/* * PowerNV OPAL definitions. * * Copyright 2011 IBM Corp. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ #ifndef _ASM_POWERPC_OPAL_H #define _ASM_POWERPC_OPAL_H #include <asm/opal-api.h> #ifndef __ASSEMBLY__ #include <linux/notifier.h> /* We calculate number of sg entries based on PAGE_SIZE */ #define SG_ENTRIES_PER_NODE ((PAGE_SIZE - 16) / sizeof(struct opal_sg_entry)) /* Default time to sleep or delay between OPAL_BUSY/OPAL_BUSY_EVENT loops */ #define OPAL_BUSY_DELAY_MS 10 /* /sys/firmware/opal */ extern struct kobject *opal_kobj; /* /ibm,opal */ extern struct device_node *opal_node; /* API functions */ int64_t opal_invalid_call(void); int64_t opal_npu_destroy_context(uint64_t phb_id, uint64_t pid, uint64_t bdf); int64_t opal_npu_init_context(uint64_t phb_id, int pasid, uint64_t msr, uint64_t bdf); int64_t opal_npu_map_lpar(uint64_t phb_id, uint64_t bdf, uint64_t lparid, uint64_t lpcr); int64_t opal_npu_spa_setup(uint64_t phb_id, uint32_t bdfn, uint64_t addr, uint64_t PE_mask); int64_t opal_npu_spa_clear_cache(uint64_t phb_id, uint32_t bdfn, uint64_t PE_handle); int64_t opal_npu_tl_set(uint64_t phb_id, uint32_t bdfn, long cap, uint64_t rate_phys, uint32_t size); int64_t opal_console_write(int64_t term_number, __be64 *length, const uint8_t *buffer); int64_t opal_console_read(int64_t term_number, __be64 *length, uint8_t *buffer); int64_t opal_console_write_buffer_space(int64_t term_number, __be64 *length); int64_t opal_console_flush(int64_t term_number); int64_t opal_rtc_read(__be32 *year_month_day, __be64 *hour_minute_second_millisecond); int64_t opal_rtc_write(uint32_t year_month_day, uint64_t hour_minute_second_millisecond); int64_t opal_tpo_read(uint64_t token, __be32 *year_mon_day, __be32 *hour_min); int64_t opal_tpo_write(uint64_t token, uint32_t year_mon_day, uint32_t hour_min); int64_t opal_cec_power_down(uint64_t request); int64_t opal_cec_reboot(void); int64_t opal_cec_reboot2(uint32_t reboot_type, const char *diag); int64_t opal_read_nvram(uint64_t buffer, uint64_t size, uint64_t offset); int64_t opal_write_nvram(uint64_t buffer, uint64_t size, uint64_t offset); int64_t opal_handle_interrupt(uint64_t isn, __be64 *outstanding_event_mask); int64_t opal_poll_events(__be64 *outstanding_event_mask); int64_t opal_pci_set_hub_tce_memory(uint64_t hub_id, uint64_t tce_mem_addr, uint64_t tce_mem_size); int64_t opal_pci_set_phb_tce_memory(uint64_t phb_id, uint64_t tce_mem_addr, uint64_t tce_mem_size); int64_t opal_pci_config_read_byte(uint64_t phb_id, uint64_t bus_dev_func, uint64_t offset, uint8_t *data); int64_t opal_pci_config_read_half_word(uint64_t phb_id, uint64_t bus_dev_func, uint64_t offset, __be16 *data); int64_t opal_pci_config_read_word(uint64_t phb_id, uint64_t bus_dev_func, uint64_t offset, __be32 *data); int64_t opal_pci_config_write_byte(uint64_t phb_id, uint64_t bus_dev_func, uint64_t offset, uint8_t data); int64_t opal_pci_config_write_half_word(uint64_t phb_id, uint64_t bus_dev_func, uint64_t offset, uint16_t data); int64_t opal_pci_config_write_word(uint64_t phb_id, uint64_t bus_dev_func, uint64_t offset, uint32_t data); int64_t opal_set_xive(uint32_t isn, uint16_t server, uint8_t priority); int64_t opal_get_xive(uint32_t isn, __be16 *server, uint8_t *priority); int64_t opal_register_exception_handler(uint64_t opal_exception, uint64_t handler_address, uint64_t glue_cache_line); int64_t opal_pci_eeh_freeze_status(uint64_t phb_id, uint64_t pe_number, uint8_t *freeze_state, __be16 *pci_error_type, __be64 *phb_status); int64_t opal_pci_eeh_freeze_clear(uint64_t phb_id, uint64_t pe_number, uint64_t eeh_action_token); int64_t opal_pci_eeh_freeze_set(uint64_t phb_id, uint64_t pe_number, uint64_t eeh_action_token); int64_t opal_pci_err_inject(uint64_t phb_id, uint32_t pe_no, uint32_t type, uint32_t func, uint64_t addr, uint64_t mask); int64_t opal_pci_shpc(uint64_t phb_id, uint64_t shpc_action, uint8_t *state); int64_t opal_pci_phb_mmio_enable(uint64_t phb_id, uint16_t window_type, uint16_t window_num, uint16_t enable); int64_t opal_pci_set_phb_mem_window(uint64_t phb_id, uint16_t window_type, uint16_t window_num, uint64_t starting_real_address, uint64_t starting_pci_address, uint64_t size); int64_t opal_pci_map_pe_mmio_window(uint64_t phb_id, uint16_t pe_number, uint16_t window_type, uint16_t window_num, uint16_t segment_num); int64_t opal_pci_set_phb_table_memory(uint64_t phb_id, uint64_t rtt_addr, uint64_t ivt_addr, uint64_t ivt_len, uint64_t reject_array_addr, uint64_t peltv_addr); int64_t opal_pci_set_pe(uint64_t phb_id, uint64_t pe_number, uint64_t bus_dev_func, uint8_t bus_compare, uint8_t dev_compare, uint8_t func_compare, uint8_t pe_action); int64_t opal_pci_set_peltv(uint64_t phb_id, uint32_t parent_pe, uint32_t child_pe, uint8_t state); int64_t opal_pci_set_mve(uint64_t phb_id, uint32_t mve_number, uint32_t pe_number); int64_t opal_pci_set_mve_enable(uint64_t phb_id, uint32_t mve_number, uint32_t state); int64_t opal_pci_get_xive_reissue(uint64_t phb_id, uint32_t xive_number, uint8_t *p_bit, uint8_t *q_bit); int64_t opal_pci_set_xive_reissue(uint64_t phb_id, uint32_t xive_number, uint8_t p_bit, uint8_t q_bit); int64_t opal_pci_msi_eoi(uint64_t phb_id, uint32_t hw_irq); int64_t opal_pci_set_xive_pe(uint64_t phb_id, uint32_t pe_number, uint32_t xive_num); int64_t opal_get_xive_source(uint64_t phb_id, uint32_t xive_num, __be32 *interrupt_source_number); int64_t opal_get_msi_32(uint64_t phb_id, uint32_t mve_number, uint32_t xive_num, uint8_t msi_range, __be32 *msi_address, __be32 *message_data); int64_t opal_get_msi_64(uint64_t phb_id, uint32_t mve_number, uint32_t xive_num, uint8_t msi_range, __be64 *msi_address, __be32 *message_data); int64_t opal_start_cpu(uint64_t thread_number, uint64_t start_address); int64_t opal_query_cpu_status(uint64_t thread_number, uint8_t *thread_status); int64_t opal_write_oppanel(oppanel_line_t *lines, uint64_t num_lines); int64_t opal_pci_map_pe_dma_window(uint64_t phb_id, uint16_t pe_number, uint16_t window_id, uint16_t tce_levels, uint64_t tce_table_addr, uint64_t tce_table_size, uint64_t tce_page_size); int64_t opal_pci_map_pe_dma_window_real(uint64_t phb_id, uint16_t pe_number, uint16_t dma_window_number, uint64_t pci_start_addr, uint64_t pci_mem_size); int64_t opal_pci_reset(uint64_t id, uint8_t reset_scope, uint8_t assert_state); int64_t opal_pci_get_hub_diag_data(uint64_t hub_id, void *diag_buffer, uint64_t diag_buffer_len); int64_t opal_pci_get_phb_diag_data(uint64_t phb_id, void *diag_buffer, uint64_t diag_buffer_len); int64_t opal_pci_get_phb_diag_data2(uint64_t phb_id, void *diag_buffer, uint64_t diag_buffer_len); int64_t opal_pci_fence_phb(uint64_t phb_id); int64_t opal_pci_reinit(uint64_t phb_id, uint64_t reinit_scope, uint64_t data); int64_t opal_pci_mask_pe_error(uint64_t phb_id, uint16_t pe_number, uint8_t error_type, uint8_t mask_action); int64_t opal_set_slot_led_status(uint64_t phb_id, uint64_t slot_id, uint8_t led_type, uint8_t led_action); int64_t opal_get_epow_status(__be16 *epow_status, __be16 *num_epow_classes); int64_t opal_get_dpo_status(__be64 *dpo_timeout); int64_t opal_set_system_attention_led(uint8_t led_action); int64_t opal_pci_next_error(uint64_t phb_id, __be64 *first_frozen_pe, __be16 *pci_error_type, __be16 *severity); int64_t opal_pci_poll(uint64_t id); int64_t opal_return_cpu(void); int64_t opal_check_token(uint64_t token); int64_t opal_reinit_cpus(uint64_t flags); int64_t opal_xscom_read(uint32_t gcid, uint64_t pcb_addr, __be64 *val); int64_t opal_xscom_write(uint32_t gcid, uint64_t pcb_addr, uint64_t val); int64_t opal_lpc_write(uint32_t chip_id, enum OpalLPCAddressType addr_type, uint32_t addr, uint32_t data, uint32_t sz); int64_t opal_lpc_read(uint32_t chip_id, enum OpalLPCAddressType addr_type, uint32_t addr, __be32 *data, uint32_t sz); int64_t opal_read_elog(uint64_t buffer, uint64_t size, uint64_t log_id); int64_t opal_get_elog_size(__be64 *log_id, __be64 *size, __be64 *elog_type); int64_t opal_write_elog(uint64_t buffer, uint64_t size, uint64_t offset); int64_t opal_send_ack_elog(uint64_t log_id); void opal_resend_pending_logs(void); int64_t opal_validate_flash(uint64_t buffer, uint32_t *size, uint32_t *result); int64_t opal_manage_flash(uint8_t op); int64_t opal_update_flash(uint64_t blk_list); int64_t opal_dump_init(uint8_t dump_type); int64_t opal_dump_info(__be32 *dump_id, __be32 *dump_size); int64_t opal_dump_info2(__be32 *dump_id, __be32 *dump_size, __be32 *dump_type); int64_t opal_dump_read(uint32_t dump_id, uint64_t buffer); int64_t opal_dump_ack(uint32_t dump_id); int64_t opal_dump_resend_notification(void); int64_t opal_get_msg(uint64_t buffer, uint64_t size); int64_t opal_write_oppanel_async(uint64_t token, oppanel_line_t *lines, uint64_t num_lines); int64_t opal_check_completion(uint64_t buffer, uint64_t size, uint64_t token); int64_t opal_sync_host_reboot(void); int64_t opal_get_param(uint64_t token, uint32_t param_id, uint64_t buffer, uint64_t length); int64_t opal_set_param(uint64_t token, uint32_t param_id, uint64_t buffer, uint64_t length); int64_t opal_sensor_read(uint32_t sensor_hndl, int token, __be32 *sensor_data); int64_t opal_handle_hmi(void); int64_t opal_register_dump_region(uint32_t id, uint64_t start, uint64_t end); int64_t opal_unregister_dump_region(uint32_t id); int64_t opal_slw_set_reg(uint64_t cpu_pir, uint64_t sprn, uint64_t val); int64_t opal_config_cpu_idle_state(uint64_t state, uint64_t flag); int64_t opal_pci_set_phb_cxl_mode(uint64_t phb_id, uint64_t mode, uint64_t pe_number); int64_t opal_pci_get_pbcq_tunnel_bar(uint64_t phb_id, uint64_t *addr); int64_t opal_pci_set_pbcq_tunnel_bar(uint64_t phb_id, uint64_t addr); int64_t opal_ipmi_send(uint64_t interface, struct opal_ipmi_msg *msg, uint64_t msg_len); int64_t opal_ipmi_recv(uint64_t interface, struct opal_ipmi_msg *msg, uint64_t *msg_len); int64_t opal_i2c_request(uint64_t async_token, uint32_t bus_id, struct opal_i2c_request *oreq); int64_t opal_prd_msg(struct opal_prd_msg *msg); int64_t opal_leds_get_ind(char *loc_code, __be64 *led_mask, __be64 *led_value, __be64 *max_led_type); int64_t opal_leds_set_ind(uint64_t token, char *loc_code, const u64 led_mask, const u64 led_value, __be64 *max_led_type); int64_t opal_flash_read(uint64_t id, uint64_t offset, uint64_t buf, uint64_t size, uint64_t token); int64_t opal_flash_write(uint64_t id, uint64_t offset, uint64_t buf, uint64_t size, uint64_t token); int64_t opal_flash_erase(uint64_t id, uint64_t offset, uint64_t size, uint64_t token); int64_t opal_get_device_tree(uint32_t phandle, uint64_t buf, uint64_t len); int64_t opal_pci_get_presence_state(uint64_t id, uint64_t data); int64_t opal_pci_get_power_state(uint64_t id, uint64_t data); int64_t opal_pci_set_power_state(uint64_t async_token, uint64_t id, uint64_t data); int64_t opal_pci_poll2(uint64_t id, uint64_t data); int64_t opal_int_get_xirr(uint32_t *out_xirr, bool just_poll); int64_t opal_int_set_cppr(uint8_t cppr); int64_t opal_int_eoi(uint32_t xirr); int64_t opal_int_set_mfrr(uint32_t cpu, uint8_t mfrr); int64_t opal_pci_tce_kill(uint64_t phb_id, uint32_t kill_type, uint32_t pe_num, uint32_t tce_size, uint64_t dma_addr, uint32_t npages); int64_t opal_nmmu_set_ptcr(uint64_t chip_id, uint64_t ptcr); int64_t opal_xive_reset(uint64_t version); int64_t opal_xive_get_irq_info(uint32_t girq, __be64 *out_flags, __be64 *out_eoi_page, __be64 *out_trig_page, __be32 *out_esb_shift, __be32 *out_src_chip); int64_t opal_xive_get_irq_config(uint32_t girq, __be64 *out_vp, uint8_t *out_prio, __be32 *out_lirq); int64_t opal_xive_set_irq_config(uint32_t girq, uint64_t vp, uint8_t prio, uint32_t lirq); int64_t opal_xive_get_queue_info(uint64_t vp, uint32_t prio, __be64 *out_qpage, __be64 *out_qsize, __be64 *out_qeoi_page, __be32 *out_escalate_irq, __be64 *out_qflags); int64_t opal_xive_set_queue_info(uint64_t vp, uint32_t prio, uint64_t qpage, uint64_t qsize, uint64_t qflags); int64_t opal_xive_donate_page(uint32_t chip_id, uint64_t addr); int64_t opal_xive_alloc_vp_block(uint32_t alloc_order); int64_t opal_xive_free_vp_block(uint64_t vp); int64_t opal_xive_get_vp_info(uint64_t vp, __be64 *out_flags, __be64 *out_cam_value, __be64 *out_report_cl_pair, __be32 *out_chip_id); int64_t opal_xive_set_vp_info(uint64_t vp, uint64_t flags, uint64_t report_cl_pair); int64_t opal_xive_allocate_irq_raw(uint32_t chip_id); int64_t opal_xive_free_irq(uint32_t girq); int64_t opal_xive_sync(uint32_t type, uint32_t id); int64_t opal_xive_dump(uint32_t type, uint32_t id); int64_t opal_pci_set_p2p(uint64_t phb_init, uint64_t phb_target, uint64_t desc, uint16_t pe_number); int64_t opal_imc_counters_init(uint32_t type, uint64_t address, uint64_t cpu_pir); int64_t opal_imc_counters_start(uint32_t type, uint64_t cpu_pir); int64_t opal_imc_counters_stop(uint32_t type, uint64_t cpu_pir); int opal_get_powercap(u32 handle, int token, u32 *pcap); int opal_set_powercap(u32 handle, int token, u32 pcap); int opal_get_power_shift_ratio(u32 handle, int token, u32 *psr); int opal_set_power_shift_ratio(u32 handle, int token, u32 psr); int opal_sensor_group_clear(u32 group_hndl, int token); int opal_nx_coproc_init(uint32_t chip_id, uint32_t ct); s64 opal_signal_system_reset(s32 cpu); s64 opal_quiesce(u64 shutdown_type, s32 cpu); /* Internal functions */ extern int early_init_dt_scan_opal(unsigned long node, const char *uname, int depth, void *data); extern int early_init_dt_scan_recoverable_ranges(unsigned long node, const char *uname, int depth, void *data); extern void opal_configure_cores(void); extern int opal_get_chars(uint32_t vtermno, char *buf, int count); extern int opal_put_chars(uint32_t vtermno, const char *buf, int total_len); extern void hvc_opal_init_early(void); extern int opal_notifier_register(struct notifier_block *nb); extern int opal_notifier_unregister(struct notifier_block *nb); extern int opal_message_notifier_register(enum opal_msg_type msg_type, struct notifier_block *nb); extern int opal_message_notifier_unregister(enum opal_msg_type msg_type, struct notifier_block *nb); extern void opal_notifier_enable(void); extern void opal_notifier_disable(void); extern void opal_notifier_update_evt(uint64_t evt_mask, uint64_t evt_val); extern int opal_async_get_token_interruptible(void); extern int opal_async_release_token(int token); extern int opal_async_wait_response(uint64_t token, struct opal_msg *msg); extern int opal_async_wait_response_interruptible(uint64_t token, struct opal_msg *msg); extern int opal_get_sensor_data(u32 sensor_hndl, u32 *sensor_data); struct rtc_time; extern unsigned long opal_get_boot_time(void); extern void opal_nvram_init(void); extern void opal_flash_update_init(void); extern void opal_flash_term_callback(void); extern int opal_elog_init(void); extern void opal_platform_dump_init(void); extern void opal_sys_param_init(void); extern void opal_msglog_init(void); extern void opal_msglog_sysfs_init(void); extern int opal_async_comp_init(void); extern int opal_sensor_init(void); extern int opal_hmi_handler_init(void); extern int opal_event_init(void); extern int opal_machine_check(struct pt_regs *regs); extern bool opal_mce_check_early_recovery(struct pt_regs *regs); extern int opal_hmi_exception_early(struct pt_regs *regs); extern int opal_handle_hmi_exception(struct pt_regs *regs); extern void opal_shutdown(void); extern int opal_resync_timebase(void); extern void opal_lpc_init(void); extern void opal_kmsg_init(void); extern int opal_event_request(unsigned int opal_event_nr); struct opal_sg_list *opal_vmalloc_to_sg_list(void *vmalloc_addr, unsigned long vmalloc_size); void opal_free_sg_list(struct opal_sg_list *sg); extern int opal_error_code(int rc); ssize_t opal_msglog_copy(char *to, loff_t pos, size_t count); static inline int opal_get_async_rc(struct opal_msg msg) { if (msg.msg_type != OPAL_MSG_ASYNC_COMP) return OPAL_PARAMETER; else return be64_to_cpu(msg.params[1]); } void opal_wake_poller(void); void opal_powercap_init(void); void opal_psr_init(void); void opal_sensor_groups_init(void); #endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */ #endif /* _ASM_POWERPC_OPAL_H */
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fsl_pm.h | File | 1.36 KB | 0644 |
ftrace.h | File | 2.1 KB | 0644 |
futex.h | File | 2.4 KB | 0644 |
grackle.h | File | 331 B | 0644 |
hardirq.h | File | 1.15 KB | 0644 |
head-64.h | File | 13.86 KB | 0644 |
heathrow.h | File | 2.53 KB | 0644 |
highmem.h | File | 2.41 KB | 0644 |
hmi.h | File | 1.49 KB | 0644 |
hugetlb.h | File | 4.73 KB | 0644 |
hvcall.h | File | 15.35 KB | 0644 |
hvconsole.h | File | 1.37 KB | 0644 |
hvcserver.h | File | 2.09 KB | 0644 |
hvsi.h | File | 2.78 KB | 0644 |
hw_breakpoint.h | File | 3.07 KB | 0644 |
hw_irq.h | File | 5.24 KB | 0644 |
hydra.h | File | 2.91 KB | 0644 |
i8259.h | File | 361 B | 0644 |
ibmebus.h | File | 2.15 KB | 0644 |
icswx.h | File | 4.71 KB | 0644 |
ide.h | File | 586 B | 0644 |
ima.h | File | 772 B | 0644 |
imc-pmu.h | File | 2.87 KB | 0644 |
immap_cpm2.h | File | 10.5 KB | 0644 |
io-defs.h | File | 3.09 KB | 0644 |
io-workarounds.h | File | 1.54 KB | 0644 |
io.h | File | 28.02 KB | 0644 |
io_event_irq.h | File | 1.91 KB | 0644 |
iommu.h | File | 10.16 KB | 0644 |
ipic.h | File | 3.51 KB | 0644 |
irq.h | File | 1.83 KB | 0644 |
irq_work.h | File | 252 B | 0644 |
irqflags.h | File | 1.7 KB | 0644 |
isa-bridge.h | File | 654 B | 0644 |
jump_label.h | File | 1.62 KB | 0644 |
kdebug.h | File | 291 B | 0644 |
kdump.h | File | 1.37 KB | 0644 |
kexec.h | File | 4.02 KB | 0644 |
keylargo.h | File | 10.8 KB | 0644 |
kgdb.h | File | 2.06 KB | 0644 |
kmap_types.h | File | 434 B | 0644 |
kprobes.h | File | 3.75 KB | 0644 |
kup.h | File | 1021 B | 0644 |
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kvm_para.h | File | 1.49 KB | 0644 |
kvm_ppc.h | File | 34.83 KB | 0644 |
libata-portmap.h | File | 249 B | 0644 |
linkage.h | File | 501 B | 0644 |
livepatch.h | File | 1.65 KB | 0644 |
local.h | File | 3.79 KB | 0644 |
lppaca.h | File | 5.02 KB | 0644 |
lv1call.h | File | 18.74 KB | 0644 |
machdep.h | File | 9.7 KB | 0644 |
macio.h | File | 3.89 KB | 0644 |
mc146818rtc.h | File | 943 B | 0644 |
mce.h | File | 5.58 KB | 0644 |
mediabay.h | File | 1.34 KB | 0644 |
mm-arch-hooks.h | File | 839 B | 0644 |
mman.h | File | 1.33 KB | 0644 |
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mmu.h | File | 9.2 KB | 0644 |
mmu_context.h | File | 6.26 KB | 0644 |
mmzone.h | File | 1.08 KB | 0644 |
module.h | File | 2.47 KB | 0644 |
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mpc52xx_psc.h | File | 9.89 KB | 0644 |
mpc5xxx.h | File | 641 B | 0644 |
mpc6xx.h | File | 143 B | 0644 |
mpc8260.h | File | 742 B | 0644 |
mpc85xx.h | File | 2.52 KB | 0644 |
mpic.h | File | 13.97 KB | 0644 |
mpic_msgr.h | File | 3.52 KB | 0644 |
mpic_timer.h | File | 1.39 KB | 0644 |
msi_bitmap.h | File | 1.01 KB | 0644 |
nmi.h | File | 238 B | 0644 |
nvram.h | File | 3.21 KB | 0644 |
ohare.h | File | 1.64 KB | 0644 |
opal-api.h | File | 29.34 KB | 0644 |
opal.h | File | 16.53 KB | 0644 |
oprofile_impl.h | File | 3 KB | 0644 |
paca.h | File | 8.06 KB | 0644 |
page.h | File | 10.65 KB | 0644 |
page_32.h | File | 1.57 KB | 0644 |
page_64.h | File | 2.93 KB | 0644 |
parport.h | File | 956 B | 0644 |
pasemi_dma.h | File | 23.32 KB | 0644 |
pci-bridge.h | File | 9.21 KB | 0644 |
pci.h | File | 4.58 KB | 0644 |
percpu.h | File | 468 B | 0644 |
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perf_event_fsl_emb.h | File | 1.42 KB | 0644 |
perf_event_server.h | File | 6.3 KB | 0644 |
pgalloc.h | File | 620 B | 0644 |
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pgtable-types.h | File | 1.94 KB | 0644 |
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pmc.h | File | 1.35 KB | 0644 |
pmi.h | File | 1.77 KB | 0644 |
pnv-ocxl.h | File | 1.4 KB | 0644 |
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powernv.h | File | 1.57 KB | 0644 |
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ppc-pci.h | File | 2.69 KB | 0644 |
ppc4xx.h | File | 530 B | 0644 |
ppc4xx_ocm.h | File | 1.41 KB | 0644 |
ppc_asm.h | File | 21.63 KB | 0644 |
probes.h | File | 2.11 KB | 0644 |
processor.h | File | 15 KB | 0644 |
prom.h | File | 7.17 KB | 0644 |
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ps3gpu.h | File | 2.44 KB | 0644 |
ps3stor.h | File | 1.99 KB | 0644 |
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pte-walk.h | File | 1.11 KB | 0644 |
ptrace.h | File | 7.14 KB | 0644 |
reg.h | File | 61.61 KB | 0644 |
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rio.h | File | 637 B | 0644 |
rtas.h | File | 14.67 KB | 0644 |
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scom.h | File | 4.92 KB | 0644 |
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sections.h | File | 1.9 KB | 0644 |
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serial.h | File | 677 B | 0644 |
setjmp.h | File | 630 B | 0644 |
setup.h | File | 2.44 KB | 0644 |
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shmparam.h | File | 206 B | 0644 |
signal.h | File | 225 B | 0644 |
slice.h | File | 1.12 KB | 0644 |
smp.h | File | 6.13 KB | 0644 |
smu.h | File | 19.33 KB | 0644 |
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string.h | File | 1.74 KB | 0644 |
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termios.h | File | 860 B | 0644 |
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timex.h | File | 967 B | 0644 |
tlb.h | File | 2.47 KB | 0644 |
tlbflush.h | File | 2.93 KB | 0644 |
tm.h | File | 690 B | 0644 |
topology.h | File | 2.92 KB | 0644 |
trace.h | File | 4.17 KB | 0644 |
trace_clock.h | File | 517 B | 0644 |
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types.h | File | 1 KB | 0644 |
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udbg.h | File | 2.16 KB | 0644 |
uic.h | File | 616 B | 0644 |
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user.h | File | 2.14 KB | 0644 |
vas.h | File | 4.61 KB | 0644 |
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vdso_datapage.h | File | 4.4 KB | 0644 |
vga.h | File | 1.24 KB | 0644 |
vio.h | File | 4.79 KB | 0644 |
word-at-a-time.h | File | 4.75 KB | 0644 |
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xmon.h | File | 927 B | 0644 |
xor.h | File | 2.11 KB | 0644 |