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 * mv643xx.h - MV-643XX Internal registers definition file.
 * Copyright 2002 Momentum Computer, Inc.
 * 	Author: Matthew Dharm <mdharm@momenco.com>
 * Copyright 2002 GALILEO TECHNOLOGY, LTD. 
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute  it and/or modify it
 * under  the terms of  the GNU General  Public License as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation;  either version 2 of the  License, or (at your
 * option) any later version.
#ifndef __ASM_MV643XX_H
#define __ASM_MV643XX_H

#include <asm/types.h>
#include <linux/mv643xx_eth.h>
#include <linux/mv643xx_i2c.h>

/* Processor Address Space              */

/* DDR SDRAM BAR and size registers */

#define MV64340_CS_0_BASE_ADDR                                      0x008
#define MV64340_CS_0_SIZE                                           0x010
#define MV64340_CS_1_BASE_ADDR                                      0x208
#define MV64340_CS_1_SIZE                                           0x210
#define MV64340_CS_2_BASE_ADDR                                      0x018
#define MV64340_CS_2_SIZE                                           0x020
#define MV64340_CS_3_BASE_ADDR                                      0x218
#define MV64340_CS_3_SIZE                                           0x220

/* Devices BAR and size registers */

#define MV64340_DEV_CS0_BASE_ADDR                                   0x028
#define MV64340_DEV_CS0_SIZE                                        0x030
#define MV64340_DEV_CS1_BASE_ADDR                                   0x228
#define MV64340_DEV_CS1_SIZE                                        0x230
#define MV64340_DEV_CS2_BASE_ADDR                                   0x248
#define MV64340_DEV_CS2_SIZE                                        0x250
#define MV64340_DEV_CS3_BASE_ADDR                                   0x038
#define MV64340_DEV_CS3_SIZE                                        0x040
#define MV64340_BOOTCS_BASE_ADDR                                    0x238
#define MV64340_BOOTCS_SIZE                                         0x240

/* PCI 0 BAR and size registers */

#define MV64340_PCI_0_IO_BASE_ADDR                                  0x048
#define MV64340_PCI_0_IO_SIZE                                       0x050
#define MV64340_PCI_0_MEMORY0_BASE_ADDR                             0x058
#define MV64340_PCI_0_MEMORY0_SIZE                                  0x060
#define MV64340_PCI_0_MEMORY1_BASE_ADDR                             0x080
#define MV64340_PCI_0_MEMORY1_SIZE                                  0x088
#define MV64340_PCI_0_MEMORY2_BASE_ADDR                             0x258
#define MV64340_PCI_0_MEMORY2_SIZE                                  0x260
#define MV64340_PCI_0_MEMORY3_BASE_ADDR                             0x280
#define MV64340_PCI_0_MEMORY3_SIZE                                  0x288

/* PCI 1 BAR and size registers */
#define MV64340_PCI_1_IO_BASE_ADDR                                  0x090
#define MV64340_PCI_1_IO_SIZE                                       0x098
#define MV64340_PCI_1_MEMORY0_BASE_ADDR                             0x0a0
#define MV64340_PCI_1_MEMORY0_SIZE                                  0x0a8
#define MV64340_PCI_1_MEMORY1_BASE_ADDR                             0x0b0
#define MV64340_PCI_1_MEMORY1_SIZE                                  0x0b8
#define MV64340_PCI_1_MEMORY2_BASE_ADDR                             0x2a0
#define MV64340_PCI_1_MEMORY2_SIZE                                  0x2a8
#define MV64340_PCI_1_MEMORY3_BASE_ADDR                             0x2b0
#define MV64340_PCI_1_MEMORY3_SIZE                                  0x2b8

/* SRAM base address */
#define MV64340_INTEGRATED_SRAM_BASE_ADDR                           0x268

/* internal registers space base address */
#define MV64340_INTERNAL_SPACE_BASE_ADDR                            0x068

/* Enables the CS , DEV_CS , PCI 0 and PCI 1 
   windows above */
#define MV64340_BASE_ADDR_ENABLE                                    0x278

/* PCI remap registers                  */
      /* PCI 0 */
#define MV64340_PCI_0_IO_ADDR_REMAP                                 0x0f0
#define MV64340_PCI_0_MEMORY0_LOW_ADDR_REMAP                        0x0f8
#define MV64340_PCI_0_MEMORY0_HIGH_ADDR_REMAP                       0x320
#define MV64340_PCI_0_MEMORY1_LOW_ADDR_REMAP                        0x100
#define MV64340_PCI_0_MEMORY1_HIGH_ADDR_REMAP                       0x328
#define MV64340_PCI_0_MEMORY2_LOW_ADDR_REMAP                        0x2f8
#define MV64340_PCI_0_MEMORY2_HIGH_ADDR_REMAP                       0x330
#define MV64340_PCI_0_MEMORY3_LOW_ADDR_REMAP                        0x300
#define MV64340_PCI_0_MEMORY3_HIGH_ADDR_REMAP                       0x338
      /* PCI 1 */
#define MV64340_PCI_1_IO_ADDR_REMAP                                 0x108
#define MV64340_PCI_1_MEMORY0_LOW_ADDR_REMAP                        0x110
#define MV64340_PCI_1_MEMORY0_HIGH_ADDR_REMAP                       0x340
#define MV64340_PCI_1_MEMORY1_LOW_ADDR_REMAP                        0x118
#define MV64340_PCI_1_MEMORY1_HIGH_ADDR_REMAP                       0x348
#define MV64340_PCI_1_MEMORY2_LOW_ADDR_REMAP                        0x310
#define MV64340_PCI_1_MEMORY2_HIGH_ADDR_REMAP                       0x350
#define MV64340_PCI_1_MEMORY3_LOW_ADDR_REMAP                        0x318
#define MV64340_PCI_1_MEMORY3_HIGH_ADDR_REMAP                       0x358
#define MV64340_CPU_PCI_0_HEADERS_RETARGET_CONTROL                  0x3b0
#define MV64340_CPU_PCI_0_HEADERS_RETARGET_BASE                     0x3b8
#define MV64340_CPU_PCI_1_HEADERS_RETARGET_CONTROL                  0x3c0
#define MV64340_CPU_PCI_1_HEADERS_RETARGET_BASE                     0x3c8
#define MV64340_CPU_GE_HEADERS_RETARGET_CONTROL                     0x3d0
#define MV64340_CPU_GE_HEADERS_RETARGET_BASE                        0x3d8
#define MV64340_CPU_IDMA_HEADERS_RETARGET_CONTROL                   0x3e0
#define MV64340_CPU_IDMA_HEADERS_RETARGET_BASE                      0x3e8

/*         CPU Control Registers        */

#define MV64340_CPU_CONFIG                                          0x000
#define MV64340_CPU_MODE                                            0x120
#define MV64340_CPU_MASTER_CONTROL                                  0x160
#define MV64340_CPU_CROSS_BAR_CONTROL_LOW                           0x150
#define MV64340_CPU_CROSS_BAR_CONTROL_HIGH                          0x158
#define MV64340_CPU_CROSS_BAR_TIMEOUT                               0x168

/* SMP RegisterS                        */

#define MV64340_SMP_WHO_AM_I                                        0x200
#define MV64340_SMP_CPU0_DOORBELL                                   0x214
#define MV64340_SMP_CPU0_DOORBELL_CLEAR                             0x21C
#define MV64340_SMP_CPU1_DOORBELL                                   0x224
#define MV64340_SMP_CPU1_DOORBELL_CLEAR                             0x22C
#define MV64340_SMP_CPU0_DOORBELL_MASK                              0x234
#define MV64340_SMP_CPU1_DOORBELL_MASK                              0x23C
#define MV64340_SMP_SEMAPHOR0                                       0x244
#define MV64340_SMP_SEMAPHOR1                                       0x24c
#define MV64340_SMP_SEMAPHOR2                                       0x254
#define MV64340_SMP_SEMAPHOR3                                       0x25c
#define MV64340_SMP_SEMAPHOR4                                       0x264
#define MV64340_SMP_SEMAPHOR5                                       0x26c
#define MV64340_SMP_SEMAPHOR6                                       0x274
#define MV64340_SMP_SEMAPHOR7                                       0x27c

/*  CPU Sync Barrier Register           */

#define MV64340_CPU_0_SYNC_BARRIER_TRIGGER                          0x0c0
#define MV64340_CPU_0_SYNC_BARRIER_VIRTUAL                          0x0c8
#define MV64340_CPU_1_SYNC_BARRIER_TRIGGER                          0x0d0
#define MV64340_CPU_1_SYNC_BARRIER_VIRTUAL                          0x0d8

/* CPU Access Protect                   */

#define MV64340_CPU_PROTECT_WINDOW_0_BASE_ADDR                      0x180
#define MV64340_CPU_PROTECT_WINDOW_0_SIZE                           0x188
#define MV64340_CPU_PROTECT_WINDOW_1_BASE_ADDR                      0x190
#define MV64340_CPU_PROTECT_WINDOW_1_SIZE                           0x198
#define MV64340_CPU_PROTECT_WINDOW_2_BASE_ADDR                      0x1a0
#define MV64340_CPU_PROTECT_WINDOW_2_SIZE                           0x1a8
#define MV64340_CPU_PROTECT_WINDOW_3_BASE_ADDR                      0x1b0
#define MV64340_CPU_PROTECT_WINDOW_3_SIZE                           0x1b8

/*          CPU Error Report            */

#define MV64340_CPU_ERROR_ADDR_LOW                                  0x070
#define MV64340_CPU_ERROR_ADDR_HIGH                                 0x078
#define MV64340_CPU_ERROR_DATA_LOW                                  0x128
#define MV64340_CPU_ERROR_DATA_HIGH                                 0x130
#define MV64340_CPU_ERROR_PARITY                                    0x138
#define MV64340_CPU_ERROR_CAUSE                                     0x140
#define MV64340_CPU_ERROR_MASK                                      0x148

/*      CPU Interface Debug Registers 	*/

#define MV64340_PUNIT_SLAVE_DEBUG_LOW                               0x360
#define MV64340_PUNIT_SLAVE_DEBUG_HIGH                              0x368
#define MV64340_PUNIT_MASTER_DEBUG_LOW                              0x370
#define MV64340_PUNIT_MASTER_DEBUG_HIGH                             0x378
#define MV64340_PUNIT_MMASK                                         0x3e4

/*  Integrated SRAM Registers           */

#define MV64340_SRAM_CONFIG                                         0x380
#define MV64340_SRAM_TEST_MODE                                      0X3F4
#define MV64340_SRAM_ERROR_CAUSE                                    0x388
#define MV64340_SRAM_ERROR_ADDR                                     0x390
#define MV64340_SRAM_ERROR_ADDR_HIGH                                0X3F8
#define MV64340_SRAM_ERROR_DATA_LOW                                 0x398
#define MV64340_SRAM_ERROR_DATA_HIGH                                0x3a0
#define MV64340_SRAM_ERROR_DATA_PARITY                              0x3a8

/* SDRAM Configuration                  */

#define MV64340_SDRAM_CONFIG                                        0x1400
#define MV64340_D_UNIT_CONTROL_LOW                                  0x1404
#define MV64340_D_UNIT_CONTROL_HIGH                                 0x1424
#define MV64340_SDRAM_TIMING_CONTROL_LOW                            0x1408
#define MV64340_SDRAM_TIMING_CONTROL_HIGH                           0x140c
#define MV64340_SDRAM_ADDR_CONTROL                                  0x1410
#define MV64340_SDRAM_OPEN_PAGES_CONTROL                            0x1414
#define MV64340_SDRAM_OPERATION                                     0x1418
#define MV64340_SDRAM_MODE                                          0x141c
#define MV64340_EXTENDED_DRAM_MODE                                  0x1420
#define MV64340_SDRAM_CROSS_BAR_CONTROL_LOW                         0x1430
#define MV64340_SDRAM_CROSS_BAR_CONTROL_HIGH                        0x1434
#define MV64340_SDRAM_CROSS_BAR_TIMEOUT                             0x1438
#define MV64340_SDRAM_ADDR_CTRL_PADS_CALIBRATION                    0x14c0
#define MV64340_SDRAM_DATA_PADS_CALIBRATION                         0x14c4

/* SDRAM Error Report                   */

#define MV64340_SDRAM_ERROR_DATA_LOW                                0x1444
#define MV64340_SDRAM_ERROR_DATA_HIGH                               0x1440
#define MV64340_SDRAM_ERROR_ADDR                                    0x1450
#define MV64340_SDRAM_RECEIVED_ECC                                  0x1448
#define MV64340_SDRAM_CALCULATED_ECC                                0x144c
#define MV64340_SDRAM_ECC_CONTROL                                   0x1454
#define MV64340_SDRAM_ECC_ERROR_COUNTER                             0x1458

/*  Controlled Delay Line (CDL) Registers */

#define MV64340_DFCDL_CONFIG0                                       0x1480
#define MV64340_DFCDL_CONFIG1                                       0x1484
#define MV64340_DLL_WRITE                                           0x1488
#define MV64340_DLL_READ                                            0x148c
#define MV64340_SRAM_ADDR                                           0x1490
#define MV64340_SRAM_DATA0                                          0x1494
#define MV64340_SRAM_DATA1                                          0x1498
#define MV64340_SRAM_DATA2                                          0x149c
#define MV64340_DFCL_PROBE                                          0x14a0

/*   Debug Registers                      */

#define MV64340_DUNIT_DEBUG_LOW                                     0x1460
#define MV64340_DUNIT_DEBUG_HIGH                                    0x1464
#define MV64340_DUNIT_MMASK                                         0X1b40

/* Device Parameters			*/

#define MV64340_DEVICE_BANK0_PARAMETERS				    0x45c
#define MV64340_DEVICE_BANK1_PARAMETERS				    0x460
#define MV64340_DEVICE_BANK2_PARAMETERS				    0x464
#define MV64340_DEVICE_BANK3_PARAMETERS				    0x468
#define MV64340_DEVICE_BOOT_BANK_PARAMETERS			    0x46c
#define MV64340_DEVICE_INTERFACE_CONTROL                            0x4c0
#define MV64340_DEVICE_INTERFACE_CROSS_BAR_CONTROL_LOW              0x4c8
#define MV64340_DEVICE_INTERFACE_CROSS_BAR_CONTROL_HIGH             0x4cc
#define MV64340_DEVICE_INTERFACE_CROSS_BAR_TIMEOUT                  0x4c4

/* Device interrupt registers		*/

#define MV64340_DEVICE_INTERRUPT_CAUSE				    0x4d0
#define MV64340_DEVICE_INTERRUPT_MASK				    0x4d4
#define MV64340_DEVICE_ERROR_ADDR				    0x4d8
#define MV64340_DEVICE_ERROR_DATA   				    0x4dc
#define MV64340_DEVICE_ERROR_PARITY     			    0x4e0

/* Device debug registers   		*/

#define MV64340_DEVICE_DEBUG_LOW     				    0x4e4
#define MV64340_DEVICE_DEBUG_HIGH     				    0x4e8
#define MV64340_RUNIT_MMASK                                         0x4f0

/* PCI Slave Address Decoding registers */

#define MV64340_PCI_0_CS_0_BANK_SIZE                                0xc08
#define MV64340_PCI_1_CS_0_BANK_SIZE                                0xc88
#define MV64340_PCI_0_CS_1_BANK_SIZE                                0xd08
#define MV64340_PCI_1_CS_1_BANK_SIZE                                0xd88
#define MV64340_PCI_0_CS_2_BANK_SIZE                                0xc0c
#define MV64340_PCI_1_CS_2_BANK_SIZE                                0xc8c
#define MV64340_PCI_0_CS_3_BANK_SIZE                                0xd0c
#define MV64340_PCI_1_CS_3_BANK_SIZE                                0xd8c
#define MV64340_PCI_0_DEVCS_0_BANK_SIZE                             0xc10
#define MV64340_PCI_1_DEVCS_0_BANK_SIZE                             0xc90
#define MV64340_PCI_0_DEVCS_1_BANK_SIZE                             0xd10
#define MV64340_PCI_1_DEVCS_1_BANK_SIZE                             0xd90
#define MV64340_PCI_0_DEVCS_2_BANK_SIZE                             0xd18
#define MV64340_PCI_1_DEVCS_2_BANK_SIZE                             0xd98
#define MV64340_PCI_0_DEVCS_3_BANK_SIZE                             0xc14
#define MV64340_PCI_1_DEVCS_3_BANK_SIZE                             0xc94
#define MV64340_PCI_0_DEVCS_BOOT_BANK_SIZE                          0xd14
#define MV64340_PCI_1_DEVCS_BOOT_BANK_SIZE                          0xd94
#define MV64340_PCI_0_P2P_MEM0_BAR_SIZE                             0xd1c
#define MV64340_PCI_1_P2P_MEM0_BAR_SIZE                             0xd9c
#define MV64340_PCI_0_P2P_MEM1_BAR_SIZE                             0xd20
#define MV64340_PCI_1_P2P_MEM1_BAR_SIZE                             0xda0
#define MV64340_PCI_0_P2P_I_O_BAR_SIZE                              0xd24
#define MV64340_PCI_1_P2P_I_O_BAR_SIZE                              0xda4
#define MV64340_PCI_0_CPU_BAR_SIZE                                  0xd28
#define MV64340_PCI_1_CPU_BAR_SIZE                                  0xda8
#define MV64340_PCI_0_INTERNAL_SRAM_BAR_SIZE                        0xe00
#define MV64340_PCI_1_INTERNAL_SRAM_BAR_SIZE                        0xe80
#define MV64340_PCI_0_EXPANSION_ROM_BAR_SIZE                        0xd2c
#define MV64340_PCI_1_EXPANSION_ROM_BAR_SIZE                        0xd9c
#define MV64340_PCI_0_BASE_ADDR_REG_ENABLE                          0xc3c
#define MV64340_PCI_1_BASE_ADDR_REG_ENABLE                          0xcbc
#define MV64340_PCI_0_CS_0_BASE_ADDR_REMAP			    0xc48
#define MV64340_PCI_1_CS_0_BASE_ADDR_REMAP			    0xcc8
#define MV64340_PCI_0_CS_1_BASE_ADDR_REMAP			    0xd48
#define MV64340_PCI_1_CS_1_BASE_ADDR_REMAP			    0xdc8
#define MV64340_PCI_0_CS_2_BASE_ADDR_REMAP			    0xc4c
#define MV64340_PCI_1_CS_2_BASE_ADDR_REMAP			    0xccc
#define MV64340_PCI_0_CS_3_BASE_ADDR_REMAP			    0xd4c
#define MV64340_PCI_1_CS_3_BASE_ADDR_REMAP			    0xdcc
#define MV64340_PCI_0_CS_0_BASE_HIGH_ADDR_REMAP			    0xF04
#define MV64340_PCI_1_CS_0_BASE_HIGH_ADDR_REMAP			    0xF84
#define MV64340_PCI_0_CS_1_BASE_HIGH_ADDR_REMAP			    0xF08
#define MV64340_PCI_1_CS_1_BASE_HIGH_ADDR_REMAP			    0xF88
#define MV64340_PCI_0_CS_2_BASE_HIGH_ADDR_REMAP			    0xF0C
#define MV64340_PCI_1_CS_2_BASE_HIGH_ADDR_REMAP			    0xF8C
#define MV64340_PCI_0_CS_3_BASE_HIGH_ADDR_REMAP			    0xF10
#define MV64340_PCI_1_CS_3_BASE_HIGH_ADDR_REMAP			    0xF90
#define MV64340_PCI_0_DEVCS_0_BASE_ADDR_REMAP			    0xc50
#define MV64340_PCI_1_DEVCS_0_BASE_ADDR_REMAP			    0xcd0
#define MV64340_PCI_0_DEVCS_1_BASE_ADDR_REMAP			    0xd50
#define MV64340_PCI_1_DEVCS_1_BASE_ADDR_REMAP			    0xdd0
#define MV64340_PCI_0_DEVCS_2_BASE_ADDR_REMAP			    0xd58
#define MV64340_PCI_1_DEVCS_2_BASE_ADDR_REMAP			    0xdd8
#define MV64340_PCI_0_DEVCS_3_BASE_ADDR_REMAP           	    0xc54
#define MV64340_PCI_1_DEVCS_3_BASE_ADDR_REMAP           	    0xcd4
#define MV64340_PCI_0_DEVCS_BOOTCS_BASE_ADDR_REMAP      	    0xd54
#define MV64340_PCI_1_DEVCS_BOOTCS_BASE_ADDR_REMAP      	    0xdd4
#define MV64340_PCI_0_P2P_MEM0_BASE_ADDR_REMAP_LOW                  0xd5c
#define MV64340_PCI_1_P2P_MEM0_BASE_ADDR_REMAP_LOW                  0xddc
#define MV64340_PCI_0_P2P_MEM0_BASE_ADDR_REMAP_HIGH                 0xd60
#define MV64340_PCI_1_P2P_MEM0_BASE_ADDR_REMAP_HIGH                 0xde0
#define MV64340_PCI_0_P2P_MEM1_BASE_ADDR_REMAP_LOW                  0xd64
#define MV64340_PCI_1_P2P_MEM1_BASE_ADDR_REMAP_LOW                  0xde4
#define MV64340_PCI_0_P2P_MEM1_BASE_ADDR_REMAP_HIGH                 0xd68
#define MV64340_PCI_1_P2P_MEM1_BASE_ADDR_REMAP_HIGH                 0xde8
#define MV64340_PCI_0_P2P_I_O_BASE_ADDR_REMAP                       0xd6c
#define MV64340_PCI_1_P2P_I_O_BASE_ADDR_REMAP                       0xdec 
#define MV64340_PCI_0_CPU_BASE_ADDR_REMAP_LOW                       0xd70
#define MV64340_PCI_1_CPU_BASE_ADDR_REMAP_LOW                       0xdf0
#define MV64340_PCI_0_CPU_BASE_ADDR_REMAP_HIGH                      0xd74
#define MV64340_PCI_1_CPU_BASE_ADDR_REMAP_HIGH                      0xdf4
#define MV64340_PCI_0_INTEGRATED_SRAM_BASE_ADDR_REMAP               0xf00
#define MV64340_PCI_1_INTEGRATED_SRAM_BASE_ADDR_REMAP               0xf80
#define MV64340_PCI_0_EXPANSION_ROM_BASE_ADDR_REMAP                 0xf38
#define MV64340_PCI_1_EXPANSION_ROM_BASE_ADDR_REMAP                 0xfb8
#define MV64340_PCI_0_ADDR_DECODE_CONTROL                           0xd3c
#define MV64340_PCI_1_ADDR_DECODE_CONTROL                           0xdbc
#define MV64340_PCI_0_HEADERS_RETARGET_CONTROL                      0xF40
#define MV64340_PCI_1_HEADERS_RETARGET_CONTROL                      0xFc0
#define MV64340_PCI_0_HEADERS_RETARGET_BASE                         0xF44
#define MV64340_PCI_1_HEADERS_RETARGET_BASE                         0xFc4
#define MV64340_PCI_0_HEADERS_RETARGET_HIGH                         0xF48
#define MV64340_PCI_1_HEADERS_RETARGET_HIGH                         0xFc8

/*   PCI Control Register Map      */

#define MV64340_PCI_0_DLL_STATUS_AND_COMMAND                        0x1d20
#define MV64340_PCI_1_DLL_STATUS_AND_COMMAND                        0x1da0
#define MV64340_PCI_0_MPP_PADS_DRIVE_CONTROL                        0x1d1C
#define MV64340_PCI_1_MPP_PADS_DRIVE_CONTROL                        0x1d9C
#define MV64340_PCI_0_COMMAND			         	    0xc00
#define MV64340_PCI_1_COMMAND					    0xc80
#define MV64340_PCI_0_MODE                                          0xd00
#define MV64340_PCI_1_MODE                                          0xd80
#define MV64340_PCI_0_RETRY	        	 		    0xc04
#define MV64340_PCI_1_RETRY				            0xc84
#define MV64340_PCI_0_READ_BUFFER_DISCARD_TIMER                     0xd04
#define MV64340_PCI_1_READ_BUFFER_DISCARD_TIMER                     0xd84
#define MV64340_PCI_0_MSI_TRIGGER_TIMER                             0xc38
#define MV64340_PCI_1_MSI_TRIGGER_TIMER                             0xcb8
#define MV64340_PCI_0_ARBITER_CONTROL                               0x1d00
#define MV64340_PCI_1_ARBITER_CONTROL                               0x1d80
#define MV64340_PCI_0_CROSS_BAR_CONTROL_LOW                         0x1d08
#define MV64340_PCI_1_CROSS_BAR_CONTROL_LOW                         0x1d88
#define MV64340_PCI_0_CROSS_BAR_CONTROL_HIGH                        0x1d0c
#define MV64340_PCI_1_CROSS_BAR_CONTROL_HIGH                        0x1d8c
#define MV64340_PCI_0_CROSS_BAR_TIMEOUT                             0x1d04
#define MV64340_PCI_1_CROSS_BAR_TIMEOUT                             0x1d84
#define MV64340_PCI_0_SYNC_BARRIER_TRIGGER_REG                      0x1D18
#define MV64340_PCI_1_SYNC_BARRIER_TRIGGER_REG                      0x1D98
#define MV64340_PCI_0_SYNC_BARRIER_VIRTUAL_REG                      0x1d10
#define MV64340_PCI_1_SYNC_BARRIER_VIRTUAL_REG                      0x1d90
#define MV64340_PCI_0_P2P_CONFIG                                    0x1d14
#define MV64340_PCI_1_P2P_CONFIG                                    0x1d94

#define MV64340_PCI_0_ACCESS_CONTROL_BASE_0_LOW                     0x1e00
#define MV64340_PCI_0_ACCESS_CONTROL_BASE_0_HIGH                    0x1e04
#define MV64340_PCI_0_ACCESS_CONTROL_SIZE_0                         0x1e08
#define MV64340_PCI_0_ACCESS_CONTROL_BASE_1_LOW                     0x1e10
#define MV64340_PCI_0_ACCESS_CONTROL_BASE_1_HIGH                    0x1e14
#define MV64340_PCI_0_ACCESS_CONTROL_SIZE_1                         0x1e18
#define MV64340_PCI_0_ACCESS_CONTROL_BASE_2_LOW                     0x1e20
#define MV64340_PCI_0_ACCESS_CONTROL_BASE_2_HIGH                    0x1e24
#define MV64340_PCI_0_ACCESS_CONTROL_SIZE_2                         0x1e28
#define MV64340_PCI_0_ACCESS_CONTROL_BASE_3_LOW                     0x1e30
#define MV64340_PCI_0_ACCESS_CONTROL_BASE_3_HIGH                    0x1e34
#define MV64340_PCI_0_ACCESS_CONTROL_SIZE_3                         0x1e38
#define MV64340_PCI_0_ACCESS_CONTROL_BASE_4_LOW                     0x1e40
#define MV64340_PCI_0_ACCESS_CONTROL_BASE_4_HIGH                    0x1e44
#define MV64340_PCI_0_ACCESS_CONTROL_SIZE_4                         0x1e48
#define MV64340_PCI_0_ACCESS_CONTROL_BASE_5_LOW                     0x1e50
#define MV64340_PCI_0_ACCESS_CONTROL_BASE_5_HIGH                    0x1e54
#define MV64340_PCI_0_ACCESS_CONTROL_SIZE_5                         0x1e58

#define MV64340_PCI_1_ACCESS_CONTROL_BASE_0_LOW                     0x1e80
#define MV64340_PCI_1_ACCESS_CONTROL_BASE_0_HIGH                    0x1e84
#define MV64340_PCI_1_ACCESS_CONTROL_SIZE_0                         0x1e88
#define MV64340_PCI_1_ACCESS_CONTROL_BASE_1_LOW                     0x1e90
#define MV64340_PCI_1_ACCESS_CONTROL_BASE_1_HIGH                    0x1e94
#define MV64340_PCI_1_ACCESS_CONTROL_SIZE_1                         0x1e98
#define MV64340_PCI_1_ACCESS_CONTROL_BASE_2_LOW                     0x1ea0
#define MV64340_PCI_1_ACCESS_CONTROL_BASE_2_HIGH                    0x1ea4
#define MV64340_PCI_1_ACCESS_CONTROL_SIZE_2                         0x1ea8
#define MV64340_PCI_1_ACCESS_CONTROL_BASE_3_LOW                     0x1eb0
#define MV64340_PCI_1_ACCESS_CONTROL_BASE_3_HIGH                    0x1eb4
#define MV64340_PCI_1_ACCESS_CONTROL_SIZE_3                         0x1eb8
#define MV64340_PCI_1_ACCESS_CONTROL_BASE_4_LOW                     0x1ec0
#define MV64340_PCI_1_ACCESS_CONTROL_BASE_4_HIGH                    0x1ec4
#define MV64340_PCI_1_ACCESS_CONTROL_SIZE_4                         0x1ec8
#define MV64340_PCI_1_ACCESS_CONTROL_BASE_5_LOW                     0x1ed0
#define MV64340_PCI_1_ACCESS_CONTROL_BASE_5_HIGH                    0x1ed4
#define MV64340_PCI_1_ACCESS_CONTROL_SIZE_5                         0x1ed8

/*   PCI Configuration Access Registers */

#define MV64340_PCI_0_CONFIG_ADDR 				    0xcf8
#define MV64340_PCI_0_CONFIG_DATA_VIRTUAL_REG                       0xcfc
#define MV64340_PCI_1_CONFIG_ADDR 				    0xc78
#define MV64340_PCI_1_CONFIG_DATA_VIRTUAL_REG                       0xc7c
#define MV64340_PCI_0_INTERRUPT_ACKNOWLEDGE_VIRTUAL_REG	            0xc34
#define MV64340_PCI_1_INTERRUPT_ACKNOWLEDGE_VIRTUAL_REG	            0xcb4

/*   PCI Error Report Registers         */

#define MV64340_PCI_0_SERR_MASK					    0xc28
#define MV64340_PCI_1_SERR_MASK					    0xca8
#define MV64340_PCI_0_ERROR_ADDR_LOW                                0x1d40
#define MV64340_PCI_1_ERROR_ADDR_LOW                                0x1dc0
#define MV64340_PCI_0_ERROR_ADDR_HIGH                               0x1d44
#define MV64340_PCI_1_ERROR_ADDR_HIGH                               0x1dc4
#define MV64340_PCI_0_ERROR_ATTRIBUTE                               0x1d48
#define MV64340_PCI_1_ERROR_ATTRIBUTE                               0x1dc8
#define MV64340_PCI_0_ERROR_COMMAND                                 0x1d50
#define MV64340_PCI_1_ERROR_COMMAND                                 0x1dd0
#define MV64340_PCI_0_ERROR_CAUSE                                   0x1d58
#define MV64340_PCI_1_ERROR_CAUSE                                   0x1dd8
#define MV64340_PCI_0_ERROR_MASK                                    0x1d5c
#define MV64340_PCI_1_ERROR_MASK                                    0x1ddc

/*   PCI Debug Registers                */

#define MV64340_PCI_0_MMASK                                         0X1D24
#define MV64340_PCI_1_MMASK                                         0X1DA4

/* PCI Configuration, Function 0, Registers  */

#define MV64340_PCI_DEVICE_AND_VENDOR_ID 			    0x000
#define MV64340_PCI_STATUS_AND_COMMAND				    0x004
#define MV64340_PCI_CLASS_CODE_AND_REVISION_ID			    0x008

#define MV64340_PCI_SCS_0_BASE_ADDR_LOW   	      		    0x010
#define MV64340_PCI_SCS_0_BASE_ADDR_HIGH   		            0x014
#define MV64340_PCI_SCS_1_BASE_ADDR_LOW  	     	            0x018
#define MV64340_PCI_SCS_1_BASE_ADDR_HIGH 		            0x01C
#define MV64340_PCI_INTERNAL_REG_MEM_MAPPED_BASE_ADDR_LOW      	    0x020
#define MV64340_PCI_EXPANSION_ROM_BASE_ADDR_REG	                    0x030
#define MV64340_PCI_CAPABILTY_LIST_POINTER                          0x034
#define MV64340_PCI_INTERRUPT_PIN_AND_LINE 			    0x03C
       /* capability list */
#define MV64340_PCI_POWER_MANAGEMENT_CAPABILITY                     0x040
#define MV64340_PCI_POWER_MANAGEMENT_STATUS_AND_CONTROL             0x044
#define MV64340_PCI_VPD_ADDR                                        0x048
#define MV64340_PCI_VPD_DATA                                        0x04c
#define MV64340_PCI_MSI_MESSAGE_CONTROL                             0x050
#define MV64340_PCI_MSI_MESSAGE_ADDR                                0x054
#define MV64340_PCI_MSI_MESSAGE_UPPER_ADDR                          0x058
#define MV64340_PCI_MSI_MESSAGE_DATA                                0x05c
#define MV64340_PCI_X_COMMAND                                       0x060
#define MV64340_PCI_X_STATUS                                        0x064
#define MV64340_PCI_COMPACT_PCI_HOT_SWAP                            0x068

/*   PCI Configuration, Function 1, Registers  */

#define MV64340_PCI_SCS_2_BASE_ADDR_LOW   			    0x110
#define MV64340_PCI_SCS_2_BASE_ADDR_HIGH			    0x114
#define MV64340_PCI_SCS_3_BASE_ADDR_LOW 			    0x118
#define MV64340_PCI_SCS_3_BASE_ADDR_HIGH			    0x11c
#define MV64340_PCI_INTERNAL_SRAM_BASE_ADDR_LOW          	    0x120
#define MV64340_PCI_INTERNAL_SRAM_BASE_ADDR_HIGH         	    0x124

/*  PCI Configuration, Function 2, Registers   */

#define MV64340_PCI_DEVCS_0_BASE_ADDR_LOW	    		    0x210
#define MV64340_PCI_DEVCS_0_BASE_ADDR_HIGH 			    0x214
#define MV64340_PCI_DEVCS_1_BASE_ADDR_LOW 			    0x218
#define MV64340_PCI_DEVCS_1_BASE_ADDR_HIGH      		    0x21c
#define MV64340_PCI_DEVCS_2_BASE_ADDR_LOW 			    0x220
#define MV64340_PCI_DEVCS_2_BASE_ADDR_HIGH      		    0x224

/*  PCI Configuration, Function 3, Registers   */

#define MV64340_PCI_DEVCS_3_BASE_ADDR_LOW	    		    0x310
#define MV64340_PCI_DEVCS_3_BASE_ADDR_HIGH 			    0x314
#define MV64340_PCI_BOOT_CS_BASE_ADDR_LOW			    0x318
#define MV64340_PCI_BOOT_CS_BASE_ADDR_HIGH      		    0x31c
#define MV64340_PCI_CPU_BASE_ADDR_LOW 				    0x220
#define MV64340_PCI_CPU_BASE_ADDR_HIGH      			    0x224

/*  PCI Configuration, Function 4, Registers   */

#define MV64340_PCI_P2P_MEM0_BASE_ADDR_LOW  			    0x410
#define MV64340_PCI_P2P_MEM0_BASE_ADDR_HIGH 			    0x414
#define MV64340_PCI_P2P_MEM1_BASE_ADDR_LOW   			    0x418
#define MV64340_PCI_P2P_MEM1_BASE_ADDR_HIGH 			    0x41c
#define MV64340_PCI_P2P_I_O_BASE_ADDR                 	            0x420
#define MV64340_PCI_INTERNAL_REGS_I_O_MAPPED_BASE_ADDR              0x424

/* Messaging Unit Registers (I20)   	*/

#define MV64340_I2O_INBOUND_MESSAGE_REG0_PCI_0_SIDE		    0x010
#define MV64340_I2O_INBOUND_MESSAGE_REG1_PCI_0_SIDE  		    0x014
#define MV64340_I2O_OUTBOUND_MESSAGE_REG0_PCI_0_SIDE 		    0x018
#define MV64340_I2O_OUTBOUND_MESSAGE_REG1_PCI_0_SIDE  		    0x01C
#define MV64340_I2O_INBOUND_DOORBELL_REG_PCI_0_SIDE  		    0x020
#define MV64340_I2O_INBOUND_INTERRUPT_CAUSE_REG_PCI_0_SIDE          0x024
#define MV64340_I2O_OUTBOUND_DOORBELL_REG_PCI_0_SIDE 		    0x02C
#define MV64340_I2O_OUTBOUND_INTERRUPT_CAUSE_REG_PCI_0_SIDE         0x030
#define MV64340_I2O_OUTBOUND_INTERRUPT_MASK_REG_PCI_0_SIDE          0x034
#define MV64340_I2O_QUEUE_CONTROL_REG_PCI_0_SIDE 		    0x050
#define MV64340_I2O_QUEUE_BASE_ADDR_REG_PCI_0_SIDE 		    0x054
#define MV64340_I2O_INBOUND_FREE_HEAD_POINTER_REG_PCI_0_SIDE        0x060
#define MV64340_I2O_INBOUND_FREE_TAIL_POINTER_REG_PCI_0_SIDE        0x064
#define MV64340_I2O_INBOUND_POST_HEAD_POINTER_REG_PCI_0_SIDE        0x068

#define MV64340_I2O_INBOUND_MESSAGE_REG0_PCI_1_SIDE		    0x090
#define MV64340_I2O_INBOUND_MESSAGE_REG1_PCI_1_SIDE  		    0x094
#define MV64340_I2O_OUTBOUND_MESSAGE_REG0_PCI_1_SIDE 		    0x098
#define MV64340_I2O_OUTBOUND_MESSAGE_REG1_PCI_1_SIDE  		    0x09C
#define MV64340_I2O_INBOUND_DOORBELL_REG_PCI_1_SIDE  		    0x0A0
#define MV64340_I2O_INBOUND_INTERRUPT_CAUSE_REG_PCI_1_SIDE          0x0A4
#define MV64340_I2O_OUTBOUND_DOORBELL_REG_PCI_1_SIDE 		    0x0AC
#define MV64340_I2O_OUTBOUND_INTERRUPT_MASK_REG_PCI_1_SIDE          0x0B4
#define MV64340_I2O_QUEUE_CONTROL_REG_PCI_1_SIDE 		    0x0D0
#define MV64340_I2O_QUEUE_BASE_ADDR_REG_PCI_1_SIDE 		    0x0D4

#define MV64340_I2O_INBOUND_MESSAGE_REG0_CPU0_SIDE		    0x1C10
#define MV64340_I2O_INBOUND_MESSAGE_REG1_CPU0_SIDE  		    0x1C14
#define MV64340_I2O_OUTBOUND_MESSAGE_REG0_CPU0_SIDE 		    0x1C18
#define MV64340_I2O_OUTBOUND_MESSAGE_REG1_CPU0_SIDE  		    0x1C1C
#define MV64340_I2O_INBOUND_DOORBELL_REG_CPU0_SIDE  		    0x1C20
#define MV64340_I2O_OUTBOUND_DOORBELL_REG_CPU0_SIDE 		    0x1C2C
#define MV64340_I2O_OUTBOUND_INTERRUPT_CAUSE_REG_CPU0_SIDE          0x1C30
#define MV64340_I2O_OUTBOUND_INTERRUPT_MASK_REG_CPU0_SIDE           0x1C34
#define MV64340_I2O_QUEUE_CONTROL_REG_CPU0_SIDE 		    0x1C50
#define MV64340_I2O_QUEUE_BASE_ADDR_REG_CPU0_SIDE 		    0x1C54
#define MV64340_I2O_INBOUND_FREE_HEAD_POINTER_REG_CPU0_SIDE         0x1C60
#define MV64340_I2O_INBOUND_FREE_TAIL_POINTER_REG_CPU0_SIDE         0x1C64
#define MV64340_I2O_INBOUND_POST_HEAD_POINTER_REG_CPU0_SIDE         0x1C68
#define MV64340_I2O_INBOUND_MESSAGE_REG0_CPU1_SIDE		    0x1C90
#define MV64340_I2O_INBOUND_MESSAGE_REG1_CPU1_SIDE  		    0x1C94
#define MV64340_I2O_OUTBOUND_MESSAGE_REG0_CPU1_SIDE 		    0x1C98
#define MV64340_I2O_OUTBOUND_MESSAGE_REG1_CPU1_SIDE  		    0x1C9C
#define MV64340_I2O_INBOUND_DOORBELL_REG_CPU1_SIDE  		    0x1CA0
#define MV64340_I2O_OUTBOUND_INTERRUPT_MASK_REG_CPU1_SIDE           0x1CB4
#define MV64340_I2O_QUEUE_CONTROL_REG_CPU1_SIDE 		    0x1CD0
#define MV64340_I2O_QUEUE_BASE_ADDR_REG_CPU1_SIDE 		    0x1CD4

/*        Ethernet Unit Registers  		*/

/*          CUNIT  Registers               */

         /* Address Decoding Register Map */
#define MV64340_CUNIT_BASE_ADDR_REG0                                0xf200
#define MV64340_CUNIT_BASE_ADDR_REG1                                0xf208
#define MV64340_CUNIT_BASE_ADDR_REG2                                0xf210
#define MV64340_CUNIT_BASE_ADDR_REG3                                0xf218
#define MV64340_CUNIT_SIZE0                                         0xf204
#define MV64340_CUNIT_SIZE1                                         0xf20c
#define MV64340_CUNIT_SIZE2                                         0xf214
#define MV64340_CUNIT_SIZE3                                         0xf21c
#define MV64340_CUNIT_HIGH_ADDR_REMAP_REG0                          0xf240
#define MV64340_CUNIT_HIGH_ADDR_REMAP_REG1                          0xf244
#define MV64340_CUNIT_BASE_ADDR_ENABLE_REG                          0xf250
#define MV64340_MPSC0_ACCESS_PROTECTION_REG                         0xf254
#define MV64340_MPSC1_ACCESS_PROTECTION_REG                         0xf258
#define MV64340_CUNIT_INTERNAL_SPACE_BASE_ADDR_REG                  0xf25C

        /*  Error Report Registers  */

#define MV64340_CUNIT_INTERRUPT_CAUSE_REG                           0xf310
#define MV64340_CUNIT_INTERRUPT_MASK_REG                            0xf314
#define MV64340_CUNIT_ERROR_ADDR                                    0xf318

        /*  Cunit Control Registers */

#define MV64340_CUNIT_ARBITER_CONTROL_REG                           0xf300
#define MV64340_CUNIT_CONFIG_REG                                    0xb40c
#define MV64340_CUNIT_CRROSBAR_TIMEOUT_REG                          0xf304

        /*  Cunit Debug Registers   */

#define MV64340_CUNIT_DEBUG_LOW                                     0xf340
#define MV64340_CUNIT_DEBUG_HIGH                                    0xf344
#define MV64340_CUNIT_MMASK                                         0xf380

        /*  MPSCs Clocks Routing Registers  */

#define MV64340_MPSC_ROUTING_REG                                    0xb400
#define MV64340_MPSC_RX_CLOCK_ROUTING_REG                           0xb404
#define MV64340_MPSC_TX_CLOCK_ROUTING_REG                           0xb408

        /*  MPSCs Interrupts Registers    */

#define MV64340_MPSC_CAUSE_REG(port)                               (0xb804 + (port<<3))
#define MV64340_MPSC_MASK_REG(port)                                (0xb884 + (port<<3))
#define MV64340_MPSC_MAIN_CONFIG_LOW(port)                         (0x8000 + (port<<12))
#define MV64340_MPSC_MAIN_CONFIG_HIGH(port)                        (0x8004 + (port<<12))    
#define MV64340_MPSC_PROTOCOL_CONFIG(port)                         (0x8008 + (port<<12))    
#define MV64340_MPSC_CHANNEL_REG1(port)                            (0x800c + (port<<12))    
#define MV64340_MPSC_CHANNEL_REG2(port)                            (0x8010 + (port<<12))    
#define MV64340_MPSC_CHANNEL_REG3(port)                            (0x8014 + (port<<12))    
#define MV64340_MPSC_CHANNEL_REG4(port)                            (0x8018 + (port<<12))    
#define MV64340_MPSC_CHANNEL_REG5(port)                            (0x801c + (port<<12))    
#define MV64340_MPSC_CHANNEL_REG6(port)                            (0x8020 + (port<<12))    
#define MV64340_MPSC_CHANNEL_REG7(port)                            (0x8024 + (port<<12))    
#define MV64340_MPSC_CHANNEL_REG8(port)                            (0x8028 + (port<<12))    
#define MV64340_MPSC_CHANNEL_REG9(port)                            (0x802c + (port<<12))    
#define MV64340_MPSC_CHANNEL_REG10(port)                           (0x8030 + (port<<12))    
        /*  MPSC0 Registers      */

/*          SDMA Registers             */

#define MV64340_SDMA_CONFIG_REG(channel)                        (0x4000 + (channel<<13))        
#define MV64340_SDMA_COMMAND_REG(channel)                       (0x4008 + (channel<<13))        
#define MV64340_SDMA_CURRENT_RX_DESCRIPTOR_POINTER(channel)     (0x4810 + (channel<<13))        
#define MV64340_SDMA_CURRENT_TX_DESCRIPTOR_POINTER(channel)     (0x4c10 + (channel<<13))        
#define MV64340_SDMA_FIRST_TX_DESCRIPTOR_POINTER(channel)       (0x4c14 + (channel<<13)) 

#define MV64340_SDMA_CAUSE_REG                                      0xb800
#define MV64340_SDMA_MASK_REG                                       0xb880
/* BRG Interrupts */

#define MV64340_BRG_CONFIG_REG(brg)                              (0xb200 + (brg<<3))
#define MV64340_BRG_BAUDE_TUNING_REG(brg)                        (0xb208 + (brg<<3))
#define MV64340_BRG_CAUSE_REG                                       0xb834
#define MV64340_BRG_MASK_REG                                        0xb8b4

/* DMA Channel Control			*/

#define MV64340_DMA_CHANNEL0_CONTROL 				    0x840
#define MV64340_DMA_CHANNEL0_CONTROL_HIGH			    0x880
#define MV64340_DMA_CHANNEL1_CONTROL 				    0x844
#define MV64340_DMA_CHANNEL1_CONTROL_HIGH			    0x884
#define MV64340_DMA_CHANNEL2_CONTROL 				    0x848
#define MV64340_DMA_CHANNEL2_CONTROL_HIGH			    0x888
#define MV64340_DMA_CHANNEL3_CONTROL 				    0x84C
#define MV64340_DMA_CHANNEL3_CONTROL_HIGH			    0x88C

/*           IDMA Registers             */

#define MV64340_DMA_CHANNEL0_BYTE_COUNT                             0x800
#define MV64340_DMA_CHANNEL1_BYTE_COUNT                             0x804
#define MV64340_DMA_CHANNEL2_BYTE_COUNT                             0x808
#define MV64340_DMA_CHANNEL3_BYTE_COUNT                             0x80C
#define MV64340_DMA_CHANNEL0_SOURCE_ADDR                            0x810
#define MV64340_DMA_CHANNEL1_SOURCE_ADDR                            0x814
#define MV64340_DMA_CHANNEL2_SOURCE_ADDR                            0x818
#define MV64340_DMA_CHANNEL3_SOURCE_ADDR                            0x81c
#define MV64340_DMA_CHANNEL0_DESTINATION_ADDR                       0x820
#define MV64340_DMA_CHANNEL1_DESTINATION_ADDR                       0x824
#define MV64340_DMA_CHANNEL2_DESTINATION_ADDR                       0x828
#define MV64340_DMA_CHANNEL3_DESTINATION_ADDR                       0x82C
#define MV64340_DMA_CHANNEL0_NEXT_DESCRIPTOR_POINTER                0x830
#define MV64340_DMA_CHANNEL1_NEXT_DESCRIPTOR_POINTER                0x834
#define MV64340_DMA_CHANNEL2_NEXT_DESCRIPTOR_POINTER                0x838
#define MV64340_DMA_CHANNEL3_NEXT_DESCRIPTOR_POINTER                0x83C
#define MV64340_DMA_CHANNEL0_CURRENT_DESCRIPTOR_POINTER             0x870
#define MV64340_DMA_CHANNEL1_CURRENT_DESCRIPTOR_POINTER             0x874
#define MV64340_DMA_CHANNEL2_CURRENT_DESCRIPTOR_POINTER             0x878

 /*  IDMA Address Decoding Base Address Registers  */
#define MV64340_DMA_BASE_ADDR_REG0                                  0xa00
#define MV64340_DMA_BASE_ADDR_REG1                                  0xa08
#define MV64340_DMA_BASE_ADDR_REG2                                  0xa10
#define MV64340_DMA_BASE_ADDR_REG3                                  0xa18
#define MV64340_DMA_BASE_ADDR_REG4                                  0xa20
#define MV64340_DMA_BASE_ADDR_REG5                                  0xa28
#define MV64340_DMA_BASE_ADDR_REG6                                  0xa30
#define MV64340_DMA_BASE_ADDR_REG7                                  0xa38
 /*  IDMA Address Decoding Size Address Register   */
#define MV64340_DMA_SIZE_REG0                                       0xa04
#define MV64340_DMA_SIZE_REG1                                       0xa0c
#define MV64340_DMA_SIZE_REG2                                       0xa14
#define MV64340_DMA_SIZE_REG3                                       0xa1c
#define MV64340_DMA_SIZE_REG4                                       0xa24
#define MV64340_DMA_SIZE_REG5                                       0xa2c
#define MV64340_DMA_SIZE_REG6                                       0xa34
#define MV64340_DMA_SIZE_REG7                                       0xa3C

 /* IDMA Address Decoding High Address Remap and Access 
                  Protection Registers                    */
#define MV64340_DMA_HIGH_ADDR_REMAP_REG0                            0xa60
#define MV64340_DMA_HIGH_ADDR_REMAP_REG1                            0xa64
#define MV64340_DMA_HIGH_ADDR_REMAP_REG2                            0xa68
#define MV64340_DMA_HIGH_ADDR_REMAP_REG3                            0xa6C
#define MV64340_DMA_BASE_ADDR_ENABLE_REG                            0xa80
#define MV64340_DMA_CHANNEL0_ACCESS_PROTECTION_REG                  0xa70
#define MV64340_DMA_CHANNEL1_ACCESS_PROTECTION_REG                  0xa74
#define MV64340_DMA_CHANNEL2_ACCESS_PROTECTION_REG                  0xa78
#define MV64340_DMA_CHANNEL3_ACCESS_PROTECTION_REG                  0xa7c
#define MV64340_DMA_ARBITER_CONTROL                                 0x860
#define MV64340_DMA_CROSS_BAR_TIMEOUT                               0x8d0

 /*  IDMA Headers Retarget Registers   */

#define MV64340_DMA_HEADERS_RETARGET_CONTROL                        0xa84
#define MV64340_DMA_HEADERS_RETARGET_BASE                           0xa88

 /*  IDMA Interrupt Register  */

#define MV64340_DMA_INTERRUPT_CAUSE_REG                             0x8c0
#define MV64340_DMA_INTERRUPT_CAUSE_MASK                            0x8c4
#define MV64340_DMA_ERROR_ADDR                                      0x8c8
#define MV64340_DMA_ERROR_SELECT                                    0x8cc

 /*  IDMA Debug Register ( for internal use )    */

#define MV64340_DMA_DEBUG_LOW                                       0x8e0
#define MV64340_DMA_DEBUG_HIGH                                      0x8e4
#define MV64340_DMA_SPARE                                           0xA8C

/* Timer_Counter 			*/

#define MV64340_TIMER_COUNTER0					    0x850
#define MV64340_TIMER_COUNTER1					    0x854
#define MV64340_TIMER_COUNTER2					    0x858
#define MV64340_TIMER_COUNTER3					    0x85C
#define MV64340_TIMER_COUNTER_0_3_CONTROL			    0x864
#define MV64340_TIMER_COUNTER_0_3_INTERRUPT_CAUSE		    0x868
#define MV64340_TIMER_COUNTER_0_3_INTERRUPT_MASK      		    0x86c

/*         Watchdog registers  	        */

#define MV64340_WATCHDOG_CONFIG_REG                                 0xb410
#define MV64340_WATCHDOG_VALUE_REG                                  0xb414

/* I2C Registers                        */

#define MV64XXX_I2C_OFFSET                                          0xc000
#define MV64XXX_I2C_REG_BLOCK_SIZE                                  0x0020

/* GPP Interface Registers              */

#define MV64340_GPP_IO_CONTROL                                      0xf100
#define MV64340_GPP_LEVEL_CONTROL                                   0xf110
#define MV64340_GPP_VALUE                                           0xf104
#define MV64340_GPP_INTERRUPT_CAUSE                                 0xf108
#define MV64340_GPP_INTERRUPT_MASK0                                 0xf10c
#define MV64340_GPP_INTERRUPT_MASK1                                 0xf114
#define MV64340_GPP_VALUE_SET                                       0xf118
#define MV64340_GPP_VALUE_CLEAR                                     0xf11c

/* Interrupt Controller Registers       */

/* Interrupts	  			*/

#define MV64340_MAIN_INTERRUPT_CAUSE_LOW                            0x004
#define MV64340_MAIN_INTERRUPT_CAUSE_HIGH                           0x00c
#define MV64340_CPU_INTERRUPT0_MASK_LOW                             0x014
#define MV64340_CPU_INTERRUPT0_MASK_HIGH                            0x01c
#define MV64340_CPU_INTERRUPT0_SELECT_CAUSE                         0x024
#define MV64340_CPU_INTERRUPT1_MASK_LOW                             0x034
#define MV64340_CPU_INTERRUPT1_MASK_HIGH                            0x03c
#define MV64340_CPU_INTERRUPT1_SELECT_CAUSE                         0x044
#define MV64340_INTERRUPT0_MASK_0_LOW                               0x054
#define MV64340_INTERRUPT0_MASK_0_HIGH                              0x05c
#define MV64340_INTERRUPT0_SELECT_CAUSE                             0x064
#define MV64340_INTERRUPT1_MASK_0_LOW                               0x074
#define MV64340_INTERRUPT1_MASK_0_HIGH                              0x07c
#define MV64340_INTERRUPT1_SELECT_CAUSE                             0x084

/*      MPP Interface Registers         */

#define MV64340_MPP_CONTROL0                                        0xf000
#define MV64340_MPP_CONTROL1                                        0xf004
#define MV64340_MPP_CONTROL2                                        0xf008
#define MV64340_MPP_CONTROL3                                        0xf00c

/*    Serial Initialization registers   */

#define MV64340_SERIAL_INIT_LAST_DATA                               0xf324
#define MV64340_SERIAL_INIT_CONTROL                                 0xf328
#define MV64340_SERIAL_INIT_STATUS                                  0xf32c

extern void mv64340_irq_init(unsigned int base);

/* MPSC Platform Device, Driver Data (Shared register regions) */
#define	MPSC_SHARED_NAME		"mpsc_shared"



struct mpsc_shared_pdata {
	u32	mrr_val;
	u32	rcrr_val;
	u32	tcrr_val;
	u32	intr_cause_val;
	u32	intr_mask_val;

/* MPSC Platform Device, Driver Data */
#define	MPSC_CTLR_NAME			"mpsc"

#define	MPSC_BASE_ORDER			0

#define MPSC_REG_BLOCK_SIZE		0x0038
#define MPSC_BRG_REG_BLOCK_SIZE		0x0008

struct mpsc_pdata {
	u8	mirror_regs;
	u8	cache_mgmt;
	u8	max_idle;
	int	default_baud;
	int	default_bits;
	int	default_parity;
	int	default_flow;
	u32	chr_1_val;
	u32	chr_2_val;
	u32	chr_10_val;
	u32	mpcr_val;
	u32	bcr_val;
	u8	brg_can_tune;
	u8	brg_clk_src;
	u32	brg_clk_freq;

/* Watchdog Platform Device, Driver Data */
#define	MV64x60_WDT_NAME			"mv64x60_wdt"

struct mv64x60_wdt_pdata {
	int	timeout;	/* watchdog expiry in seconds, default 10 */
	int	bus_clk;	/* bus clock in MHz, default 133 */

#endif /* __ASM_MV643XX_H */


Name Type Size Permission Actions
amba Folder 0755
avf Folder 0755
bcma Folder 0755
byteorder Folder 0755
can Folder 0755
ceph Folder 0755
clk Folder 0755
crush Folder 0755
decompress Folder 0755
dma Folder 0755
dsa Folder 0755
extcon Folder 0755
firmware Folder 0755
fpga Folder 0755
fsl Folder 0755
gpio Folder 0755
hsi Folder 0755
i2c Folder 0755
iio Folder 0755
input Folder 0755
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