/* * Definitions for the NVM Express interface * Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Intel Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. */ #ifndef _LINUX_NVME_H #define _LINUX_NVME_H #include <linux/types.h> #include <linux/uuid.h> /* NQN names in commands fields specified one size */ #define NVMF_NQN_FIELD_LEN 256 /* However the max length of a qualified name is another size */ #define NVMF_NQN_SIZE 223 #define NVMF_TRSVCID_SIZE 32 #define NVMF_TRADDR_SIZE 256 #define NVMF_TSAS_SIZE 256 #define NVME_DISC_SUBSYS_NAME "nqn.2014-08.org.nvmexpress.discovery" #define NVME_RDMA_IP_PORT 4420 #define NVME_NSID_ALL 0xffffffff enum nvme_subsys_type { NVME_NQN_DISC = 1, /* Discovery type target subsystem */ NVME_NQN_NVME = 2, /* NVME type target subsystem */ }; /* Address Family codes for Discovery Log Page entry ADRFAM field */ enum { NVMF_ADDR_FAMILY_PCI = 0, /* PCIe */ NVMF_ADDR_FAMILY_IP4 = 1, /* IP4 */ NVMF_ADDR_FAMILY_IP6 = 2, /* IP6 */ NVMF_ADDR_FAMILY_IB = 3, /* InfiniBand */ NVMF_ADDR_FAMILY_FC = 4, /* Fibre Channel */ }; /* Transport Type codes for Discovery Log Page entry TRTYPE field */ enum { NVMF_TRTYPE_RDMA = 1, /* RDMA */ NVMF_TRTYPE_FC = 2, /* Fibre Channel */ NVMF_TRTYPE_LOOP = 254, /* Reserved for host usage */ NVMF_TRTYPE_MAX, }; /* Transport Requirements codes for Discovery Log Page entry TREQ field */ enum { NVMF_TREQ_NOT_SPECIFIED = 0, /* Not specified */ NVMF_TREQ_REQUIRED = 1, /* Required */ NVMF_TREQ_NOT_REQUIRED = 2, /* Not Required */ }; /* RDMA QP Service Type codes for Discovery Log Page entry TSAS * RDMA_QPTYPE field */ enum { NVMF_RDMA_QPTYPE_CONNECTED = 1, /* Reliable Connected */ NVMF_RDMA_QPTYPE_DATAGRAM = 2, /* Reliable Datagram */ }; /* RDMA QP Service Type codes for Discovery Log Page entry TSAS * RDMA_QPTYPE field */ enum { NVMF_RDMA_PRTYPE_NOT_SPECIFIED = 1, /* No Provider Specified */ NVMF_RDMA_PRTYPE_IB = 2, /* InfiniBand */ NVMF_RDMA_PRTYPE_ROCE = 3, /* InfiniBand RoCE */ NVMF_RDMA_PRTYPE_ROCEV2 = 4, /* InfiniBand RoCEV2 */ NVMF_RDMA_PRTYPE_IWARP = 5, /* IWARP */ }; /* RDMA Connection Management Service Type codes for Discovery Log Page * entry TSAS RDMA_CMS field */ enum { NVMF_RDMA_CMS_RDMA_CM = 1, /* Sockets based endpoint addressing */ }; #define NVME_AQ_DEPTH 32 #define NVME_NR_AEN_COMMANDS 1 #define NVME_AQ_BLK_MQ_DEPTH (NVME_AQ_DEPTH - NVME_NR_AEN_COMMANDS) /* * Subtract one to leave an empty queue entry for 'Full Queue' condition. See * NVM-Express 1.2 specification, section 4.1.2. */ #define NVME_AQ_MQ_TAG_DEPTH (NVME_AQ_BLK_MQ_DEPTH - 1) enum { NVME_REG_CAP = 0x0000, /* Controller Capabilities */ NVME_REG_VS = 0x0008, /* Version */ NVME_REG_INTMS = 0x000c, /* Interrupt Mask Set */ NVME_REG_INTMC = 0x0010, /* Interrupt Mask Clear */ NVME_REG_CC = 0x0014, /* Controller Configuration */ NVME_REG_CSTS = 0x001c, /* Controller Status */ NVME_REG_NSSR = 0x0020, /* NVM Subsystem Reset */ NVME_REG_AQA = 0x0024, /* Admin Queue Attributes */ NVME_REG_ASQ = 0x0028, /* Admin SQ Base Address */ NVME_REG_ACQ = 0x0030, /* Admin CQ Base Address */ NVME_REG_CMBLOC = 0x0038, /* Controller Memory Buffer Location */ NVME_REG_CMBSZ = 0x003c, /* Controller Memory Buffer Size */ NVME_REG_DBS = 0x1000, /* SQ 0 Tail Doorbell */ }; #define NVME_CAP_MQES(cap) ((cap) & 0xffff) #define NVME_CAP_TIMEOUT(cap) (((cap) >> 24) & 0xff) #define NVME_CAP_STRIDE(cap) (((cap) >> 32) & 0xf) #define NVME_CAP_NSSRC(cap) (((cap) >> 36) & 0x1) #define NVME_CAP_MPSMIN(cap) (((cap) >> 48) & 0xf) #define NVME_CAP_MPSMAX(cap) (((cap) >> 52) & 0xf) #define NVME_CMB_BIR(cmbloc) ((cmbloc) & 0x7) #define NVME_CMB_OFST(cmbloc) (((cmbloc) >> 12) & 0xfffff) #define NVME_CMB_SZ(cmbsz) (((cmbsz) >> 12) & 0xfffff) #define NVME_CMB_SZU(cmbsz) (((cmbsz) >> 8) & 0xf) #define NVME_CMB_WDS(cmbsz) ((cmbsz) & 0x10) #define NVME_CMB_RDS(cmbsz) ((cmbsz) & 0x8) #define NVME_CMB_LISTS(cmbsz) ((cmbsz) & 0x4) #define NVME_CMB_CQS(cmbsz) ((cmbsz) & 0x2) #define NVME_CMB_SQS(cmbsz) ((cmbsz) & 0x1) /* * Submission and Completion Queue Entry Sizes for the NVM command set. * (In bytes and specified as a power of two (2^n)). */ #define NVME_NVM_IOSQES 6 #define NVME_NVM_IOCQES 4 enum { NVME_CC_ENABLE = 1 << 0, NVME_CC_CSS_NVM = 0 << 4, NVME_CC_EN_SHIFT = 0, NVME_CC_CSS_SHIFT = 4, NVME_CC_MPS_SHIFT = 7, NVME_CC_AMS_SHIFT = 11, NVME_CC_SHN_SHIFT = 14, NVME_CC_IOSQES_SHIFT = 16, NVME_CC_IOCQES_SHIFT = 20, NVME_CC_AMS_RR = 0 << NVME_CC_AMS_SHIFT, NVME_CC_AMS_WRRU = 1 << NVME_CC_AMS_SHIFT, NVME_CC_AMS_VS = 7 << NVME_CC_AMS_SHIFT, NVME_CC_SHN_NONE = 0 << NVME_CC_SHN_SHIFT, NVME_CC_SHN_NORMAL = 1 << NVME_CC_SHN_SHIFT, NVME_CC_SHN_ABRUPT = 2 << NVME_CC_SHN_SHIFT, NVME_CC_SHN_MASK = 3 << NVME_CC_SHN_SHIFT, NVME_CC_IOSQES = NVME_NVM_IOSQES << NVME_CC_IOSQES_SHIFT, NVME_CC_IOCQES = NVME_NVM_IOCQES << NVME_CC_IOCQES_SHIFT, NVME_CSTS_RDY = 1 << 0, NVME_CSTS_CFS = 1 << 1, NVME_CSTS_NSSRO = 1 << 4, NVME_CSTS_PP = 1 << 5, NVME_CSTS_SHST_NORMAL = 0 << 2, NVME_CSTS_SHST_OCCUR = 1 << 2, NVME_CSTS_SHST_CMPLT = 2 << 2, NVME_CSTS_SHST_MASK = 3 << 2, }; struct nvme_id_power_state { __le16 max_power; /* centiwatts */ __u8 rsvd2; __u8 flags; __le32 entry_lat; /* microseconds */ __le32 exit_lat; /* microseconds */ __u8 read_tput; __u8 read_lat; __u8 write_tput; __u8 write_lat; __le16 idle_power; __u8 idle_scale; __u8 rsvd19; __le16 active_power; __u8 active_work_scale; __u8 rsvd23[9]; }; enum { NVME_PS_FLAGS_MAX_POWER_SCALE = 1 << 0, NVME_PS_FLAGS_NON_OP_STATE = 1 << 1, }; struct nvme_id_ctrl { __le16 vid; __le16 ssvid; char sn[20]; char mn[40]; char fr[8]; __u8 rab; __u8 ieee[3]; __u8 cmic; __u8 mdts; __le16 cntlid; __le32 ver; __le32 rtd3r; __le32 rtd3e; __le32 oaes; __le32 ctratt; __u8 rsvd100[156]; __le16 oacs; __u8 acl; __u8 aerl; __u8 frmw; __u8 lpa; __u8 elpe; __u8 npss; __u8 avscc; __u8 apsta; __le16 wctemp; __le16 cctemp; __le16 mtfa; __le32 hmpre; __le32 hmmin; __u8 tnvmcap[16]; __u8 unvmcap[16]; __le32 rpmbs; __le16 edstt; __u8 dsto; __u8 fwug; __le16 kas; __le16 hctma; __le16 mntmt; __le16 mxtmt; __le32 sanicap; __le32 hmminds; __le16 hmmaxd; __u8 rsvd338[174]; __u8 sqes; __u8 cqes; __le16 maxcmd; __le32 nn; __le16 oncs; __le16 fuses; __u8 fna; __u8 vwc; __le16 awun; __le16 awupf; __u8 nvscc; __u8 rsvd531; __le16 acwu; __u8 rsvd534[2]; __le32 sgls; __u8 rsvd540[228]; char subnqn[256]; __u8 rsvd1024[768]; __le32 ioccsz; __le32 iorcsz; __le16 icdoff; __u8 ctrattr; __u8 msdbd; __u8 rsvd1804[244]; struct nvme_id_power_state psd[32]; __u8 vs[1024]; }; enum { NVME_CTRL_ONCS_COMPARE = 1 << 0, NVME_CTRL_ONCS_WRITE_UNCORRECTABLE = 1 << 1, NVME_CTRL_ONCS_DSM = 1 << 2, NVME_CTRL_ONCS_WRITE_ZEROES = 1 << 3, NVME_CTRL_ONCS_TIMESTAMP = 1 << 6, NVME_CTRL_VWC_PRESENT = 1 << 0, NVME_CTRL_OACS_SEC_SUPP = 1 << 0, NVME_CTRL_OACS_DIRECTIVES = 1 << 5, NVME_CTRL_OACS_DBBUF_SUPP = 1 << 8, NVME_CTRL_LPA_CMD_EFFECTS_LOG = 1 << 1, }; struct nvme_lbaf { __le16 ms; __u8 ds; __u8 rp; }; struct nvme_id_ns { __le64 nsze; __le64 ncap; __le64 nuse; __u8 nsfeat; __u8 nlbaf; __u8 flbas; __u8 mc; __u8 dpc; __u8 dps; __u8 nmic; __u8 rescap; __u8 fpi; __u8 rsvd33; __le16 nawun; __le16 nawupf; __le16 nacwu; __le16 nabsn; __le16 nabo; __le16 nabspf; __le16 noiob; __u8 nvmcap[16]; __u8 rsvd64[40]; __u8 nguid[16]; __u8 eui64[8]; struct nvme_lbaf lbaf[16]; __u8 rsvd192[192]; __u8 vs[3712]; }; enum { NVME_ID_CNS_NS = 0x00, NVME_ID_CNS_CTRL = 0x01, NVME_ID_CNS_NS_ACTIVE_LIST = 0x02, NVME_ID_CNS_NS_DESC_LIST = 0x03, NVME_ID_CNS_NS_PRESENT_LIST = 0x10, NVME_ID_CNS_NS_PRESENT = 0x11, NVME_ID_CNS_CTRL_NS_LIST = 0x12, NVME_ID_CNS_CTRL_LIST = 0x13, }; enum { NVME_DIR_IDENTIFY = 0x00, NVME_DIR_STREAMS = 0x01, NVME_DIR_SND_ID_OP_ENABLE = 0x01, NVME_DIR_SND_ST_OP_REL_ID = 0x01, NVME_DIR_SND_ST_OP_REL_RSC = 0x02, NVME_DIR_RCV_ID_OP_PARAM = 0x01, NVME_DIR_RCV_ST_OP_PARAM = 0x01, NVME_DIR_RCV_ST_OP_STATUS = 0x02, NVME_DIR_RCV_ST_OP_RESOURCE = 0x03, NVME_DIR_ENDIR = 0x01, }; enum { NVME_NS_FEAT_THIN = 1 << 0, NVME_NS_FLBAS_LBA_MASK = 0xf, NVME_NS_FLBAS_META_EXT = 0x10, NVME_LBAF_RP_BEST = 0, NVME_LBAF_RP_BETTER = 1, NVME_LBAF_RP_GOOD = 2, NVME_LBAF_RP_DEGRADED = 3, NVME_NS_DPC_PI_LAST = 1 << 4, NVME_NS_DPC_PI_FIRST = 1 << 3, NVME_NS_DPC_PI_TYPE3 = 1 << 2, NVME_NS_DPC_PI_TYPE2 = 1 << 1, NVME_NS_DPC_PI_TYPE1 = 1 << 0, NVME_NS_DPS_PI_FIRST = 1 << 3, NVME_NS_DPS_PI_MASK = 0x7, NVME_NS_DPS_PI_TYPE1 = 1, NVME_NS_DPS_PI_TYPE2 = 2, NVME_NS_DPS_PI_TYPE3 = 3, }; struct nvme_ns_id_desc { __u8 nidt; __u8 nidl; __le16 reserved; }; #define NVME_NIDT_EUI64_LEN 8 #define NVME_NIDT_NGUID_LEN 16 #define NVME_NIDT_UUID_LEN 16 enum { NVME_NIDT_EUI64 = 0x01, NVME_NIDT_NGUID = 0x02, NVME_NIDT_UUID = 0x03, }; struct nvme_smart_log { __u8 critical_warning; __u8 temperature[2]; __u8 avail_spare; __u8 spare_thresh; __u8 percent_used; __u8 rsvd6[26]; __u8 data_units_read[16]; __u8 data_units_written[16]; __u8 host_reads[16]; __u8 host_writes[16]; __u8 ctrl_busy_time[16]; __u8 power_cycles[16]; __u8 power_on_hours[16]; __u8 unsafe_shutdowns[16]; __u8 media_errors[16]; __u8 num_err_log_entries[16]; __le32 warning_temp_time; __le32 critical_comp_time; __le16 temp_sensor[8]; __u8 rsvd216[296]; }; struct nvme_fw_slot_info_log { __u8 afi; __u8 rsvd1[7]; __le64 frs[7]; __u8 rsvd64[448]; }; enum { NVME_CMD_EFFECTS_CSUPP = 1 << 0, NVME_CMD_EFFECTS_LBCC = 1 << 1, NVME_CMD_EFFECTS_NCC = 1 << 2, NVME_CMD_EFFECTS_NIC = 1 << 3, NVME_CMD_EFFECTS_CCC = 1 << 4, NVME_CMD_EFFECTS_CSE_MASK = 3 << 16, }; struct nvme_effects_log { __le32 acs[256]; __le32 iocs[256]; __u8 resv[2048]; }; enum { NVME_SMART_CRIT_SPARE = 1 << 0, NVME_SMART_CRIT_TEMPERATURE = 1 << 1, NVME_SMART_CRIT_RELIABILITY = 1 << 2, NVME_SMART_CRIT_MEDIA = 1 << 3, NVME_SMART_CRIT_VOLATILE_MEMORY = 1 << 4, }; enum { NVME_AER_ERROR = 0, NVME_AER_SMART = 1, NVME_AER_CSS = 6, NVME_AER_VS = 7, NVME_AER_NOTICE_NS_CHANGED = 0x0002, NVME_AER_NOTICE_FW_ACT_STARTING = 0x0102, }; struct nvme_lba_range_type { __u8 type; __u8 attributes; __u8 rsvd2[14]; __u64 slba; __u64 nlb; __u8 guid[16]; __u8 rsvd48[16]; }; enum { NVME_LBART_TYPE_FS = 0x01, NVME_LBART_TYPE_RAID = 0x02, NVME_LBART_TYPE_CACHE = 0x03, NVME_LBART_TYPE_SWAP = 0x04, NVME_LBART_ATTRIB_TEMP = 1 << 0, NVME_LBART_ATTRIB_HIDE = 1 << 1, }; struct nvme_reservation_status { __le32 gen; __u8 rtype; __u8 regctl[2]; __u8 resv5[2]; __u8 ptpls; __u8 resv10[13]; struct { __le16 cntlid; __u8 rcsts; __u8 resv3[5]; __le64 hostid; __le64 rkey; } regctl_ds[]; }; enum nvme_async_event_type { NVME_AER_TYPE_ERROR = 0, NVME_AER_TYPE_SMART = 1, NVME_AER_TYPE_NOTICE = 2, }; /* I/O commands */ enum nvme_opcode { nvme_cmd_flush = 0x00, nvme_cmd_write = 0x01, nvme_cmd_read = 0x02, nvme_cmd_write_uncor = 0x04, nvme_cmd_compare = 0x05, nvme_cmd_write_zeroes = 0x08, nvme_cmd_dsm = 0x09, nvme_cmd_resv_register = 0x0d, nvme_cmd_resv_report = 0x0e, nvme_cmd_resv_acquire = 0x11, nvme_cmd_resv_release = 0x15, }; /* * Descriptor subtype - lower 4 bits of nvme_(keyed_)sgl_desc identifier * * @NVME_SGL_FMT_ADDRESS: absolute address of the data block * @NVME_SGL_FMT_OFFSET: relative offset of the in-capsule data block * @NVME_SGL_FMT_TRANSPORT_A: transport defined format, value 0xA * @NVME_SGL_FMT_INVALIDATE: RDMA transport specific remote invalidation * request subtype */ enum { NVME_SGL_FMT_ADDRESS = 0x00, NVME_SGL_FMT_OFFSET = 0x01, NVME_SGL_FMT_TRANSPORT_A = 0x0A, NVME_SGL_FMT_INVALIDATE = 0x0f, }; /* * Descriptor type - upper 4 bits of nvme_(keyed_)sgl_desc identifier * * For struct nvme_sgl_desc: * @NVME_SGL_FMT_DATA_DESC: data block descriptor * @NVME_SGL_FMT_SEG_DESC: sgl segment descriptor * @NVME_SGL_FMT_LAST_SEG_DESC: last sgl segment descriptor * * For struct nvme_keyed_sgl_desc: * @NVME_KEY_SGL_FMT_DATA_DESC: keyed data block descriptor * * Transport-specific SGL types: * @NVME_TRANSPORT_SGL_DATA_DESC: Transport SGL data dlock descriptor */ enum { NVME_SGL_FMT_DATA_DESC = 0x00, NVME_SGL_FMT_SEG_DESC = 0x02, NVME_SGL_FMT_LAST_SEG_DESC = 0x03, NVME_KEY_SGL_FMT_DATA_DESC = 0x04, NVME_TRANSPORT_SGL_DATA_DESC = 0x05, }; struct nvme_sgl_desc { __le64 addr; __le32 length; __u8 rsvd[3]; __u8 type; }; struct nvme_keyed_sgl_desc { __le64 addr; __u8 length[3]; __u8 key[4]; __u8 type; }; union nvme_data_ptr { struct { __le64 prp1; __le64 prp2; }; struct nvme_sgl_desc sgl; struct nvme_keyed_sgl_desc ksgl; }; /* * Lowest two bits of our flags field (FUSE field in the spec): * * @NVME_CMD_FUSE_FIRST: Fused Operation, first command * @NVME_CMD_FUSE_SECOND: Fused Operation, second command * * Highest two bits in our flags field (PSDT field in the spec): * * @NVME_CMD_PSDT_SGL_METABUF: Use SGLS for this transfer, * If used, MPTR contains addr of single physical buffer (byte aligned). * @NVME_CMD_PSDT_SGL_METASEG: Use SGLS for this transfer, * If used, MPTR contains an address of an SGL segment containing * exactly 1 SGL descriptor (qword aligned). */ enum { NVME_CMD_FUSE_FIRST = (1 << 0), NVME_CMD_FUSE_SECOND = (1 << 1), NVME_CMD_SGL_METABUF = (1 << 6), NVME_CMD_SGL_METASEG = (1 << 7), NVME_CMD_SGL_ALL = NVME_CMD_SGL_METABUF | NVME_CMD_SGL_METASEG, }; struct nvme_common_command { __u8 opcode; __u8 flags; __u16 command_id; __le32 nsid; __le32 cdw2[2]; __le64 metadata; union nvme_data_ptr dptr; __le32 cdw10[6]; }; struct nvme_rw_command { __u8 opcode; __u8 flags; __u16 command_id; __le32 nsid; __u64 rsvd2; __le64 metadata; union nvme_data_ptr dptr; __le64 slba; __le16 length; __le16 control; __le32 dsmgmt; __le32 reftag; __le16 apptag; __le16 appmask; }; enum { NVME_RW_LR = 1 << 15, NVME_RW_FUA = 1 << 14, NVME_RW_DSM_FREQ_UNSPEC = 0, NVME_RW_DSM_FREQ_TYPICAL = 1, NVME_RW_DSM_FREQ_RARE = 2, NVME_RW_DSM_FREQ_READS = 3, NVME_RW_DSM_FREQ_WRITES = 4, NVME_RW_DSM_FREQ_RW = 5, NVME_RW_DSM_FREQ_ONCE = 6, NVME_RW_DSM_FREQ_PREFETCH = 7, NVME_RW_DSM_FREQ_TEMP = 8, NVME_RW_DSM_LATENCY_NONE = 0 << 4, NVME_RW_DSM_LATENCY_IDLE = 1 << 4, NVME_RW_DSM_LATENCY_NORM = 2 << 4, NVME_RW_DSM_LATENCY_LOW = 3 << 4, NVME_RW_DSM_SEQ_REQ = 1 << 6, NVME_RW_DSM_COMPRESSED = 1 << 7, NVME_RW_PRINFO_PRCHK_REF = 1 << 10, NVME_RW_PRINFO_PRCHK_APP = 1 << 11, NVME_RW_PRINFO_PRCHK_GUARD = 1 << 12, NVME_RW_PRINFO_PRACT = 1 << 13, NVME_RW_DTYPE_STREAMS = 1 << 4, }; struct nvme_dsm_cmd { __u8 opcode; __u8 flags; __u16 command_id; __le32 nsid; __u64 rsvd2[2]; union nvme_data_ptr dptr; __le32 nr; __le32 attributes; __u32 rsvd12[4]; }; enum { NVME_DSMGMT_IDR = 1 << 0, NVME_DSMGMT_IDW = 1 << 1, NVME_DSMGMT_AD = 1 << 2, }; #define NVME_DSM_MAX_RANGES 256 struct nvme_dsm_range { __le32 cattr; __le32 nlb; __le64 slba; }; struct nvme_write_zeroes_cmd { __u8 opcode; __u8 flags; __u16 command_id; __le32 nsid; __u64 rsvd2; __le64 metadata; union nvme_data_ptr dptr; __le64 slba; __le16 length; __le16 control; __le32 dsmgmt; __le32 reftag; __le16 apptag; __le16 appmask; }; /* Features */ struct nvme_feat_auto_pst { __le64 entries[32]; }; enum { NVME_HOST_MEM_ENABLE = (1 << 0), NVME_HOST_MEM_RETURN = (1 << 1), }; /* Admin commands */ enum nvme_admin_opcode { nvme_admin_delete_sq = 0x00, nvme_admin_create_sq = 0x01, nvme_admin_get_log_page = 0x02, nvme_admin_delete_cq = 0x04, nvme_admin_create_cq = 0x05, nvme_admin_identify = 0x06, nvme_admin_abort_cmd = 0x08, nvme_admin_set_features = 0x09, nvme_admin_get_features = 0x0a, nvme_admin_async_event = 0x0c, nvme_admin_ns_mgmt = 0x0d, nvme_admin_activate_fw = 0x10, nvme_admin_download_fw = 0x11, nvme_admin_ns_attach = 0x15, nvme_admin_keep_alive = 0x18, nvme_admin_directive_send = 0x19, nvme_admin_directive_recv = 0x1a, nvme_admin_dbbuf = 0x7C, nvme_admin_format_nvm = 0x80, nvme_admin_security_send = 0x81, nvme_admin_security_recv = 0x82, nvme_admin_sanitize_nvm = 0x84, }; enum { NVME_QUEUE_PHYS_CONTIG = (1 << 0), NVME_CQ_IRQ_ENABLED = (1 << 1), NVME_SQ_PRIO_URGENT = (0 << 1), NVME_SQ_PRIO_HIGH = (1 << 1), NVME_SQ_PRIO_MEDIUM = (2 << 1), NVME_SQ_PRIO_LOW = (3 << 1), NVME_FEAT_ARBITRATION = 0x01, NVME_FEAT_POWER_MGMT = 0x02, NVME_FEAT_LBA_RANGE = 0x03, NVME_FEAT_TEMP_THRESH = 0x04, NVME_FEAT_ERR_RECOVERY = 0x05, NVME_FEAT_VOLATILE_WC = 0x06, NVME_FEAT_NUM_QUEUES = 0x07, NVME_FEAT_IRQ_COALESCE = 0x08, NVME_FEAT_IRQ_CONFIG = 0x09, NVME_FEAT_WRITE_ATOMIC = 0x0a, NVME_FEAT_ASYNC_EVENT = 0x0b, NVME_FEAT_AUTO_PST = 0x0c, NVME_FEAT_HOST_MEM_BUF = 0x0d, NVME_FEAT_TIMESTAMP = 0x0e, NVME_FEAT_KATO = 0x0f, NVME_FEAT_SW_PROGRESS = 0x80, NVME_FEAT_HOST_ID = 0x81, NVME_FEAT_RESV_MASK = 0x82, NVME_FEAT_RESV_PERSIST = 0x83, NVME_LOG_ERROR = 0x01, NVME_LOG_SMART = 0x02, NVME_LOG_FW_SLOT = 0x03, NVME_LOG_CMD_EFFECTS = 0x05, NVME_LOG_DISC = 0x70, NVME_LOG_RESERVATION = 0x80, NVME_FWACT_REPL = (0 << 3), NVME_FWACT_REPL_ACTV = (1 << 3), NVME_FWACT_ACTV = (2 << 3), }; struct nvme_identify { __u8 opcode; __u8 flags; __u16 command_id; __le32 nsid; __u64 rsvd2[2]; union nvme_data_ptr dptr; __u8 cns; __u8 rsvd3; __le16 ctrlid; __u32 rsvd11[5]; }; #define NVME_IDENTIFY_DATA_SIZE 4096 struct nvme_features { __u8 opcode; __u8 flags; __u16 command_id; __le32 nsid; __u64 rsvd2[2]; union nvme_data_ptr dptr; __le32 fid; __le32 dword11; __le32 dword12; __le32 dword13; __le32 dword14; __le32 dword15; }; struct nvme_host_mem_buf_desc { __le64 addr; __le32 size; __u32 rsvd; }; struct nvme_create_cq { __u8 opcode; __u8 flags; __u16 command_id; __u32 rsvd1[5]; __le64 prp1; __u64 rsvd8; __le16 cqid; __le16 qsize; __le16 cq_flags; __le16 irq_vector; __u32 rsvd12[4]; }; struct nvme_create_sq { __u8 opcode; __u8 flags; __u16 command_id; __u32 rsvd1[5]; __le64 prp1; __u64 rsvd8; __le16 sqid; __le16 qsize; __le16 sq_flags; __le16 cqid; __u32 rsvd12[4]; }; struct nvme_delete_queue { __u8 opcode; __u8 flags; __u16 command_id; __u32 rsvd1[9]; __le16 qid; __u16 rsvd10; __u32 rsvd11[5]; }; struct nvme_abort_cmd { __u8 opcode; __u8 flags; __u16 command_id; __u32 rsvd1[9]; __le16 sqid; __u16 cid; __u32 rsvd11[5]; }; struct nvme_download_firmware { __u8 opcode; __u8 flags; __u16 command_id; __u32 rsvd1[5]; union nvme_data_ptr dptr; __le32 numd; __le32 offset; __u32 rsvd12[4]; }; struct nvme_format_cmd { __u8 opcode; __u8 flags; __u16 command_id; __le32 nsid; __u64 rsvd2[4]; __le32 cdw10; __u32 rsvd11[5]; }; struct nvme_get_log_page_command { __u8 opcode; __u8 flags; __u16 command_id; __le32 nsid; __u64 rsvd2[2]; union nvme_data_ptr dptr; __u8 lid; __u8 rsvd10; __le16 numdl; __le16 numdu; __u16 rsvd11; __le32 lpol; __le32 lpou; __u32 rsvd14[2]; }; struct nvme_directive_cmd { __u8 opcode; __u8 flags; __u16 command_id; __le32 nsid; __u64 rsvd2[2]; union nvme_data_ptr dptr; __le32 numd; __u8 doper; __u8 dtype; __le16 dspec; __u8 endir; __u8 tdtype; __u16 rsvd15; __u32 rsvd16[3]; }; /* * Fabrics subcommands. */ enum nvmf_fabrics_opcode { nvme_fabrics_command = 0x7f, }; enum nvmf_capsule_command { nvme_fabrics_type_property_set = 0x00, nvme_fabrics_type_connect = 0x01, nvme_fabrics_type_property_get = 0x04, }; struct nvmf_common_command { __u8 opcode; __u8 resv1; __u16 command_id; __u8 fctype; __u8 resv2[35]; __u8 ts[24]; }; /* * The legal cntlid range a NVMe Target will provide. * Note that cntlid of value 0 is considered illegal in the fabrics world. * Devices based on earlier specs did not have the subsystem concept; * therefore, those devices had their cntlid value set to 0 as a result. */ #define NVME_CNTLID_MIN 1 #define NVME_CNTLID_MAX 0xffef #define NVME_CNTLID_DYNAMIC 0xffff #define MAX_DISC_LOGS 255 /* Discovery log page entry */ struct nvmf_disc_rsp_page_entry { __u8 trtype; __u8 adrfam; __u8 subtype; __u8 treq; __le16 portid; __le16 cntlid; __le16 asqsz; __u8 resv8[22]; char trsvcid[NVMF_TRSVCID_SIZE]; __u8 resv64[192]; char subnqn[NVMF_NQN_FIELD_LEN]; char traddr[NVMF_TRADDR_SIZE]; union tsas { char common[NVMF_TSAS_SIZE]; struct rdma { __u8 qptype; __u8 prtype; __u8 cms; __u8 resv3[5]; __u16 pkey; __u8 resv10[246]; } rdma; } tsas; }; /* Discovery log page header */ struct nvmf_disc_rsp_page_hdr { __le64 genctr; __le64 numrec; __le16 recfmt; __u8 resv14[1006]; struct nvmf_disc_rsp_page_entry entries[0]; }; struct nvmf_connect_command { __u8 opcode; __u8 resv1; __u16 command_id; __u8 fctype; __u8 resv2[19]; union nvme_data_ptr dptr; __le16 recfmt; __le16 qid; __le16 sqsize; __u8 cattr; __u8 resv3; __le32 kato; __u8 resv4[12]; }; struct nvmf_connect_data { uuid_t hostid; __le16 cntlid; char resv4[238]; char subsysnqn[NVMF_NQN_FIELD_LEN]; char hostnqn[NVMF_NQN_FIELD_LEN]; char resv5[256]; }; struct nvmf_property_set_command { __u8 opcode; __u8 resv1; __u16 command_id; __u8 fctype; __u8 resv2[35]; __u8 attrib; __u8 resv3[3]; __le32 offset; __le64 value; __u8 resv4[8]; }; struct nvmf_property_get_command { __u8 opcode; __u8 resv1; __u16 command_id; __u8 fctype; __u8 resv2[35]; __u8 attrib; __u8 resv3[3]; __le32 offset; __u8 resv4[16]; }; struct nvme_dbbuf { __u8 opcode; __u8 flags; __u16 command_id; __u32 rsvd1[5]; __le64 prp1; __le64 prp2; __u32 rsvd12[6]; }; struct streams_directive_params { __le16 msl; __le16 nssa; __le16 nsso; __u8 rsvd[10]; __le32 sws; __le16 sgs; __le16 nsa; __le16 nso; __u8 rsvd2[6]; }; struct nvme_command { union { struct nvme_common_command common; struct nvme_rw_command rw; struct nvme_identify identify; struct nvme_features features; struct nvme_create_cq create_cq; struct nvme_create_sq create_sq; struct nvme_delete_queue delete_queue; struct nvme_download_firmware dlfw; struct nvme_format_cmd format; struct nvme_dsm_cmd dsm; struct nvme_write_zeroes_cmd write_zeroes; struct nvme_abort_cmd abort; struct nvme_get_log_page_command get_log_page; struct nvmf_common_command fabrics; struct nvmf_connect_command connect; struct nvmf_property_set_command prop_set; struct nvmf_property_get_command prop_get; struct nvme_dbbuf dbbuf; struct nvme_directive_cmd directive; }; }; static inline bool nvme_is_write(struct nvme_command *cmd) { /* * What a mess... * * Why can't we simply have a Fabrics In and Fabrics out command? */ if (unlikely(cmd->common.opcode == nvme_fabrics_command)) return cmd->fabrics.fctype & 1; return cmd->common.opcode & 1; } enum { /* * Generic Command Status: */ NVME_SC_SUCCESS = 0x0, NVME_SC_INVALID_OPCODE = 0x1, NVME_SC_INVALID_FIELD = 0x2, NVME_SC_CMDID_CONFLICT = 0x3, NVME_SC_DATA_XFER_ERROR = 0x4, NVME_SC_POWER_LOSS = 0x5, NVME_SC_INTERNAL = 0x6, NVME_SC_ABORT_REQ = 0x7, NVME_SC_ABORT_QUEUE = 0x8, NVME_SC_FUSED_FAIL = 0x9, NVME_SC_FUSED_MISSING = 0xa, NVME_SC_INVALID_NS = 0xb, NVME_SC_CMD_SEQ_ERROR = 0xc, NVME_SC_SGL_INVALID_LAST = 0xd, NVME_SC_SGL_INVALID_COUNT = 0xe, NVME_SC_SGL_INVALID_DATA = 0xf, NVME_SC_SGL_INVALID_METADATA = 0x10, NVME_SC_SGL_INVALID_TYPE = 0x11, NVME_SC_SGL_INVALID_OFFSET = 0x16, NVME_SC_SGL_INVALID_SUBTYPE = 0x17, NVME_SC_LBA_RANGE = 0x80, NVME_SC_CAP_EXCEEDED = 0x81, NVME_SC_NS_NOT_READY = 0x82, NVME_SC_RESERVATION_CONFLICT = 0x83, /* * Command Specific Status: */ NVME_SC_CQ_INVALID = 0x100, NVME_SC_QID_INVALID = 0x101, NVME_SC_QUEUE_SIZE = 0x102, NVME_SC_ABORT_LIMIT = 0x103, NVME_SC_ABORT_MISSING = 0x104, NVME_SC_ASYNC_LIMIT = 0x105, NVME_SC_FIRMWARE_SLOT = 0x106, NVME_SC_FIRMWARE_IMAGE = 0x107, NVME_SC_INVALID_VECTOR = 0x108, NVME_SC_INVALID_LOG_PAGE = 0x109, NVME_SC_INVALID_FORMAT = 0x10a, NVME_SC_FW_NEEDS_CONV_RESET = 0x10b, NVME_SC_INVALID_QUEUE = 0x10c, NVME_SC_FEATURE_NOT_SAVEABLE = 0x10d, NVME_SC_FEATURE_NOT_CHANGEABLE = 0x10e, NVME_SC_FEATURE_NOT_PER_NS = 0x10f, NVME_SC_FW_NEEDS_SUBSYS_RESET = 0x110, NVME_SC_FW_NEEDS_RESET = 0x111, NVME_SC_FW_NEEDS_MAX_TIME = 0x112, NVME_SC_FW_ACIVATE_PROHIBITED = 0x113, NVME_SC_OVERLAPPING_RANGE = 0x114, NVME_SC_NS_INSUFFICENT_CAP = 0x115, NVME_SC_NS_ID_UNAVAILABLE = 0x116, NVME_SC_NS_ALREADY_ATTACHED = 0x118, NVME_SC_NS_IS_PRIVATE = 0x119, NVME_SC_NS_NOT_ATTACHED = 0x11a, NVME_SC_THIN_PROV_NOT_SUPP = 0x11b, NVME_SC_CTRL_LIST_INVALID = 0x11c, /* * I/O Command Set Specific - NVM commands: */ NVME_SC_BAD_ATTRIBUTES = 0x180, NVME_SC_INVALID_PI = 0x181, NVME_SC_READ_ONLY = 0x182, NVME_SC_ONCS_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x183, /* * I/O Command Set Specific - Fabrics commands: */ NVME_SC_CONNECT_FORMAT = 0x180, NVME_SC_CONNECT_CTRL_BUSY = 0x181, NVME_SC_CONNECT_INVALID_PARAM = 0x182, NVME_SC_CONNECT_RESTART_DISC = 0x183, NVME_SC_CONNECT_INVALID_HOST = 0x184, NVME_SC_DISCOVERY_RESTART = 0x190, NVME_SC_AUTH_REQUIRED = 0x191, /* * Media and Data Integrity Errors: */ NVME_SC_WRITE_FAULT = 0x280, NVME_SC_READ_ERROR = 0x281, NVME_SC_GUARD_CHECK = 0x282, NVME_SC_APPTAG_CHECK = 0x283, NVME_SC_REFTAG_CHECK = 0x284, NVME_SC_COMPARE_FAILED = 0x285, NVME_SC_ACCESS_DENIED = 0x286, NVME_SC_UNWRITTEN_BLOCK = 0x287, NVME_SC_DNR = 0x4000, }; struct nvme_completion { /* * Used by Admin and Fabrics commands to return data: */ union nvme_result { __le16 u16; __le32 u32; __le64 u64; } result; __le16 sq_head; /* how much of this queue may be reclaimed */ __le16 sq_id; /* submission queue that generated this entry */ __u16 command_id; /* of the command which completed */ __le16 status; /* did the command fail, and if so, why? */ }; #define NVME_VS(major, minor, tertiary) \ (((major) << 16) | ((minor) << 8) | (tertiary)) #define NVME_MAJOR(ver) ((ver) >> 16) #define NVME_MINOR(ver) (((ver) >> 8) & 0xff) #define NVME_TERTIARY(ver) ((ver) & 0xff) #endif /* _LINUX_NVME_H */
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
amba | Folder | 0755 |
avf | Folder | 0755 |
bcma | Folder | 0755 |
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can | Folder | 0755 |
ceph | Folder | 0755 |
clk | Folder | 0755 |
crush | Folder | 0755 |
decompress | Folder | 0755 |
dma | Folder | 0755 |
dsa | Folder | 0755 |
extcon | Folder | 0755 |
firmware | Folder | 0755 |
fpga | Folder | 0755 |
fsl | Folder | 0755 |
gpio | Folder | 0755 |
hsi | Folder | 0755 |
i2c | Folder | 0755 |
iio | Folder | 0755 |
input | Folder | 0755 |
irqchip | Folder | 0755 |
isdn | Folder | 0755 |
lockd | Folder | 0755 |
mailbox | Folder | 0755 |
mfd | Folder | 0755 |
mlx4 | Folder | 0755 |
mlx5 | Folder | 0755 |
mmc | Folder | 0755 |
mtd | Folder | 0755 |
mux | Folder | 0755 |
netfilter | Folder | 0755 |
netfilter_arp | Folder | 0755 |
netfilter_bridge | Folder | 0755 |
netfilter_ipv4 | Folder | 0755 |
netfilter_ipv6 | Folder | 0755 |
perf | Folder | 0755 |
phy | Folder | 0755 |
pinctrl | Folder | 0755 |
platform_data | Folder | 0755 |
power | Folder | 0755 |
qed | Folder | 0755 |
raid | Folder | 0755 |
regulator | Folder | 0755 |
remoteproc | Folder | 0755 |
reset | Folder | 0755 |
rpmsg | Folder | 0755 |
rtc | Folder | 0755 |
sched | Folder | 0755 |
soc | Folder | 0755 |
spi | Folder | 0755 |
ssb | Folder | 0755 |
sunrpc | Folder | 0755 |
ulpi | Folder | 0755 |
unaligned | Folder | 0755 |
usb | Folder | 0755 |
uwb | Folder | 0755 |
wimax | Folder | 0755 |
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delay.h | File | 1.83 KB | 0644 |
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delayed_call.h | File | 709 B | 0644 |
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dim.h | File | 8.98 KB | 0644 |
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dirent.h | File | 216 B | 0644 |
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dlm_plock.h | File | 678 B | 0644 |
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dm-kcopyd.h | File | 2.88 KB | 0644 |
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dynamic_queue_limits.h | File | 3.7 KB | 0644 |
earlycpio.h | File | 359 B | 0644 |
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once.h | File | 2.8 KB | 0644 |
oom.h | File | 3.15 KB | 0644 |
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tracefs.h | File | 1.19 KB | 0644 |
tracehook.h | File | 7.08 KB | 0644 |
tracepoint-defs.h | File | 778 B | 0644 |
tracepoint.h | File | 16.26 KB | 0644 |
transport_class.h | File | 2.5 KB | 0644 |
ts-nbus.h | File | 532 B | 0644 |
tsacct_kern.h | File | 1.2 KB | 0644 |
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tty_driver.h | File | 15.45 KB | 0644 |
tty_flip.h | File | 1.62 KB | 0644 |
tty_ldisc.h | File | 7.69 KB | 0644 |
typecheck.h | File | 624 B | 0644 |
types.h | File | 5.61 KB | 0644 |
u64_stats_sync.h | File | 5.43 KB | 0644 |
uaccess.h | File | 9.95 KB | 0644 |
ucb1400.h | File | 4.26 KB | 0644 |
ucs2_string.h | File | 662 B | 0644 |
udp.h | File | 3.65 KB | 0644 |
uidgid.h | File | 4.07 KB | 0644 |
uio.h | File | 7.66 KB | 0644 |
uio_driver.h | File | 4.07 KB | 0644 |
umh.h | File | 1.79 KB | 0644 |
uprobes.h | File | 6.28 KB | 0644 |
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usb_usual.h | File | 3.58 KB | 0644 |
usbdevice_fs.h | File | 2.18 KB | 0644 |
user-return-notifier.h | File | 1.18 KB | 0644 |
user.h | File | 22 B | 0644 |
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userfaultfd_k.h | File | 3.57 KB | 0644 |
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uts.h | File | 388 B | 0644 |
utsname.h | File | 1.72 KB | 0644 |
uuid.h | File | 2.35 KB | 0644 |
uwb.h | File | 25.22 KB | 0644 |
verification.h | File | 1.57 KB | 0644 |
vermagic.h | File | 1.05 KB | 0644 |
vexpress.h | File | 1.44 KB | 0644 |
vfio.h | File | 6.32 KB | 0644 |
vfs.h | File | 116 B | 0644 |
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vgaarb.h | File | 5.12 KB | 0644 |
via-core.h | File | 7.27 KB | 0644 |
via-gpio.h | File | 334 B | 0644 |
via.h | File | 932 B | 0644 |
via_i2c.h | File | 1.48 KB | 0644 |
videodev2.h | File | 2.68 KB | 0644 |
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vmpressure.h | File | 1.7 KB | 0644 |
vmstat.h | File | 10.93 KB | 0644 |
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vmw_vmci_defs.h | File | 27.93 KB | 0644 |
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wmi.h | File | 1.94 KB | 0644 |
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xxhash.h | File | 7.65 KB | 0644 |
xz.h | File | 11.16 KB | 0644 |
yam.h | File | 2.82 KB | 0644 |
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zconf.h | File | 1.73 KB | 0644 |
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zorro.h | File | 3.94 KB | 0644 |
zpool.h | File | 2.99 KB | 0644 |
zsmalloc.h | File | 1.64 KB | 0644 |
zstd.h | File | 48.64 KB | 0644 |
zutil.h | File | 2.73 KB | 0644 |