/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */ #ifndef _LINUX_HDREG_H #define _LINUX_HDREG_H #include <linux/types.h> /* * Command Header sizes for IOCTL commands */ #define HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_HDR_SIZE (4 * sizeof(__u8)) #define HDIO_DRIVE_HOB_HDR_SIZE (8 * sizeof(__u8)) #define HDIO_DRIVE_TASK_HDR_SIZE (8 * sizeof(__u8)) #define IDE_DRIVE_TASK_NO_DATA 0 #ifndef __KERNEL__ #define IDE_DRIVE_TASK_INVALID -1 #define IDE_DRIVE_TASK_SET_XFER 1 #define IDE_DRIVE_TASK_IN 2 #define IDE_DRIVE_TASK_OUT 3 #endif #define IDE_DRIVE_TASK_RAW_WRITE 4 /* * Define standard taskfile in/out register */ #define IDE_TASKFILE_STD_IN_FLAGS 0xFE #define IDE_HOB_STD_IN_FLAGS 0x3C #ifndef __KERNEL__ #define IDE_TASKFILE_STD_OUT_FLAGS 0xFE #define IDE_HOB_STD_OUT_FLAGS 0x3C typedef unsigned char task_ioreg_t; typedef unsigned long sata_ioreg_t; #endif typedef union ide_reg_valid_s { unsigned all : 16; struct { unsigned data : 1; unsigned error_feature : 1; unsigned sector : 1; unsigned nsector : 1; unsigned lcyl : 1; unsigned hcyl : 1; unsigned select : 1; unsigned status_command : 1; unsigned data_hob : 1; unsigned error_feature_hob : 1; unsigned sector_hob : 1; unsigned nsector_hob : 1; unsigned lcyl_hob : 1; unsigned hcyl_hob : 1; unsigned select_hob : 1; unsigned control_hob : 1; } b; } ide_reg_valid_t; typedef struct ide_task_request_s { __u8 io_ports[8]; __u8 hob_ports[8]; /* bytes 6 and 7 are unused */ ide_reg_valid_t out_flags; ide_reg_valid_t in_flags; int data_phase; int req_cmd; unsigned long out_size; unsigned long in_size; } ide_task_request_t; typedef struct ide_ioctl_request_s { ide_task_request_t *task_request; unsigned char *out_buffer; unsigned char *in_buffer; } ide_ioctl_request_t; struct hd_drive_cmd_hdr { __u8 command; __u8 sector_number; __u8 feature; __u8 sector_count; }; #ifndef __KERNEL__ typedef struct hd_drive_task_hdr { __u8 data; __u8 feature; __u8 sector_count; __u8 sector_number; __u8 low_cylinder; __u8 high_cylinder; __u8 device_head; __u8 command; } task_struct_t; typedef struct hd_drive_hob_hdr { __u8 data; __u8 feature; __u8 sector_count; __u8 sector_number; __u8 low_cylinder; __u8 high_cylinder; __u8 device_head; __u8 control; } hob_struct_t; #endif #define TASKFILE_NO_DATA 0x0000 #define TASKFILE_IN 0x0001 #define TASKFILE_MULTI_IN 0x0002 #define TASKFILE_OUT 0x0004 #define TASKFILE_MULTI_OUT 0x0008 #define TASKFILE_IN_OUT 0x0010 #define TASKFILE_IN_DMA 0x0020 #define TASKFILE_OUT_DMA 0x0040 #define TASKFILE_IN_DMAQ 0x0080 #define TASKFILE_OUT_DMAQ 0x0100 #ifndef __KERNEL__ #define TASKFILE_P_IN 0x0200 #define TASKFILE_P_OUT 0x0400 #define TASKFILE_P_IN_DMA 0x0800 #define TASKFILE_P_OUT_DMA 0x1000 #define TASKFILE_P_IN_DMAQ 0x2000 #define TASKFILE_P_OUT_DMAQ 0x4000 #define TASKFILE_48 0x8000 #define TASKFILE_INVALID 0x7fff #endif #ifndef __KERNEL__ /* ATA/ATAPI Commands pre T13 Spec */ #define WIN_NOP 0x00 /* * 0x01->0x02 Reserved */ #define CFA_REQ_EXT_ERROR_CODE 0x03 /* CFA Request Extended Error Code */ /* * 0x04->0x07 Reserved */ #define WIN_SRST 0x08 /* ATAPI soft reset command */ #define WIN_DEVICE_RESET 0x08 /* * 0x09->0x0F Reserved */ #define WIN_RECAL 0x10 #define WIN_RESTORE WIN_RECAL /* * 0x10->0x1F Reserved */ #define WIN_READ 0x20 /* 28-Bit */ #define WIN_READ_ONCE 0x21 /* 28-Bit without retries */ #define WIN_READ_LONG 0x22 /* 28-Bit */ #define WIN_READ_LONG_ONCE 0x23 /* 28-Bit without retries */ #define WIN_READ_EXT 0x24 /* 48-Bit */ #define WIN_READDMA_EXT 0x25 /* 48-Bit */ #define WIN_READDMA_QUEUED_EXT 0x26 /* 48-Bit */ #define WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX_EXT 0x27 /* 48-Bit */ /* * 0x28 */ #define WIN_MULTREAD_EXT 0x29 /* 48-Bit */ /* * 0x2A->0x2F Reserved */ #define WIN_WRITE 0x30 /* 28-Bit */ #define WIN_WRITE_ONCE 0x31 /* 28-Bit without retries */ #define WIN_WRITE_LONG 0x32 /* 28-Bit */ #define WIN_WRITE_LONG_ONCE 0x33 /* 28-Bit without retries */ #define WIN_WRITE_EXT 0x34 /* 48-Bit */ #define WIN_WRITEDMA_EXT 0x35 /* 48-Bit */ #define WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED_EXT 0x36 /* 48-Bit */ #define WIN_SET_MAX_EXT 0x37 /* 48-Bit */ #define CFA_WRITE_SECT_WO_ERASE 0x38 /* CFA Write Sectors without erase */ #define WIN_MULTWRITE_EXT 0x39 /* 48-Bit */ /* * 0x3A->0x3B Reserved */ #define WIN_WRITE_VERIFY 0x3C /* 28-Bit */ /* * 0x3D->0x3F Reserved */ #define WIN_VERIFY 0x40 /* 28-Bit - Read Verify Sectors */ #define WIN_VERIFY_ONCE 0x41 /* 28-Bit - without retries */ #define WIN_VERIFY_EXT 0x42 /* 48-Bit */ /* * 0x43->0x4F Reserved */ #define WIN_FORMAT 0x50 /* * 0x51->0x5F Reserved */ #define WIN_INIT 0x60 /* * 0x61->0x5F Reserved */ #define WIN_SEEK 0x70 /* 0x70-0x7F Reserved */ #define CFA_TRANSLATE_SECTOR 0x87 /* CFA Translate Sector */ #define WIN_DIAGNOSE 0x90 #define WIN_SPECIFY 0x91 /* set drive geometry translation */ #define WIN_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE 0x92 #define WIN_STANDBYNOW2 0x94 #define WIN_STANDBY2 0x96 #define WIN_SETIDLE2 0x97 #define WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE2 0x98 #define WIN_SLEEPNOW2 0x99 /* * 0x9A VENDOR */ #define WIN_PACKETCMD 0xA0 /* Send a packet command. */ #define WIN_PIDENTIFY 0xA1 /* identify ATAPI device */ #define WIN_QUEUED_SERVICE 0xA2 #define WIN_SMART 0xB0 /* self-monitoring and reporting */ #define CFA_ERASE_SECTORS 0xC0 #define WIN_MULTREAD 0xC4 /* read sectors using multiple mode*/ #define WIN_MULTWRITE 0xC5 /* write sectors using multiple mode */ #define WIN_SETMULT 0xC6 /* enable/disable multiple mode */ #define WIN_READDMA_QUEUED 0xC7 /* read sectors using Queued DMA transfers */ #define WIN_READDMA 0xC8 /* read sectors using DMA transfers */ #define WIN_READDMA_ONCE 0xC9 /* 28-Bit - without retries */ #define WIN_WRITEDMA 0xCA /* write sectors using DMA transfers */ #define WIN_WRITEDMA_ONCE 0xCB /* 28-Bit - without retries */ #define WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED 0xCC /* write sectors using Queued DMA transfers */ #define CFA_WRITE_MULTI_WO_ERASE 0xCD /* CFA Write multiple without erase */ #define WIN_GETMEDIASTATUS 0xDA #define WIN_ACKMEDIACHANGE 0xDB /* ATA-1, ATA-2 vendor */ #define WIN_POSTBOOT 0xDC #define WIN_PREBOOT 0xDD #define WIN_DOORLOCK 0xDE /* lock door on removable drives */ #define WIN_DOORUNLOCK 0xDF /* unlock door on removable drives */ #define WIN_STANDBYNOW1 0xE0 #define WIN_IDLEIMMEDIATE 0xE1 /* force drive to become "ready" */ #define WIN_STANDBY 0xE2 /* Set device in Standby Mode */ #define WIN_SETIDLE1 0xE3 #define WIN_READ_BUFFER 0xE4 /* force read only 1 sector */ #define WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE1 0xE5 #define WIN_SLEEPNOW1 0xE6 #define WIN_FLUSH_CACHE 0xE7 #define WIN_WRITE_BUFFER 0xE8 /* force write only 1 sector */ #define WIN_WRITE_SAME 0xE9 /* read ata-2 to use */ /* SET_FEATURES 0x22 or 0xDD */ #define WIN_FLUSH_CACHE_EXT 0xEA /* 48-Bit */ #define WIN_IDENTIFY 0xEC /* ask drive to identify itself */ #define WIN_MEDIAEJECT 0xED #define WIN_IDENTIFY_DMA 0xEE /* same as WIN_IDENTIFY, but DMA */ #define WIN_SETFEATURES 0xEF /* set special drive features */ #define EXABYTE_ENABLE_NEST 0xF0 #define WIN_SECURITY_SET_PASS 0xF1 #define WIN_SECURITY_UNLOCK 0xF2 #define WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_PREPARE 0xF3 #define WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_UNIT 0xF4 #define WIN_SECURITY_FREEZE_LOCK 0xF5 #define WIN_SECURITY_DISABLE 0xF6 #define WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX 0xF8 /* return the native maximum address */ #define WIN_SET_MAX 0xF9 #define DISABLE_SEAGATE 0xFB /* WIN_SMART sub-commands */ #define SMART_READ_VALUES 0xD0 #define SMART_READ_THRESHOLDS 0xD1 #define SMART_AUTOSAVE 0xD2 #define SMART_SAVE 0xD3 #define SMART_IMMEDIATE_OFFLINE 0xD4 #define SMART_READ_LOG_SECTOR 0xD5 #define SMART_WRITE_LOG_SECTOR 0xD6 #define SMART_WRITE_THRESHOLDS 0xD7 #define SMART_ENABLE 0xD8 #define SMART_DISABLE 0xD9 #define SMART_STATUS 0xDA #define SMART_AUTO_OFFLINE 0xDB /* Password used in TF4 & TF5 executing SMART commands */ #define SMART_LCYL_PASS 0x4F #define SMART_HCYL_PASS 0xC2 /* WIN_SETFEATURES sub-commands */ #define SETFEATURES_EN_8BIT 0x01 /* Enable 8-Bit Transfers */ #define SETFEATURES_EN_WCACHE 0x02 /* Enable write cache */ #define SETFEATURES_DIS_DEFECT 0x04 /* Disable Defect Management */ #define SETFEATURES_EN_APM 0x05 /* Enable advanced power management */ #define SETFEATURES_EN_SAME_R 0x22 /* for a region ATA-1 */ #define SETFEATURES_DIS_MSN 0x31 /* Disable Media Status Notification */ #define SETFEATURES_DIS_RETRY 0x33 /* Disable Retry */ #define SETFEATURES_EN_AAM 0x42 /* Enable Automatic Acoustic Management */ #define SETFEATURES_RW_LONG 0x44 /* Set Length of VS bytes */ #define SETFEATURES_SET_CACHE 0x54 /* Set Cache segments to SC Reg. Val */ #define SETFEATURES_DIS_RLA 0x55 /* Disable read look-ahead feature */ #define SETFEATURES_EN_RI 0x5D /* Enable release interrupt */ #define SETFEATURES_EN_SI 0x5E /* Enable SERVICE interrupt */ #define SETFEATURES_DIS_RPOD 0x66 /* Disable reverting to power on defaults */ #define SETFEATURES_DIS_ECC 0x77 /* Disable ECC byte count */ #define SETFEATURES_DIS_8BIT 0x81 /* Disable 8-Bit Transfers */ #define SETFEATURES_DIS_WCACHE 0x82 /* Disable write cache */ #define SETFEATURES_EN_DEFECT 0x84 /* Enable Defect Management */ #define SETFEATURES_DIS_APM 0x85 /* Disable advanced power management */ #define SETFEATURES_EN_ECC 0x88 /* Enable ECC byte count */ #define SETFEATURES_EN_MSN 0x95 /* Enable Media Status Notification */ #define SETFEATURES_EN_RETRY 0x99 /* Enable Retry */ #define SETFEATURES_EN_RLA 0xAA /* Enable read look-ahead feature */ #define SETFEATURES_PREFETCH 0xAB /* Sets drive prefetch value */ #define SETFEATURES_EN_REST 0xAC /* ATA-1 */ #define SETFEATURES_4B_RW_LONG 0xBB /* Set Length of 4 bytes */ #define SETFEATURES_DIS_AAM 0xC2 /* Disable Automatic Acoustic Management */ #define SETFEATURES_EN_RPOD 0xCC /* Enable reverting to power on defaults */ #define SETFEATURES_DIS_RI 0xDD /* Disable release interrupt ATAPI */ #define SETFEATURES_EN_SAME_M 0xDD /* for a entire device ATA-1 */ #define SETFEATURES_DIS_SI 0xDE /* Disable SERVICE interrupt ATAPI */ /* WIN_SECURITY sub-commands */ #define SECURITY_SET_PASSWORD 0xBA #define SECURITY_UNLOCK 0xBB #define SECURITY_ERASE_PREPARE 0xBC #define SECURITY_ERASE_UNIT 0xBD #define SECURITY_FREEZE_LOCK 0xBE #define SECURITY_DISABLE_PASSWORD 0xBF #endif /* __KERNEL__ */ struct hd_geometry { unsigned char heads; unsigned char sectors; unsigned short cylinders; unsigned long start; }; /* hd/ide ctl's that pass (arg) ptrs to user space are numbered 0x030n/0x031n */ #define HDIO_GETGEO 0x0301 /* get device geometry */ #define HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR 0x0302 /* get current unmask setting */ #define HDIO_GET_MULTCOUNT 0x0304 /* get current IDE blockmode setting */ #define HDIO_GET_QDMA 0x0305 /* get use-qdma flag */ #define HDIO_SET_XFER 0x0306 /* set transfer rate via proc */ #define HDIO_OBSOLETE_IDENTITY 0x0307 /* OBSOLETE, DO NOT USE: returns 142 bytes */ #define HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS 0x0308 /* get keep-settings-on-reset flag */ #define HDIO_GET_32BIT 0x0309 /* get current io_32bit setting */ #define HDIO_GET_NOWERR 0x030a /* get ignore-write-error flag */ #define HDIO_GET_DMA 0x030b /* get use-dma flag */ #define HDIO_GET_NICE 0x030c /* get nice flags */ #define HDIO_GET_IDENTITY 0x030d /* get IDE identification info */ #define HDIO_GET_WCACHE 0x030e /* get write cache mode on|off */ #define HDIO_GET_ACOUSTIC 0x030f /* get acoustic value */ #define HDIO_GET_ADDRESS 0x0310 /* */ #define HDIO_GET_BUSSTATE 0x031a /* get the bus state of the hwif */ #define HDIO_TRISTATE_HWIF 0x031b /* execute a channel tristate */ #define HDIO_DRIVE_RESET 0x031c /* execute a device reset */ #define HDIO_DRIVE_TASKFILE 0x031d /* execute raw taskfile */ #define HDIO_DRIVE_TASK 0x031e /* execute task and special drive command */ #define HDIO_DRIVE_CMD 0x031f /* execute a special drive command */ #define HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_AEB HDIO_DRIVE_TASK /* hd/ide ctl's that pass (arg) non-ptr values are numbered 0x032n/0x033n */ #define HDIO_SET_MULTCOUNT 0x0321 /* change IDE blockmode */ #define HDIO_SET_UNMASKINTR 0x0322 /* permit other irqs during I/O */ #define HDIO_SET_KEEPSETTINGS 0x0323 /* keep ioctl settings on reset */ #define HDIO_SET_32BIT 0x0324 /* change io_32bit flags */ #define HDIO_SET_NOWERR 0x0325 /* change ignore-write-error flag */ #define HDIO_SET_DMA 0x0326 /* change use-dma flag */ #define HDIO_SET_PIO_MODE 0x0327 /* reconfig interface to new speed */ #ifndef __KERNEL__ #define HDIO_SCAN_HWIF 0x0328 /* register and (re)scan interface */ #define HDIO_UNREGISTER_HWIF 0x032a /* unregister interface */ #endif #define HDIO_SET_NICE 0x0329 /* set nice flags */ #define HDIO_SET_WCACHE 0x032b /* change write cache enable-disable */ #define HDIO_SET_ACOUSTIC 0x032c /* change acoustic behavior */ #define HDIO_SET_BUSSTATE 0x032d /* set the bus state of the hwif */ #define HDIO_SET_QDMA 0x032e /* change use-qdma flag */ #define HDIO_SET_ADDRESS 0x032f /* change lba addressing modes */ /* bus states */ enum { BUSSTATE_OFF = 0, BUSSTATE_ON, BUSSTATE_TRISTATE }; /* hd/ide ctl's that pass (arg) ptrs to user space are numbered 0x033n/0x033n */ /* 0x330 is reserved - used to be HDIO_GETGEO_BIG */ /* 0x331 is reserved - used to be HDIO_GETGEO_BIG_RAW */ /* 0x338 is reserved - used to be HDIO_SET_IDE_SCSI */ /* 0x339 is reserved - used to be HDIO_SET_SCSI_IDE */ #define __NEW_HD_DRIVE_ID #ifndef __KERNEL__ /* * Structure returned by HDIO_GET_IDENTITY, as per ANSI NCITS ATA6 rev.1b spec. * * If you change something here, please remember to update fix_driveid() in * ide/probe.c. */ struct hd_driveid { unsigned short config; /* lots of obsolete bit flags */ unsigned short cyls; /* Obsolete, "physical" cyls */ unsigned short reserved2; /* reserved (word 2) */ unsigned short heads; /* Obsolete, "physical" heads */ unsigned short track_bytes; /* unformatted bytes per track */ unsigned short sector_bytes; /* unformatted bytes per sector */ unsigned short sectors; /* Obsolete, "physical" sectors per track */ unsigned short vendor0; /* vendor unique */ unsigned short vendor1; /* vendor unique */ unsigned short vendor2; /* Retired vendor unique */ unsigned char serial_no[20]; /* 0 = not_specified */ unsigned short buf_type; /* Retired */ unsigned short buf_size; /* Retired, 512 byte increments * 0 = not_specified */ unsigned short ecc_bytes; /* for r/w long cmds; 0 = not_specified */ unsigned char fw_rev[8]; /* 0 = not_specified */ unsigned char model[40]; /* 0 = not_specified */ unsigned char max_multsect; /* 0=not_implemented */ unsigned char vendor3; /* vendor unique */ unsigned short dword_io; /* 0=not_implemented; 1=implemented */ unsigned char vendor4; /* vendor unique */ unsigned char capability; /* (upper byte of word 49) * 3: IORDYsup * 2: IORDYsw * 1: LBA * 0: DMA */ unsigned short reserved50; /* reserved (word 50) */ unsigned char vendor5; /* Obsolete, vendor unique */ unsigned char tPIO; /* Obsolete, 0=slow, 1=medium, 2=fast */ unsigned char vendor6; /* Obsolete, vendor unique */ unsigned char tDMA; /* Obsolete, 0=slow, 1=medium, 2=fast */ unsigned short field_valid; /* (word 53) * 2: ultra_ok word 88 * 1: eide_ok words 64-70 * 0: cur_ok words 54-58 */ unsigned short cur_cyls; /* Obsolete, logical cylinders */ unsigned short cur_heads; /* Obsolete, l heads */ unsigned short cur_sectors; /* Obsolete, l sectors per track */ unsigned short cur_capacity0; /* Obsolete, l total sectors on drive */ unsigned short cur_capacity1; /* Obsolete, (2 words, misaligned int) */ unsigned char multsect; /* current multiple sector count */ unsigned char multsect_valid; /* when (bit0==1) multsect is ok */ unsigned int lba_capacity; /* Obsolete, total number of sectors */ unsigned short dma_1word; /* Obsolete, single-word dma info */ unsigned short dma_mword; /* multiple-word dma info */ unsigned short eide_pio_modes; /* bits 0:mode3 1:mode4 */ unsigned short eide_dma_min; /* min mword dma cycle time (ns) */ unsigned short eide_dma_time; /* recommended mword dma cycle time (ns) */ unsigned short eide_pio; /* min cycle time (ns), no IORDY */ unsigned short eide_pio_iordy; /* min cycle time (ns), with IORDY */ unsigned short words69_70[2]; /* reserved words 69-70 * future command overlap and queuing */ unsigned short words71_74[4]; /* reserved words 71-74 * for IDENTIFY PACKET DEVICE command */ unsigned short queue_depth; /* (word 75) * 15:5 reserved * 4:0 Maximum queue depth -1 */ unsigned short words76_79[4]; /* reserved words 76-79 */ unsigned short major_rev_num; /* (word 80) */ unsigned short minor_rev_num; /* (word 81) */ unsigned short command_set_1; /* (word 82) supported * 15: Obsolete * 14: NOP command * 13: READ_BUFFER * 12: WRITE_BUFFER * 11: Obsolete * 10: Host Protected Area * 9: DEVICE Reset * 8: SERVICE Interrupt * 7: Release Interrupt * 6: look-ahead * 5: write cache * 4: PACKET Command * 3: Power Management Feature Set * 2: Removable Feature Set * 1: Security Feature Set * 0: SMART Feature Set */ unsigned short command_set_2; /* (word 83) * 15: Shall be ZERO * 14: Shall be ONE * 13: FLUSH CACHE EXT * 12: FLUSH CACHE * 11: Device Configuration Overlay * 10: 48-bit Address Feature Set * 9: Automatic Acoustic Management * 8: SET MAX security * 7: reserved 1407DT PARTIES * 6: SetF sub-command Power-Up * 5: Power-Up in Standby Feature Set * 4: Removable Media Notification * 3: APM Feature Set * 2: CFA Feature Set * 1: READ/WRITE DMA QUEUED * 0: Download MicroCode */ unsigned short cfsse; /* (word 84) * cmd set-feature supported extensions * 15: Shall be ZERO * 14: Shall be ONE * 13:6 reserved * 5: General Purpose Logging * 4: Streaming Feature Set * 3: Media Card Pass Through * 2: Media Serial Number Valid * 1: SMART selt-test supported * 0: SMART error logging */ unsigned short cfs_enable_1; /* (word 85) * command set-feature enabled * 15: Obsolete * 14: NOP command * 13: READ_BUFFER * 12: WRITE_BUFFER * 11: Obsolete * 10: Host Protected Area * 9: DEVICE Reset * 8: SERVICE Interrupt * 7: Release Interrupt * 6: look-ahead * 5: write cache * 4: PACKET Command * 3: Power Management Feature Set * 2: Removable Feature Set * 1: Security Feature Set * 0: SMART Feature Set */ unsigned short cfs_enable_2; /* (word 86) * command set-feature enabled * 15: Shall be ZERO * 14: Shall be ONE * 13: FLUSH CACHE EXT * 12: FLUSH CACHE * 11: Device Configuration Overlay * 10: 48-bit Address Feature Set * 9: Automatic Acoustic Management * 8: SET MAX security * 7: reserved 1407DT PARTIES * 6: SetF sub-command Power-Up * 5: Power-Up in Standby Feature Set * 4: Removable Media Notification * 3: APM Feature Set * 2: CFA Feature Set * 1: READ/WRITE DMA QUEUED * 0: Download MicroCode */ unsigned short csf_default; /* (word 87) * command set-feature default * 15: Shall be ZERO * 14: Shall be ONE * 13:6 reserved * 5: General Purpose Logging enabled * 4: Valid CONFIGURE STREAM executed * 3: Media Card Pass Through enabled * 2: Media Serial Number Valid * 1: SMART selt-test supported * 0: SMART error logging */ unsigned short dma_ultra; /* (word 88) */ unsigned short trseuc; /* time required for security erase */ unsigned short trsEuc; /* time required for enhanced erase */ unsigned short CurAPMvalues; /* current APM values */ unsigned short mprc; /* master password revision code */ unsigned short hw_config; /* hardware config (word 93) * 15: Shall be ZERO * 14: Shall be ONE * 13: * 12: * 11: * 10: * 9: * 8: * 7: * 6: * 5: * 4: * 3: * 2: * 1: * 0: Shall be ONE */ unsigned short acoustic; /* (word 94) * 15:8 Vendor's recommended value * 7:0 current value */ unsigned short msrqs; /* min stream request size */ unsigned short sxfert; /* stream transfer time */ unsigned short sal; /* stream access latency */ unsigned int spg; /* stream performance granularity */ unsigned long long lba_capacity_2;/* 48-bit total number of sectors */ unsigned short words104_125[22];/* reserved words 104-125 */ unsigned short last_lun; /* (word 126) */ unsigned short word127; /* (word 127) Feature Set * Removable Media Notification * 15:2 reserved * 1:0 00 = not supported * 01 = supported * 10 = reserved * 11 = reserved */ unsigned short dlf; /* (word 128) * device lock function * 15:9 reserved * 8 security level 1:max 0:high * 7:6 reserved * 5 enhanced erase * 4 expire * 3 frozen * 2 locked * 1 en/disabled * 0 capability */ unsigned short csfo; /* (word 129) * current set features options * 15:4 reserved * 3: auto reassign * 2: reverting * 1: read-look-ahead * 0: write cache */ unsigned short words130_155[26];/* reserved vendor words 130-155 */ unsigned short word156; /* reserved vendor word 156 */ unsigned short words157_159[3];/* reserved vendor words 157-159 */ unsigned short cfa_power; /* (word 160) CFA Power Mode * 15 word 160 supported * 14 reserved * 13 * 12 * 11:0 */ unsigned short words161_175[15];/* Reserved for CFA */ unsigned short words176_205[30];/* Current Media Serial Number */ unsigned short words206_254[49];/* reserved words 206-254 */ unsigned short integrity_word; /* (word 255) * 15:8 Checksum * 7:0 Signature */ }; #endif /* __KERNEL__ */ /* * IDE "nice" flags. These are used on a per drive basis to determine * when to be nice and give more bandwidth to the other devices which * share the same IDE bus. */ #define IDE_NICE_DSC_OVERLAP (0) /* per the DSC overlap protocol */ #define IDE_NICE_ATAPI_OVERLAP (1) /* not supported yet */ #define IDE_NICE_1 (3) /* when probably won't affect us much */ #ifndef __KERNEL__ #define IDE_NICE_0 (2) /* when sure that it won't affect us */ #define IDE_NICE_2 (4) /* when we know it's on our expense */ #endif #endif /* _LINUX_HDREG_H */
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
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genwqe | Folder | 0755 |
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hsi | Folder | 0755 |
iio | Folder | 0755 |
isdn | Folder | 0755 |
mmc | Folder | 0755 |
netfilter | Folder | 0755 |
netfilter_arp | Folder | 0755 |
netfilter_bridge | Folder | 0755 |
netfilter_ipv4 | Folder | 0755 |
netfilter_ipv6 | Folder | 0755 |
nfsd | Folder | 0755 |
raid | Folder | 0755 |
sched | Folder | 0755 |
spi | Folder | 0755 |
sunrpc | Folder | 0755 |
tc_act | Folder | 0755 |
tc_ematch | Folder | 0755 |
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wimax | Folder | 0755 |
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adfs_fs.h | File | 951 B | 0644 |
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atmbr2684.h | File | 3.19 KB | 0644 |
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audit.h | File | 19.11 KB | 0644 |
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auto_fs.h | File | 2.65 KB | 0644 |
auto_fs4.h | File | 4.14 KB | 0644 |
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bcache.h | File | 8.11 KB | 0644 |
bcm933xx_hcs.h | File | 419 B | 0644 |
bfs_fs.h | File | 1.85 KB | 0644 |
binfmts.h | File | 643 B | 0644 |
blkpg.h | File | 1.64 KB | 0644 |
blktrace_api.h | File | 4.61 KB | 0644 |
blkzoned.h | File | 5.05 KB | 0644 |
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bpf_common.h | File | 1.28 KB | 0644 |
bpf_perf_event.h | File | 531 B | 0644 |
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nvram.h | File | 547 B | 0644 |
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oom.h | File | 526 B | 0644 |
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pg.h | File | 2.29 KB | 0644 |
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poll.h | File | 22 B | 0644 |
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pps.h | File | 4.62 KB | 0644 |
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raw.h | File | 365 B | 0644 |
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tee.h | File | 11 KB | 0644 |
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