/* * Defining registers address and its bit definitions of MAX77620 and MAX20024 * * Copyright (C) 2016 NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. */ #ifndef _MFD_MAX77620_H_ #define _MFD_MAX77620_H_ #include <linux/types.h> /* GLOBAL, PMIC, GPIO, FPS, ONOFFC, CID Registers */ #define MAX77620_REG_CNFGGLBL1 0x00 #define MAX77620_REG_CNFGGLBL2 0x01 #define MAX77620_REG_CNFGGLBL3 0x02 #define MAX77620_REG_CNFG1_32K 0x03 #define MAX77620_REG_CNFGBBC 0x04 #define MAX77620_REG_IRQTOP 0x05 #define MAX77620_REG_INTLBT 0x06 #define MAX77620_REG_IRQSD 0x07 #define MAX77620_REG_IRQ_LVL2_L0_7 0x08 #define MAX77620_REG_IRQ_LVL2_L8 0x09 #define MAX77620_REG_IRQ_LVL2_GPIO 0x0A #define MAX77620_REG_ONOFFIRQ 0x0B #define MAX77620_REG_NVERC 0x0C #define MAX77620_REG_IRQTOPM 0x0D #define MAX77620_REG_INTENLBT 0x0E #define MAX77620_REG_IRQMASKSD 0x0F #define MAX77620_REG_IRQ_MSK_L0_7 0x10 #define MAX77620_REG_IRQ_MSK_L8 0x11 #define MAX77620_REG_ONOFFIRQM 0x12 #define MAX77620_REG_STATLBT 0x13 #define MAX77620_REG_STATSD 0x14 #define MAX77620_REG_ONOFFSTAT 0x15 /* SD and LDO Registers */ #define MAX77620_REG_SD0 0x16 #define MAX77620_REG_SD1 0x17 #define MAX77620_REG_SD2 0x18 #define MAX77620_REG_SD3 0x19 #define MAX77620_REG_SD4 0x1A #define MAX77620_REG_DVSSD0 0x1B #define MAX77620_REG_DVSSD1 0x1C #define MAX77620_REG_SD0_CFG 0x1D #define MAX77620_REG_SD1_CFG 0x1E #define MAX77620_REG_SD2_CFG 0x1F #define MAX77620_REG_SD3_CFG 0x20 #define MAX77620_REG_SD4_CFG 0x21 #define MAX77620_REG_SD_CFG2 0x22 #define MAX77620_REG_LDO0_CFG 0x23 #define MAX77620_REG_LDO0_CFG2 0x24 #define MAX77620_REG_LDO1_CFG 0x25 #define MAX77620_REG_LDO1_CFG2 0x26 #define MAX77620_REG_LDO2_CFG 0x27 #define MAX77620_REG_LDO2_CFG2 0x28 #define MAX77620_REG_LDO3_CFG 0x29 #define MAX77620_REG_LDO3_CFG2 0x2A #define MAX77620_REG_LDO4_CFG 0x2B #define MAX77620_REG_LDO4_CFG2 0x2C #define MAX77620_REG_LDO5_CFG 0x2D #define MAX77620_REG_LDO5_CFG2 0x2E #define MAX77620_REG_LDO6_CFG 0x2F #define MAX77620_REG_LDO6_CFG2 0x30 #define MAX77620_REG_LDO7_CFG 0x31 #define MAX77620_REG_LDO7_CFG2 0x32 #define MAX77620_REG_LDO8_CFG 0x33 #define MAX77620_REG_LDO8_CFG2 0x34 #define MAX77620_REG_LDO_CFG3 0x35 #define MAX77620_LDO_SLEW_RATE_MASK 0x1 /* LDO Configuration 3 */ #define MAX77620_TRACK4_MASK BIT(5) #define MAX77620_TRACK4_SHIFT 5 /* Voltage */ #define MAX77620_SDX_VOLT_MASK 0xFF #define MAX77620_SD0_VOLT_MASK 0x3F #define MAX77620_SD1_VOLT_MASK 0x7F #define MAX77620_LDO_VOLT_MASK 0x3F #define MAX77620_REG_GPIO0 0x36 #define MAX77620_REG_GPIO1 0x37 #define MAX77620_REG_GPIO2 0x38 #define MAX77620_REG_GPIO3 0x39 #define MAX77620_REG_GPIO4 0x3A #define MAX77620_REG_GPIO5 0x3B #define MAX77620_REG_GPIO6 0x3C #define MAX77620_REG_GPIO7 0x3D #define MAX77620_REG_PUE_GPIO 0x3E #define MAX77620_REG_PDE_GPIO 0x3F #define MAX77620_REG_AME_GPIO 0x40 #define MAX77620_REG_ONOFFCNFG1 0x41 #define MAX77620_REG_ONOFFCNFG2 0x42 /* FPS Registers */ #define MAX77620_REG_FPS_CFG0 0x43 #define MAX77620_REG_FPS_CFG1 0x44 #define MAX77620_REG_FPS_CFG2 0x45 #define MAX77620_REG_FPS_LDO0 0x46 #define MAX77620_REG_FPS_LDO1 0x47 #define MAX77620_REG_FPS_LDO2 0x48 #define MAX77620_REG_FPS_LDO3 0x49 #define MAX77620_REG_FPS_LDO4 0x4A #define MAX77620_REG_FPS_LDO5 0x4B #define MAX77620_REG_FPS_LDO6 0x4C #define MAX77620_REG_FPS_LDO7 0x4D #define MAX77620_REG_FPS_LDO8 0x4E #define MAX77620_REG_FPS_SD0 0x4F #define MAX77620_REG_FPS_SD1 0x50 #define MAX77620_REG_FPS_SD2 0x51 #define MAX77620_REG_FPS_SD3 0x52 #define MAX77620_REG_FPS_SD4 0x53 #define MAX77620_REG_FPS_NONE 0 #define MAX77620_FPS_SRC_MASK 0xC0 #define MAX77620_FPS_SRC_SHIFT 6 #define MAX77620_FPS_PU_PERIOD_MASK 0x38 #define MAX77620_FPS_PU_PERIOD_SHIFT 3 #define MAX77620_FPS_PD_PERIOD_MASK 0x07 #define MAX77620_FPS_PD_PERIOD_SHIFT 0 #define MAX77620_FPS_TIME_PERIOD_MASK 0x38 #define MAX77620_FPS_TIME_PERIOD_SHIFT 3 #define MAX77620_FPS_EN_SRC_MASK 0x06 #define MAX77620_FPS_EN_SRC_SHIFT 1 #define MAX77620_FPS_ENFPS_SW_MASK 0x01 #define MAX77620_FPS_ENFPS_SW 0x01 /* Minimum and maximum FPS period time (in microseconds) are * different for MAX77620 and Max20024. */ #define MAX77620_FPS_PERIOD_MIN_US 40 #define MAX20024_FPS_PERIOD_MIN_US 20 #define MAX20024_FPS_PERIOD_MAX_US 2560 #define MAX77620_FPS_PERIOD_MAX_US 5120 #define MAX77620_REG_FPS_GPIO1 0x54 #define MAX77620_REG_FPS_GPIO2 0x55 #define MAX77620_REG_FPS_GPIO3 0x56 #define MAX77620_REG_FPS_RSO 0x57 #define MAX77620_REG_CID0 0x58 #define MAX77620_REG_CID1 0x59 #define MAX77620_REG_CID2 0x5A #define MAX77620_REG_CID3 0x5B #define MAX77620_REG_CID4 0x5C #define MAX77620_REG_CID5 0x5D #define MAX77620_REG_DVSSD4 0x5E #define MAX20024_REG_MAX_ADD 0x70 #define MAX77620_CID_DIDM_MASK 0xF0 #define MAX77620_CID_DIDM_SHIFT 4 /* CNCG2SD */ #define MAX77620_SD_CNF2_ROVS_EN_SD1 BIT(1) #define MAX77620_SD_CNF2_ROVS_EN_SD0 BIT(2) /* Device Identification Metal */ #define MAX77620_CID5_DIDM(n) (((n) >> 4) & 0xF) /* Device Indentification OTP */ #define MAX77620_CID5_DIDO(n) ((n) & 0xF) /* SD CNFG1 */ #define MAX77620_SD_SR_MASK 0xC0 #define MAX77620_SD_SR_SHIFT 6 #define MAX77620_SD_POWER_MODE_MASK 0x30 #define MAX77620_SD_POWER_MODE_SHIFT 4 #define MAX77620_SD_CFG1_ADE_MASK BIT(3) #define MAX77620_SD_CFG1_ADE_DISABLE 0 #define MAX77620_SD_CFG1_ADE_ENABLE BIT(3) #define MAX77620_SD_FPWM_MASK 0x04 #define MAX77620_SD_FPWM_SHIFT 2 #define MAX77620_SD_FSRADE_MASK 0x01 #define MAX77620_SD_FSRADE_SHIFT 0 #define MAX77620_SD_CFG1_FPWM_SD_MASK BIT(2) #define MAX77620_SD_CFG1_FPWM_SD_SKIP 0 #define MAX77620_SD_CFG1_FPWM_SD_FPWM BIT(2) #define MAX20024_SD_CFG1_MPOK_MASK BIT(1) #define MAX77620_SD_CFG1_FSRADE_SD_MASK BIT(0) #define MAX77620_SD_CFG1_FSRADE_SD_DISABLE 0 #define MAX77620_SD_CFG1_FSRADE_SD_ENABLE BIT(0) /* LDO_CNFG2 */ #define MAX77620_LDO_POWER_MODE_MASK 0xC0 #define MAX77620_LDO_POWER_MODE_SHIFT 6 #define MAX20024_LDO_CFG2_MPOK_MASK BIT(2) #define MAX77620_LDO_CFG2_ADE_MASK BIT(1) #define MAX77620_LDO_CFG2_ADE_DISABLE 0 #define MAX77620_LDO_CFG2_ADE_ENABLE BIT(1) #define MAX77620_LDO_CFG2_SS_MASK BIT(0) #define MAX77620_LDO_CFG2_SS_FAST BIT(0) #define MAX77620_LDO_CFG2_SS_SLOW 0 #define MAX77620_IRQ_TOP_GLBL_MASK BIT(7) #define MAX77620_IRQ_TOP_SD_MASK BIT(6) #define MAX77620_IRQ_TOP_LDO_MASK BIT(5) #define MAX77620_IRQ_TOP_GPIO_MASK BIT(4) #define MAX77620_IRQ_TOP_RTC_MASK BIT(3) #define MAX77620_IRQ_TOP_32K_MASK BIT(2) #define MAX77620_IRQ_TOP_ONOFF_MASK BIT(1) #define MAX77620_IRQ_LBM_MASK BIT(3) #define MAX77620_IRQ_TJALRM1_MASK BIT(2) #define MAX77620_IRQ_TJALRM2_MASK BIT(1) #define MAX77620_PWR_I2C_ADDR 0x3c #define MAX77620_RTC_I2C_ADDR 0x68 #define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_DRV_MASK BIT(0) #define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_DRV_PUSHPULL BIT(0) #define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_DRV_OPENDRAIN 0 #define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_DIR_MASK BIT(1) #define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_DIR_INPUT BIT(1) #define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_DIR_OUTPUT 0 #define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_INPUT_VAL_MASK BIT(2) #define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL_MASK BIT(3) #define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL_HIGH BIT(3) #define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL_LOW 0 #define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_INT_MASK (0x3 << 4) #define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_INT_FALLING BIT(4) #define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_INT_RISING BIT(5) #define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_DBNC_MASK (0x3 << 6) #define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_DBNC_None (0x0 << 6) #define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_DBNC_8ms (0x1 << 6) #define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_DBNC_16ms (0x2 << 6) #define MAX77620_CNFG_GPIO_DBNC_32ms (0x3 << 6) #define MAX77620_IRQ_LVL2_GPIO_EDGE0 BIT(0) #define MAX77620_IRQ_LVL2_GPIO_EDGE1 BIT(1) #define MAX77620_IRQ_LVL2_GPIO_EDGE2 BIT(2) #define MAX77620_IRQ_LVL2_GPIO_EDGE3 BIT(3) #define MAX77620_IRQ_LVL2_GPIO_EDGE4 BIT(4) #define MAX77620_IRQ_LVL2_GPIO_EDGE5 BIT(5) #define MAX77620_IRQ_LVL2_GPIO_EDGE6 BIT(6) #define MAX77620_IRQ_LVL2_GPIO_EDGE7 BIT(7) #define MAX77620_CNFG1_32K_OUT0_EN BIT(2) #define MAX77620_ONOFFCNFG1_SFT_RST BIT(7) #define MAX77620_ONOFFCNFG1_MRT_MASK 0x38 #define MAX77620_ONOFFCNFG1_MRT_SHIFT 0x3 #define MAX77620_ONOFFCNFG1_SLPEN BIT(2) #define MAX77620_ONOFFCNFG1_PWR_OFF BIT(1) #define MAX20024_ONOFFCNFG1_CLRSE 0x18 #define MAX77620_ONOFFCNFG2_SFT_RST_WK BIT(7) #define MAX77620_ONOFFCNFG2_WD_RST_WK BIT(6) #define MAX77620_ONOFFCNFG2_SLP_LPM_MSK BIT(5) #define MAX77620_ONOFFCNFG2_WK_ALARM1 BIT(2) #define MAX77620_ONOFFCNFG2_WK_EN0 BIT(0) #define MAX77620_GLBLM_MASK BIT(0) #define MAX77620_WDTC_MASK 0x3 #define MAX77620_WDTOFFC BIT(4) #define MAX77620_WDTSLPC BIT(3) #define MAX77620_WDTEN BIT(2) #define MAX77620_TWD_MASK 0x3 #define MAX77620_TWD_2s 0x0 #define MAX77620_TWD_16s 0x1 #define MAX77620_TWD_64s 0x2 #define MAX77620_TWD_128s 0x3 #define MAX77620_CNFGGLBL1_LBDAC_EN BIT(7) #define MAX77620_CNFGGLBL1_MPPLD BIT(6) #define MAX77620_CNFGGLBL1_LBHYST (BIT(5) | BIT(4)) #define MAX77620_CNFGGLBL1_LBDAC 0x0E #define MAX77620_CNFGGLBL1_LBRSTEN BIT(0) /* CNFG BBC registers */ #define MAX77620_CNFGBBC_ENABLE BIT(0) #define MAX77620_CNFGBBC_CURRENT_MASK 0x06 #define MAX77620_CNFGBBC_CURRENT_SHIFT 1 #define MAX77620_CNFGBBC_VOLTAGE_MASK 0x18 #define MAX77620_CNFGBBC_VOLTAGE_SHIFT 3 #define MAX77620_CNFGBBC_LOW_CURRENT_DISABLE BIT(5) #define MAX77620_CNFGBBC_RESISTOR_MASK 0xC0 #define MAX77620_CNFGBBC_RESISTOR_SHIFT 6 #define MAX77620_FPS_COUNT 3 /* Interrupts */ enum { MAX77620_IRQ_TOP_GLBL, /* Low-Battery */ MAX77620_IRQ_TOP_SD, /* SD power fail */ MAX77620_IRQ_TOP_LDO, /* LDO power fail */ MAX77620_IRQ_TOP_GPIO, /* TOP GPIO internal int to MAX77620 */ MAX77620_IRQ_TOP_RTC, /* RTC */ MAX77620_IRQ_TOP_32K, /* 32kHz oscillator */ MAX77620_IRQ_TOP_ONOFF, /* ON/OFF oscillator */ MAX77620_IRQ_LBT_MBATLOW, /* Thermal alarm status, > 120C */ MAX77620_IRQ_LBT_TJALRM1, /* Thermal alarm status, > 120C */ MAX77620_IRQ_LBT_TJALRM2, /* Thermal alarm status, > 140C */ }; /* GPIOs */ enum { MAX77620_GPIO0, MAX77620_GPIO1, MAX77620_GPIO2, MAX77620_GPIO3, MAX77620_GPIO4, MAX77620_GPIO5, MAX77620_GPIO6, MAX77620_GPIO7, MAX77620_GPIO_NR, }; /* FPS Source */ enum max77620_fps_src { MAX77620_FPS_SRC_0, MAX77620_FPS_SRC_1, MAX77620_FPS_SRC_2, MAX77620_FPS_SRC_NONE, MAX77620_FPS_SRC_DEF, }; enum max77620_chip_id { MAX77620, MAX20024, }; struct max77620_chip { struct device *dev; struct regmap *rmap; int chip_irq; int irq_base; /* chip id */ enum max77620_chip_id chip_id; bool sleep_enable; bool enable_global_lpm; int shutdown_fps_period[MAX77620_FPS_COUNT]; int suspend_fps_period[MAX77620_FPS_COUNT]; struct regmap_irq_chip_data *top_irq_data; struct regmap_irq_chip_data *gpio_irq_data; }; #endif /* _MFD_MAX77620_H_ */
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samsung | Folder | 0755 |
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