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 * rtc.h  --  RTC driver for Wolfson WM8350 PMIC
 * Copyright 2007 Wolfson Microelectronics PLC
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute  it and/or modify it
 *  under  the terms of  the GNU General  Public License as published by the
 *  Free Software Foundation;  either version 2 of the  License, or (at your
 *  option) any later version.

#ifndef __LINUX_MFD_WM8350_RTC_H
#define __LINUX_MFD_WM8350_RTC_H

#include <linux/platform_device.h>

 * Register values.
#define WM8350_RTC_SECONDS_MINUTES              0x10
#define WM8350_RTC_HOURS_DAY                    0x11
#define WM8350_RTC_DATE_MONTH                   0x12
#define WM8350_RTC_YEAR                         0x13
#define WM8350_ALARM_SECONDS_MINUTES            0x14
#define WM8350_ALARM_HOURS_DAY                  0x15
#define WM8350_ALARM_DATE_MONTH                 0x16
#define WM8350_RTC_TIME_CONTROL                 0x17

 * R16 (0x10) - RTC Seconds/Minutes
#define WM8350_RTC_MINS_MASK                    0x7F00
#define WM8350_RTC_MINS_SHIFT                        8
#define WM8350_RTC_SECS_MASK                    0x007F
#define WM8350_RTC_SECS_SHIFT                        0

 * R17 (0x11) - RTC Hours/Day
#define WM8350_RTC_DAY_MASK                     0x0700
#define WM8350_RTC_DAY_SHIFT                         8
#define WM8350_RTC_HPM_MASK                     0x0020
#define WM8350_RTC_HPM_SHIFT                         5
#define WM8350_RTC_HRS_MASK                     0x001F
#define WM8350_RTC_HRS_SHIFT                         0

/* Bit values for R21 (0x15) */
#define WM8350_RTC_DAY_SUN                           1
#define WM8350_RTC_DAY_MON                           2
#define WM8350_RTC_DAY_TUE                           3
#define WM8350_RTC_DAY_WED                           4
#define WM8350_RTC_DAY_THU                           5
#define WM8350_RTC_DAY_FRI                           6
#define WM8350_RTC_DAY_SAT                           7

#define WM8350_RTC_HPM_AM                            0
#define WM8350_RTC_HPM_PM                            1

 * R18 (0x12) - RTC Date/Month
#define WM8350_RTC_MTH_MASK                     0x1F00
#define WM8350_RTC_MTH_SHIFT                         8
#define WM8350_RTC_DATE_MASK                    0x003F
#define WM8350_RTC_DATE_SHIFT                        0

/* Bit values for R22 (0x16) */
#define WM8350_RTC_MTH_JAN                           1
#define WM8350_RTC_MTH_FEB                           2
#define WM8350_RTC_MTH_MAR                           3
#define WM8350_RTC_MTH_APR                           4
#define WM8350_RTC_MTH_MAY                           5
#define WM8350_RTC_MTH_JUN                           6
#define WM8350_RTC_MTH_JUL                           7
#define WM8350_RTC_MTH_AUG                           8
#define WM8350_RTC_MTH_SEP                           9
#define WM8350_RTC_MTH_OCT                          10
#define WM8350_RTC_MTH_NOV                          11
#define WM8350_RTC_MTH_DEC                          12
#define WM8350_RTC_MTH_JAN_BCD                    0x01
#define WM8350_RTC_MTH_FEB_BCD                    0x02
#define WM8350_RTC_MTH_MAR_BCD                    0x03
#define WM8350_RTC_MTH_APR_BCD                    0x04
#define WM8350_RTC_MTH_MAY_BCD                    0x05
#define WM8350_RTC_MTH_JUN_BCD                    0x06
#define WM8350_RTC_MTH_JUL_BCD                    0x07
#define WM8350_RTC_MTH_AUG_BCD                    0x08
#define WM8350_RTC_MTH_SEP_BCD                    0x09
#define WM8350_RTC_MTH_OCT_BCD                    0x10
#define WM8350_RTC_MTH_NOV_BCD                    0x11
#define WM8350_RTC_MTH_DEC_BCD                    0x12

 * R19 (0x13) - RTC Year
#define WM8350_RTC_YHUNDREDS_MASK               0x3F00
#define WM8350_RTC_YHUNDREDS_SHIFT                   8
#define WM8350_RTC_YUNITS_MASK                  0x00FF
#define WM8350_RTC_YUNITS_SHIFT                      0

 * R20 (0x14) - Alarm Seconds/Minutes
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMMINS_MASK                 0x7F00
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMMINS_SHIFT                     8
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMSECS_MASK                 0x007F
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMSECS_SHIFT                     0

/* Bit values for R20 (0x14) */
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMMINS_DONT_CARE                -1
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMSECS_DONT_CARE                -1

 * R21 (0x15) - Alarm Hours/Day
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMDAY_MASK                  0x0F00
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMDAY_SHIFT                      8
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMHPM_MASK                  0x0020
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMHPM_SHIFT                      5
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMHRS_MASK                  0x001F
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMHRS_SHIFT                      0

/* Bit values for R21 (0x15) */
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMDAY_DONT_CARE                 -1
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMDAY_SUN                        1
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMDAY_MON                        2
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMDAY_TUE                        3
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMDAY_WED                        4
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMDAY_THU                        5
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMDAY_FRI                        6
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMDAY_SAT                        7

#define WM8350_RTC_ALMHPM_AM                         0
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMHPM_PM                         1

#define WM8350_RTC_ALMHRS_DONT_CARE                 -1

 * R22 (0x16) - Alarm Date/Month
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMMTH_MASK                  0x1F00
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMMTH_SHIFT                      8
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMDATE_MASK                 0x003F
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMDATE_SHIFT                     0

/* Bit values for R22 (0x16) */
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMDATE_DONT_CARE                -1

#define WM8350_RTC_ALMMTH_DONT_CARE                 -1
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMMTH_JAN                        1
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMMTH_FEB                        2
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMMTH_MAR                        3
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMMTH_APR                        4
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMMTH_MAY                        5
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMMTH_JUN                        6
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMMTH_JUL                        7
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMMTH_AUG                        8
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMMTH_SEP                        9
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMMTH_OCT                       10
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMMTH_NOV                       11
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMMTH_DEC                       12
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMMTH_JAN_BCD                 0x01
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMMTH_FEB_BCD                 0x02
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMMTH_MAR_BCD                 0x03
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMMTH_APR_BCD                 0x04
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMMTH_MAY_BCD                 0x05
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMMTH_JUN_BCD                 0x06
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMMTH_JUL_BCD                 0x07
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMMTH_AUG_BCD                 0x08
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMMTH_SEP_BCD                 0x09
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMMTH_OCT_BCD                 0x10
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMMTH_NOV_BCD                 0x11
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMMTH_DEC_BCD                 0x12

 * R23 (0x17) - RTC Time Control
#define WM8350_RTC_BCD                          0x8000
#define WM8350_RTC_BCD_MASK                     0x8000
#define WM8350_RTC_BCD_SHIFT                        15
#define WM8350_RTC_12HR                         0x4000
#define WM8350_RTC_12HR_MASK                    0x4000
#define WM8350_RTC_12HR_SHIFT                       14
#define WM8350_RTC_DST                          0x2000
#define WM8350_RTC_DST_MASK                     0x2000
#define WM8350_RTC_DST_SHIFT                        13
#define WM8350_RTC_SET                          0x0800
#define WM8350_RTC_SET_MASK                     0x0800
#define WM8350_RTC_SET_SHIFT                        11
#define WM8350_RTC_STS                          0x0400
#define WM8350_RTC_STS_MASK                     0x0400
#define WM8350_RTC_STS_SHIFT                        10
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMSET                       0x0200
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMSET_MASK                  0x0200
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMSET_SHIFT                      9
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMSTS                       0x0100
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMSTS_MASK                  0x0100
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMSTS_SHIFT                      8
#define WM8350_RTC_PINT                         0x0070
#define WM8350_RTC_PINT_MASK                    0x0070
#define WM8350_RTC_PINT_SHIFT                        4
#define WM8350_RTC_DSW                          0x000F
#define WM8350_RTC_DSW_MASK                     0x000F
#define WM8350_RTC_DSW_SHIFT                         0

/* Bit values for R23 (0x17) */
#define WM8350_RTC_BCD_BINARY                        0
#define WM8350_RTC_BCD_BCD                           1

#define WM8350_RTC_12HR_24HR                         0
#define WM8350_RTC_12HR_12HR                         1

#define WM8350_RTC_DST_DISABLED                      0
#define WM8350_RTC_DST_ENABLED                       1

#define WM8350_RTC_SET_RUN                           0
#define WM8350_RTC_SET_SET                           1

#define WM8350_RTC_STS_RUNNING                       0
#define WM8350_RTC_STS_STOPPED                       1

#define WM8350_RTC_ALMSET_RUN                        0
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMSET_SET                        1

#define WM8350_RTC_ALMSTS_RUNNING                    0
#define WM8350_RTC_ALMSTS_STOPPED                    1

#define WM8350_RTC_PINT_DISABLED                     0
#define WM8350_RTC_PINT_SECS                         1
#define WM8350_RTC_PINT_MINS                         2
#define WM8350_RTC_PINT_HRS                          3
#define WM8350_RTC_PINT_DAYS                         4
#define WM8350_RTC_PINT_MTHS                         5

#define WM8350_RTC_DSW_DISABLED                      0
#define WM8350_RTC_DSW_1HZ                           1
#define WM8350_RTC_DSW_2HZ                           2
#define WM8350_RTC_DSW_4HZ                           3
#define WM8350_RTC_DSW_8HZ                           4
#define WM8350_RTC_DSW_16HZ                          5
#define WM8350_RTC_DSW_32HZ                          6
#define WM8350_RTC_DSW_64HZ                          7
#define WM8350_RTC_DSW_128HZ                         8
#define WM8350_RTC_DSW_256HZ                         9
#define WM8350_RTC_DSW_512HZ                        10
#define WM8350_RTC_DSW_1024HZ                       11

 * R218 (0xDA) - RTC Tick Control
#define WM8350_RTC_TICKSTS                      0x4000
#define WM8350_RTC_CLKSRC                       0x2000
#define WM8350_RTC_TRIM_MASK                    0x03FF

 * RTC Interrupts.
#define WM8350_IRQ_RTC_PER			7
#define WM8350_IRQ_RTC_SEC			8
#define WM8350_IRQ_RTC_ALM			9

struct wm8350_rtc {
	struct platform_device *pdev;
	struct rtc_device *rtc;
	int alarm_enabled;      /* used over suspend/resume */
	int update_enabled;



Name Type Size Permission Actions
audio.h File 21.01 KB 0644
comparator.h File 5.15 KB 0644
core.h File 25.21 KB 0644
gpio.h File 12.86 KB 0644
pmic.h File 26.89 KB 0644
rtc.h File 10.66 KB 0644
supply.h File 4.22 KB 0644
wdt.h File 808 B 0644