCTRL_STAT50 0x0000003f /* Receive status reg bits of Seeq8003 */
#define HPC3_ERXCTRL_STAT6  0x00000040 /* Rdonly irq status */
#define HPC3_ERXCTRL_STAT7  0x00000080 /* Rdonlt old/new status bit from Seeq */
#define HPC3_ERXCTRL_ENDIAN 0x00000100 /* Endian for dma channel, little=1 big=0 */
#define HPC3_ERXCTRL_ACTIVE 0x00000200 /* Tells if DMA transfer is in progress */
#define HPC3_ERXCTRL_AMASK  0x00000400 /* Tells if ACTIVE inhibits PIO's to hpc3 */
#define HPC3_ERXCTRL_RBO    0x00000800 /* Receive buffer overflow if set to 1 */

	volatile u32 rx_gfptr;	/* current GIO fifo ptr */
	volatile u32 rx_dfptr;	/* current device fifo ptr */
	u32 _unused1;		/* padding */
	volatile u32 reset;	/* reset register */
#define HPC3_ERST_CRESET 0x1	/* Reset dma channel and external controller */
#define HPC3_ERST_CLRIRQ 0x2	/* Clear channel interrupt */
#define HPC3_ERST_LBACK	 0x4	/* Enable diagnostic loopback mode of Seeq8003 */

	volatile u32 dconfig;	 /* DMA configuration register */
#define HPC3_EDCFG_D1	 0x0000f /* Cycles to spend in D1 state for PIO */
#define HPC3_EDCFG_D2	 0x000f0 /* Cycles to spend in D2 state for PIO */
#define HPC3_EDCFG_D3	 0x00f00 /* Cycles to spend in D3 state for PIO */
#define HPC3_EDCFG_WCTRL 0x01000 /* Enable writes of desc into ex ctrl port */
#define HPC3_EDCFG_FRXDC 0x02000 /* Clear eop stat bits upon rxdc, hw seeq fix */
#define HPC3_EDCFG_FEOP	 0x04000 /* Bad packet marker timeout enable */
#define HPC3_EDCFG_FIRQ	 0x08000 /* Another bad packet timeout enable */
#define HPC3_EDCFG_PTO	 0x30000 /* Programmed timeout value for above two */

	volatile u32 pconfig;	/* PIO configuration register */
#define HPC3_EPCFG_P1	 0x000f /* Cycles to spend in P1 state for PIO */
#define HPC3_EPCFG_P2	 0x00f0 /* Cycles to spend in P2 state for PIO */
#define HPC3_EPCFG_P3	 0x0f00 /* Cycles to spend in P3 state for PIO */
#define HPC3_EPCFG_TST	 0x1000 /* Diagnostic ram test feature bit */

	u32 _unused2[0x1000/4 - 8];	/* padding */

	/* Transmitter registers. */
	volatile u32 tx_cbptr;	/* current dma buffer ptr, diagnostic use only */
	volatile u32 tx_ndptr;	/* next dma descriptor ptr */
	u32 _unused3[0x1000/4 - 2];	/* padding */
	volatile u32 tx_bcd;		/* byte count info */
#define HPC3_ETXBCD_BCNTMSK 0x00003fff	/* bytes to be read from memory */
#define HPC3_ETXBCD_ESAMP   0x10000000	/* if set, too late to add descriptor */
#define HPC3_ETXBCD_XIE	    0x20000000	/* Interrupt cpu at end of cur desc */
#define HPC3_ETXBCD_EOP	    0x40000000	/* Last byte of cur buf is end of packet */
#define HPC3_ETXBCD_EOX	    0x80000000	/* This buf is the end of desc chain */

	volatile u32 tx_ctrl;		/* control register */
#define HPC3_ETXCTRL_STAT30 0x0000000f	/* Rdonly copy of seeq tx stat reg */
#define HPC3_ETXCTRL_STAT4  0x00000010	/* Indicate late collision occurred */
#define HPC3_ETXCTRL_STAT75 0x000000e0	/* Rdonly irq status from seeq */
#define HPC3_ETXCTRL_ENDIAN 0x00000100	/* DMA channel endian mode, 1=little 0=big */
#define HPC3_ETXCTRL_ACTIVE 0x00000200	/* DMA tx channel is active */
#define HPC3_ETXCTRL_AMASK  0x00000400	/* Indicates ACTIVE inhibits PIO's */

	volatile u32 tx_gfptr;		/* current GIO fifo ptr */
	volatile u32 tx_dfptr;		/* current device fifo ptr */
	u32 _unused4[0x1000/4 - 4];	/* padding */

struct hpc3_regs {
	/* First regs for the PBUS 8 dma channels. */
	struct hpc3_pbus_dmacregs pbdma[8];

	/* Now the HPC scsi registers, we get two scsi reg sets. */
	struct hpc3_scsiregs scsi_chan0, scsi_chan1;

	/* The SEEQ hpc3 ethernet dma/control registers. */
	struct hpc3_ethregs ethregs;

	/* Here are where the hpc3 fifo's can be directly accessed
	 * via PIO accesses.  Under normal operation we never stick
	 * our grubby paws in here so it's just padding. */
	u32 _unused0[0x18000/4];

	/* HPC3 irq status regs.  Due to a peculiar bug you need to
	 * look at two different register addresses to get at all of
	 * the status bits.  The first reg can only reliably report
	 * bits 4:0 of the status, and the second reg can only
	 * reliably report bits 9:5 of the hpc3 irq status.  I told
	 * you it was a peculiar bug. ;-)
	volatile u32 istat0;		/* Irq status, only bits <4:0> reliable. */
#define HPC3_ISTAT_PBIMASK	0x0ff	/* irq bits for pbus devs 0 --> 7 */
#define HPC3_ISTAT_SC0MASK	0x100	/* irq bit for scsi channel 0 */
#define HPC3_ISTAT_SC1MASK	0x200	/* irq bit for scsi channel 1 */

	volatile u32 gio_misc;		/* GIO misc control bits. */
#define HPC3_GIOMISC_ERTIME	0x1	/* Enable external timer real time. */
#define HPC3_GIOMISC_DENDIAN	0x2	/* dma descriptor endian, 1=lit 0=big */

	u32 eeprom;			/* EEPROM data reg. */
#define HPC3_EEPROM_EPROT	0x01	/* Protect register enable */
#define HPC3_EEPROM_CSEL	0x02	/* Chip select */
#define HPC3_EEPROM_ECLK	0x04	/* EEPROM clock */
#define HPC3_EEPROM_DATO	0x08	/* Data out */
#define HPC3_EEPROM_DATI	0x10	/* Data in */

	volatile u32 istat1;		/* Irq status, only bits <9:5> reliable. */
	volatile u32 bestat;		/* Bus error interrupt status reg. */
#define HPC3_BESTAT_BLMASK	0x000ff /* Bus lane where bad parity occurred */
#define HPC3_BESTAT_CTYPE	0x00100 /* Bus cycle type, 0=PIO 1=DMA */
#define HPC3_BESTAT_PIDMASK	0x3f700 /* DMA channel parity identifier */

	u32 _unused1[0x14000/4 - 5];	/* padding */

	/* Now direct PIO per-HPC3 peripheral access to external regs. */
	volatile u32 scsi0_ext[256];	/* SCSI channel 0 external regs */
	u32 _unused2[0x7c00/4];
	volatile u32 scsi1_ext[256];	/* SCSI channel 1 external regs */
	u32 _unused3[0x7c00/4];
	volatile u32 eth_ext[320];	/* Ethernet external registers */
	u32 _unused4[0x3b00/4];

	/* Per-peripheral device external registers and DMA/PIO control. */
	volatile u32 pbus_extregs[16][256];
	volatile u32 pbus_dmacfg[8][128];
	/* Cycles to spend in D3 for reads */
#define HPC3_DMACFG_D3R_MASK		0x00000001
#define HPC3_DMACFG_D3R_SHIFT		0
	/* Cycles to spend in D4 for reads */
#define HPC3_DMACFG_D4R_MASK		0x0000001e
#define HPC3_DMACFG_D4R_SHIFT		1
	/* Cycles to spend in D5 for reads */
#define HPC3_DMACFG_D5R_MASK		0x000001e0
#define HPC3_DMACFG_D5R_SHIFT		5
	/* Cycles to spend in D3 for writes */
#define HPC3_DMACFG_D3W_MASK		0x00000200
#define HPC3_DMACFG_D3W_SHIFT		9
	/* Cycles to spend in D4 for writes */
#define HPC3_DMACFG_D4W_MASK		0x00003c00
#define HPC3_DMACFG_D4W_SHIFT		10
	/* Cycles to spend in D5 for writes */
#define HPC3_DMACFG_D5W_MASK		0x0003c000
#define HPC3_DMACFG_D5W_SHIFT		14
	/* Enable 16-bit DMA access mode */
#define HPC3_DMACFG_DS16		0x00040000
	/* Places halfwords on high 16 bits of bus */
#define HPC3_DMACFG_EVENHI		0x00080000
	/* Make this device real time */
#define HPC3_DMACFG_RTIME		0x00200000
	/* 5 bit burst count for DMA device */
#define HPC3_DMACFG_BURST_MASK		0x07c00000
	/* Use live pbus_dreq unsynchronized signal */
#define HPC3_DMACFG_DRQLIVE		0x08000000
	volatile u32 pbus_piocfg[16][64];
	/* Cycles to spend in P2 state for reads */
#define HPC3_PIOCFG_P2R_MASK		0x00001
#define HPC3_PIOCFG_P2R_SHIFT		0
	/* Cycles to spend in P3 state for reads */
#define HPC3_PIOCFG_P3R_MASK		0x0001e
#define HPC3_PIOCFG_P3R_SHIFT		1
	/* Cycles to spend in P4 state for reads */
#define HPC3_PIOCFG_P4R_MASK		0x001e0
#define HPC3_PIOCFG_P4R_SHIFT		5
	/* Cycles to spend in P2 state for writes */
#define HPC3_PIOCFG_P2W_MASK		0x00200
#define HPC3_PIOCFG_P2W_SHIFT		9
	/* Cycles to spend in P3 state for writes */
#define HPC3_PIOCFG_P3W_MASK		0x03c00
#define HPC3_PIOCFG_P3W_SHIFT		10
	/* Cycles to spend in P4 state for writes */
#define HPC3_PIOCFG_P4W_MASK		0x3c000
#define HPC3_PIOCFG_P4W_SHIFT		14
	/* Enable 16-bit PIO accesses */
#define HPC3_PIOCFG_DS16		0x40000
	/* Place even address bits in bits <15:8> */
#define HPC3_PIOCFG_EVENHI		0x80000

	/* PBUS PROM control regs. */
	volatile u32 pbus_promwe;	/* PROM write enable register */
#define HPC3_PROM_WENAB 0x1	/* Enable writes to the PROM */

	u32 _unused5[0x0800/4 - 1];
	volatile u32 pbus_promswap;	/* Chip select swap reg */
#define HPC3_PROM_SWAP	0x1	/* invert GIO addr bit to select prom0 or prom1 */

	u32 _unused6[0x0800/4 - 1];
	volatile u32 pbus_gout; /* PROM general purpose output reg */
#define HPC3_PROM_STAT	0x1	/* General purpose status bit in gout */

	u32 _unused7[0x1000/4 - 1];
	volatile u32 rtcregs[14];	/* Dallas clock registers */
	u32 _unused8[50];
	volatile u32 bbram[8192-50-14]; /* Battery backed ram */

 * It is possible to have two HPC3's within the address space on
 * one machine, though only having one is more likely on an Indy.
extern struct hpc3_regs *hpc3c0, *hpc3c1;
#define HPC3_CHIP0_BASE		0x1fb80000	/* physical */
#define HPC3_CHIP1_BASE		0x1fb00000	/* physical */

extern void sgihpc_init(void);

#endif /* _SGI_HPC3_H */


Name Type Size Permission Actions
gio.h File 2.54 KB 0644
hpc3.h File 14.13 KB 0644
ioc.h File 6.34 KB 0644
ip22.h File 3.25 KB 0644
mc.h File 9.26 KB 0644
pi1.h File 1.94 KB 0644
seeq.h File 466 B 0644
sgi.h File 1.32 KB 0644
wd.h File 451 B 0644