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 * Marvell 88PM860x Interface
 * Copyright (C) 2009 Marvell International Ltd.
 * 	Haojian Zhuang <haojian.zhuang@marvell.com>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.

#ifndef __LINUX_MFD_88PM860X_H
#define __LINUX_MFD_88PM860X_H

#include <linux/interrupt.h>

#define MFD_NAME_SIZE		(40)

enum {

enum {

/* 8606 Registers */
#define PM8606_DCM_BOOST		(0x00)
#define PM8606_PWM			(0x01)

#define PM8607_MISC2			(0x42)

/* Power Up Log Register */
#define PM8607_POWER_UP_LOG		(0x3F)

/* Charger Control Registers */
#define PM8607_CCNT			(0x47)
#define PM8607_CHG_CTRL1		(0x48)
#define PM8607_CHG_CTRL2		(0x49)
#define PM8607_CHG_CTRL3		(0x4A)
#define PM8607_CHG_CTRL4		(0x4B)
#define PM8607_CHG_CTRL5		(0x4C)
#define PM8607_CHG_CTRL6		(0x4D)
#define PM8607_CHG_CTRL7		(0x4E)

/* Backlight Registers */
#define PM8606_WLED1A			(0x02)
#define PM8606_WLED1B			(0x03)
#define PM8606_WLED2A			(0x04)
#define PM8606_WLED2B			(0x05)
#define PM8606_WLED3A			(0x06)
#define PM8606_WLED3B			(0x07)

/* LED Registers */
#define PM8606_RGB2A			(0x08)
#define PM8606_RGB2B			(0x09)
#define PM8606_RGB2C			(0x0A)
#define PM8606_RGB2D			(0x0B)
#define PM8606_RGB1A			(0x0C)
#define PM8606_RGB1B			(0x0D)
#define PM8606_RGB1C			(0x0E)
#define PM8606_RGB1D			(0x0F)

#define PM8606_PREREGULATORA		(0x10)
#define PM8606_PREREGULATORB		(0x11)
#define PM8606_VIBRATORA		(0x12)
#define PM8606_VIBRATORB		(0x13)
#define PM8606_VCHG			(0x14)
#define PM8606_VSYS			(0x15)
#define PM8606_MISC			(0x16)
#define PM8606_CHIP_ID			(0x17)
#define PM8606_STATUS			(0x18)
#define PM8606_FLAGS			(0x19)
#define PM8606_PROTECTA			(0x1A)
#define PM8606_PROTECTB			(0x1B)
#define PM8606_PROTECTC			(0x1C)

/* Bit definitions of PM8606 registers */
#define PM8606_DCM_500MA		(0x0)	/* current limit */
#define PM8606_DCM_750MA		(0x1)
#define PM8606_DCM_1000MA		(0x2)
#define PM8606_DCM_1250MA		(0x3)
#define PM8606_DCM_250MV		(0x0 << 2)
#define PM8606_DCM_300MV		(0x1 << 2)
#define PM8606_DCM_350MV		(0x2 << 2)
#define PM8606_DCM_400MV		(0x3 << 2)

#define PM8606_PWM_31200HZ		(0x0)
#define PM8606_PWM_15600HZ		(0x1)
#define PM8606_PWM_7800HZ		(0x2)
#define PM8606_PWM_3900HZ		(0x3)
#define PM8606_PWM_1950HZ		(0x4)
#define PM8606_PWM_976HZ		(0x5)
#define PM8606_PWM_488HZ		(0x6)
#define PM8606_PWM_244HZ		(0x7)
#define PM8606_PWM_FREQ_MASK		(0x7)

#define PM8606_WLED_ON			(1 << 0)
#define PM8606_WLED_CURRENT(x)		((x & 0x1F) << 1)

#define PM8606_LED_CURRENT(x)		(((x >> 2) & 0x07) << 5)

#define PM8606_VSYS_EN			(1 << 1)

#define PM8606_MISC_OSC_EN		(1 << 4)

enum {
	PM8607_ID_BUCK1 = 0,



/* 8607 chip ID is 0x40 or 0x50 */
#define PM8607_VERSION_MASK		(0xF0)	/* 8607 chip ID mask */

/* Interrupt Registers */
#define PM8607_STATUS_1			(0x01)
#define PM8607_STATUS_2			(0x02)
#define PM8607_INT_STATUS1		(0x03)
#define PM8607_INT_STATUS2		(0x04)
#define PM8607_INT_STATUS3		(0x05)
#define PM8607_INT_MASK_1		(0x06)
#define PM8607_INT_MASK_2		(0x07)
#define PM8607_INT_MASK_3		(0x08)

/* Regulator Control Registers */
#define PM8607_LDO1			(0x10)
#define PM8607_LDO2			(0x11)
#define PM8607_LDO3			(0x12)
#define PM8607_LDO4			(0x13)
#define PM8607_LDO5			(0x14)
#define PM8607_LDO6			(0x15)
#define PM8607_LDO7			(0x16)
#define PM8607_LDO8			(0x17)
#define PM8607_LDO9			(0x18)
#define PM8607_LDO10			(0x19)
#define PM8607_LDO12			(0x1A)
#define PM8607_LDO14			(0x1B)
#define PM8607_SLEEP_MODE1		(0x1C)
#define PM8607_SLEEP_MODE2		(0x1D)
#define PM8607_SLEEP_MODE3		(0x1E)
#define PM8607_SLEEP_MODE4		(0x1F)
#define PM8607_GO			(0x20)
#define PM8607_SLEEP_BUCK1		(0x21)
#define PM8607_SLEEP_BUCK2		(0x22)
#define PM8607_SLEEP_BUCK3		(0x23)
#define PM8607_BUCK1			(0x24)
#define PM8607_BUCK2			(0x25)
#define PM8607_BUCK3			(0x26)
#define PM8607_BUCK_CONTROLS		(0x27)
#define PM8607_SUPPLIES_EN11		(0x2B)
#define PM8607_SUPPLIES_EN12		(0x2C)
#define PM8607_GROUP1			(0x2D)
#define PM8607_GROUP2			(0x2E)
#define PM8607_GROUP3			(0x2F)
#define PM8607_GROUP4			(0x30)
#define PM8607_GROUP5			(0x31)
#define PM8607_GROUP6			(0x32)
#define PM8607_SUPPLIES_EN21		(0x33)
#define PM8607_SUPPLIES_EN22		(0x34)

/* Vibrator Control Registers */
#define PM8607_VIBRATOR_SET		(0x28)
#define PM8607_VIBRATOR_PWM		(0x29)

/* GPADC Registers */
#define PM8607_GP_BIAS1			(0x4F)
#define PM8607_MEAS_EN1			(0x50)
#define PM8607_MEAS_EN2			(0x51)
#define PM8607_MEAS_EN3			(0x52)
#define PM8607_MEAS_OFF_TIME1		(0x53)
#define PM8607_MEAS_OFF_TIME2		(0x54)
#define PM8607_TSI_PREBIAS		(0x55)	/* prebias time */
#define PM8607_PD_PREBIAS		(0x56)	/* prebias time */
#define PM8607_GPADC_MISC1		(0x57)

/* bit definitions of  MEAS_EN1*/
#define PM8607_MEAS_EN1_VBAT		(1 << 0)
#define PM8607_MEAS_EN1_VCHG		(1 << 1)
#define PM8607_MEAS_EN1_VSYS		(1 << 2)
#define PM8607_MEAS_EN1_TINT		(1 << 3)
#define PM8607_MEAS_EN1_RFTMP		(1 << 4)
#define PM8607_MEAS_EN1_TBAT		(1 << 5)
#define PM8607_MEAS_EN1_GPADC2		(1 << 6)
#define PM8607_MEAS_EN1_GPADC3		(1 << 7)

/* Battery Monitor Registers */
#define PM8607_GP_BIAS2			(0x5A)
#define PM8607_VBAT_LOWTH		(0x5B)
#define PM8607_VCHG_LOWTH		(0x5C)
#define PM8607_VSYS_LOWTH		(0x5D)
#define PM8607_TINT_LOWTH		(0x5E)
#define PM8607_GPADC0_LOWTH		(0x5F)
#define PM8607_GPADC1_LOWTH		(0x60)
#define PM8607_GPADC2_LOWTH		(0x61)
#define PM8607_GPADC3_LOWTH		(0x62)
#define PM8607_VBAT_HIGHTH		(0x63)
#define PM8607_VCHG_HIGHTH		(0x64)
#define PM8607_VSYS_HIGHTH		(0x65)
#define PM8607_TINT_HIGHTH		(0x66)
#define PM8607_GPADC0_HIGHTH		(0x67)
#define PM8607_GPADC1_HIGHTH		(0x68)
#define PM8607_GPADC2_HIGHTH		(0x69)
#define PM8607_GPADC3_HIGHTH		(0x6A)
#define PM8607_IBAT_MEAS1		(0x6B)
#define PM8607_IBAT_MEAS2		(0x6C)
#define PM8607_VBAT_MEAS1		(0x6D)
#define PM8607_VBAT_MEAS2		(0x6E)
#define PM8607_VCHG_MEAS1		(0x6F)
#define PM8607_VCHG_MEAS2		(0x70)
#define PM8607_VSYS_MEAS1		(0x71)
#define PM8607_VSYS_MEAS2		(0x72)
#define PM8607_TINT_MEAS1		(0x73)
#define PM8607_TINT_MEAS2		(0x74)
#define PM8607_GPADC0_MEAS1		(0x75)
#define PM8607_GPADC0_MEAS2		(0x76)
#define PM8607_GPADC1_MEAS1		(0x77)
#define PM8607_GPADC1_MEAS2		(0x78)
#define PM8607_GPADC2_MEAS1		(0x79)
#define PM8607_GPADC2_MEAS2		(0x7A)
#define PM8607_GPADC3_MEAS1		(0x7B)
#define PM8607_GPADC3_MEAS2		(0x7C)
#define PM8607_CCNT_MEAS1		(0x95)
#define PM8607_CCNT_MEAS2		(0x96)
#define PM8607_VBAT_AVG			(0x97)
#define PM8607_VCHG_AVG			(0x98)
#define PM8607_VSYS_AVG			(0x99)
#define PM8607_VBAT_MIN			(0x9A)
#define PM8607_VCHG_MIN			(0x9B)
#define PM8607_VSYS_MIN			(0x9C)
#define PM8607_VBAT_MAX			(0x9D)
#define PM8607_VCHG_MAX			(0x9E)
#define PM8607_VSYS_MAX			(0x9F)

#define PM8607_GPADC_MISC2		(0x59)
#define PM8607_GPADC0_GP_BIAS_A0	(1 << 0)
#define PM8607_GPADC1_GP_BIAS_A1	(1 << 1)
#define PM8607_GPADC2_GP_BIAS_A2	(1 << 2)
#define PM8607_GPADC3_GP_BIAS_A3	(1 << 3)
#define PM8607_GPADC2_GP_BIAS_OUT2	(1 << 6)

/* RTC Control Registers */
#define PM8607_RTC1			(0xA0)
#define PM8607_RTC_COUNTER1		(0xA1)
#define PM8607_RTC_COUNTER2		(0xA2)
#define PM8607_RTC_COUNTER3		(0xA3)
#define PM8607_RTC_COUNTER4		(0xA4)
#define PM8607_RTC_EXPIRE1		(0xA5)
#define PM8607_RTC_EXPIRE2		(0xA6)
#define PM8607_RTC_EXPIRE3		(0xA7)
#define PM8607_RTC_EXPIRE4		(0xA8)
#define PM8607_RTC_TRIM1		(0xA9)
#define PM8607_RTC_TRIM2		(0xAA)
#define PM8607_RTC_TRIM3		(0xAB)
#define PM8607_RTC_TRIM4		(0xAC)
#define PM8607_RTC_MISC1		(0xAD)
#define PM8607_RTC_MISC2		(0xAE)
#define PM8607_RTC_MISC3		(0xAF)

/* Misc Registers */
#define PM8607_CHIP_ID			(0x00)
#define PM8607_B0_MISC1			(0x0C)
#define PM8607_LDO1			(0x10)
#define PM8607_DVC3			(0x26)
#define PM8607_A1_MISC1			(0x40)

/* bit definitions of Status Query Interface */
#define PM8607_STATUS_CC		(1 << 3)
#define PM8607_STATUS_PEN		(1 << 4)
#define PM8607_STATUS_HEADSET		(1 << 5)
#define PM8607_STATUS_HOOK		(1 << 6)
#define PM8607_STATUS_MICIN		(1 << 7)
#define PM8607_STATUS_ONKEY		(1 << 8)
#define PM8607_STATUS_EXTON		(1 << 9)
#define PM8607_STATUS_CHG		(1 << 10)
#define PM8607_STATUS_BAT		(1 << 11)
#define PM8607_STATUS_VBUS		(1 << 12)
#define PM8607_STATUS_OV		(1 << 13)

/* bit definitions of BUCK3 */
#define PM8607_BUCK3_DOUBLE		(1 << 6)

/* bit definitions of Misc1 */
#define PM8607_A1_MISC1_PI2C		(1 << 0)
#define PM8607_B0_MISC1_INV_INT		(1 << 0)
#define PM8607_B0_MISC1_INT_CLEAR	(1 << 1)
#define PM8607_B0_MISC1_INT_MASK	(1 << 2)
#define PM8607_B0_MISC1_PI2C		(1 << 3)
#define PM8607_B0_MISC1_RESET		(1 << 6)

/* bits definitions of GPADC */
#define PM8607_GPADC_EN			(1 << 0)
#define PM8607_GPADC_PREBIAS_MASK	(3 << 1)
#define PM8607_GPADC_SLOT_CYCLE_MASK	(3 << 3)	/* slow mode */
#define PM8607_GPADC_OFF_SCALE_MASK	(3 << 5)	/* GP sleep mode */
#define PM8607_GPADC_SW_CAL_MASK	(1 << 7)

#define PM8607_PD_PREBIAS_MASK		(0x1F << 0)
#define PM8607_PD_PRECHG_MASK		(7 << 5)

#define PM8606_REF_GP_OSC_OFF         0
#define PM8606_REF_GP_OSC_ON          1
#define PM8606_REF_GP_OSC_UNKNOWN     2

/* Clients of reference group and 8MHz oscillator in 88PM8606 */
enum pm8606_ref_gp_and_osc_clients {
	REF_GP_NO_CLIENTS       = 0,
	WLED1_DUTY              = (1<<0), /*PF 0x02.7:0*/
	WLED2_DUTY              = (1<<1), /*PF 0x04.7:0*/
	WLED3_DUTY              = (1<<2), /*PF 0x06.7:0*/
	RGB1_ENABLE             = (1<<3), /*PF 0x07.1*/
	RGB2_ENABLE             = (1<<4), /*PF 0x07.2*/
	LDO_VBR_EN              = (1<<5), /*PF 0x12.0*/

/* Interrupt Number in 88PM8607 */
enum {

enum {
	PM8607_CHIP_A0 = 0x40,
	PM8607_CHIP_A1 = 0x41,
	PM8607_CHIP_B0 = 0x48,

struct pm860x_chip {
	struct device		*dev;
	struct mutex		irq_lock;
	struct mutex		osc_lock;
	struct i2c_client	*client;
	struct i2c_client	*companion;	/* companion chip client */
	struct regmap           *regmap;
	struct regmap           *regmap_companion;

	int			buck3_double;	/* DVC ramp slope double */
	int			companion_addr;
	unsigned short		osc_vote;
	int			id;
	int			irq_mode;
	int			irq_base;
	int			core_irq;
	unsigned char		chip_version;
	unsigned char		osc_status;

	unsigned int            wakeup_flag;

enum {
	GI2C_PORT = 0,

struct pm860x_backlight_pdata {
	int		pwm;
	int		iset;

struct pm860x_led_pdata {
	int		iset;

struct pm860x_rtc_pdata {
	int		(*sync)(unsigned int ticks);
	int		vrtc;

struct pm860x_touch_pdata {
	int		gpadc_prebias;
	int		slot_cycle;
	int		off_scale;
	int		sw_cal;
	int		tsi_prebias;	/* time, slot */
	int		pen_prebias;	/* time, slot */
	int		pen_prechg;	/* time, slot */
	int		res_x;		/* resistor of Xplate */
	unsigned long	flags;

struct pm860x_power_pdata {
	int		max_capacity;
	int		resistor;

struct pm860x_platform_data {
	struct pm860x_backlight_pdata	*backlight;
	struct pm860x_led_pdata		*led;
	struct pm860x_rtc_pdata		*rtc;
	struct pm860x_touch_pdata	*touch;
	struct pm860x_power_pdata	*power;
	struct regulator_init_data	*buck1;
	struct regulator_init_data	*buck2;
	struct regulator_init_data	*buck3;
	struct regulator_init_data	*ldo1;
	struct regulator_init_data	*ldo2;
	struct regulator_init_data	*ldo3;
	struct regulator_init_data	*ldo4;
	struct regulator_init_data	*ldo5;
	struct regulator_init_data	*ldo6;
	struct regulator_init_data	*ldo7;
	struct regulator_init_data	*ldo8;
	struct regulator_init_data	*ldo9;
	struct regulator_init_data	*ldo10;
	struct regulator_init_data	*ldo12;
	struct regulator_init_data	*ldo_vibrator;
	struct regulator_init_data	*ldo14;
	struct charger_desc		*chg_desc;

	int 		companion_addr;	/* I2C address of companion chip */
	int		i2c_port;	/* Controlled by GI2C or PI2C */
	int		irq_mode;	/* Clear interrupt by read/write(0/1) */
	int		irq_base;	/* IRQ base number of 88pm860x */
	int		num_leds;
	int		num_backlights;

extern int pm8606_osc_enable(struct pm860x_chip *, unsigned short);
extern int pm8606_osc_disable(struct pm860x_chip *, unsigned short);

extern int pm860x_reg_read(struct i2c_client *, int);
extern int pm860x_reg_write(struct i2c_client *, int, unsigned char);
extern int pm860x_bulk_read(struct i2c_client *, int, int, unsigned char *);
extern int pm860x_bulk_write(struct i2c_client *, int, int, unsigned char *);
extern int pm860x_set_bits(struct i2c_client *, int, unsigned char,
			   unsigned char);
extern int pm860x_page_reg_read(struct i2c_client *, int);
extern int pm860x_page_reg_write(struct i2c_client *, int, unsigned char);
extern int pm860x_page_bulk_read(struct i2c_client *, int, int,
				 unsigned char *);
extern int pm860x_page_bulk_write(struct i2c_client *, int, int,
				  unsigned char *);
extern int pm860x_page_set_bits(struct i2c_client *, int, unsigned char,
				unsigned char);

#endif /* __LINUX_MFD_88PM860X_H */


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