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 * core.h  --  Core Driver for Wolfson WM8350 PMIC
 * Copyright 2007 Wolfson Microelectronics PLC
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute  it and/or modify it
 *  under  the terms of  the GNU General  Public License as published by the
 *  Free Software Foundation;  either version 2 of the  License, or (at your
 *  option) any later version.

#ifndef __LINUX_MFD_WM8350_CORE_H_
#define __LINUX_MFD_WM8350_CORE_H_

#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/mutex.h>
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/completion.h>
#include <linux/regmap.h>

#include <linux/mfd/wm8350/audio.h>
#include <linux/mfd/wm8350/gpio.h>
#include <linux/mfd/wm8350/pmic.h>
#include <linux/mfd/wm8350/rtc.h>
#include <linux/mfd/wm8350/supply.h>
#include <linux/mfd/wm8350/wdt.h>

 * Register values.
#define WM8350_RESET_ID                         0x00
#define WM8350_ID                               0x01
#define WM8350_REVISION				0x02
#define WM8350_SYSTEM_CONTROL_1                 0x03
#define WM8350_SYSTEM_CONTROL_2                 0x04
#define WM8350_SYSTEM_HIBERNATE                 0x05
#define WM8350_INTERFACE_CONTROL                0x06
#define WM8350_POWER_MGMT_1                     0x08
#define WM8350_POWER_MGMT_2                     0x09
#define WM8350_POWER_MGMT_3                     0x0A
#define WM8350_POWER_MGMT_4                     0x0B
#define WM8350_POWER_MGMT_5                     0x0C
#define WM8350_POWER_MGMT_6                     0x0D
#define WM8350_POWER_MGMT_7                     0x0E

#define WM8350_SYSTEM_INTERRUPTS                0x18
#define WM8350_INT_STATUS_1                     0x19
#define WM8350_INT_STATUS_2                     0x1A
#define WM8350_POWER_UP_INT_STATUS              0x1B
#define WM8350_UNDER_VOLTAGE_INT_STATUS         0x1C
#define WM8350_OVER_CURRENT_INT_STATUS          0x1D
#define WM8350_GPIO_INT_STATUS                  0x1E
#define WM8350_COMPARATOR_INT_STATUS            0x1F
#define WM8350_SYSTEM_INTERRUPTS_MASK           0x20
#define WM8350_INT_STATUS_1_MASK                0x21
#define WM8350_INT_STATUS_2_MASK                0x22
#define WM8350_POWER_UP_INT_STATUS_MASK         0x23
#define WM8350_OVER_CURRENT_INT_STATUS_MASK     0x25
#define WM8350_GPIO_INT_STATUS_MASK             0x26
#define WM8350_COMPARATOR_INT_STATUS_MASK       0x27
#define WM8350_CHARGER_OVERRIDES		0xE2
#define WM8350_MISC_OVERRIDES			0xE3

#define WM8350_MAX_REGISTER                     0xFF

#define WM8350_UNLOCK_KEY		0x0013
#define WM8350_LOCK_KEY			0x0000

 * Field Definitions.

 * R0 (0x00) - Reset/ID
#define WM8350_SW_RESET_CHIP_ID_MASK            0xFFFF

 * R1 (0x01) - ID
#define WM8350_CHIP_REV_MASK                    0x7000
#define WM8350_CONF_STS_MASK                    0x0C00
#define WM8350_CUST_ID_MASK                     0x00FF

 * R2 (0x02) - Revision
#define WM8350_MASK_REV_MASK			0x00FF

 * R3 (0x03) - System Control 1
#define WM8350_CHIP_ON                          0x8000
#define WM8350_POWERCYCLE                       0x2000
#define WM8350_VCC_FAULT_OV                     0x1000
#define WM8350_REG_RSTB_TIME_MASK               0x0C00
#define WM8350_BG_SLEEP                         0x0200
#define WM8350_MEM_VALID                        0x0020
#define WM8350_CHIP_SET_UP                      0x0010
#define WM8350_ON_DEB_T                         0x0008
#define WM8350_ON_POL                           0x0002
#define WM8350_IRQ_POL                          0x0001

 * R4 (0x04) - System Control 2
#define WM8350_USB_SUSPEND_8MA                  0x8000
#define WM8350_USB_SUSPEND                      0x4000
#define WM8350_USB_MSTR                         0x2000
#define WM8350_USB_MSTR_SRC                     0x1000
#define WM8350_USB_500MA                        0x0800
#define WM8350_USB_NOLIM                        0x0400

 * R5 (0x05) - System Hibernate
#define WM8350_HIBERNATE                        0x8000
#define WM8350_WDOG_HIB_MODE                    0x0080
#define WM8350_REG_HIB_STARTUP_SEQ              0x0040
#define WM8350_REG_RESET_HIB_MODE               0x0020
#define WM8350_RST_HIB_MODE                     0x0010
#define WM8350_IRQ_HIB_MODE                     0x0008
#define WM8350_MEMRST_HIB_MODE                  0x0004
#define WM8350_PCCOMP_HIB_MODE                  0x0002
#define WM8350_TEMPMON_HIB_MODE                 0x0001

 * R6 (0x06) - Interface Control
#define WM8350_USE_DEV_PINS                     0x8000
#define WM8350_USE_DEV_PINS_MASK                0x8000
#define WM8350_USE_DEV_PINS_SHIFT                   15
#define WM8350_DEV_ADDR_MASK                    0x6000
#define WM8350_DEV_ADDR_SHIFT                       13
#define WM8350_CONFIG_DONE                      0x1000
#define WM8350_CONFIG_DONE_MASK                 0x1000
#define WM8350_CONFIG_DONE_SHIFT                    12
#define WM8350_RECONFIG_AT_ON                   0x0800
#define WM8350_RECONFIG_AT_ON_MASK              0x0800
#define WM8350_RECONFIG_AT_ON_SHIFT                 11
#define WM8350_AUTOINC                          0x0200
#define WM8350_AUTOINC_MASK                     0x0200
#define WM8350_AUTOINC_SHIFT                         9
#define WM8350_ARA                              0x0100
#define WM8350_ARA_MASK                         0x0100
#define WM8350_ARA_SHIFT                             8
#define WM8350_SPI_CFG                          0x0008
#define WM8350_SPI_CFG_MASK                     0x0008
#define WM8350_SPI_CFG_SHIFT                         3
#define WM8350_SPI_4WIRE                        0x0004
#define WM8350_SPI_4WIRE_MASK                   0x0004
#define WM8350_SPI_4WIRE_SHIFT                       2
#define WM8350_SPI_3WIRE                        0x0002
#define WM8350_SPI_3WIRE_MASK                   0x0002
#define WM8350_SPI_3WIRE_SHIFT                       1

/* Bit values for R06 (0x06) */
#define WM8350_USE_DEV_PINS_PRIMARY                  0
#define WM8350_USE_DEV_PINS_DEV                      1

#define WM8350_DEV_ADDR_34                           0
#define WM8350_DEV_ADDR_36                           1
#define WM8350_DEV_ADDR_3C                           2
#define WM8350_DEV_ADDR_3E                           3

#define WM8350_CONFIG_DONE_OFF                       0
#define WM8350_CONFIG_DONE_DONE                      1

#define WM8350_RECONFIG_AT_ON_OFF                    0
#define WM8350_RECONFIG_AT_ON_ON                     1

#define WM8350_AUTOINC_OFF                           0
#define WM8350_AUTOINC_ON                            1

#define WM8350_ARA_OFF                               0
#define WM8350_ARA_ON                                1

#define WM8350_SPI_CFG_CMOS                          0
#define WM8350_SPI_CFG_OD                            1

#define WM8350_SPI_4WIRE_3WIRE                       0
#define WM8350_SPI_4WIRE_4WIRE                       1

#define WM8350_SPI_3WIRE_I2C                         0
#define WM8350_SPI_3WIRE_SPI                         1

 * R8 (0x08) - Power mgmt (1)
#define WM8350_CODEC_ISEL_MASK                  0xC000
#define WM8350_VBUFEN                           0x2000
#define WM8350_OUTPUT_DRAIN_EN                  0x0400
#define WM8350_MIC_DET_ENA                      0x0100
#define WM8350_BIASEN                           0x0020
#define WM8350_MICBEN                           0x0010
#define WM8350_VMIDEN                           0x0004
#define WM8350_VMID_MASK                        0x0003
#define WM8350_VMID_SHIFT                            0

 * R9 (0x09) - Power mgmt (2)
#define WM8350_IN3R_ENA                         0x0800
#define WM8350_IN3L_ENA                         0x0400
#define WM8350_INR_ENA                          0x0200
#define WM8350_INL_ENA                          0x0100
#define WM8350_MIXINR_ENA                       0x0080
#define WM8350_MIXINL_ENA                       0x0040
#define WM8350_OUT4_ENA                         0x0020
#define WM8350_OUT3_ENA                         0x0010
#define WM8350_MIXOUTR_ENA                      0x0002
#define WM8350_MIXOUTL_ENA                      0x0001

 * R10 (0x0A) - Power mgmt (3)
#define WM8350_IN3R_TO_OUT2R                    0x0080
#define WM8350_OUT2R_ENA                        0x0008
#define WM8350_OUT2L_ENA                        0x0004
#define WM8350_OUT1R_ENA                        0x0002
#define WM8350_OUT1L_ENA                        0x0001

 * R11 (0x0B) - Power mgmt (4)
#define WM8350_SYSCLK_ENA                       0x4000
#define WM8350_ADC_HPF_ENA                      0x2000
#define WM8350_FLL_ENA                          0x0800
#define WM8350_FLL_OSC_ENA                      0x0400
#define WM8350_TOCLK_ENA                        0x0100
#define WM8350_DACR_ENA                         0x0020
#define WM8350_DACL_ENA                         0x0010
#define WM8350_ADCR_ENA                         0x0008
#define WM8350_ADCL_ENA                         0x0004

 * R12 (0x0C) - Power mgmt (5)
#define WM8350_CODEC_ENA                        0x1000
#define WM8350_RTC_TICK_ENA                     0x0800
#define WM8350_OSC32K_ENA                       0x0400
#define WM8350_CHG_ENA                          0x0200
#define WM8350_ACC_DET_ENA                      0x0100
#define WM8350_AUXADC_ENA                       0x0080
#define WM8350_DCMP4_ENA                        0x0008
#define WM8350_DCMP3_ENA                        0x0004
#define WM8350_DCMP2_ENA                        0x0002
#define WM8350_DCMP1_ENA                        0x0001

 * R13 (0x0D) - Power mgmt (6)
#define WM8350_LS_ENA                           0x8000
#define WM8350_LDO4_ENA                         0x0800
#define WM8350_LDO3_ENA                         0x0400
#define WM8350_LDO2_ENA                         0x0200
#define WM8350_LDO1_ENA                         0x0100
#define WM8350_DC6_ENA                          0x0020
#define WM8350_DC5_ENA                          0x0010
#define WM8350_DC4_ENA                          0x0008
#define WM8350_DC3_ENA                          0x0004
#define WM8350_DC2_ENA                          0x0002
#define WM8350_DC1_ENA                          0x0001

 * R14 (0x0E) - Power mgmt (7)
#define WM8350_CS2_ENA                          0x0002
#define WM8350_CS1_ENA                          0x0001

 * R24 (0x18) - System Interrupts
#define WM8350_OC_INT                           0x2000
#define WM8350_UV_INT                           0x1000
#define WM8350_PUTO_INT                         0x0800
#define WM8350_CS_INT                           0x0200
#define WM8350_EXT_INT                          0x0100
#define WM8350_CODEC_INT                        0x0080
#define WM8350_GP_INT                           0x0040
#define WM8350_AUXADC_INT                       0x0020
#define WM8350_RTC_INT                          0x0010
#define WM8350_SYS_INT                          0x0008
#define WM8350_CHG_INT                          0x0004
#define WM8350_USB_INT                          0x0002
#define WM8350_WKUP_INT                         0x0001

 * R25 (0x19) - Interrupt Status 1
#define WM8350_CHG_BAT_HOT_EINT                 0x8000
#define WM8350_CHG_BAT_COLD_EINT                0x4000
#define WM8350_CHG_BAT_FAIL_EINT                0x2000
#define WM8350_CHG_TO_EINT                      0x1000
#define WM8350_CHG_END_EINT                     0x0800
#define WM8350_CHG_START_EINT                   0x0400
#define WM8350_CHG_FAST_RDY_EINT                0x0200
#define WM8350_RTC_PER_EINT                     0x0080
#define WM8350_RTC_SEC_EINT                     0x0040
#define WM8350_RTC_ALM_EINT                     0x0020
#define WM8350_CHG_VBATT_LT_3P9_EINT            0x0004
#define WM8350_CHG_VBATT_LT_3P1_EINT            0x0002
#define WM8350_CHG_VBATT_LT_2P85_EINT           0x0001

 * R26 (0x1A) - Interrupt Status 2
#define WM8350_CS1_EINT                         0x2000
#define WM8350_CS2_EINT                         0x1000
#define WM8350_USB_LIMIT_EINT                   0x0400
#define WM8350_AUXADC_DATARDY_EINT              0x0100
#define WM8350_AUXADC_DCOMP4_EINT               0x0080
#define WM8350_AUXADC_DCOMP3_EINT               0x0040
#define WM8350_AUXADC_DCOMP2_EINT               0x0020
#define WM8350_AUXADC_DCOMP1_EINT               0x0010
#define WM8350_SYS_HYST_COMP_FAIL_EINT          0x0008
#define WM8350_SYS_CHIP_GT115_EINT              0x0004
#define WM8350_SYS_CHIP_GT140_EINT              0x0002
#define WM8350_SYS_WDOG_TO_EINT                 0x0001

 * R27 (0x1B) - Power Up Interrupt Status
#define WM8350_PUTO_LDO4_EINT                   0x0800
#define WM8350_PUTO_LDO3_EINT                   0x0400
#define WM8350_PUTO_LDO2_EINT                   0x0200
#define WM8350_PUTO_LDO1_EINT                   0x0100
#define WM8350_PUTO_DC6_EINT                    0x0020
#define WM8350_PUTO_DC5_EINT                    0x0010
#define WM8350_PUTO_DC4_EINT                    0x0008
#define WM8350_PUTO_DC3_EINT                    0x0004
#define WM8350_PUTO_DC2_EINT                    0x0002
#define WM8350_PUTO_DC1_EINT                    0x0001

 * R28 (0x1C) - Under Voltage Interrupt status
#define WM8350_UV_LDO4_EINT                     0x0800
#define WM8350_UV_LDO3_EINT                     0x0400
#define WM8350_UV_LDO2_EINT                     0x0200
#define WM8350_UV_LDO1_EINT                     0x0100
#define WM8350_UV_DC6_EINT                      0x0020
#define WM8350_UV_DC5_EINT                      0x0010
#define WM8350_UV_DC4_EINT                      0x0008
#define WM8350_UV_DC3_EINT                      0x0004
#define WM8350_UV_DC2_EINT                      0x0002
#define WM8350_UV_DC1_EINT                      0x0001

 * R29 (0x1D) - Over Current Interrupt status
#define WM8350_OC_LS_EINT                       0x8000

 * R30 (0x1E) - GPIO Interrupt Status
#define WM8350_GP12_EINT                        0x1000
#define WM8350_GP11_EINT                        0x0800
#define WM8350_GP10_EINT                        0x0400
#define WM8350_GP9_EINT                         0x0200
#define WM8350_GP8_EINT                         0x0100
#define WM8350_GP7_EINT                         0x0080
#define WM8350_GP6_EINT                         0x0040
#define WM8350_GP5_EINT                         0x0020
#define WM8350_GP4_EINT                         0x0010
#define WM8350_GP3_EINT                         0x0008
#define WM8350_GP2_EINT                         0x0004
#define WM8350_GP1_EINT                         0x0002
#define WM8350_GP0_EINT                         0x0001

 * R31 (0x1F) - Comparator Interrupt Status
#define WM8350_EXT_USB_FB_EINT                  0x8000
#define WM8350_EXT_WALL_FB_EINT                 0x4000
#define WM8350_EXT_BAT_FB_EINT                  0x2000
#define WM8350_CODEC_JCK_DET_L_EINT             0x0800
#define WM8350_CODEC_JCK_DET_R_EINT             0x0400
#define WM8350_CODEC_MICSCD_EINT                0x0200
#define WM8350_CODEC_MICD_EINT                  0x0100
#define WM8350_WKUP_OFF_STATE_EINT              0x0040
#define WM8350_WKUP_HIB_STATE_EINT              0x0020
#define WM8350_WKUP_CONV_FAULT_EINT             0x0010
#define WM8350_WKUP_WDOG_RST_EINT               0x0008
#define WM8350_WKUP_GP_PWR_ON_EINT              0x0004
#define WM8350_WKUP_ONKEY_EINT                  0x0002
#define WM8350_WKUP_GP_WAKEUP_EINT              0x0001

 * R32 (0x20) - System Interrupts Mask
#define WM8350_IM_OC_INT                        0x2000
#define WM8350_IM_UV_INT                        0x1000
#define WM8350_IM_PUTO_INT                      0x0800
#define WM8350_IM_SPARE_INT                     0x0400
#define WM8350_IM_CS_INT                        0x0200
#define WM8350_IM_EXT_INT                       0x0100
#define WM8350_IM_CODEC_INT                     0x0080
#define WM8350_IM_GP_INT                        0x0040
#define WM8350_IM_AUXADC_INT                    0x0020
#define WM8350_IM_RTC_INT                       0x0010
#define WM8350_IM_SYS_INT                       0x0008
#define WM8350_IM_CHG_INT                       0x0004
#define WM8350_IM_USB_INT                       0x0002
#define WM8350_IM_WKUP_INT                      0x0001

 * R33 (0x21) - Interrupt Status 1 Mask
#define WM8350_IM_CHG_BAT_HOT_EINT              0x8000
#define WM8350_IM_CHG_BAT_COLD_EINT             0x4000
#define WM8350_IM_CHG_BAT_FAIL_EINT             0x2000
#define WM8350_IM_CHG_TO_EINT                   0x1000
#define WM8350_IM_CHG_END_EINT                  0x0800
#define WM8350_IM_CHG_START_EINT                0x0400
#define WM8350_IM_CHG_FAST_RDY_EINT             0x0200
#define WM8350_IM_RTC_PER_EINT                  0x0080
#define WM8350_IM_RTC_SEC_EINT                  0x0040
#define WM8350_IM_RTC_ALM_EINT                  0x0020
#define WM8350_IM_CHG_VBATT_LT_3P9_EINT         0x0004
#define WM8350_IM_CHG_VBATT_LT_3P1_EINT         0x0002
#define WM8350_IM_CHG_VBATT_LT_2P85_EINT        0x0001

 * R34 (0x22) - Interrupt Status 2 Mask
#define WM8350_IM_SPARE2_EINT                   0x8000
#define WM8350_IM_SPARE1_EINT                   0x4000
#define WM8350_IM_CS1_EINT                      0x2000
#define WM8350_IM_CS2_EINT                      0x1000
#define WM8350_IM_USB_LIMIT_EINT                0x0400
#define WM8350_IM_AUXADC_DATARDY_EINT           0x0100
#define WM8350_IM_AUXADC_DCOMP4_EINT            0x0080
#define WM8350_IM_AUXADC_DCOMP3_EINT            0x0040
#define WM8350_IM_AUXADC_DCOMP2_EINT            0x0020
#define WM8350_IM_AUXADC_DCOMP1_EINT            0x0010
#define WM8350_IM_SYS_HYST_COMP_FAIL_EINT       0x0008
#define WM8350_IM_SYS_CHIP_GT115_EINT           0x0004
#define WM8350_IM_SYS_CHIP_GT140_EINT           0x0002
#define WM8350_IM_SYS_WDOG_TO_EINT              0x0001

 * R35 (0x23) - Power Up Interrupt Status Mask
#define WM8350_IM_PUTO_LDO4_EINT                0x0800
#define WM8350_IM_PUTO_LDO3_EINT                0x0400
#define WM8350_IM_PUTO_LDO2_EINT                0x0200
#define WM8350_IM_PUTO_LDO1_EINT                0x0100
#define WM8350_IM_PUTO_DC6_EINT                 0x0020
#define WM8350_IM_PUTO_DC5_EINT                 0x0010
#define WM8350_IM_PUTO_DC4_EINT                 0x0008
#define WM8350_IM_PUTO_DC3_EINT                 0x0004
#define WM8350_IM_PUTO_DC2_EINT                 0x0002
#define WM8350_IM_PUTO_DC1_EINT                 0x0001

 * R36 (0x24) - Under Voltage Interrupt status Mask
#define WM8350_IM_UV_LDO4_EINT                  0x0800
#define WM8350_IM_UV_LDO3_EINT                  0x0400
#define WM8350_IM_UV_LDO2_EINT                  0x0200
#define WM8350_IM_UV_LDO1_EINT                  0x0100
#define WM8350_IM_UV_DC6_EINT                   0x0020
#define WM8350_IM_UV_DC5_EINT                   0x0010
#define WM8350_IM_UV_DC4_EINT                   0x0008
#define WM8350_IM_UV_DC3_EINT                   0x0004
#define WM8350_IM_UV_DC2_EINT                   0x0002
#define WM8350_IM_UV_DC1_EINT                   0x0001

 * R37 (0x25) - Over Current Interrupt status Mask
#define WM8350_IM_OC_LS_EINT                    0x8000

 * R38 (0x26) - GPIO Interrupt Status Mask
#define WM8350_IM_GP12_EINT                     0x1000
#define WM8350_IM_GP11_EINT                     0x0800
#define WM8350_IM_GP10_EINT                     0x0400
#define WM8350_IM_GP9_EINT                      0x0200
#define WM8350_IM_GP8_EINT                      0x0100
#define WM8350_IM_GP7_EINT                      0x0080
#define WM8350_IM_GP6_EINT                      0x0040
#define WM8350_IM_GP5_EINT                      0x0020
#define WM8350_IM_GP4_EINT                      0x0010
#define WM8350_IM_GP3_EINT                      0x0008
#define WM8350_IM_GP2_EINT                      0x0004
#define WM8350_IM_GP1_EINT                      0x0002
#define WM8350_IM_GP0_EINT                      0x0001

 * R39 (0x27) - Comparator Interrupt Status Mask
#define WM8350_IM_EXT_USB_FB_EINT               0x8000
#define WM8350_IM_EXT_WALL_FB_EINT              0x4000
#define WM8350_IM_EXT_BAT_FB_EINT               0x2000
#define WM8350_IM_CODEC_JCK_DET_L_EINT          0x0800
#define WM8350_IM_CODEC_JCK_DET_R_EINT          0x0400
#define WM8350_IM_CODEC_MICSCD_EINT             0x0200
#define WM8350_IM_CODEC_MICD_EINT               0x0100
#define WM8350_IM_WKUP_OFF_STATE_EINT           0x0040
#define WM8350_IM_WKUP_HIB_STATE_EINT           0x0020
#define WM8350_IM_WKUP_CONV_FAULT_EINT          0x0010
#define WM8350_IM_WKUP_WDOG_RST_EINT            0x0008
#define WM8350_IM_WKUP_GP_PWR_ON_EINT           0x0004
#define WM8350_IM_WKUP_ONKEY_EINT               0x0002
#define WM8350_IM_WKUP_GP_WAKEUP_EINT           0x0001

 * R220 (0xDC) - RAM BIST 1
#define WM8350_READ_STATUS                      0x0800
#define WM8350_TSTRAM_CLK                       0x0100
#define WM8350_TSTRAM_CLK_ENA                   0x0080
#define WM8350_STARTSEQ                         0x0040
#define WM8350_READ_SRC                         0x0020
#define WM8350_COUNT_DIR                        0x0010
#define WM8350_TSTRAM_MODE_MASK                 0x000E
#define WM8350_TSTRAM_ENA                       0x0001

 * R225 (0xE1) - DCDC/LDO status
#define WM8350_LS_STS                           0x8000
#define WM8350_LDO4_STS                         0x0800
#define WM8350_LDO3_STS                         0x0400
#define WM8350_LDO2_STS                         0x0200
#define WM8350_LDO1_STS                         0x0100
#define WM8350_DC6_STS                          0x0020
#define WM8350_DC5_STS                          0x0010
#define WM8350_DC4_STS                          0x0008
#define WM8350_DC3_STS                          0x0004
#define WM8350_DC2_STS                          0x0002
#define WM8350_DC1_STS                          0x0001

 * R226 (0xE2) - Charger status
#define WM8350_CHG_BATT_HOT_OVRDE		0x8000
#define WM8350_CHG_BATT_COLD_OVRDE		0x4000

 * R227 (0xE3) - Misc Overrides
#define WM8350_USB_LIMIT_OVRDE			0x0400

 * R227 (0xE7) - Comparator Overrides
#define WM8350_USB_FB_OVRDE			0x8000
#define WM8350_WALL_FB_OVRDE			0x4000
#define WM8350_BATT_FB_OVRDE			0x2000

 * R233 (0xE9) - State Machinine Status
#define WM8350_USB_SM_MASK			0x0700
#define WM8350_USB_SM_SHIFT			8

#define WM8350_USB_SM_100_SLV   1
#define WM8350_USB_SM_500_SLV   5
#define WM8350_USB_SM_STDBY_SLV 7

/* WM8350 wake up conditions */
#define WM8350_IRQ_WKUP_OFF_STATE		43
#define WM8350_IRQ_WKUP_HIB_STATE		44
#define WM8350_IRQ_WKUP_CONV_FAULT		45
#define WM8350_IRQ_WKUP_WDOG_RST		46
#define WM8350_IRQ_WKUP_GP_PWR_ON		47
#define WM8350_IRQ_WKUP_ONKEY			48
#define WM8350_IRQ_WKUP_GP_WAKEUP		49

/* wm8350 chip revisions */
#define WM8350_REV_E				0x4
#define WM8350_REV_F				0x5
#define WM8350_REV_G				0x6
#define WM8350_REV_H				0x7

#define WM8350_NUM_IRQ				63

#define WM8350_NUM_IRQ_REGS 7

extern const struct regmap_config wm8350_regmap;

struct wm8350;

struct wm8350_hwmon {
	struct platform_device *pdev;
	struct device *classdev;

struct wm8350 {
	struct device *dev;

	/* device IO */
	struct regmap *regmap;
	bool unlocked;

	struct mutex auxadc_mutex;
	struct completion auxadc_done;

	/* Interrupt handling */
	struct mutex irq_lock;
	int chip_irq;
	int irq_base;
	u16 irq_masks[WM8350_NUM_IRQ_REGS];

	/* Client devices */
	struct wm8350_codec codec;
	struct wm8350_gpio gpio;
	struct wm8350_hwmon hwmon;
	struct wm8350_pmic pmic;
	struct wm8350_power power;
	struct wm8350_rtc rtc;
	struct wm8350_wdt wdt;

 * Data to be supplied by the platform to initialise the WM8350.
 * @init: Function called during driver initialisation.  Should be
 *        used by the platform to configure GPIO functions and similar.
 * @irq_high: Set if WM8350 IRQ is active high.
 * @irq_base: Base IRQ for genirq (not currently used).
 * @gpio_base: Base for gpiolib.
struct wm8350_platform_data {
	int (*init)(struct wm8350 *wm8350);
	int irq_high;
	int irq_base;
	int gpio_base;

 * WM8350 device initialisation and exit.
int wm8350_device_init(struct wm8350 *wm8350, int irq,
		       struct wm8350_platform_data *pdata);
void wm8350_device_exit(struct wm8350 *wm8350);

 * WM8350 device IO
int wm8350_clear_bits(struct wm8350 *wm8350, u16 reg, u16 mask);
int wm8350_set_bits(struct wm8350 *wm8350, u16 reg, u16 mask);
u16 wm8350_reg_read(struct wm8350 *wm8350, int reg);
int wm8350_reg_write(struct wm8350 *wm8350, int reg, u16 val);
int wm8350_reg_lock(struct wm8350 *wm8350);
int wm8350_reg_unlock(struct wm8350 *wm8350);
int wm8350_block_read(struct wm8350 *wm8350, int reg, int size, u16 *dest);
int wm8350_block_write(struct wm8350 *wm8350, int reg, int size, u16 *src);

 * WM8350 internal interrupts
static inline int wm8350_register_irq(struct wm8350 *wm8350, int irq,
				      irq_handler_t handler,
				      unsigned long flags,
				      const char *name, void *data)
	if (!wm8350->irq_base)
		return -ENODEV;

	return request_threaded_irq(irq + wm8350->irq_base, NULL,
				    handler, flags, name, data);

static inline void wm8350_free_irq(struct wm8350 *wm8350, int irq, void *data)
	free_irq(irq + wm8350->irq_base, data);

static inline void wm8350_mask_irq(struct wm8350 *wm8350, int irq)
	disable_irq(irq + wm8350->irq_base);

static inline void wm8350_unmask_irq(struct wm8350 *wm8350, int irq)
	enable_irq(irq + wm8350->irq_base);

int wm8350_irq_init(struct wm8350 *wm8350, int irq,
		    struct wm8350_platform_data *pdata);
int wm8350_irq_exit(struct wm8350 *wm8350);



Name Type Size Permission Actions
audio.h File 21.01 KB 0644
comparator.h File 5.15 KB 0644
core.h File 25.21 KB 0644
gpio.h File 12.86 KB 0644
pmic.h File 26.89 KB 0644
rtc.h File 10.66 KB 0644
supply.h File 4.22 KB 0644
wdt.h File 808 B 0644